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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515477 times)
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« Reply #5360 on: June 14, 2017, 10:10:02 PM »


Pope at audience: God's unconditional love gives hope
14/06/2017 13:05

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday continued his reflections on Christian hope, as he greeted thousands of pilgrims and visitors gathered in St Peter’s Square and in the Paul VI audience hall for his weekly general audience.

Pope Francis began his reflection by noting that none of us can live without love. Yet many people today, he went on, are anguished or empty inside because they don’t believe they are beautiful or important enough to be loved by others.

Imagine a world where everyone is seeking attention and no-one is prepared to give love in a gratuitous way, he said. Behind so much narcissistic behaviour and incomprehensible actions we discover feelings of solitude and abandonment.
Pope’s General Audience: On Beloved Children, Certainty of Hope 
June 14, 2017

2017.06.14 General Audience
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« Reply #5361 on: June 14, 2017, 10:18:23 PM »


Holy See, Israel release joint statement on diplomatic negotiations
14/06/2017 16:19

Msgr. Antoine Camilleri, Undersecretary for the Holy See's Relations with States, represented the Holy See during the negotiations - RV

(Vatican Radio)  The Holy See and the State of Israel has released a joint communique, detailing the progress made by the Bilateral Permanent Working Commission on Tuesday.

The Commission met on 13 June in a Plenary Session "to continue negotiations pursuant to the Fundamental Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Israel of 1993, Art. 10 paragraph 2."

The communique says participants were "pleased with the progress accomplished at the working level regarding the negotiations, and the cordial atmosphere in which the meetings took place."

It also expresses the Plenary's hopes "for a rapid conclusion of ongoing negotiations and the signing of the document."

The official English-language translation of the joint communique is below:
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« Reply #5362 on: June 14, 2017, 10:26:13 PM »


Council of Cardinals updates Pope on state of Vatican reform
14/06/2017 16:29

(Vatican Radio) The 20th meeting of the Council of Cardinals concluded on Wednesday in the Vatican.

A briefing by Greg Burke, Director of the Holy See Press Office, said the so-called C9 members met with the Pope for three days. The next such meeting is scheduled to  take place in September.

The Council is studying the plans for reforming the Apostolic Constitution “Pastor Bonus” on the Roman Curia

According to Burke amongst the topics under discussion were new ways in which the Roman Curia can better serve the local Churches, further decentralization of Roman Dicasteries, the status of unmarried and widowed deacons and internal issues regarding various Dicasteries of the Curia.

Cardinal George Pell reportedly provided an update on the work of the Secretariat for the Economy, of which he is the President, while the prefect of the Secretariat for Communications, Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò presented a report on the state of the reform of the Vatican’s communication system as well as a presentation of the new projects involving Vatican media in accordance with Pope Francis’ call to push forward with courage in order to embrace the challenges of digital and technological evolution in a rapidly changing world.

Please find below the full text of the briefing:

Briefing of the Director of the Holy See Press Office on the Twentieth Meeting of the Council of Cardinals, 14.06.2017

At 13.00 today, the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke, gave a briefing on the twentieth meeting of the Council of Cardinals attended by the Holy Father Francis.
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« Reply #5363 on: June 16, 2017, 10:04:25 PM »


Pope at Mass: God’s power saves us from weakness and sins
16/06/2017 14:06

(Vatican Radio) In order to be saved and healed by God we must recognize that are weak, vulnerable and sinful like earthen vessels, said ‎Pope Francis on Friday.  And this will lead us to happiness, he said in ‎his homily at the morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta chapel in the Vatican.  He was reflecting on the Second Letter to the Corinthians, where St. Paul speaking about the mystery of Christ, says we have this treasure of Christ in our fragility and vulnerability because we are vessels made of clay.

Not being shameful is hypocrisy 

"All of us are vulnerable, fragile, weak, and we need to be healed,” the Pope said.  But recognizing our vulnerability is one of the most difficult things of life.  At times, we try to cover this vulnerability with cosmetics in order to disguise it, pretending it does not exist.  And disguises are always shameful, the Pope said. “They are hypocrisy."
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« Reply #5364 on: June 16, 2017, 10:07:11 PM »


Pope Francis says farewell to director of Rome's Anglican Centre
16/06/2017 11:00

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met on Friday with the outgoing representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury and director of Rome’s Anglican Centre, Archbishop David Moxon, who returns to his native New Zealand this week.

Moxon, who also co-chairs the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC), retires after four years in the hot seat of ecumenical relations here in Rome. He took over the job in 2013, just weeks after the inauguration of both a new pope and a new archbishop of Canterbury.
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« Reply #5365 on: June 17, 2017, 10:24:33 PM »


Pope Francis meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel
17/06/2017 13:16

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her husband on Saturday in a private audience at the Vatican Apostolic Palace.

A communique from the Holy See Press Office called their discussions “cordial” and said they spoke about “the good relations and fruitful collaboration between the Holy See and Germany”.

“Issues of common interest were then addressed, with special regard for the upcoming G20 meeting in Hamburg, and the parties agreed on the need to dedicate special attention to the responsibility of the international community in combating poverty and hunger, the global threat of terrorism, and climate change.”
Pope Francis sends condolences upon death of Helmut Kohl
17/06/2017 13:46

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis sent his condolences on Saturday to German Chancellor Angela Merkel upon the death of her predecessor, former Chancellor Helmut Kohl.

Helmut Kohl died on Friday at the age of 87, having served as Chancellor from 1982 to 1998.

In a telegramme, the Pope sends his “heartfelt condolences” for the loss of the “Chancellor of Unity”.
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« Reply #5366 on: June 17, 2017, 10:30:41 PM »


French priest with expertise in human rights appointed secretary of new Vatican social justice department
16 June 2017 | by Christopher Lamb   

Fr Duffé has expertise in defending persecuted groups and has worked with refugees

Pope Francis has appointed a French priest with wide-ranging expertise in human rights, migrants and medical ethics as the first secretary of a Vatican department dedicated to social justice.

Fr Bruno-Marie Duffé, 65, will become the number two at the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, a body that has a diverse portfolio covering everything from climate change to capital punishment. 
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« Reply #5367 on: June 17, 2017, 10:47:04 PM »


Pope Francis sends condolences to London fire victims
17/06/2017 09:54

People look at flowers and tributes close to Grenfell Tower after a fire engulfed the 24 storey building on Wednesday morning, in west London.

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent a message of condolence to the victims and families of the Grenfall Tower fire in London. In the message signed by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Holy Father says he was "saddened to learn of the devastating fire in London and of the tragic loss of life and injury." He also praised the efforts of the emergency services in reponding to the tragedy.

Below find the Pope's message addressed to Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster.
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« Reply #5368 on: June 18, 2017, 11:52:09 PM »


Pope Angelus: Jesus food of eternal life
18/06/2017 13:03

(Vatican Radio) In a sunny St Peter’s Square on Sunday Pope Francis recalled the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ or Corpus Christi.

Following the Angelus prayer and taking his cue from the Gospel of St John, the Holy Father reminded the pilgrims and tourists present that Jesus states that he is “the living bread which has descended from heaven.

The Pope explained that the Father has sent him into the world as the food of eternal life, and for this reason he will sacrifice himself on the Cross, donating his body and shedding his blood.
The Pope also reminded the faithful that he would celebrate Mass in the Roman Basilica of St John Lateran on Sunday evening followed by a procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major.

Angelus Address: On the Feast of Corpus Christi 
June 18, 2017

2017.06.18 Angelus Domini
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« Reply #5369 on: June 19, 2017, 12:02:24 AM »


Pope celebrates Mass for Solemnity of Corpus Christi
18/06/2017 19:05

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday celebrated Mass at the Roman Basilica of St John Lateran which was to be followed by a procession to the Basilica of St Mary Major to mark the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.

In his homily for the feast of Corpus Christi, Pope Francis chose to reflect on one word, “Memory”. The Pope said that “remembering all that the Lord has done for us is the foundation of our own personal history of salvation.”

Memory, the Holy Father went on to say is important, “because it allows us to dwell in love, to be mind-ful, “never forgetting who it is who loves us and whom we are called to love in return.”

This Solemnity, Pope Francis underlined, reminds us that in our fragmented lives, the Lord comes to meet us with a loving “fragility”, which is the Eucharist. 

Below find the English language translation of the Pope's Homily
2017.06.18 Mass on the Solemn Feast of Corpus Christi
Streamed live 12 hours ago
WITH COMMENTARY - Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass on the Solemn Feast of Corpus Christi, which is followed by the Procession to St. Mary Major and the Eucharistic Blessing.
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« Reply #5370 on: June 19, 2017, 09:40:34 PM »


Pope Francis to visit Chile, Peru in January 2018
19/06/2017 18:33

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis will make an Apostolic Journey to Chile and Peru in January 2018, according to a statement released by the Holy See Press Office.

The Pope will visit Chile from 15 to 18 January, visiting the cities of Santiago, Temuco and Iquique.

He will be in Peru from 18 to 21 January, visiting Lima, Puerto Maldonado, and Trujillo.

The communique from Greg Burke, Director of the Holy See Press Office, said the Pope's trip came at the invitation of the respective Heads of State and Bishops.
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« Reply #5371 on: June 19, 2017, 09:45:35 PM »


World Refugee Day: an opportunity to grow together
19/06/2017 18:53

(Vatican Radio) At a time in history in which an unprecedented 65,5 million people around the world have been forced from home, we are witnessing the highest levels of displacement on record.

Among them are nearly 22,5 million refugees, over half of which are under the age of 18.

World Refugee Day, held each year on June 20th, commemorates the strength, courage and perseverance of millions of men, women and children who are on the move, in search of protection and opportunity.

Pope Francis has done so again and again, both in words and in action, as he has appealed to governments and policy-makers to heed the Christian message of welcome as well as dedicating many personal moments of encounter and prayer to refugees and forced migrants in different situations.
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« Reply #5372 on: June 19, 2017, 09:51:20 PM »

Uh, oh...


Blogs  |  Jun. 19, 2017
Full Text of Dubia Cardinals’ Letter Asking Pope for an Audience
The April 25 missive was hand-delivered to the Pope on May 6 but has received no response.

Edward Pentin

Here below is the full text of the letter, signed by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra on behalf of the four dubia cardinals, asking Pope Francis for an audience to discuss deep concerns over the Pope’s apostolic exhortation on the family, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love).

The Holy Father has yet to acknowledge the cardinals’ written request.

* Our report on the letter.

* Concerns over the developing 'doctrinal anarchy' deriving from disparate interpretations of Amoris Laetitia.   
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« Reply #5373 on: June 20, 2017, 09:21:43 PM »


Pope Francis opens annual Diocese of Rome pastoral conference
20/06/2017 06:00

Pope Francis addresses the Rome Diocese Pastoral Conference at St. John Lateran accompanied by Cardinal Agostino Vallini (L) and Bishop Angelo De Donatis (R)
(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis made his second visit to Rome’s Cathedral, St. John Lateran, in as many days on Monday evening to open the Diocese of Rome’s annual pastoral conference.

Ahead of his visit, the Holy Father met with a group of refugees who have been hosted by some of the thirty-eight Roman parishes and religious communities who responded to his 2015 appeal that parishes to do their part by hosting those persons fleeing war and poverty.

Pope Francis opened Rome’s annual diocesan meeting on Monday evening with a reflection on how to accompany parents in educating their adolescent children.

Offering several “assumptions” for this aspect of pastoral care, the Bishop of Rome invited the city’s pastors to think in the Roman dialect, that is, with the faces of their flocks fixed in their minds.

“Family life and the education of adolescents in a big metropolis like this requires particular attention," he said. "The complexity of the capital does not admit of reductive syntheses, but stimulates us to think in the form of a polyhedron, in which every neighborhood finds its own echo in the diocese”.

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« Reply #5374 on: June 20, 2017, 09:36:54 PM »


Pope Francis upholds legacy of two 'inconvenient' priests
20/06/2017 16:50

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Tuesday travelled to two small towns in northern Italy to pay homage to two Italian parish priests of the past century who championed the poor and challenged powerful prelates to step outside their comfort zones.

Arriving by helicopter in Lombardy town of Bozzolo to pray at the tomb of  Don Primo Mazzolari, Pope Francis was greeted by Cremona Bishop Antonio Napolioni who announced the process to beatify Mazzolari will start on September 18th.
2017.06.20 Pope Francis in Bozzolo - visit to the tomb of Don Primo Mazzolari

2017.06.20 Pope Francis in Barbiana - Visit to the tomb of Don Lorenzo Milani
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« Reply #5375 on: June 20, 2017, 09:43:14 PM »


Pope Francis: Telegram on the death of Cardinal Ivan Dias
20/06/2017 09:36

Vatican Radio)  Cardinal Ivan Cornelius Dias, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and Archbishop Emeritus of Bombay in India, died in Rome on Monday at the age of 81.

On Tuesday, Pope Francis sent a telegram expressing his condolences to Francis Dias, the brother of the late Cardinal:
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« Reply #5376 on: June 20, 2017, 09:50:29 PM »


Key figure in Vatican’s financial reform resigns without explanation
Crux Staff
June 20, 2017

ROME - In a surprising twist to Pope Francis’s project of financial reform, the Vatican announced Tuesday that Libero Milone, an Italian financier and expert in accounting who had been hired in June 2015 with great fanfare for the new post of Auditor General, has resigned effective immediately and will have no further Vatican role.

The terse, four-line statement issued Tuesday offers no explanation for the move, which is likely to invite suspicion about what the motives for Milone’s sudden departure may have been.

“It’s noted that Doctor Libero Milone yesterday presented his resignation to the Holy Father from the position of Auditor General,” the statement says. “The Holy Father accepted it. Thus concludes, by common agreement, the relationship of collaboration with the Holy See.

“While it wishes Doctor Milone every good for his future activity, the Holy See informs that, as soon as possible, a process will be activated to nominate a new director for the Office of Auditor General.”
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« Reply #5377 on: June 21, 2017, 10:44:29 PM »


Pope Francis at General Audience: ‘Saints are sign of Christian hope’
21/06/2017 12:02

(Vatican Radio)  We are called to be saints, just like the multitude of witnesses before us, so as to be heralds of hope for the world. That was Pope Francis’ message during the catechesis portion of his Wednesday General Audience, in which he reflected on the Saints as witnesses and companions of Hope.

Pope Francis at his General Audience in a sunny St. Peter’s Square said the Saints who have gone before us show us the path of Christian hope and teach us to follow in their footsteps.

Taking the Letter to the Hebrews (11:40-12:12a) as his guide, the Pope said the saints are “those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith”.

He spoke about three important moments in the life of the Church in which the “great cloud of witnesses” is evoked: in the liturgies of Baptism, Matrimony, and Holy Orders.
POPE’S GENERAL AUDIENCE: On Saints, Witnesses and Companions of Hope  
June 21, 2017

2017.06.21 General Audience  
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 10:46:54 PM by grace-land » Logged
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« Reply #5378 on: June 21, 2017, 10:54:18 PM »


Pope to NFL Hall of Famers: foster fair play, teamwork
21/06/2017 10:58

Pope Francis is presented with an American football helmet during a meeting with members of American Pro Football Hall of Fame at the Vatican June 21, 2017

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis received a delegation from the National Football League’s Hall of Fame on Wednesday.

Addressing the 43-member delegation representing the trustees and members of the organization that honors the great players in the history of the premier professional American football league, the Holy Father spoke of sport as a bridge-builder that can be a powerful tool in creating a culture of encounter, especially by fostering virtues of fair play, teamwork, and pursuit of excellence.
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« Reply #5379 on: June 21, 2017, 10:59:35 PM »


Pope donates funds to support aid projects in South Sudan
21/06/2017 16:55

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has pledged to donate about half a million dollars to support Church-run education, healthcare and agricultural projects in South Sudan.

At a press conference in the Vatican on Wednesday, Cardinal Peter Turkson, head of the office for Integral Human Development, led a panel of speakers giving details of those humanitarian projects, run by Caritas and by missionaries from different religious institutes. The cardinal also outlined numerous initiatives that the Holy See has taken to stop the war, which flared across the country in 2013.

Pope Francis may have postponed a planned visit to war-torn South Sudan this year, but he’s clearly more determined than ever to raise awareness about the need to support those suffering from conflict and starvation.
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