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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515540 times)
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« Reply #12380 on: March 03, 2024, 10:14:32 AM »

Video, with English commentary, at the link...

Pope encourages us to "build our home" with God
03 March 2024, 12:16

At the Sunday Angelus appointment, Pope Francis says our Lenten journey beacons us to build a greater sense of home with God by strengthening our relationship through prayer, trust, and intimacy, while also building fellowship and fraternity with our brothers and sisters.
By Thaddeus Jones

Addressing the visitors and pilgrims in Saint Peter's Square for the midday Angelus prayer, Pope Francis reflected on the Sunday Gospel for the day that recounts the episode when Jesus drove out the merchants from the temple, admonishing all by saying "Stop making my Father’s house a marketplace."

Market and home mindsets

The Pope then examined how our approach to the Lord differs depending on whether we have a market or home-type mindset. The market approach to temple worship recalls when it was enough to buy a lamb and consume it on the altar coals to be right with God, he explained, a process of purchasing, paying and consuming.

The idea of the temple being understood as a home instead implies the opposite, where one goes there to meet the Lord, and draw close to Him as well as to our brothers and sisters as a community that shares joys and sorrows. He added, the market approach on the other hand requires doing calculations, negotiating prices, and seeking one's own interests, but the home approach is about mutual and free giving in love and fraternity without pricing and measuring it out.
Pope Francis: Let‘s all say ‘Enough!’ Stop the war in the Middle East
03 March 2024, 12:35

Pope Francis: ‘Disarmament is a moral obligation’
03 March 2024, 13:29

Angelus - Regina Cæli 2024
Angelus, 3 March 2024

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« Reply #12381 on: March 03, 2024, 10:24:28 AM »


What is inclusive language and why is it dangerous?
By Julieta Villar, CNA Staff
ACI Prensa Staff, Mar 3, 2024 / 08:00 am

The move toward so-called inclusive language finds its origins in the feminist movement where activists considered sexist the generic masculine form of words, which has perennially been understood to include both men and women.

In the past, for example, no one thought of challenging “for the good of mankind” as excluding women. However, the feminist movement drew heightened sensitivity to what activists considered the “patriarchal” nature of language.

Various publications started to use terms or forms of words that made it clear that a job could be performed by both men and women. Hence “fireman” became “firefighter” and “mankind” became “humankind,” etc.

While some of these changes are not that dramatic or noticeable in English, introducing inclusive wording in languages such as Spanish, where nouns are either grammatically masculine or feminine, becomes quite obvious due to the novel alteration of noun endings.

Gender-neutral language has similarly become an issue in Germany, as German nouns are also either masculine or feminine.

Inclusive language has also been identified as “one of the tools” of gender ideology, a school of thought that has been repeatedly criticized by the Catholic Church.

Pope Francis has warned about this school of thought on several occasions. As recently as March 1, for example, the Holy Father pointed out that gender ideology “erases differences and makes everything the same; erasing differences is erasing humanity.”

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« Reply #12382 on: March 04, 2024, 04:18:28 PM »


Pope Francis to preside over upcoming '24 Hours for the Lord'
04 March 2024, 12:41

As he invites parishes to join his Lenten initiative of prayer and forgiveness, Pope Francis will preside over the opening of the upcoming '24 Hours for the Lord' prayer service on March 8, at the Roman parish of San Pio V.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov

Pope Francis will open the eleventh edition of the '24 Hours for the Lord' Lenten initiative this Friday, March 8, at the Roman parish of San Pio V, according to a statement from the Dicastery for Evangelization.

Observed annually in dioceses worldwide on the eve of the fourth Sunday of Lent, the initiative, dedicated to prayer and reconciliation, was inaugurated by Pope Francis at the start of his pontificate. The theme for this year's event is "Walking in a New Life," taken from Romans chapter 6.

Friday's service with the Pope will begin at 4:30 pm at the parish in Rome's Aurelio district, not far from the Vatican. The faithful who wish to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation will have the opportunity to do so, with Pope Francis himself hearing the confessions of several penitents.

Extraordinary opening of churches
In preparation for Easter, on Friday evening and throughout the day on Saturday, ecclesial communities are encouraged to provide extraordinary openings of churches, in order to offer the faithful the opportunity to confess and to pause in adoration at any time.
The Holy Father, since last year, has decided to preside over the '24 Hours for the Lord' in a different church within the Roman capital, in order to encourage parish participation.

How to prepare
The Dicastery for Evangelization invites all dioceses and parishes, in Italy and around the world, to celebrate the moment of prayer and forgiveness in one's own community.
In preparation for the event, which this year falls during the Pope's recently declared Year of Prayer, the Dicastery has made available pastoral aids to assist in personal prayer and community celebrations.

They can be downloaded in English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and French from the Dicastery website.

Dicastery website: https://www.iubilaeum2025.va/en/giubileo-2025/verso-il-giubileo/2024-anno-della-preghiera/insegnaci-a-pregare.html
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« Reply #12383 on: March 04, 2024, 04:29:58 PM »


Holy See urges ethical oversight of lethal autonomous weapons
04 March 2024, 15:19

As nations seek to develop lethal autonomous weapons, Archbishop Ettore Balestrero calls for stringent ethical oversight, emphasizing the importance of human beings to remain in control of decision-making.
By Francesca Merlo

In a statement to the 2024 Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS), Archbishop Ettore Balestrero highlighted the Church's ethical concerns regarding the development and use of autonomous weaponry.

The Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent ******* of the Holy See to the United Nations in Geneva recalled that, in his Message for the 2024 World Day of Peace, Pope Francis emphasized the gravity of these concerns.

He said that “research on emerging technologies in the area of so-called Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems, including the weaponization of artificial intelligence, is a cause for grave ethical concern.”
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« Reply #12384 on: March 04, 2024, 04:36:41 PM »


Newly-ordained priests gather in Rome for course on reconciliation
04 March 2024, 16:23

The Apostolic Penitentiary kicks off its annual Internal Forum on Penitence, a week-long series of lectures and discussions on topics from indulgences to the relationship between Confession and artificial intelligence.
By Joseph Tulloch

A week-long forum on penitence and forgiveness is now underway in Rome.

Organised by the Vatican's Apostolic Penitentiary, the annual Internal Forum aims to give newly ordained priests, as well as seminarians soon to receive Holy Orders, an opportunity for “reflection and in-depth training” on the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Multi-disciplinary discussions

During the forum, specialists from many different disciplines will address participants on topics ranging from indulgences to the relationship between confession and artificial intelligence.

In a press release, the organisers of the course said that priority would be given to “the resolution of concrete and complex cases submitted to the discernment and mercy of the Church".

Each session will be followed by a debate among the participants.

On Friday, March 8th, as the forum comes to an end, participants will be received in audience by Pope Francis.
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« Reply #12385 on: March 05, 2024, 11:48:28 AM »


Pope highlights ‘gratuitousness’ of Church's humanitarian aid
05 March 2024, 15:00

Pope Francis encourages aid organizations operating in Latin America to embrace the Cross and unite themselves to Jesus’ mission of concretely assisting those in need.
By Christopher Wells

How can we reconcile the idea of giving while expecting nothing in return with the desire to see the results of our efforts when we engage in charitable works, Pope Francis wondered on Monday.

The Holy Father sent a message to a meeting sponsored by CELAM and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development that aims to foster solidarity and synodal cooperation between aid agencies and institutions working in Latin America. Representatives of the groups are meeting this week in Bogota, Colombia.

Pope Francis dedicated his message to a reflection on “gratuitousness,” starting with the journalistic questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.
Messages Pontifical Messages 2024
Message of the Holy Father to participants in the meeting of Church aid institutions and organizations in Latin America [Bogotá, 4-8 March 2024] (26 February 2024)

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« Reply #12386 on: March 05, 2024, 11:55:42 AM »


Pope Francis appoints American priest to role in Vatican’s highest court
By Courtney Mares
Vatican City, Mar 5, 2024 / 11:40 am

Pope Francis has appointed a Catholic priest from the Diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania, as an officer of the Vatican’s highest court.

The Holy See Press Office announced on March 5 that Monsignor Shane L. Kirby has been named the substitute promoter of justice of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura.

The Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, established in the 15th century, is one of three courts within the Holy See and functions as a sort of Supreme Court, hearing appeals coming from the two other tribunals. The pope is the Holy See’s supreme judge.
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« Reply #12387 on: March 05, 2024, 12:08:35 PM »


Vatican on France’s abortion amendment: There cannot be a ‘right’ to take a human life
By Matthew Santucci
Vatican City, Mar 5, 2024 / 12:15 pm

On Monday France became the first country in the world to enshrine the right to abortion in its basic law, a move that has been staunchly opposed by the French bishops and by the Vatican.

“The Pontifical Academy for Life reiterates that precisely in the era of universal human rights, there cannot be a ‘right’ to take a human life,” the academy wrote in a March 4 statement released by the Bishops’ Conference of France following the historic vote.

The Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) went on to appeal to “all governments and all religious traditions to do their best so that in this phase of history, the protection of life becomes an absolute priority, with concrete steps in favor of peace and social justice, with effective measures for universal access to resources, education, and health.”

While noting that “the protection of human life is humanity’s first objective,” the Vatican academy acknowledged the myriad socioeconomic and personal difficulties that some families and women face. These “life situations and difficult and dramatic contexts of our time” must be addressed by governments and civil society but in a way that is “at the service of the human person and of brotherhood” and protects “the weakest and most vulnerable,” the PAV’s statement continued.

French bishops call for fasting and prayer as France enshrines abortion in constitution
By Daniel Payne
CNA Staff, Mar 4, 2024 / 15:22 pm
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« Reply #12388 on: March 06, 2024, 12:54:15 PM »

Video, with English commentary, at the link...

Pope at Audience: Combat pride with humility
06 March 2024, 09:28

During his Wednesday General Audience, Pope Francis continues his catechetical series on virtues and vices, focusing on the sin of pride and stressing the need to combat it with the 'remedy' of humility.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov

"Let us take advantage of this Lent to fight against our pride," Pope Francis urged during his weekly General Audience on Wednesday morning in the Vatican.

The Holy Father asked a collaborator, Father Pierluigi Giroli from the Vatican Secretariat of State, to read for him, since he still has "a bit of a cold."

As spring approaches in Rome, the Audience debuted again in St. Peter's Square, after the chilling winter mornings had moved it, as they do every year, into the Vatican's Paul VI Hall. The Holy Father circled among the enthusiastic crowds before the audience began.
Pope: ‘Pray for people suffering from horrors of war’
06 March 2024, 10:01

Audiences 2024
General Audience of 6 March 2024 - Cycle of Catechesis. Vices and Virtues. 10. Pride

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« Reply #12389 on: March 06, 2024, 12:58:35 PM »


Pope to celebrate Mass in Rome’s Rebibbia prison on Holy Thursday
06 March 2024, 13:03

Pope Francis will preside over the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at the Rebibbia women’s prison on Holy Thursday.
By Devin Watkins

The Prefecture of the Papal Household announced Wednesday the venue for the papal Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, March 28.

Pope Francis is due to make a private visit to the Rome’s Women’s Penitiary of Rebibbia, where he will preside over Holy Mass at 4 PM.

During his visit, the Pope will meet with female inmates and staff of the facility.

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper opens the Easter Triduum, or “Three Days”, which
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« Reply #12390 on: March 06, 2024, 01:05:34 PM »


Pope urges respect for 'complementary dignity' ahead of International Women's Day
06 March 2024, 13:16

Pope Francis sends a message of support to an event marking International Women's Day, calling for "respect for the equal and complementary dignity of women and men."
By Vatican News

Pope Francis sent a message on Wednesday to an event ahead of International Women’s Day, celebrated annually on 8 March.

His message was read out at a conference in Rome entitled "Women leaders: Towards a brighter future."

The event was organised by Caritas Internationalis and the Australian and British Embassies to the Holy See.

In his message, Pope Francis said he was “pleased to learn" that the Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis and the Ambassadors of the United Kingdom and Australia would be jointly hosting this day of reflection.

He also expressed his gratitude at the “kind invitation” he received to take part.

While unable to take part in the event, the Holy Father assured all participants that upon them he invoked “Almighty God’s gift of wisdom.”

Meeting highlights key leadership role women play addressing global challenges
06 March 2024, 11:49
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« Reply #12391 on: March 06, 2024, 01:13:50 PM »


Abdelsalam: Religions must work together for brighter future
06 March 2024, 17:55

Speaking at a joint Vatican-UN conference in Rome, the Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Elders warns that the war in Gaza has severely undermined faith in the international community.
Vatican News

War, faith, and interreligious dialogue.

Those were some of themes touched on by Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam, the Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Elders, at a recent summit in Rome.

Judge Abdelsalam was speaking at ‘The Summit of the Future’ conference, jointly organised by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network

War and the credibility of international institutions

In his address to the conference, the Secretary-General emphasised the importance of restoring hope and trust in the international community's capacity to secure peace in the current context of war.

He noted that our common future will hinge on this restoration, particularly in light of the deep wounds and divisions inflicted by events such as those in Gaza.

The role of religion

Judge Abdelsalam went on to stress the pressing need for community leaders and religious figures to play a more significant role in putting an end to these conflicts.

Highlighting the Muslim Council of Elders' successful track record of involving the voice of religions in addressing global challenges, Abdelsalam underlined the importance of community leaders and religious figures in resolving conflicts and disputes worldwide.

He cited the ongoing suffering in Gaza and criticized the global inaction to address it, particularly condemning the use of veto power to prevent ceasefire resolutions.

Document on Human Fraternity

The Secretary-General went on to reference the Document on Human Fraternity, signed in 2019 in Abu Dhabi by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb.
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« Reply #12392 on: March 07, 2024, 06:21:09 PM »


Pope: Church’s efforts to safeguard minors must not wane
07 March 2024, 10:19

Pope Francis encourages the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors to continue helping the Church safeguard minors and vulnerable people by ensuring a climate of listening and respect.
By Devin Watkins

As the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors holds its plenary assembly, Pope Francis took the opportunity to invite its members to continue strengthening the Church’s efforts to prevent abuse.

The Pope thanked the Commission’s members for their personal and collective witness, and acknowledged that many of them have dedicated their lives to caring for victims of abuse.

He called their work “a courageous vocation that comes from the heart of the Church and helps her to be purified and to grow.”

The Pontifical Commission, he added, has expanded its efforts over the past 10 years in response to his call to “make the Church an increasingly safe place for minors and vulnerable adults.”
Speeches 2024 March
To the members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (7 March 2024)

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« Reply #12393 on: March 07, 2024, 06:25:16 PM »


Pope meets with President Milatović of Montenegro
07 March 2024, 11:34

Pope Francis holds a private audience with Jakov Milatović, the President of Montenegro.
By Vatican News

The President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, met Thursday with Pope Francis in the Vatican Apostolic Palace.

During their encounter, the Pope and the President performed the customary exchange of gifts and paused for a group photo along with President Milatović’s entourage.

Afterwards, President Milatović met in the Secretariat of State with Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin and Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations.
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« Reply #12394 on: March 07, 2024, 06:32:24 PM »


Pope Francis highlights women's role in Church and society
07 March 2024, 12:19

Pope Francis addresses an international conference on women in the Church, and emphasises the importance of recognising women's contributions while calling for unity and education to promote women's rights and dignity.
By Francesca Merlo

In his address to the participants of the International Conference titled "Women in the Church: Builders of Humanity," Pope Francis extended a warm greeting to all attendees, expressing gratitude for their presence and the organisation of the event.

"The Church needs to keep this in mind, because the Church is herself a woman: a daughter, a bride, and a mother," said the Pope.

He highlighted the significance of recognising and valuing women's contributions within the people of God, and he called for unity, discernment, and collaboration to achieve this goal.
Speeches 2024 March
to the Participants in the International Conference “Women in the Church: Builders of humanity” (7 March 2024)

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« Reply #12395 on: March 07, 2024, 06:43:43 PM »


Pope thanks 'Cadena 100' concert for helping promote peace
07 March 2024, 12:31

Pope Francis sends a video message on the occasion of the solidarity concert 'Cadena 100 for Peace,' organized by the Spanish Bishops' Conference-run Catholic radio, which aims to promote peace and help those who suffer.
By Mireia Bonilla

"I thank the artists who have united talent with such generosity to help innocent victims, but above all because they have shown that art, music can become messengers and instruments of peace to build bridges."

With these words of gratitude in a video message, Pope Francis addressed the organizers of the solidarity concert 'Cadena 100 for Peace', organized by the national Spanish radio belonging to the Bishops' Conference.
Messages Pontifical Messages 2024
Video Message of the Holy Father for the "Cadena 100 Por La Paz" Concert (7 March 2024)

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« Reply #12396 on: March 07, 2024, 06:52:08 PM »


Pope Francis: Thomas Aquinas' thought more relevant than ever
07 March 2024, 12:40

On the 750th anniversary of Thomas Aquinas’ death, Pope Francis praises the thinker's "fresh and valid insights about our globalised world, dominated by legal positivism and casuistry."
By Alessandro De Carolis

What does the thought of one of the most distinguished theologians in the history of the Church have to do with the development of social sciences? The work of a philosopher with the ways in which human relationships are articulated and grow?

More than you might think, as the Pope has pointed out in a letter to the participants in a workshop organised by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Taking place from Thursday to Friday of this week, the conference is considering the theme "Aquinas’ Social Ontology and Natural Law in Perspective”.
Message of the Holy Father on the occasion of the Workshop “Aquinas’ Social Ontology and Natural Law in Perspective”, 07.03.2024
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« Reply #12397 on: March 15, 2024, 11:33:27 AM »

News/articles from March 8...

(1)  https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-03/pope-francis-internal-forum-course-sacrament-reconciliation.html
Pope: Confession offers ‘unique moment of grace and God’s forgiveness’
08 March 2024, 11:33

Pope Francis meets with future priests in an annual course on the internal forum, and invites them to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation with a focus on “the sweetness of God’s love.”
By Devin Watkins
Audience with participants in the Course on the 34th Internal Forum organized by the Apostolic Penitentiary, 08.03.2024

Video, with English commentary, at the link..

(2)  https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2024-03/pope-francis-put-god-s-forgiveness-at-the-centre-of-the-church.html
Pope Francis: Put God’s forgiveness at the centre of the Church
08 March 2024, 16:46

Pope Francis presides over a penitential liturgy at Rome's St. Pius V Parish to open the "24 Hours for the Lord" initiative, and says confession puts us back on the path of new life that began at Baptism.
By Christopher Wells
Homilies 2024
"24 Hours for the Lord": Celebration of Reconciliation (Roman Parish of San Pio V in Rome, 8 March 2024)

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« Reply #12398 on: March 15, 2024, 11:59:47 AM »

News/articles from March 9...

New interview: Pope Fransis' interview with Swiss TV station

(1)  https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-03/pope-francis-swiss-tv-interview-gaza-ukraine-wars.html
Pope on war in Ukraine: 'Do not be ashamed to negotiate'
09 March 2024, 17:15

In an interview to a Swiss TV station, Pope Francis reflects at length on various aspects of war and its devastating effects, noting that it takes two sides to make war and encouraging negotiations to end the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.
By Devin Watkins

(2)  https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-03/pope-francis-ukraine-interview-rts-holy-see-response.html
‘Pope asks for the courage to negotiate for Ukraine’
09 March 2024, 21:01

The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, responds to journalists regarding Pope Francis’ statements in an interview with a Swiss TV station, saying “the Pope picked up the image of the white flag, proposed by the interviewer, to indicate a cessation of hostilities, a truce reached with the courage of negotiation. His hope is for a diplomatic solution for a just and lasting peace.”
By Salvatore Cernuzio

(3)  https://cruxnow.com/church-in-the-middle-east/2024/03/coptic-church-cuts-theological-dialogue-with-catholics-says-blessing-gays-unacceptable
Coptic Church cuts theological dialogue with Catholics; says blessing gays ‘unacceptable’
By Charles Collins
Mar 9, 2024
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« Reply #12399 on: March 15, 2024, 12:19:20 PM »

News/articles from March 10...

Video, with English commentary, at the link..

(1)  https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-03/pope-at-angelus-god-gave-his-only-son.html
Pope at Angelus: God embraces us and frees us from our sins
10 March 2024, 22:45

At the Angelus prayer on Sunday, Pope Francis acknowledges that God loves us so much that He is not interested in putting us on trial to condemn us, but rather to embrace and save us all, as to ensure that none of us is lost.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov

(2)  https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-03/pope-prays-for-peace-in-haiti-and-global-solidarity.html
Pope prays for peace in Haiti and global solidarity
10 March 2024, 12:45

(3)  https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-03/pope-calls-for-respect-of-the-dignity-of-all-women.html
Pope calls for respect of the dignity of all women
10 March 2024, 13:36

(4)  https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/angelus/2024.index.html
Angelus - Regina Cæli 2024
Angelus, 10 March 2024

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