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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515892 times)
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« Reply #4160 on: May 02, 2016, 05:59:39 PM »


Pope: Holy Spirit strengthens witness even in persecution
2016-05-02 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio)  The Holy Spirit strengthens us so that we may bear witness to the Lord even through persecution – even to the point of sacrificing our life.  But also through the small persecutions like gossip and criticism.  That’s what Pope Francis said Monday at the daily Mass at the Santa Marta guesthouse in the Vatican.

As we near Pentacost, the readings increasingly focus on the Holy Spirit.  The Acts of the Apostles tell us that the Lord opened the heart of a woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from  the city of Thyatria who came to hear St. Paul.

“This woman felt something inside her which made her say ‘this is true! And I agree with what this man says, this man who gives witness to Jesus Christ,’” said the Pope.

“But who touched the heart of this woman?  Who told her: ‘Listen because it is the truth?’” asked the Pope.

“It was the Holy Spirit who made this woman feel that Jesus was the Lord; it made her know that salvation was in Paul’s words; it made this woman hear witness.  The Spirit gives witness to Jesus.  And each time we feel something in our heart that draws us closer to Jesus, it’s the Spirit which is working inside us.”
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« Reply #4161 on: May 02, 2016, 06:02:58 PM »


Pope Francis to Mercedarians: your charism is needed today
2016-05-02 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Monday received the participants in the General Chapter of the The Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy – the Mercedarian Order – which was founded in 1218 by Saint Peter Nolasco, as an international community of priests and brothers, who live a life of prayer and communal fraternity based on the Rule of Saint Augustine, with the distinguishing characteristic of their charism being their willingness – expressed in a special vow – to lay down their lives for those in danger, especially those in danger of losing their faith.

Mercedarians have always understood the redemption of captives as a permanent service for the faith of those Christians who were most in danger of denying Jesus Christ and, as a result, in danger of losing their souls.

The Mercedarians are celebrating their General Chapter in view of the upcoming 800th Jubilee of their Order’s founding.

In remarks prepared for the occasion and delivered on Monday morning, Pope Francis celebrated the illustrious history of the Mercedarian Order, and called on participants to make a prayerful search for ways to adapt their history of heroic witness to the needs of the present.
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« Reply #4162 on: May 02, 2016, 06:13:10 PM »


Pope Francis writes letter to Venezuelan President Maduro
2016-05-02 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has written a letter to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in reference to the situation in the country. The chief of the Vatican Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi sj confirmed the news without giving information about the letter’s contents, on Monday.

Amid triple-digit inflation rates, Venezuela is undergoing one of the most serious economic crises of its history and basic goods and food are increasingly difficult to find. Shortages have led to smuggling and a thriving black market while power outages have led to looting.

"The Pope is following with great attention and participation the situation in Venezuela,” Lombardi said and cited the pontiff’s “most recent public remarks” and the “ample passage, very eloquent” which the Pope dedicated to Venezuela on Easter Sunday in the message before the Urbi et Orbi Blessing.
"The seriousness of the situation appears clearly from the recent Statement of Bishops on 27 April,” Fr. Lombardi stated.  “For his part, the Nuncio, S.E. Msgr. Giordano, has committed very clearly to encourage the dialogue desired by the Pope.”

“In this context, I can say that the Pope himself did recently have a personal letter given to President Maduro, with reference to the situation of the country," Lombardi said.

Venezuelan Bishops press government to permit Church to help
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« Reply #4163 on: May 02, 2016, 06:20:45 PM »


With or Without You: Rock guitarist has The Edge over Bono with historic concert at the Sistine Chapel
02 May 2016 | by Christopher Lamb in Rome

The Edge expresses Pride at playing In God's Country in concert Even Better than the Real Thing

As a home to Michelangelo’s Last Judgment, the world’s oldest choir and the place where cardinals elect a new Pope the Sistine Chapel is an icon of western history.

But on Saturday night it took a step into the contemporary era when U2 guitarist The Edge became the first rock star to use the chapel as a venue.

The performer, who's real name is David Evans, sang four songs for an audience of doctors, researchers and philanthropists who had attended a Vatican conference on regenerative medicine focussed on exploring cures for cancer.

Evans performed alongside a choir of seven Irish teenagers and sang versions of U2’s songs “Yahweh”, “Ordinary Love” and “Walk On” - they also sang a cover of Leonard Cohen’s “If It Be Your Will.”

The guitarist, who described the chapel as “the most beautiful parish hall in the world”, had been attending the conference as his father last month died of cancer while his daughter has suffered from leukaemia.

According to Reuters The Edge dedicated “Walk On” to Pope Francis who he described as “the people’s pope.” The song was written in honour of Aung San Suu Kyi, the long time campaigner for democracy in Myanmar.
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« Reply #4164 on: May 03, 2016, 05:30:41 PM »


Pope Francis: Many ‘mummified’ or ‘vagabond’ Christians.
2016-05-03 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis lamented on Tuesday that there are many following Christianity in a confused way, forgetting that Jesus is the only true path. He said these include the motionless or 'mummified' Christians, the vagabond and stubborn Christians and the Christians who stop half way along their journey. The Pope was speaking during his homily at morning Mass celebrated in the Santa Marta residence.

Taking his inspiration from the gospel reading where Jesus tells the Apostles that “I am the way,” Pope Francis reflected on the need for Christians to consistently follow Jesus and not get waylaid or blocked on their journey of faith.  He said there are many different types of Christians who are following Jesus in a confused manner like the mummified Christian, the vagabond Christian, the stubborn Christian and the half way Christian.

Turning to an examination of these different types of Christians, the Pope pointed first to the Christian who doesn’t move or journey forward and who gives the idea, he said, of being like an (embalmed) mummy.

“Christians who stay still, who don't go forward, are non-Christian Christians. We don’t know exactly what they are. They are slightly ‘paganized’ Christians: who are there, who stay still and don’t go forward in their Christian lives, who don’t make the Beatitudes bloom in their lives, who don’t do Works of mercy… they are motionless. Excuse me for saying it, but they are like an (embalmed) mummy, a spiritual mummy there. There are Christians who are ‘spiritual mummies,’ motionless, there.  They don’t do evil but they don’t do good deeds.”
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« Reply #4165 on: May 03, 2016, 05:36:15 PM »


Pope Francis prayer intentions for May are on respect for women
2016-05-03 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis’ prayer intention for May is for the Respect for Women: That in every country of the world, women may be honored and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed.

The Apostleship of Prayer has produced the Pope’s Video on this prayer intention.

The full text of the Pope’s Video is below


The contribution of women in all areas of human activity is undeniable, beginning with the family.

But only to recognize it…Is that enough?

We have done little for the women who are in very difficult situations--despised, marginalized, and even reduced to slavery.

We must condemn sexual violence against women and remove the barriers that prevent their full integration into social, political, and economic life.

If you think this is clearly right, join my petition. It is a prayer--that in all countries of the world women may be honored and respected and valued for their essential contribution to society.
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« Reply #4166 on: May 04, 2016, 05:53:35 PM »


Pope Francis: 'God loves each and every one of us'
2016-05-04 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis says God loves each and every one of us, He is totally extraneous to the “throwaway culture” of today and like the good shepherd he does not want a single person to be lost.

Speaking on Wednesday at the weekly General Audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis for this Holy Year of Mercy reflecting on the parable of the Good Shepherd

He said that the Lord uses the image of the shepherd who leaves his flock to go in search of one lost sheep to express God’s closeness to sinners.  He emphasized that God does not want even a single person to be lost and that in his infinite mercy, he is always ready to meet us wherever we are. 

And reflecting on the “throwaway culture” of the contemporary world, the Pope said it is something that is totally foreign to God who would never “throw away” a single person.

“God loves all, he reaches out to every person: one by one! He knows nothing about ‘throwing away people’ because He is all about love and mercy” he said.
The example of the Good Shepherd, Pope Francis continued, also challenges us to go out in search of those in particular need of God’s mercy, especially those who have gone astray. 
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« Reply #4167 on: May 05, 2016, 01:13:46 PM »


Jordan’s Prince El Hassan bin Talal on Vatican visit
2016-05-05 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) “Citizenship is a question of pluralism, a question of recognizing the identity of the other on the basis of respect:” That’s what Jordan’s Prince El Hassan bin Talal has told Vatican Radio following an interfaith meeting in the Vatican on the theme “Shared values in Social and Political Life.”

The two day closed-door meeting 3-4 May was organized by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and included Christian and Muslim delegates.  His Royal Highness, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Institute of Interfaith Studies (RIIFS), headed a delegation of men and women involved in interfaith dialogue.

RIIFS is a non-profit, non-governmental organization which offers a space for the interdisciplinary study of intercultural and interreligious issues with the aim of reducing tensions and promoting peace at regional and global levels.

Prince El Hassan was one of thirty members of RIIFS received in audience Wednesday by Pope Francis.  In speaking to them, the Pope recalled “with great joy” his visit to Jordan and said the group’s work “is a task of construction” that comes at a time “in which we are accustomed to the destruction wrought by war."  And, he urged them to continue on the “journey” of dialogue “and of bringing people together” which “always helps us to construct.”
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« Reply #4168 on: May 05, 2016, 01:17:04 PM »


Pope Francis encourages cooperatives to build solidarity
2016-05-05 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday evening sent a video message to the 39th National Assembly of the Confederation of Italian Cooperatives.

In his remarks, the Holy Father recalled the advice he first gave them during a meeting on February 28, 2015, in the Paul VI Audience Hall.

Pope Francis summarized those earlier remarks:

“Continue to be the motor that lifts and develops the weakest part of your local community and of civil society, especially by establishing companies to provide jobs; be leaders in creating new welfare solutions, as you are already doing;  Manage the cooperatives truly cooperatively - that is, involving all; Endeavour to support, facilitate and encourage family life. With the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia I indicated a prospective of joy and responsibility, but the people and the families should not be left alone, and must harmonized work and family; Bring good means together with determination in order to accomplish good works. It takes creativity and generosity to capitalize your cooperatives and invest well; Counter the false cooperatives, because cooperatives must promote an economy of honesty; Participate actively in globalization in order to integrate – in the world – development, justice and peace.”
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« Reply #4169 on: May 05, 2016, 01:27:11 PM »


Wed May 4, 2016 - 12:20 pm EST
Cardinal Müller: Pope’s exhortation does not allow Communion for divorced/remarried

May 4, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The head of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, considered second only to the pope as the Vatican's authority on doctrinal matters, has responded to the question of whether Pope Francis’ recent exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, has opened the door to giving Communion to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics.

Cardinal Gerhard Müller’s response is unambiguous: the Church’s teaching cannot be changed, and the exhortation did not do so

The cardinal gave his remarks during a recent trip to Spain. As reported by Die Tagespost, and translated by Maike Hickson at 1Peter5, Cardinal Müller spoke directly to arguments interpreting Amoris Laetitia as saying, in the words of the newspaper, that “the door has been opened for the remarried to be admitted to the Sacraments in individual cases.”

The newspaper reports that the cardinal stated, “with decisiveness,” that this is not the case, and that statements by previous popes on the matter still stand.
Cardinal Müller: Magisterium on Remarried Divorcees Unchanged by 'Amoris Laetitia'
by Edward Pentin  05/04/2016   
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« Reply #4170 on: May 05, 2016, 01:46:33 PM »


Martin Schultz on Charlemagne Prize award to Pope Francis
05/05/2016 15:58

(Vatican Radio) The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schultz, said Pope Francis is a worthy recipient of this year’s International Charlemagne Prize for helping to remind us of the traditional European values of solidarity, compassion and tolerance. The Pope was to be formally presented with the prize on Friday in the Vatican by a high profile delegation made up of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the President of the European Council Donald Tusk, Martin Schultz and the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker. Schultz was interviewed by Vatican Radio’s Gudrun Sailer about this award to the Pope.
Previous winners of the Charlemagne Prize include St. Pope John Paul II who received a special edition of the award in 2004, the wartime British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Czech dissident and Statesman Vaclav Havel and Brother Roger Schutz, founder of the ecumenical community of Taizé.
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« Reply #4171 on: May 05, 2016, 01:51:18 PM »


Pope Francis presides over Prayer Vigil “To Dry the Tears”
2016-05-05 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday (the Feast of the Ascension) presided over a prayer vigil “To Dry the Tears” in St Peter’s Basilica dedicated to all those who are suffering and who seek consolation. Members of one family and two individuals who have undergone different types of suffering in their lives testified to the gathering about their painful experience and how they were helped to recover from it. During the vigil the reliquary of Our Lady of Tears of Syracuse were on display inside the basilica for the veneration of the faithful. This reliquary is linked to the extraordinary phenomenon that occurred in 1953, when a small plaster picture depicting the Immaculate Heart of Mary that was hanging above the bed of a young Italian married couple shed human tears. The reliquary contains part of the tears that flowed miraculously from the image of Our Lady.

Please find below a translation into English of Pope Francis’ prepared meditation during the Prayer Vigil.

Prayer Vigil to "Dry the Tears" - 2016.05.05 
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« Reply #4172 on: May 06, 2016, 08:51:02 PM »


Pope Francis: A Christian does not anesthetize pain
2016-05-06 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said on Friday that a Christian does not anesthetize or numb pain but lives through it in the hope that God will give us a joy that nobody can take away. That was the key message of the Pope’s homily at his morning Mass celebrated in the Santa Marta residence.

Joy and pain of a woman giving birth

Taking his inspiration from the day’s reading where Jesus warns his disciples of a coming sadness but says it will be transformed later into a cry of joy, Pope Francis reflected in his homily on how Christians should always maintain their joy and hope, even in the midst of pain. He used  the example of a woman in labour, saying: “She’s in pain because her time has come but when she gives birth to her baby she no longer remembers the suffering.”  She carries on hoping throughout the pain and then she rejoices.

“This is (the impact of) what joy and hope together can have on our lives, when we are facing tribulations, when we have problems, when we are suffering.  It is not an anesthesia.  Pain is pain but if lived through with joy and hope it will open the door for you to the joy of a new being. This image of the Lord should give us great hope amidst our difficulties: difficulties that often are awful, horrible difficulties that can even make us doubt our faith… But with joy and hope we journey forward because after this tempest  a new man arrives, just like with a woman giving birth. And Jesus tells us that this is a lasting joy and hope that will not go away.”
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« Reply #4173 on: May 06, 2016, 09:01:34 PM »


Pope Francis receives International Charlemagne Prize
2016-05-06 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Friday received the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen, Germany, from Marcel Philipp, the Lord Mayor of the German city. The International Charlemagne Prize is awarded for work done in the service of European unification. The Prize is named for Charles the Great (Charlemagne), the Franconian king revered by his contemporaries as the "Father of Europe."

The awards ceremony also featured addresses from Martin Schultz, the President of the European Parliament; Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission; and Donald Tusk, President of the European Council.

In his address, Pope Francis said “if we want a dignified future, a future of peace for our societies, we will only be able to achieve it by working for genuine inclusion.”

“To the rebirth of a Europe weary, yet still rich in energies and possibilities, the Church can and must play her part,” Pope Francis said. “Her task is one with her mission: the proclamation of the Gospel, which today more than ever finds expression in going forth to bind the wounds of humanity with the powerful yet simple presence of Jesus, and his mercy that consoles and encourages.”

The full text of Pope Francis’ address is below

Pope Francis' dream for a Europe with 'fresh air of honesty'
2016-05-06 Vatican Radio

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« Reply #4174 on: May 07, 2016, 06:31:34 PM »


Pope Francis is praying for Fort McMurray
Published on: May 6, 2016 | Last Updated: May 6, 2016 4:03 PM MDT

The Holy Father issued the statement Friday, via Bishop Paul Terrio from the Diocese of St. Paul in northern Alberta. The letter, forwarded by Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi, the Pope’s representative to Canada, reads, in part:

“The Holy Father was saddened to learn of the destruction and distress caused by the extensive fires around Fort McMurray, and he assures you of his prayers for all the displaced, especially the children, who have lost their homes and livelihoods.

“He asks God to bless civil authorities and those co-ordinating evacuation and shelter for the homeless, as well as for strength and perseverance for all who are battling the fires.

“Upon those affected by this ongoing disaster, the Holy Father invokes the Lord’s blessing of patience, faith and hope.”

Read the full letter below:

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« Reply #4175 on: May 07, 2016, 06:36:29 PM »


Papal audience for President of Swiss Confederation
2016-05-07 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) On Saturday, the Holy Father Francis received in audience His Excellency Mr. Johann Schneider Ammann, president of the Swiss Confederation, who subsequently met with His Excellency Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, secretary for Relations with States.

The cordial discussions offered the opportunity to affirm the good relations between the Holy See and Switzerland, with particular acknowledgement of the faithful and professional service rendered by the Pontifical Swiss Guard. Appreciation was expressed for the positive contribution the Church makes in different fields in the country, in an atmosphere of serene collaboration. Mention was made of the professional education of young people, which plays an effective role in access to the world of work.

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« Reply #4176 on: May 07, 2016, 07:20:05 PM »

Cindy Wooden ‏@Cindy_Wooden  · May 6 
#SwissGuard commander says training, arms necessary, but the most important weapon is "combat rosary"

Swearing in Ceremony of the Pontifical Swiss Guards - 2016.05.06
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« Reply #4177 on: May 07, 2016, 07:25:49 PM »


Pope Francis receives new Swiss Guards, families
2016-05-07 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis received officers and enlisted soldiers of the Pontifical Swiss Guard on Saturday, one day after new members of the corps took their oath of allegiance and were sworn into active service.
Pope Francis recalled the spirit of faithful service that animates the great legacy of sacrifice and heroism in his remarks to new recruits and their families on Saturday, saying, “Dear Guardsmen, my hope for you is that you shall live your days of service strong in the Faith and generous in charity toward the people you shall meet: may Mary, our mother, whom we honor especially in this month of May, help you to be ever more sensible each day that profound communion with God, which for us believers begins here on Earth and shall be complete in Heaven.”

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« Reply #4178 on: May 07, 2016, 07:35:24 PM »


Vatileaks trial continues in Vatican City
2016-05-07 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, SJ, on Saturday issued a statement on the most recent meeting of the court hearing the case concerning the leaking of confidential news and documents – the so-called “Vatileaks 2” trial.

All five defendants, with their respective attorneys, were present at Saturday’s hearing.

In his statement, Fr Lombardi said the morning session involved continued witness testimony. Five external witnesses – that is, persons not employed by the Vatican – were called to testify. Three of those witnesses, requested by the defence team of journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, were present on Saturday. The two other witnesses, who were not present, received a second summons to a successive hearing.
The dates for subsequent hearings were announced, with the next hearing set for Saturday 14 May.
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« Reply #4179 on: May 08, 2016, 08:52:34 PM »


Pope Francis: greetings to Italy's March for Life
2016-05-08 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis greeted participants in Italy's 6th annual March for Life on Sunday. The marchers' course passed through St. Peter's Square at noon, and many were on hand for the Regina coeli. "I greet the participants in the March for Life," said the Pope in his round of greetings following the traditional prayer of Marian devotion at Eastertide.
The event is not officially aligned with the Catholic Church or any other religious institution, and organizers each year invite all people, groups, and organizations dedicated to the pro-life cause to participate.
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