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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515664 times)
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« Reply #6260 on: May 01, 2018, 09:51:43 AM »

Photo gallery at the link


Pope Francis to Avvenire: 'The Gospel is your editorial line'
01 May 2018, 11:58

Pope Francis meets with Avvenire's staff and their families  (Vatican Media)
Pope Francis meets with staff members of Avvenire and their families. Avvenire is the daily newspaper of the Italian Bishop’s Conference. Today’s feast, St Joseph the Worker, provided inspiration regarding the communicator's profession.
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

On the Feast of St Joseph the Worker, Pope Francis met with members of the staff of Avvenire and their families. It was 50 years ago in December that the daily newspaper, managed by the Italian Conference of Bishops, was founded.

St Joseph model for communicators

Pope Francis proposed St Joseph as the model for Catholic communicators. He did admit that Joseph might seem to be the “antithesis of the communicator” because he was a “man of silence”.  The Pope understands that Joseph’s ability to listen, to entrust himself to God’s dream, and to get up in the middle of the night allowed him to “realize God’s promises”.
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« Reply #6261 on: May 01, 2018, 10:12:29 AM »


Press Office: Statement on Cardinal George Pell
01 May 2018, 11:46

Cardinal George Pell
The Holy See releases a press statement after the Australian court orders Cardinal George Pell to stand trial.

The Holy See on Tuesday released the following statement regarding Cardinal George Pell.

Holy See's Statement

“The Holy See has taken note of the decision issued by judicial authorities in Australia regarding His Eminence Cardinal George Pell. Last year, the Holy Father granted Cardinal Pell a leave of absence so he could defend himself from the accusations. The leave of absence is still in place.”

Cardinal Pell to stand trial on sex abuse, but several charges dismissed
John L. Allen Jr.  May 1, 2018
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« Reply #6262 on: May 01, 2018, 07:11:55 PM »


Pope Francis: pilgrim to the Shrine of Our Lady of Divine Love
01 May 2018, 15:22

Interior of the Sanctuary of Divine Love, Rome
Pope Francis initiates the Marian month of May by making his first pilgrimage to the popular Roman shrine, Our Lady of Divine Love (Divino Amore).
By Richard Marsden

The Popewas welcomed to the shrine of Our Lady of Divine Love (Madonna del Divino Amore) by the vicar general of the Diocese of Rome, Archbishop Angelo De Donatis, the auxiliary bishop for the southern sector, Bishop Paolo Lujudice, along with the sanctuary's director, and the current parish priest. The welcome party also included the representatives of the Sons and Daughters of Our Lady of Divine Love based at the shrine.

After reciting the rosary before the medieval icon of the Madonna and Child, the Pontiff blessed the tomb of Servant of God, Father Umberto Terenzi, the first rector of the Divino Amore parish and the founder of two religious orders. He then met with elderly parishioners who were baptised by Father Terenzi, the priest who founded the parish on the site of the sanctuary, which lies on the Via Ardeatina, 12km to the south of Rome.

Pope Francis also greeted residents of both the Divino Amore retirement home and the Family House of Mater Divini Amoris, which is run by the Congregation of the Sons of Divine Love and provides shelter for children and infants.

Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6263 on: May 03, 2018, 02:55:05 PM »


Pope at Audience: Christians are called to make choices
02 May 2018, 13:01

Pope Francis during the General Audience in St. Peter's Square   (AFP or licensors)
Pope Francis asked for prayers for peace in Syria and invited Christians to be joyful and grateful for the grace of Baptism. He was addressing the crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Wednesday General Audience.
By Linda Bordoni

Pope Francis continued his catecheses focusing on the Sacrament of Baptism on Wednesday with a reflection on water, the source of life, and on how it is not possible to be both with God and with the devil.

He also had a special greeting for a group of young people from Syria and asked for prayers for peace in the world, in particular for the Middle East and Syria.
GENERAL AUDIENCE: On Baptism (Part IV): Source of Life 
May 02, 2018 12:51

Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6264 on: May 03, 2018, 03:11:42 PM »


02 May 2018 | by Rose Gamble   
Cardinal Pell likely to face two trials, Melbourne court hears

Pell’s defence barrister said separate trials were necessary because the nature of the two sets of charges were 'completely different'

Cardinal George Pell is likely to face two separate trials on historical sexual assault charges, a Melbourne court has heard.

At a brief hearing at the County Court of Victoria on Wednesday morning, Pell’s defence barrister Robert Richter QC said that two separate trials were necessary because the nature of the two sets of charges were “completely different” and had occurred 20 years apart.

Judge Sue Pullen, who presided over the directions hearing, and prosecutors did not object to the request to split the trials.

Separate juries will hear allegations against Cardinal Pell about his time as a priest in Ballarat in the 1970s, and charges relating to when he was archbishop of Melbourne in the 1990s.

Prosecutors and lawyers agreed that the entire trial would take between eight and 10 weeks but no dates for the trials have been set. A further directions hearing will be held in Melbourne’s county court on 16 May.

Cardinal Pell has pleaded not guilty to all charges, and has denied any wrongdoing.
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« Reply #6265 on: May 03, 2018, 03:15:10 PM »


02 May 2018 | by James Roberts   
German bishops bring communion dispute to Rome

Francis saw fit to invite the disputatious bishops to Rome, where seven of their representatives will meet with four heads of dicasteries

A delegation of seven German bishops and cardinals are to meet at the Vatican tomorrow with four heads of dicasteries to attempt to iron out a problem that has divided a majority of the German bishops’ conference from a minority.

This disagreement concerns whether non-Catholic spouses of Catholics may receive communion.

The question of under what circumstances the non-Catholic spouse may receive Communion has long been discussed and debated, but the matter came to a head on 22 February when, at the end of their spring plenary, the bishops endorsed a “pastoral handout” for the guidance of priests. It allowed couples in inter-church marriages in individual cases to both receive communion, and was passed by a two-thirds to one third majority.
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« Reply #6266 on: May 03, 2018, 03:25:37 PM »


Pope Francis tells sex abuse survivors, ‘I was part of the problem’
Inés San Martín   May 2, 2018

ROME - After facing heated criticism over his actions and words regarding clerical sexual abuse in Chile, this weekend Pope Francis tried to address the scandal head-on, meeting three abuse survivors from the Latin American nation ahead of a summit later this month with Chile’s bishops.

“Pope Francis formally asked us for forgiveness, in his own name and on behalf of the universal Church,” the three said in a statement released on Wednesday in Rome after their meetings with the pope.

This weekend, abuse survivors Juan Carlos Cruz, James Hamilton and Andres Murillo were hosted by Francis at the Vatican’s Santa Marta residence, the hotel built under St. Pope John Paul II where he’s lived since the beginning of his pontificate.

Overall, the survivors described their meetings positively, with Francis being “attentive, receptive and very empathetic during the intense and long hours of conversations.”
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« Reply #6267 on: May 03, 2018, 03:42:51 PM »


Pope at Mass: ‘Transmitting the faith is a birth process’
03 May 2018, 11:40

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Santa Marta's chapel  (Vatican Media)
On the Feast of Saints Philip and James, Pope Francis focuses his homily at Casa Santa Marta’s chapel on the characteristics needed to accompany the transmission of the faith.
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

Using the first reading from 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, Pope Francis spoke about the transmission of the faith during his homily on Thursday at Casa Santa Marta.

What transmission of the faith is not

Transmitting the faith is not to be confused with proselytism, Pope Francis said. The Church is not about looking for cheering fans; neither is it simply reciting the Creed, which is an expression of the faith. Neither is it merely the passing on of information as if it were as easy as: “Here, take this book, study it and then I will baptize you”, Pope Francis said.
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« Reply #6268 on: May 03, 2018, 04:02:51 PM »

Video at the link


In May prayer video, Pope asks laity to live creatively their mission

Vatican City, May 3, 2018 / 08:53 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his prayer video for the month of May, Pope Francis said laypeople are on the “front lines” of the Church's life and activities, and asked Catholics of all states and vocations to pray for the laity and their mission.

“Laypeople are on the front line of the life of the Church,” the pope said in the video, published May 3, urging the Church to be thankful for the laity “who take risks, who are not afraid and who offer reasons for hope to the poorest, to the excluded, to the marginalized.”

As Francis speaks in his native Spanish, the video shows lay people in different professional and familial states, including a doctor embracing a patient, a mother holding her child, a newlywed couple leaving a church and rescue workers bringing a boat of migrants ashore.
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« Reply #6269 on: May 03, 2018, 07:04:08 PM »


On intercommunion, Vatican returns the ball to German bishops

Vatican City, May 3, 2018 / 01:58 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- After several German bishops appealed to the Vatican over an alleged proposal to allow non-Catholic spouses in mixed faith marriages to receive communion, the Church’s top authority on doctrine has sent the ball back, saying Pope Francis wants Germany’s bishops to come to an agreement among themselves.

Released after a 4-hour meeting between German bishops and the heads of certain curial offices, a Vatican communique said that Archbishop Luis Ladaria SJ, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, told the bishops that the pope “appreciates the ecumenical commitment of the German bishops” and asked them “to find, in a spirit of ecumenical communion, a possibly unanimous decision.”

It is not clear whether a “possibly unanimous decision” asks the German bishops’ conference for a fully unanimous vote on the issue, or asks for a nearly unanimous decision, or whether the bishops are simply being asked to discuss the matter further to see if they can resolve the issue themselves before a central authority steps in.

The Vatican declined to comment on the meaning of the phrase.
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« Reply #6270 on: May 03, 2018, 07:13:55 PM »


Pope Francis announces Consistory for vote on canonizations
03 May 2018, 15:10

Bd Pope Paul VI - Bd Oscar Romero
Cardinals will vote on proceeding with the canonizations of six blesseds
By Vatican News

Pope Francis has called an Ordinary Public Consistory for a vote on several causes for canonization. The Concistory will take place on Saturday, 19 May.

The Holy Father will preside at the celebration of Terce (Mid-Morning Prayer), with the Consistory following immediately. All Cardinals resident in Rome, or present in the City, are invited to take part.

During the Consistory, the Cardinals will consider the causes for canonization of six blesseds, including Paul VI, who reigned as Pope from 1963-1978; and Blessed Oscar Romero, the Archbishop of San Salvador, who was martyred while saying Mass in 1980.

The other blesseds whose causes are being considered are:

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« Reply #6271 on: May 03, 2018, 07:26:06 PM »

The Vatican and the Knights of Malta


Sovereign Order of Malta’s 80th Grand Master swears oath
03 May 2018, 16:41

Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta   (ANSA)
Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, elected Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta swore oath on Thursday in the Church of Santa Maria in Aventino. We spoke to the Order's Grand Hospitaller about the humanitarian mission at the heart of the Order and about its presence, in situations of conflict, difficulty and need, across the globe.
By Linda Bordoni

The 80th Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta is Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto.

He was elected by the Order’s elective body on May 2nd, and he swore oath on May 3rd in the Church of Santa Maria in Aventino, before the Council Complete of State and before Archbishop Angelo Becciu, the Pope's Special Delegate.
02 May 2018 | by Christopher Lamb   
Knights of Malta elect Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre as Grand Master
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« Reply #6272 on: May 04, 2018, 07:33:52 PM »


Press release on new instruction on canon law studies
Rome, 3 May 2018

The Congregation for Catholic Education has released a new Instruction "Studies in Canon Law in the light of the reform of cases regarding the nullity of marriage"

Press Release of the Congregation for Catholic Education on the presentation of the Instruction on “Studies in Canon Law in the light of the reform of cases regarding the nullity of marriage":

In the light of the Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Jesus and Mitis et Misericors, on the reform of canonical procedures for the causes of declaration of nullity of marriage, on 29 April 2018 the Congregation for Catholic Education, in its competence over the academic Institutions for Ecclesiastical Studies, and following approval by the Holy Father Francis, emanated a new Instruction intended to promote differentiated preparation, especially academic, for the various figures called upon to work in the ecclesiastical Tribunals, or who are involved in marriage and family counselling which requires adequate preparation in canon law.
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« Reply #6273 on: May 04, 2018, 07:39:40 PM »


Pope at Mass: A good bishop is watchful, involved and close to his flock
04 May 2018, 14:12

Pope Francis at Mass at Casa Santa Marta, May 4, 2018.   (Vatican Media)
In his homily at Mass on May 4, Pope Francis reflected on what makes a genuine bishop, stressing on the qualities of watchfulness, closeness and being involved in the life of his faithful.
By Robin Gomes

According to Pope Francis, a good bishop is one who is close to his flock, awake and watching, defending and confirming them in the faith.  This was the heart of the homily of the Pope at his Friday Morning Mass in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta residence in the Vatican.

The disorientation of God's people

Pope Francis was commenting on the day’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, where Peter and the apostles, keen to put the Christians of Antioch at peace, send them Paul and Barnabas along with two others.  Those in charge of the Church in Antioch, believing themselves to be true orthodox theologians of the faith, were in fact disorientating the faithful, the Pope said.   On the other hand, the apostles, i.e. today’s bishops, confirm them in the faith.
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« Reply #6274 on: May 04, 2018, 07:48:39 PM »


Pope: 'A Swiss Guard is always a Swiss Guard, both on and off duty!'
04 May 2018, 13:34

Members of the Pontifical Swiss Guards 
As 33 new recruits of the Swiss Guard prepare to pledge their allegiance to the Pontiff on Sunday, Pope Francis received them Friday in the Paul VI Hall where he reminded them “a Swiss Guard is always a Swiss Guard, both on and off duty!”
By Linda Bordoni

Preparing for the traditional May 6th Swiss Guard swearing-in ceremony in the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace, 33 new recruits, their families and a delegation of Swiss authorities were welcomed by Pope Francis who expressed his hope that the soldiers’ time in the Vatican will strengthen their faith and increase their sense of belonging to the ecclesial community.

Taking advantage of the occasion to thank the special military corps for the “discipline, the ecclesial sense, the discretion and the austere but serene professionalism” with which they carry out their service every day,” the Pope highlighted their persevering fidelity to the bishop of Rome and recalled that the reason the swearing-in ceremony always takes place on May 6th is to commemorate the 147 Swiss soldiers who died defending Pope Clement VII during the Sack of Rome in 1527.
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« Reply #6275 on: May 04, 2018, 07:58:57 PM »


Pope Francis urges religious to pursue prayer, poverty, patience
04 May 2018, 17:31

Pope Francis speaking to participants at a conference organised by the Congregation for Consecrated Life  (Vatican Media)
Speaking off the cuff to participants at a conference organised by the Conregation for Consecrated Life, the Pope urged religious men and women to cultivate a radical commitment to the Lord

Pope Francis met on Friday with men and women religious attending an international conference organized by the Congregation for Consecrated Life. Putting aside his prepared text, the Pope spoke about the need to discern the guidance of the Holy Spirit for religious life today.

Noting that the spirit is both the “author of diversity” and the “creator of unity” in the Body of Christ, Pope Francis spoke about what he called the three ‘P’s of religious life: prayer, poverty and patience.
Pope Francis: Consecrated Need Authentic Guide 
May 04, 2018 17:46
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« Reply #6276 on: May 04, 2018, 08:07:19 PM »

The Vatican and the Knights of Malta


Pope Francis extends mandate of special delegate to Knights of Malta

Archbishop Giovanni Becciu, substitute of the Secretariat of State, aboard the papal flight to Colombo, Jan. 12, 2015. Credit: Alan Holdren/CNA.
Vatican City, May 4, 2018 / 05:06 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Fifteen months after appointing Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu as his personal envoy to the Knights of Malta, Pope Francis extended the original mandate, requesting that the bishop stay in the post until the order has concluded its reform.

In a letter published May 4, Pope Francis thanked Becciu for his work, particularly in “meeting and listening attentively” to members of the order; and asked him to continue being the pope’s “spokesperson” regarding relations between the Knights and the Holy See.

Pope Francis named Archbishop Becciu, substitute of the Secretariat of State since 2011, his personal delegate to oversee the “spiritual and moral” reform of the Order of Malta, with particular attention to the professed members, in February 2017.

Becciu’s position as Special Delegate was intended to conclude with the election of the Knight’s new Grand Master, which took place May 2 with the election of Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre, but Francis has chosen to extend the mandate indefinitely.

“In consideration of the fact that the path of spiritual and juridical renewal” of the Order of Malta has not concluded, “I ask you to continue to carry out the office of my Delegate until the conclusion of the process of reform,” the pope wrote.
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« Reply #6277 on: May 05, 2018, 09:55:05 PM »


Pope sends out Neocatechumenal Way on mission
05 May 2018, 12:47

Pope at the rally of the Neocatechumenal Way at Tor Vergata, just outside Rome, on May 5, 2018.
Pope Francis on Saturday joined a rally of the Neocatechumenal, as the movement celebrated the 50th anniversary of its arrival in Rome.
By Robin Gomes

“Only a Church that renounces the world announces the Lord well. Only a Church free from power and money, free from triumphalism and clericalism, testifies in a credible way that Christ liberates man.” Pope Francis made exhortation to a rally of some 150,000 representatives of the Neocatechumenal Way from 135 countries who gathered on Saturday at the “Tor Vergata” University grounds, on the outskirts of Rome, to thank God for the 50 years of their presence in Rome.

Initiated in Madrid in 1964 by lay Spanish artist, Kiko Argüello,  the Neocatechumenal Way, is dedicated to post- and pre-baptismal formation of Christians, based on the word of God, the Eucharist and the Christian community.

The Way engages families who through their witness and life serve to establish the presence of the Catholic Church in countries where the Church is absent or tiny, or to revive and strengthen the presence of Catholic communities in difficult and ‎highly secularized areas.

At the end of the meeting, the Pope sent out 34 new “mission ad gentes” to proclaim the Gospel in various parts of the world, and another 25 communities to parishes of Rome Diocese.

Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6278 on: May 06, 2018, 09:07:50 PM »


Regina Coeli: to remain in Christ’s love, we must love one another
06 May 2018, 13:44

Pope Francis waves to the crowd during the Regina Coeli on Sunday
At the Regina Coeli on Sunday, Pope Francis reflected on the words of Jesus: “Abide in My love”
By Christopher Wells

Remaining in the love of Christ was the focus of Pope Francis’ reflection at the Regina Coeli on Sunday.

A challenging program

“Dwelling in the current of the love of God, taking up a stable residence there, is the condition for ensuring that our love does not lose its ardour or audacity,” the Pope said. Like Jesus, and in Him, we must welcome the Father’s love, without separating ourselves from it through selfishness and sin. “This is a challenging program,” the Pope said, but not an impossible one.
Regina Coeli Address: To Abide in Christ’s Love 
May 06, 2018 15:07

Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6279 on: May 06, 2018, 10:02:32 PM »

Just a reminder...


Fashion’s ‘Oscars Night’ offers Church a teaching moment
John L. Allen Jr.   May 6, 2018

When the Oscars Night of the fashion world plays out tomorrow during the annual Met Gala in New York, it doesn’t take much of a Nostradamus to foresee that some Catholic noses may be twisted out of joint. Ask a bunch of starlets and celebs to sport Catholic images in any way they think will attract paparazzi and Facebook mentions, and it could be a wild ride.

Seen in another way, however, the gala may represent far more for the Church than an occasion for taking offense. It may also be a massive teaching moment, all delivered basically free of charge.

The theme this year is, “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination.” It kicks off a May to October exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on 5th Avenue and the Met Cloisters located on four acres overlooking the Hudson River in northern Manhattan’s Fort Tryon Park.

The centerpiece of the exhibit is formed by papal vestments, mitres, tiaras, and other accessories from the Sistine Chapel sacristy, many of which have never been seen outside the Vatican, on view in the Anna Wintour Costume Center. Fashions from the early twentieth century to the present will be shown in the museum’s Byzantine and medieval galleries.

The tradition at the Met Gala every year is for fashion elites to show up dressed in ways that somehow reflect the theme - this time, they’ve been asked to wear their “Sunday best.” Think Madonna meets Lady Gaga set at a theological society’s fashion ball, and then imagine how some of the more straight-laced faithful you know might react.
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