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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515268 times)
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« Reply #4680 on: October 16, 2016, 08:00:00 PM »


Pope Francis canonizes seven new Saints
2016-10-16 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday canonized seven new Saints including Argentina's “gaucho priest'' Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero.

Know as “Cura Brochero”, the Argentinian who made it his mission to take the Gospel message of salvation to the peripheries, was proclaimed a Saint together with six others in a Mass in St. Peter's Square.''

During his homily the Pope said “saints are men and women who enter fully into the mystery of prayer. Men and women who struggle with prayer, letting the Holy Spirit pray and struggle in them.”

The others to be canonized were  two Italians, two from France, a Spaniard and a young Mexican martyr, José Sanchez del Rio who died during the Cristero struggle upholding his faith.

Some 80,000 people filled St. Peter’s Square for the occasion, including many flag-waving Argentinians who had made the journey to Rome to see Brochero elevated to sainthood.

Amongst them was also Argentine President Mauricio Macri and his family.

Please find below the full text of Pope Francis’ homily for the Canonization Mass:
Pope at canonization Mass: Prayer isn’t always easy, pray anyway

Canonisation Mass
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« Reply #4681 on: October 16, 2016, 08:10:25 PM »


Pope Francis to visit the Archdiocese of Milan
2016-10-15 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) On Saturday, 25 March 2017, Pope Francis will travel to northern Italy to visit the Archdiocese of Milan.

News of the upcoming visit came in a  statement released by the Holy See Press Office.

Cardinal Angelo Scola, Archbishop of Milan described the event as “a sign of closeness and esteem for the Church of Saint Ambrose, for the Metropolitan Church of Milan and for the entire region of Lombardia”.
Pope Francis to visit the Archdiocese of Genoa in May
16/10/2016 19:11

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis is to pay a visit to the Archdiocese of Genoa on Saturday 27 May 2017.

A statement by the Holy See Press Office announcing the scheduled visit  was read on Sunday by the Archbishop of Genoa, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, during celebration of Holy Mass in his Cathedral.
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« Reply #4682 on: October 18, 2016, 05:59:54 PM »


Pope Francis meets with Slovenian President
2016-10-17 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met in the Vatican on Monday with the President of the Slovenia Republic Borut Pahor to discuss issues of common concern, as well as the challenges facing leaders in the region and in the wider European context.

During the cordial conversation, the pope and the president spoke about the bilateral relations between Slovenia and the Holy See and the forthcoming 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.
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« Reply #4683 on: October 18, 2016, 06:03:14 PM »


Pope: A good shepherd shuns power and money and is never embittered
2016-10-18 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said a good shepherd is one who follows Jesus rather than power, money or cliques and even if deserted by everybody may be sad but is never embittered. He was speaking at his morning Mass on Tuesday celebrated in the chapel of the Santa Marta Residence.

Taking his inspiration from the Second Letter to Timothy, the Pope’s homily was a reflection on the difficulties faced by the apostles like Paul in the final stage of their lives when they are left without means, deserted by all and having to ask for things like beggars.

“Alone, begging, abandoned by all and the victim of fury. But this is the great Paul, the man who heard the voice of the Lord, the call of the Lord! The man who went from one place to another, who suffered so many things and so many trials for preaching the Gospel, who made the Apostles understand that the Lord wants Gentiles to enter into the Church as well, the great Paul who when praying rose to the Seventh Heaven and heard things that nobody else had heard before: the Great Paul, there, in that small room of a house in Rome, waiting to see how that struggle would end within the Church between the different sides, between the rigidity of the Judaizers and those disciples faithful to him. And this is how the life of the great Paul ends, in desolation: not in resentment or bitterness but with an inner desolation.”

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« Reply #4684 on: October 18, 2016, 06:08:17 PM »


Holy See supports Nuclear Disarmament
2016-10-18 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) A statement by Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the Permanent ******* of the Holy See to the United Nations, was delivered on Monday about Nuclear Disarmament.

The full statement is below

Statement by H.E. Archbishop Bernardito Auza
Apostolic Nuncio, Permanent ******* of the Holy See
Seventy-first Session of the United Nations General Assembly
First (Disarmament) Committee Agenda Item 98 (c): Nuclear disarmament
New York, 17 October 2016

Mr. Chair,

The Holy See has called for a total ban on nuclear weapons since the dawn of the nuclear age.

In  February  1943,  two  years  and  a  half  before  the  Trinity  test,  Pope  Pius  XII  had  already

voiced  deep  concern  regarding  the  violent  use  of  atomic  energy.  After  Hiroshima  and

Nagasaki,  observing  the  totally  uncontrollable  and  indiscriminate  consequences  of  nuclear

weapons, Pope Pius XII demanded the effective proscription of atomic warfare, calling the

arms race a costly relationship of mutual terror.  My delegation would like to reiterate Pope

Francis’ conviction that “the desire for peace and fraternity planted deep in the human heart

will bear fruit in concrete ways to ensure that nuclear weapons are banned once and for all,

to the benefit of our common home.”
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« Reply #4685 on: October 19, 2016, 05:23:34 PM »


The reality of poverty is challenging, but don't avoid it, Pope says

Vatican City, Oct 19, 2016 / 04:35 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On Wednesday Pope Francis said that while donating money to charity might make us feel good, seeing real poverty in the flesh is a challenge we have to face, rather than trying to avoid it.

“Poverty in the abstract doesn’t challenge us, it makes us think, lament, but when you see poverty in the flesh of a man, woman or child, yes, this challenges us,” he said Oct. 19.

To see our brothers and sisters in this state, he said, questions “the attitude we have to run away, the attitude of running away from the needy and not drawing near to them.”

Pope Francis’ comments were made during his catechesis for the general audience, which centered on the passage in James 2 that says “faith without works is dead.” In particular, Francis highlighted the corporal works of mercy of feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty.
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« Reply #4686 on: October 20, 2016, 08:15:06 PM »


Pope: Catechism is not enough to know Jesus, we need prayer
2016-10-20 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said the catechism on its own is not sufficient to truly know Jesus and we need prayer, worship and to recognize ourselves as sinners. His words came during his morning Mass celebrated on Thursday in the chapel of the Santa Marta residence.

The cue for the Pope’s reflections during his homily came from St Paul’s letter to the Ephesians where the Apostle prayed that they may be strengthened with power through the Holy Spirit and that Christ may dwell in their hearts.

Noting that Paul spoke of plunging into the immense sea that is the person of Christ, Pope Francis asked “how can we know Christ, How can we understand His love that is beyond all knowledge?”

“Christ is present in the Gospel and we know Christ by reading the Gospel. And all of us do this, at least we hear the Gospel when we go to Mass. And studying the catechism teaches us who Christ is. But this is not enough. In order to understand the breadth and length and height and depth of Jesus Christ we need to enter into the habit, firstly of praying, as Paul did on his knees: “Father send me the Holy Spirit to know Jesus.”

But in order to truly know Christ, the Pope stressed that prayer on its own is not enough and as Paul said, in addition to praying he “worships this mystery” that is beyond our knowledge and in this spirit of worship or adoration he asks for this grace from the Lord.
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« Reply #4687 on: October 20, 2016, 08:22:36 PM »


Pope Francis meets with the President of Burkina Faso
2016-10-20 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday received the President of Burkina Faso, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, who subsequently met with the Cardinal Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, accompanied by Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, secretary for Relations with States

A statement by the Holy See Press Office described the talks as “cordials,” and said the two men discussed “the existing good relations between the Holy See and Burkina Faso were evoked, underlining among other things the important contribution the Church offers in the fields of education and healthcare.”

The statement continued by saying that in this framework, “the hope was expressed that bilateral relations can be consolidated thanks also to the legal tools provided by international law.”
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« Reply #4688 on: October 20, 2016, 08:27:02 PM »


Pope Francis to Augustinian Recollects: renewal in continuity
2016-10-20 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis received the participants in the 55th General Chapter of the Order of Augustinian Recollects on Thursday in the Vatican.

The Augustinian Recollects trace their origins to a 1588 reform of the Augustinian Friars in Spain, and became an autonomous congregation in 1621. It was only in the early 20th century, however, that they received full recognition as a Mendicant Order under the Rule of St. Augustine – and they have the distinction of being the last Order to receive such recognition from the Holy See.
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« Reply #4689 on: October 20, 2016, 08:31:42 PM »


Pope sends telegram to conference on women
2016-10-20 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis sent a telegram on Thursday to the Archbishop of Bari, Francesco Cacucci, where a conference organized in the Italian port city of Bari on the lives of women in the Middle East and the Mediterranean is taking place.

Signed by the Cardinal-Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, the message says, “[The Holy Father] hopes that the spaces of representation of women will broaden and that they might intensify their work in seeking opportunities for interaction, knowledge and dialogue, and that the shared commitment to building a future of prosperity and peace, might produce abundant fruits of human and social growth and encourages reconciliation among men and renewed harmony among nations.”
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« Reply #4690 on: October 21, 2016, 07:54:47 PM »


Pope: urges Christians to reject envy and conflicts and work for unity
2016-10-21 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said humility, gentleness and magnanimity are the three key attitudes to build unity within the Church and urged Christians to reject envy, jealousy and conflicts. He was speaking at his Mass celebrated on Friday in the chapel of the Santa Marta residence.

Taking his inspiration from the greeting at Mass “peace be with you,” the Pope focused his homily on what is required to nurture peace and unity and avoid war and conflicts. He said our Lord’s greeting “creates a bond” of peace and unites us to create a unity of spirit and warned that if there’s no peace and if we aren’t able to greet each other in the widest sense of the word, there will never be unity. The Pope explained that this concept applies for unity in the world, unity in the town, in the district and in the family.

The evil spirit sows wars, Christians must avoid conflicts

“The evil spirit always sows wars. Jealousy, envy, conflicts, gossip…. are things that destroy peace and therefore there cannot be unity. And how should a Christian behave to promote unity, to find this unity?  Paul tells us clearly: ‘live in a manner worthy, with all humility, gentleness and magnanimity.’  These three attitudes: humility - we cannot sow peace without humility.  Where there is arrogance, there is always war and the desire to defeat the other and believing one is superior. Without humility there is no peace and without peace there is no unity.”
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« Reply #4691 on: October 21, 2016, 08:03:11 PM »


Church must be on the move, not hemmed in by fear of failure
2016-10-21 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Friday told participants at an international conference on vocations that faith cannot be reduced to a set of rules and regulations, but, instead, must be a way of life which inspires others to discover the joy of the Gospel message.

The Pope’s words came as he met with a large group of cardinals, bishops, priests and religious attending a Rome conference entitled with the Latin words which describe Jesus’ calling of St. Matthew: ‘Miserando atque eligendo’ or ‘having mercy and choosing’ him.

Pope Francis recalled that he chose those same words for his own bishop’s motto as a reminder of how clearly he felt the Lord calling in his own life as a young man. The question of vocations, he told participants, must never be reduced to mere pastoral planning or human calculations, but must rather be about learning to imitate the way Jesus lived, talked and showed God’s mercy to those around him.

Church on the move

The Pope said this way of life that Jesus exemplified can be summarized by the three verbs: to go out, to see and to call. Firstly, he insisted, the Church must always be going out, on the move, broadening its horizons, rather than being hemmed in by the fear of failure. There will never be a fruitful harvest of vocations, he said, if Church leaders cannot boldly and creatively redefine their goals, structures, styles and methods of evangelization.
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« Reply #4692 on: October 21, 2016, 08:06:01 PM »


Pope: 'invest in the future by giving formation to young people'
2016-10-21 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Friday spoke of the importance of promoting and supporting young people so they can face the challenges of life.

“Providing formation for young people is an investment for the future: young people must never be robbed of their hope for tomorrow” he said.

The Pope was addressing members of the John Paul II Foundation that is celebrating the 35th anniversary from its foundation.

To those present in the Vatican for the occasion, Pope Francis said the anniversary is a good moment to look back and draw up a balance of the work done in the past years, but it is also a time to look to the future with new goals and objectives.   
The John Paul II Foundation was established by a Papal Decree on October 16, 1981 as a religious, educational, charitable and non-profit organization.
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« Reply #4693 on: October 21, 2016, 08:11:35 PM »


Papal apartment in Castel Gandolfo opens to public
2016-10-21 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio)  A press release from the Holy See announced that beginning on October 22nd, the pontifical apartment in the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo will be opened to the public for the first time ever. Visits to the formerly private apartment are being run by the Vatican Museums and details of the opening and closing hours can be found by going to the official website of the Vatican Museums (www.museivaticani.va)

At a special inauguration ceremony on Friday, the Director of the Vatican Museums, Antonio Paolucci, paid tribute to this “unexpected gift from the Pope” and spoke of the beauty of the setting with its views over Lake Albano and the densely wooded surrounding hills and of the sense of history that pervades the Apostolic Palace.
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« Reply #4694 on: October 21, 2016, 08:15:59 PM »


Pope Francis Receives New Leader of Jesuits 
Venezuelan Jesuit Father Arturo Sosa Was Elected This Week and Is Committed to Dialogue and Reconciliation
•October 21, 2016•

Last evening, Pope Francis received in audience Venezuelan Jesuit Father Arturo Sosa, recently elected new Superior General of the Society of Jesus.

The announcement of the newly-elected leader came Oct. 14 in the Vatican, as the Jesuits were meeting in Rome for their 36th General Congregation. Fr. Sosa succeeded the 80-year-old Fr. Adolfo Nicolas, who, in 2014, announced his resignation.

After days of prayer and discernment, 212 electors representing the nearly 17,000 Jesuits working around the world chose Fr. Sosa as their leader.

Born in Caracas on Nov. 12, 1948, Arturo Sosa would go on to obtain a doctorate in political sciences, before entering the Jesuits and, in 1977, being ordained a priest.

This week, Fr. Sosa met with press the first time in the Vatican and said he is ready to respond with joy to his new role, that he does not like being called ‘the black pope,’ and that reconciliation and dialogue are among his most important priorities.
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« Reply #4695 on: October 22, 2016, 06:15:20 PM »


Extraordinary Jubilee Audience: Mercy and Dialogue
22/10/2016 16:02

(Vatican Radio) Tens of thousands of people showed up on cool but beautiful Saturday morning for the Pope’s monthly Jubilee audience.

In his catechesis, Pope Francis used the Gospel account of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman to reflect on the importance of “dialogue” as an aspect of mercy.

“Dialogue,” the Pope said, “allows people to know themselves and to understand the one another’s needs.” It is both a sign of respect, an expression of charity; it allows us to see one another as a gift from God.

But often when we encounter one another, we are not prepared to listen, preferring instead to interrupt and convince the other that we are right. True dialogue, the Pope said, requires moments of silence, and the ability to welcome the other as a gift from God.

“Dear brothers and sisters,” the Pope said, “dialoguing helps people to humanize relationships and to overcome misunderstandings.” He continued, “There is a great need for dialogue in our families, and how much more easily would questions be resolved if we could learn to listen to one another!”

2016.10.22 Holy Year of Mercy, Jubilee audience
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« Reply #4696 on: October 22, 2016, 06:19:48 PM »


Pope greets Polish pilgrims on St John Paul II’s feast day
2016-10-22 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) During Saturday’s Jubilee of Mercy audience at the Vatican, Pope Francis extended a special greeting to the Polish pilgrims present, remembering the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of their nation, and the feast day the Polish-born pontiff, St John Paul II.

“Exactly 38 years ago, at about this time, in this square, there resounded these words to men and women throughout the world: ‘Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors for Christ’.”

In remembrance of the feast day of St John Paul II, Pope Francis recalled these words delivered by his predecessor during his first Mass as the Roman pontiff on October 22, 1978.

The legacy of the papacy of John Paul II, who was born Karol Józef Wojtyła, is a prolific one.

Over the course of his more than 26 years in office, he visited 129 countries, founded World Youth Day, and was instrumental in the fall of the Berlin Wall.

St John Paul II also had a special devotion to the Divine Mercy; in the year 2000, he officially designated the first Sunday after Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday which he himself had founded.

A poet and an avid sportsman, he continued to write poetry throughout his pontificate, and remained active until his final years.

The Polish-born pontiff was also known for his writings on human sexuality, most notably his Theology of the Body.

John Paul II was beatified in 2011 by Benedict XVI, and was canonized three years later by Pope Francis on the feast of Divine Mercy.
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« Reply #4697 on: October 23, 2016, 07:27:37 PM »


Pope Francis at Angelus: a time of courage in mission
2016-10-23 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis used his remarks to pilgrims and tourists ahead of the traditional Sunday Angelus prayer to reflect on our being creatures in time, but destined for eternity with God – the uncreated author of all that is, the source of our being, and the font of truth and joy: all in the key of mission.

Drawing on the Second Reading of this XXX Sunday in Ordinary Time and World Mission Day, which was taken from the 2nd Letter of St. Paul to Timothy, Pope Francis said, “Today is a time of mission and it is time of courage: courage to strengthen tottering steps, to rediscover the delight of spending ourselves for the Gospel, to regain confidence in the strength that mission brings with itself.”
ANGELUS ADDRESS: On Courage and Mission
October 23, 2016

Angelus Domini - 2016.10.23
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« Reply #4698 on: October 24, 2016, 08:13:56 PM »


Pope: 'God calls us to be merciful and good, not rigid'
2016-10-24 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Monday warned against excessive rigidity and said God gives us the freedom and the gentleness to be merciful.

He was speaking during the homily at morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta

Drawing inspiration from the Gospel reading of the day which tells of when Jesus, who was teaching in the synagogue, healed a crippled woman and ignited the anger of the righteous, Pope Francis said “it is not easy to keep to the path indicated by God’s Law.

The reading by Matthew tells us that Jesus’ action provoked the fury of the leader of the synagogue who was “indignant that he had cured the woman on the Sabbath” because - he said - Jesus had violated God’s Law by doing so on the Sabbath day which is set aside for rest and worship.

And pointing out that the Jesus responded calling the leaders of the synagogue ‘hypocrites’, the Pope observed that this is an accusation Jesus often makes to those who follow the Law with rigidity. “The Law – he explained – was not drawn up to enslave us but to set us free, to make us God’s children”.

Concealed by rigidity, Pope Francis said, there is always something else! That’s why Jesus uses the word ‘hypocrites!’:

"Behind an attitude of rigidity there is always something else in the life of a person. Rigidity is not a gift of God. Meekness is; goodness is; benevolence is; forgiveness is. But rigidity isn’t!” he said.

In many cases, the Pope continued, rigidity conceals the leading of a double life; but, he pointed out, there can also be something pathological.
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« Reply #4699 on: October 24, 2016, 08:36:08 PM »


Pope Francis tells Jesuits the Church needs them
2016-10-24 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Monday paid a visit to the 36th Jesuit General Congregation taking place in Rome.

He addressed his Jesuit brothers – who elected the new Jesuit Superior General, Father Arturo Sosa Abascal, during this General Congregation – telling them that Church needs them:

“As my predecessors have often told you, the Church needs you, counts on you and continues to turn to you with confidence, particularly to reach the geographical and spiritual places where others do not reach, or find it difficult to reach” he said.   

Please find below the Jesuit General Curia’s synthesis of Pope Francis’ address in English: 

Rome – October 24, 2016. The Holy Father, Pope Francis, this morning visited members of General Congregation 36 at the Jesuit General Curia. Welcoming the Holy Father to the Aula of the Congregation, Father General Arturo Sosa said, “Dear Pope Francis, in the name of the Society of Jesus meeting in the GC36 I welcome you to this Aula. Thank you for coming to our house. This meeting occurs in a very important moment of the GC36. We are discerning about the issues proposed by the whole Society.”

While the Holy Father cannot participate in the General Congregation of the Society of Jesus, he can request that Society consider certain matters of greater importance with regard to mission.
The original text of Pope Francis' address in Spanish can be found here.

The Curia's English translation of the speech can be found here.

Monday, October 24, 2016
"Not Clericalists, But Men of the Church" – Jesuit Pope Calls His Own To "Consolation, Compassion, Discernment"

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