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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515282 times)
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« Reply #5260 on: May 06, 2017, 07:52:40 PM »


Pope Francis welcomes new Swiss Guards recruits
2017-05-06 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Each year on May 6, the new recruits for the Pontifical Swiss Guard are sworn in at an impressive, and ancient, ceremony in the San Damaso Courtyard of the Apostolic Palace. The forty new Swiss Guards are the first group of recruits to go through the new model of training, which includes a month of instruction at the famous Swiss Guards’ school at Isone in the canton of Ticino before beginning their courses at the Vatican.

Ahead of the swearing-in ceremony, the new recruits, with their families and friends, and the other members of the Swiss Guard, were received by Pope Francis at an audience in the Sala Clementina.

The presence of so many visitors from Switzerland, the Pope said, “manifests the affection of Swiss Catholics for the Holy See, Christian education, and the good example through which the parents have transmitted to their children the faith, the value of pertaining to the Christian community, and the significance of ecclesial service.”
2017.05.06 - Swearing in Ceremony of the Pontifical Swiss Guards 
Streamed live 10 hours ago
The new recruits of the Swiss Guards take their solemnn oath of loyalty on the anniversary of the sacrifice of 147 soldiers of the Corps who died to defend Pope Clemens VII from the assault of the Lanzichenecchi mercenaries on May 6th 1527
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« Reply #5261 on: May 06, 2017, 07:59:27 PM »


Pope Francis: 'The world is at war,' but good still remains

Vatican City, May 6, 2017 / 09:05 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In a lengthy, off-the-cuff Q&A session with students, Pope Francis said a “culture of destruction” has spread throughout the world, but there is still good in the world, although it often goes unnoticed.

There are many good things and good people in the world, “but the world is at war,” the Pope said May 6. “The world is at war…this bomb falls here, on a hospital, on a school; there are sick people, children, but it doesn’t matter. They bomb.”

Francis then said he is “ashamed of the name of a bomb: ‘the mother of all bombs’.”

The name refers to a massive bomb dropped by the U.S. on ISIS targets in Afghanistan April 13. Nicknamed “the mother of all bombs,” it is one of the United States’ largest non-nuclear bombs, and prior to April had never been used as a weapon.

“A mother gives life, and this destroys!” Pope Francis said, explaining that when the word “mother” is used in this context, he asks himself “what can be happening? The answer is it’s true, we are at war.”

Pope Francis spoke during a May 6 audience with students of the National Coordination of Local Governments for peace and human rights.

In the course of the meeting, the Pope took questions from five people, three men and two women, who asked about modern world crisis and the response – or lack thereof – to these important topics.

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« Reply #5262 on: May 06, 2017, 08:05:35 PM »


Pope Francis accepts resignation of Greek Melkite Patriarch
2017-05-06 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Saturday accepted the resignation of the Melkite Greek Patriarch of Antioch, His Beatitude Gregory III Laham, from his pastoral office. A letter from the Holy Father to the Patriarch-emeritus and all the Melkite bishops explains that His Beatitude presented his resignation during the course of a special audience with the Holy Father in February, and that the Holy Father has decided to accept the resignation.

In the letter, Pope Francis thanks the 83 year-old Patriarch-emeritus, “a zealous servant of the People of God, for the generous service to his Church and for keeping the international community’s attention focused on the tragedy of Syria.”

The Holy Father goes on to write, “I invoke upon you all the intercession of The Holy Mother of God and willingly give the Apostolic Blessing to our dear Greco-Melkite Church as a sign of grace and encouragement for the future of communion and witness of the Gospel.”
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« Reply #5263 on: May 07, 2017, 08:55:39 PM »


Pope Francis ordains 10 new priests on Good Shepherd Sunday
2017-05-07 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis ordained ten men to the sacred priesthood on Sunday morning, the Fourth Sunday of Easter and “Good Shepherd Sunday” after the Gospel reading of the day, which is also celebrated as the day of prayer for vocations.

The Holy Father delivered the standard, prepared “template” homily found in the Roman Ritual for priestly ordinations, with three significant extemporaneous deviations from the text.

The first, was a reminder that the priesthood is not a “career” in the usual sense, and ought not be lived as a path to advancement within the Church. “These men have been elected by the Lord Jesus not to make their own way, but to do this [priestly] service.”

Pope Francis also broke with the prepared text to say, “Do not give homilies that are too intellectual or elaborate,” he said. “[Be] simple, as Our Lord spoke, who reached hearts.”

Pope Francis went on to say, “A presbyter who has perhaps studied much theology and has achieved one or two or three advanced degrees, but has not learned to carry the Cross of Christ, is useless: he will be a good academic, a good professor, but not a priest.”

The Holy Father also broke from the prepared text to say, “Please, I ask you in the name of Christ and of the Church to be merciful, always: do not saddle the faithful with burdens they cannot carry (nor ought you so burden yourselves). Jesus reproved the doctors of the law for this, and called them hypocrites.”
Pope urges new priests to serve with joy, never sadness

2017.05.07 - Celebration of Holy Mass with ordinations to the Priesthood 
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« Reply #5264 on: May 07, 2017, 09:08:29 PM »


Pope Francis at Regina coeli: Pray Rosary for peace!
2017-05-07 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis called for Catholics to pray the Rosary for peace on Sunday. In remarks to pilgrims and tourists gathered in St. Peter’s Square to pray the Regina coeli with him on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the Holy Father said, “n this month of May, let us pray the Rosary in particular for peace.”

“Please!” he said, “let us pray the Rosary for peace, as the Virgin of Fatima asked us to do.”
Pope Francis warns against 'false wisdom' that distracts from God

2017.05.07 - Regina Coeli 
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« Reply #5265 on: May 08, 2017, 08:34:00 PM »


Pope warns against the sin of resisting the Holy Spirit
08/05/2017 14:37

(Vatican Radio)  Watch out against the sin of resisting the Holy Spirit and always be open to the surprises of God.  This was the exhortation of Pope Francis in his homily at Mass, Monday morning, in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta residence in the Vatican.  He was commenting on the episode of the Acts of the Apostles where St. Peter confronts the first Christian community regarding being open to pagans who joined the Church.  Reflecting on the Acts of the Apostles episode, the Pope stressed that Holy Spirit always moves the Church and the Christian community.

God always surprises us as He is a loving God who accompanies us

The Pope said the Holy Spirit works miracles and creates new things and “obviously some feared these novelties of the Church.”

“The Spirit is the gift of God, of this God, our Father who always surprises us.  The God of surprises…  Why? Because He is a living God, who dwells in us, a God who moves our hearts, a God who is in the Church and walks with us and in this journey He surprises us.  It is he He who has the creativity to create the world, the creativity to create new thing every day.  He is the God who surprises us.”

This, the Pope explained, can create “difficulties” like Peter faced when he was challenged by other disciples because they knew that “even pagans had welcomed the Word of God”.  For them, Peter had gone too far and they reprimanded him because according to them he was “a scandal” even to the point of saying, “You, Peter, the rock of the Church! Where are you leading us to?”
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« Reply #5266 on: May 09, 2017, 09:03:17 PM »


“Let us receive the Holy Spirit with docility!” Pope Francis
2017-05-09 Vatican Radio

“Let us receive the Holy Spirit with docility!” This was Pope Francis’ message during his Tuesday morning homily during Mass celebrated in the Vatican’s Santa Marta residence.

Joining the Pope at Mass were the Sisters who work in the Santa Marta residence. They were celebrating the feast day of their founder, Saint Luisa di Marillac.

The Pope, continuing to develop the themes he had used in the previous day’s homily, reflected on the early Christians’ docility and openness to the Holy Spirit against the backdrop of the first persecutions of the Christians.

“In these past days we have talked about resistance to the Holy Spirit, for which Saint Stephen scolded the doctors of the law. Today the readings speak of an attitude which the opposite namely  for Christians to have docility towards the Holy Spirit” said Pope Francis.

 He described how, after Saint Stephen was killed, a widespread persecution broke out against Christians and many of them fled to places like Cyprus, Phoenicia and Antioch. But this persecution gave new opportunities to the Christians, he added.  Noting that until this moment, they had only been preaching to the Jews, the Pope pointed out that some of those Christians who went to Antioch began to preach to the pagans, because they felt that the Holy Spirit was pushing them to do so.  This, he said, showed their docility towards the Spirit.
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« Reply #5267 on: May 10, 2017, 09:49:30 PM »


Pope Audience: Look to Mary, Mother of Hope
2017-05-10 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis during his Wednesday General Audience continued his catechesis on Christian hope, highlighting Mary the Mother of Hope.

On the eve of his Apostolic visit to Fatima, Pope Francis on Wednesday, described Mary as the Mother of Hope adding that she was a woman of courage, perseverance and obedience.

Speaking to the thousands of pilgrims and tourists in St Peter’s Square, the Pope said that,  “Our Lady’s experience of motherhood models that of so many mothers in our world.” Mothers who have had to confront the suffering of their children.

He went on to say that she courageously accepted her vocation and welcomed the new life entrusted to her.  The Holy Father also noted how despite the trials in her life, she remained always obedient to God.
GENERAL AUDIENCE: ‘On Mary, Mother of Hope’ 
May 10, 2017

2017.05.10 - General Audience 
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« Reply #5268 on: May 10, 2017, 09:53:54 PM »


Pope's message of thanks to Tawadros II following Egypt visit
2017-05-10 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent a message to His Holiness Pope Tawadros II thanking him for his hospitality and for their "moving meeting and common prayer as brothers in Christ", during his recent visit to Egypt.

Please find below the Holy Father's message

To His Holiness Tawadros II

Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark

Dear Brother,

After my visit to Egypt and the blessed encounter with Your Holiness in Cairo, and recalling the fourth anniversary of our fraternal meeting in Rome on 10 May 2013, I take this opportunity to offer my prayerful best wishes for your peace and health, as well as my joy and gratitude for the spiritual bonds uniting the See of Peter and the See of Mark.
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« Reply #5269 on: May 11, 2017, 05:07:30 PM »


Pope: Christians are always on the go in their journey to meet the Lord
2017-05-11 Vatican Radio

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said the life of every Christian is a journey and a process during which to deepen the faith.

Speaking during the homily at morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, the Pope reflected on the liturgical reading of the day in which St. Paul tells the story of Salvation leading up to Jesus

During the course of history, Pope Francis said, many of our conceptions have changed. Slavery, for example, was a practice that was accepted; in time we have come to understand that it is a mortal sin.

“God has made himself known throughout history” he said, “His salvation” goes back a long way in time. And he referred to Paul’s preaching in the Acts of the Apostles when he tells the God-fearing children of Israel about the journey of their ancestors from the Exodus from Egypt until the coming of the savior, Jesus.

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« Reply #5270 on: May 11, 2017, 05:18:13 PM »

Pope Francis visit to Fatima--May 12-13


Vatican releases pope's schedule for Fatima visit
By Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service
3.20.2017 11:10 AM ET

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Celebrating the 100th anniversary of apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, Pope Francis will lead the evening recitation of rosary and celebrate Mass on the anniversary at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima when he visits Portugal May 12-13.
Here is the schedule for the pope's trip to Fatima as released by the Vatican March 20. All times are local, with Eastern Daylight Time in parentheses:

Friday, May 12 (Rome, Fatima)

-- 2 p.m. (8 a.m.) Departure from Rome's Fiumicino airport.

-- 4:20 p.m. (11:20 a.m.) Arrival at Monte Real air base in Leiria, Portugal. Welcoming ceremony.

-- 4:35 p.m. (11:35 a.m.) Private meeting with the president of Portugal at the Monte Real Air Base.

-- 4:55 p.m. (11:55 a.m.) Visit to the Monte Real air base chapel.

-- 5:15 p.m. (12:15 p.m.) Transfer by helicopter to Fatima stadium.

-- 5:35 p.m. (12:35 p.m.) Arrival at Fatima stadium and transfer to the shrine.

-- 6:15 p.m. (1:15 p.m.) Visit and prayer at the Little Chapel of the Apparitions.

-- 9:30 p.m. (4:30 p.m.) Blessing of the candles at the chapel. Speech by pope and recitation of the rosary.
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« Reply #5271 on: May 12, 2017, 06:19:33 PM »

Videos:  Pope Francis visit to Fatima--May 12-13

2017.05.12 - Pope Francis in Fatima - Welcome ceremony
Streamed live 8 hours ago
INTERNATIONAL SOUND - Pope Francis in Fatima - Welcome ceremony
Pope Francis arrives by air in Monte Real, where he is met by the President of the Republic, before beginning his pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

2017.05.12 - Pope Francis in Fatima - Visit to the Airbase Chapel 
Streamed live 7 hours ago
INTERNATIONAL SOUND - Pope Francis visits the Chapel of the Airbase of Monte Real, before beginning his pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima.

2017.05.12 - Pope Francis in Fatima - Visit to the Chapel of the Apparitions 
Streamed live 6 hours ago
WITH COMMENTARY - Pope Francis in Fatima - Visit to the Chapel of the Apparitions

2012.05.12 - Pope Francis in Fatima - Blessing of the candles and recitation of the Rosary 
Streamed live 3 hours ago
WITH COMMENTARY - Pope Francis blesses the candles of the faithful present and recites the Rosary with them, in the Chapel of the Apparitions
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« Reply #5272 on: May 12, 2017, 06:36:33 PM »


Pope’s Words to Journalists During Flight to Portugal 
May 12, 2017

Below is a ZENIT translation of Pope Francis’ words to journalists during his flight from Rome to Portugal today, May 12, 2017. The Holy Father is making an Apostolic Pilgrimage to Fatima, May 12-13, for the Centenary of the Marian Apparitions. The Holy Father was presented to journalists by Director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke:
Holy Father:

Good afternoon and thank you for this company and for the work you will do on this trip that, as Greg said, is somewhat special: it is a journey of prayer, of encounter with the Lord and with the Holy Mother of God.

Thank you for the company, and let’s go on.
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« Reply #5273 on: May 12, 2017, 07:01:40 PM »


Pope Francis in Fatima: arrival ceremony
12/05/2017 17:54

Pope Francis walks after disembaking at Monte Real military airbase in Portugal May 12, 2017
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis’s plane touched down at Monte Real Air Base shortly before 4:30pm local time in Portugal. The sky was threatening for much of the afternoon – not in the way it is always threatening a little rain in the height of springtime a thousand feet up and twenty-odd miles off the Atlantic coast – but a serious thunderstorm.

The crowds at the airport were larger than I expected to see them, not only for the weather, but especially since they were there only to catch a glimpse of the Holy Father, who was not scheduled to deliver any prepared remarks and who in fact visited only privately with the President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, and then it was to the chapel at the air base where he landed, to share a moment of prayer with the sick children of service personnel and their families.
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« Reply #5274 on: May 12, 2017, 07:12:22 PM »


Pope's prayer to the Blessed Virgin of Fatima
12/05/2017 18:30

This is his prayer:

The Holy Father:
 Hail Holy Queen,
 Blessed Virgin of Fatima,
 Lady of Immaculate Heart,
 our refuge and our way to God!

As a pilgrim of the Light that comes to us from your hands,
 I give thanks to God the Father, who in every time and place
 is at work in human history;
 As a pilgrim of the Peace that, in this place, you proclaim,
 I give praise to Christ, our peace, and I implore for the world
 concord among all peoples;
 As a pilgrim of the Hope that the Spirit awakens,
 I come as a prophet and messenger to wash the feet of all,
 at the same table that unites us.

Refrain (sung by the assembly):

Ave O Clemens, Ave O pia!
 Salve Regina Rosarii Fatimae.
 Ave O clemens, Ave O pia!
 Ave O dulcis Virgo Maria!
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« Reply #5275 on: May 12, 2017, 07:19:06 PM »


Pope Francis in Fatima: greetings at chapel of apparitions
12/05/2017 22:30

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis greeted pilgrims on Friday evening in Fatima, as they gathered with him for a brief moment of prayerful recollection before the great vigil that would begin with the recitation of the Rosary led by the Holy Father himself. Below, please find the full text of the Holy Father's prepared remarks, in their official English translation.
Greeting of His Holiness Pope Francis
Vigil at the Chapel of the Apparitions
12 May 2017

Dear Pilgrims to Mary and with Mary!
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« Reply #5276 on: May 12, 2017, 07:22:56 PM »


Pope Francis in Fatima: a vigil for peace and conversion
12/05/2017 23:30

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis led hundreds of thousands of pilgrim faithful in the recitation of the Holy Rosary on Friday evening in Fatima, Portugal, where the Holy Father is on pilgrimage to mark the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin to three shepherd children there.

After the Rosary, the Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, celebrated Mass for the faithful.

Our own Chris Altieri is in Fatima with Pope Francis, and sent us this report.

The Pope and the pilgrims offered the Joyful Mysteries: the five decades were offered in different languages, beginning with Arabic and then proceeding to a decade in Spanish and Ukrainian, the third in Italian and Chinese, the fourth in English and French, and the fifth in German and Polish.

All throughout the devotion, Pope Francis was seated before the statue of Our Lady of Fatima beneath the canopy that covers the Little Chapel of the Apparitions, where earlier in the day he had left a golden rose in gift: a pilgrim among pilgrims.
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« Reply #5277 on: May 13, 2017, 12:31:44 AM »

Pope Francis visit to Fatima--May 12-13


Vatican releases pope's schedule for Fatima visit
By Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service
3.20.2017 11:10 AM ET

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Celebrating the 100th anniversary of apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, Pope Francis will lead the evening recitation of rosary and celebrate Mass on the anniversary at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima when he visits Portugal May 12-13.

Here is the schedule for the pope's trip to Fatima as released by the Vatican March 20. All times are local, with Eastern Daylight Time in parentheses:
Saturday, May 13

-- 9:10 a.m. (4:10 a.m.) Meeting with prime minister of Portugal at Our Lady of Mount Carmel house in Fatima.

-- 9:40 a.m. (4:40 a.m.) Visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima.

-- 10 a.m. (5 a.m.) Outdoor Mass at the basilica. Homily by pope. Greeting by pope to the sick.

-- 12:30 p.m. (7:30 a.m.) Lunch with the bishops of Portugal at Our Lady of Mount Carmel house in Fatima.

-- 2:45 p.m. (9:45 a.m.) Farewell ceremony at the Monte Real air base.

-- 3 p.m. (10 a.m.) Departure for Rome.

-- 7:05 p.m. (1:05 p.m.) Arrival at Rome's Ciampino airport.
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« Reply #5278 on: May 13, 2017, 07:55:23 AM »

Video:  Pope Francis visit to Fatima--May 12-13

2017.05.13 - Celebration of Holy Mass with the canonization of Jacinta and Francisco
Streamed live 4 hours ago
WITH COMMENTARY - Local time 09.50-12.10 - Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass with the canonization of the little shepherds Jacinta and Francisco.
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« Reply #5279 on: May 13, 2017, 01:29:05 PM »

Video:  Pope Francis visit to Fatima--May 12-13

2017.05.13 - Pope Francis in Fatima - Farewell Ceremony
Streamed live 4 hours ago
INTERNATIONAL SOUND - Pope Francis bids farewell to the President of the Republic as he leaves for Rome at the end of his pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima.
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