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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515075 times)
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« Reply #11460 on: January 25, 2023, 05:11:53 PM »

Newest interview: Associated Press interviews Pope Francis

Pope: Critics help us grow, but I want them to say it to my face
25 January 2023, 18:36

Associated Press interviews Pope Francis: the conversation ranged over topics from the death of Benedict XVI, to treating homosexuals with dignity; from dialogue with China, to the German Synodal Path, to the case of Father Rupnik.
By Salvatore Cernuzio

Pope Francis has addressed a wide variety of topics – from the death of Benedict XVI, criticism of Fracncis’ papacy, homosexuality, relations with China, the case of Father Rupnik, and even his “good” health despite his age – in an interview released today by the Associated Press, an American news agency. It is the pontiff’s first interview since the death, on 31 December 2022, of his predecessor Joseph Ratzinger, whose character Pope Francis outlines in his interview with correspondent Nicole Winfield, which took place on Tuesday at Casa Santa Marta.

Spanish transcript of AP interview with Pope Francis at the link below--
Transcripción de la entrevista de AP con el papa Francisco
Associated Press  today

Articles on some of the topics:

‘Being homosexual is not a crime,’ Pope Francis reiterates in new interview
By Courtney Mares
Rome Newsroom, Jan 25, 2023 / 08:10 am

Pope Francis says intestinal problems have ‘returned’ but insists, ‘I’m in good health’
By Shannon Mullen
Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jan 25, 2023 / 08:30 am

‘I lost a dad’: Pope Francis speaks about losing Benedict XVI
By AC Wimmer
Rome Newsroom, Jan 25, 2023 / 08:50 am

Pope Francis: ‘I had nothing to do’ with Father Marko Rupnik case
By Shannon Mullen, AC Wimmer
Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jan 25, 2023 / 11:16 am

Pope Francis decries German Synodal Way as ‘neither helpful nor serious’
By AC Wimmer
CNA Newsroom, Jan 25, 2023 / 15:41 pm
« Last Edit: January 25, 2023, 05:29:41 PM by grace-land » Logged
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« Reply #11461 on: January 26, 2023, 04:12:52 PM »


Pope: Dignity of women and girls must be protected
26 January 2023, 11:30

Pope Francis upholds importance of protecting dignity of and caring for women and girls, when addressing participants in the international conference "Women Building a Culture of Encounter Interreligiously."
By Deborah Castellano Lubov

The dignity of women and girls must be promoted and protected.

The Holy Father stressed this, as he thanked participants in the international conference "Women Building a Culture of Encounter Interreligiously" on Thursday in the Vatican, for their commitment in this regard.
Speeches 2023 January
To Participants in the International Conference "Women Building a Culture of Encounter Interreligiously" (26 January 2023)

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« Reply #11462 on: January 26, 2023, 04:17:29 PM »


Pope to philanthropists: Promote integral good of the person
26 January 2023, 11:57

Pope Francis on Thursday met with members of Assifero, an Italian Association of Foundations and Philanthropic Bodies, and asked that they expand on three fundamental values.
By Francesca Merlo

Greeting members of the Italian Assifero Association, an Italian Association of Foundations and Philanthropic Bodies, in the Vatican on their 20th anniversary, Pope Francis congratulated each of the members for the work they have accomplished over the years and the "clearly Christian-inspired approach with which you have structured your activities".

Pope Francis noted that the Association brings together many private foundations in Italy and abroad that work in various fields "promoting the person and developing healthy and supportive social and economic models".
Speeches 2023 January
To the Members of the Italian Association of Foundations and Philanthropic Organizations (ASSIFERO) (26 January 2023)

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« Reply #11463 on: January 26, 2023, 04:24:52 PM »


Pope Francis: Never give up the struggle for peace
26 January 2023, 13:22

Pope Francis encourages researchers and experts of the European Institute for International Studies in Salamanca to never give up forging forward on the path to peace.
By Linda Bordoni

“Peace among men is an essential good for which we must work zealously and fervently beseech God,” Pope Francis said, reiterating his belief that “every war leaves the world worse off than it found it.”

The Pope was addressing members of the European Institute for International Studies, based in Salamanca, Spain, whose work in education in international relations aims to prepare leaders to make a difference in the building of a better world.

Reflecting on the concept of peace, the Pope said peace is a challenge “that it is not simply based on balances of power or on silencing the just demands of the less favoured”; but is instead an “essential good for which we must work zealously and fervently beseech God.”

He noted that, unfortunately, the current situation can only highlight the fact that war always represents a defeat for humanity.

“War is a failure of politics and humanity, a shameful surrender, a defeat in the face of the forces of evil.”

And he decried the fact that the past 100 years have been rife with conflict and man-made destruction.

“That’s why the struggle for human understanding and peace must be tireless, we cannot afford to take holidays in this.”
Speeches 2023 January
To the delegation of the "Instituto Europeo de Estudios Internacionales de Salamanca" (Spain) (26 January 2023)

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« Reply #11464 on: January 26, 2023, 04:30:55 PM »


Pope names parish priest to succeed Maradiaga in Tegucigalpa
26 January 2023, 13:36

Pope Francis has accepted Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga’s resignation as Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and named a parish priest, Father José Vicente Nácher Tatay, to succeed him.
Vatican News

Pope Francis has accepted the resignation from the pastoral governance of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, presented by Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga. The cardinal, who has been the coordinator of the Council of Cardinals since 2013, turned 80 on December 29.

Pope Francis called Father, 58, a parish priest, to succeed the Cardinal.

Father Nácher has been serving as pastor of San Vicente de Paúl in the Honduran city of San Pedro Sula, and regional superior of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) in the Central American country.
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« Reply #11465 on: January 27, 2023, 05:30:36 PM »


Pope Francis to Roman Rota: All true marriage is a gift
27 January 2023, 13:58

In his address to the Roman Rota for the opening of the judicial year, Pope Francis says proclaiming the “Gospel of the Family” is one of the essential tasks of the Church.
By Christopher Wells

There is a “strong need,” in the Church and in the world, “to rediscover the meaning and value of the conjugal union between man and woman on which the family is founded," Pope Francis said on Friday.

Addressing the auditors of the Roman Rota at the beginning of the Church’s judicial year, the Holy Father said the Church has the mission to proclaim the Good News, which includes “illuminating and sustaining the ‘great mystery that is conjugal and family love.'”
Pope Francis: Marriage is a lifelong union between a man and woman
By Hannah Brockhaus
Rome Newsroom, Jan 27, 2023 / 11:40 am

Speeches 2023 January
Inauguration of the Judicial Year of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (27 January 2023)

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« Reply #11466 on: January 28, 2023, 08:11:55 PM »


Pope asks Spanish priests to reject careerism and seek fraternity
28 January 2023, 13:49

Pope Francis greets a group of 70 Spanish priests involved in youth ministry in the Diocese Barcelona, and urges them not to pursue worldly satisfaction but fraternity in their ministry.
By Lisa Zengarini

The communal and individual dimension of the Church always walk together, Pope Francis told a group of Spanish priests from the Diocese of Barcelona involved in youth ministry on Saturday.  In prepared remarks he gave the group  in the Clementine Hall, the Pope reminded them that the “experience of the Apostles always has a double aspect”, personal and communal. “We are, of course,  called individually, but always to be part of a larger group, walking together listening before speaking, knowing where to put ourselves”, he said.
Speeches 2023 January
To the Priests engaged in youth pastoral ministry of the archdiocese of Barcelona, Spain (28 January 2023)

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« Reply #11467 on: January 28, 2023, 08:37:37 PM »

Post AP interview: Pope Francis writes a letter to Fr. James Martin

Pope sends letter to Fr. James Martin on homosexuality and sin
28 January 2023, 11:28

Pope Francis pens a letter to Jesuit Fr. James Martin explaining his recent comments in an interview with AP that “being homosexual is not a crime”, saying he was referring to Catholic doctrine that teaches that every sexual act outside of marriage is a sin.
By Vatican News

“I was simply referring to Catholic moral teaching, which says that every sexual act outside of marriage is a sin.”

Pope Francis penned those words in response to a letter from Father James Martin, SJ, who carries out his apostolate among the LGBTQ community in the United States.

The American Jesuit had written to the Holy Father following his recent interview with the Associated Press.

The Pope's handwritten response in Spanish was posted on Father Martin's website, along with a translation in English.

Link to Father Martin's website below...
Pope Francis clarifies comments on homosexuality: “One must consider the circumstances.”

Pope Francis clarifies comments on sin and homosexuality
By Hannah Brockhaus
Rome Newsroom, Jan 28, 2023 / 05:00 am
« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 08:40:15 PM by grace-land » Logged
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« Reply #11468 on: January 29, 2023, 10:25:13 AM »

Synod on Synodality


Cardinal Hollerich: Critics of the Synod ‘Won’t Be Able to Stop’ It
The general relator of the Synod on Synodality made a number of bold statements this week including the assertion that Christian Europe is a “thing of the past.”
Edward Pentin
January 28, 2023

VATICAN CITY — One of Pope Francis’ closest aides and a leading figure of the Synod on Synodality has singled out critics of the process, calling them afraid of a “Church on the move” and saying they “know they won’t be able to stop” the synodal experiment.

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg, the general relator of the 2021-2024 Synod on Synodality, also issued other bold statements this week including asserting that the idea of a Christian Europe is a “thing of the past,” that people should be accepted and not judged, and that Benedict XVI’s former personal secretary Archbishop Georg Gänswein had betrayed the former pope by not staying in Benedict’s “shadow.”

The Jesuit cardinal, who last year called for a revision of the Church’s teaching on homosexuality, told Quotidiano Nazionale Jan. 26 that he believes “those who want Pope Francis to resign do not want a Church on the road.”
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« Reply #11469 on: January 29, 2023, 12:11:23 PM »

Vatican finance trial

Pope’s chief of staff could undercut star witness in Vatican’s ‘trial of the century’
By John L. Allen Jr.
Jan 28, 2023

ROME – In a decision that could set the stage for a decisive turn in the Vatican’s long-running “trial of the century,” the president of the Vatican’s tribunal ruled Thursday that although the pope himself cannot be called as a defense witness, the pontiff’s chief of staff, Venezuelan Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, will appear.

The court also ruled that the president of the Institute for the Works of Religion, better known as the “Vatican bank,” French layman Jean-Baptiste de Franssu, also can be questioned.

Defense lawyers had also asked that Italian Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Secretary of State and thus the pope’s top aide, be called to testify. The court reserved judgment on that request pending the results of Peña Parra’s testimony.

Both Peña Parra and de Franssu are expected to address a controversial $400 million real estate deal in London which is at the heart of the current trial. Thursday’s hearing was the 45th session of the trial since it began in July 2021, featuring ten defendants, including, for the first time in a Vatican criminal proceeding, a cardinal, Italian Cardinal Angelo Becciu.
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« Reply #11470 on: January 29, 2023, 12:21:52 PM »

Video, with English commentary, at the link...

Pope at Angelus: ‘Poor in spirit’ requires us to overcome throwaway culture
29 January 2023, 12:05

At the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis reflects on the first Beatitude and says that being “poor in spirit” requires us to welcome everything as God’s gift and strive against society’s throwaway mentality.
By Devin Watkins

Pope Francis prayed the traditional Marian prayer of the Angelus on Sunday, and reflected on the first and fundamental Beatitude: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 5:1-12).

The “poor in spirit”, he noted, are those who recognize that they cannot rely on themselves or remain self-sufficient.

“They live as ‘beggars before God’. They feel their need for Him and recognize the good that comes from Him as a gift, as a grace.”
Pope urges prayers for ‘pilgrimage of peace’ to South Sudan & DRC
29 January 2023, 12:18

Pope prays for Holy Land as 'death spiral' widens in Jerusalem
29 January 2023, 12:26

Pope prays for peace in Ukraine, recalls Lachin Corridor crisis
29 January 2023, 12:44

Angelus - Regina Cæli 2023
Angelus, 29 January 2023

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« Reply #11471 on: January 29, 2023, 04:03:51 PM »

Post AP interview: German Bishops’ leader answers Pope

German Bishops’ Leader Answers Pope: It’s Questionable to Lead the Church Through Interviews

President of German Bishops Criticizes the Pope’s Statements on the German Synodal Path.
JANUARY 29, 2023 17:09 ZENIT STAFF

(ZENIT News / Germany, 29.01.2023).- Yet another tension is added to thhe relationship between the Vatican and the Church in Germany. The reason on this occasion is an answer that Pope Francis gave in an interview with AP Agency on January 25. In it, the Pope expressed appraisals of the German Synodal Path, which he did not hesitate [to say] does not help and does not merit the name of Synod or a serious Synodal Path.

On Friday, January 27, the answer came from Germany in the person of the President of the German Episcopate. In an interview with Die Welt, Monsignor Georg Bätzing was questioned by journalist Lucas Wiegelmann who asked him if he had deceived Catholics as the Pope said what he said and he, Bätzing, had said that the Pope supported the [German] Synodal Path. To this the Bishop answered that the Pope did not speak to them or said anything about that when they were with him in November 2022, in the context of the German Episcopate’s ad Limina visit. He also suggested that it’s questionable to lead the Church through interviews.

--Edited to add article--

German bishops’ president rebukes Pope Francis for criticism of Synodal Way
By AC Wimmer
CNA Newsroom, Jan 30, 2023 / 11:45 am
« Last Edit: January 30, 2023, 05:26:34 PM by grace-land » Logged
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« Reply #11472 on: January 30, 2023, 05:38:56 PM »

Synod on Synodality

Letter from Synod leaders highlights crucial role of Bishops in synodal process
30 January 2023, 10:45

In a letter addressed to all the diocesan and eparchial bishops throughout the world, the General Secretary and the General Relator of the Synod offer considerations on the role of Bishops in the synodal process.
By Christopher Wells

Cardinal Mario Grech and Cardinal Jean Claude Hollerich – respectively the Secretary General and the General Relator of the Synod – have addressed a letter to all the Bishops of the world in which they share “a few considerations for a common understanding of the synodal process, its progress, and the meaning of the current Continental stage.”

The Cardinals begin by noting that, as Vatican II teaches, each Bishop has “responsibility” for their own particular Church as well as “solicitude for the Universal Church.” The very reason for the synod, they explain, is “to enable the exercise of the latter,” with the current synodal process making “the role of Pastors and their participation in the various stages even more crucial.”
Synod organizers tell Continental Assemblies not to ‘impose an agenda’ on discussions
By Courtney Mares
Rome Newsroom, Jan 30, 2023 / 09:18 am

Cardinal Grech: There is no synod without a bishop
30 January 2023, 12:35
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« Reply #11473 on: January 30, 2023, 05:46:53 PM »


Pope to Order of Malta: Go forth in your mission while remaining faithful to Christ
30 January 2023, 12:20

Pope Francis addresses the Sovereign Order of Malta at the conclusion of their General Chapter and encourages them to go forth in their mission after the election of new High Offices, whilst remaining always faithful to Christ.
By Francesca Merlo

Addressing members of the Order of Malta at the conclusion of their General Chapter, Pope Francis greeted the new High Officers and members of the Council, who had been elected at the meeting. "From here you resume with renewed impetus your commitment to tuitio fidei and obsequium pauperum ["defence of the faith and assistance to the poor"], giving freely what you have freely received and testifying that following Christ in the service of the poor and the sick is a path that fills the soul", said the Pope.

The Pope expressed his pleasure in hearing that those who had been appointed to the provisional government had then "found the confidence of the great majority of the Chapter members". With these, the Pope continued, you may now be "ever more united to bear witness to your faith and your belonging to the Order"
Audience with participants in the General Chapter of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 30.01.2023
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« Reply #11474 on: January 30, 2023, 05:52:49 PM »


Pope names missionary bishop to head Dicastery for Bishops
30 January 2023, 14:55

Pope Francis has named Robert Francis Prevost, an Augustinian missionary who has been serving as Bishop of Chiclayo in Peru, as the new prefect for the Dicastery of Bishops. Bishop Prevost succeeds Cardinal Marc Ouellet, both as prefect and as president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.
By Vatican News

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the offices of prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops and president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, presented, upon reaching the age limit, by His Eminence Cardinal Marc Ouellet, P.S.S., and has called Bishop Robert Francis Prevost, O.S.A., until now bishop of Chiclayo, Peru, to succeed him in the same offices, at the same time conferring the title of Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Chiclayo. He will assume office on 12 April 2023.
Pope Francis accepts Ouellet’s resignation, appoints American to lead Dicastery for Bishops
By Courtney Mares
Rome Newsroom, Jan 30, 2023 / 07:27 am
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« Reply #11475 on: January 30, 2023, 08:03:53 PM »

Video, with English text, at the link...

Pope’s February prayer intention: For parishes to be open communities
30 January 2023, 12:56

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of February, in which he asks parishes to be generous and open communities close to all.
By Vatican News staff reporter

In his prayer intention video for February, Pope Francis asks parishes to truly be communities: places of listening and welcome whose doors are always open to all, no one excluded.
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« Reply #11476 on: January 30, 2023, 08:07:38 PM »


Nuncio in Spain explains the Holy See’s position on the UN’s Agenda 2030
By CNA Staff
CNA Newsroom, Jan 30, 2023 / 11:15 am

The apostolic nuncio of the Holy See in Spain, Archbishop Bernardito Cleopas Auza, explained the Holy See’s position on the United Nations Agenda 2030, from the preliminary discussions to its application.

The reflection on the role of the Holy See regarding Agenda 2030 took place during a ceremony held at the Abat Oliba CEU University in Barcelona on the occasion of the Jan. 25 feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, patron saint of the academic center.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is “the most comprehensive blueprint to date for eliminating extreme poverty, reducing inequality, and protecting the planet,” according to the United Nations website.

Auza detailed how the Holy See participated “very intensely” in the preliminary discussions held in 2013 and 2014 for the preparation of Agenda 2030.

However, he stressed that “by its own choice” the Holy See has not voted for the adoption of the document that contains the 16 Sustainable Development Goals.

Main objections
In addition, the nuncio highlighted that among the many caveats raised by the Holy See is the consideration that the declared goals are too numerous and that they entail “excessive idealism,” even more so when they have to be met in 15 years, since they were approved in 2016.

Auza noted that Pope Francis himself has criticized the “declarationist nominalism” found in Agenda 2030, which involves the risk of “assuaging consciences with solemn declarations.”
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« Reply #11477 on: January 30, 2023, 08:17:43 PM »


Pope heads to battered Congo, South Sudan as a herald of peace
By Elise Ann Allen
Jan 30, 2023

ROME – Pope Francis will further cement his legacy as an advocate for the suffering and marginalized of the world this week as he heads to sub-Saharan Africa for the third time, fulfilling a longtime goal of visiting the war-ravaged nations of the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan.

Plagued by conflicts that have torn them apart over years and even decades, these nations have long been priorities for the pope, who was slated to visit last July. That trip was postponed due to Francis’s ongoing knee troubles, which, since last May, have largely confined him to a wheelchair or the use of a cane.

In what will be his 40th trip abroad, Pope Francis will visit Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from Jan. 31-Feb. 3, and then he’ll make an ecumenical visit to Juba in South Sudan from Feb. 3-5 alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, Reverend lain Greenshields.
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« Reply #11478 on: January 30, 2023, 08:23:55 PM »


di Sandro Magister
30 gen
Zero Tolerance for Homosexuality. South Sudan Just Told the Pope “No”

His January 24 interview with the Associated Press has made no small mess for Pope Francis, ahead of his February 3 arrival in Juba, South Sudan, the second stop, after Congo, on his upcoming trip to Africa.

In the interview, the pope said plain and simple that “homosexuality is not a crime,” and therefore “it is unjust” that “more than 50 countries” should condemn and punish it, including “ten or twelve, more or less,” even with the death penalty.

And therefore, he went on to say, the bishops of these countries must react against these laws and the culture that produces them.

These words of the pope have made their way around the world and have also reached South Sudan, where homosexuality is a crime punishable by up to 14 years in prison. And on Friday January 27, at a press conference following a cabinet meeting headed by President Salva Kiir, Information Minister Michael Makuei Lueth said: “If he (Pope Francis) is coming here and he tells us that marriage of the same sex, homosexuality is legal, we will say no.”

“God was not mistaken,” the minister continued. “He created man and woman and he told them to marry one another and go and fill the world. Do same-sex partners give birth? Our constitution is very clear and says marriage is between the opposite sex and any same-sex marriage is a crime, is a constitutional crime.”

But Makuei also said that “this is not what he is coming for,” because his main goal is to preach peace. And he will do so together with Anglican Church primate Justin Welby and Presbyterian Church of Scotland moderator Iain Greenshields: “a historical event,” because “these three were in Rome when our leaders went there and now they are coming together and it means there is something special about South Sudan.”
The reference is to the visit that President Salva Kiir and Vice-President Riek Machar made to the Vatican in April of 2019, invited to a spiritual retreat that the pope concluded by hunkering down to kiss both their feet (see photo).
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« Reply #11479 on: January 30, 2023, 08:32:01 PM »


Pope Francis entrusts his journey to DRC and South Sudan to Our Lady
30 January 2023, 16:10

Pope Francis visits the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome, where he entrusts his upcoming journey to DRC and South Sudan to Our Lady.
By Francesca Merlo

On the eve of his departure for his 40th Apostolic Journey abroad, Pope Francis paid a visit to the Roman Basilica of Saint Mary Major to entrust his visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo and to South Sudan to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

According to a statement by the Holy See Press Office, the Holy Father spent some time in prayer before the icon of Maria Salus Populi Romani. 

Pope Francis is set to depart from Rome on Tuesday morning on a six-day Apostolic Journey.

Abp. Welby asks for prayers ahead of Ecumenical Pilgrimage to South Sudan
30 January 2023, 16:24
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