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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515488 times)
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« Reply #6000 on: February 01, 2018, 06:24:27 PM »

Video at the link


Pope Francis’ prayer intention for February: Say “No” to Corruption
01 February 2018, 11:42

Pope Francis has released a video message accompanying his monthly prayer intention for February 2018.

This month’s intention “Say ‘No’ to Corruption” is that those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption
 The text of the video message reads:

What is at the root of slavery, unemployment, and disregard for nature and goods held in common? Corruption, a process of death that feeds the culture of death.
 Because the thirst for power and possessions knows no limits.
 Corruption is not countered with silence.
 We must speak about it, denounce its evils, and try to understand it so as to show our resolve to make mercy reign over meanness, beauty over nothingness.
 Let us pray that those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption.
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« Reply #6001 on: February 02, 2018, 07:01:47 PM »


Pope’s Appeal to Religions: We Must Condemn All Violence in Name of God 
February 2, 2018

All religious leaders must condemn any ‘absolutizing’ that justifies violence, stressing that violence is the negation of every authentic religious expression.

Pope Francis made this appeal in the Vatican this morning, Feb. 2, 2018, when addressing participants in the “Tackling violence committed in the name of religion” conference

The Holy Father began by reiterating what he said during his April 2017 visit to Egypt: “God, the lover of life, never ceases to love man, and so he exhorts us to reject the way of violence.”
Pope’s Address to “Tackling Violence Committed in Name of Religion” Conference 
February 2, 2018
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« Reply #6002 on: February 02, 2018, 07:32:00 PM »


Don’t let technology replace real encounters, Francis says on Candlemas

Vatican City, Feb 2, 2018 / 10:50 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis told consecrated men and women Friday that they are called to have real encounters with their brothers and sisters, and that technology should never have a higher priority than time spent with God and others.

“Today’s frantic pace leads us to close many doors to encounter, often for fear of others,” the Pope said Feb. 2. “Only shopping malls and internet connections are always open.”

“Yet that is not how it should be with consecrated life: the brother and the sister given to me by God are a part of my history, gifts to be cherished. May we never look at the screen of our cellphone more than the eyes of our brothers or sisters, or focus more on our software than on the Lord.”

Pope Francis cautioned against getting trapped by the “life of this world,” pointing out how consecrated life, and vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, are about turning away “from fleeting riches to embrace the One who endures forever.”

“The life of this world pursues selfish pleasures and desires; the consecrated life frees our affections of every possession in order fully to love God and other people,” he said. “Worldly lives aim to do whatever we want; consecrated life chooses humble obedience as the greater freedom.”

The Pope’s homily came during Mass for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, which also marks the 22nd World Day of Consecrated Life.

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is also sometimes called Candlemas. On this day, many Christians bring candles to the church to be blessed. They can then light these candles at home during prayer or difficult times as a symbol of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.
Pope’s Homily for Feast of Presentation of the Lord (Full Text) 
On the 22nd World Day of the Consecrated Life
February 2, 2018

Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6003 on: February 02, 2018, 07:50:45 PM »


Vatican delegation invited to Pyeongchang Winter Olympics
02 February 2018, 12:41

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has for the first time formally invited a delegation from the Holy See to attend the inauguration of the Pyeongchang Winter Games in South Korea on the 9th February.
By Lydia O'Kane

The delegation will be led by the under-secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Monsignor Melchor Sanchez de Toca, and from 5 to 7 February they will also attend an Olympic session of IOC members as observers.

As a sign of friendship, Monsignor Sanchez de Toca will present the President of the IOC, Thomas Bach, and Korean athletes with t-shirts of “Vatican Athletics”, the team composed of employees of the Holy See that the Secretariat of State has placed under the auspices of the Pontifical Council for Culture. The aim of the team is to inspire solidarity and friendship in sport.

In 2016 the Vatican was represented at the Olympic summer games in Rio de Janeiro.
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« Reply #6004 on: February 02, 2018, 08:00:00 PM »


Pope Francis to Visit Italian Cities of Bari and Florence 
Trips Scheduled in April and May of 2018
February 2, 2018

On Friday 20 April the Holy Father Francis will pay a pastoral visit to Alessano (Lecce), in the diocese of Ugento-Santa Maria di Leuca, and to Molfetta (Bari) in the diocese of Molfetta-Ruvo-Giovinazzo-Terlizzi, on the 25th anniversary of the death of H.E. Msgr. Tonino Bello.

In addition, on Thursday 10 May 2018, the Pope will pay a pastoral visit to Nomadelfia, in the province and diocese of Grosseto, where he will meet with the Community founded by Don Zeno Saltini, and to Loppiano (Florence) in the diocese of Fiesole, where he will visit the International Cittadella of the Focolare Movement

Here are the Vatican-provided programs of the visits:

Pastoral Visit of the Holy Father to Alessano (Lecce), in the diocese of Ugento-Santa Maria di Leuca, and to Molfetta (Bari), in the diocese of Molfetta-Ruvo-Giovinazzo-Terlizzi, on the 25th anniversary of the death of H.E. Msgr. Tonino Bello (20 April 2018) – Programme, 02.02.2018

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« Reply #6005 on: February 03, 2018, 07:06:24 PM »


Pope Francis: Usury Humiliates and Kills 
February 3, 2018

© Vatican Media
“Usury humiliates and kills,” Pope Francis said February 3, 2018. “Usury is an ancient and unfortunately still concealed evil that, like a snake, strangles its victims.”

His remarks came during an address to Members of the National Anti-Usury Council, in audience in the Clementine Hall of the Vatican Apostolic Palace

The Holy Father thanked the group for its 26 years of service, noting that “you have saved over 25 thousand families from the grip of usurious debt and from the risk of usury; by saving their home, and sometimes their small businesses, you have helped them recover the dignity that had been expropriated from them.”

The following is the Pope’s address to those present:

Address of the Holy Father
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« Reply #6006 on: February 03, 2018, 07:27:05 PM »



Vatican, China nearing agreement on bishops, according to reports
Cindy Wooden Feb 2, 2018

ROME - Multiple news reports indicate the Vatican has made substantial progress in reaching an agreement with China’s communist government on the naming of bishops for several dioceses.

The news agency Reuters and The Wall Street Journal both reported Feb. 1 that the deal would involve two bishops recognized by the Holy See stepping aside to make way for two bishops chosen by the government-controlled Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association; the new bishops would have to recognize the authority of the pope and ask forgiveness for having accepted ordination without papal approval.

Both articles relied on unnamed sources at the Vatican. Greg Burke, director of the Vatican press office, would not comment when contacted by Catholic News Service Feb. 2.

However, the reports coincide with claims made by Cardinal Joseph Zen, retired archbishop of Hong Kong, who announced in late January that he had met personally with Pope Francis to express his opposition to the plan and to deliver into the pope’s hands a letter from one of the bishops involved.
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« Reply #6007 on: February 04, 2018, 04:17:27 PM »


Parolin, “Why we are in dialogue with China”
Pubblicato il  31/01/2018

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State
Interview with the Secretary of State who responds to the accusations made against the Holy See regarding the ongoing contacts, “We trust that the Chinese faithful, thanks to their spirit of faith, will know how to recognize that our action is animated by trust in the Lord and does not answer to worldly logic”
Eminence, what can you tell us about the dialogue between the Holy See and the People's Republic of China? 

"As it is well known, with the advent of "New China", there were, for the life of the Church in that great country, moments of serious contrasts and severe suffering. Since the eighties, however, contacts have been established between representatives of the Holy See and of People's China, who have known different seasons and alternating events. The Holy See has always maintained a pastoral approach, trying to overcome the contrasts and making itself available for a respectful and constructive dialogue with the civil authorities. Pope Benedict XVI well represented the spirit of this dialogue in his 2007 Letter to Chinese Catholics, "the solution to existing problems cannot be pursued via an ongoing conflict with the legitimate civil authorities " (n. 4). In Pope Francis’ pontificate, the ongoing negotiations move exactly along these lines: constructive openness to dialogue and fidelity to the genuine Tradition of the Church".
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« Reply #6008 on: February 04, 2018, 04:50:18 PM »


Pope: Jesus' liberating action for a suffering humanity
04 February 2018, 13:40

Pope Francis addresses the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Angelus Prayer   (AFP or licensors)
Pope Francis on Sunday reflected on the Gospel reading of the day and invited the Church to continue to go forth into the world bringing Jesus's salvific message to a suffering humanity.
By Linda Bordoni

Pope Francis on Sunday reflected on how the miracles performed by Jesus awaken the faith and urged his followers to put themselves at the service of the Lord and of others.

The Pope’s reflections came during his catechesis during the Sunday Angelus as he addressed those present in St. Peter’s Square.
Pope calls for Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace on 23 February
04 February 2018, 12:31

Angelus Address: On the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God 
February 4, 2018

Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6009 on: February 05, 2018, 07:57:20 PM »


Pope urges us to learn to do now what we will do in heaven: Adore!
05 February 2018, 11:47

Pope Francis at the Santa Marta Mass on Monday
At the Santa Marta Mass Pope Francis reflects on the way the people of Israel go up to the Temple with the Ark of the Covenant and adore God in silence
By Sr. Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

In his daily homily  at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis began by reflecting on the first reading of the day, taken from the first book of Kings. The passage recounts how all the tribes of Israel came to King Solomon in Jerusalem, to bring up the Ark of the LORD's Covenant to the temple. Pope Francis noted how they were making an uphill journey, carrying with them the two stone tablets that God had given to Moses on Mount Horeb.

He went on to reflect on our Christian journey, which, he said, is an upward climb, it is not always easy. The people of Israel, undertaking this uphill journey, are carrying the Ark of the Covenant to its resting place, and they bear a memory, “the memory of election”. In addition, the Pope said, the Ark of the Covenant was stripped of any ornamentation. It was stripped down to the tablets of the law: “In the ark, in fact, there was nothing except two stone tablets.”
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« Reply #6010 on: February 05, 2018, 08:28:31 PM »


© Vatican Media

05 February 2018 | by Christopher Lamb   
Francis urges Turkish President to pursue peace

Following the meeting Pope Francis presented President Erdogan with a medallion depicting an 'angel of peace' strangling the 'demon of war'

Pope Francis used a meeting with the President of Turkey on Monday to discuss the status of Jerusalem and urge the Turkish leader to pursue peace instead of war.   

At the conclusion of the 50-minute audience, lengthy by papal standards, Francis presented President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with a medallion depicting an “angel of peace” strangling the “demon of war.”

It was a gift that issued an implicit message: the pugnacious Turkish leader who has dominated the political landscape of his country for more than 15 years should build peace in the Middle East thought negotiated political settlements rather than military action.

Turkey occupies a crucial strategic role as a bridge between the east and Europe but has faced criticism recently after launching a series airstrikes on Kurdish forces in Syria. This has added a further complication for the United States military campaign against Islamic State.
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« Reply #6011 on: February 05, 2018, 08:42:32 PM »


Despite denial, Pope Francis got Chilean abuse victim’s letter
Nicole Winfield and Eva Vergara
Feb 5, 2018

Marie Collins, a member of the pope's sex-abuse commission, hands a letter to Cardinal Sean O'Malley detailing the abuse of Juan Carlos Cruz and a cover-up by Chilean church authorities, at the Domus Santa Marta on April 12, 2015. Commission members and Cruz say O'Malley later confirmed he gave the letter to Pope Francis, contradicting the pope’s recent insistence that no victims had come forward. (Credit: Catherine Bonnet/Courtesy of AP.)

ROME - Pope Francis received a victim’s letter in 2015 that graphically detailed how a priest sexually abused him and how other Chilean clergy ignored it, contradicting the pope’s recent insistence that no victims had come forward to denounce the cover-up, the letter’s author and members of Francis’s own sex- abuse commission have told The Associated Press.

The fact that Francis received the eight-page letter, obtained by The Associated Press, challenges his insistence that he has “zero tolerance” for sex abuse and cover-ups. It also calls into question his stated empathy with abuse survivors, compounding the most serious crisis of his five-year papacy.

The scandal exploded last month when Francis’s trip to South America was marred by protests over his vigorous defense of Bishop Juan Barros, who is accused by victims of covering up the abuse of Father Fernando Karadima. During the trip, Francis callously dismissed accusations against Barros as “slander,” seemingly unaware that victims had placed him at the scene of Karadima’s crimes.
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« Reply #6012 on: February 06, 2018, 06:08:29 PM »


Pope Francis: 'Come back to the Lord with all your heart during Lent'
06 February 2018, 12:04

Cover page of Pope Francis' Lenten Message
Pope Francis’ 2018 Lenten Message is inspired by words Jesus spoke near the end of His life on the Mount of Olives regarding the end of time: “Because of the increase of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12).
By Sr. Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

False prophets whom Pope Francis calls “snake charmers” and “charlatans” leads us astray. They mesmerize God’s children who then mistake true happiness for momentary pleasure ending in slavery to profit or become trapped in loneliness. Many young people enticed by other “swindlers” buy into the “panacea of drugs,” “disposable relationships,” “dishonest gain,” or a “virtual” existence. Thus people are robbed of “what is most precious: dignity, freedom and the ability to love,” he says.
Pope Francis releases 2018 Lenten message: Full text
06 February 2018, 12:01
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« Reply #6013 on: February 06, 2018, 08:36:51 PM »


06 February 2018 | by Christopher Lamb   
Beijing praises ‘wisdom’ of Pope Francis

'It is expected he [Pope Francis] will push China-Vatican ties forward and solve related problems with his wisdom'

A state-run Chinese newspaper says the Vatican and Beijing will re-establish diplomatic ties “sooner or later” and that any problems related to a deal will be solved by the “wisdom” of Pope Francis.

The editorial in the widely read Global Times tabloid comes after reports that a framework agreement between the Holy See and China on the appointment of bishops is ready to be signed. This would be a major breakthrough in the 70-year attempt by the Vatican to normalise the situation for Chinese Catholics and restore diplomatic relations with Beijing.   

Vatican sources said last week a deal has been prepared that would see the lifting of excommunications of seven bishops ordained without Holy See permission for the state-controlled arm of the church.

China’s Catholics are split between those part of the communist run Patriotic Catholic Association, and the underground communities that are loyal to Rome. It is widely understood that a agreement between the Vatican and Beijing would see a recognition of the state-ordained bishops in exchange for the Holy See being able to appoint future bishops. But it is also highly likely that Chinese authorities will retain some power over the appointment process. 
Analysis: Possible deal could 'enlarge the cage' of Chinese Catholics, Vatican sources say
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« Reply #6014 on: February 07, 2018, 06:17:16 PM »


Pope at Audience: ‘Brief, well-prepared homily at Mass’
07 February 2018, 11:42

Pope Francis speaks at the Wednesday General Audience   (ANSA)
The Gospel and homily during Mass should open the faithful to dialogue with God, which can be helped through a brief, well-prepared homily. Pope Francis made these comments during the catechesis portion of his Wednesday General Audience.
By Devin Watkins

Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the Mass at his Wednesday General Audience, reflecting on the culmination of the Liturgy of the Word in the Gospel and the homily.

Gospel becomes dialogue

He said the Gospel sheds the light of the mystery of Christ on the scriptural readings that precede it.  “Within all of Scripture, as within the whole liturgical celebration, Christ is the center and fullness,” he said.

The Pope said the rites surrounding the Gospel proclamation aim at venerating it as the living and saving word of God. “Through these signs the assembly recognizes the presence of Christ, who sends the ‘Good News,’ which converts and transforms.”

He said, “We listen to the Gospel, and we must respond with our lives.”

Brief, well-prepared homily
February 7, 2018

Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6015 on: February 07, 2018, 06:32:49 PM »


Pope Francis prays for victims of Taiwan quake
07 February 2018, 16:46

Cardinal Parolin has sent a telegram to the Bishop of Hwalien, Taiwan, expressing the Pope's condolences following an earthquake that struck Tuesday night.

Pope Francis has expressed his solidarity with those affected by earthquakes in Taiwan, in a telegram sent by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin to the Bishop of Hwalien.

In the telegram, Cardinal Parolin says that the Holy Father is praying for those who have lost their lives, as well as those who were injured in the quakes. The Pope, he says, also offers encouragement to those “engaged in rescue efforts.”

Hwalien, a popular tourist town in eastern Taiwan, was struck by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake just before midnight Tuesday. At least six people are confirmed to have died in the quake, with hundreds more wounded. Dozens of people are still missing, with some believed to be trapped inside crumbling buildings. In the aftermath of the quake, more than 40,000 homes are without water, and 1,900 have no power.

Below, please find the full text of Cardinal Parolin’s telegram to Bishop Philip Huang Chao-ming of Hwalien:
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« Reply #6016 on: February 07, 2018, 06:43:21 PM »


Pope says Korea’s Winter Olympics offer hope for peace
07 February 2018, 13:05

Pope Francis has sent special greetings to the International Olympic Committee and all the athletes taking part in the Winter Games in South Korea.
By Philippa Hitchen

Speaking at the end of his Wednesday General Audience, the Pope noted that the XXIII Winter Olympics are being inaugurated in the South Korean city of Pyeongchang on Friday, with the participation of teams from 92 countries.

He said that this year, the traditional Olympic truce takes on a particular significance since delegations from both North and South Korea will be marching together at the opening ceremony and competing together on the same team.

The Pope said this fact offers hope for a “world in which conflicts can be peacefully resolved through dialogue and mutual respect”, reflecting the values which sport embodies.  Pope Francis has repeatedly voiced his concerns about the escalating nuclear tensions on the Korean peninsula and called for complete nuclear disarmament.

He said he would be accompanying all the athletes with his prayers and he reiterated the commitment of the Holy See to support any initiatives which promote peace among peoples. “May the Olympics be a great celebration of sport and friendship”, he concluded.
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« Reply #6017 on: February 07, 2018, 07:09:12 PM »


Vatican court condemns ex-Vatican bank officials for ‘mismanagement’
John L. Allen Jr.   Feb 6, 2018

ROME - In a potentially important step in the Vatican’s ongoing press for financial reform under Pope Francis, two former officials of the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), the so-called “Vatican bank,” have been convicted by a court of the Vatican City State of financial mismanagement of investments reportedly involving almost $60 million in damages.

The verdict was confirmed late Tuesday in a brief statement from the IOR, released at 8:30 p.m. Rome time. Although that statement did not name the officials, it’s been widely reported in the Italian media, including by Avvenire, the official newspaper of the Italian bishops’ conference, that they are Paolo Cipriani, a former director of the bank, and Massimo Tulli, Cipriani’s former deputy.

“The court’s decision is the outcome of a civil liability action started by IOR in September 2014 supported by a comprehensive review of financial investments made by IOR before mid-2013,” the statement said.
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« Reply #6018 on: February 07, 2018, 07:43:23 PM »


Pilgrim pope: Benedict says he's journeying toward God
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service
2.7.2018 7:57 AM ET

CNS/Paul Haring
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- "I am on a pilgrimage toward Home," retired Pope Benedict XVI wrote, capitalizing the Italian word "casa" or "home."

Almost exactly five years after announcing his intention to be the first pope in nearly 600 years to resign, Pope Benedict wrote the letter to a journalist from the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

"I am touched to know how many of the readers of your newspaper want to know how I am experiencing this last period of my life," the 90-year-old retired pope wrote. "In that regard, I can only say that, with the slow diminishing of my physical strength, inwardly I am on a pilgrimage toward Home."

"It is a great grace in this last, sometimes tiring stage of my journey, to be surrounded by a love and kindness that I never could have imagined," said the letter, written on stationery with the heading "Benedictus XVI, Papa emeritus."

Massimo Franco, the journalist, said the letter, dated Feb. 5, was hand-delivered; the newspaper posted it online Feb. 6 and published it on the front page of the print edition Feb. 7.
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« Reply #6019 on: February 07, 2018, 07:54:32 PM »


Vatican congregation approves miracle, opening door to Paul VI’s canonization

Pope Paul VI. Credit: Wikimedia commons 3.0

Vatican City, Feb 6, 2018 / 10:15 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On Tuesday the Congregation for the Causes of Saints approved the second miracle needed for the canonization of Blessed Pope Paul VI, allowing his canonization to take place, possibly later this year.

According to Vatican Insider, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints approved the miracle by a unanimous vote Feb. 6. The next step is for Pope Francis to also give his approval, with an official decree from the Vatican. Then the date for the canonization can be set.

The miracle attributed to the cause of Paul VI is the healing of an unborn child in the fifth month of pregnancy. The case was brought forward in 2014 for study.
As pope, he oversaw much of the Second Vatican Council, which had been opened by Pope St. John XXIII. He also promulgated a new Roman Missal in 1969.

Paul VI published the encyclical Humanae Vitae in 1968, which reaffirmed the Church’s teaching against contraception and reaffirmed the merits of priestly celibacy
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