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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515433 times)
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« Reply #4720 on: October 31, 2016, 03:07:59 PM »


A cross of hope from a torn nation
31/10/2016 12:35

The wooden cross painted by Christian Chavarria Ayala for the Pope's visit to Sweden - RV

(Vatican Radio) Christian Chavarria Ayala from El Salvador is the artist who designed and painted the wooden cross which has been chosen as the symbol of Pope Francis’ apostolic journey to Sweden to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

The brightly colored cross with its doves, its vine and its depiction of Jesus welcoming people of all backgrounds to participate in his banquet brings a message of hope from one of the most conflict-ridden countries in the world today.

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« Reply #4721 on: October 31, 2016, 05:38:34 PM »


Pope Francis: visit with Sweden's King Karl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia
2016-10-31 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met with Sweden’s royal family on Monday, at the beginning of his visit to Malmo and Lund to participate in the start of a series of events that will culminate in a year’s time in the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Lutheran reform.

King Karl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia of Sweden received the Holy Father at the king’s house in Lund, ahead of an ecumenical service in Lund’s Lutheran Cathedral.
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« Reply #4722 on: October 31, 2016, 05:56:32 PM »


Pope urges Catholics and Lutherans to recognize past errors
2016-10-31 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Monday urged Catholics and Lutherans to recognize past “errors” and seize "the opportunity to mend a critical moment of our history by moving beyond the controversies and disagreement that have often prevented us from understanding one another." He said the division between Catholics and Lutherans was “perpetuated historically by the powerful of this world” rather than by the faithful people of God. The Pope was speaking during his homily at an ecumenical prayer service in the Lutheran Cathedral of Lund shortly after his arrival in Sweden for a 26-hour pastoral visit.

Please find below an English transcript of the Pope’s prepared homily during the prayer service:

“Abide in me as I abide in you” (Jn 15:4).  These words, spoken by Jesus at the Last Supper, allow us to peer into the heart of Christ just before his ultimate sacrifice on the cross.  We can feel his heart beating with love for us and his desire for the unity of all who believe in him.  He tells us that he is the true vine and that we are the branches, that just as he is one with the Father, so we must be one with him if we wish to bear fruit.
Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration
Streamed live 10 hours ago
On 31 October 2016, The Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church will hold a joint commemoration of the Reformation on 31 October in Lund and Malmö, Sweden, under the theme "From Conflict to Communion – Together in Hope".

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« Reply #4723 on: October 31, 2016, 06:05:49 PM »


Pope and President of LWF sign Joint statement
2016-10-31 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis and Bishop Mounib Younan, President of the Lutheran World Federation signed a Joint Statement on Monday in which Catholics and Lutherans pledged to pursue their dialogue in order to remove the remaining obstacles that hinder them from reaching full unity. They also stressed their commitment to common witness on behalf of the poor, the needy and the victims of injustice. The Declaration was signed during the ecumenical prayer service held in Lund’s Lutheran Cathedral on the first day of the Pope’s visit to Sweden.

Please find below the full text of the Statement:

on the occasion of the Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation
Lund, 31 October 2016

 «Abide in me as I abide in you.  Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me» (John 15:4).

With thankful hearts

With this Joint Statement, we express joyful gratitude to God for this moment of common prayer in the Cathedral of Lund, as we begin the year commemorating the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation.  Fifty years of sustained and fruitful ecumenical dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans have helped us to overcome many differences, and have deepened our mutual understanding and trust.  At the same time, we have drawn closer to one another through joint service to our neighbours – often in circumstances of suffering and persecution.  Through dialogue and shared witness we are no longer strangers.  Rather, we have learned that what unites us is greater than what divides us.

Moving from conflict to communion
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« Reply #4724 on: October 31, 2016, 06:13:14 PM »


Pope at Malmö ecumenical event: Christian unity a priority
2016-10-31 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Saying Christian unity is a priority, Pope Francis spoke on Monday about the fruits of the ongoing dialogue between the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church and said this mutual dialogue has “confirmed our desire to advance towards full communion.” Addressing an ecumenical event in the Swedish city of Malmö, the Pope also spoke about practical cooperation between the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation exemplied by the signing of a joint statement between Caritas Inernationalis and the Lutheran World Federation World Service (its charitable arm) to promote human dignity and social justice across the world.

Please find below an English transcript of the Pope’s prepared remarks at the ecumenical event in Malmö:

I thank God for this joint commemoration of the five-hundredth anniversary of the Reformation.  We remember this anniversary with a renewed spirit and in the recognition that Christian unity is a priority, because we realize that much more unites us than separates us.  The journey we have undertaken to attain that unity is itself a great gift that God gives us.  With his help, today we have gathered here, Lutherans and Catholics, in a spirit of fellowship, to direct our gaze to the one Lord, Jesus Christ.
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« Reply #4725 on: October 31, 2016, 06:20:26 PM »


Pope and Lutheran leaders mark 'a new beginning' in Sweden
31/10/2016 20:41

Pope Francis leads a joint commemoration of the Reformation, together with the President and General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation, Bishop Munib Younan and Rev Martin Junge, in Lund cathedral

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis and leaders of the Lutheran World Federation on Monday spent the day together in the Swedish cities of Lund and Malmo, leading thousands of people in a common commemoration of the Protestant Reformation.

Philippa Hitchen is in Sweden following this two day papal visit and takes a closer look at the day’s unprecedented events….


Before leaving on this historic visit to Sweden, Pope Francis spoke in an interview about the goal of Catholics and Lutherans moving closer together, furthering what he calls the ‘culture of encounter’.

He himself had already encountered the Lutheran president, Palestinian Bishop Munib Younan and General Secretary, Chilean theologian Rev Martin Junge, on several occasions in the Vatican. But the event in Lund cathedral on Monday marked a new step in the relationship between their two communions, as they presided together at a deeply symbolic prayer service, asking forgiveness for sins committed against each other in the past and pledging to work and witness closer together in the future.

Catholics and Lutherans from all parts of the globe were gathered in the ancient cathedral, which echoed with music and song in different languages and diverse religious traditions. From a haunting lament in Aramaic, through many of the well-known Taize chants, to a rhythmic song of thanksgiving from Botswana.

The three leaders processed in at the start of the service behind a colourful wooden cross, painted in typical Latin American style. It’s the handiwork of an artist from San Salvador, whose own life has been a journey from the conflict of civil war, in which he lost family members, to his current role of providing work to keep other young men away from the widespread gang culture.

Wearing simple white cassocks and red stoles, the Pope and the Lutheran leaders led the congregation in prayer, before signing a joint statement pledging to continue the journey from conflict to communion, to make sure that Christian divisions are never again exploited and instrumentalised for political ends.

From the sombre setting of the cathedral, the Pope and the Lutheran leaders then travelled together to the nearby city of Malmo, where thousands of cheering young people were waiting inside the local ice hockey arena. The event, organised by Caritas Internationalis and by the Lutheran World Service featured music and testimonies about the way Catholics and Lutherans are working together on some of the most urgent issues of the day, from supporting refugees to combatting climate change, from educating orphans in Africa to promoting peace in Colombia or Syria.

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« Reply #4726 on: October 31, 2016, 10:18:48 PM »

Pope's trip to Sweden October 31-November 1, 2016


Vatican publishes schedule for pope's trip to Sweden Oct. 31-Nov. 1
Monday, September 26, 2016 9:35 AM
Here is the schedule for the trip as released by the Vatican Sept. 26. All times are local, with Eastern Daylight Time in parentheses:
Tuesday, Nov. 1 (Malmo, Rome)

-- 9:30 a.m. (4:30 a.m.) Mass at Swedbank Stadium in Malmo. Homily by pope.

-- 12:30 p.m. (7:30 a.m.) Official farewell at the international airport in Malmo.

-- 12:45 p.m. (7:45 a.m.) Departure for Rome.

-- 3:30 p.m. (10:30 a.m.) Arrival at Rome's Ciampino airport.
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« Reply #4727 on: October 31, 2016, 10:30:19 PM »

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

2016.11.01 Pope Francis in Sweden - Farewell ceremony
Scheduled for Nov 1, 2016
2016.11.01 Farewell ceremony for Pope Francis at the end of his Apstolic visit to Sweden marking the 500th anniversary of the Reformation
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« Reply #4728 on: November 01, 2016, 08:11:37 PM »


Pope urges Sweden's Catholics to be modern day saints
2016-11-01 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Tuesday for Sweden’s Catholic community, gathered in an open air stadium in the southern city of Malmo. The Mass, marking the Solemnity of All Saints, followed a day of ecumenical celebrations as the Pope and leaders of the Lutheran World Federation led an unprecedented joint commemoration of the Reformation.

Philippa Hitchen is in Malmo and sent this report on the Mass marking the concluding event of the two day papal visit.

It’s not often a Pope comes to Sweden, a country with only one diocese, where Catholics number just one percent of the population. Pope John Paul was the last pontiff to visit the country during his 1989 tour of the Scandinavian nations which were the heartland of the Protestant Reformation.

But it was to this small Catholic flock that Pope Francis dedicated his last day in Sweden, urging them to follow in the footsteps of the saints. Despite grey skies and a sharp autumn chill in the air, thousands of people travelled from all over the country and beyond to give the Pope a warm welcome as he entered the stadium at the start of the Mass, accompanied by the Bishop of Stockholm Anders Arborelius.
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« Reply #4729 on: November 01, 2016, 08:21:58 PM »

Pope Francis added some new Beatitudes--


Pope celebrates Mass at Malmo
2016-11-01 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis concluded his 26-hour pastoral visit to Sweden on Tuesday morning by celebrating a Mass in the southern city of Malmo for the nation’s small Catholic community.

Please see below an English translation of Pope Francis’ homily at the Mass in Malmo:

Today, with the entire Church, we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints.   In doing so, we remember not only those who have been proclaimed saints through the ages, but also our many brothers and sisters who, in a quiet and unassuming way, lived their Christian life in the fullness of faith and love.  Surely among them are many of our relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Ours, then, is a celebration of holiness.  A holiness that is seen not so much in great deeds and extraordinary events, but rather in daily fidelity to the demands of our baptism.  A holiness that consists in the love of God and the love of our brothers and sisters.  A love that remains faithful to the point of self-renunciation and complete devotion to others.  We think of the lives of all those mothers and fathers who sacrifice for their families and are prepared to forego – though it is not always easy – so many things, so many personal plans and projects.
The Beatitudes are in some sense the Christian’s identity card.  They identify us as followers of Jesus.  We are called to be blessed, to be followers of Jesus, to confront the troubles and anxieties of our age with the spirit and love of Jesus. Thus we ought to be able to recognize and respond to new situations with fresh spiritual energy.  Blessed are those who remain faithful while enduring evils inflicted on them by others, and forgive them from their heart.  Blessed are those who look into the eyes of the abandoned and marginalized, and show them their closeness.  Blessed are those who see God in every person, and strive to make others also discover him.  Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home.  Blessed are those who renounce their own comfort in order to help others.  Blessed are those who pray and work for full communion between Christians.  All these are messengers of God’s mercy and tenderness, and surely they will receive from him their merited reward.

Dear brothers and sisters, the call to holiness is directed to everyone and must be received from the Lord in a spirit of faith.  The saints spur us on by their lives and their intercession before God, and we ourselves need one another if we are to become saints.  Together let us implore the grace to accept this call with joy and to join in bringing it to fulfilment.  To our heavenly Mother, Queen of All Saints, we entrust our intentions and the dialogue aimed at the full communion of all Christians, so that we may be blessed in our efforts and may attain holiness in unity.
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« Reply #4730 on: November 01, 2016, 08:34:50 PM »


Pope Angelus: Be salt and light
2016-11-01 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Tuesday, following the celebration of Mass at the Swedbank Stadium in Malmo, recited the Angelus prayer and in his address invited the faithful to express their faith "in prayer, in the sacraments, and in generous service to those who are suffering and in need.  I urge you to be salt and light, wherever you find yourselves", he said.

Below are Pope's words before the recitation of the Marian prayer

As we conclude this celebration, I would like to express my gratitude to Bishop Anders Arborelius of Stockholm for his kind words, and to the civil authorities and all who helped in the planning and execution of this visit.

I offer a cordial greeting to the President and the Secretary General of the Lutheran World Federation, and to the Archbishop of the Church of Sweden.  I also greet the members of the ecumenical delegations and the diplomatic corps present on this occasion, and all those who have joined us in this celebration of the Eucharist.

I thank God that I was able to visit this land and to meet with you, many of whom have come from all over the world.  As Catholics, we are part of a great family and are sustained in the same communion.  I encourage you to express your faith in prayer, in the sacraments, and in generous service to those who are suffering and in need.  I urge you to be salt and light, wherever you find yourselves, through the way you live and act as followers of Jesus, and to show great respect and solidarity with our brothers and sisters of other churches and Christian communities, and with all people of good will.
Pope Holds Mass in Sweden 
Associated Press

His Holiness Pope Francis' Holy Mass in Malmo Sweden
Yvonne A J
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« Reply #4731 on: November 01, 2016, 08:51:02 PM »


Pope: in flight presser after Sweden visit
2016-11-01 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) During his in-flight press conference following his visit to Sweden, Pope Francis spoke on Tuesday about a range of topics including welcoming refugees, female priests, relations with the charismatic movements, his talks with Venezuela’s President, secularisation, his upcoming journeys abroad and human trafficking.

In his traditional press conference with journalists travelling with him on the plane back to Rome, Pope Francis was asked first what is his message to those European countries who fear the arrival of refugees and for Sweden, traditionally a country that has been more welcoming to refugees and migrants than many others, but which of late, has started to close its borders. Stressing that we cannot close our hearts to refugees, in his reply the Pope praised Sweden’s example of hospitality towards refugees. At the same time he said it was very important for any country accepting refugees or migrants to make sure that they also take steps to ensure they are properly integrated into their host nations, saying this is a process that takes time. He went on to warn that a country can pay a political price if they take in more refugees than they can integrate properly. In this context, he warned against the formation of ghettos for refugee or migrant communities, saying this was a “dangerous” development that should be avoided.

Asked next how realistic it would be to foresee women priests in the Catholic Church in the coming decades, and if not, why not, Pope Francis said “the last word on this issue was clear” and had been given by Saint John Paul II and “this stands.” At the same time, he stressed that the Church itself is feminine and Mary is more important than the Apostles in terms of the theology and mysticism of the Church on the day of the Pentecost. The Church, he explained, has its Petrine dimension and its Marian dimension and said it could not exist with this female dimension.
Full text: Pope Francis' in-flight presser from Sweden
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« Reply #4732 on: November 02, 2016, 04:49:55 PM »

In answer to the question about women ordination, Pope Francis referred to the Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II regarding ordination of men only.



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« Reply #4733 on: November 02, 2016, 05:06:13 PM »

 an angelic monkey


Pope offers Mass for faithful departed on All Souls' Day
2016-11-02 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis travelled to the Roman cemetery of Prima Porta, where he offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the liturgical commemoration of All Souls’ Day.

Thousands of people joined the Holy Father as he prayed for the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed. Arriving at the cemetery, Pope Francis visited a mausoleum and laid flowers at several tombs, while praying silently.

In his homily for the Mass, which he delivered off the cuff, the Holy Father reflected on the words of Job: “I know that my Redeemer lives.” The commemoration of the dead, he explained, fills us both with sorrow, a sense of sadness, and with hope. “A cemetery is sad because it reminds us of our loved ones who have died, it reminds us of our future, death.” But, he continued, “in this sadness, we bring flowers as a sign of hope; even, I could say, of a festival – but later, not now.”

This hope, Pope Francis said, can help us, because we too must make the same journey, from this life to the next. The hope in the Resurrection does not disappoint.

In fact it is Jesus Himself who first took this journey; we walk along the path He has trod. “With His Cross,” Pope Francis said, Jesus “has opened the gate of salvation, where we will contemplate God.”
2016.11.02 Holy Mass in Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed
« Last Edit: November 02, 2016, 05:12:05 PM by grace-land » Logged
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« Reply #4734 on: November 03, 2016, 07:52:13 PM »

 an angelic monkey


Pope Francis prays in the Vatican Grottos
03/11/2016 10:54

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis prayed in the Vatican Grottos on Wednesday evening, after his return from celebrating the Mass of All Souls in the Roman cemetery of Prima Porta.

The Vatican Grottos – located under St. Peter’s Basilica - the grottos contain tombs of kings, queens and popes, dating from the 10th century.

Pope Francis prayed privately at the tombs of his 20th century predecessor: Benedict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII, 
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« Reply #4735 on: November 03, 2016, 08:00:35 PM »


Pope calls for peaceful encounter of religions and true religious freedom
2016-11-03 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday urged representatives of different religions to foster a peaceful encounter of believers and genuine religious freedom.

Speaking to some 200 people gathered in the Vatican for an interreligious audience, Pope Francis reflected on the soon- to-end Year of Mercy saying that mercy extends also to the world around us, “to our common home, which we are called to protect and preserve from unbridled and rapacious consumption”.

He pointed out that in today’s hectic and forgetful world  we need the oxygen of  gratuitous and life-giving love: “We thirst for mercy and no technology can quench that thirst.  We seek a love that endures beyond momentary pleasures, a safe harbour where we can end our restless wanderings, an infinite embrace that forgives and reconciles”.
He told those present that common commitment is needed “for an education to sobriety and to respect, to a more simple and orderly way of life”.

Above all, the Pope urged all religions to join in embarking on a path of dialogue, rejecting the aimless paths of disagreement and closed-mindedness. 

He appealed to never let it happen again that religions, because of the conduct of some of their followers, convey a distorted message that is out of tune with that of mercy.

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« Reply #4736 on: November 03, 2016, 09:47:27 PM »


Pope in November Praying for Countries Taking in Refugees 
November 2, 2016

The Pope’s intentions for November were announced by the Apostleship of Prayer.

The Holy Father’s universal prayer intention for November is: “That the countries which take in a great number of displaced persons and refugees may find support for their efforts which show solidarity.”

His intention for evangelisation is: “That within parishes, priests and lay people may collaborate in service to the community without giving in to the temptation of discouragement.”
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« Reply #4737 on: November 04, 2016, 06:05:48 PM »


Pope offers Holy Mass for deceased Cardinals and Bishops
2016-11-04 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) At the Altar of the Chair in St Peter’s Basilica on Friday, Pope Francis offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in suffrage for the souls of Cardinals and Bishops who have died in the course of the past year.

“These our Brothers,” Pope Francis said, “have reached the goal, after having served the Church and loved the Lord Jesus.”

The Holy Father reminded those present that for each of us, the journey “to the house of the Father” begins in the first moment of our existence; and, through Baptism, the first moment when we receive sanctifying grace. An important stage of that journey, for priests, is the moment they receive priestly ordination. “From that moment,” he said, “we are united in a special way to Christ, associated with His priestly ministry.” The Cardinals and Bishops we remember today, he continued, “throughout their lives, especially after having consecrated themselves to God, dedicated themselves to witnessing and to giving to others the love of Christ.”

They were “pastors of the flock of Christ,” and, in imitation of Him, they spent their lives in working for the salvation of those entrusted to their care. Now, he said, “we are here to pray for them, to offer the divine Sacrifice in suffrage for their souls, and to ask the Lord to make them shine forever in His kingdom of light.”
Pope’s Homily for Deceased Cardinals
November 4, 2016

2016.11.04 Holy Mass in suffrage of deceased Cardinals and Bishops
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« Reply #4738 on: November 05, 2016, 08:31:22 PM »


Pope Francis recalls Charles of Austria: a model for our times
2016-11-05 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Saturday received family members of the House of Hasburg visiting the Vatican for a Jubilee pilgrimage.

To the some 300 people gathered in the Clementine Hall, the Pope said “I am happy to receive you in the occasion of this pilgrimage that you have undertaken as a family” and he highlighted the fact that ‘family’ implies a wealth of interconnections and variety and is a value to be “rediscovered” in current times.

The Pope recalled one of the Hasburg family’s most remarkable ancestors: Blessed Charles of Austria who was beatified in 2004 by Saint Pope John Paul II.

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« Reply #4739 on: November 05, 2016, 08:36:41 PM »


38 martyrs killed by the Communist regime beatified in Albania
2016-11-05 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Thirtyeight martyrs killed between 1945 and 1974 by the Communist regime have been beatified in the city of Shkodër in northwestern Albania.

The ceremony took place in the Square of St. Stephen’s Cathedral and was presided over by Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

In his homily Cardinal Amato said:  “While the persecutors dissolve like so many black shadows which are lost forever in the darkness of eternal oblivion,  martyrs are guiding lights  that shine in the sky of humanity, showing the true face of  man’s goodness, his profound identity created in the image of God”.

The canonical process for the recognition of the martyrdom and the official approval of the witness and sacrifice for the faith culminated in a decree promulgated by Pope Francis in April 2016 which gave the green light for the beatification of the martyrs.
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