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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515580 times)
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Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #320 on: June 30, 2013, 03:47:46 PM »

thank you for all these up-dates grace-land.  I read them with much interest.

You're welcome, Sister!  It's good to hear that they are of interest to you.  It's been interesting to read his homily and how he communicates the gospel message and applies it to all who hear him--and in a very simple and informal way. 

I find the other articles very educational--the interaction of the pope with various dignitaries, religious leaders, pilgrims at mass or St. Peter's Square, etc.  I think that he will continue to lead his church in the right direction with the appropriate reforms that are needed to make it relevant in the 21st Century and beyond.  jmho
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« Reply #321 on: June 30, 2013, 03:53:00 PM »


2013-06-30 12:31:42
Pope Francis: Sunday Angelus (full text)

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis prayed the Angelus on Sunday with faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square. In remarks before the traditional prayer of Marian devotion, the Holy Father spoke of the conscience as the interior space in which we can listen to and hear the truth, the good, the voice of God. Pope Francis praised his predecessor, Benedict XVI, as a model of docile attention to the voice of one’s conscience. “Pope Benedict XVI has given us a great example in this sense,” he said. “When the Lord had made it clear, in prayer, what was the step he had to take, he followed, with a great sense of discernment and courage, his conscience, that is the will of God speaking to his heart.” Below, please find Vatican Radio’s translation of the Holy Father’s remarks. Listen: RealAudioMP3
Dear brothers and sisters,

This Sunday's Gospel (Lk 9:51-62) shows a very important step in the life of Christ: the moment in which, as St Luke writes, "[Jesus] steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem. (9:51 )” Jerusalem is the final destination, where Jesus, in his last Passover, must die and rise again, and so to fulfill His mission of salvation.

From that time, forth, after the steadfast decision, Jesus aims straight for the finish line, and even to the people he meets and who ask to [be allowed to] follow Him, He says clearly what are the conditions: not having a permanent abode; knowing how to detach oneself from familiar affections; not succumbing to nostalgia for the past.

Jesus also said to his disciples, charged with preceding Him on the way to Jerusalem to announce His coming, not to impose anything: if they do not find willing welcome, they are [simply] to proceed further, to move on. Jesus never imposes. Jesus is humble. Jesus extends invitations: “If you want, come.” The humility of Jesus is like this: He always invites us. He does not impose.
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« Reply #322 on: June 30, 2013, 04:02:41 PM »


Pope Francis: Benedict Retirement Decision Showed Courage
06/30/13 10:41 AM ET EDT

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Sunday praised his predecessor, Benedict XVI, for courageously following his conscience in deciding to retire.

Benedict became the first pontiff in 600 years to quit the post when he resigned in February, paving the way for Francis' election as pope two weeks later.

By lauding Benedict's surprise choice to step down, Francis put his papacy on record as supporting the move and leaving himself and future popes a possible way to leave what is traditionally an office held until death.

Francis told pilgrims, tourists and Romans in St. Peter's Square on Sunday that God made Benedict understand through prayer the step he had to take.

Benedict, then 85, explained when announcing his intention to resign that he felt he didn't have the mental and physical strength to continue as pontiff. The rare resignation dismayed some traditionalists in the Catholic church. But Francis praised Benedict for following his conscience "with a great sense of discernment and courage."

"We must learn to listen more to our conscience," said Francis, speaking from a window of the Apostolic Palace to the crowd in the square below.

"This doesn't mean following one's own ego, doing whatever interests us, whatever suits us, whatever pleases us," the pope said. Instead, "conscience is an interior space for listening to the truth, to good" and to God who "speaks to my heart and helps me to discern, to understand the path I must follow, and once the decision is taken, to go forward, to remain faithful."

"We have had a recent marvelous example of this relationship with God in our conscience," Francis said, citing his predecessor's resignation. "Pope Benedict XVI has given us a great example in this sense, when the Lord made him understand , in prayer, what step he had to take. He followed, with a great sense of discernment and courage, his conscience, that is, the will of God who was speaking to his heart."
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #323 on: June 30, 2013, 05:33:37 PM »

Read with great interest . . . yes, Pope Benedict showed much courage.  I am glad Pope Francis recognizes this.
The United Methodist Church has a mandatory retirement age -- if I remember correctly it is 72.  Although ordained ministers after that age can still be a part of a church, preach, give sacraments, etc. they are officially retired and are under the "guidance" of another ordained minister.

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #324 on: July 01, 2013, 10:54:42 PM »

Read with great interest . . . yes, Pope Benedict showed much courage.  I am glad Pope Francis recognizes this.
The United Methodist Church has a mandatory retirement age -- if I remember correctly it is 72.  Although ordained ministers after that age can still be a part of a church, preach, give sacraments, etc. they are officially retired and are under the "guidance" of another ordained minister.

Agree.  It was a courageous act for him to resign.  I read that it was rough for him during the first three weeks after his resignation, but he is doing better now. 

I think that in the Catholic Church, the mandatory retirement age is 70 for priests; age 75 for bishops and archbishops; age 8o for cardinals; and there is no mandatory retirement age for the popes.  They are usually elected for a life term; however, they can resign for a serious reason.  IIRC, the last pope to resign, before Pope Benedict, was 500 years ago.

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« Reply #325 on: July 01, 2013, 11:01:45 PM »


2013-07-01 13:57:22
Pope Francis: prayer requires courage, tenacity

(Vatican Radio) We must pray with courage to the Lord, and with tenacity just as Abraham did. That’s what Pope Francis said to the faithful gathered for early morning Mass in the chapel of the Vatican guest house Santa Marta Monday. The Pope reiterated that praying is also “negotiating with the Lord,” even coming “out of left field” as Jesus teaches us.
Listen to Tracey McClure's report: RealAudioMP3
Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and Secretary Bishop Brian Farrell concelebrated today’s mass which was attended by members and staff of the same council.

In his homily, Pope Francis referred to Abraham’s courage and tenacity in appealing to the Lord to spare the city of Sodom from destruction. Pope Francis drew from the First Reading, observing that “Abraham is a courageous man and prays with courage.” Abraham, he said, “finds the strength to speak face to face with the Lord and attempts to defend that city.” And he does it with tenacity. In the Bible therefore, the Pope said, we can see that “prayer must be courageous.”

“When we speak of courage we always think of apostolic courage – going out to preach the Gospel, these sort of things…But there’s also (the kind of) courage (demonstrated) before the Lord. That sense of paralysis before the Lord: going courageous before the Lord to request things. It makes you laugh a bit; this is funny because Abraham speaks with the Lord in a special way, with this courage, and one doesn’t know: is this a man who prays or is this a‘phoenician deal’ because he’s bartering the price, down, down…And he’s tenacious: from fifty he’s succeeded in lowering the price down to ten. He knew that it wasn’t possible. Only that it was right…. But with that courage, with that tenacity, he went ahead.”

Sometimes, the Pope said, one goes to the Lord “to ask something for someone;” one asks for a favor and then goes away. “But that,” he warned, “is not prayer,” because if “you want the Lord to bestow a grace, you have to go with courage and do what Abraham did, with that sort of tenacity.” The Pope recalled that Jesus himself tells us that we must pray as the widow with the judge, like the man who goes in the middle of the night to knock on his friend’s door. With tenacity.
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« Reply #326 on: July 01, 2013, 11:05:38 PM »


2013-07-01 21:10:50
IOR Director and Deputy Director resign. Communique' of the Press Office of the Holy See

President Ernst von Freyberg to assume General Director duties ad interim – IOR-Directorate offers resignations – Promontory seconding top level executives to fill the roles of Deputy Director and Chief Risk Officer

Vatican/Holy See 1. July 2013 – IOR-Director Comm. Paolo Cipriani and Deputy Director Dott. Massimo Tulli have offered their resignations from their current positions. After many years of service both have decided that this decision would be in the best interest of the Institute and the Holy See. The Oversight Council and the Commission of Cardinals have accepted their resignations and asked President Ernst von Freyberg to assume the functions of the General Director ad interim with immediate effect. The Vatican regulator AIF has been informed accordingly. The Special Commission appointed on June 26 2013 has acknowledged the decision.
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« Reply #327 on: July 01, 2013, 11:10:02 PM »


2013-07-01 13:25:48
Pope to travel to the Italian island of Lampedusa

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis will travel on the morning of the 8th of July to the Italian island of Lampedusa. According to a communiqué released from the Holy See Press Office, the Holy Father has been deeply touched by the recent sinking of a boat carrying migrants from Africa, the latest in a series of similar tragedies.

While on the island the Pope will pray for those who lost their lives at sea, he will also visit survivors and refugees, encourage inhabitants of the island and appeal to the responsibility of all to ensure that proper care is taken of these brothers and sisters in great need
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« Reply #328 on: July 01, 2013, 11:15:40 PM »


Vatican bank director, deputy resign amid scandal
5:26 p.m. EDT July 1, 2013

ROME (AP) — The director of the embattled Vatican bank and his deputy resigned Monday following the latest developments in a broadening finance scandal that has already landed one Vatican monsignor in prison and added urgency to Pope Francis' reform efforts.

The Vatican said in a statement that Paolo Cipriani and his deputy, Massimo Tulli, stepped down "in the best interest of the institute and the Holy See."

Cipriani, along with the bank's then-president, was placed under investigation by Rome prosecutors in 2010 for alleged violations of Italy's anti-money-laundering norms after financial police seized 23 million euro ($30 million) from a Vatican account at a Rome bank. Neither has been charged and the money was eventually ordered released.

But the bank, known as the Institute for Religious Works, or IOR, has remained under the glare of prosecutors and now Francis amid fresh concerns it has been used as an offshore tax haven.
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« Reply #329 on: July 01, 2013, 11:25:58 PM »


Pope Francis' first Encyclical to be released on July 5th
2013-07-01 13:09:14

July 01, 2013. (Romereports.com) The Vatican announced that Pope Francis' first encyclical will be titled 'Lumen Fidei,' which translates to 'The Light of Faith.' The encyclical was started by Benedict XVI when he was still Pope. Francis finished it, describing it as a 'strong text.'

It will be presented on July 5th, by Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet and by archbishops Gerhard Müller and Rino Fisichella.

Encyclicals are open letters, where Pontiffs write  a religious and social message, to all people of good will.
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« Reply #330 on: July 02, 2013, 10:12:19 PM »


2013-07-02 12:10:03
Pope at Mass: Courage in spite of our weaknesses

(Vatican Radio) Christians are called to be courageous in their weakness. We must recognize that we are weak and that, at times, we have to flee from sin without nostalgia, without looking back. We must not let temptation or fear keep us from God. Instead we must learn that ‘he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day!’ This was the lesson at the heart of Pope Francis’ homily at morning Mass on Tuesday. Emer McCarthy reports, Listen: RealAudioMP3

Acting with hesitancy, always looking back, being afraid to turn to the Lord, the grace of the Holy Spirit. Pope Francis took his cue from the daily readings to dwell on four "possible attitudes in conflict situations, in difficult situations." The first attitude is that of the "slowness" of Lot. He decided to leave the city before it was destroyed, but he does so slowly. The angel tells him to run away, but he carries within an '"inability to detach himself from evil and sin." The Pope noted that we want to go out, we are determined, "but there is something that pulls us back," and so Lot begins to negotiate even with the angel.

"It’s so hard to cut ties with a sinful situation. It is hard! Even in a temptation, it's hard! But the voice of God tells us this word: 'Escape! You cannot fight there, because the fire, the sulfur will kill you. Escape!' St. Therese of the Child Jesus taught us that sometimes, in some temptations, the only solution is to escape and not be ashamed to escape; to recognize that we are weak and we have to escape. And our popular wisdom, in its simplicity, says as much, somewhat ironically: 'he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.' Escaping to go forward along the path of Jesus."
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #331 on: July 03, 2013, 07:49:46 AM »

Read with great interest . . . yes, Pope Benedict showed much courage.  I am glad Pope Francis recognizes this.
The United Methodist Church has a mandatory retirement age -- if I remember correctly it is 72.  Although ordained ministers after that age can still be a part of a church, preach, give sacraments, etc. they are officially retired and are under the "guidance" of another ordained minister.

Agree.  It was a courageous act for him to resign.  I read that it was rough for him during the first three weeks after his resignation, but he is doing better now. 

I think that in the Catholic Church, the mandatory retirement age is 70 for priests; age 75 for bishops and archbishops; age 8o for cardinals; and there is no mandatory retirement age for the popes.  They are usually elected for a life term; however, they can resign for a serious reason.  IIRC, the last pope to resign, before Pope Benedict, was 500 years ago.

I believe that's correct.  Yes, very courageous and selfless.  I am glad he is doing better.  He has my utmost respect.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #332 on: July 03, 2013, 07:51:07 AM »


Vatican bank director, deputy resign amid scandal
5:26 p.m. EDT July 1, 2013

ROME (AP) — The director of the embattled Vatican bank and his deputy resigned Monday following the latest developments in a broadening finance scandal that has already landed one Vatican monsignor in prison and added urgency to Pope Francis' reform efforts.

The Vatican said in a statement that Paolo Cipriani and his deputy, Massimo Tulli, stepped down "in the best interest of the institute and the Holy See."

Cipriani, along with the bank's then-president, was placed under investigation by Rome prosecutors in 2010 for alleged violations of Italy's anti-money-laundering norms after financial police seized 23 million euro ($30 million) from a Vatican account at a Rome bank. Neither has been charged and the money was eventually ordered released.

But the bank, known as the Institute for Religious Works, or IOR, has remained under the glare of prosecutors and now Francis amid fresh concerns it has been used as an offshore tax haven.

nothing is sacred . . . and I do mean nothing.  So sad.  Not just in the Catholic church, but everywhere.

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #333 on: July 03, 2013, 09:45:12 PM »


2013-07-03 11:49:15
Pope at Mass: We encounter the Living God through His wounds

(Vatican Radio) To meet the living God we must tenderly kiss the wounds of Jesus in our hungry, poor, sick, imprisoned brothers and sisters. Study, meditation and mortification are not enough to bring us to encounter the living Christ. Like St. Thomas, our life will only be changed when we touch Christ’s wounds present in the poor, sick and needy. This was the lesson drawn by Pope Francis during morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta Wednesday as he marked the Feast of St. Thomas Apostle.

Jesus after the Resurrection, appears to the apostles, but Thomas is not there: "He wanted him to wait a week - said Pope Francis - The Lord knows why he does such things. And he gives the time he believes best for each of us. He gave Thomas a week. " Jesus reveals himself with his wounds: "His whole body was clean, beautiful, full of light - said the Pope - but the wounds were and are still there" and when the Lord comes at the end of the world, "we will see His wounds". In order to believe Thomas wanted to put his fingers in the wounds.

"He was stubborn. But the Lord wanted exactly that, a stubborn person to make us understand something greater. Thomas saw the Lord, was invited to put his finger into the wounds left by the nails; to put his hand in His side and he did not say, 'It's true: the Lord is risen'. No! He went further. He said: 'God'. The first of the disciples who makes the confession of the divinity of Christ after the Resurrection. And he worshiped Him”.
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« Reply #334 on: July 03, 2013, 10:04:17 PM »

video at the link


Seminarians and novices flock to Rome for special event with Pope Francis
2013-07-03 14:35:16

July 03, 2013. (Romereports.com) Between July 4th and 7th, Rome will be the center of a special event dedicated to seminarians and novices from all over the world. According to the Vatican, the city will welcome more than 6 thousand people from at least 70 countries around the world.

Most of these pilgrims will be youths, so the event will in a way be a preview of WYD in Rio.
The train of celebrations in the Eternal City has been organized by the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization.

President, Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization
“I think that the presence of thousands and thousands of young people in Rome will be a witness of joy, first of all, and a witness that youths today can be once again able, even with difficulty, to follow Jesus Christ.”
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« Reply #335 on: July 03, 2013, 10:08:14 PM »


POPE-TRIPS Jul-3-2013
Chilean archbishop says pope will go to Africa, Asia next year

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Chilean Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello of Santiago told his people he hoped Pope Francis would visit Argentina on a South American tour in 2015, but he said the pope told him the 2014 trip schedule was already full.

Pope Francis will travel to meet Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, will make "another trip to Africa and another to Asia" in 2014, Archbishop Ezzati said in an interview published July 2 on his archdiocesan website.

The Vatican press office said it had no information to release on the pope's 2014 schedule.
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« Reply #336 on: July 03, 2013, 10:24:10 PM »


Need for joint witness of faith
Published: 7 July 2013

VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis met with a 30-member delegation from the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations during a private audience at the Vatican Apostolic Palace recently.

The committee is dedicated to furthering dialogue and developing relations with various international religious bodies such as the Holy See's Commission on Religious Relations with the Jews, the Orthodox Christian Church, and the World Council of Churches.

Addressing the members as his "elder brothers and sisters", Pope Francis welcomed them to the Vatican, which concluded a series of meetings between the Jewish committee and the Catholic Church aimed at fostering dialogue.
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« Reply #337 on: July 04, 2013, 12:50:53 PM »


2013-07-04 12:50:54
Pope Francis: the courage of children of God

(Vatican Radio) We are sons of God thanks to Jesus: no one can take away this “identity card.” That was Pope Francis’ message during Mass on Thursday at the Casa Santa Marta.

The Pope’s homily centred on the Gospel of the healing of a paralytic. In the beginning of the day’s Gospel, Jesus says to him: “Courage, child, your sins are forgiven.” Perhaps, the Pope Francis said, this person remained “unsettled” because he wanted to be physically healed. Then, faced with the criticism of the scribes – who among themselves had accused him of blasphemy, “because only God can forgive sins” – Jesus healed his physical condition. In reality, the Pope explained, the healings, the teaching, the strong words against hypocrisy were “only a sign, a sign of something more that Jesus was doing,” namely, the forgiveness of sins: In Jesus the world is reconciled with God. This is “the most profound miracle”:

“This reconciliation is the re-creation of the world: this is the most profound mission of Jesus. The redemption of all of us sinners; and Jesus does this not with words, not with gestures, not walking along the street. No! He does it with His flesh! It is He Himself, God who became one of us, a human, to heal us from within, [He came] to us sinners.”
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« Reply #338 on: July 04, 2013, 01:07:16 PM »


Pope now has over 7.2 million followers on Twitter
Wednesday, Jul 3, 2013, 9:15 IST

Pope Francis now has more than 7.2 million followers on microblogging website Twitter, where his tweets are published in nine languages.

The Argentine Pope's tweets in Spanish at his @Pontifex account have the highest number of followers (some 2.73 million), followed by his English tweets (around 2.6 million).
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« Reply #339 on: July 05, 2013, 06:28:39 PM »


2013-07-05 13:53:55
God's mercy at heart of Pope's daily homily

(Vatican Radio) The heart of God’s message is mercy: that’s what Pope Francis told staff of the Vatican’s Governatorate gathered for daily mass Friday at the Santa Marta guest house inside the Vatican. Together with the pope, Cardinal Jorge Liberato Urosa Savino, Archbishop of Caracas concelebrated the early morning liturgy which coincided with Venezuela’s national holiday.
Listen to our report: RealAudioMP3

In his homily, Pope Francis drew on the Gospel reading from Matthew: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” Pope Francis repeated Jesus’s words to the Pharisees who criticize the Lord for sharing a meal with sinners. The taxpayers, he explained, “were sinners twice because they were attached to money and were also traitors of the country” in the sense that they collected taxes from their own people for the Romans. Jesus, then, sees Mathew, the tax collector, and looks upon him with mercy:

Matthew, he says, feels Jesus’s gaze upon him and “he feels stunned; he hears Jesus’ invitation: ‘Follow me! Follow me!’ At that moment, this man is full of joy but he’s also doubtful because he’s also very attached to money. It just took a moment – and we see how (the artist) Caravaggio was able to capture it: that man who was looking, but also, with his hands, was taking the money. Only a moment in which Matthew says yes, leaves everything and goes with the Lord. It is the moment of mercy received and accepted: ‘Yes I’m coming with you!’ And it is the first moment of the meeting, a profound spiritual experience.”
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