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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515316 times)
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« Reply #1680 on: July 10, 2014, 08:13:24 PM »


(UPDATED) Jul-10-2014
After pope's condemnation of mafia, bishop bans processions

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- A bishop in Calabria has ordered an end to all religious processions in his diocese after 30 men carrying a large statue of Mary and hundreds of people accompanying the statue paused and bowed in front of the house of a presumed mafia boss.

The first reaction of Bishop Francesco Milito of Oppido Mamertina-Palmi, Italy, was to say that those who bowed during the July 2 procession in Tresilico "are clearly far from even a minimum spirit of pure, correct and authentic faith."

The bow, he said, was a "gesture of blasphemous devotion that is the opposite of what is due to the mother of God."

In protest the local commander of the Carabinieri, the Italian military police, and members of his squad who had been accompanying the procession with the statue of Our Lady of Grace left the procession.

Although July and August are the most popular months for the religious processions that remain a key part of annual celebrations in cities, towns and neighborhoods, Bishop Milito announced that, beginning July 10, all processions would be suspended until diocesan leaders could work out rules and procedures for preventing their abuse.
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« Reply #1681 on: July 11, 2014, 01:47:50 PM »


Church can share its expertise on child protection policy

(Vatican Radio) Following Pope Francis’ meeting with survivors of sex abuse this week, a leading Catholic child protection expert says the Church is “on track” with its safeguarding policies and is sharing expertise with secular organisations working in the same field.

Jesuit Fr Hans Zollner is a psychology professor at Rome’s Gregorian University and heads its Centre for the Protection of Minors. He also serves as a member of the recently established Vatican Commission on safeguarding and care of abuse victims. On Monday he accompanied two of the six abuse victims who spent almost three and a half hours sharing their stories with Pope Francis following Mass in his Santa Marta residence.

Fr Hans talked to Philippa Hitchen about those encounters, about the work of the Vatican Commission and about the way the Catholic Church is sharing its expertise with others….
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« Reply #1682 on: July 12, 2014, 08:57:05 AM »


(UPDATED) Jul-10-2014
After pope's condemnation of mafia, bishop bans processions

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- A bishop in Calabria has ordered an end to all religious processions in his diocese after 30 men carrying a large statue of Mary and hundreds of people accompanying the statue paused and bowed in front of the house of a presumed mafia boss.

The first reaction of Bishop Francesco Milito of Oppido Mamertina-Palmi, Italy, was to say that those who bowed during the July 2 procession in Tresilico "are clearly far from even a minimum spirit of pure, correct and authentic faith."

The bow, he said, was a "gesture of blasphemous devotion that is the opposite of what is due to the mother of God."

In protest the local commander of the Carabinieri, the Italian military police, and members of his squad who had been accompanying the procession with the statue of Our Lady of Grace left the procession.

Although July and August are the most popular months for the religious processions that remain a key part of annual celebrations in cities, towns and neighborhoods, Bishop Milito announced that, beginning July 10, all processions would be suspended until diocesan leaders could work out rules and procedures for preventing their abuse.

oh my goodness!
I can't imagine doing such a thing.

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« Reply #1683 on: July 12, 2014, 09:51:08 PM »


Conference underlines Pope’s social justice teachings

(Vatican Radio) The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, in collaboration with the Secretariat of State, held a two-day conference, 12-13 July, at the Vatican on the concept of “inclusive economy”, which Pope Francis proposes in Evangelii Gaudium.

Some 70 scholars and representatives from business and international organizations participated in the closed-door sessions, aimed at deepening the thought and perspectives on social justice that Pope Francis puts forth in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium.

Msgr Mario Toso, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, offered the keynote address. In an interview with Vatican Radio, he said distorted interpretations of the Pope’s words and accusations of Marxism underlined the need to explain that the Pope’s proposal for an “economy that is always more inclusive” does not imply the abandonment of a market economy, and that his allusion to an “economy that kills” refers to the idolatry of money.
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« Reply #1684 on: July 12, 2014, 09:56:37 PM »

July 12, 2014 Tweets

Pope Francis @Pontifex     ·   16h   
The World Cup allowed people from different countries and religions to come together. May sport always promote the culture of encounter.
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« Reply #1685 on: July 13, 2014, 01:57:02 PM »


Pope Francis pauses, prays for peace during angelus address

Vatican City, Jul 13, 2014 / 07:35 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Following his reflections on the Sunday’s Gospel parable of the sower and the seed, Pope Francis called for peace in the Holy Land, asking participants to join him in a moment of silent prayer.
During his reflections on the day’s Gospel, which recounts the parable of the sower and the seed, the Bishop of Rome drew attention to Jesus’ frequent use of parables, noting that he uses “a language understood by all, with images drawn from nature and everyday life situations.”

He observed how the first three terrains where the sower drops the seeds are “unproductive” because “along the way the seeds are eaten by birds; on the stony ground they sprout up but immediately dry out because they didn't have roots” and “in the middle of the bushes the seeds are suffocated by thorns.”

“The fourth soil is the good soil, and only there the seed takes root and bears fruit.”

Recalling the explanation of the different soils Jesus gives to his disciples, the pontiff observed how the first three signify those people who hear God’s word but don’t welcome it; those who do welcome it, but only on a superficial level that breaks down when difficulties come; and those who listen to God’s word but are too caught up in worldly concerns and the seduction of wealth, so it dies.

“Finally, the seed that falls on fertile ground represents the many who hear the word, welcome it, cherish it and understand it, and this brings fruit. The perfect model of this good soil is the virgin Mary.”

Noting how Jesus speaks to each of us in the same way today, the Pope asked “With what attitude do we welcome” the word of God? “How is our heart? Which terrain does it resemble: a street, a stone, a bush?”

“It's up to us to become good ground without thorns or stones, but tilled and cultivated with care, so that it can bear good fruit for us and for our brothers and sisters,” he said, explaining that we receive this seed in God’s word each time we go to Mass, which needs “to be accepted, cherished, lived.”

“Also in these summer months, during the holiday time, it’s important to participate each Sunday at this table, drawing light and strength for our journey.”

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« Reply #1686 on: July 13, 2014, 02:07:09 PM »


Pope Discusses Paedophilia and Mafia With Atheist Journalist
Vatican City,  July 13, 2014 

In yet another conversation with former editor and founder of the Italian daily ‘La Repubblica’, Eugenio Scalfari, Pope Francis has touched upon a series of issues including pedophilia in the church, the mafia, the education of young people and knowledge.

In an article published Sunday in ‘La Repubblica’, Scalfari points out that it is the third time he has been to Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican for an open-hearted conversation with the Pope.

Scalfari reports that Pope Francis is extremely sensitive to and preoccupied by the question of pedophilia in the Church. He says Francis revealed that, intending to reassure him, some point out that reports show that there is only a tiny percentage - 2% - of priests affected by pedophilia in the Church, but Francis considers even this figure extremely serious and unacceptable. And regarding this same issue, the Pope forcefully condemns those who, within the Church are silent or perhaps meat out punishment without publically denouncing the crime. And he reaffirms his intention to continue tackling without compromise what he calls “the leprosy of pedophilia”.

Another theme with which the Pope is very concerned – Scalfari says – is the problem of the mafia which he will continue to denounce constantly. And he expressed his desire to get to know better the way the mafia thinks and the way “Mafiosi” profess to practice their religion.

The Pope also had much to say regarding education and expressed his sadness for the fact that in today’s society it appears it doesn’t seem to be the main responsibility of parents any more. Often, he says, parents seem to be too preoccupied with other issues and duties, something he points to as a serious omission saying that to educate a child means to lovingly accompany him or her towards good, giving encouragement and stimulation as the child builds his or her personality and relationships with others. Francis says that educating a child is like tending to a flower patch, protecting it against bad weather, ridding it from parasites.

Amongst other themes touched upon by the Pope during his conversation is the theme of pardon and reconciliation. To Scalfari’s question on the value of repentance at the end of one’s days, perhaps only in fear of the possibility of life after death, the Pope answered: “God knows”. He pointed out that we cannot judge whether that repentance is true or false, but God knows and judges. And this is also true – Francis said – for those who do evil in good faith, thinking that it is good. The Lord establishes his laws – he pointed out – not man. We know that God created man and nothing is unknown to Him because this is what Christ told us.

And regarding the theme of evil and of conscience the Pope said we must study the Books of Wisdom in the Bible and the Gospel. He points out that they contain central questions for theology but also for modern culture, which he highlights, one of the main points of the Second Vatican Council.

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« Reply #1687 on: July 13, 2014, 02:14:02 PM »


Fr. Lombardi's Statement on 'La Repubblica' Article
Vatican City,  July 13, 2014

The Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, issued the following statement this morning in relation to an article on Pope Francis published today in the Italian daily, La Repubblica:
"In the Sunday edition of “La Repubblica” an article by Eugenio Scalfari was prominently featured relating a recent conversation that took place with Pope Francis. The conversation was very cordial and most interesting and touched principally upon the themes of the plague of sexual abuse of minors and the Church’s attitude toward the mafia.

However, as it happened in a previous, similar circumstance, it is important to notice that that words that Mr. Scalfari attributes to the Pope, “in quotations” come from the expert journalist Scalfari’s own memory of what the Pope said and is not an exact transcription of a recording nor a review of such a transcript by the Pope himself to whom the words are attributed.

We should not or must not speak in any way, shape or form of an interview in the normal use of the word, as if there had been a series of questions and answers that faithfully and exactly reflect the precise thoughts of the one being interviewed.

It is safe to say, however that the overall theme of the article captures the spirit of the conversation between the Holy Fahter and Mr. Scalfari while at the same time strongly restating what was said about the previous “interview” that appeared in La Repubblica: the individual expressions that were used and the manner in which they have been reported, cannot be attributed to the Pope.

Let me state two particular examples. We must take into consideration two affirmations that have drawn much attention and that are not attributed to the Pope.  The first is that among pedophiles are also “some cardinals”; and the second regarding celibacy: “I will find solutions.”
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« Reply #1688 on: July 13, 2014, 02:25:26 PM »


The Pope’s conversation with Scalfari and the words Francis never pronounced
andrea tornielli
 vatican city

The content of the article published in today’s issue of La Repubblica newspaper was not an interview, the phrases in speech marks which Francis allegedly pronounced had not been recorded, the author of the article had not taken notes and neither did Francis read said text prior to publication. The quotations contained in the article are a reconstruction from journalist Scalfari’s own memory of what was said during various conversations with the Pope. Francis did not make the comments regarding “paedophile cardinals” that are mentioned in the article, neither did he speak about priestly celibacy in such terms, nor did he say he would come down hard on paedophile priests “like Jesus did.” The fact that Fr. Federico Lombardi immediately contradicted the comments attributed to the Pope in the article, indicates how surprised everyone in St. Martha’s House was to read the news this morning.
But the most surprising thing of all is that this kind of private meeting “takes place following a clear verbal agreement,” a source close tot he Pope explains. “It is basically a cordial conversation to exchange ideas; the content of such meetings is never published. And Scalfari knew this.”
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« Reply #1689 on: July 13, 2014, 08:55:27 PM »


On the Parable of the Sower
Pope Francis' Angelus Address for Sunday, July 13th
Vatican City,  July 13, 2014

Here below is an English translation of Pope Francis’ Angelus address, delivered at midday to faithful and pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square from the window of the study in the Vatican Apostolic Palace.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This Sunday's Gospel (Mt 13:1-23) shows us Jesus' sermon on the shore of Lake Galilee and, because a large crowd around him, he gets on a boat, moving away a little from the shore and preaches from there. When he speaks to the people, Jesus uses many parables: a language comprehensible to everyone, with images drawn from nature and everyday life situations.

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« Reply #1690 on: July 13, 2014, 09:00:32 PM »


Pope Francis sends greetings to the sick and elderly

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday told the sick to be witnesses that God’s love is more precious than material wealth or power.

In a video message to the patients and staff of the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, Pope Francis said that those who experience the fragility of the human body can be powerful witnesses of the fact that the Gospel and the love of God are worth much more than riches and power.

In his message the Pope apologized for having had to cancel a visit to the Hospital scheduled for June 27th. And he expressed his sorrow for the disappointment caused by his last-minute defection to the many who had organized the visit, and to the sick who were looking forward to praying with him. A headache – he said – that he had hoped would vanish during the day had worsened bringing nausea… “And I could not come”.

And the Pope mentioned the current summer season which often brings extra difficulties for the elderly and for the sick who are sometimes left on their own as people go on holiday and services close down.
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« Reply #1691 on: July 14, 2014, 09:30:12 PM »


Gaenswein Passes On Condolences After Germany's World Cup Victory
Monday, July 14, 2014 11:16 AM

Pope Francis and Benedict XVI did not watch the World Cup Final between Argentina and Germany on television last night but the Pope emeritus’ secretary, Archbishop George Gaenswein, passed on his condolences to his counterpart who helps look after the affairs of the Holy Father.

The prefect of the Pontifical Household said he watched the match with the Memores Domini – consecrated women who assist Benedict XVI – and all rooted for Germany, although he said he felt sorry for the Argentines. “They played well but I think in the end Germany won deservedly,” he told Vatican Radio.

Germany beat Argentina 1-0 at the Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro, with the winning goal scored in the final minutes of extra time.

The German archbishop said he had invited Benedict XVI to watch the game which began at 9pm Rome time, but the Pope emeritus declined the match.  “He thanked me and preferred to go to sleep,” he said. 

“Of course, this morning I was going to tell him – but he had already seen my face which expressed a clear message. Then I told him how it went and the result of the match.”

Archbishop Gaenswein said he hadn’t seen Pope Francis but did pass on his “heartfelt condolences” to his secretary, Don Fabián Pedacchio Leaniz.

Asked about the many light-hearted and affectionate comments on social media regarding the two popes and the final, he said he had seen them and was “very glad, because you see how football has the power to unite."

“And then we have seen many things that expressed in a joking way, sometimes in an ironic way, but in the end always in a nice, sincere way,” he said. “I think that this occasion has made it clear there is a nice harmony between the two popes.”
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« Reply #1692 on: July 14, 2014, 09:40:54 PM »


Fr. Zollner: Without Doubt, Pope Is Committed to Tackling Clerical Sex Abuse
Vatican City,  July 14, 2014 

A member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors has refuted accusations from some abuse victim groups that Pope Francis’ recent meeting with six people who had suffered clerical sex abuse victims was a “public-relations stunt.”

Jesuit Father Hans Zollner, who was present for two of the Pope’s personal meetings with victims last Monday, made these remarks in an interview with ZENIT last week.

The chairman of the steering committee of the Center for Child Protection of the Institute of Psychology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome shares not only why Pope Francis is committed to tackling the abuse problem, but also explains why his actions are in continuity with Benedict XVI’s.

Fr. Zollner reveals that Pope Benedict was for him, and for all those who knew about this issue, a hero in combating abuse and in doing whatever could be done to prevent it continuing.

This is the first of a two-part interview, the second of which will be published tomorrow.
ZENIT: Could you describe your role on the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors? With what are you tasked in this role?

Fr. Zollner: At the moment, all of us, except Cardinal O’Malley, have the same role. He is the coordinator of the group, of the commission, of the seven other members, and of the work of the commission for the protection of minors. All the other seven are equal. We are about to add new members. We asked the Holy Father to add new members, especially from those continents from where we don’t have representatives now, which is Africa, Asia, and Oceania.

We have worked on Sunday, quite a bit, to identify people who could be invited and now we wait to see who will be named. For the rest, all of us have certain competences and expertise. I work here at our Center for Child Protection at the Institute of Psychology of the Gregorian University. We have founded this Center that works for the prevention of abuse in four continents. In this sense, I can offer my experience and my contacts to the commission’s work in the line of education and prevention.
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« Reply #1693 on: July 15, 2014, 07:54:43 PM »


Official Website Launched for Pope's Trip to South Korea
Vatican City,  July 15, 2014 

An official site for Pope Francis’ upcoming visit to South Korea has been launched.

Offered in both English and Korean, the website is online and contains information about the Pope’s August 14-18 visit including events, how it's organized, prayers and liturgical celebrations, reported Fides.

The Pope is travelling to South Korea, his third international pilgrimage, for the occasion of the 6th World Youth Day in Asia as well as for the beatification of 124 Korean martyrs.

In addition to providing details about these events, the site gives information about Korea, Pope Francis, and biographical details of those to be beatified. It also includes contact information and the official prayer for the visit. (D.C.L.)
Official site:  http://popekorea.catholic.or.kr/en/
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« Reply #1694 on: July 15, 2014, 08:07:05 PM »


IOR Publishes Annual Report 2013
Vatican City,  July 15, 2014

The Institute for the Works of Religion, commonly known as the Vatican Bank, has published its annual report for 2013. The report follows an independent audit of the finance facility, completed 4 July.
As of 31 December 2013, the IOR held customer assets totalling EUR 5.9bn, and shareholders’ equity of EUR 720m.
IOR Annual Report 2013
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« Reply #1695 on: July 15, 2014, 08:15:11 PM »


Pope calls for protection of unaccompanied child migrants

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis has sent a message to the “Mexico/Holy See Colloquium on Migration and Development”, urging protection for tens of thousands of unaccompanied children who are migrating North from Central America and Mexico in increasing numbers.

The Holy Father’s letter was read to conference participants by Apostolic Nuncio Christophe Pierre.  The conference was also attended by the Vatican's secretary of state Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
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« Reply #1696 on: July 15, 2014, 08:29:56 PM »


Church of England votes for women bishops; move seen as ecumenical snag

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The General Synod of the Church of England voted July 14 to authorize the ordination of women as bishops and approved motions pledging to respect and work with people who believe that, theologically, the vote was a mistake.

 Before the vote, Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, told the synod that "to pass this legislation is to commit ourselves to an adventure in faith and hope. Like all adventures, it carries dangers ... uncertainties and for success will require integrity and courage."

One of those uncertainties is its impact on the search for Christian unity. The Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox churches teach that since Jesus chose only men as his apostles, only men can be ordained priests and bishops.

Father Anthony Currer, the staff person for relations with Anglicans at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, told Catholic News Service the vote "is not creating a new reality for our dialogue," since other provinces of the Anglican Communion, including the United States and Canada, already have women bishops.
Anglican Women Bishops - An Obstacle to Unity?
Rome,  July 15, 2014  (Zenit.org)  Father Dwight Longenecker
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« Reply #1697 on: July 16, 2014, 10:12:42 AM »


Church of England votes for women bishops; move seen as ecumenical snag

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The General Synod of the Church of England voted July 14 to authorize the ordination of women as bishops and approved motions pledging to respect and work with people who believe that, theologically, the vote was a mistake.

 Before the vote, Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, told the synod that "to pass this legislation is to commit ourselves to an adventure in faith and hope. Like all adventures, it carries dangers ... uncertainties and for success will require integrity and courage."

One of those uncertainties is its impact on the search for Christian unity. The Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox churches teach that since Jesus chose only men as his apostles, only men can be ordained priests and bishops.

Father Anthony Currer, the staff person for relations with Anglicans at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, told Catholic News Service the vote "is not creating a new reality for our dialogue," since other provinces of the Anglican Communion, including the United States and Canada, already have women bishops.
Anglican Women Bishops - An Obstacle to Unity?
Rome,  July 15, 2014  (Zenit.org)  Father Dwight Longenecker

This is one of the areas I disagree with the Pope.  But, such a disagreement does not diminish my respect for him.

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« Reply #1698 on: July 16, 2014, 10:52:14 PM »

Oh, Sister...you're not the only one who disagrees.  Probably every non-Catholic, and some Catholics, disagree.

As pope, he is upholding the teachings of the Catholic Church.

He might be coming to the United States in 2015.  Maybe you'll have an opportunity to meet him and engage in a friendly dialogue. 

If interested, you can read the official explanation/teaching in the section "Chapter Three. The Sacraments At The Service Of Communion" from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.   A Table of Contents is provided at the left side of the page; just click on the name of the section above.

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« Reply #1699 on: July 17, 2014, 11:07:50 AM »

Oh, Sister...you're not the only one who disagrees.  Probably every non-Catholic, and some Catholics, disagree.

As pope, he is upholding the teachings of the Catholic Church.

He might be coming to the United States in 2015.  Maybe you'll have an opportunity to meet him and engage in a friendly dialogue. 

If interested, you can read the official explanation/teaching in the section "Chapter Three. The Sacraments At The Service Of Communion" from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.   A Table of Contents is provided at the left side of the page; just click on the name of the section above.


Now wouldn't that be something -- me, meeting the Pope.  I would probably faint from excitement and when recovered not be able to say a word.  He would probably think I was mute or something.  Seriously, what an honor that would be!

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