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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4541400 times)
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« Reply #2720 on: April 11, 2015, 08:56:51 PM »

Pope Francis presents Bull of Indiction of Jubilee of Mercy
2015-04-11 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Saturday afternoon proceeded with the presentation of the official Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, set to begin December 8.

The bull is the fundamental document for the Holy Year that outlines the overall spirit and intentions for the Jubilee, as well as the spiritual fruits that are hoped for.

It was read by Fr Leonardo Sapienza, Regent of the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household, in a ceremony by the Holy Door of St Peter’s Basilica.

Pope Francis then moved into the basilica to preside Vespers for Divine Mercy Sunday.

The 28-page bull, titled “Misericordiae Vultus” or “The Face of Mercy” opens with the declaration, “Jesus is the face of the Father’s mercy. These words might well sum up the mystery of the Christian faith.”
In the document, Pope Francis says the Holy Year is “dedicated to living out in our daily lives the mercy” which God “constantly extends to all of us.”

He explains the year will begin on December 8 to commemorate both the feast of the Immaculate Conception and the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council, which called the Church to proclaim the Gospel to the world in new ways, bringing God’s mercy to everyone.

After the Holy Door of St Peter’s is open on December 8, the Holy Doors of the other papal basilicas will be opened in subsequent days. As well, as a sign of communion of the whole Church, the pope has requested that every diocese in the world open a similar “Door of Mercy” for the local celebrations of the Jubilee.

The document develops three main themes.
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« Reply #2721 on: April 11, 2015, 09:06:24 PM »

Pope: Mercy is “the beating heart of the Gospel”
Posted on April 11, 2015

Pope Francis preaches in St. Peter’s Basilica, explaining why he’s called a Holy Year. (Screen grab)

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis formally presented his official proclamation of the 2015-2016 extraordinary jubilee or Holy Year of Mercy this evening before celebrating vespers in St. Peter’s Basilica.

The proclamation, called a “bull of indiction,” is titled “Misericordiae Vultus” (“The Face of Mercy”) and explains how in Jesus Christ, in his words and actions, the mercy of God has been revealed.

Pope Francis said in the document that he wants the year, which will begin Dec. 8, to be a time for Catholics to contemplate just how merciful God has been to them and to understand better how they are called to be merciful to others in turn.

Mercy, the pope wrote, is “the beating heart of the Gospel.”

“How much I desire that the year to come will be steeped in mercy, so that we can go out to every man and woman, bringing the goodness and tenderness of God,” he wrote. “May the balm of mercy reach everyone, both believers and those far away, as a sign that the kingdom of God is already present in our midst.”

Nothing in the church’s preaching or witness, he said, can be lacking in mercy

The Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica decorated this evening. (Screen grab)

Pope Francis asked that every diocese in the world designate a “Door of Mercy” at their cathedral or another special church or shrine, and that every diocese implement the “24 Hours for the Lord” initiative on the Friday and Saturday before the fourth week of Lent. In Rome the last two years, the pope has opened the celebration with a penance service in St. Peter’s Basilica and churches around the city were open for the next 24 hours for confessions and eucharistic adoration.
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« Reply #2722 on: April 11, 2015, 09:14:58 PM »

Pope Francis: Now is the time for mercy

Vatican City, Apr 11, 2015 / 11:12 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In a world marked by suffering and fierce persecution – especially of Christians – now “is the time for mercy,” Pope Francis said, speaking at the vigil for the Feast of Divine Mercy.

Reflecting on the ongoing persecution faced by Christians, the Pope said, “our prayer is all the more intense and becomes a cry for help to the Father, who is rich in mercy, that he may sustain the faith of our many brothers and sisters who are in pain.”

For our part, we are to seek the grace of “conversion of our own hearts,” whereby we are moved “from indifference to compassion,” he added.

The pontiff made these remarks during his homily for Evening Vespers in St. Peter’s Basilica, minutes after a public proclamation of the Jubilee for Mercy in front of the Holy Door.

The Jubilee is an Extraordinary Holy Year that will open this year on Dec. 8 – the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception – and will close Nov. 20, 2016 with the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

The Pope first announced the Year of Mercy on March 13, the second anniversary of his pontifical election, during a Lenten penitential liturgy in St. Peter’s Basilica.

Mercy is a theme that is dear to Francis, and is the central topic of his episcopal motto “miserando atque eligendo,” which he chose when ordained a bishop in 1992.

Speaking the evening before the Feast of Divine Mercy, which falls on the first Sunday after Easter, Pope Francis recalled Jesus’ words to his disciples, “Peace be with you!”

During the Easter season, he said, this concept of peace “remains the desire of so many people who suffer unprecedented violence of discrimination and death simply because they bear the name ‘Christian’.”
Pope Francis: homily for Divine Mercy Vespers
2015-04-11 Vatican Radio
Celebration of First Vespers of Divine Mercy Sunday - 2015.04.11
Streamed live on Apr 11, 2015
Starts at 5:25 PM - Pope Francis presides at the celebration of the First Vespers of the Divine Mercy Sunday, with the publication of the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee of Mercy.
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« Reply #2723 on: April 11, 2015, 10:10:16 PM »

April 11, 2015 Tweet
Rocco Palmo @roccopalmo 
  ·  10h 10 hours ago   
In sweeping text declaring Holy Year, Pope calls church to show "the face of mercy" – html/pdf of fulltext:

Saturday, April 11, 2015




Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy. These words might well sum up the mystery of the Christian faith. Mercy has become living and visible in Jesus of Nazareth, reaching its culmination in him. The Father, “rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4), after having revealed his name to Moses as “a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Ex 34:6), has never ceased to show, in various ways throughout history, his divine nature. In the “fullness of time” (Gal 4:4), when everything had been arranged according to his plan of salvation, he sent his only Son into the world, born of the Virgin Mary, to reveal his love for us in a definitive way. Whoever sees Jesus sees the Father (cf. Jn 14:9). Jesus of Nazareth, by his words, his actions, and his entire person reveals the mercy of God.
Link to html full text of "MISERICORDIAE VULTUS" -

Link to pdf full text of "MISERICORDIAE VULTUS" -
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« Reply #2724 on: April 11, 2015, 10:22:57 PM »

Pope encourages religious to be witnesses
2015-04-11 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met with an international group of formators of religious life on Saturday at the Vatican, encouraging them to be witnesses of the beauty of consecrated life.

The group of about 1,300 was in Rome to participate at the five-day conference in Rome, which had as its theme “Living in Christ according to the way of Life of the Gospel.” The conference was organized by the Congregation for Consecrated life and Societies of Apostolic Life and is meant to coincide with the Year for Consecrated Life, which Pope Francis proclaimed last November.

In his prepared remarks, the Pope urged these religious to “transmit the beauty of consecration with their own witness.” He said the witness of a novice master begins with “a strong friendship with the only Master”— Christ.

He reminded them of the privilege of working as a formator, calling it a participation “in the work of the Father, who forms the heart of the Son in those whom the Spirit has called.”

The Pope urged them to be attentive to every aspect of formation, including vocational discernment so that “the crisis of quantity” in vocations might not become “a crisis of quality.”

The Pope cautioned them not to get discouraged by failures, for even failures can help the formator to grow. Though they may feel unappreciated at time, the Pope reminded them that the Lord follows them with love and the entire Church is grateful for their work.
Below is Vatican Radio’s full translation of the Pope’s message:
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« Reply #2725 on: April 12, 2015, 04:44:44 PM »

Pope focuses on Divine Mercy in Mass for Armenians
2015-04-12 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) On Divine Mercy Sunday, the Second Sunday of Easter, Pope Francis celebrated Solemn Mass for the Centenary of the Armenian Martyrdom.

During the Liturgy, the Holy Father proclaimed the great Armenian Saint Gregory of Narek a Doctor of the Church.

Pope Francis processed into the Basilica of Saint Peter flanked by the Catholicoi Karekin II and Aram I of the Armenian Apostolic Church, with the Patriarch Catholicos Nerses Bedros XIX a few paces ahead. Patriarch Nerses concelebrated Mass with the Holy Father.

Greeting the Armenian faithful who had come to Rome for the event, Pope Francis spoke out boldly against cruelty, recalling the occasions when he had previously spoken of “a third world war” being fought piecemeal, a war “in which we daily witness savage crimes, brutal massacres and senseless destruction.” Today, he said, “we are experiencing a sort of genocide created by a general and collective indifference, by the complicit silence of Cain…”
Holy Mass for the faithful of Armenian Rite - 2015.04.12
Streamed live on Apr 12, 2015
Starts at 8.55 AM - Pope Francis presides at the celebration of Holy Mass on the Second Sunday of Easter, liturgical feast of Divine Mercy, for the faithful of Armenian Rite
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« Reply #2726 on: April 12, 2015, 05:33:08 PM »

Opening address of Pope Francis to the Armenian Rite faithful during the Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday

"On a number of occasions I have spoken of our time as a time of war, a third world war which is being fought piecemeal, one in which we daily witness savage crimes, brutal massacres and senseless destruction. Sadly, today too we hear the muffled and forgotten cry of so many of our defenceless brothers and sisters who, on account of their faith in Christ or their ethnic origin, are publicly and ruthlessly put to death – decapitated, crucified, burned alive – or forced to leave their homeland.
Today too we are experiencing a sort of genocide created by general and collective indifference, by the complicit silence of Cain, who cries out: “What does it matter to me? Am I my brother’s keeper?” (cf. Gen 4:9; Homily in Redipuglia , 13 September 2014).
In the past century our human family has lived through three massive and unprecedented tragedies. The first, which is widely considered “the first genocide of the twentieth century” (JOHN PAUL II and KAREKIN II, Common Declaration , Etchmiadzin, 27 September 2001), struck your own Armenian people, the first Christian nation, as well as Catholic and Orthodox Syrians, Assyrians, Chaldeans and Greeks. Bishops and priests, religious, women and men, the elderly and even defenceless children and the infirm were murdered. The remaining two were perpetrated by Nazism and Stalinism. And more recently there have been other mass killings, like those in Cambodia, Rwanda, Burundi and Bosnia. It seems that humanity is incapable of putting a halt to the shedding of innocent blood. It seems that the enthusiasm generated at the end of the Second World War has dissipated and is now disappearing. It seems that the human family has refused to learn from its mistakes caused by the law of terror, so that today too there are those who attempt to eliminate others with the help of a few and with the complicit silence of others who simply stand by. We have not yet learned that “war is madness”, “senseless slaughter” (cf. Homily in Redipuglia , 13 September 2014).
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« Reply #2727 on: April 12, 2015, 05:37:41 PM »

Text of Pope's Homily for Divine Mercy Sunday
Vatican City,  April 12, 2015

Here below is the Vatican-provided official English translation of Pope Francis' prepared homily for this morning's Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday in St. Peter's Basilica:
Saint John, who was in the Upper Room with the other disciples on the evening of the first day after the Sabbath, tells us that Jesus came and stood among them, and said, “Peace be with you!” and he showed them his hands and his side (Jn 20:19-20); he showed them his wounds.  And in this way they realized that it was not an apparition: it was truly him, the Lord, and they were filled with joy.

On the eighth day Jesus came once again into the Upper Room and showed his wounds to Thomas, so that he could touch them as he had wished to, in order to believe and thus become himself a witness to the Resurrection.

To us also, on this Sunday which Saint John Paul II wished to dedicate to Divine Mercy, the Lord shows us, through the Gospel, his wounds.  They are wounds of mercy.  It is true: the wounds of Jesus are wounds of mercy.
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« Reply #2728 on: April 12, 2015, 05:42:42 PM »

Message of Pope Francis to Armenians
2015-04-12 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis delivered a Message to all Armenians on Sunday, presenting the President of Armenia, Serž Azati Sargsyan, Catholicos Karekin II, Catholicos Aram I, and Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX, with copies at the end of Mass marking the centenary of the Medz Yeghern in which more than 1 million Armenians under Ottoman rule were driven from their homes, dispossessed and killed. Below, please find the full text of the Message in its official English translation.
Dear Armenian Brothers and Sisters,

A century has passed since that horrific massacre which was a true martyrdom of your people, in which many innocent people died as confessors and martyrs for the name of Christ (cf. John Paul II and Karekin II, Common Declaration, Etchmiadzin, 27 September 2001).  Even today, there is not an Armenian family untouched by the loss of loved ones due to that tragedy: it truly was “Metz Yeghern”, the “Great Evil”, as it is known by Armenians.  On this anniversary, I feel a great closeness to your people and I wish to unite myself spiritually to the prayers which rise up from your hearts, your families and your communities.

Today is a propitious occasion for us to pray together, as we proclaim Saint Gregory of Narek a Doctor of the Church.  I wish to express my deep gratitude for the presence here today of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, and His Beatitude Nerses Bedros XIX, Patriarch of Cilicia of Armenian Catholics.
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« Reply #2729 on: April 12, 2015, 05:49:28 PM »

Greetings of Catholicos Aram I of Cilicia
12/04/2015 10:39

Catholicos Aram I with Pope Francis, 2014

(Vatican Radio) The Catholicos of Cilicia of the Armenians, His Holiness Aram I, offered greetings and thanks to Pope Francis following Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on Sunday. Please find the full text of his remarks, below.
This is indeed a unique moment in our modern history; a moment marked by ecumenical and pan–Armenian symbolism. I would like to highlight three significant aspects of this historical moment.

First, we are grateful for Your Holiness’ initiative in celebrating a holy mass in the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican in commemoration of the one–and–a–half million martyrs of the Armenian Genocide.  As St. Paul says, “To die in Christ is to live”  (Phil. 1:21).  The Armenian martyrs belong to the “cloud of witnesses surrounding us” (Hebr. 12:1). With their faith, hope and vision, they have sustained and guided the life of our people during the past 100 years. We remember the words of the 2nd century church father Tertullian, “The blood of martyrs is the seed of the church.” The canonization of the martyrs by the Armenian Church will fortify our people’s faithfulness to their sacred legacy.
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« Reply #2730 on: April 12, 2015, 06:20:57 PM »

Pope Francis: Julian Easter greetings at Regina coeli
12/04/2015 15:36

Regina coeli, April 12, 2015

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis offered Easter greetings to all Christians who follow the Julian calendar, and who are celebrating the great feast of the Resurrection this Sunday. "Christós anésti!" said Pope Francis, speaking to the faithful following the Regina coeli prayer - "The LORD is Risen!" The Holy Father went on to say, "Let us greet all our brethren of the East on this their Easter Sunday," inviting the gathered faithful to do so with a round of applause.

Ahead of the traditional Eastertide prayer of Marian devotion, the Holy Father focused on the Gospel reading of the day, which tells the story of Thomas the Apostle, who doubted the resurrection until he saw the Risen Lord and probed His wounds. "[Thomas] was able to touch the Paschal mystery that fully manifests the salvific love of God, rich in mercy," said Pope Francis.
Regina Coeli - 2015.04.12
Streamed live on Apr 12, 2015
Starts at 12:00 pm - The Holy Father recites the Regina Coeli, which in the Easter Season and until the Pentecost replaces the Angelus, and then issues greetings to the faithful.
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« Reply #2731 on: April 12, 2015, 06:30:44 PM »

Turkey Recalls Ambassador Over Pope's Armenia Genocide Words
APRIL 12, 2015, 4:23 P.M. E.D.T.

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Sunday marked the 100th anniversary of the slaughter of Armenians by calling the massacre by Ottoman Turks "the first genocide of the 20th century" and urging the international community to recognize it as such. Turkey immediately responded by recalling its ambassador and accusing Francis of spreading hatred and "unfounded claims."

Francis issued the pronouncement during a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica commemorating the centenary that was attended by Armenian church leaders and President Serge Sarkisian, who praised the pope for calling a spade a spade and "delivering a powerful message to the international community."

"The words of the leader of a church with 1 billion followers cannot but have a strong impact," he told The Associated Press.

Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks around the time of World War I, an event widely viewed by scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century.

Turkey, however, denies a genocide took place. It has insisted that the toll has been inflated and that those killed were victims of civil war and unrest.

Francis defended his words by saying it was his duty to honor the memory of the innocent men, women and children who were "senselessly" murdered by Ottoman Turks.

"Concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding without bandaging it," he said.
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« Reply #2732 on: April 13, 2015, 08:52:59 PM »

Francis: evangelize, don’t ‘advertise;’ speak frankly
2015-04-13 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio)  The Church is a place of "openness" where people should say things with frankness.  That’s what Pope Francis said at the morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican on Monday.  The Pontiff added that only the Holy Spirit is able to change our attitude, the story of our lives, and to give us courage – just as the Apostles were inspired by Christ’s Resurrection.

"We cannot keep silent [about] what we have seen and heard," Pope Francis said in his homily, alluding to the day’s First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles where Peter and John ask the Lord to enable them to speak freely and openly.

Speak frankly without fear

The Pontiff recalled that Peter and John, having performed a miracle, had been jailed and threatened by the priests not to speak in the name of Jesus.  But they continue to do so and when they return to the others, they encourage them to proclaim the Word of God “with frankness."  They entreat the Lord “to take note of their threats” and enable His “servants”  “to not flee” but to proclaim His Word “boldly.”

"And  today too, the Church's message is the message of the path of openness, the path of Christian courage,” the Pope said.  “These two simple [men]- as the Bible says – with no education, had courage.  A word that can be translated as 'courage,' 'straightforwardness,' 'freedom to speak,' ‘not being afraid to say things' ... It’s a word that has many meanings, in its original form. Parrésia, that frankness ... and their fear gave way to 'openness,’ to saying things with freedom. "

Francis then reflected on the Gospel passage today that recounts the somewhat “mysterious” dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus," regarding "second birth” and  "having a new life, different from the first."

Proclaiming Christ, without "advertising"
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« Reply #2733 on: April 13, 2015, 08:55:16 PM »

Pope Francis names members of Roman Curia
2015-04-13 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio)  The Vatican has announced that Pope Francis has included among members of Dicasteries of the Roman Curia the following Cardinals created in the public Consistory of 14 February 2015:

1) In the Council of Cardinals and Bishops of the Section for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State, His Eminence Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura;

2) in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, His Eminence Cardinal Ricardo Blazquez Perez, Archbishop of Valladolid (Spain);
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« Reply #2734 on: April 13, 2015, 08:59:11 PM »

Ninth Meeting of Council of Cardinals Begins
Vatican City,  April 13, 2015

The ninth meeting of the Council of Cardinals desired by Pope Francis to assist him in the governance of the Universal Church to study the plans for reforming the Apostolic Constitution “Pastor Bonus” on the Roman Curia has begun today at the Pope's residence, Casa Santa Marta, in the Vatican.

The meeting will continue until Wednesday, April 15. As is customary, the Holy Father will be absent from the morning meetings on the final day as he will address the faithful during his weekly General Audience.

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« Reply #2735 on: April 14, 2015, 08:34:35 PM »

Pope: Christians must not hoard their riches but offer them to the needy
2015-04-14 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis says that Christians must not hoard their riches, but offer them in service to the needy.

He was speaking on Tuesday morning during Mass at the Casa Santa Marta

Taking his cue from a passage of the Acts of the Apostles that describes life in the first Christian community, Pope Francis said that a community that is renewed in the Spirit seeks harmony and endures suffering with patience.

Referring to the four characteristics that defined the first Christian community of Jerusalem as a place of unity and love, the Pope said the first is harmony; the second is common good:

“A community that is renewed in the Spirit has the grace of unity and harmony. The only one who can give us harmony is the Holy Spirit because he is harmony between the Father and the Son. The second characteristic is common good: ‘no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own,but they had everything in common, there was no needy person among them’. Yes, there were some rich persons, but their riches were offered in service of the community. These are two characteristics of a community that lives in the Spirit”.
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« Reply #2736 on: April 14, 2015, 08:37:15 PM »

Pope: Exodus at heart of 2015 World Day for Vocations
2015-04-14 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio)  “’Exodus’ is at the heart of vocation…our response to the vocation God gives us:” that’s what Pope Francis says in his Message for this year’s  World Day of Prayer for Vocations celebrated Sunday 26 April.   Recalling the biblical exodus from slavery in Egypt and, “ the origins of the amazing love story between God and his people,” Pope Francis calls the faithful to “decisively” turn their lives to the Lord. In his message for this, the 52nd World Day for Vocations, the Pope urges us to “leave behind our comfort and the inflexibility of our ego in order to centre our life in Jesus Christ” and to embrace the Church’s evangelizing mission in everything we do and everywhere we go.
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« Reply #2737 on: April 14, 2015, 08:40:28 PM »

April-June 2015 Calendar of Papal Celebrations
2015-04-14 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio)  The Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations, Msgr. Guido Marini has issued the calendar of celebrations to be presided by Pope Francis from April to June 2015.  We publish the dates below:

APRIL 2015

26    IV Sunday of Easter :   St. Peter’s Basilica, 9:30 a.m. - Holy Mass with priestly ordinations to be followed at 12 noon by the Regina Coeli.

MAY 2015
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« Reply #2738 on: April 14, 2015, 08:46:22 PM »

Pope Francis to travel to Sarajevo
14/04/2015 14:47

[Vatican Radio] The Vatican has released the programme for Pope Francis’ upcoming trip to Sarajevo, the Capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovin, taking place on Saturday June 6th. The one-day visit will be the Holy Father’s 9th trip outside of Italy.

After an early departure from Rome’s Fumicino Airport, the Pope's plane will touch down at Sarajevo airport at 9am local time. After an official welcome he will be taken to the Presidental Palace for courtesy visit to the President of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Mladen Ivanic. He will also deliver a speech to the members of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The highlight of the trip will be a Mass held in the city's Kosevo stadium, at which the Holy Father will preside and deliver the Homily.
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« Reply #2739 on: April 14, 2015, 08:51:27 PM »

Pontifical Academies launch anti-trafficking website
2015-04-14 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) The Pontifical Science Academies have launched a new website aimed at combatting the worldwide scourge of human trafficking. The website builds on the success achieved over the past year by the ecumenical Global Freedom Network, including a joint declaration against modern slavery signed by Pope Francis and leaders of different faith communities in countries around the world.

The new site, includes Catholic and Anglican resources, as well as links to international anti-trafficking legislation and details of upcoming events organised by the Pontifical Academies for Sciences and Social Sciences.
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