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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515264 times)
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« Reply #140 on: April 21, 2013, 11:32:40 PM »


2013-04-21 13:18:52
Regina Caeli: Ask Jesus what he wants from you

(Vatican Radio) Below a Vatican Radio transcript and translation of Pope Francis’ Regina Caeli address this Fourth Sunday of Easter, World Day of Prayer for Vocations:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Fourth Sunday of Easter is characterized by the Gospel of the Good Shepherd - in the tenth chapter of St. John – which we read every year. Today’s passage contains these words of Jesus: " My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one"(10.27 to 30).These four verses contain Jesus’ entire message, the core of His Gospel: He calls us to participate in His relationship with the Father, and this is eternal life.
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« Reply #141 on: April 22, 2013, 10:22:48 PM »


Pope Francis’ preaching style is low-key and mostly private
Apr 22, 2013

VATICAN CITY (RNS) When you’re the pope, few things matter as much as what you say and, especially, where you say it.

From the pulpit of St. Peter’s Basilica or an outdoor altar erected in St. Peter’s Square, popes can command global media attention. Pope Francis, however, has settled in with a smaller congregation for his homilies that’s more in keeping with his low-key style.

Every day at 7 a.m., Francis celebrates Mass in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta, the Vatican’s hotel-style guesthouse he has chosen to call home instead of the luxurious papal apartments. His brief, colorful homilies are delivered to small groups of Vatican workers, from policemen to doctors and bank employees.

Often quoting anecdotes from his time as a pastor and archbishop in Buenos Aires, Francis has used his morning homilies to offer spiritual reflections in an accessible, down-to-earth style – a far cry from the lengthy and highly intellectual public homilies of his predecessors.

According to the Vatican’s chief spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, Francis regularly speaks off the cuff at Santa Marta, without any prepared text.

It is unclear whether these homilies are official papal texts; in fact, they are not published on the Vatican website.

But Vatican Radio and L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s semiofficial newspaper, have been reporting on them regularly, publishing extracts of Francis’ texts.

Their recurrent themes – the risks of gossip and slander among Christians, the virtue of meekness, the threats of the devil – offer an insight into the pope’s main concerns, framed in simple imagery that a parish priest might use. The impression is reinforced by frequent photos of Francis sitting in prayer in the back seats at the end of the Mass.

The pope’s morning homilies are “fascinating, a kind of mini Magisterium,” according to John Thavis, a former Rome bureau chief for Catholic News Service and a frequent Vatican commentator. “They seem designed to provide food for thought at a very accessible level.”

In some cases, though, it is possible to find hints on how Francis might handle the bigger challenges he faces as pope.

On April 9, talking about gossiping and criticizing others as “temptations of the evil one who does not want the Spirit to come to us and bring about peace and meekness,” he advised a course of action to deal with a community’s internal problems: “Keep quiet, and if you have something to say, say it to the interested parties, to those who can remedy the situation … not to the entire neighborhood.”
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« Reply #142 on: April 22, 2013, 10:27:05 PM »


2013-04-22 12:45:23
Pope: No room for ‘climbers’ or ‘commercial religion’ in Kingdom of God

(Vatican Radio) The Gospel of the Good Shepherd in which Jesus describes Himself as "the gate for the sheep" was the focus of Pope Francis’ homily Monday morning. The Mass took place in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta with staff and journalists from the Vatican Press Office and Vatican Radio transmission center in Santa Maria di Galeria. Emer McCarthy reports: RealAudioMP3

In Monday’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples that whoever does not enter the sheepfold through the gate, is not a shepherd, but a thief and a robber. In short, said Pope Francis, someone who seeks to profit for themselves, who only wants to climb the social ladder. The only gate to the Kingdom of God, to the Church - the Pope said - is Jesus Himself:

"These social climbers exist even in the Christian communities, no? those people who are looking for their own... and consciously or unconsciously pretend to enter but are thieves and robbers. Why? Why steal the glory from Jesus? They want glory for themselves and this is what [Jesus] said to the Pharisees: You seek for each other's approval...'. That’s something of a ‘commercial’ religion, don’t you think? I give glory to you and you give glory to me. But these people did not enter through the true gate. The [true] gate is Jesus and those who do not enter by this gate are mistaken. How do I know that Jesus is the true gate? How do I know that this gate is Jesus’s gate? It’s enough to take the Beatitudes and do what the Beatitudes say. Be humble, poor, gentle, just ... ".
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« Reply #143 on: April 23, 2013, 09:04:43 PM »


2013-04-23 12:47:07
Pope: Mass on Feast of St. George [full text]

(Vatican Radio) “It is not possible to find Jesus outside the Church”: this was Pope Francis’ message as he marked his name day, the Feast of St. George, this Tuesday celebrating Mass in the Pauline Chapel with the Cardinals present in Rome. Emer McCarthy reports: RealAudioMP3

In his homily, the Pope thanked the cardinals for coming to concelebrate with him: "Thank you - he said - because I really feel welcomed by you". Commenting on the readings of the day, the Holy Father highlighted three aspects of the Church: Its missionary activity, born of persecution; the fact that it is a Mother Church which gifts us the faith that is our identity and that you cannot find Jesus outside of the Church; the joy of belonging to the Church bringing Jesus to others. In short the joy of being an evangelizer:

Below we publish a Vatican Radio transcript and translation of the Holy Father’s Homily for Mass with the Cardinals in the Pauline Chapel.

I thank His Eminence, the Cardinal Dean, for his words: thank you very much, Your Eminence, thank you.

I also thank all of you who wanted to come today: Thank you. Because I feel welcomed by you. Thank you. I feel good with you, and I like that.

The [first] reading today makes me think that the missionary expansion of the Church began precisely at a time of persecution, and these Christians went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, and proclaimed the Word. They had this apostolic fervor within them, and that is how the faith spread! Some, people of Cyprus and Cyrene - not these, but others who had become Christians - went to Antioch and began to speak to the Greeks too. It was a further step. And this is how the Church moved forward. Whose was this initiative to speak to the Greeks? This was not clear to anyone but the Jews. But ... it was the Holy Spirit, the One who prompted them ever forward ... But some in Jerusalem, when they heard this, became 'nervous and sent Barnabas on an "apostolic visitation": perhaps, with a little sense of humor we could say that this was the theological beginning of the Doctrine of the Faith: this apostolic visit by Barnabas. He saw, and he saw that things were going well.
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« Reply #144 on: April 23, 2013, 09:09:52 PM »


2013-04-23 10:49:16
Celebrating Saint George: Best wishes Holy Father

(Vatican Radio) Here in the Vatican we are marking Saint George’s Day in a special way this year.

Yes, Cardinal Bergoglio may have taken the name Francis as Pope but his Christian name is Jorge , George to you and me. That’s why we've chosen to bring you a timely reflection for his Feast day on the 23rd of April.

Especially as in England our patron Saint is Saint George. One who's most often depicted as a soldier fighting a dragon to save someone else's life.

Monsignor Peter Fleetwood reflects for us on the meaning of this symbolism explaining how dragons may be mythical animals, but myths contains symbols and symbols sum up some aspect of life that is very important or powerful: " I suspect the dragon represents evil in any form. Some people may not like to hear this , but the dragon may represent evil people".
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« Reply #145 on: April 23, 2013, 09:18:19 PM »


2013-04-23 10:38:54
Card. Pell on Christ, the Church and group of 8 cardinals

(Vatican Radio) “It is very important to preserve the prerogatives of the Successor of St Peter, the Pope and Bishop of Rome. He decides. We are there to help and be useful if we can, but we are nothing more than that”: these are the words of Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney Australia who is also a member of the select advisory group of prelates recently created by the Holy Father.

On Monday, following a private meeting with Pope Francis, Cardinal Pell visited Vatican Radio to talk about this appointment and about his new book entitled ‘Contemplating Christ with Luke’, a series of homilies on the figure of Christ according to the Gospel of St. Luke. Emer McCarthy asked Cardinal Pell to tell us more about the group of 8 Cardinals called to advise the Pope on questions of Church governance and reform of the Roman Curia:

“I can tell you what we are not. We are not a cabinet, the Pope does not answer to us. We are not a policy making group we are not an executive group. We are there as advisors to the Holy Father. Now, how that will work I am not quite sure. It might be that he will say ‘at these meetings we will be talking about these themes, in the interim you can get yourselves organized’. Or he just my say, ‘we’ll have half a day out of the three days where you can suggest what we can talk about’.
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« Reply #146 on: April 23, 2013, 09:24:27 PM »


Pope Pushes for Greater Role for Women in Vatican
Monday, 22 Apr 2013 01:55 PM

Pope Francis is being advised to appoint more women to senior positions as part of his efforts to reform the Roman Curia — a move the Vatican describes as a "natural step."

Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga of Honduras, who Pope Francis recently chose to coordinate a privy council of eight cardinals advising him on governance and reform, told Britain’s Sunday Times he was backing more posts for women.

Responding to the cardinal's comments, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said it was “a natural step – there is a move towards putting more women in key roles where they are qualified.”

Benedict XVI had already begun efforts to appoint more women to senior positions at the Vatican, most notably at the semi-official Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano. The publication has launched a women’s supplement, its English language editor is a woman, and it has several female columnists. Its first woman journalist didn’t start writing for the paper until 2008.

Women also hold some key roles at the Vatican, although the number is small and they are not the most senior positions. Sister Nicla Spezzati is undersecretary of the Congregation dealing with nuns and religious, and laywoman Flaminia Giovanelli, is undersecretary at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. St Peter's basilica is administered by Maria Cristina Carlo-Stella.
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« Reply #147 on: April 24, 2013, 05:54:09 PM »


2013-04-24 13:51:23
Pope Francis: Church is in a love story

(Vatican Radio) The Church is not a bureaucratic organization, but a love story. This was Pope Francis’ message during Wednesday’s Mass in the Chapel of the Casa Santa Marta.

Attending the Mass this morning were employees of the Institute for the Works of Religion, commonly called the Vatican bank. Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragán, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, concelebrated Mass with the Holy Father.

The day’s readings tell the story of the growth of the first Christian community. In his homily, the Pope warned against being tempted to make "deals" simply to get "more partners in this enterprise."

Instead, he said, “the road that Jesus willed for His Church is otherwise: the way of difficulties, the way of the Cross, the way of persecution . . . And this makes us wonder: what is this Church? Because it seems it is not a human enterprise."
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« Reply #148 on: April 24, 2013, 06:00:57 PM »


2013-04-24 13:01:33
Pope Francis urges Christians to be generous with their God-given talents

Pope Francis on Wednesday called on Christians to await the coming of the Lord with trust and joy.

Speaking to crowds of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Wednesday General Audience, the Pope continued his catechesis on the Creed and reflected on three Gospel texts that – he said – help us to understand the mystery of the Last Judgment and the second coming of the Lord.

“Just as human history began with the creation of man and woman in the image of God” – the Pope explained - “so it will end with Christ’s return and the final judgment”.

The parables Pope Francis chose to examine are the parable of the wise and foolish virgins that, he said, reminds us that we must be spiritually prepared to meet the Lord when he comes; the parable of the talents, that emphasizes our responsibility to use wisely God’s gifts, making them bear abundant fruit, and here he said: “ I would ask the many young people present to be generous with their God-given talents for the good of others, the Church and our world”; and finally, the parable of the final judgment that “reminds us that, in the end, we will be judged on our love for others and especially for those in need”.
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« Reply #149 on: April 25, 2013, 10:06:39 AM »


2013-04-21 13:18:52
Regina Caeli: Ask Jesus what he wants from you

(Vatican Radio) Below a Vatican Radio transcript and translation of Pope Francis’ Regina Caeli address this Fourth Sunday of Easter, World Day of Prayer for Vocations:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Fourth Sunday of Easter is characterized by the Gospel of the Good Shepherd - in the tenth chapter of St. John – which we read every year. Today’s passage contains these words of Jesus: " My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one"(10.27 to 30).These four verses contain Jesus’ entire message, the core of His Gospel: He calls us to participate in His relationship with the Father, and this is eternal life.

I particularly enjoyed this message.  In Scripture, what has been translated "know" in many instances means "love."
Such translation can often be very beautiful, but sometimes not so much, ie "I knew you not."  That's humbling.

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« Reply #150 on: April 25, 2013, 10:55:02 PM »


2013-04-25 13:10:38
Pope: The courage to do great things, the humility to appreciate little things

(Vatican Radio) In his homily for Mass Thursday morning at the Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis focused on how Christians should proclaim the Good News as mandated by Jesus and recounted in the Gospel of Mark read during the Liturgy of the Word. Emer M cCarthy reports: RealAudioMP3

Celebrating the Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, the Pope said in sharing the Gospel, Christians should have courage to do great things, but at the same time, the humility to appreciate the little things.

Present for the liturgy Thursday morning were members of the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, accompanied by the Secretary General Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, and a group of police from the Vatican Gendarmerie.

Pope Francis' homily focused on the passage from the Gospel of St. Mark which describes the Ascension of the Lord Jesus. Before ascending into heaven He sends the apostles to preach the Gospel "to the end of the world", not only in Jerusalem or in Galilee.

Go “all over the world. The horizon ... great horizon... And as you can see, this is the mission of the Church. The Church continues to preach this to everyone, all over the world. But she does not go forth alone: she goes forth with Jesus. So they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord acted with them'. The Lord works with all those who preach the Gospel. This is the magnanimity that Christians should have. A pusillanimous Christian is incomprehensible: this magnanimity is part of the Christian vocation: always more and more, more and more, more and more, always onwards!"
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« Reply #151 on: April 25, 2013, 11:00:40 PM »


2013-04-25 12:35:57
Lombardi: Rio, Pope’s only international trip for 2013

(Vatican Radio) Brazil will be the only international destination for Pope Francis in 2013. This was stated Wednesday afternoon by Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, in a meeting at the headquarters of the Foreign Press Association in Rome. "I invite you to not expect others to trips abroad this year," Father Lombardi said.

Pope Francis will travel to Rio de Janeiro for the 28th World Youth Day, to be held July 23 to 28, with the motto "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28, 19).

And the Director of the Holy See Press Office did not rule out the publication this year of the Pope’s first encyclical remembering that Benedict XVI had already prepared the material on the topic of faith.

Father Lombardi went on to say that the pope emeritus, who currently resides in Castel Gandolfo, is expected to move back to the Vatican, to the Monastery of Mater Ecclesiae, between late April and early May.

Pope Francis, however, will continue to reside in the Casa Santa Marta, where "he is very well settled”. Father Lombardi added: “At the moment, he does not seem to want to change his dwelling, even if a final decision has not been made."
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« Reply #152 on: April 25, 2013, 11:14:10 PM »


Pope Francis' first encyclical might be out this year, says spokesman

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis may publish his first encyclical this year, the Vatican spokesman said.

Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi said he "would not exclude" the possibility of the publication of the pope's first encyclical "within this year," Vatican Radio reported.

The spokesman told reporters April 25 that retired Pope Benedict XVI had already "fleshed out material on the theme of faith" for an encyclical.

Vatican officials had said Pope Benedict completed work in late 2012 on what would have been his fourth encyclical -- a letter on the theological virtue of faith. Its release was expected in the first half of 2013, but the pope resigned Feb. 28 before its publication.

It is not unusual for a pope to pick up work begun by his predecessor, make changes and publish it in his own name. The second part of Pope Benedict's first encyclical, "Deus Caritas Est" ("God is Love"), was a discussion of Catholic charitable activity prepared under Blessed John Paul II. Nine months after Pope Benedict was elected, the document was released after the new pope reworked that section.
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« Reply #153 on: April 26, 2013, 07:01:48 PM »


Pope Francis' first encyclical might be out this year, says spokesman

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis may publish his first encyclical this year, the Vatican spokesman said.

Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi said he "would not exclude" the possibility of the publication of the pope's first encyclical "within this year," Vatican Radio reported.

The spokesman told reporters April 25 that retired Pope Benedict XVI had already "fleshed out material on the theme of faith" for an encyclical.

Vatican officials had said Pope Benedict completed work in late 2012 on what would have been his fourth encyclical -- a letter on the theological virtue of faith. Its release was expected in the first half of 2013, but the pope resigned Feb. 28 before its publication.

It is not unusual for a pope to pick up work begun by his predecessor, make changes and publish it in his own name. The second part of Pope Benedict's first encyclical, "Deus Caritas Est" ("God is Love"), was a discussion of Catholic charitable activity prepared under Blessed John Paul II. Nine months after Pope Benedict was elected, the document was released after the new pope reworked that section.

BBM - learn something new all the time.

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« Reply #154 on: April 26, 2013, 10:40:20 PM »


2013-04-26 11:15:19
Pope: Preparing for the heavenly homeland

(Vatican Radio) Our journey of faith is not one of alienation, but prepares our hearts to see the beautiful face of God: this was Pope Francis’ message during Mass in the Domus Sanctae Marthae. On Friday Mass was attended by Staff from the Vatican Typography, the Vatican Labor Office and Vatican State Police. Emer McCarthy reports:

The Gospel of the day recounts Jesus saying to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled”.

"These words of Jesus are really beautiful words. In a moment of farewell, Jesus speaks to his disciples, really from the heart. He knows that his disciples are sad, because they realize that things are not going well. He says: Do not let your hearts be troubled. And he starts to talk like that, just like a friend, even with the attitude of a pastor. I say, the music in the words of Jesus is how the pastor should behave, like a shepherd with his sheep, right? ... Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have faith in God, in me '. And what does he start to talk about? About Heaven, about the definitive homeland. 'Have faith in me': I remain faithful, it is as if he said that, right? ... Like an engineer, like an architect He tells them what He will do: 'I am going to prepare a place, in my Father’s house is my dwelling'. And Jesus goes to prepare a place for us. "

Pope Francis asked: "What is that place like? What does 'prepare a place' mean? Does it mean renting a room up there? ‘Prepare a place’, means preparing our ability to enjoy the chance - our chance - to see, to feel, to understand the beauty of what lies ahead, of that homeland towards which we walk ".
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« Reply #155 on: April 26, 2013, 10:49:58 PM »


2013-04-26 16:05:14
Pope Francis set to confirm 70 thousand young people in their faith

(Vatican Radio) An estimated 70 thousand young boys and girls are descending on St Peter’s Square this weekend for the first in a series of ‘great events’ with the Holy Father organized for the Year of Faith by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.

On Saturday and Sunday those young boys and girls who have been confirmed in their faith or are about to be confirmed will gather in St Peter’s from all over the world together with Pope Francis, while next weekend it will be the turn of confraternities.

New Jersey native Fr. Eugene Sylva is the English language official at the Pontifical Council for New Evangelization. Speaking to Emer McCarthy he outlined some of the other ‘great events’ in store for the rest of the Year of Faith and the Council’s work in promoting the New Evangelization: Listen: RealAudioMP3

In a press briefing earlier this week, Council President, Archbishop Rhino Fisichella explained that the common denominator of the events, which will take place in Rome with the Holy Father, will be “of highlighting pilgrimage to the tomb of Peter. That is why, the day before, the participants will take part in a symbolic procession from the obelisk in St. Peter's Square to the tomb of the Apostle where they will pray the Creed. Along the way there will be a brief catechesis to recall the significance of the places that we find ourselves at and their historic meaning for the faith.”

The first event will take place this 27-28 April and will be dedicated to all those who have received or who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this year. “Already more than 70,000 youth, accompanied by their catechists and priests, have signed up. This presence shows the enthusiasm with which they have joined in the initiative and the great turn-out that we should expect.”
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« Reply #156 on: April 27, 2013, 12:32:45 AM »


O'Brien scandal: Vatican calls halt to new bishops
Saturday 27 April 2013

THE Vatican has called a halt to the appointment of any more Scottish bishops until a full investigation into the Cardinal Keith O'Brien scandal is completed by Rome.

In the first known move in relation to the crisis since the election of Pope Francis, Scotland's leading Catholic cleric Philip Tartaglia was given the news at a meeting in the Vatican this week.

Cardinal O'Brien resigned from his position as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh two months ago amid confessions of gay sexual activity spanning decades.
The move by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, one of the front-runners in the recent conclave to elect a new pope, means three dioceses – Paisley, Dunkeld and Edinburgh – will not have their vacancies for a bishop filled.

Another two with ageing bishops, Motherwell and Galloway, will not have their churchmen replaced.

Canadian Cardinal Ouellet is the current prefect of the Congregation for the Bishops, which oversees the selection of new bishops.

Serving and former trainee priests have claimed to have been abused by Cardinal O'Brien, who remains a cardinal.

In another move, it is understood the Congregation for the Bishops has instructed the Pope's ambassador in the UK to keep the book open on Cardinal O'Brien and continue to gather evidence. The demand is another indication Pope Francis is turning his attention to the crisis engulfing the Catholic Church in Scotland.

It also wants evidence on the allegations of a "gay mafia", sexual bullying and open sexual relationships in seminaries made in a recent book by a serving priest in Lanarkshire, Father Matthew Despard.
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« Reply #157 on: April 27, 2013, 10:58:48 PM »


2013-04-27 12:49:26
Pope Francis: Proclaim Jesus with Joy

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis, during Mass at the Casa Santa Martha on Saturday morning, invited people to proclaim Jesus with joy and to avoid being "closed in on ourselves". Speaking to those gathered which included employees of the Vatican Post Office and the Santa Martha Pediatic Dispensary, the Pope focused on the theme of Evangelization during his homily.

Reflecting on a reading from the Acts of the Apostles, the Holy Father posed a question, why did many people close themselves off to hearing the word of the Lord in Antioch, where the community of Christ’s disciples had gathered.

The reason is, Pope Francis explained, "Simply, because they had closed hearts, they were not open to the newness of the Holy Spirit. They believed that everything had been said, that everything was as they thought it should be and therefore they felt like defenders of the faith and began to speak against the Apostles…”

The Pope went to say that the closed off attitude of this group also can apply to all closed off groups in history. These are the people he continued, "that do not have the freedom to open up to the Lord":

Communities such as these think they are defending the truth, Pope Francis explained, but what they are really doing is spreading gossip and slander, They look inwards and end up destroying each other.
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« Reply #158 on: April 27, 2013, 11:04:28 PM »

An interesting, informative 2-page article. imo


Liberation theologians see Pope Francis as able to fix a church “in ruins”
Updated: Saturday, April 27, 5:32 PM
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — A new pope from Latin America who wants to build “a church for the poor” is stirring hopes among advocates of liberation theology, a movement of social activism that alarmed former popes by delving into leftist politics.

Pope Francis has what it takes to fix a church “in ruins” that has “lost its respect for what is sacred,” prominent liberation theologian Leonardo Boff said Saturday.

“With this pope, a Jesuit and a pope from the Third World, we can breathe happiness,” Boff said at a Buenos Aires book fair. “Pope Francis has both the vigor and tenderness that we need to create a new spiritual world.”

The 74-year-old Brazilian theologian was pressured to remain silent by previous popes who tried to draw a hard line between socially active priests and leftist politics. As Argentina’s leading cardinal before he became pope, Francis reinforced this line, suggesting in 2010 that reading the Gospel with a Marxist interpretation only gets priests in trouble.
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« Reply #159 on: April 28, 2013, 06:06:02 PM »


2013-04-28 12:53:19
Pope Francis: Remain steadfast in the journey of faith

(Vatican Radio) It was truly a day to remember for 44 people who had come to St Peter’s Square to be confirmed by the Pope. The special Mass on Sunday was organized as part of the Year of Faith and those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation had come from all over the world to be in the Square.

During his homily Pope Francis offered the thousands of people gathered and in particular those being confirmed three short reflections.
Following the Homily the 44 people being confirmed on Sunday, ranging in age from 11 to 55 who had come from Italy, Romania, Ireland and as far away as the United States and the Cape Verde Islands, made their way to the Pope, where he laid his hands on the head of each person, and anointed their foreheads with holy chrism in the form of a cross.Before the conclusion on this celebration the Holy Father recited the Regina Coeli and he entrusted those newly confirmed to the protection of Mary. He said that the Madonna would help them to be attentive to what the Lord asks of them and to live and walk always according to the Holy Spirit. Listen to this report by Lydia O’Kane RealAudioMP3

2013-04-28 10:49:05
Homily of Pope Francis celebrating Confirmation Mass
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