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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4541374 times)
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« Reply #2660 on: March 21, 2015, 07:18:30 PM »

Pope Francis calls Naples to 'redemption'
2015-03-21 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis celebrated the Eucharist in Naples on Saturday morning. Tens of thousands of people packed into Piazza del Plebiscito, a main square of the southern Italian city, for the open-air Mass. Large tapestries of local saints decorated the square.

During his homily, the Pope called on the city’s residents to embrace the Words of Jesus and to work together for “redemption for Naples.” He also called to conversion all those who lead criminal and corrupt lives.

“Dear Neapolitans, do not allow hope to be stolen from you,” he said. “Do not give in to the lure of easy money or dishonest income. React firmly to organizations that exploit and corrupt the young, the poor and the weak, with the cynical drug trade and other crimes. May corruption and delinquency do not disfigure the face of this beautiful city.”

“To criminals and all their accomplices, the Church repeats: convert to love and justice! Allow yourselves to find the mercy of God! With the grace of God, who forgives all, it is possible to return to an honest life,” he said.

Below is the Vatican Radio translation of the Pope’s complete homily:
Pope Francis Naples visit: Holy Mass - 2015.03.21
Streamed live on Mar 21, 2015
Starts at 10.50 am - Pope Francis will preside over a solemn celebration in Piazza del Plebiscito, and will break the bread of the Word and the Eucharist for the entire Church of Naples.

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« Reply #2661 on: March 21, 2015, 07:31:30 PM »

Pope Francis in Scampia: Good politics against the stink of corruption
2015-03-21 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has spoken out against the ‘stink of a corrupt society’ that leaves young people pray to exploitation in the workplace, marginalizes immigrants and corrodes hope in society.

Continuing his whirlwind trip to Pompeii and Naples, Pope Francis on Saturday morning arrived in Scampia, an impoverished neighourhood close to Naples where he received a rapturous welcome from the community there in John Paul II Square.  It is an area, which Cardinal Cresenzio Sepe described in his address to the Pope during this visit, as a suburb of Naples, which despite its many problems is rich in resources, especially the Parishes that are committed to spreading the Gospel.

The Holy Father heard from three representatives who included Corazon, an immigrant from the Philippines. She told the Pope she was speaking on behalf of those from his community that are immigrant those who are homeless and he asked  Pope Francis to be an authentic voice them.

The Pope also heard from Michele, who spoke to him about the despair of those who can’t find work. He told the Holy Father there are less and less people in his community who have a job before adding that, “we need to believe in the sacredness of work.”

Speaking on behalf of the Prosecutors of Naples, Antonio Bonajuto, President of the Court of Appeal of Naples addressed the Pope describing the effects of corruption in society there saying, “it invalidates public ethics and generates juvenile delinquency, despair and death.”  He then appealed to Pope Francis saying, “Indicate to us, Your Holiness, a path of hope to sustain the commitment of all those who pursue law and justice… To these three speakers the Pope offered words of hope and encouragement.

Below a Vatican Radio translation of Pope Francis’ responses:
Pope Francis meets with People of the Rione Scampia (Naples) - 2015.03.21
Streamed live on Mar 21, 2015
Starts at 9:15 am - Pope Francis Naples vitsit - Meeting with people of the Scampia area and different social groups in Piazza Giovanni Paolo II
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« Reply #2662 on: March 21, 2015, 07:38:57 PM »

Pope to detainees: God never abandons his children
2015-03-21 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Following the celebration of Mass with thousands of faithful at Plebiscito Square, Pope Francis made his way to the Giuseppe Salvia Detention Center of Poggioreale in Naples.

The Pope was welcomed to the center by Antonio Fullone, director of the Detention Center and it’s chaplain, Fr. Franco Esposito.

The highlight of the visit came as he shared lunch with 120 inmates of the prison. His 12 table guests included an Argentinean and the overseer of the prison, some of whom were given the opportunity to ask the Holy Father a few questions.

For his part, the Holy Father addressed the detainees, expressing his happiness at being able to visit them.

He spoke at length with them and engaged in a spontaneous "off-the.cuff" conversation.

In his prepared remarks that were handed to those present, the Pope said he came to bring them “the love of Jesus” who came to the world save everyone.
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« Reply #2663 on: March 21, 2015, 07:55:03 PM »

Pope Francis in Naples: Meeting with clergy and religious
2015-03-21 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis spoke of the ‘terrorism of gossip’ as the biggest sign of the devils work in a meeting with priests, religious and seminarians at Naples Cathedral Saturday.

The Gothic ‘Duomo’ – home to the much revered relic of St. Januarius patron Saint of Naples - was the setting for Pope Francis’ first appointment of the afternoon.

He was welcomed by Cardinal Crescenzio Seppe, the Archbishop of Naples and then surrounded by an enthusiastic group of cloistered nuns who had been given special permission to attend the encounter.
The encounter concluded with the veneration of the relics of St. Januarius, a vile of dried blood which each March 19th on the Feast of the great patron is moved, liquefies and visibly flows again.  It has become inseparable in popular imagination with good fortune.

As the Pope kissed the reliquary, cardinal Sepe announced the blood of St Januarius "is already halfway liquefied". To which Pope Francis calmly responded if the blood only half liquefied it means the Saint thinks we're only half converted. "We must keep going."

Following his encounter with the clergy and religious of Naples, Pope Francis held a closed door encounter with the sick and disabled in the Jesuit Church in Naples.
Pope Francis Naples visit: Meeting with the clergy - 2015.03.21
Streamed live on Mar 21, 2015
Strats at 2.50 pm - Veneration of the relics of Saint Januarius and meeting with the Clergy, Man and Women Religious and Permanent Deacons gathered in the Cathedral

A short video of the miracle?
March 21, 2015
St. Gennaro’s Blood Relic Miraculously Liquefies In The Presence Of Pope Francis In Naples
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« Reply #2664 on: March 21, 2015, 08:02:28 PM »

Pope Francis in Naples: Meeting with youth
2015-03-21 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis denounced a hidden euthanasia of elderly telling thousands of young people gathered on Naples waterfront that family affection is the best medicine for the elderly, solitude their worst poison.

Some 100 thousand young people gathered on Naples waterfront in what was Pope Francis’ last appointment on his busy one day pastoral visit to the southern Italian Campania region.

Greeted to cheers shouted in the local dialect on arriving on the stage the Pope took the microphone to encourage the crowd to shout the name of Jesus and proclaim their faith in Him and not that of the Pope.

Then in what has become the Pope’s preferred form of encounter, people were invited to pose questions for him to answer.  As he responded to the first question on how to recognize God in today’s world, he apologized for reaming seated, confessing his tiredness after a hectic day.
Pope Francis naples visit: meeting with the youth - 2015.03.21
Streamed live on Mar 21, 2015
Starts at 4.50 pm - Pope Francis Meets with young people on the Caracciolo Sea-front.
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« Reply #2665 on: March 22, 2015, 10:57:26 PM »

Francis lunches at Poggioreale prison: Inmates often live in conditions unworthy of the human person

Among the prisoners Francis had lunch with there were transgender people and HIV sufferers as well as guests from other correction centres in the southern Italian region in Campania.
Pope Francis reached Poggioreale prison before 1 pm and arrived by Popemobile. The menu for today’s lunch, which was prepared by the inmates working in the prison kitchens, was as follows: Baked macaroni, roast meat with potatoes and a rich buffet with Neapolitan sweets. The table used for the lunch was placed inside the prison church and 90 inmates were chosen to attend the lunch. Among them were ten people from a ward housing transgender, gay inmates and HIV-infected inmates. The Pope was seated at the centre of a table with 12 inmates. He was sat beside an Argentinian inmate and opposite the prison warden. The lucky inmates were chosen at random from among the 1,900 inmates being held at the Naples prison. Antignani, a local pastry shop sent 1,800 Neapolitan Baba au rhums to the prison.

At Poggioreale, the Pope was greeted by a delegation of inmates from prisons in Secondigliano, from the judicial psychiatric hospital in Naples and the juvenile detention centre in Nisida. The Pope was also greeted by the director of the “Giuseppe Salvia” Detention Centre, Antonio Fullone, the commanding officer Gaetano Diglio and the prison chaplain, Fr. Franco Esposito. Along the corridor that led to the chapel Pope Francis greeted management, prison police and some members of staff working at the detention centre. More greetings were exchanged after lunch. Apparently neither the two inmates chosen for the opening greetings nor the Pope pronounced their speeches but delivered them. Claudio Fabian, an Argentinian inmate spoke on behalf of his fellow inmates at Poggioreale while Pasquale represented the inmates of Secondigliano. Claudio said: “We prisoners are forgotten by everyone: the government, the institutions, everyone except God, Jesus Christ and the Church.” “Here in prison I discovered God and Lord Jesus through the weekly catechesis, Sunday mass and your book ‘Mente abierta, corazón creyente’ which my mother sent me from Argentina.” “Will we who have been stigmatised for life, marginalised, excluded from so many integration programmes, be welcomed outside of these walls?” Pasquale, the other inmate asked. The Pope then spoke off the cuff, apparently underlining that God is always present in prison.
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« Reply #2666 on: March 22, 2015, 11:03:23 PM »

Pope calls on Christians to express their faith in action
22/03/2015 15:25

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis says the lives of Christians must be coherent and express faith in action.

Speaking to the crowds gathered in a rainy St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus, the Pope invited all believers to always bear in mind the message of the Gospel, the image of the Crucified Lord, and the need to be witnesses of faith

Calling on Christians to express their faith in action, the Pope also turned to those who have yet to experience an encounter with Christ offering the gift of a pocket-sized Gospel in which “we can meet Jesus, listen to Him, and get to know Him”. 

And commenting on the fact that 50 thousand copies of the Gospel were being distributed in the Square by 300 homeless people, the Pope said “this is a beautiful gesture” that Jesus approves: “those who are most needy are the ones who are giving us the Word of God”.

“Take it – he said – keep it in your pocket or in your handbag and read a passage a day. God’s word lights up our path. It will do you good!”

Reflecting on the reading for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, the Pope said that John tells of a group of Greeks of Jewish faith who came to Jerusalem to celebrate a feast day and said to Philip “We would like to see Jesus”. Francis pointed out that there were many people in the Holy city including High Priests, political leaders as well as ordinary citizens and people like those “Greeks” who were curious to get to know Jesus and to learn of his life.

And repeating the words “We would like to see Jesus”, Pope Francis said that there are many amongst us who would like to see Jesus, who are in search of his life-giving message. To them – he said – “there are three things we can offer: the Gospel, the crucifix and our witness”.
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« Reply #2667 on: March 23, 2015, 09:45:56 PM »“where_there_is_no_mercy_there_is_no_justice”/1131468

Pope: “Where there is no mercy there is no justice”
23/03/2015 13:36

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Monday warned against righteous hypocrisy and urged Christians to be merciful.

During his homily at morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta, the Pope reflected on the Gospel readings of the day and on another Gospel passage pointing out that “where there is no mercy there is no justice”.

Referring to three women in the Bible, Pope Francis said they represent three allegorical figures of the Church.

The women he said are: Susanna - an innocent woman; an adulteress – a sinner; and a poor and needy widow.

They symbolize – the Pope said – the holy Church, the sinning Church and the needy Church.

They are all judged and ‘condemned’ by judges who are evil and corrupt.

Speaking of the Scribes and the Pharisees who took the adulteress before Jesus, Francis said their hearts were corrupted by rigidity:  “they thought they were pure because they observed the law” (…) but they did not know mercy” he said.
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« Reply #2668 on: March 23, 2015, 09:49:06 PM »

Pope Francis To Review Encyclical on Ecology This Week
Vatican City,  March 23, 2015

Following his pastoral visit to Naples and before the start of Holy Week, Pope Francis will have a relatively light week, a Vatican spokesman says.

This morning in the Holy See Press Office, its vice-director, Father Ciro Benedettini, informed journalists present that the Pope will be using this week to review the encyclical.

The Pope's week of review, Fr. Ciro pointed out, had been mentioned on the papal flight this January from Sri Lanka to the Philippines.

At that point, Fr. Ciro said, "we learned the Holy Father planned to spend a week in March focusing on the encyclical, but which one had not been said. Now, we know it's this week."

The Holy Father, along with the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, headed by Cardinal Peter Turkson, is writing his first encyclical on ecology, marking the second encyclical of his pontificate.

The first was Lumen Fidei, released June 29, 2013.

Father Ciro confirmed that it is expected to be released before the summer.
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« Reply #2669 on: March 24, 2015, 02:42:27 PM »“may_holy_week_help_us_accept_god’s_ways”_/1131757

Pope: “May Holy Week help us accept God’s ways”
24/03/2015 13:08

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Tuesday invited all Christians to accept God’s love without being critical and making objections.

He was speaking during the homily at morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta

Taking his cue from the Bible reading of the day that speaks of how the children of Israel complained against God during their journey through the desert and of how they objected to the “wretched food” provided, the Pope pointed out that God offers us salvation in a thousand different ways but too often we are incapable of accepting his “divine ways”.

He said that as narrated in the reading from the Book of Numbers the Lord sent in punishment saraph serpents which bit the people and many of them died.

So Moses prayed for the people and obeying the Lord’s command, mounted a bronze serpent on a pole giving salvation to anyone who looked at it after being bitten.

Only Moses’s intercession, and the symbol of the cross on which Christ will die – the Pope said – provides salvation from the poison of the snakes.

And describing the attitude of many Christians today as “spiritually whimsical”, Francis said that we often commit the same kind of error, “becoming sullen and grumbly”.
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« Reply #2670 on: March 25, 2015, 05:29:00 PM »

Pope calls for renewed prayers for Synod on the Family
2015-03-25 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) At a rain-soaked General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis called for renewed prayers for the upcoming Synod of Bishops in the Family.

After meeting briefly with a group of sick people gathered in the Paul VI Hall, Pope Francis greeted pilgrims in Saint Peter’s Square. The Pope began his reflection by noting that March 25th, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, marks a special stage in the journey of catechesis on the family, a moment to pause for prayer. The Annunciation, the “beginning of the mystery of the Incarnation” shows that God willed for His Only-begotten Son to not only be conceived in the womb of a mother, but to be welcomed into a true family. Pope Francis led his audience in the recitation of the Hail Mary as a means of contemplating the beauty of this relationship between God and mankind.

The Holy Father then noted that March 25th is celebrated in many countries as the Day of Life; it is also the twentieth anniversary of the encyclical Evangelium vitae by St John Paul II. Pope Francis noted that the family occupies a central place in the encyclical. “The words of my venerable Predecessor remind us that the human couple was blessed by God from the beginning to form a community of love and life, to which He entrusted the mission of procreation,” the Pope said, and Christian spouses open themselves to the blessing of children.

The Church too, he said, “is solemnly committed to the care of the family that results from it, as a gift of God for her own life, in good fortune and in bad: the bond between the Church and the family is sacred and inviolable.” The Church never abandons families, even when they are weak and wounded, but always seeks to heal them.

To complete this mission, the Pope continued, there is great need for prayer, prayer which is full of love for the family and for life. For that reason, Pope Francis asked for a great renewal of our prayers for the upcoming Synod of Bishops on the Family, set for next October. “I would like for this prayer, and the whole Synod journey, to be animated by the compassion of the Good Shepherd for His flock, especially for persons and families that, for different reasons, are ‘troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd’.” Everyone, from the Pope to the lay faithful, are called to pray for the Synod. There is great need for prayer, he repeated, and not for gossip or chatter.
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« Reply #2671 on: March 25, 2015, 05:33:07 PM »

Pope Francis sends condolences to families of plane crash victims
25/03/2015 07:59

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has expressed his closeness to the families of the victims of a plane crash in the French Alps.

In a telegram released on Tuesday, the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin writes that the Holy Father “joins in the grief of the families” of the victims, which include many children.  Pope Francis is also praying for those who died “entrusting them to the mercy of God” and he has  expressed his sympathy for all those affected by the tragedy, including rescue workers who are carrying out their duties in difficult conditions.
Below, please find the full text of the telegram for the air crash in France:

Having learned of the tragic plane crash in the region of Digne, which caused many casualties, including many children, His Holiness Pope Francis joins in the grief of the families, expressing his closeness to them in sorrow. He prays for peace for the deceased, entrusting them to the mercy of God that He might welcome them into His dwelling place of peace and light. He expresses his deep sympathy for all those touched by this tragedy, as well as for the rescue workers working in difficult conditions. The Holy Father asks the Lord to give strength and consolation to all, and, as a comfort, he invokes upon them the abundance of divine Blessings.

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« Reply #2672 on: March 25, 2015, 05:39:30 PM »

Brother of beheaded British hostage David Haines to attend Pope's General Audience

(©AP) The Pope with Mike Haines and Barbara Henning

The British Embassy to the Holy See has issued a statement informing that Mike Haines - the brother of David Haines, who was murdered by ISIL in September 2014 - will be meeting Pope Francis at the end of the General Audience in the Vatican on Wednesday 25 March 2015. Mr. Haines will be accompanied by Imam Shahnawaz Haque, from East London.

Since his brother’s brutal murder, Mike Haines has dedicated his time and effort to spreading a message of tolerance among all faiths, coming together to unite against extremism.  He will share this message with Pope Francis, the Embassy statement says.

In October 2014, Mike Haines signed a joint letter with Barbara Henning – the widow of Alan Henning who was murdered by ISIL in 2014 -,  calling for “unity of people of all faiths in our society” and urging “churches, mosques, synagogues to open their doors and welcome people of all faiths”, the Embassy adds.
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« Reply #2673 on: March 25, 2015, 05:49:02 PM »,_vatican_museums/1131914

Homeless to visit Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museums
25/03/2015 08:05

(Vatican Radio) The Office of Papal Charities has organized a special visit to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel for a group of 150 homeless people.

On Thursday, March 26th, through the initiative of the Papal Almoner Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, the artistic treasures of the Vatican Museums will be opened up to poor, who usually only see the steps of the colonnade of St. Peter’s Square.

The visit is set for the early afternoon. After arriving at the Petrine entrance, the guests will be divided into three groups for guided tours. Before arriving at the Museums, the groups will enjoy a privileged visit to grounds of Vatican City, passing by the Casa Santa Marta and behind the apse of Saint Peter’s Basilica.
Finally, after the explanation by the guides and a common prayer, the group will be treated to a dinner hosted by the Office of Papal Charities.
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« Reply #2674 on: March 26, 2015, 10:08:12 PM »

Pope leads worldwide prayer for peace
2015-03-26 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday morning began a special prayer for peace as part of the 500 centenary celebrations marking the birth of St Teresa of Avila. The Pope led the hour of prayer at the Casa Santa Marta before saying Mass along with the Superior General of the Discalced Carmelite Order, Father Saverio Cannestrà.

The worldwide Teresian family is participating in this initiative including Carmelite priest Fr Eugene McCaffrey from the Avila Carmelite Centre in Dublin, Ireland, who is also written on St Teresa.
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« Reply #2675 on: March 26, 2015, 10:11:17 PM »

Pope at Santa Marta: Faith, not cold doctrine, brings joy
2015-03-26 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio)  It is not “cold doctrine” that brings joy, but faith, and the hope of meeting Jesus.  He who cannot rejoice is an unhappy believer: that’s what Pope Francis said in his homily at Thursday morning’s Mass in Santa Marta in the Vatican:

Abraham’s joy upon hearing that as God promised, he may become a father inspired Pope Francis’ reflection Thursday.  Commenting on the day’s readings, Pope Francis remarked that Abraham is old, as well as his wife Sara, but he believes and opens "his heart to hope" and is "full of consolation." Jesus reminds the doctors of the law that Abraham "rejoiced" to see his day "and was full of joy":

"And that's what these doctors of the law did not understand. They did not understand the joy of promise; they did not understand the joy of hope; they did not understand the joy of the alliance. They did not understand! They did not know how to rejoice, because they had lost the sense of joy that only comes from faith. Our father Abraham was able to rejoice because he had faith; he was justified in the faith. These others had lost faith. They were doctors of the law, but without faith! But what’s more: they had lost the law! Because the center of the law is love, love for God and neighbor. "
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« Reply #2676 on: March 26, 2015, 10:25:02 PM »

Pope Francis to meet, celebrate Mass with relatives during Turin visit

Rome, Italy, Mar 26, 2015 / 08:48 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A son of Italian immigrants, Argentinian native Pope Francis will have the opportunity to meet with distant relatives during his visit to Turin for the first time since coming to Italy after his election.

The family members Francis will meet during his trip “are cousins. Different cousins and various other family members. I don't know them, I only know that there are some from Turin,” Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia told journalists March 25.

The archbishop, who oversees the Turin diocese, spoke with journalists during a press briefing announcing the details of the Pope’s June 21-22 visit this summer.
Programme of the Holy Father's visit to Turin

Vatican City, 25 March 2015 (VIS) – On Sunday 21 June the Pope will visit Turin. Francis will arrive in the Italian city at 8 a.m. and, half an hour later, will meet with representatives of the world of work in the Piazzetta Reale. From there, he will move on to the Cathedral where he will pray before the Holy Shroud and before the altar of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. At 10.45 a.m. he will celebrate the Eucharist in Piazza Vittorio and will recite the Sunday Angelus prayer.
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« Reply #2677 on: March 26, 2015, 10:30:20 PM »

The exhibition of the Holy Shroud of Turin
2015-03-26 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio/VIS) A press conference was held in the Holy See Press Office on Wednesday to present the upcoming exhibition of the Holy Shroud of Turin (Turin, 19 April – 24 June 2015), on the occasion of the second centenary of the birth of St. John Bosco, which will be specially dedicated to the young and to those who suffer. The Pope will also make a pilgrimage to Turin from 21 to 22 June.

The speakers at the conference were the Archbishop of Turin, Cesare Nosaglia, Papal guardian of the Shroud; Elide Tisi, mayor of the city; Roberto Gottardo, president of the diocesan commission for the Shroud; and Rev. Luca Ramello, director of youth pastoral ministry for the diocese.

Archbishop Nosaglia explained that the Shroud represents, for the Universal Church, a point of reference of the first order for the life of the faith of many people and communities, who in this image recognise the signs of the Lord's passion, of Jesus who “inspires our lives and challenges us to fully realise our deepest vocation. Therefore”, he added “the theme I have chosen for the next exhibition is 'The Greatest Love': the gift of salvation which is made visible in our response, the worship of God and service to our brothers”.
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« Reply #2678 on: March 26, 2015, 11:48:52 PM »

Pope Francis to visit White House Sept. 23

Washington D.C., Mar 26, 2015 / 09:08 am (CNA/EWTN News).- U.S. officials have confirmed that Pope Francis will make a stop at the White House to meet with President Barack Obama on Sept. 23, during his trip to the United States for the World Meeting of Families.

“The President and the First Lady will welcome His Holiness Pope Francis to the White House on Wednesday, September 23,” said a March 26 statement from the White House press secretary.

“During the visit, the President and the Pope will continue the dialogue, which they began during the President’s visit to the Vatican in March 2014, on their shared values and commitments on a wide range of issues, including caring for the marginalized and the poor; advancing economic opportunity for all; serving as good stewards of the environment; protecting religious minorities and promoting religious freedom around the world; and welcoming and integrating immigrants and refugees into our communities.”
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« Reply #2679 on: March 27, 2015, 10:26:02 PM »

Pope greets homeless in Sistine Chapel: this is your home
2015-03-27 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis made a surprise visit to greet 150 homeless people who were given a special tour of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican Museums Thursday by the papal charitable office. It was a brief, affectionate and emotional encounter.

The Pope crossed the threshold of the Sistine Chapel to the disbelief of his guests, saying this visit and meeting are “a small caress - because this is the home of all; it is your home. The doors are always open for everyone. "

The Pope thanked Mgr. Konrad Krajewski, head of the Elemosineria, the Apostolic charity office, for arranging the visit and told his guests, "I need the prayers of people like you."

He left them with the blessing: "May the Lord keep you, help you on the journey of life - and make you feel His tender, fatherly love."
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