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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515735 times)
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« Reply #6760 on: October 14, 2018, 02:53:31 PM »


Pope: ‘Saints risk everything to put the Gospel into practice’
14 October 2018, 11:48

Canonization in St. Peter's Square
Pope Francis on Sunday declared Pope Paul VI and murdered Salvadoran bishop Oscar Romero Saints. The canonization Mass, during which five other lesser-known blessed were also elevated to sainthood, took place in St. Peter’s Square.

In a ceremony before tens of thousands of people, Pope Francis canonized Pope Paul VI, Archbishop Oscar Romero, Francesco Spinelli, Vincenzo Romano, Maria Caterina Kasper, Nazaria Ignazia of Saint Teresa of Jesus, and Nunzio Sulprizio.

“All these saints, he said, in different contexts, put today’s word into practice in their lives, without lukewarmness, without calculation, with the passion to risk everything and to leave it all behind.  May the Lord help us to imitate their example". 

This is the full text of his homily:

         The second reading tells us that “the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb 4:12).  It really is: God’s word is not merely a set of truths or an edifying spiritual account; no – it is a living word that touches our lives, that transforms our lives.  There, Jesus in person, the living Word of God, speaks to our hearts.

         The Gospel, in particular, invites us to an encounter with the Lord, after the example of the “man” who “ran up to him” (cf. Mk 10:17).  We can recognize ourselves in that man, whose name the text does not give, as if to suggest that he could represent each one of us.  He asks Jesus how “to inherit eternal life” (v. 17).  He is seeking life without end, life in its fullness: who of us would not want this?  Yet we notice that he asks for it as an inheritance, as a good to be obtained, to be won by his own efforts.  In fact, in order to possess this good, he has observed the commandments from his youth and to achieve this he is prepared to follow others; and so he asks: “What must I do to have eternal life?” 
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« Reply #6761 on: October 14, 2018, 03:01:12 PM »


Pope at Angelus gives thanks for participation in canonization Mass
14 October 2018, 13:00

Pope Francis during the Canonization Mass
By Vatican News

Pope Francis concluded the Canonization Mass in which he declared Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Oscar Romero and five others saints, with the recitation of the Angelus Prayer and a special greeting of thanks to those present.

He thanked his brother Cardinals and the many Bishops and priests from all over the world, who joined him in celebrating the lives and the legacy of men and women whose courage, he said, shows us the path to holiness.

He also expressed “heartfelt gratitude to the official Delegations of many countries, who have come to pay tribute to the new saints who have contributed to the spiritual and social progress of their respective nations”.

In particular the Pope greeted Her Majesty Queen Sofia, the President of the Italian Republic, the Presidents of Chile, El Salvador and Panama, as well as His Grace Rowan Williams and the delegation of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

He sent his greetings to all “dear pilgrims”, and to those who participated via radio and television, and in particular he thanked the large groups of ‘Christian Associations of Italian Workers’ - ACLI – who were present in the Square and whom, he said, continue to manifest their gratitude to Pope Paul VI.

Pope Francis concluded with a prayer to the Virgin Mary, the first and perfect disciple of the Lord: “may she help us follow the example of the new Saints”.
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« Reply #6762 on: October 14, 2018, 03:14:58 PM »

Video of the Canonization Mass at the link (with English commentary)


Canonization Mass: Signs and symbols of sanctity
14 October 2018, 14:28

Pope Francis during the Canonization Mass
Pope Francis canonizes seven new saints during Mass in St Peter’s Square in a ceremony filled with verbal and non-verbal messages
Signs and symbols 

Aside from the gigantic images adorning the façade of St Peter’s Basilica, the presence of the new saints was evident in the seven reliquaries that stood to one side of the altar throughout the celebration. But Pope Francis chose three particularly personal elements to demonstrate his closeness to Paul VI and Oscar Romero, especially.

The chalice used by Pope Francis during the Canonization Mass was a favorite of Paul VI. As was the Pastoral Cross which accompanied him on many of his apostolic journeys around the world. And to celebrate Oscar Romero, Pope Francis wore the bloodstained cincture of the slain Archbishop of San Salvador, the one he was wearing when he was shot while celebrating Mass in the Chapel of the Hospital of Divine Providence, on March 24th 1980.
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« Reply #6763 on: October 14, 2018, 03:17:53 PM »


Canonization photo gallery
14 October 2018, 13:50
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« Reply #6764 on: October 14, 2018, 11:48:44 PM »

Synod 2018


Analysis: Will bishops push for clarity on the synod’s procedural rules?
By JD Flynn

Vatican City, Oct 13, 2018 / 06:13 pm (CNA).- Recent changes to canon law have left some bishops attending the 2018 Synod of Bishops uncertain about the meeting’s procedural rules. Unanswered questions about the synod’s norms could have significant effect on how the meeting’s final documents are regarded in the Church, and by the synod fathers themselves.

The synod’s undersecretary, Bishop Fabio Fabene, told reporters in early October that because of changes Pope Francis made to synod policies Sept. 15, the Vatican had not yet decided on the exact rules for this month’s synod.

Asked whether synod participants would be able to vote on individual provisions of the document as they have in prior meetings, Fabene said it would depend on what emerged from the synod, adding that “as we move along, we will decide.”

But two weeks into the gathering, decisions about the synod’s procedural and voting rules have not yet been announced. Several synod fathers have told CNA they are confused about the rules, or uncertain about how the synod’s voting process will actually work.

In the absence of clear norms, some observers have begun to ask whether the 2018 synod will prove to be an authentic consultation of the world’s bishops, or an exercise only in the appearance of “synodality.”

Synods are meetings of bishops gathered to discuss a topic of theological or pastoral significance, in order to prepare a document of advice or counsel to the pope. The discussion at a synod is framed around an instrumentum laboris- a working document- developed before the meeting by a small working committee of Vatican officials and diocesan bishops.

During a synod, bishops make comments and observations on the working document, and meet in small discussion groups to propose changes to the text, or to suggest new texts and additional areas for consideration.
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« Reply #6765 on: October 15, 2018, 03:38:07 PM »


Pope to El Salvador pilgrims: Be encouraged by Saint Óscar Romero
15 October 2018, 13:00

Pope Francis meets with pilgrims from El Salvador. Vatican, October 15th   (AFP or licensors)
Pope Francis meets with pilgrims from El Salvador, on the occasion of the canonisation of Salvadorian Saint Óscar Romero.

By Francesca Merlo

In his address on Monday the 15th of October, Pope Francis greeted four groups separately. He found, for each of them, a lesson from Saint Óscar Romero, who was canonized in the Vatican one day before, applicable to their lives.
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« Reply #6766 on: October 15, 2018, 03:57:24 PM »


Pope Francis meets Polish President in the Vatican
15 October 2018, 14:47

Pope Francis met Polish President Andrzej Duda and his wife in the Vatican on October 15, 2018.   (AFP or licensors)
President Andrzej Duda of Poland is in Rome to mark the 40th anniversary of the election of St. John Paul II on October 16.

Pope Francis on Monday received in private audience in the Vatican President Andrzej Duda of Poland.  Duda then held a meeting with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Richard Galagher.

A statement by the Holy See’s Press Office said that “during the cordial discussions, which took place in the context of the fortieth anniversary of the election of Saint John Paul II as Supreme Pontiff, the importance of Christian values in the country’s history was underlined, especially with regard to the formation of its cultural and religious identity.”
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« Reply #6767 on: October 15, 2018, 04:06:09 PM »


Pope presents new Substitute at Secretariat of State
15 October 2018, 14:58

Pope Francis with the Substitute for General Affairs, Abp Edgar Peña Parra.
On his first day as Substitute for General Affairs, 58 year-old Venezuelan Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, was presented to the Secretariat of State by the Pope Francis himself, accompanied by Cardinal Parolin.

On his first day as Substitute for General Affairs, 58 year-old Venezuelan Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, was presented to the Secretariat of State by Pope Francis himself, accompanied by Cardinal Parolin

Archbishop Peña Parra took up his new post as Substitute for General Affairs (First Section) of the Secretariat of State on Monday. Appointed by Pope Francis on 15 August, he succeeds Cardinal Angelo Becciu, who was recently named Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
The role of the Substitute

The Substitute leads the first Section of the Secretariat of State, which “is especially responsible,”—according to the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus— for expediting “the business concerning the daily service” of the Pope; for fostering relations with the various departments of the Roman Curia, “without prejudice to their autonomy”; and for coordinating their work.

The Section for General Affairs is also responsible for “drawing up and sending out the apostolic constitutions, the letters of decree, the apostolic letters, the letters and other documents” that the Pope entrusts to it; it carries out all the acts concerning the appointments that must be made or approved by the Pope in the Roman Curia and in other bodies dependent on the Holy See; it publishes the acts and public documents of the See in the bulletin entitled “Acta Apostolicae Sedis”; it publishes and disseminates the official communications concerning both the acts of the Pope and the activity of the Holy See.

Organization of trips

General Affairs has many other responsibilities, including that of organizing the Pope's Apostolic Journeys
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« Reply #6768 on: October 15, 2018, 06:38:19 PM »


Pope laicizes two Chilean bishops for sexual abuse of minors

Vatican City, Oct 15, 2018 / 01:00 pm (CNA).- Pope Francis has officially expelled two Chilean bishops from the clerical state. Both men were accused of sexual abuse of minors. The decision was issued without the possibility to appeal, the Vatican announced on Saturday.

The Vatican announced that Francisco José Cox Huneeus, 84, archbishop emeritus of La Serena, Chile, and Marco Antonio Órdenes Fernández, 53, bishop emeritus of Iquique, Chile, were removed from the clerical state “as a consequence of manifest abuse of minors.”

Both former bishops have reportedly been living retired lives of prayer and penance for some years now.

By Vatican order, Cox has been living at the institute of the Schönstatt Fathers, of which order he is a member, in Santiago since 2002. Fernandez retired from office in 2012 at the age of 42, due to health problems. He is believed to have retired to Peru, and has not been seen publicly since 2013, according to the New York Times.
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« Reply #6769 on: October 15, 2018, 06:52:19 PM »

Synod 2018


Synod of Bishops: “How difficult it is to find dawn in twilight”
15 October 2018, 15:39

Synod of Bishops on Youth General Congregation  (Vatican Media)
Three General Superiors and an auditor from Chile were present at the daily press briefing on the Synod of Bishops on Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment
By Russell Pollitt, SJ

The message of young people to bishops

Ms Silvia Teresa Retamales Morales said that it was a great privilege and responsibility for her to be at the Synod. She said that he was here to express the voices of all those young people who wanted to come to Rome and talk to the bishops. She says that when young heard she was coming to the Synod they reached out to her, many of whom were non-Catholic. They told her that they wanted her to bring this message: they want a multi-cultural Church that is open to all, not a Church this is judgmental. They want a Church that makes everyone feel at home, a Church that reflects the message of Jesus Christ. She also said that young people say that the Church should not discriminate against minorities – especially people of different sexual orientations and the poor.
At the briefing Dr Paolo Ruffini, the Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Communications, clarified that on Saturday 27 Oct. 2018 the Synod Father’s will vote paragraph by paragraph on the final document. Each paragraph needs a two-third majority to be part of the final text

The question of women auditors being allowed to vote was asked again. The Superiors present reminded journalists that this was a Synod of Bishops and the Church is marked by its culture. Fr Sosa said that Pope Francis wants a deeply synodal Church so changes might be forthcoming. He said that the discomfort with this is important as it means something is not right and it needs to be addressed.
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« Reply #6770 on: October 15, 2018, 07:00:57 PM »

Synod 2018


Vatican confirms synod’s final report to be voted on ‘part by part’
By Hannah Brockhaus

Vatican City, Oct 15, 2018 / 10:05 am (CNA).- The head of Vatican communications said Monday the youth synod’s final document will be voted on “part by part,” requiring a 2/3 majority to pass each section, before being forwarded to Pope Francis.

Speaking at a press briefing Oct. 15, Paolo Ruffini, who serves as Prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communications, said the voting on the concluding report produced by the synod on young people, faith, and vocational discernment will take place Saturday, Oct. 27 – the second to last day of the assembly.

Each numbered section will be considered by the synod fathers and require a 2/3 majority to pass.

“Regarding the rules [of the voting], when there are additional rules I can share with you, I will,” Ruffini told journalists.

He said he did not know what languages the final document will be available in at the time of voting, or how translation will work for those bishops who do not speak or read Italian, but added that he believed the synod fathers will have the opportunity to understand what is being stated in each part of the report before voting.
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« Reply #6771 on: October 16, 2018, 02:02:55 PM »


Pope at Mass: Be careful around rigid Christians
16 October 2018, 11:59

Pope Francis celebrating Mass at the Casa Santa Marta  (Vatican Media)
“Salvation is a gift from God,” He gives us “the spirit of liberty.” In his homily during the daily Mass at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis warns us to watch out for hypocrites, whose hearts are not open to grace.
By Adriana Masotti

Pope Francis based his homily on the day’s Gospel, which tells how Jesus did not observe the prescribed cleansing when He was invited to dine at the home of a Pharisee. The Gospel relates the harsh response of Jesus at the “amazement” of the Pharisees.

Doctors of the Law scandalized by Jesus

The Pope emphasized the difference between the love of the people for Jesus, who loved Him because He touched their hearts, and a little bit because of their own interest; and the hatred of the doctors of the Law, the scribes, the Sadducees, the Pharisees, who followed Him in order to catch Him in an error. They were the “pure”:

They were truly an example of formality. But they lacked life. They were, so to speak, “starched.” They were rigid. And Jesus knew their soul. This scandalizes us, because they were scandalized by the things Jesus did when He forgave sins, when He healed on the Sabbath. They rent their garments: “Oh! What a scandal! This is not from God, because He should have done this” [instead]. The people didn’t matter to them: the Law mattered to them, the prescriptions, the rubrics.”
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« Reply #6772 on: October 16, 2018, 02:19:50 PM »


Pope Francis receives the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar
16 October 2018, 17:38

Pope Francis receiving the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar in the Vatican on October 16, 2018.   (Vatican Media)
Pope Francis received the Grand Imam of the prestigious Muslim al-Azhar Mosque of Egypt, Prof. Ahmad Muhammad Al-Tayyib, in a private visit, Tuesday afternoon, at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, the Holy See’s Press Office said in a brief note

The two spiritual leaders have met a few times before, most importantly when the Pope visited Egypt, 28-29 April, 2017, on the invitation of the Grand Imam.   

During that visit, Pope Francis and the Grand Imam spoke at the closing of an international peace conference organized by the Al-Azhar University.
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« Reply #6773 on: October 16, 2018, 02:41:56 PM »


Pope Francis: John Paul II left an indelible mark on the Church
16 October 2018, 08:43

The election of Pope St John Paul II
The Pontiff writes a letter to the Bishop of Alba, on the occasion of a Conference held on 13 October for the 40th anniversary of Karol Wojtyla's election to the Chair of Peter.
By Barbara Castelli

“I wish to express my appreciation for the cultural and pastoral initiatives promoted by the diocese of Alba in order to remember the teachings and the exemplary nature of life” of Saint John Paul II, who “left an indelible mark on the Church and on society”. Those are the words of Pope Francis in a letter addressed to the Bishop of Alba, Marco Brunetti, on the occasion of a conference on the 40th anniversary of Karol Wojtyla's election to the Chair of Peter.
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« Reply #6774 on: October 16, 2018, 04:56:39 PM »

Synod 2018


Sisters offer their take on the Synod of Bishops
16 October 2018, 14:09

Women religious participating in the Synod of Bishops at press conference
Seven women religious are participating in the Synod of Bishops on Young People, and offer their unique take on it, affirming that young people are truly being heard.
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

Sr. Nathalie Becquart from France, Sr. Teresina Cheng Chaoying from China, Sr. Sally Marie Hodgdon from the US, Sr. Mina Kwon from Korea, Sr. Alessandra Smerilli from Italy, Sr. Lucy Muthoni Nderi from Kenya and Sr. María Luisa Berzosa González from Spain are representing women religious at the Synod of Bishops on Young People. They held a press conference on Monday evening. Before fielding questions, two of the English-speaking sisters provided their unique take on what is happening.
16 October 2018 | by Catholic News Service   
Superiors general see no reason why women shouldn't have vote at synod
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« Reply #6775 on: October 16, 2018, 05:09:18 PM »

Synod 2018

A synod summary from the Polish synod fathers – Oct 16

Vatican City, Oct 16, 2018 / 11:30 am (CNA).- The synod of bishops on young people, the faith, and vocational discernment is being held at the Vatican Oct. 3-28.

CNA plans to provide a brief daily summary of the sessions, provided by the synodal fathers from Poland.

Please find below the Polish fathers' summary of the Oct. 16 session:

Education in values, the formation of young leaders, immigration, and the Christian ideal - these are some of the topics discussed during the morning session of the Synod of Bishops, on October 16th, and mentioned by Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki in his summary of the day.

During this morning’s session, the third part of the Instrumentum Laboris was discussed. After the introductory speech on the last part of the working document, the participants' reports on the topics addressed in this part were presented. The interventions highlighted the need for young leaders, the necessary formation of young animators, and drew attention to young people's’ political interests, which should also be taken into account.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2018, 05:13:14 PM by grace-land » Logged
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« Reply #6776 on: October 16, 2018, 05:30:06 PM »

Synod 2018


Synod of Bishops: Drugs and persecution - the forgotten issues
16 October 2018, 16:01

General Congregation of the Synod of Bishops  (Vatican Media)
At the daily press briefing two forgotten issues were addressed by the Synod Fathers who were present.
By Russell Pollitt, SJ

Dr Paolo Ruffini, Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Communications, began the daily press briefing saying that the work on the second part of the Instrumentum Laboris was complete.

He then listed many issues that the Synod assembly addressed. He mentioned issues like migration, freedom, sexual morality, the mystery of evil in the world, justice and the fight for human dignity. He also said that the fact that young people do not like hypocrisy was highlighted. He said that some ideas had been shared - things like bringing parishes together from different parts of the world so that young people can share information and learn about different contexts. He also said that there was a suggestion that parish structures are changed so that young people find a home in their local parish.

For reference: Instrumentum laboris

Monday twists bear on perceptions of ‘rigging’ at Synod of Bishops
John L. Allen Jr.   Oct 16, 2018
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« Reply #6777 on: October 16, 2018, 05:44:53 PM »


Russian Orthodox Church breaks "Eucharistic communion" with Patriarcate of Constantinople
16 October 2018, 15:38

Meeting in Minsk of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church   (ANSA)
The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decides to break “Eucharistic communion” with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

The decision is contained in a Declaration adopted yesterday, October 15, by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church meeting in Minsk, Belarus, under the leadership of Patriarch Kirill, to discuss the position announced on October 11 by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople to grant autocephaly, or independence, to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The Declaration

“To our great grief”, reads the Declaration published on the website of the Patriarchate of Moscow, the members of the Holy Synod consider it impossible to continue to be in Eucharistic communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

The Declaration lists the reasons that led the Russian Orthodox Church to take this decision. These include: admitting into communion “schismatics”, and “a person anathematized in another local Church”, “encroachment on someone else’s canonical regions”, and “the attempt to abandon historical decisions and commitments”. All this, affirms the Russian Orthodox Church, “leads the Patriarchate of Constantinople beyond the canonical space and, to our great grief, makes it impossible for us to continue the Eucharistic community with its hierarchy, clergy and laity. From now on, until the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s rejection of its anti-canonical decisions, it is impossible for all the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church to concelebrate with the clergy of the Church of Constantinople and for the laity to participate in sacraments administered in its churches.”
In major break over Ukraine, Russian Orthodox Church splits from Constantinople
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« Reply #6778 on: October 17, 2018, 05:52:55 PM »


Pope Francis: The poor cannot wait
16 October 2018, 11:05

Pope Francis gives a speech at FAO HQ on World Food Day October 16 2017  (ANSA)
Pope Francis sends a message to FAO to mark World Food Day, stressing that urgent action needs to be taken, so that no one lacks necessary food.
By Lydia O'Kane

“The poor cannot wait.” Those were the Pope’s words in a message to the Director of the Food and Agricultural Organisation, José Graziano da Silva on the occasion of World Food Day. The Pope underlines that although some may say that there are twelve years ahead of the goal of Zero Hunger by 2030, urgent action needs to be taken to aid those whose circumstances are desperate. From now until 2030, the Holy Father says, “we have 12 years to set up initiatives that are vigorous and consistent”.
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« Reply #6779 on: October 17, 2018, 05:59:48 PM »


Pope to Italian seminarians: “Doubt is invitation to seek truth”
17 October 2018, 11:38

Pope Francis meets seminarians from Northern Italy's Lombardy region
Pope Francis answers questions posed by seminarians from Northern Italy and explains that the fears facing contemporary society are no different than those Jesus experienced in his time.
By Francesca Merlo

Pope Francis recently met with seminarians from Northern Italy’s Lombardy region, and after hearing their questions offered them solutions and reflections.

The riches of doubt

One young man asked Pope Francis how he and his fellow seminarians can continue on their path when facing the “cross of doubt”, a term which he used to refer to the difficulties faced when following Jesus in contemporary society.

“Doubt is a richness” replied the Pope, because “it puts me in difficulty and makes me think: does this thought come from God, or does it not come from God? Is this positive or is it not positive?”.

He urged them to “take doubt as an invitation to seek the truth, to seek an encounter with Jesus Christ” saying that “this is true doubt.”
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