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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4541413 times)
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« Reply #500 on: August 06, 2013, 08:09:15 PM »,_mercy/en1-717479

2013-08-06 14:26:42
Pope Francis: Gospel a message of hope, mercy

(Vatican Radio) The Holy See on Tuesday published the 2013 Message for World Mission Day from Pope Francis. In his Message, the Holy Father says “The work of evangelization often finds obstacles, not only externally, but also from within the ecclesial community. Sometimes there is lack of fervour, joy, courage and hope in proclaiming the Message of Christ to all and in helping the people of our time to an encounter with him.”

Pope Francis says “[in] this complex situation, where the horizon of the present and future seems threatened by menacing clouds, it is necessary to proclaim courageously and in every situation, the Gospel of Christ, a message of hope, reconciliation, communion, a proclamation of God's closeness, his mercy, his salvation, and a proclamation that the power of God’s love is able to overcome the darkness of evil and guide us on the path of goodness.”

Below please find the full text of the 2013 Message for World Mission Day
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« Reply #501 on: August 07, 2013, 09:11:59 AM »

Once again, the Pope is right on -- getting folks motivated to help others is difficult.
 an angelic monkey

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« Reply #502 on: August 07, 2013, 10:50:20 PM »

Once again, the Pope is right on -- getting folks motivated to help others is difficult.
 an angelic monkey

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« Reply #503 on: August 07, 2013, 11:12:01 PM »

Video at the link.  Oh, dear, that excited nun almost brought down Francis!    an angelic monkey

Pope prays before tomb of Paul VI. Meets with group on vocational pilgrimage
2013-08-07 18:14:41

August 7, 2013. ( After praying before the tomb of Paul VI, Pope Francis greeted a group of pilgrims, from the Italian province of Brescia, which is the same province where Paul VI was born. This month marks 35 years since his death.   

He met the group just outside his home at the Vatican's Casa Santa Marta. They were all very excited to see him.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #504 on: August 08, 2013, 11:49:18 AM »

Video at the link.  Oh, dear, that excited nun almost brought down Francis!    an angelic monkey

Pope prays before tomb of Paul VI. Meets with group on vocational pilgrimage
2013-08-07 18:14:41

August 7, 2013. ( After praying before the tomb of Paul VI, Pope Francis greeted a group of pilgrims, from the Italian province of Brescia, which is the same province where Paul VI was born. This month marks 35 years since his death.   

He met the group just outside his home at the Vatican's Casa Santa Marta. They were all very excited to see him.

grace-land, that was too cute!  Thank goodness he has such a kind nature!

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« Reply #505 on: August 08, 2013, 09:51:48 PM »

2013-08-08 13:56:43
Press release on new Motu proprio

(Vatican Radio) The Holy See Press Office has released a communiqué on the new Motu proprio of Pope Francis concerning “the prevention and countering of money laundering, the financing of terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.”

Commenting on the new decree, the head of the Vatican press office, Fr Federico Lombardi noted it's mainly concerned with closer coordination of the financial activities of the Holy See and the many institutes dependent upon it.

Fr Lombardi said the principle novelty of this decree is to reinforce and extend the competency of the Financial Information Authority, charging it with what’s called ‘prudential supervision’ over all entities habitually engaged in financial activities. He added this move is in response to the recent recommendations of Moneyval, the Council of Europe’s anti-money laundering agency

Listen to Philippa Hitchen's report: RealAudioMP3

Below, please find the full text of the Holy See Press Office communiqué:
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« Reply #506 on: August 10, 2013, 12:38:43 AM »

The last words the cardinals heard before electing the pope
August 8, 2013 By Deacon Greg Kandra

An interesting piece of papal history, via CNS:

The last formal exhortation to the 115 cardinals who elected Pope Francis in March included reminders of the importance of presenting the Catholic faith in its entirety, the need to recognize the errors of church members and the need for unity within the Catholic community.

Maltese Cardinal Prosper Grech, 87, was too old to vote in the conclave, but the 115 cardinals under age 80 asked him to enter the Sistine Chapel with them March 12 and offer a meditation before they began voting.

The text of the cardinal’s remarks was not released at the time. The Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, published the meditation in its Aug. 8 edition.

Cardinal Grech, an Augustinian priest and expert on the fathers of the early church, had told the cardinal electors that he was not there to outline the characteristics needed in a new pope, but to use Scripture to reflect on “what Christ wants from his church.”

First, he said, the church is called to proclaim the kingdom of God and the good news of salvation through Christ.

“The church does this presenting the Gospel without shortcuts, without diluting the word,” he said.

The cardinal warned that too many Catholics erroneously think that baptism and participation in the sacraments are not necessary because the Second Vatican Council recognized the possibility of “salvation even for those outside the church.”

Too many Catholics, he said, do not know the teachings of the church; “not only does an ignorance and lack of care about Catholic doctrine reign,” but also an ignorance of the basics of Christianity itself.

One of the biggest threats Cardinal Grech saw was a threat to the unity of the Catholic community. “Between ultra-traditionalist extremists and ultra-progressive extremists, between priests rebelling against obedience and those who don’t recognize the signs of the times, there always will be the risk of small schisms that not only damage the church, but go against the will of God.”
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« Reply #507 on: August 11, 2013, 08:02:58 PM »

2013-08-11 14:22:58
Pope Francis greets Muslims and urges both Christians and Muslims to promote mutual respect.

Pope Francis on Sunday urged Christians and Muslims to promote mutual respect , especially through the education of new generations. His remarks came at the end of his Angelus address when he sent greetings to Muslims throughout the world who have just celebrated the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

Listen to Susy Hodges’ report: RealAudioMP3

Text of report below:
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« Reply #508 on: August 12, 2013, 11:33:04 PM »

2013-08-12 18:53:18
Pope sends message for National Week of the Family in Brazil

(Vatican Radio) Parents are called to teach children to defend life, recognizing that life is a gift from God. This according to Pope Francis in his message sent on the occasion of the National Week of the Family in Brazil. The theme for this year’s celebration is “The Transmission and education of the Christian Faith within the family.” The Week of the Family opened on Sunday, and is being promoted by the Brazilian bishop’s conference.

In his message, Pope Francis encouraged parents in their “noble and demanding mission” of being the “first collaborators” with God, offering their children important guidance, and ensuring for them a good future. For this reason, the Holy Father said, quoting his encyclical Lumen Fidei, it is important that parents, within their own families, “encourage shared expressions of faith which can help children gradually to mature in their own faith.” (Lumen Fidei, 53) Parents, moreover, are called to transmit to their children, in both word and dead, the “fundamental truth about life and human love which receives new light from the Revelation of God.”

In a culture which devalues human life, Pope Francis said that parents are called to teach their children to defend life, beginning with life in the womb, recognizing that life is a gift from God and an assurance for the future of humanity. 
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« Reply #509 on: August 13, 2013, 09:48:05 PM »,_argentine_football_players/en1-719372

2013-08-13 14:01:10
Pope meets Italian, Argentine football players

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met with members of the Italian and Argentinian national football squads on Tuesday morning. They are in Rome for a Wednesday night friendly that has been organised in honour of Pope Francis’ pontificate.

Speaking in both Italian and Spanish, the Holy Father expressed his hope that the match would truly be a friendly one. He reminded the players that they are role models for many football fans, encouraged them to take that responsibility seriously. He asked them to foster the “beauty, generosity, and camaraderie” that sport can produce – and called for even professional athletes to recover the idea of being an amateur, of recovering the initial vocation of the athlete. Doing so builds up the common good through those values.

Pope Francis also warned about letting sport become simply a big business. He called on managers to “Do your work in such a way that the sporting character will not be lost.”

Turning to Spanish, the Pope spoke about his memories of going to football matches with his family as a young boy in Buenos Aires – and spoke fondly about his memories of the Gasómetro Stadium in Buenos Aires, and the winning season of 1946. He called on players to “live your sport as a gift from God, an opportunity not only to improve your talents, but also a responsibility. And he returned to the idea that athletes are examples and role models, encouraging them to set an example of loyalty, respect, and selflessness. “I have confidence,” he said, “in all the good you can do, especially among young people.”

Pope Francis ended his remarks by praying that the athletes will continue to be able to pursue the “noble vocation” of sport – and he asked them to pray for him, too, “that in the playing field that the Lord has placed me, I can play the game honestly and courageously, for the good of all.
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« Reply #510 on: August 15, 2013, 11:07:48 PM »

Castel Gandolfo Welcomes Pope Francis for Assumption Mass
Thursday, August 15, 2013 1:14 PM

An estimated 10,500 jubilant pilgrims crammed into Castel Gandolfo's small piazza Thursday where Pope Francis celebrated his first Mass on the Feast of the Assumption as Roman Pontiff.

In his homily (full text below), the Holy Father spoke of how the Virgin Mary prompts us to reflect on the struggle against evil, the resurrection, and the importance of hope.

In his Angelus address, the Pope included an appeal for "peace, dialogue and reconciliation" in Egypt where violence and unrest has caused over 600 deaths.

Pope Francis has broken with tradition this year and is taking a "working vacation" at the Vatican instead of residing at the papal summer residence in the town. Consistent with his wish to show austerity, he also travelled the 20 or so miles to Castel Gandolfo by car rather than helicopter.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!
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« Reply #511 on: August 16, 2013, 08:54:53 PM »

Minor appointments by Pope Francis signs of Curial reform

Vatican City, Aug 16, 2013 / 05:56 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- A series of seemingly minor appointments may be the forerunners of a Pope Francis “revolution” in the Roman Curia, centered on the Pope who prefers to maintain a small circle of persons around him.
“There is a transition in place, and Pope Francis has his own project, which he shares just with a few people around him,” a source who is familiar with the Vatican Secretariat of State told CNA Aug.13.
 The transition can be seen, according the source, by several “side appointments” made by Pope Francis,  such as those of Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Monsignor Konrad Krajewski, and Msgr. Francesco Camaldo.

These appointments presage the Bishop of Rome's major appointments, and the source maintained that “the revolution will probably start with the appointment of the Secretary of State, awaited for September.”
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« Reply #512 on: August 17, 2013, 01:42:50 AM »

Pope to consecrate world to Mary's Immaculate Heart

Vatican City, Aug 14, 2013 / 12:03 am (CNA).- Pope Francis will consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary this Oct. 13 as part of the Marian Day celebration that will involve the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima.

“The Holy Father strongly desires that the Marian Day may have present, as a special sign, one of the most significant Marian icons for Christians throughout the world and, for that reason, we thought of the beloved original Statue of Our Lady of Fatima,” wrote Archbishop Rino Fisichella.

Archbishop Fisichella, who serves as president of the pontifical council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, made his remarks in a letter to Bishop Antonio Marto of Leiria-Fatima.

According to the Portuguese shrine's website, the statue of Our Lady of Fatima will leave for Rome on the morning of Oct. 12 and return on the afternoon of Oct. 13. The statue normally resides in the shrine’s Little Chapel of Apparitions.

The archbishop said that “all ecclesial entities of Marian spirituality” are invited to take part in the celebration. Hundreds of movements and institutions that emphasize Marian devotion are expected to attend, the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima says.

The two-day observance includes an Oct. 12 pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Peter and moments of prayer and meditation. On Oct. 13, Pope Francis will celebrate Mass in St. Peter’s Square.
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« Reply #513 on: August 17, 2013, 11:13:24 PM »

2013-08-17 19:19:31
Pope calls for peace in Egypt

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has renewed his call for peace and reconciliation in Egypt. In a statement, the vice-director of the Vatican Press Office, Father Ciro Benedettini, CP, said the Holy Father “continues to follow with growing concern the serious news coming from Egypt and continues to pray for end to violence, and that the parties choose the path of dialogue and reconciliation.”

Earlier in the week, during the Angelus prayer on the Feast of the Assumption (Aug. 15), Pope Francis had launched an urgent appeal for peace in Egypt, assuring “the victims, their families, the wounded and those who suffer” of his prayers.

Meanwhile, the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt, headed by Pope Tawadros II, has issued a press release concerning the recent events in their country.

Below, please find the full text of the press release, translated by the Office Of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II:

The Coptic orthodox church of Egypt is following closely the unfortunate incidences occurring in our nation Egypt and confirms its strong stance with the Egyptian law enforcement, the armed forces, and all of the institutions of the Egyptian people in its confrontation of the violent armed organizations, dark terrorists, both internal and external, the attacks on the government offices as well as our peaceful churches which are terrorizing our citizens both Coptic and Muslim.
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« Reply #514 on: August 17, 2013, 11:21:35 PM »

Video, with translation, at the link.

Pope Francis urges Catholics to pray the Rosary in the fight against evil
2013-08-16 16:59:44

August 16, 2013. ( Nearly 12,000 pilgrims packed the small square outside the Papal Residence at Castel Gandolfo, for Pope Francis' Mass for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.   

Pope Francis emerged behind the iconic doors that closed off the papacy of his predecessor Benedict XVI, to a makeshift altar, wearing a simple tunic and stoll. His homily focused on the contributions of Our Lady to the Church. 
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« Reply #515 on: August 19, 2013, 12:38:01 PM »

2013-08-18 13:09:00
Pope Angelus: Faith and violence are incompatible

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday reiterated his call for peace in the ongoing crisis in Egypt saying” “we continue to pray for peace in Egypt together, Mary Queen of Peace pray for us” The Holy Father also remembered those who were killed in a ferry disaster in the Philippines this week and prayed for the families in their grief.
The Pope was speaking following the recitation of the Angelus prayer from the Papal Apartments above St Peter’s Square

During his Angelus address Pope Francis took his cue from Sunday’s Gospel liturgy.

He explained that the phrase contained in the Letter to the Hebrews: "Let us run with perseverance the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus”, is an expression that we must emphasize especially in this Year of Faith.

The Pope said that Jesus is the key to a loving relationship with God.
He is the only mediator of this relationship between us and our Father in heaven.

The Holy Father then turned his attention to another phrase in Sunday’s liturgy, which he said needed to be explained so as not to lead to confusion or misunderstanding.

Pope Francis was referring to the words that Jesus spoke to his disciples "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division "(Luke 12:51).

“But what does this mean?” the Pope asked.

He explained that “it means that faith is not something decorative, or ornamental, it is not there to decorate your life with a little 'of religion.” No, faith, said Pope Francis, involves choosing God as the centre of one’s life, adding that God is not empty, he is not neutral, God is love.
Jesus, continued Pope Francis does not want to divide people from each other, on the contrary, Jesus is our peace.
But he lays down the criterion: live for oneself, or live for God.
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« Reply #516 on: August 20, 2013, 11:03:29 PM »

Canonization date of late Popes to be announced in September

Vatican City, Aug 20, 2013 / 03:53 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis plans to hold a consistory Sept. 30 to formally approve the sainthood of Blesseds John Paul II and John XXIII, during which the official date of the canonizations will be announced.

Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, made the announcement during an Aug. 20 interview with Vatican Radio, saying that only Pope Francis knows for sure the date that the canonizations will occur.

“John XXIII was the great prophet and creator of the Council,” the announcement stated, and “John Paul II is the one who put it into practice and developed it, in all its aspects and in all its potential.”

The former Popes were lauded as being “two pillars not only of Christian culture, but also of Christian holiness.”
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« Reply #517 on: August 21, 2013, 10:52:13 PM »

What'd you say they said the pope said?
10 hours ago  •  James Rygelski

I’ve never subscribed to conspiracy theories. Oswald acted alone, NASA didn’t fake the moon landings, Shakespeare wrote the plays bearing his name, and, best of all, Jesus really rose from the dead.

But when it comes to media reporting matters of faith, I’m no longer sure there isn’t a conspiracy to try to “do in” Christianity, particularly Catholicism.

That doesn’t mean the media – print, radio, TV, and Hollywood – regularly meet to coordinate a besmirching of the faith of more than 1 billion people. But they seem to be in lock step, even hell bent, in attempts to remake in their image Pope Francis’ remarks on Catholic teaching, thus dividing Catholics and undermining the Church.
The media love Pope Francis – right now – because they view him as a renegade. Someday soon, though, he’ll paraphrase a famous Yogi Berraism by telling them, “I didn’t say what you said I did.”

He’ll disappoint them when he reaffirms again and again traditional Church teaching while affirming the example of Christ, who lived as a common person but vigorously gave testament to the glory of God. Let's listen to what he really says, and follow both his words and actions.
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« Reply #518 on: August 21, 2013, 11:22:29 PM »

2013-08-21 11:55:40
Pope to attend Marian Day in the Vatican

(Vatican Radio) "Blessed are you for believing!" That is the theme of the Marian Day which will be held in the Vatican on 12 and 13 October next, in the presence of the Holy Father Pope Francis and all the associations of Marian spirituality. Organized by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, the event is part of the celebrations of the Year of Faith - organized by the then Pope Benedict XVI to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council - and coincides with the anniversary of the last apparition of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima: it was, in fact, on October 13, 1917 when at Cova da Iria, Portugal, Our Lady appeared for the sixth and final time to the three shepherd children, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. Soon after, there was the so-called "miracle of the sun" the solar disc changed colour, size and position for about ten minutes. In memory of this date, therefore, the original statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be brought to St. Peter's Square and exposed to the veneration of the faithful. 
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« Reply #519 on: August 22, 2013, 08:04:29 PM »

Vatican's Year of Faith celebrations to resume in September
Aug. 22, 2013

Vatican City--   
Vatican activities for the Year of Faith begin again in late September with an international meeting of catechists, followed in October by a Marian pilgrimage in the presence of the original statue of Our Lady of Fatima and a celebration of faith and family life.
The International Conference on Catechesis will bring together leaders of national and diocesan offices Sept. 26-28 for religious education to discuss theory and practice before they begin a two-day Year of Faith pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Peter and celebrate Mass Sept. 29 with Pope Francis.

October, traditionally the month of the rosary, will bring thousands of members of groups promoting Marian piety to the Vatican.

The Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal announced in early August that Pope Francis requested that the original statue of Our Lady of Fatima be brought to the Vatican for the celebration. It will be only the 11th time since the statue was made in 1920 that it has been removed from the Portuguese Marian shrine.

The seventh time it left Portugal was in 1984 when it was taken to the Vatican. After consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary during a liturgy in St. Peter's Square, Blessed John Paul II gave one of the bullets he had been shot with a year earlier to the bishop of Leiria-Fatima, who had the bullet placed into the statue's gold crown.
The Year of Faith, convoked by retired Pope Benedict XVI to mark the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, will conclude Nov. 24.
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