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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515304 times)
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« Reply #520 on: August 24, 2013, 10:56:30 PM »


LCWR 2013 Assembly: Little Evidence Yet of Any Reforms
NEWS ANALYSIS: More than a year after the Vatican-mandated changes, the U.S. women religious leaders’ group appears uninterested in complying.

When the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) met in its annual assembly Aug. 13-16 in Orlando, Fla., the main topic of business was how the sisters would respond to a 2012 mandate of reform from the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). The LCWR is a canonically erected superiors’ organization of nearly 1,400 sisters who are leaders of about 80% of the women religious in this country.

Interest in their 2013 assembly was heightened by the presence of the Vatican’s apostolic delegate charged with conducting the reform, Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle. He had offered to attend the LCWR 2012 assembly to discuss the mandate that had come out April 18 of that year, but had been told then by LCWR leaders that his presence “would not be helpful.”

This year, Archbishop Sartain addressed the entire membership in a closed session and fielded questions about the mandate from LCWR members. He also met with the LCWR’s 21-member national board during the first of three days of board meetings after the assembly closed.

However, the only decision announced by LCWR in an Aug. 19 press release was simply to continue talking with Archbishop Sartain and Bishops Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Ill., and Leonard Blair of Toledo, Ohio, who the Vatican appointed to assist him.

Now the question is: How long is the CDF willing to have the apostolic delegates continue those conversations when the LCWR has not yet agreed to any of the reforms mandated in the doctrinal assessment.
Lint to the Mandate of Reform:  http://www.usccb.org/loader.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&pageid=55544
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« Reply #521 on: August 24, 2013, 11:34:14 PM »


2013-08-23 08:24:08
Upcoming workshop to examine human trafficking and modern slavery

(Vatican Radio) Human trafficking and modern slavery is the theme of a workshop set to take place on 2-3 November in the Casina Pio IV.

The Chancellor of the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and of the Social Sciences, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, released the following message ahead of the workshop:

Following a wish expressed by Pope Francis, the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and of the Social Sciences, together with FIAMC (World Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations) are organizing a preparatory workshop on 2-3 November 2013 in the Casina Pio IV to examine human trafficking and modern slavery, in order to establish the real status quo and an agenda to combat this heinous crime. For example, natural sciences today can provide new tools that can be used against this new form of slavery, such as a digital registry to compare the DNA of unidentified missing children (including cases of illegal adoption) with that of their family members who have reported their disappearance.
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« Reply #522 on: August 25, 2013, 01:44:22 PM »


2013-08-25 13:41:52
Pope Francis: You are not excluded!

(Vatican Radio) In his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis spoke about the words of Jesus from the day’s Gospel: “Strive to enter through the narrow gate.”

The Holy Father noted that Jesus was responding to the question of how many people will be saved. But, the Pope said, “it is not important to know how many are saved. Rather, it is important to know what is the path of salvation.” Jesus Himself is the gate, a gate “that allows us to enter into God's family, into the warmth of the house of God, of communion with Him. This gate is Jesus Himself.”

Pope Francis emphasised that “the gate that is Jesus is never closed . . . it is always open and open to everyone, without distinction, without exclusions, without privileges.” Jesus, he continued, does not exclude anyone. Some people might feel excluded because they are sinners – but Pope Francis definitively rejected this idea. “No,” he said, “you are not excluded! Precisely for that reason you are preferred, because Jesus prefers the sinner, always, in order to pardon him, to love him. Jesus is waiting for you, to embrace you, to pardon you.”

We are called to enter the gate that is Jesus. “Don’t be afraid to pass through the gate of faith in Jesus,” Pope Francis said. Don’t be afraid “to let Him enter more and more into our lives, to go out of our selfishness, our being closed in, our indifference toward others.”

Jesus speaks about a narrow gate not because it is a “torture chamber," but “because it asks us to open our hearts to Him, to recognize ourselves as sinners, in need of His salvation, His forgiveness, His love, needing the humility to accept His mercy and to be renewed by Him.”

Finally, the Holy Father emphasised that Christianity is not a “label” – it is a way of life. Christians must not be Christians in name only: “Not Christians, never Christians because of a label!” he said. He called us to be true Christians, Christians at heart. “To be Christian,” said Pope Francis, "is to live and witness to the faith in prayer, in works of charity, in promoting justice, in doing good. For the narrow gate which is Christ must pass into our whole life.”
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« Reply #523 on: August 25, 2013, 01:47:29 PM »


2013-08-25 12:38:24
Pope Francis renews call for peace in Syria

(Vatican Radio) After the recitation of the Angelus, Pope Francis renewed his call for peace in Syria. “It is not confrontation that offers hope to resolve problems, but rather the ability to meet and dialogue.” The Holy Father called on the International Community to do everything in its power to help the “beloved Syrian nation” find a solution to the ongoing conflict. At the end of his remarks, Pope Francis lead all those listening in a prayer to Mary, Queen of Peace.

Below, please find Vatican Radio’s translation of Pope Francis appeal for Syria:
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« Reply #524 on: August 25, 2013, 08:55:15 PM »


Remembering a Prophet of the New Evangelization: John Paul I Thirty-five years after his election to the See of Peter
August 25, 2013 by Fr. Thomas Rosica

Thirty-five years ago August 25-26, Cardinal Albino Luciani, Patriarch of Venice was elected Pope after the death of the Servant of God Pope Paul VI. The conclave of 101 cardinals lasted 2 days and he was elected on the fourth ballot. Luciani took the name of John Paul I – the first pope to have two names. He wanted to continue the work of Pope Paul VI and Pope John XXIII.

Luciani was born in Canale d’Agordo near Belluno, Italy, on October 17, 1912. He entered the seminary at 11 years old, was ordained a priest at 23 years old, and was the Patriarch of Venice from 1969 until he became pope on September 3, 1978. Luciani held a theology degree from Gregorian University in Rome.

Because of his rural background and his ability to explain the catechism with such clarity and simplicity, Pope John Paul I was called “The Peasant Pope.” But he was known most for being “The Smiling Pope.”
Many have remarked on the great similarities that exist between John Paul I and the current Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis. They really are kindred spirits and great shepherds of the flock.
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« Reply #525 on: August 28, 2013, 10:23:32 PM »


2013-08-27 14:01:28
Saint Monica : Pope Francis set to visit her tomb...

(Vatican Radio) Hidden away in the heart of Rome, up an elegant flight of travertine steps lies the imposing Renaissance Church of Saint Augustine.

When on the 28th of August Pope Francis steps into this great Church, which houses a myriad of artistic masterpieces from Raphael to Caravaggio, on a private visit to preside over Holy Mass, he does so on the day the Church remembers Saint Augustine.

But he’ll know too that this Church is linked to mothers in a special way.

First of all to the mother of Saint Augustine, Saint Monica whose feast day is on the eve of the 28th. It is here that her mortal remains were brought in the 13th century, at the request of the Pope of the time, to be entombed in the Chapel of a Church dedicated to her son.

A great mother, born in 332 AD at Tagaste an old Roman City on the road to Carthage, to whom her son Augustine refers throughout his ‘Confessions’, attributing to her his rescue from a wasteful and heretical life. Highlighting the love he had for this mother, today often referred to as the patron saint of ‘mothers of awkward sons’..
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« Reply #526 on: August 28, 2013, 10:33:11 PM »


2013-08-28 13:25:19
Pope Francis celebrates Saint Augustine

(Vatican Radio) Together with Augustinians from throughout the world, Pope Francis celebrates the Feast of Saint Augustine which falls on August 28th.

The Pope will lead the celebration Mass at the Church of Saint Augustine in Rome. The occasion also marks the opening of the Order’s 184th General Chapter.

As the Prior of the Augustinians, Father Robert Prevost explains, ninety friars from various countries, who constitute the membership of the Chapter, will gather in the succeeding days and weeks to discuss the state of the Order, decide questions of special importance, formulate a programme for the next six years, and elect a new Prior General and the members of his Council.

But first he tells us why Augustinian spirituality is relevant to today’s society…
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« Reply #527 on: August 28, 2013, 10:36:47 PM »


2013-08-28 17:07:41
Pope Francis tells young people to "make noise"

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday afternoon met with a group of about 500 young people from the Diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio in St. Peter’s Basilica. The youth are on a pilgrimage which is part of their diocesan celebration of the Year of Faith.

The Pope began his greetings by explaining why he agreed to the meeting.

“I did it for selfish reasons, do you know why? Why I like being with you? … Why I like being with young people?” the Pope asked. “ Because you have in your heart a promise of hope. You are bearers of hope. You, in fact, live in the present, but are looking at the future. You are the protagonists of the future, artisans of the future.”

Explaining what he meant, Pope Francis said young people have “three desires”: Beauty, Goodness, and Truth.

“And these three desires that you have in your heart, you have to carry them forward, to the future,” he said. “Make the future with beauty, with goodness and truth. Do you understand? This is the challenge: your challenge…you can do it: you have the power to do so. If you do not, it is because of laziness. … I wanted to tell you: Have courage. Go forward. Make noise.”
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« Reply #528 on: August 29, 2013, 12:09:47 PM »


2013-08-29 11:51:31
Pope Francis: "restlessness of love" brings pastoral fruitfulness

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis last night said Mass at the Roman Basilica of Saint Augustine, where he met with members of the Augustinian order who are celebrating their general chapter. The celebration was attended by Augustinians from 5 continents, religious women and men who follow the rule of the bishop of Hippo, along with a number of lay people. Before entering the Basilica, the Holy Father stopped to greet the people who were waiting to see him along the street.

In his homily at the Mass, Pope Francis spoke about the “restlessness” that Saint Augustine lived.

“What fundamental restlessness did Augustine live in his life? Or perhaps I should say, what kind of restlessness invites us to arouse and keep alive in our lives this great man and saint?” The restless heart of Augustine has something to teach us, the Pope said, inviting us to reflect on “the restlessness of the spiritual quest, the restlessness of the encounter with God, the restlessness of love.”

The Pope said, “I would say to those who feel indifferent to God, towards the faith, to those who are far from God, or are abandoned, and even to us, with our ‘distances’ and our ‘abandonment’ towards God, little, perhaps, but there are so many in daily life: look into the depths of your hard, look deep within yourself, and ask yourself: Do you have a heart that desires something great, or a heart that is put to sleep by material things?”
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« Reply #529 on: August 29, 2013, 12:15:48 PM »


2013-08-29 15:22:32
Pope: prays for Korean "Month of Martyrs"

(Vatican Radio) On Thursday 29th of August, Pope Francis sent a message praying for the "Month of Martyrs" proclaimed by the Archdiocese of Seul, South Korea.

Please find below the full text of the Pope's message, signed by Cardinal Bertone, Secretary of State.

The Most Reverend Andrew Yeom Soo-jung
Archbishop of Seoul

The Holy Father was pleased to learn that the Archdiocese of Seoul has proclaimed the month of September 2013 the “Month of Martyrs” in commemoration of those who laid down their lives for the Gospel in Korea. His Holiness trusts that all who participate in pilgrimages during this month, aided by the prayers and example of the martyrs, will deepen their communion with the Lord Jesus Christ who laid down his life that we might share in the inestimable gift of eternal life. 
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« Reply #530 on: August 29, 2013, 12:20:27 PM »


2013-08-29 16:44:53
Pope Francis meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan

(Vatican Radio) Peace and stability in the Middle East was the focus of Pope Francis’ meeting with the king of Jordan, Abdullah II.

The Holy Father on Thursday morning received in audience the Jordanian king and his wife, Queen Rania in the Vatican, along with a small delegation from Jordan. After exchanging cordial greetings with the king and queen, the Holy Father met with them privately for about 20 minutes before greeting the rest of the delegation.

Following the meeting with the pope, King Abdullah and several members of his delegation sat down with Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, and Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Secretary for Relations with States.

Several themes were touched upon throughout the morning, including the negotiations which have resumed between Israelis and Palestinians, and on the question of Jerusalem.

Particular attention was given to the crisis in Syria. It was said that the path of dialogue and negotiation between all components of Syrian society, with the support of the international community, is the only option for putting an end to the conflict and the violence which every day claims many lives, including the helpless civilian population.
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« Reply #531 on: August 31, 2013, 01:47:47 PM »


2013-08-31 12:08:26
Statement from Vatican Press Office on Ab Parolin's appointment

Official Statement from the Press Office of the Holy See on the Appointment of Abp. Pietro Parolin

The Holy Father has accepted, in keeping with Can. 354 of the Code of Canon Law, the resignation of His Eminence, Card. Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State, asking him, however, to remain in office until 15 October, 2013, with all the faculties proper to the office.

At the same time, the Holy Father has nominated Archbishop Pietro Parolin, Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela, as the new Secretary of State. He shall take possession of his office on 15 October, 2013.
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« Reply #532 on: August 31, 2013, 01:51:08 PM »


2013-08-31 12:04:04
Pope appoints Ab Parolin new Secretary of State

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis named Archbishop Pietro Parolin to succeed Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone as the Holy See’s Secretary of State. Until now, Archbishop Parolin had been Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela. From 2002 until 2009, he served in the Secretariat of State as

Undersecretary for Relations with States. Archbishop Pietro Parolin is fifty-eight years old and has been a priest since 1980. He was ordained bishop in 2009.Listen to our report: RealAudioMP3

Statement by Archbishop Pietro Parolin on the occasion of his appointment as Secretary of State.
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« Reply #533 on: August 31, 2013, 02:00:54 PM »


Pope Francis appoints new Secretary of State
August 31, 2013

Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Pietro Parolin, apostolic nuncio to Venezuela, as his new Secretary of State.

While accepting the resignation of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who is 78, the Pope asked Cardinal Bertone to remain in his position until October 15 “with all the faculties proper to the office,” according to the Holy See Press Office. During that time Archbishop Parolin will be able to move from Caracas to Rome.

On October 15, the press office added, “His Holiness shall receive in audience superiors and officials of the Secretariat of State, in order publicly to thank Cardinal Bertone for his faithful and generous service to the Holy See, and to introduce them to the new Secretary of State.”

Acting effectively as “prime minister” for the Roman Pontiff, the Secretary of State is the second-ranking official at the Vatican, with broad authority over the internal actions and diplomatic policies of the Holy See. Exercising profound influence over the life of the Church, the Secretaries of State of the last four decades have included Cardinal Jean-Marie Villot (1969-79), Cardinal Agostino Casaroli (1979-90), Cardinal Angelo Sodano (1991-2006), and Cardinal Bertone (2006-13). Cardinal Sodano, who is now 85, remains the Dean of the College of Cardinals.
The Holy See Press Office also announced that Pope Francis has decided that Cardinal Bertone’s four chief aides will all remain in their offices. Since 2011, Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu has served as Substitute for General Affairs – in essence, the chief of staff responsible for the internal work of the Roman Curia. Archbishop Dominique Mamberti has served as the Secretary for Relations with States, or Vatican foreign minister, since 2006.

Archbishop Becciu’s chief assistant, Msgr. Peter Wells, will remain as Assessor for General Affairs, and Archbishop Mamberti’s chief assistant, Msgr. Antoine Camilleri, will remain Undersecretary for Relations with States.

In addition, the press office announced that the Pope has confirmed Archbishop Georg Gänswein in his position as Prefect of the Pontifical Household, a position he has held since December 2012. Archbishop Gänswein served as personal secretary to Pope Benedict XVI, and continues to work with the retired Pontiff.

As the top-ranking official on the Pope's staff, Archbishop Parolin will undoubtedly be raised to the rank of cardinal at the next consistory. However, his authority as Secretary of State may not match that of his predecessors, if Pope Francis chooses to change the functions of the Secretariat of State as part of his program for reform at the Vatican.

Also still to be determined is the future role of Cardinal Bertone. He remains, for now, the chairman of a panel created by the Pope to supervise the Vatican bank; he is also the camerlengo, who would handle some administrative duties in case of the Pope's death. His predecessor as Secretary of State, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, still wields considerable influence at the Vatican.
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Brandi's Avatars

« Reply #534 on: September 01, 2013, 03:39:42 PM »


01 September 2013 - 13H18   

AFP - Pope Francis has called for the world to unite in a day of fasting and prayer for Syria on Saturday and said "God and history" would judge anyone using chemical weapons.

Pope Francis, holding with a cross made from the wood of rickety fishing boats, leads a mass during his visit to the island of Lampedusa, a key destination of tens of thousands of would-be immigrants from Africa, on July 8, 2013. Pope Francis has called for the world to unite in a day of fasting and prayer for Syria on Saturday and said "God and history" would judge anyone using chemical weapons


"My heart is profoundly wounded in these days by what is happening in Syria and I am anxious about the prospect of dramatic developments," the pope said.


Wynton Marsalis~
"Let us Give, Forgive, and Be Thankful"

 Zayra is remembered
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« Reply #535 on: September 01, 2013, 08:55:22 PM »


2013-09-01 12:57:04
Pope Francis at Angelus: Sept 7 day of prayer for peace

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, in the entire Mideast region, and throughout the whole world to be held this coming Saturday, September 7th, 2013. Speaking ahead of the traditional Angelus prayer with pilgrims gathered in St Peter’s Square this Sunday, Pope Francis said, “On [Saturday] the 7th of September, here [in St Peter’s Square], from 7 PM until midnight, we will gather together in prayer, in a spirit of penitence, to ask from God this great gift [of peace] for the beloved Syrian nation and for all the situations of conflict and violence in the world.” The Holy Father also invited non-Catholic Christians and non-Christian believers to participate in ways they feel are appropriate.
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« Reply #536 on: September 01, 2013, 09:00:05 PM »


2013-09-01 14:30:22
Pope: Angelus appeal for peace (full text)

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, in the entire Mideast region, and throughout the whole world to be held this coming Saturday, September 7th, 2013. The Pope made the announcement during the course of remarks ahead of the traditional Angelus prayer this Sunday. Below, please find the full text of the Holy Father's Angelus appeal.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today, dear brothers and sisters, I wish to make add my voice to the cry which rises up with increasing anguish from every part of the world, from every people, from the heart of each person, from the one great family which is humanity: it is the cry for peace! It is a cry which declares with force: we want a peaceful world, we want to be men and women of peace, and we want in our society, torn apart by divisions and conflict, that peace break out! War never again! Never again war! Peace is a precious gift, which must be promoted and protected.
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Brandi's Avatars

« Reply #537 on: September 01, 2013, 09:06:18 PM »


2013-09-01 12:57:04
Pope Francis at Angelus: Sept 7 day of prayer for peace

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, in the entire Mideast region, and throughout the whole world to be held this coming Saturday, September 7th, 2013. Speaking ahead of the traditional Angelus prayer with pilgrims gathered in St Peter’s Square this Sunday, Pope Francis said, “On [Saturday] the 7th of September, here [in St Peter’s Square], from 7 PM until midnight, we will gather together in prayer, in a spirit of penitence, to ask from God this great gift [of peace] for the beloved Syrian nation and for all the situations of conflict and violence in the world.” The Holy Father also invited non-Catholic Christians and non-Christian believers to participate in ways they feel are appropriate.

  Thank-you, grace-land!

Wynton Marsalis~
"Let us Give, Forgive, and Be Thankful"

 Zayra is remembered
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« Reply #538 on: September 02, 2013, 12:43:54 AM »

   You're welcome, seahorse!  It's good that the Vatican Radio site gives the latest news about Pope Francis and provides translated text, and full texts, of his speeches/messages/homilies, etc.
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« Reply #539 on: September 02, 2013, 12:49:02 AM »

I checked the calendar; Rosh Hashanah is on September 5.


The Jewish New Year and the Binding of Isaac – A Symbol of Life
September 1, 2013 by Fr. Thomas Rosica

As Pope Francis meets with World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder at the Vatican on Monday to offer Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) wishes, it is good to reflect on the meaning of the Jewish New Year celebrated this week. It has signficiance for Christians as well.

The Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashanah, meaning literally the “beginning of the year,” occurs on the first of the Hebrew month Tishre and inaugurates the solemn Jewish season which concludes with Yom Kippur. In the Bible, the Jewish New Year Festival is called Day of the Sounding of the Shofar and Memorial of the blowing of the Shofar (ram’s horn). This instrument is designed to sound the alarm of the forthcoming solemn season, to awaken Jewry to prayer and repentance. It serves as a call to remember the historical events which made Israel a people, whether at Mount Sinai or on its entrance into Israel, or on the occasion of the proclamation of the Jubilee year. In Jewish liturgy, this feast also has two other names: Day of Memorial and Day of Judgment. Each of the different names of the Festival conveys one of the special characteristics of the Festival.
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