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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515349 times)
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« Reply #11880 on: May 20, 2023, 10:37:46 AM »


Pope to G7: Forsake nuclear arms, lay foundations for peace
20 May 2023, 12:00

In a letter to the Bishop of Hiroshima where the G7 Summit is underway, Pope Francis appeals for an integral vision of global security and the pursuit of peace based on equality and solidarity.
By Linda Bordoni

Pope Francis has reiterated the Holy See’s “firm conviction” that the use of nuclear weapons is a crime against humanity and that it undermines any possible future for our common home.

In a letter addressed to the Bishop of Hiroshima, where the G7 Summit of the world’s most wealthy nations kicked off on Friday, the Pope said he is praying that the Summit will demonstrate "a farsighted vision in laying the foundations for lasting peace and stable and long-term sustainable security.”

Noting that G7 leaders are gathered to discuss “urgent issues currently facing the global community” the Pope assured Bishop Alexis-Mitsuru Shirahama of Hiroshima of his spiritual closeness and prayers “for the fruitfulness of the Summit. “


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« Reply #11881 on: May 20, 2023, 10:42:42 AM »


Pope: Faith is not an artifact in a museum, it is a living witness to the world
20 May 2023, 12:36

Pope welcomes pilgrims from the Italian Archdiocese of Spoleto-Norcia and encourages them to rediscover and share the beauty of their faith with others avoiding ‘tired worldliness’.
By Lisa Zengarini

Christians cannot let themselves be “trapped in the bonds of tired worldliness”, but are called to “rediscover the beauty” of their faith they have received and “to intercede” with God so as to attract others to that beauty.

Pope Francis made this invitation as he welcomed in the Vatican on Saturday a group of pilgrims from the Diocese of Spoleto-Norcia, in the Central Italian region of Umbria, celebrating their Jubilee year for the 825th anniversary of the dedication of the city’s Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta.
Speeches 2023 May
To the Pilgrimage of the Archdiocese of Spoleto-Norcia (20 May 2023)

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« Reply #11882 on: May 20, 2023, 10:46:42 AM »


Church to beatify Fr Giuseppe Beotti, killed by Nazis in 1944
20 May 2023, 15:19

Pope Francis authorizes the promulgation of Decrees that recognize the martyrdom of Fr Giuseppe Beotti at the hands of the Nazis, and advance the causes of eight other Servants of God.
By Paolo Ondarza

During an audience on Saturday with Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, the prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, Pope Francis authorised the promulgation of the Decree recognising the martyrdom of Venerable Father Giuseppe Beotti, who was killed by the Nazis in 1944.

The Decrees also recognize the heroic virtues of eight Servants of God who thus become Venerable: two priests (Simon Mpeke from Cameroon and Pedro de la Virgen del Carmen from Spain); two religious (Brazilian Tereza Margarida do Coração de Maria and Italian Edda Roda); and four lay people (the young Brazilian seminarian Guido Vidal França Schäffer, Italian catechist Arnaldo Canepa, and two Italian women, Maria Cristina Ogier and Lorena D'Alessandro, who died of cancer at a young age).
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« Reply #11883 on: May 20, 2023, 10:58:31 AM »


Cardinal Ladaria: Truth about humanity and sexuality doesn’t change because of changes in ideology
By Hannah Brockhaus
Rome Newsroom, May 19, 2023 / 14:18 pm

The truth about the human person and sexuality does not change even as prevailing ideology exalts “freedom without relation to truth,” the Vatican’s doctrine chief said at a conference on Friday.

Cardinal Luis Ladaria Ferrer, SJ, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, gave the opening remarks at a May 19–20 congress on Humanae Vitae, the 1968 landmark encyclical from St. Paul VI.

“The truth expressed in humanity does not change; even more precisely in the light of new scientific discoveries, its doctrine becomes more current,” Ladaria said. It prompts us to reflect on Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”) to rediscover the message of Paul VI’s encyclical, he said.

“The encyclical Humanae Vitae addressed issues related to sexuality, love, and life, which are intimately interconnected,” the cardinal said. “These are issues that affect all human beings in every age. For this reason, his message remains relevant today. Pope Benedict XVI expressed it in these words: What was true yesterday remains true today.”

The international conference “Humanae Vitae: The audacity of an encyclical on sexuality and procreation” was organized by The Jérôme Lejeune International Chair in Bioethics. It was held at the Patristic Institute Augustinianum, a small conference center close to the Vatican.

Ladaria’s opening remarks gave an overview of the anthropology of man as presented by Humanae Vitae, contrasting it with the prevailing anthropologies in Western society today.

Archbishop Paglia on relevance of 'Humanae vitae' today
19 May 2023, 14:32
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« Reply #11884 on: May 20, 2023, 07:28:26 PM »


Vatican: Italian cardinal entrusted with Ukraine peace mission
By Hannah Brockhaus
Rome Newsroom, May 20, 2023 / 11:46 am

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi has been asked by Pope Francis to head a peace mission between Russia and Ukraine on behalf of the Vatican, the Holy See press office director said Saturday.

“The timing of such a mission, and its modes, are currently being studied,” Matteo Bruni said in a brief statement to journalists May 20.

Bruni said Pope Francis hopes the operation, which will be carried out in agreement with the Secretariat of State, “can initiate paths of peace.”

Zuppi, the archbishop of Bologna and president of the Italian bishops’ conference, has strong ties to the influential Sant’Egidio Community.

Sant’Egidio is a Catholic lay association that aids migrants and promotes ecumenism. It has also helped negotiate reconciliation, including by holding peace talks in countries like Mozambique and South Sudan.

Pope entrusts Cardinal Zuppi with Ukraine peace mission
20 May 2023, 18:42
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« Reply #11885 on: May 21, 2023, 10:23:58 AM »

Video, with English commemtary, at the link...

Pope: Jesus leads the way to heaven with His Ascension
21 May 2023, 12:09

At the Regina Coeli on Ascension Sunday, Pope Francis recalls how on this feast, Jesus brought our humanity into heaven, opening the way for us to follow so that we might live forever in paradise as children of the Father.
By Vatican News staff writer

Addressing the crowds gathered in Saint Peter's Square for the Regina Coeli prayer on this Sunday marking the Ascension of the Lord in Italy and many other countries around the world, Pope Francis reflected on two key aspects of this feast: why we celebrate Jesus' departure from the earth, and what He does now in heaven
Pope Francis: Let us not get used to conflict and violence
21 May 2023, 13:12

Pope Francis: ‘We must not get used to war!’
By Courtney Mares
Vatican City, May 21, 2023 / 06:40 am

Angelus - Regina Cæli 2023
Regina Caeli, 21 May 2023

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« Reply #11886 on: May 21, 2023, 10:30:25 AM »


Pope: May we hear the voice of the unborn through science
21 May 2023, 15:38

Pope Francis gives the preface to a book in Italian entitled, "The Miracle of Life" (Piemme publisher) by Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori together with scientist Gabriele Semprebon and author Luca Crippa. The book aims to deepen discusion on the subject without any ideological barriers, as Italy's Corriere della Sera writes in a preview of the publication.

This book aims to remind the reader of the wonder and joy of each one's coming into the world. It shows the beauty of looking at unborn life as the holder of the highest right that belongs to everyone: that of existing. Beauty, yes, because the spectacle of nature taking its course instills wonder and calls for care, protection, and welcome.

In addressing the subject of this book, above all, I invite everyone around the world to reflect on the reality of abortion not only from the basis of one or another faith or thought tradition, but also with the qualified contribution of science.

It is a firm but calm appeal to bring about discussion with my brothers and sisters, with whom I share our vast and magnificent multifaceted humanity.
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« Reply #11887 on: May 22, 2023, 02:28:14 PM »


Pope Francis meets with the President of Slovenia
22 May 2023, 11:15

Pope Francis receives President Nataša Pirc Musar of the Republic of Slovenia in the Vatican, where they discuss positive bilateral relations, the war in Ukraine, and the political situation in the Western Balkans.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov

Pope Francis received the president of the Republic of Slovenia, Ms. Nataša Pirc Musar, at the Vatican on Monday.

According to a statement issued by the Holy See Press Office, the discussions were "cordial," and "appreciation was expressed for the positive bilateral relations and the contribution of the Catholic Church to society."

More than half of the European country's population identifies as Catholic.

"In the course of the conversation," the statement continued, "various international issues were discussed, including the war in Ukraine and its global consequences, as well as the political situation in the Western Balkans and the future prospects of the Region in the process of European integration."
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« Reply #11888 on: May 22, 2023, 02:34:22 PM »


Pope to Vocationists: Always be an open space to welcome vocations
22 May 2023, 12:43

Meeting in the Vatican with the Vocationist Family, Pope Francis encourages them to continue their work in helping people discern their vocations following the path of their founder.
By Lisa Zengarini

Pope Francis on Monday received in audience members of the Society of Divine Vocations, also known as Vocationists, as they celebrate the first anniversary of the canonization of their founder, St. Justin (Giustino) Maria Russolillo.

The Congregation was founded in Naples, Italy, in 1920 with the charism of  “identifying and fostering vocations to the priesthood and religious life, especially among the less privileged”, and is now present in Italy, Brazil, the United States,  Argentina, Nigeria, Philippines, India, Madagascar, Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Chile.

Addressing some 2,000 members of the Congregation in the St. Paul VI Audience Hall, Pope Francis noted that the anniversary offers an opportunity to reflect on St. Justin’s legacy, and specifically on how to put into practice his charism of serving priestly and religious vocations in today’s world. He indicated three paths.
Speeches 2023 May
To the Pilgrimage of the Vocationist Family (22 May 2023)

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« Reply #11889 on: May 22, 2023, 02:41:24 PM »


Pope to travel to Lisbon and Fatima for World Youth Day in August
22 May 2023, 12:00

Accepting the invitation of the civil and ecclesiastical authorities of Portugal, Pope Francis will travel to Lisbon and Fatima in August to take part in World Youth Day 2023.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov

Pope Francis will return to the Sanctuary of Fatima during the Apostolic Journey he will make to Portugal this summer on the occasion of the upcoming World Youth Day.

Matteo Bruni, the Director of the Holy See Press Office, made the official announcement in a statement Monday.

"On the occasion of the next World Youth Day, and accepting the invitation of the civil and ecclesial authorities of Portugal, His Holiness Pope Francis will travel to Lisbon from 2-6 August of this year, making a visit to the Shrine of Fatima on 5 August."

It's official: Pope Francis will travel to World Youth Day, visit Fatima
By Courtney Mares
Rome Newsroom, May 22, 2023 / 04:40 am
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« Reply #11890 on: May 22, 2023, 02:46:56 PM »


“Hands off Africa!” – Pope’s new book hits stores
22 May 2023, 13:34

A new book from Pope Francis, condemning the continuing exploitation of Africa by Western powers, is released with a preface by the Nigerian feminist writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
By Joseph Tulloch

“Hands off Africa! Stop choking Africa: it is not a mine to be exploited, or a land to be plundered. May Africa be the protagonist of its own destiny!”

These were the words of Pope Francis on his first day in the Democratic Republic of Congo earlier this year.

Today, the Vatican Publishing House announced the release of a new book – written in Italian and entitled Hands off Africa! – collecting all the Pope’s speeches during that trip, as well as those from his visit to South Sudan immediately afterwards.

Crucially, however, the book does not contain only the Pope’s voice, but also those of those he met during his journey. In both the DRC and South Sudan – two countries torn by vicious conflict – Pope Francis listened to the testimonies of war victims, and their stories, too, are included in the volume.

The preface, meanwhile, is written by the Nigerian feminist author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who said that the book “brings me a small sliver of hope for Congo, and for the beloved and broken-hearted continent that I call home.”
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« Reply #11891 on: May 23, 2023, 04:53:17 PM »


Logo for 53rd International Eucharist Congress unveiled
22 May 2023, 15:25

The Vatican unveils the official logo for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC2024), which is set to take place in Quito, Ecuador, on 8-15 September 2024.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov

On Monday, Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses unveiled the official logo for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC2024), to take place in Quito, Ecuador, on 8-15 September 2024.

The theme of the Congress, "Faternidad para sanar el mundo" ('Fellowship to heal the world'), is inspired by Jesus' words in the Gospel according to St. Matthew that "You are all brothers," and recalls the current synodal experience of the Church, called to become a fraternal place of inclusion, shared belonging and deep hospitality.  The Congress culminates with the celebration of the concluding "Statio orbis" of the event.

Earlier this month, the logo and official hymn of the Congress were presented at the headquarters of the Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference.

A statement released on Monday explained each element of the logo and its meaning.
News about the event can be found on the web pages of the Preparatory Committee  and the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses.
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« Reply #11892 on: May 23, 2023, 05:04:43 PM »


Pope urges Italian Bishops' assembly to address challenges of Church and world
23 May 2023, 08:45

Pope Francis opens the 77th General Assembly of the Italian Bishops' Conference, and holds an open dialogue on the issues of peace, finances, the environment, the ministry of bishops and priests, and charity towards the poor and refugees.
By Salvatore Cernuzio

The dialogue between Pope Francis and the Italian Bishops on Monday afternoon was frank and serene. On 22 May, the Holy Father met with over 200 bishops of the Italian Bishops' Conference (CEI), gathered for the 77th General Assembly at the Vatican.

They spoke of young people and vocations, finances and ideologies, the ministry of priests and seminaries, peace, the environment and concern for charity, the latter of which the Pope expressed great appreciation for the Italian Church. The Pope opened the work of the bishops' spring meeting, which runs from Monday until 25 May in the Aula Nuova of the Synod, on the theme "Listening to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches: Steps towards discernment".
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« Reply #11893 on: May 24, 2023, 03:10:29 PM »


Pope to attend 'Not Alone' international meeting on Human Fraternity
23 May 2023, 13:18

The International Meeting on Human Fraternity, entitled “Not alone” (#notalone), will be held in St. Peter’s Square, as well as simultaneously in eight other squares around the world, in the presence of Pope Francis, on 10 June.
By Vatican News staff reporter

The Vatican Foundation Fratelli Tutti announced on Tuesday that Pope Francis will attend the International Meeting on Human Fraternity, entitled “Not alone” (#notalone), which will be held on 10 June at 4:00 PM in St. Peter's Square and in eight other squares in cities across the globe.

Besides the Pope, 30 Nobel Prize Laureates and thousands of young people from across the world will take part in the gathering in St. Peter's Square.
The event is organized by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, in collaboration with St. Peter's Basilica, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, and the Dicastery for Communication.
Admission to the square will begin at 2:00 PM. Further information on the programme will be available here.

The meeting will be broadcast live on television on Vatican Media and, in streaming, on the website, and on all channels Facebook and YouTube of the Foundation Fratelli tutti.
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« Reply #11894 on: May 24, 2023, 03:20:54 PM »

Video, with English commentary, at the link...

Pope at Audience: Korean St. Andrew Kim Taegon 'embodied apostolic zeal'
24 May 2023, 09:35

At his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis praises Saint Andrew Kim Taegon for embodying apostolic zeal, and upholds the heroic witness of the first native priest of Korea and a martyr for the faith, who persevered in showing the love of God to his compatriots despite persecution and hardships.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov

"His life was and remains an eloquent testimony of zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel."

With these words, Pope Francis described St. Andrew Kim Taegon, the first native priest of Korea and a martyr for the faith, at his weekly General Audience on Wednesday in St. Peter's Square, as he continued his catechesis series on saints who personified apostolic zeal.

Reflecting on the Asian saint to the thousands of faithful in the Square, the Pope praised his trust in the Lord and his perseverance in spreading the Gospel despite hardship and persecution.

The Holy Father recalled that despite living in a time of "fierce persecution," Saint Andrew courageously sought out the scattered members of his flock who, for fear of arrest, were forced to keep their identity secret.

“About 200 years ago, the Korean land was the scene of a very severe persecution of the Christian faith. At that time, believing in Jesus Christ in Korea meant being ready to bear witness even unto death.”

The Holy Father also recalled that lay people were key for transmitting the faith in Korea, and noted that their faith was essential for making Jesus' love known throughout their territory.
Pope Francis expresses closeness to Chinese Catholics 'who suffer'
24 May 2023, 10:46

Audiences 2023
General Audience of 24 May 2023 - Catechesis. The passion for evangelization: The apostolic zeal of the believer. 14. Witnesses: Saint Andrea Kim Tae-gon

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« Reply #11895 on: May 24, 2023, 03:31:24 PM »


Pope clarifies duties of the Auditor General during sede vacante
24 May 2023, 16:00

Pope Francis issues a rescript clarifying the functions and characteristics of the office entrusted with auditing the institutions of the Holy See and Vatican City State.
By Salvatore Cernuzio

The Office of the Auditor General will continue to exercise ordinary administration and accounting oversight even when the Apostolic See is vacant—that is, during the period between the death of the reigning Pope and the Conclave for the election of the new Pontiff. This is one of the points set out by Pope Francis in a Rescript published subsequent to the audience granted on 24 April to the Cardinal Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin.

The document specifies the tasks and characteristics of the work carried out by the body set up by Pope Francis himself in 2014 to undertake the auditing of the entities and bodies of the Holy See and Vatican City. The new rescript, published on 24 May, addresses some lacunae in the norms and aligns the 2019 statutes concerning the Auditor General with the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium, published on 19 March 2022.

Vatican auditor to continue to function during sede vacante, Pope Francis rules
By Hannah Brockhaus
Vatican City, May 24, 2023 / 09:25 am

Rescriptum ex audientia SS.MI: Rescript of the Holy Father regarding the duties of the office of the Auditor General, 24.05.2023
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« Reply #11896 on: May 25, 2023, 05:23:49 PM »


Pope to Nuns: 'Be loving mothers with rolled-up sleeves'
25 May 2023, 11:45

Pope Francis encourages the Little Missionary Sisters (also known as Don Orione Sisters) to be loving mothers and to serve others tenderly.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov

May your homes and places of service be full of motherly warmth, and may you continue to serve like good mothers, with rolled-up sleeves, Pope Francis told the Little Missionary Sisters of Charity on Thursday. The sisters - also known as Don Orione Sisters for their founder, St Luigi Orione - are in Rome this month for their General Chapter.

The order is dedicated to performing acts of charity among the poor, handicapped, orphans, elderly, and other often discarded members of society.

The Pope recalled the words of St Luigi: "May everyone be warmed and enlightened by the flame that burns in your heart and the light of your inner fire"; and how he taught them to 'work hard', to spare no effort in serving those most in need.

“Serve 'the poor, the little ones, those afflicted by every evil and pain', with 'sleeves rolled-up', like good mothers, with compassion, creativity, and imagination, in charity.”
Speeches 2023 May
To Participants in the General Chapter of the Little Missionary Sisters of Charity (Opera Don Orione) (25 May 2023)

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« Reply #11897 on: May 25, 2023, 05:27:25 PM »


Pope to Italian Bishops: A synodal Church is open to everyone
25 May 2023, 13:08

As the Italian Bishops conclude their 77th General Assembly, Pope Francis urges the Italian Church to continue journeying together on the synodal path to promote the "co-responsibility" of laypeople and clergy and build a less clerical Church.
By Lisa Zengarini

Pope Francis on Thursday encouraged the Italian Church to continue its synodal process “with courage and determination”, above all by “valuing the potential” present in its parishes and Christian communities.

The Pope was addressing the bishops and diocesan representatives of the synodal path in Italy in the Paul VI Audience Hall, as the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI) concluded its 77th General Assembly focused on the synodal process in the lead up to the 2021-2024 Synod on Synodality.
Speeches 2023 May
To the Participants in the national meeting of diocesan representatives of the Italian Synod path (25 May 2023)

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« Reply #11898 on: May 25, 2023, 05:33:30 PM »


Pope: ‘Bullying destroys life, respect each person for whom they are'
25 May 2023, 20:39

Pope Francis participates in the closing session of the “Scholas Occurrentes” event on "Eco-Educational Cities" bringing together 50 Mayors from Latin America and Europe.
By Salvatore Cernuzio

The possibility of a trip to Argentina; a stark condemnation of bullying that "destroys" life; the invitation to respect each person "as they are", in their "authenticity"; the dangers for the many children who do not finish school and the alarm over the spread of pornography and the "commercialisation of love" of which adolescents, in particular, are victims were some of the themes upon which Pope Francis reflected during his meeting with Mayors and young people from Latin America and Europe.

Scholas organizes 1st World Congress of 'Eco-Educational Cities'
19 May 2023, 13:56
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« Reply #11899 on: May 25, 2023, 05:40:52 PM »


Pope appeals for a renewal of our relationship with Creation
25 May 2023, 11:30

Pope Francis' message for the 2023 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation is released focusing on the theme, “Let Justice and Peace Flow”, inspired by the words of the prophet Amos: “Let justice flow on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.”
By Vatican News staff writer

In his Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (released on Thursday 25 May ahead of the 2023 celebration on 1 September) Pope Francis chose the theme “Let Justice and Peace Flow," inspired by the words of the prophet Amos: “Let justice flow on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.” The Pope begins by noting that, "God wants justice to reign; it is as essential to our life as God’s children made in his likeness as water is essential for our physical survival."

Pope Francis first instituted the September 1st World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation in 2015, serving as a way to encourage the faithful around the world to pray for our common home. The annual day also marks the beginning of an ecumenical outreach bringing Christians to pray and work together in what is called the Season of Creation which lasts till 4 October, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The origins of the day also go back to Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios who proclaimed September 1 as Creation Day for the Orthodox in 1989, followed by other Christian European Churches in 2001, and by Pope Francis in 2015.


1st September 2023
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