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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515860 times)
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« Reply #4120 on: April 18, 2016, 09:15:37 PM »


Pope Francis: Jesus is the door, path, voice to heed
18/04/2016 11:41

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said Mass on Monday morning in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican. Following the Readings of the Day, the Holy Father offered some reflections on the theme of docility to Christ, who is the door through which we must pass if we would enter into eternal life, the way we must take if we are to reach eternal life, and the voice of the teacher who has words of eternal life.

Drawing especially on the Reading from the Gospel according to St. John (Jn. 10:1-10), Pope Francis recalled the Lord’s words – at once a warning and a promise – echoing the readings of Good Shepherd Sunday the day before. “He who does not enter the sheepfold by the door,” but tries another way, “is a thief and a robber,” he said. Christ is the door, stressed Pope Francis, “and there is no other.”

Always ask ourselves if we take decisions in the name of Jesus

Pope Francis went on to note the simplicity of the language with which Jesus addresses His teachings to the people – a simplicity of imagery that conveys profound truths in a powerful way. “Jesus,” he said, “always spoke to people with simple images: all those people knew what a shepherd’s life was like, because they saw it every day.” They also understood, therefore, what it meant to say, “you enter only through the gate of the sheep pen,” and that anyone trying to get in by any other way was up to no good:

“The Lord thus clearly says: you cannot enter eternal life by any entryway that is not the door – that is not Jesus. He is the door of our life – and not only of eternal life, but also of our daily lives. Any decision I take, I take either in the name of Jesus, passing by way of the door of Jesus, or I take it a little – shall we say in simple language – through the smuggler’s hatch [It. contrabbando]? We enter the enclosure through the door, which is Jesus.”

Follow Jesus, not fortune tellers and alleged visionaries
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« Reply #4121 on: April 19, 2016, 08:01:26 PM »


Pope: Christians with hardened hearts are like orphans
2016-04-19 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Christians who harden their hearts and refuse to be drawn towards Christ are like orphans, without a father. That was Pope Francis message on Tuesday as he reflected on the daily readings during his homily at Mass in the Vatican’s Santa Marta chapel.

Pope Francis began his sermon by recalling the question that the skeptical Jews kept asking Jesus every time he performed a miracle, preached in the temple or pointed the way to the Father:

 “How long are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.”

That question, which the Pope said the Scribes and Pharisees repeat in many different ways, springs from a heart that is closed and blind to the faith. As Jesus explains in today’s Gospel reading, “you do not believe, because you are not among my sheep”. Being part of God’s flock, he said, is a grace which requires an open heart.

“My sheep hear my voice”, Jesus says in that reading, “I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand”. Have these sheep studied how to follow Jesus and then believed, the Pope asked? No, he said, citing the words from St John’s Gospel, “My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all”. It is the Father who gives the sheep to the shepherd. It is the Father who draws our hearts to Jesus.
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« Reply #4122 on: April 19, 2016, 08:05:06 PM »


Pope Francis to Centro Astalli: 35 years of service, witness
2016-04-19 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Tuesday delivered a video message to the administration, staff, volunteers, and guests of the Centro Astalli welcome centre for refugees in Rome, which is operated by the Society of Jesus through the Jesuit Refugee Service in Italy. The Centro Astalli is marking the 35th anniversary of its founding.

Below, please find Vatican Radio’s English translation of the Holy Father’s remarks in the video message
Dear refugees, volunteers, workers  and friends of the Centro Astalli,

During this year of Mercy, we’re marking the 35th anniversary of Jesuit Service for refugees in Italy, an activity that has been above all a walk together, as one people. And this is beautiful and just!

We must continue with courage: “I was a stranger and you invited me in” cfr Mt 25,35
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« Reply #4123 on: April 20, 2016, 07:54:51 PM »


Pope meets Austrian Skiing Federation
2016-04-20 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Before his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis greeted athletes from the Austrian Skiing Federation in the Paul VI complex, telling them they were models especially for young people. But he also reminded them that sport was not just about performance, it was also about the virtues and values that sport represents such as, commitment, perseverance, determination, honesty, solidarity, and team spirit.

“By your example”, the Pope continued, “you contribute to the shaping of society”, adding, “always be messengers of the uniting power of sport and hospitality”.
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« Reply #4124 on: April 20, 2016, 08:01:21 PM »


Pope Audience: Distinguish between the sin and the sinner
2016-04-20 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) In his continuing catechesis for this Holy Year of Mercy during his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis drew inspiration from the Gospel episode of Jesus’ dinner at the home of Simon the Pharisee.

He said, "All of us are sinners, so many times we fall into the temptation of hypocrisy, believing that we are better than the other ”, but he continued, look at your sin, all of us need to look at our sins, our mistakes and look to the Lord,” because, he added, "this is the lifeline, the relationship between the sinner and the Lord."

The Pope was referring to the story from St Luke in which a woman known as a sinner comes up to Jesus, and bathes his feet in her tears and anoints them with precious perfume, but the Pharisee judges the woman by appearances. However, Jesus, underlined the Holy Father, distinguishes between the "sin and the sinner."

The Lord, continued Pope Francis teaches Simon that “the woman’s act, as an expression of faith and trust in God’s mercy has merited the forgiveness of her sins.”
Pope Audience: Appeals for Ukraine and Ecuador
2016-04-20 Vatican Radio

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« Reply #4125 on: April 20, 2016, 08:04:14 PM »


Pope prays for victims of Chernobyl disaster 30 years on
2016-04-20 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday prayed for the victims of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station disaster 30 years from the tragedy.

Addressing the various groups of pilgrims of different nationalities present in St. Peter’s Square for the General Audience, the Pope had special greetings for those from Ukraine and Belarus.

Mentioning the International Conference that has been organized to mark the anniversary, Pope Francis said he is “praying for the victims of that disaster while expressing appreciation and gratitude to those who have assisted them and for the initiatives aimed at alleviating their suffering and the damage.”
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« Reply #4126 on: April 20, 2016, 08:10:35 PM »


First meeting of XIV Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops
2016-04-20 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis this week presided over the first meeting of the XIV Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops.

A statement released on Wednesday said the meeting, which took place from 18-19 April, began with a speech by  the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri. In his remarks, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri thanked Pope Francis for his presence, as well as for the recent publication of the , Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia.

The Ordinary Council then considered the results of the consultation taken to identify the theme of the next Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The consultation included offices of the Roman Curia, Episcopal Conferences, the Eastern Churches, and the Union of Superiors General. After much discussion, a list of proposed topics was submitted to the Holy Father for his consideration.

Finally, the members of the Council discussed the revision of the Ordo of the Synod of Bishops. Bishop Fabio Fabene, the Under-Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, gave a report on the study seminar organized by the Secretariat  following the speech given by Pope Francis on October 17, 2015
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« Reply #4127 on: April 20, 2016, 08:14:54 PM »

April 20, 2016 Tweets

Rocco Palmo ‏@roccopalmo  · 13h  13 hours ago 
In 2-day first meeting, rebooted Synod Council (members below) advises Pope on next cycle's topic, procedure changes

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« Reply #4128 on: April 21, 2016, 08:56:17 PM »


Mass at Santa Marta - Journey and remembrance
2016-04-21 L’Osservatore Romano

Along the path of life we never walk alone, and in order to remember that God is beside us, he helps us understand that salvation is not a momentary event but a history that unfolds day by day, amid successes and failures, until the final encounter. The parallel between the history of the people of Israel and that of the individual Christian guided Pope Francis’ meditation during Mass at Santa Marta on Thursday morning, 21 April.

We should appreciate this history, because “remembering brings us closer to God”, the Pontiff said. Thus, he recalled, the day’s reading from The Acts of the Apostles (13:13-25) regarding the first preaching by Jesus’ Apostles “was historic”. In preaching the Gospel, “they arrived at Jesus, but by retelling the whole history of the People of Israel”, starting with “father Abraham”, moving on through “Moses, the deliverance from Egypt, the Promised Land”, until, regarding King David, they concluded: “From this man’s descendants God, according to his promise, has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus”. In this way they gave an historical account of the journey that God “had made with his people”.
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« Reply #4129 on: April 21, 2016, 09:00:26 PM »


Pope Francis greets Italian Caritas chapters
2016-04-21 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis told members of Italy’s Diocesan Caritas chapters their mission is to express “concrete love for every human person, with a preferential option for the poor.”

The Caritas network of Italy is holding its national convention in Rome. The local chapters are part of the international Caritas family, which helps the poor, vulnerable, and excluded across the world.

“Given the challenges and contradictions of our time, Caritas has the difficult – but fundamental – task of making sure charitable service become everyone’s task; that is, the whole Christian community becomes the subject of charity,” said Pope Francis.
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« Reply #4130 on: April 22, 2016, 08:18:42 PM »


Pope: A Christian cannot keep quiet about announcing Gospel
22/04/2016 13:00

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Friday urged Christians to have the courage to announce the good news about Jesus, just like the Apostles who testified to Christ’s resurrection even at the cost of their lives. The Pope’s words came during his morning Mass at the Santa Marta residence where he said announcing the Gospel, intercession and hope are the three interlinked dimensions of a Christian life. Friday (April 22nd) marked the 43rd anniversary of the religious profession of Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

In his homily Pope Francis reflected on the three lynchpins that he said should mark the life of a believer: announcing the Gospel, intercession and hope. The heart of this announcement for a Christian, he explained, is that Jesus died and rose from the dead for our salvation. This, he continued, is what the Apostles did before the Jews and the pagans and their testimony was made even at the cost of their lives, their own blood.
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« Reply #4131 on: April 22, 2016, 08:22:38 PM »


ABP Pierre, new Nuncio to USA: 'Pope's message is the Gospel'
2016-04-22 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the newly-appointed Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, says the message of Pope Francis for the American people is the message of the Gospel.

Archbishop Christophe Pierre was appointed to the post by the Holy Father on 12 April, having previously served as the Apostolic Nuncio to Haiti, Uganda, and most recently Mexico for nine years.

In an interview with Christopher Wells, the Apostolic Nuncio noted the continuance of his ministry through the influence of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas.

Archbishop Pierre said the apparition of Our Lady to St. Juan Diego was not an apparition to one person, but to an entire people. "Pope Francis told us at the beginning of his last trip that this is the foundation of Mexico. He wanted to spend some time with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, not just to look at her, but to be looked at by her, and to look at the people with the eyes of Mary."

Role of Apostolic Nuncio

Turning to his role as Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Pierre said "I've been serving the Pope for nearly 40 years in many Nunciatures. We are essentially representatives of the Pope... The difficulty or challenge of the Nuncio is to listen, to be careful about what is going on, to understand, to exercise dialogue, to discover the beauty, the richness of the culture, and to help the inculturation of the Gospel in a particular culture. And to help the Pope understand and those who work with him to understand what is going on, and maybe also to help the local Church to relate to the Pope, not as something that is contrary to the life of the Church but [as something] enriching."
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« Reply #4132 on: April 22, 2016, 08:27:08 PM »


Holy See "firmly rejects" illegal drugs; opposes legalization
2016-04-22 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) The Holy See’s Permanent ******* to the United Nations in New York, Archbishop Bernardito Auza, on Thursday “firmly” rejected the use of illegal drugs and the legalization of the use of narcotics.

The Vatican diplomat, quoting Pope Francis, said “a reduction in the spread and influence of drug addiction will not be achieved by a liberalization of drug use… [and] attempts, however limited, to legalize so-called recreational drugs are not only highly questionable from a legislative standpoint but they fail to produce the desired effect.”

Archbishop Auza was addressing a UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem.

“The negative effect of illicit drug use on the family extends to the community, and leads ultimately to the destabilization of civil society,” he said.

“People suffering from drug abuse require all the support we can give them, including comprehensive health and social services that are accessible, effective and affordable,” continued Archbishop Auza.

“Not all crimes related to illicit drugs are of equal gravity. International drug traffickers, local pushers and drug users have to be treated differently according to the principle of proportionality,” – the Vatican diplomat added ­– “Disproportionate responses would be against the spirit of justice, and would not help in the rehabilitation of those who have become addicted to illicit drugs.”

The full text of Archbishop Auza’s speech is below
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« Reply #4133 on: April 23, 2016, 06:30:05 PM »


Teens take centre stage at Jubilee event
2016-04-23 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) The Jubilee for teens got underway Saturday as part of the celebrations for the Extraordinary Year of Mercy. The theme for this three day event is "Growing merciful as the Father”, and brings together 70 thousand teenagers from here in Italy and all over the world.

The event kicked off with a pilgrimage to the Holy Door, followed by confessions which were heard by the priests present and by Pope Francis himself, in the colonnade of St Peter’s Basilica.

Later on Saturday the teens will travel to Rome’s Olympic Stadium where there will be a video message from the Holy Father.

Meanwhile, on Sunday morning the 13 to 16 year olds will be back in St Peter’s Square for a Mass presided over by Pope Francis.

Among those who have traveled to Rome to be at this event is the Sullivan family from North Carolina in the United States
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« Reply #4134 on: April 23, 2016, 06:36:12 PM »


Pope Francis hears confessions of 16 teens in St. Peter's Square
2016-04-23 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis surprised thousands of teenagers in St. Peter's Square by personally hearing confessions for more than an hour Saturday morning.

The Holy Father administered the Sacrament of Reconciliation to 16 teenage boys and girls gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Jubilee for Teens.

Most people celebrate their feast day eating cake.

Not Pope Francis.

Saturday, April 23rd is the feast of St. George, and Pope Giorgio Bergoglio spent a good slice of the morning listening to confessions…in St Peter’s Square.

That’s because Saturday also marks the Jubilee for Teens, an opportunity for 13 to 16 year-olds all over the world to reflect on the theme “Merciful like the Father”.

Several thousand of them have come to Rome for the event and were in St Peter’s Square Saturday morning when the Pope unexpectedly turned up to hear confessions, along with another 150 priests, beneath the colonnade in front of St Peter’s Basilica.

Sixteen teenage boys and girls were chosen randomly from among the throngs of banner-waving, rucksack-carrying young people who were participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation before making their way through the Holy Door.
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« Reply #4135 on: April 23, 2016, 06:45:12 PM »


After Prince’s death, Vatican praise for his rare gift of music

Vatican City, Apr 22, 2016 / 04:10 pm (CNA).- The death of the songwriter, singer and music producer Prince drew reactions from the Vatican and praise for his musical talent.

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, sent a tweet quoting the artist’s song “Sometimes It Snows In April:”

“Sometimes, sometimes I wish that life was never ending / All good things they say, never last.”
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« Reply #4136 on: April 24, 2016, 06:18:44 PM »


Pope to teens: Love is the Christian identity card
2016-04-24 Vatican Radio

Vatican Radio) At the heart of Pope Francis’ message during the Jubilee Mass for Teens celebrated on Sunday was quite simply one word Love.

The Pope told the thousands of 13 to 16 year olds gathered in St Peter’s Square that “love, was the Christian’s identity card, the only valid “document” identifying us as Christians.  If this card expires and is not constantly renewed,” he said, “we stop being witnesses of the Master.”

Then he asked the teenagers gathered “Do you want to experience the love of Jesus? Let us learn from him, for his words are a school of life, a school where we learn to love.”

The Holy Father noted, however, that although love is beautiful and it's the path to happiness it is not necessarily and easy path.  It is, he said, demanding and it requires effort.
Pope's homily for Teen Jubilee Mass
2016-04-24 Vatican Radio

Regina Coeli: Pope prays for the release of priests and religious kidnapped in Syria
2016-04-24 Vatican Radio

Holy Mass - Jubilee for Boys and Girls 2016.04.24 
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« Reply #4137 on: April 24, 2016, 06:31:02 PM »


Pope makes surprise visit to Rome's Villa Borghese
2016-04-24 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis attended an event at Rome’s Villa Borghese this Sunday evening to mark Earth Day.

The initiative entitled “Earth Village. Living the City Together. Rome in Mariapolis,” is sponsored by  Earth Day Italia, Connect 4 Climate and the Focolare Movement of Rome.

According to the Focolare Movement, “the idea is to create a temporary village within the city, with the involvement of numerous initiatives which daily work to make the capital a better place in which to live, where each citizen or tourist, no matter their age, social class or culture, can experience their own irreplaceable contribution to the life of the city.”
The Rome event comes just days after world leaders officially signed the Paris Agreement on climate, COP21.

Rocco Palmo ‏@roccopalmo  · 8h  8 hours ago 

Right now, Pope in surprise cameo at Rome's Villa Borghese park for Italy Earth Day event (shot via @FrancescoGrana)

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« Reply #4138 on: April 26, 2016, 08:40:18 PM »


Vatican to hold conference on Regenerative Medicine
26/04/2016 16:00

(Vatican Radio) “The Progress of Regenerative Medicine and its Cultural Impact:”  that’s the theme of an international conference coming up later this week in the Vatican.  The third in a series of Vatican conferences on stem cell research and regenerative medicine, the April 28-30 meeting will gather leading medical and scientific researchers, patients, politicians and policy makers, business leaders and philanthropists for an “open dialogue about the interconnections among cellular research, technology, faith and culture.”

Organized by the Pontifical Council for Culture’s Science and Faith office, the conference will focus on medical breakthroughs in the treatment of Cancer and Diabetes in children.  The world’s some 6,000 rare diseases, which account for more than 300 million patients, will also be examined as a “global emergency” in need of a global response.

Introducing the conference to the press Tuesday, Msgr. Tomasz Trafny, Director of the Council for Culture’s office for Science and Faith, said one of the aims is to introduce to the layman some of the thousands of ethically-sound and “significant” medical advances being achieved in laboratories and clinics around the world.  And, he said, to foster a conversation about novel ways to fund research and make new treatments available to those who need them.
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« Reply #4139 on: April 26, 2016, 08:45:07 PM »


Vatican suspends contract with global auditor
26/04/2016 15:33

(Vatican Radio) The Holy See Press Office has issued a communiqué with regard to the contract with the auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) which was suspended on April 12.

PwC  had been hired by the Holy See to perform an audit of Vatican finances.

The communiqué offers the following clarifications:

“The suspension of auditing activities is not due to considerations linked to the integrity or quality of the work initiated by PwC, let alone the intention of one or more entities of the Holy See to block the reforms in progress.

However, issues have emerged regarding the meaning and scope of certain clauses of the contract and their methods of implementation. Such elements will undergo the necessary examination. The decision to proceed in this way was taken after suitable consultations between the competent bodies and experts in the field.
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