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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515197 times)
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« Reply #6540 on: August 16, 2018, 05:58:00 PM »


Andrea Bocelli to sing at World Meeting of Families in Dublin
14 August 2018, 11:51

Andrea Bocelli with Pope Francis at the last World Meeting of Families, in Philadelphia in 2015
On August 25th, Andrea Bocelli will sing for Pope Francis and for thousands of families attending the World Meeting of Families. In this exclusive interview with Vatican News, he talks about the importance of faith, family, and music.

The internationally-famous Italian tenor last lent his voice to a World Meeting of Families in 2015, in Philadelphia. This time he will sing at Croke Park in Dublin, using music to help communicate the message of the event and to allow families, as he says, “to take home a beautiful memory”.
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« Reply #6541 on: August 16, 2018, 06:28:57 PM »


Cardinal O’Malley will not attend World Meeting of Families

Boston, Mass., Aug 15, 2018 / 04:15 pm (CNA).- Cardinal Sean O’Malley, OFM Cap. of Boston will not be attending next week’s World Meeting of Families in Dublin due to the ongoing investigation into St. John’s Seminary, the Archdiocese of Boston announced on Wednesday.

Previously, O’Malley had been scheduled to moderate a panel and discussion in Ireland titled “Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults." O’Malley is President of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.

In a statement from the archdiocese, it was explained that “important matters pertaining to the pastoral care of St. John’s Seminary in the Archdiocese of Boston and the seminarians enrolled in the formation program there require the Cardinal's personal attention and presence,” and he therefore would not be making the trip to Ireland.

After it became public that other dioceses had paid settlements to adult seminarians allegeing abuse against the former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, a handful of other, younger, former seminarians took to social media to share their own stories about what they experienced while in seminary. Several of these stories came from men who had studied at St. John’s.
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« Reply #6542 on: August 16, 2018, 06:49:28 PM »


Cardinal DiNardo announces plan to address ‘moral catastrophe’ of abuse
Posted on August 16, 2018

Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
(CNS photo/Bob Roller)

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Aug. 16 announced three key goals and a comprehensive plan to address the “moral catastrophe” of the new abuse scandal hitting the U.S. church.

The plan “will involve the laity, lay experts, the clergy and the Vatican,” Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston said. This plan will be presented to the full body of bishops at their general assembly meeting in Baltimore in November.

He said the “substantial involvement of the laity” from law enforcement, psychology and other disciplines will be essential to this process.

He also said that right now, it is clear that “one root cause” of this catastrophe “is the failure of episcopal leadership.”

In a lengthy letter addressed to all Catholics, Cardinal DiNardo laid out three goals just established by the bishops’ Executive Committee in a series of meetings held early the week of Aug. 13.

The first is a “full investigation” into “the questions surrounding” Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick, a former cardinal and retired archbishop of Washington. He said the Executive Committee will ask the Vatican to conduct an apostolic visitation into these questions “in concert with” a group of laypeople identified for their expertise by the USCCB’s lay-run National Review Board who will be “empowered to act.”
President of U.S. Bishops' Conference Announces Effort That Will Involve Laity, Experts, and the Vatican as U.S. Bishops Resolve to Address "Moral Catastrophe"
August 16, 2018
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« Reply #6543 on: August 16, 2018, 07:03:22 PM »


Vatican responds to Pennsylvania Grand Jury abuse report
16 August 2018, 22:55

On Thursday evening, the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke, issued the following statement regarding the report of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury issued earlier this week in the United States over the sexual abuse of minors.

"Regarding the report made public in Pennsylvania this week, there are two words that can express the feelings faced with these horrible crimes: shame and sorrow. The Holy See treats with great seriousness the work of the Investigating Grand Jury of Pennsylvania and the lengthy Interim Report it has produced. The Holy See condemns unequivocally the sexual abuse of minors. The abuses described in the report are criminal and morally reprehensible. Those acts were betrayals of trust that robbed survivors of their dignity and their faith. The Church must learn hard lessons from its past, and there should be accountability for both abusers and those who permitted abuse to occur.

Most of the discussion in the report concerns abuses before the early 2000s. By finding almost no cases after 2002, the Grand Jury’s conclusions are consistent with previous studies showing that Catholic Church reforms in the United States drastically reduced the incidence of clergy child abuse. The Holy See encourages continued reform and vigilance at all levels of the Catholic Church, to help ensure the protection of minors and vulnerable adults from harm. The Holy See also wants to underscore the need to comply with the civil law, including mandatory child abuse reporting requirements.
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« Reply #6544 on: August 18, 2018, 07:46:40 PM »


Wuerl pulls out of Dublin summit amid charges of mishandling abuse claims
Christopher White   Aug 18, 2018

In this Sept. 23, 2015, file photo, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington, left, looks toward the crowd with Pope Francis following a Mass outside the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. (Credit: AP Photo/David Goldman, File.)
DUBLIN - After facing intense scrutiny this week for his handling of sex abuse cases in Pittsburgh in the 1980s and 1990s, Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C., has withdrawn from participating in next week’s World Meeting of Families in Ireland.

Wuerl, a close ally of Pope Francis, was slated to deliver a keynote address at the Vatican-organized family gathering, which takes place every three years.

His decision to withdraw, as first reported by the Irish Times on Saturday, comes just days after Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston announced he would not be participating in a previously scheduled panel on child protection in order to oversee an internal investigation into abuse at St. John’s Seminary within his archdiocese.

The charges regarding Wuerl’s record first surfaced in a Pennsylvania Grand Jury report released on Tuesday, which detailed more than 300 cases of abuser priests and more than 1,000 victims dating back to 1947 in six of the eight dioceses within the state.
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« Reply #6545 on: August 18, 2018, 08:16:54 PM »


Pope Francis on clerical sexual abuse: Always seek the truth
18 August 2018, 13:26

The report on the clerical sexual abuse in Pennsylvania is a tremendous shock for the Church in the United States. Three years ago, at the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, Pope Francis met with a group of abuse victims, and made very strong statements about the need to fight against these crimes.
By Alessandro Gisotti

“Victims should know that the Pope is on their side.” That is one of the strongest passages in the statement released by Greg Burke, the Director of the Holy See Press Office, following the Report from Pennsylvania on sexual abuse of more than a thousand victims, perpetrated by over 300 priests. They are words that recall what Pope Francis said three years ago when he met with a group of abuse victims during the World Meeting of Families which took place in Pennsylvania, in the city of Philadelphia.

Always follow the path of truth

“I deeply regret that some bishops failed in their responsibility to protect children,” the Pope said at that meeting, which took place no 27 September 2015. Turning to the survivors of abuse, he admitted with sadness that “It is very disturbing to know that in some cases bishops even were abusers.” He said, “I pledge to you that we will follow the path of truth wherever it may lead. Clergy and bishops will be held accountable when they abuse or fail to protect children.” And, he added, “Within our family of faith and our human families, the sins and crimes of sexual abuse of children must no longer be held in secret and in shame.”

We cannot hide these crimes

Later that day, speaking to Bishops from around the world who were participating in the Meeting in Philadelphia, Pope Francis repeated his commitment to battling the plague of abuse. He said unequivocally, “The crimes and sins of sexual abuse of minors may no longer be kept secret; I commit myself to ensuring that the Church makes every effort to protect minors and I promise that those responsible will be held to account.”
Meeting with victims of sexual abuse: https://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/september/documents/papa-francesco_20150927_usa-vittime-abusi.html

Meeting with the bishops: https://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2015/september/documents/papa-francesco_20150927_usa-vescovi-festa-famiglie.html
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« Reply #6546 on: August 18, 2018, 08:27:16 PM »


WMOF: Gospel of the Family, Joy for the World
18 August 2018, 08:14

Official icon for the World Meeting of Families along with volunteers.
Pope Francis arrives in Ireland on August 25 where he will participate in the World Meeting of Families (WMOF) based on the theme “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World”, a theme Pope Francis himself chose.
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

The IX World Meeting of Families begins on Tuesday, August 21st with an opening ceremony including the celebration of Evening Prayer in Dublin. Ecumenical in nature, those participating will welcome Christ as the unfailing light, join in singing and praying hymns and psalms, and intercede for the entire human family. A similar opening ceremony will take place in all the other Dioceses of Ireland. This prayer service will open the path for the entire WMOF which ends with the solemn Papal Mass on Sunday, August 26th.

WMOF Pastoral Congress

Pope Francis chose the theme himself which is “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World”. Each dimension of this theme will be explored through all of the WMOF events. The three-day Pastoral Congress will be held in the Royal Dublin Society. Workshops, discussions, fun and prayerful activities and catechesis designed for individuals and families, including a tailored program for children and another for teenagers are available there. The 3 daily themes of the Pastoral Congress are: The Family and Faith for Wednesday, The Family and Love for Thursday, and the Family and Hope for Friday. Speakers and panelists come from Ireland as well as from all over the world and are covering a wide range of topics regarding the faith and family, as well as current issues such as human trafficking, social media, and the clergy sex abuse crisis.

Women’s Leadership Symposium

For the first time ever, a Women’s Leadership Symposium has been organized for the WMOF. Well-known Irish media personality, Norah Casey, and US business executive, Susan Ann Davis will co-chair the symposium.  UN Major General Kristin Lund will present the keynote and themes include peacekeeping, entrepreneurship, education, violence, refugees and the homeless.
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« Reply #6547 on: August 19, 2018, 07:01:12 PM »


Pope at Angelus: At Mass we anticipate heaven on earth
19 August 2018, 12:32

Pope Francis at the Angelus on Sunday
Pope Francis reflects on Christ’s Eucharistic discourse during the Angelus on Sunday
By Christopher Wells

“Going to Mass and receiving Communion” is very important, Pope Francis said at Sunday’s Angelus, “because to receive Communion is to receive this living Christ, who transforms us interiorly, and prepares us for heaven.”

The Holy Father based his reflection on Sunday’s Gospel reading, which contains the second part of Jesus’ discourse on the Eucharist. Jesus presents Himself to us as “the living bread come down from heaven,” and adds, “the bread that I will give is My flesh for the life of the world.”
Pope prays for victims of Kerala floods
19 August 2018, 12:18

Angelus Address: On Jesus Christ, ‘The Living Bread Come Down from Heaven’ 
August 19, 2018 14:54•Virginia Forrester

Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6548 on: August 20, 2018, 12:47:43 PM »


Pope calls for solidarity and penance in Letter on abuse crisis
20 August 2018, 11:27

Pope Francis has writtten a letter to the whole People of God addressing the ongoing crisis of sexual abuse in the Church.

By Christopher Wells

“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it.”

These words, taken from St Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, struck the key note for Pope Francis in an impassioned letter addressed to the whole People of God.

The letter comes in response to an ongoing crisis of sexual abuse by “a significant number of clerics and consecrated persons” – crimes that were covered up and perpetuated by those who should have been protecting the vulnerable. In particular, the Holy Father referred to a report released by a Grand Jury in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania which, he wrote, “detailed the experiences of at least a thousand survivors, victims of sexual abuse, the abuse of power and of conscience at the hands of priests over a period of approximately seventy years.”

However, despite being occasioned by the recent scandals, the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke insisted that the letter was meant for the whole Church. “This is about Ireland, this is about the United States, and this is about Chile. But not only. Pope Francis has written to the People of God – and that means everyone.”
Pope Francis: Letter to the People of God (full text)
Vatican City, 20 August 2018
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« Reply #6549 on: August 20, 2018, 12:56:47 PM »


Nuncio says U.S. bishops committed to addressing abuse scandal
Posted on August 20, 2018

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The U.S. bishops are “deeply committed” to facing the reality of clerical sexual abuse and the history of covering it up, said the Vatican nuncio to the United States.

“All of us bishops, priests and members of the church must find a real response to the problem. Just a juridical or organizational response will not be enough to avoid evil,” said the nuncio, Archbishop Christophe Pierre.

The archbishop made the comments at a news conference Aug. 19 in Rimini, Italy, before giving the opening address at the annual weeklong conference of the Communion and Liberation movement.
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« Reply #6550 on: August 20, 2018, 10:31:19 PM »


President of U.S. Bishops’ Conference Response to Pope Francis’s Letter to the People of God
August 20, 2018

WASHINGTON—Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has issued the following statement in response to Pope Francis's Letter to the People of God. . . , issued earlier today. In his letter addressed to the whole People of God, the Pope calls on the Church to join in acts of prayer and fasting in "combatting all forms of abuse of power, sexual abuse and the abuse of conscience."

Cardinal DiNardo's full statement follows:

"I am grateful to the Holy Father for his Letter to the People of God, responding to the Pennsylvania Grand Jury investigation and other revelations that have surfaced. The very fact that he opens the letter with the words of Saint Paul: 'If one part suffers, all parts suffer with it' (1 Cor 12:25), shows that he is writing to all of us as a pastor, a pastor who knows how deeply sin destroys lives. I find these words of the Holy Father particularly helpful: 'penance and prayer will help us to open our eyes and our hearts to other people's sufferings and to overcome the thirst for power and possessions that are so often the root of those evils.' These words must provoke action – especially by the bishops. We bishops need to– and we must – practice with all humility such prayer and penance.
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« Reply #6551 on: August 21, 2018, 09:22:56 PM »


Pont Commission for the Protection of Minors ‘feel supported’ by Pope’s letter
21 August 2018, 16:48

Pope Francis with Cardinal Sean O'Malley, head of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors  (Vatican Media)
The Vatican Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors issues a statement on Tuesday, saying they are encouraged by Pope Francis’ letter to all the People of God regarding clerical abuse.
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

Members of the Vatican Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (PCPM) issued a statement on Tuesday, just one day after Pope Francis’ letter to all the People of God.

The Commission begins by saying it is encouraged by Pope Francis’ letter and thanked him for “his strong words recognizing the pain and suffering endured by people who have suffered sexual abuse, the abuse of power and the abuse of conscience perpetrated by some members of the church”.
Cardinal O’Malley calls for consequences for Church leadership
21 August 2018, 10:13
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« Reply #6552 on: August 21, 2018, 09:51:51 PM »


21 August 2018 | by Christopher Lamb   
Pope says his family life document must be read as part of constantly 'maturing' Church doctrine

'The Exhortation Amoris Laetitia is a unified whole, which means that it must be read in its entirety and from the beginning'

In the preface to a new book the Pope argues that “Amoris Laetitia” is in keeping with an understanding of Catholic tradition which develops in continuity with the past, a point he made when announcing the recent shift in Church teaching against the death penalty.

Francis made his remarks in a new book, “Pope Francis, The Family, And Divorce”, written by Stephen Walford, a British theologian and self-described conservative Catholic who is a prominent defender of "Amoris Laetitia."

The Pope's apostolic exhortation, written following two global gatherings of the world’s bishops, has sparked intense opposition in some Church circles including a public challenge from four cardinals who have demanded a clarification from Francis for opening up the possibility of communion for divorced and remarried Catholics. 

“Over the course of the Exhortation, current and concrete problems are dealt with: the family in today’s world, the education of children, marriage preparation, families in difficulty, and so on; these are treated with a hermeneutic that comes from the whole document which is the magisterial hermeneutic of the Church, always in continuity (without ruptures), yet always maturing,” the Pope writes in the book, which is being released next week.
Amoris Laetitia “the magisterial hermeneutic of the Church, always in continuity (without ruptures), yet always maturing”
Francis writes the Preface for Stephen Walford’s book, Pope Francis, the Family and Divorce, in Defence of Truth and Mercy
Pubblicato il  21/08/2018
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« Reply #6553 on: August 21, 2018, 09:58:37 PM »


Pope likely to meet with abuse victims in Dublin
By Hannah Brockhaus

Vatican City, Aug 21, 2018 / 08:21 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis is likely to meet with victims of clerical sexual abuse later this week, a papal spokesman announced on Tuesday. The proposed meeting would take place as part of the Holy Father’s two-day trip to Ireland for the World Meeting of Families.

In a briefing to journalists ahead of the papal trip to Dublin Aug. 25-26, spokesman Greg Burke said that if the encounter takes place, its purpose will be for the pope to listen to victims, and that it will be done privately, with no details released until afterward.

The possible meeting between the pope and victims would follow the same pattern as Francis’ meeting with victims of clerical sexual abuse in Chile during his visit to the country in January 2018, that meeting was also unscheduled.
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« Reply #6554 on: August 21, 2018, 10:06:36 PM »


Pope in Ireland: Celebration of family as the school of love
21 August 2018, 17:52

Pope Francis in Ireland, August 25-26, 2018. 
In a press briefing on August 21, Greg Burke, the director of the Holy See Press Office, presented the programme of Pope Francis' visit to Ireland, August 25-¬26.

Pope Francis is embarking on the 24th apostolic visit of his pontificate with a visit to Ireland, August 25-26, to join in the Catholic Church’s 9th World Meeting of Families in Dublin.   The Catholic Church’s 5-day event, on the theme, “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World”, began on Tuesday and will conclude on Sunday.

Greg Burke, the director of the Holy See Press Office held a press conference on Tuesday, presenting the Pope’s weekend visit.  He pointed out that the highlights of the 2-day Irish visit will be the Festival of Families Saturday evening at Croke Park Stadium  and the concluding Holy Mass on Sunday at Phoenix Park.
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« Reply #6555 on: August 21, 2018, 10:16:15 PM »


WMOF Pastoral Congress offers experience of universal Church
21 August 2018, 10:09

On Tuesday, the IX World Meeting of Families kicks off in Dublin with Evening Prayer, followed by a 3-day Pastoral Congress featuring 100s of speakers .
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

The IX World Meeting of Families begins with the celebration of Evening Prayer in Dublin and similar celebrations throughout Ireland’s other 25 dioceses on Tuesday. Once the WMOF has been officially opened, the thousands of families from around the world will have the possibility of participating in the 3-Day Pastoral Congress.

Who’s speaking at the WMOF?
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« Reply #6556 on: August 22, 2018, 04:26:00 PM »


Pope at general audience: taking upon ourselves the name of God
22 August 2018, 10:11

Pope at Wednesday's general audience in the Vatican, August 22, 2018.   (Vatican Media)
At his General Audience of August 22, Pope Francis reflected on the Second Commandment – “You shall not invoke the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.”
By Robin Gomes

"You shall not invoke the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. For the Lord will not leave unpunished anyone who invokes his name in vain" (Ex 20,7).

Pope Francis dedicated his catechesis of this week’s Wednesday’s general audience to the second commandment, saying it is an “invitation not to offend the name of God and to avoid using it inappropriately.”

The translation of the expression, "You shall not invoke”, in Hebrew as well as in Greek literally means, “you will not take upon yourself, you will not assume ".

The expression “in vain” is clearer and means, “uselessly, vainly”. It refers to an empty shell, a form without content. It is hypocrisy, formality, a lie.
Pope invites prayers for Ireland visit, condoles tragedy in Italy
22 August 2018, 16:09

GENERAL AUDIENCE: On the Commandments (V)
August 22, 2018 15:34

Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6557 on: August 22, 2018, 04:41:30 PM »


Pope to legislators: “The Christian politician called to witness"
22 August 2018, 16:19

Pope Francis met with the International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN) during their 9th annual conference, telling them that their position as Christian’s with authoritative roles is to spread laws based on the teachings of the Church in order to aid Christians and other religious minorities who are being persecuted worldwide.
By Francesca Merlo

During the 9th annual International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN) meeting, the Holy Father stated that the theme of religious freedom and conscience, which has been placed at the centre of reflections during this year’s ICLN meeting, is “fundamental and current”.

Fighting fundamentalist regimes

Pope Francis reminds the members of the ICLN of one of the Second Vatican Council’s most important documents, published on the 7th of December 1965: The Declaration Dignitatis humanae, which is still relevant today. The Pope said that at the time the Conciliar Fathers discussed the worry that arose surrounding the regimes that made an effort to

force citizens from practicing their religion and make life difficult and dangerous for religious communities,

despite freedom of religion being recognised in their constitutions.

The Holy Father then spoke about how Dignitatis humanae can be applied to religious persecution nowadays - stating that, sadly, this phenomenon still persists in some countries. The situation has in fact worsened for Christians and other religious minorities who are based in regions affected by fundamentalism, he said.
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« Reply #6558 on: August 23, 2018, 09:10:55 PM »

World Meeting of Families in Dublin 2018


Catholic primate of Ireland: Abuse scandals cause people not to trust Church’s message
Christopher White   Aug 22, 2018

Archbishop Eamon Martin. (Credit: CNS.)
DUBLIN - In an opening address for the Vatican-organized major summit on the family, Archbishop Eamon Martin confronted head-on many of the most neuralgic issues facing the Church today, ranging from abortion to gay marriage and clerical sex abuse, and pledged that “no one is excluded from the circle of God’s love.”

Through it all, he mounted a strong defense of Pope Francis’s 2016 apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, which serves as a touchstone for this week’s World Meeting of Families, arguing that the welfare of the family is “decisive to the future of the world.”

“During this World Meeting of the Families we will reflect, communicate and distill for our times this beautiful and prophetic vision of God’s plan for marriage and the family which was celebrated at the Synods and which is enunciated so positively in Amoris Laetitia,” said Martin.

Martin, who is archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, served as the replacement for Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C. who withdrew over the weekend following scrutiny of his handling of sex abuse cases in the 1980s and 1990s.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 09:14:29 PM by grace-land » Logged
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« Reply #6559 on: August 23, 2018, 09:23:31 PM »

World Meeting of Families in Dublin 2018


First day of WMOF in Dublin: 26 keynote and breakout sessions
23 August 2018, 17:56

WMOF 2018: Day one
Day one of the WMOF kicks off with 26 keynote and breakout sessions including round-table discussions, interactive workshops and presentations by speakers from all over the world.
By Francesca Merlo

The first day of the Pastoral Congress of The World Meeting of Families in Dublin, Ireland, saw 26 keynote and breakout sessions, as well as a message of hope to the world during Mass lead by the Archbishop of Bombay, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, in which he discussed the idea that the Church is the “family of families.”

International speakers for international themes

The panels included interactive workshops and round table discussions all regarding different aspects of family life. Keynote talks focused on topics such as the power of love in the family, dealing with family members who suffer from a disability and the vocation of business. Speakers and panelists came from all over the world: Mexico, Syria, Italy, Ireland, the US, Canada, England, Spain and more.

The Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Graf von Schönborn, opened the first keynote session entitled “In light of the Word, celebrating family life in the Judeo-Christian Tradition”. In this panel, the Anglican Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Rev. Dr. Michael Jackson, said that the family’s double strength has always been its focus on change as well as its focus on continuity
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