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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515457 times)
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« Reply #4620 on: September 30, 2016, 10:08:14 PM »

Saturday, October 1, 2016 -- Pope's trip to Georgia and Azerbaijan


Vatican releases details of Pope’s trip to Georgia, Azerbaijan
Catholic News Service
September 12, 2016

VATICAN CITY - With a focus on relations with the Orthodox and with Muslims, Pope Francis will visit Georgia and Azerbaijan Sept. 30-Oct. 2.

The visit to the Caucasus nations will be Pope Francis’s 16th trip outside of Italy. In July, the Vatican had released a list of the pope’s scheduled activities during the trip, but without specific times for most events.

Here is the detailed schedule released by the Vatican Sept. 12. Times are local, with Eastern Daylight Time in parentheses:
Saturday, Oct. 1 (Tbilisi, Mtskheta)

- 10 a.m. (2 a.m.) Mass at Mikheil Meskhi Stadium. Homily by pope.

- 3:45 p.m. (7:45 a.m.) Meeting with priests, men and women religious, seminarians and pastoral workers at the Church of the Assumption. Speech by pope.

- 5 p.m. (9 a.m.) Meeting with volunteers and people receiving assistance from the Catholic Church near an assistance center run by the Order of St. Camillus. Greeting by pope.

- 6:15 p.m. (10:15 a.m.) Visit to the Orthodox patriarchal Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta. Greeting by patriarch. Greeting by pope.
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« Reply #4621 on: September 30, 2016, 10:21:45 PM »

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Pope Francis in Georgia - Celebration of Holy Mass
Scheduled for Oct 1, 2016
Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass during his Apostolic Journey to Georgia. (09:45 local time)

Pope Francis in Georgia - Celebration of Holy Mass
Scheduled for Oct 1, 2016
Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass during his Apostolic Journey to Georgia.

Pope Francis in Georgia - Meeting with priests, religious, and pastoral workers
Scheduled for Oct 1, 2016
Pope Francis meets with the priests, religious men and women, seminarians, and pastoral workers of Georgia.

Pope Francis in Georgia - Meeting with priests, religious, and pastoral workers
Scheduled for Oct 1, 2016
Pope Francis meets with the priests, religious men and women, seminarians, and pastoral workers of Georgia. (15:45 local time)
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« Reply #4622 on: October 01, 2016, 05:12:16 PM »


Pope Francis at Tbilisi Mass: God’s consolation calls us to be childlike
01/10/2016 12:16

(Vatican Radio) In Tbilisi Saturday, Pope Francis offered words of consolation to Georgia’s small Catholic community  and invited the faithful to be like little children who are so lovingly embraced by God.

Celebrating Mass at Tbilisi’s Mikheil Meskhi Stadium on day two of his pastoral visit to the country, Pope Francis spoke of the “importance of women” as one of the nation’s many treasures

Quoting Saint Therese of the Child Jesus whose feast is celebrated on this day, the Pope said, “‘they love God in much larger numbers than men do.’”  He noted the “great number of grandmothers and mothers who unceasingly defend and pass on the faith” in Georgia, whose female Saint Nino is credited with first evangelizing in the fourth century.

As a mother takes upon herself the burdens and weariness of her children, “ the Pope stressed, “so too does God take upon himself our sins and troubles” in his infinite love for us.

Keep the door of consolation open to Jesus

God, he said, is always ready to offer us consolation in times of need, “amid the turmoil we experience in life.”  It “liberates us from evil, brings peace and increases our joy.”

But, he warned, we must leave the “doors of consolation” open to Jesus, through daily reading of the Gospel, silent prayers in adoration, confession and receiving  the Eucharist.
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« Reply #4623 on: October 01, 2016, 05:18:18 PM »


Pope: there’s a global war against marriage nowadays
01/10/2016 14:15

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis’ first engagement on Saturday afternoon in the Georgian capital was a meeting with priests, religious and seminarians in Tbilisi’s Church of the Assumption. In an off-the-cuff address to the gathering, the Pope warned against what he termed “a global war to destroy marriage” in contemporary society, saying the great enemy of marriage nowadays was "gender theory."

In his wide-ranging address to priests, religious and seminarians gathered in Tbilisi’s Church of the Assumption, Pope Francis spoke about being strong in our faith, the threats facing the institution of marriage and warned about the dangers of proselytizing with our “Orthodox brothers.”

Picking up on the testimony offered by a group of Catholics, the Pope stressed the importance of being strong in our faith and passing it on to the next generation, noting that in many cases it is the grandparents who perform the valuable task of helping to transmit the faith to the young.
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« Reply #4624 on: October 01, 2016, 05:22:45 PM »


Pope Francis meets charity workers in Tbilisi
01/10/2016 15:30

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met Catholic charity workers in the Georgian capital and encouraged them in their work, saying “the poor and the weak are the ‘flesh of Christ’ who call upon Christians of every confession, urging them to act without personal interests, following only the prompting of the Holy Spirit.” The meeting took place in the grounds of the Camilliani health clinic in Tbilisi and was attended by its director and the head of Caritas Georgia.  Also present were staff and volunteers working for various Catholic charitable organisations in Georgia as well as patients and medical staff from the Camilliani clinic.   

Please find below an English translation of the Pope’s address to the charity workers in Tbilisi:
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« Reply #4625 on: October 01, 2016, 05:27:51 PM »


Pope Francis visits Svietyskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta
01/10/2016 14:18

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis' final engagement on Saturday in Georgia was a visit to the Svietyskhoveli Patriarchal Cathedral in the ancient capital of Mtskheta, the seat of the Orthodox Church of Georgia.

In his address, the Pope spoke of Christian identity which, he said, “is maintained when deeply rooted in faith, and also when it is open and ready, never rigid or closed. ”Reminding we are called to be “One in Jesus Christ,” the Pope said we must avoid “putting first disharmony and divisions between the baptized” and urged Christians to avoid “giving in to closed ways of thinking which darken life.” 

Please find below an English translation of the Pope’s address at the Svietyskhoveli Patriarchal Cathedral in Mtskheta:
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« Reply #4626 on: October 01, 2016, 09:21:20 PM »


Photo at the link

Pope praises women, children, as Orthodox are no-shows at Mass
Inés San Martín   October 1, 2016

Pope Francis praised Georgia's women and children on Saturday as the country's "great treasure," including legendary saints Orthodox and Catholic believers cherish in common, but his stadium was largely empty and a promised delegation from the Georgian Orthodox Church failed to show up.
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« Reply #4627 on: October 01, 2016, 10:36:11 PM »

Sunday, October 2, 2016 -- Pope's trip to Georgia and Azerbaijan


Vatican releases details of Pope’s trip to Georgia, Azerbaijan
Catholic News Service
September 12, 2016

VATICAN CITY - With a focus on relations with the Orthodox and with Muslims, Pope Francis will visit Georgia and Azerbaijan Sept. 30-Oct. 2.

The visit to the Caucasus nations will be Pope Francis’s 16th trip outside of Italy. In July, the Vatican had released a list of the pope’s scheduled activities during the trip, but without specific times for most events.

Here is the detailed schedule released by the Vatican Sept. 12. Times are local, with Eastern Daylight Time in parentheses:
Sunday, Oct. 2 (Tbilisi, Baku)

- 7:55 a.m. (11:55 p.m. Oct. 1) Farewell ceremony at Tbilisi International Airport.

- 8:10 a.m. (12:10 a.m.) Departure by plane for Baku, Azerbaijan.

- 9:30 a.m. (1:30 a.m.) Arrival at Heydar Aliyev International Airport, Baku.

- 10:30 a.m. (2:30 a.m.) Mass at the Salesian-run Church of the Immaculate Conception in Baku. Homily and Angelus address by pope.

- 12:45 p.m. (4:45 a.m.) Lunch with the Salesian community and the papal entourage.

- 3:30 p.m. (7:30 a.m.) Official welcoming ceremony in the square of the presidential palace and courtesy visit with the president of the republic.

- 4:30 p.m. (8:30 a.m.) Visit to the monument to those who died in the struggle for independence.

- 5 p.m. (9 a.m.) Meeting with government leaders at the Heydar Aliyev Center. Speech by pope.

- 5:45 p.m. (9:45 a.m.) Private meeting with the sheik of Muslims in the Caucasus at the Heydar Aliyev mosque.

- 6 p.m. (10 a.m.) Interreligious meeting with the sheik and representatives of other religious communities. Speech by pope.

- 7 p.m. (11 a.m.) Farewell ceremony at Baku airport.

- 7:15 p.m. (11:15 a.m.) Departure from Baku airport.

- 10 p.m. (4 p.m.) Arrival at Rome’s Ciampino Airport.
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« Reply #4628 on: October 01, 2016, 10:56:48 PM »

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Pope Francis in Georgia - Departure ceremony
Scheduled for Oct 2, 2016
Departure ceremony for Pope Francis at the conclusion of his Apostolic Journey to Georgia.

Pope Francis in Azerbaijan - Official Welcome
Scheduled for Oct 2, 2016
Pope Francis is welcomed upon arrival of the papal plane in Baku from Georgia, on the second leg of his Apostolic Journey.

Pope Francis in Azerbaijan - Celebration of Holy Mass
Scheduled for Oct 2, 2016
Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass with the small Catholic community of Azerbaijan.

Pope Francis in Azerbaijan - Welcoming ceremony and visit to President
Scheduled for Oct 2, 2016
Pope Francis makes a courtesy visit to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Pope Francis in Azerbaijan - Visit to Monument to the Fallen Heroes
Scheduled for Oct 2, 2016
Pope Francis visits the Monument to the Fallen Heroes who fought for Independence.

Pope Francis in Azerbaijan - Meeting with Civil Authorities
Scheduled for Oct 2, 2016
Pope Francis meets with the Authorities of the State during his Apostolic Journey to Azerbaijan

Pope Francis in Azerbaijan - Visit with the Muslim Sheik and Interreligious Encounter
Scheduled for Oct 2, 2016
Pope Francis meets with the Muslim Sheik of the Caucus and participates in an Interreligious encounter with representatives from other Religious Communities

Pope Francis in Azerbaijan - Departure Ceremony
Scheduled for Oct 2, 2016
Pope Francis participates in a Departure ceremony at the conclusion of his Apostolic Journey to Azerbaijan.
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« Reply #4629 on: October 02, 2016, 12:00:26 PM »


Pope sends telegram to Georgia’s president
02/10/2016 09:24

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday sent a telegram to Georgia’s president, expressing his gratitude for the hospitality he received during his two-day pastoral visit to the Caucasus nation.

The telegram was sent to President Giorgi Margvelashvili while the Pope was in flight on his way to Azerbaijan to begin the second leg of his journey.

See the text of Pope Francis’ telegram to the president of Georgia:
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« Reply #4630 on: October 02, 2016, 12:06:03 PM »


Pope Francis arrives in Azerbaijan
02/10/2016 07:50

(Vatican Radio) On Sunday morning, Pope Francis concluded his two-day visit to Georgia before making his way to Azerbaijan, the last stop on his journey to the Caucasus nations.

The Pope departed by air from Georgia’s Tbilisi international airport at around 8:00 local time following a departure ceremony, thus wrapping up his two day visit to the nation.

The papal plane then landed in Baku’s Heydar Aliyev international airport shortly before 9:30 in the morning local time. Upon landing, the Holy Father was greeted by the first deputy prime minister of Azerbaijan, Yaqub Eyyubov, as well as other authorities.

The main event of Pope Francis’ visit to Azerbaijan is the celebration of Mass at the Church of the Immaculate, the Salesian center of Baku, followed by lunch with the Salesian community.
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« Reply #4631 on: October 02, 2016, 12:14:32 PM »


Pope: Azerbaijan Catholics have “accomplished wonders” despite persecution
02/10/2016 13:27

(Vatican Radio) The joyful witness of Azerbaijan’s small Catholic community, which has “accomplished wonders” even after years of persecution, was at the centre of Pope Francis’ address at Baku’s Salesian centre, where he celebrated Sunday Mass as part of his day-long pastoral visit to the nation.

“In this Eucharistic celebration I have given thanks to God with you, and also for you,” Pope Francis said during his Angelus address at the conclusion of Sunday’s Mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

“Here,” he said, “the faith, after the years of persecution, has accomplished wonders.”

The Pope recalled “the many courageous Christians who trusted in the Lord and were faithful in the face of adversity.”

The Holy Father encouraged the Azerbaijan Catholics in their joyful witness “to faith, hope and love, united among (themselves) and with (their) Pastors.”

He made particular mention of the Salesians, as well as the Missionary Sisters of Charity, for their respective ministries, before entrusting all of these intentions to Mary.

In a few off-the-cuff remarks, Pope Francis acknowledged how Catholics in Azerbaijan – who number in the hundreds nationwide – are truly a “community of the periphery,” and encouraged them to move forward without fear.
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« Reply #4632 on: October 02, 2016, 12:21:00 PM »


Pope celebrates Mass in Baku, Azerbaijan
02/10/2016 08:54

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Sunday at the Salesian centre in Baku, the central event of his 10-hour visit to Azerbaijan.

The Pope’s homily, delivered to the congregation gathered in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, centred on the Lord’s call for Christian’s to live in faith and in service.

Below, please find the official English language translation of Pope Francis’ prepared homily:
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« Reply #4633 on: October 02, 2016, 12:29:26 PM »


Pope Francis meets President of Azerbaijan
02/10/2016 13:19

(Vatican Radio) After having celebrated Mass on Sunday morning upon his arrival in Azerbaijan, Pope Francis met with the nation’s President, Ilham Heydar Aliyev in the Presidential Palace of Baku where he was received by the full Guard of Honor salute which is reserved for visiting dignitaries during the official Welcome Ceremony.

As per protocol, Pope Francis and President Aliyev then met for a private meeting behind closed doors.

President Ilham Aliyev, the fourth President of Azerbaijan, has been in office since 2003. He also functions as the Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party and the head of the National Olympic Committee. Ilham Aliyev is the son of Heydar Aliyev, who was President of Azerbaijan from 1993 to 2003. 

Pope Francis has many engagements on this final day of his 16th Apostolic Journey which has taken him to Georgia and to Azerbaijan. After meeting with the President, he paid a visit to the Baku Monument for the Victims Fallen in the Battle for Independence. Pope Saint John Paul II visited this site when he travelled to Azerbaijan in May 2002.

Here the Pope participated in a ceremony which saw the laying of a wreath in the presence of the Major of Baku.

The monument is known as the ‘Alley of Martyrs’ and it is situated on one of the highest hills in Baku overlooking the Caspian Sea.
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« Reply #4634 on: October 02, 2016, 12:33:42 PM »


Pope praises Azeris for good interfaith and ecumenical relations
02/10/2016 15:03

Pope Francis on Sunday praised the people of Azerbaijan for the good relations that exisit between Catholic, Muslims, Orthodox and Jewish communities in the country.

In a speech on Sunday afternoon to political and civil authorities, the Pope expressed his hope that the signs of friendship and cooperation may continue to increase and said they lay the path for peace in the world. 

“These good relations assume great significance for peaceful coexistence and for peace in the world, and they demonstrate that among the followers of different religious confessions cordial relations, respect and cooperation for the good of all are possible” he said.

The Pope also said “the attachment to authentic religious values is utterly incompatible with the attempt to violently impose on others one’s own vision, using God’s holy name as ‘armour’”.

And he appealed to all so that faith in God may be “a source and inspiration of mutual understanding and respect, and of reciprocal help, in pursuit of the common good of society”.

During the Pope’s visit to the Heydar Aliyev Center in the presence of some 1,000 government representatives, the diplomatic corps and members of civil society, the Pope wrote these words in the ‘Book of Honor’:

“Grateful for the hospitality I have received, I encourage all in this place of meeting and culture to always choose the path of man: openness, respect, sharing”.

Please find below the full text of the Pope’s discourse to Authorities at the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku:
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« Reply #4635 on: October 02, 2016, 12:38:41 PM »


Pope encourages Azerbaijan Catholics at Sunday Angelus
02/10/2016 10:03

(Vatican Radio) After celebrating Mass in Baku’s Church of the Immaculate Conception, the city’s Salesian centre, Pope Francis encouraged Azerbaijan’s small Catholic community in their witness of the faith, before leading the faithful in the Angelus prayer.

In off-the-cuff remarks delivered after his prepared Angelus address, the Pope stressed that he is not “wasting time” travelling long distances to visit such a small community of Catholics in Azerbaijan and explained why it is so important for him to travel to these nations “on the peripheries.”

Please see below an English translation of the Pope’s off-the-cuff remarks:

Someone may think that the Pope wastes so much time: travelling so many kilometres to visit a small community of 700 people, in a country of 2 million.  Yet it is a community which is not uniform, because among you there are several languages spoken: Azeri, Italian, Spanish… many languages.  It is a community on the peripheries.  But the Pope, in this, imitates the Holy Spirit: he also descended from heaven to a small community in that closed periphery of the Cenacle.   And to that community, which was fearful, felt poor and perhaps persecuted or rejected, the Holy Spirit imparts fortitude, power, and bold eloquence to go forth and proclaim the name of Jesus!  And the doors of that community in Jerusalem, which were closed for fear or shame, were thrust wide open releasing the power of the Spirit.  The Pope wastes time as the Holy Spirit did in those days!

Only two things are necessary: Mary was among that community.  Don’t forget our Mother!  And in that community resided charity, a fraternal love, which the Holy Spirit poured into their hearts.  Have courage!  Go ahead!  Without fear, go ahead!   

Below, see the official English language translation of Pope Francis’ prepared remarks for the Angelus:
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« Reply #4636 on: October 02, 2016, 12:42:21 PM »


Pope: ‘In this night of conflict, may religions be a dawn of peace’
02/10/2016 16:26

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has called on Muslim leaders to join him in giving a united response to a conflict-ridden world and to build together a future of peace.   

Speaking on Sunday afternoon to Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh, Grand Mufti of the Caucasus during an interreligious meeting at the end of his apostolic visit to Azerbaijan, the Pope said that today “we are challenged to give a response that can no longer be put off”.

To the Sheikh – who is also the Chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Office – and who received him in the Aliyev Mosque of Baku, the Pope said: “now is not the time for violent or abrupt solutions, but rather an urgent moment to engage in patient processes of reconciliation.  The real question of our time is not how to advance our own causes, but what proposals for life are we offering to future generations; how to leave them a better world than the one we have received”.

And reiterating his appeal: “no more violence in the name of God!”, Pope Francis said it is not opposition but cooperation that helps to build better and more peaceful societies.

“The fraternity and sharing that we seek to increase will not be appreciated by those who want to highlight divisions, reignite tensions and profit from opposition and differences; rather, fraternity and sharing are invoked and longed for by those who desire the common good, and are above all pleasing to God, the Compassionate and All Merciful, who wishes his sons and daughters in the one human family to be ever more united among themselves and always in dialogue with one another” he said.

The Pope also pointed to the important role of religions that, he said, “ are called to help us understand that the centre of each person is outside of himself, that we are oriented towards the Most High and towards the other who is our neighbour”.

“Religion is a compass that orients us to the good and steers us away from evil” he said.

Pope Francis also said that as spiritual leaders “we have a great responsibility, in order to offer authentic responses to men and women who are searching, who are often lost among the swirling contradictions of our time”

On the contrary religions, he said,  help to discern the good and put it into practice and they are called to do so by building “a culture of encounter and peace, based on patience, understanding, and humble, tangible steps”.

“For its part, society must always overcome the temptation to take advantage of religious factors: religions must never be instrumentalized, nor can they ever lend support to, or approve of, conflicts and disagreements” he said.

“In this night of conflict  that we are currently enduring, Pope Francis said; “may religions be a dawn of peace”.

Please find below the full text of Pope Francis’ speech to the Sheikh and the Representatives of the different Religious Communities of the Country:
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« Reply #4637 on: October 02, 2016, 12:47:38 PM »


Pope Francis ends Apostolic Visit to Georgia and Azerbaijan
02/10/2016 17:06

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has ended his 16th Apostolic Journey Abroad.

The papal plane bringing him back to Vatican City departed from Baku’s International Heydar Aliyev Airport at 7.15pm local time after a brief Farewell Ceremony in the presence of the Azeri Vice-Prime Minister and the Guards of Honor.

He is scheduled to land at Rome’s Ciampino Airport at 10pm local time.

He arrived in Tblisi, Georgia, on Friday 30 September.

The journey represented the second phase of Francis’ trip to the Caucasus, which began on June 24, 2016 with a visit to Armenia. It is part of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy and the journey has been undertaken in the spirit of promoting peace and bridge building in the Caucasian region.

This international Apostolic Journey is the 153rd Papal Visit abroad in modern time.
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« Reply #4638 on: October 02, 2016, 08:27:51 PM »


Full text: Pope Francis' in-flight press conference from Azerbaijan

Aboard the papal plane, Oct 2, 2016 / 06:08 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- During his flight from Baku, Azerbaijan to Rome on Sunday, Pope Francis gave a press conference to the journalists aboard the the papal plane. He reflected on his trip to Georgia and Azerbaijan, marriage and divorce, and homosexuality and gender identity.

He also addressed the next consistory of cardinals, the Nobel Peace Prize, and St. John Paul II

Please find below the full text of the press conference, translated by Catholic News Agency:
John Jeremiah Sullivan, New York Times Magazine: Holy Father, as you know the United States is nearing the end of a long presidential campaign that has been very ugly and has received much attention in the world. Many American Catholics and people of conscience are struggling with how to choose between two candidates, one of whom diverts from some aspects of the Church's teaching and the other of whom has made statements vilifying immigrants and religious minorities. How would you counsel the faithful in America and what wisdom would you have them keep in mind next month when the election occurs?

Pope Francis: You pose me a question where you describe a difficult choice, because, according to you, you have difficulty in one and you have difficulty in the other. In electoral campaigns, I never say a word. The people are sovereign. I'll just say a word: Study the proposals well, pray and choose in conscience. Then, I'll leave the issue and I speak of a fiction, because I don't want to speak to this concrete issue. When it happens that in whatever country here are 2, 3, 4 candidates that no one likes, that means that the political life of the nation perhaps is too politicized but perhaps it doesn't have that much politics. And,one of the jobs of the church, also in the teaching in the (university) faculties, is teaching to have political culture. There are nations, and I'm thinking of Latin America, which are too politicized. But, they don't have political culture. They are from this party, or this one or this one. Effectively, (they are) without a clear thought on the foundations, the proposals.
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« Reply #4639 on: October 03, 2016, 07:59:13 PM »


Jewish holidays: Pope calls for strengthening of friendship
01/10/2016 11:58

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis has sent greetings in a message to the Jewish community of Rome and throughout the world to mark three upcoming Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashanah 5777, (the Jewish New Year), the Yom Kippur Day of Atonement and Sukkot, the Feast of the Booths or Tabernacles. In the message addressed to the chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni, the Pope expressed his hope that the upcoming holidays would bring “abundant blessings.” 
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