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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515699 times)
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« Reply #6820 on: October 25, 2018, 07:12:27 PM »


Pope at Mass: Who is Jesus Christ for you?
25 October 2018, 12:39

Mass at the Casa Santa Marta  (Vatican Media)
At the morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis speaks about the importance of recognising that we are sinners, and knowing the love of Jesus Christ.
By Debora Donnini

Who is Jesus Christ for you? Pope Francis posed this question in his homily during the morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta. If someone asks us the question, “Who is Jesus Christ?”, we should say what we have learned: He is the Saviour of the world, the Son of the Father, which “we recite in the Creed.” But, the Pope said, it is a little more difficult to answer the question of who Jesus Christ is “for me.” It is a question that can embarrass us a little bit, because in order to answer that question, “I have to dig into my heart”; that is, we have to begin from our own experience.
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« Reply #6821 on: October 25, 2018, 07:25:45 PM »

Photo Gallery at the link


Bishops, young people walk to St. Peter's on pilgrimage of faith
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
10.25.2018 9:05 AM ET

CNS photo/Paul Haring
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Following the Francigena Way, an ancient pilgrims' path, a group of about 300 synod participants and young people from Rome parishes headed to St. Peter's Basilica to pray at the apostle's tomb.

The wayfaring cardinals, bishops, priests and young people were stocked with small backpacks, shod with comfortable sneakers or hiking boots, and readied with hats and water bottles to walk 3.7 miles (6 km) from an urban nature preserve to Christianity's largest church.

Sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization, the pilgrimage was held Oct. 25 as part of the Synod of Bishops on young people, faith and vocational discernment.

Video at the link below--
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 07:28:52 PM by grace-land » Logged
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« Reply #6822 on: October 25, 2018, 07:40:30 PM »

Synod 2018


Synod of Bishops: “Synodality” is the keyword
25 October 2018, 16:06

On Thursday two main issues were discussed at the press briefing for the Synod of Bishops on Young People: Synodality as the way forward and the scandal of sex abuse in the Church.
By Russell Pollitt, SJ

The Synod Fathers and auditors did a 6 kilometer pilgrimage today from Monte Mario to St Peter’s. At St Peter’s, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation, presided at Mass.  The Holy Father was also present.


Archbishop Hector Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte, O.F.M., from Peru said that the Synod was an experience of great cooperation and that the Church’s understanding of synodality has been developed. He said that synodality is a keyword and that in these days it has been a true gift of the Holy Spirit. He said that he Church must work on this and practice it more so that it grows. He said that the bishops are all called to enhance cooperation in the Church. The Archbishop said that the bishops speak in communion with the Pope, in service of the people of God.

Cardinal Arlindo Gomes Furtado from Cape Verde said that the experience of the Synod was one of communion. He said that the model is one that impressed him, he intends using it in his diocese. He said that the method of the Synod has helped participants progress in joy and communion and it is a way forward that the Church must pursue.

An auditor from Brazil, Mr Lucas Barboza Galhardo, said that there was great openness and joy at the Synod. He said that he feels that young people have been heard and he believes that the process should be continued after the Synod.

Abuse scandals
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« Reply #6823 on: October 25, 2018, 09:09:35 PM »

Synod 2018


What is ‘synodality’? Experts explain
By Ed Condon

Vatican City, Oct 25, 2018 / 04:00 pm (CNA).- As the 2018 synod of bishops considers a draft text of the meeting’s final document, discussion has turned to the nature of the synod itself.

According to early reports, the third section of the final document focuses on the concept of “synodality.” What is “synodality?”

The term is often used to describe the process of fraternal collaboration and discernment that bodies like the synod were created to express. But some critics have suggested that the term is vaguely defined, and could be used in a move toward a more democratic or parliamentary way of governing the Church and teaching doctrine.
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« Reply #6824 on: October 25, 2018, 09:20:02 PM »

Synod 2018


‘Synodality’ in final doc didn’t come from synod fathers, drafter says
John L. Allen Jr. and Ines San Martin
Oct 25, 2018

ROME - A member of the drafting committee for the final document of the 2018 Synod of Bishops says that language on “synodality” and “discernment” in a draft distributed to bishops earlier this week came from neither synod discussions nor the committee, guessing it was inserted by officials appointed by Pope Francis to run the event.

“They’re very heavily stressed, discernment and synodality, which really were not very much prominent in the discussions,” said Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai, India, a member of both the drafting committee for the final synod document and the pope’s “C9” council of cardinal advisors.

“It wasn’t very prominent in the minds of the synod fathers, but it’s come out very strongly,” Gracias told Crux

The 73-year-old Indian prelate spoke to Crux at the Vatican’s Santa Marta residence, where he’s staying during the synod and where Francis makes his home.

Some media attention has focused on concerns among Church conservatives that while the phrase “LGBT” does not figure in the draft of the final document, language about “sexual orientation” is present that doesn’t result from input from participants in the synod hall.

Gracias, however, spoke of “synodality” and “discernment,” both of which are considered catchphrases of Francis’s pontificate. In general, “synodality” is used to refer to a more decentralized, participatory mode of Church governance often expressed in groupings of bishops and other participants at the local, regional, national and continental levels.

The insertion of those concepts into a draft of the final document may feed perceptions among conservative critics of the pope that the process is “rigged.”

Asked who was responsible for inserting such language, Gracias speculated it was the officials charged by Francis with overseeing synod operations, beginning with Italian Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri.

“Maybe [it was] Baldisseri himself,” he said. “Maybe the two special secretaries, who are the Jesuit and the Salesian. So, they put it in.”

[The reference is to Father Giacomo Costa, an Italian Jesuit, and Father Rossano Sala, an Italian Salesian, who were appointed as special secretaries for the synod by Francis in November 2017.]
« Last Edit: October 28, 2018, 05:24:03 PM by grace-land » Logged
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« Reply #6825 on: October 26, 2018, 07:44:07 PM »


Pope at Mass: humility, gentleness and patience lead to peace
26 October 2018, 14:06

Pope Francis at Mass at the Vatican's Casa Santa Marta on October 26, 2018.  (Vatican Media)
At Friday’s Mass in Santa Marta, Pope Francis invited Christians to "build" and "consolidate" unity in today's world, where even international institutions feel helpless in reaching peace agreements.
By Robin Gomes

The path to peace in the world, in our societies and also in our families is that of humility, gentleness, and patience. This was the heart of the message of Pope Francis in his homily at Mass Friday morning at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican.

He was reflecting on the day’s First Reading, where St. Paul from the solitude of his imprisonment was writing to the Ephesians a true "hymn to unity", recalling the "dignity of vocation".

Difficulty in making peace

The Pope observed that Paul’s solitude would accompany him until his death in  Rome,  because Christians were “too busy” in their "internal struggles".   And before Paul, he said, Jesus Himself  “asked for the grace of unity from the Father for all of us.”
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« Reply #6826 on: October 26, 2018, 07:51:10 PM »

Synod 2018


Synod of Bishops: Now "determined in missionary spirit"
26 October 2018, 16:21

The Primate of all Ireland said at Friday’s Synod of Bishops press briefing that he that has not engaged with and encouraged young people enough.
By Russell Pollitt, SJ

A graced month

Both Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Austria and Archbishop Eamon Martin of Ireland said that the Synod has been a time of grace – despite their personal apprehension before it started.

Cardinal Schönborn said that when appointed he was concerned about being away from Vienna for such a long time. Now, he says, he realises what a good experience it was for bishops to come from all over the world so that they could listen to young people and share with them. He said that they heard more about the experiences and life situations of youth. He said that here is no other comparable social body of leaders in the world who will take the time – a whole month – to listen to young people with empathy and true attention. He said that the atmosphere was not one in which the bishops had answers but simply one in which they gave attention to the vison and dreams of young people. He said that at the Synod they laughed a lot and that there was an excellent atmosphere and real communion. He said that he will be more determined in his missionary spirit because the courage and willingness of young people.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2018, 05:20:44 PM by grace-land » Logged
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« Reply #6827 on: October 27, 2018, 11:05:10 PM »

Synod 2018


Synod youth thank Pope Francis with a show in the Vatican
27 October 2018, 13:07

Pope Francis attends a show put on by the young people of the Synod  (Vatican Media)
The young auditors who participated in the Synod organise a show to thank the Pope and the Synod Fathers for listening throughout this month of discussions

The young people who participated at the Synod organized an evening of entertainment for the Pope and the Bishops who partook in the gathering. Synod Fathers also got into the spirit of the occasion with Cardinal Baldisseri performing two pieces on the piano. Poetry, dance, song and music also formed part of the show in the Paul VI Hall complex.

Here is a translation of the message that the young people read to the Pope at the end of Synod discussions:

Dearest Pope Francis,
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« Reply #6828 on: October 27, 2018, 11:21:01 PM »

Synod 2018


Pope gifts souvenir to Synod participants
27 October 2018, 14:52

Pope Francis showing his souvenir gift to Synod participants.  (Vatican Media)
The Pope has gifted a souvenir of Jesus and His young disciple to all participants in the Synod of Bishops on young people that concludes on Sunday.

Pope Francis on Saturday presented all the participants in the  XV  Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops with a souvenir to remind them of their involvement in the October 3 to 28 world gathering regarding young people.

The souvenir is a rectangular bas-relief in bronze in a case depicting Jesus and the young beloved disciple.  A creation of Italian artist Gino Giannetti, the souvenir was made in the Vatican mint.

The gift was personally handed by the Pope to the Synod Fathers and other participants in the Atrium of the Synod hall before the start of the last working session on Saturday, after a group photo.
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« Reply #6829 on: October 27, 2018, 11:28:58 PM »

Synod 2018


Pope wraps bishops’ summit saying Church under attack from ‘great accuser’
Inés San Martín   Oct 27, 2018

Pope Francis poses for a group photo with bishops and partecipants during the last day of the synod of bishops, at the Vatican, Saturday, Oct. 27, 2018. (Credit: Fabio Frustaci/ANSA via AP.)
ROME - Closing a month-long gathering of bishops in Rome, Pope Francis on Saturday said the Catholic Church is under attack by the devil and urged bishops from around the world to defend the institution because “you don’t touch a mother.”

“Our mother, [the Church] is holy, but we the children are sinners,” he said. “Sinners, all of us. Let’s not forget this expression from the fathers [of the Church]: The Church is holy, the Mother is holy, with children who are sinners.”

“At this moment, [the devil] is accusing us very strongly,” the pope said. “And this accusation becomes persecution.”

This persecution can take the form of violence against Christians, as the one lived in regions in the Middle East, which was referenced before the pope’s remarks by Iraqi Cardinal Raphael Sako. But, Francis said, this persecution can take other shapes, “constant accusations, to dirty the Church.”

Although Francis did not spell it out, many observers are likely to take those words as a reference, at least in part, to the massive clerical sexual abuse scandals that have gripped the Catholic Church in various parts of the world in recent months.

The “great accuser” is one of the many names given in Christian literature to the devil, and Francis has invoked it considerably of late. In September, for instance, he urged Catholics from around the world to pray the rosary and to close it with an appeal to the Virgin Mary and to St. Michael Archangel, to protect the Church from what he sees as attacks by the devil.

“The Church is not dirty,” the pope said. “The children are, but the mother isn’t. This is the moment to defend the mother with prayer. It’s a difficult moment, because through us, the great accuser wants to attack the mother. And you don’t touch a mother.”

Francis’s words came at the last day of deliberations of the Oct. 3-28 Synod of Bishops on young people, the faith and vocational discernment. The official closing of the gathering will take place on Sunday, as he says Mass in St. Peter’s Square.

His short, improvised remarks came around 8:00 p.m. in Rome after grueling day-long voting on the final document, which was approved with a comfortable majority and released shortly thereafter.

Francis said that he takes two things from the synod in his “heart.” The first was a reminder that the Synod of Bishops is not a “parliament,” and that what happens in it is “protected,” meaning not fully shared with the outside world, so that the “the Holy Spirit can act.”

Second, Francis said that the result of the synod is a “document” that might or might not have an impact outside of the synod hall, “but it must have an impact on us. It must work in us.”
Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6830 on: October 27, 2018, 11:40:03 PM »

Synod 2018


The Synod on Young People: What does the Final Document Say?
27 October 2018, 21:45

On Saturday afternoon, the Final Document of the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops consisting of 3 parts, 12 chapters, 167 paragraphs and 60 pages is approved in the Synod Hall.

The text was received with applause, Cardinal da Rocha said. It is “the result of real teamwork” on the part of the Synod Fathers, together with other Synod participants and “the young people in a particular way”. The Document, therefore, gathers the 364 modifications, or amendments, that were presented. “Most of them,” the Cardinal said, “were precise and constructive”. Furthermore, the entire document passed with the necessary 2/3 majority voting in favor.

The inspiration for the Final Document for the Synod on Youth is the episode of the disciples of Emmaus, recounted by the evangelist Luke. It was read in the Synod Hall by the Rapporteur General, Cardinal Sérgio da Rocha, by the Special Secretaries, Fr Giacomo Costa and Fr Rossano Sala, together with Bishop Bruno Forte, a member of the Commission for the drafting of the text. It is complementary to the Instrumentum laboris of the Synod, and follows the three-part subdivision.

Part One: “He walked with them”

The first part of the document considers concrete aspects of young people’s lives. It emphasizes the important of schools and parishes. It acknowledges the need for laity to be trained to accompany young people especially since so many priests and bishops are already overburdened. The Document notes the irreplaceable role of Catholic educational institutions. The challenge the Document addresses is the need to rethink the role of the parish in terms of its vocational mission because it is often ineffective and not very dynamic, above all in the realm of catechesis.

The reality of young people regarding migration, abuse, the “throwaway culture” are also dwelt on in part one. Regarding abuse, the Synod Document calls for a “firm commitment for the adoption of rigorous preventive measures that will keep such abuse from being repeated, beginning with the selection and formation of those to whom leadership and educational roles are entrusted”. The world of art, music and sports is also discussed in terms of using them as “pastoral resources”.
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« Reply #6831 on: October 28, 2018, 02:44:04 PM »

Synod 2018


Youth synod final report released, addresses gender, sexuality

Bishops inside the synod hall. Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA.
By Hannah Brockhaus

Vatican City, Oct 27, 2018 / 04:38 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The final report of the fifteenth general session of the Synod of Bishops, held on the topics of young people, faith, and vocational discernment, was released Saturday. The document says the Church must find new ways of presenting its teaching on sexuality and continue to “accompany” and “listen to” people with same-sex attraction.

The final draft of the synod report was presented to members Oct. 27 for voting, which took place in two sessions that day. The draft was passed in its entirety. During the voting process, each paragraph of the document was voted on, requiring 166 or more “yes” votes -- a two-thirds majority -- to pass and be included in the final report.

Each paragraph passed by a comfortable margin.

The 167-paragraph document states that the “Church struggles to convey the beauty of the Christian vision of the body and sexuality,” and therefore “a search for more adequate methods is urgently needed.”

“It is necessary to propose to young people an anthropology of affectivity and sexuality capable of giving the right value to chastity, showing pedagogically the most authentic meaning for the growth of the person,” the synod fathers wrote.

The 55-page final report of the synod was published Oct. 27. The report is broken into three parts, each titled after parts of the New Testament account of Jesus meeting his disciples on the road to Emmaus: He walked with them; Their eyes were opened; They set out at once.

Each of the parts contain chapters and smaller sections within the chapters.

The document contains two paragraphs specifically on the issue of human sexuality, which is it says requires focusing on “empathetic listening, accompaniment and discernment, along the line indicated by the recent Magisterium.”
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« Reply #6832 on: October 28, 2018, 02:53:11 PM »

Synod 2018


Youth synod final document addresses 'all types of abuse'
By Courtney Grogan

Vatican City, Oct 27, 2018 / 04:37 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The prevention of sex abuse and abuse in all its forms is a topic of the 2018 Synod of Bishops’ final document, which says the right formation of educators and youth is a key first step

“The Synod reaffirms the firm commitment to the adoption of rigorous prevention measures,” states the final synod document, released in Italian Oct. 27.

Several bishops spoke out about sexual abuse during the nearly month-long meeting focused on young people, the faith, and vocational discernment.

More than 200 of the 249 bishops who voted Oct. 27 elected to include the paragraphs addressing abuse in the synod’s final document.

“There are different types of abuse: power, economic, conscience, sexual,” the synod document states.

“The Synod expresses gratitude to those who have the courage to denounce the evil they have suffered; (and) helped the Church to become aware of what happened and the need to react decisively,” it continues.
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« Reply #6833 on: October 28, 2018, 03:06:14 PM »

Synod 2018


Synod document calls for ‘participatory, co-responsible’ Church

Vatican City, Oct 27, 2018 / 05:05 pm (CNA).- The final document of the Synod of Bishop’s fifteenth general session was approved by the members and released late Saturday. While the session was convened to discuss the topics of young people, the faith, and vocational discernment, the concept of “synodality” itself emerged as a key subject in the final text.

In the past, Pope Francis has spoken of synodality as a “constitutive dimension” of the Church, though the meaning of the term has been open to broad and narrow interpretations. The synod’s final document repeated the pope’s words but, while calling for the Church to become more synodal at all levels, it offered more description than definition.

The document was approved by paragraph-by-paragraph vote of the synod members Oct. 27, with a two-thirds majority needed to adopt a passage into the final text.

The third section of the document, headed “They set out at once,” aligns the concept of synodality with the Church’s universal character and constitution as the Mystical Body of Christ.

“Synodality characterizes both the life and the mission of the Church, which is the People of God formed of young and old, men and women of every culture and horizon, and the Body of Christ, in which we are members of each other, starting from those who are marginalized and downtrodden,’ the document reads.

The text says that one of the results of the synod sessions has been emergence of “some fundamental features of a synodal style” which the wider Church is called to adopt.

This new “style” is presented as a Church defined by relationships.
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« Reply #6834 on: October 28, 2018, 03:14:05 PM »

Synod 2018


Synod ends, calling women's inclusion in Catholic leadership a 'duty of justice'
Oct 27, 2018
by Joshua J. McElwee

Vatican City — A worldwide gathering of hundreds of the Catholic Church's prelates ended Oct. 27 with the issuing of some of the global institution's strongest language yet for the inclusion of women in its all-male decision-making structures, calling the matter a "duty of justice" that requires a "courageous cultural conversion."

Although the final document from the Oct. 3-28 Synod of Bishops does not mention women's ordination -- neither to the priesthood nor to the diaconate -- it acknowledges that women have been excluded from decision-making processes even when they "do not specifically require ministerial responsibility."

"The absence of women's voices and points of view impoverishes discussion and the path of the church, subtracting a precious contribution from discernment," it states. "The synod recommends making everyone more aware of the urgency of an inescapable change."
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« Reply #6835 on: October 28, 2018, 03:31:43 PM »

Synod 2018


Oct. 27, 2018
Youth Synod Final Document: Five Areas of Concern

Synodality, sexual abuse, homosexuality, women in the Church, and a flawed but seemingly invincible working document are a few parts of the final text giving some bishops heartburn.
Edward Pentin

The Vatican released the final document of the Youth Synod on Saturday evening, and although the 249 synod fathers who voted on the document gave it a sustained round of applause after the voting ended, various paragraphs are causing concern, even if all obtained the requisite two-thirds majority. These passages can be summed up as follows:

1. Instrumentum Laboris:
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« Reply #6836 on: October 28, 2018, 03:56:35 PM »

Synod 2018


Pope Francis: Synod must continue to work in our hearts
28 October 2018, 12:18

Pope Francis offers his reflections at the conclusion of the final session of the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops  (Vatican Media)
As the XV General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops draws to a close, Pope Francis thanks those who took part. He gave thanks especially to the young people who "brought us their music here in the Hall.
By Christopher Wells

Speaking off the cuff at the conclusion of the General Assembly of the Synod, Pope Francis emphasised three main points that, he said, “I carry in my heart.”

The Synod is not a parliament

First, he reminded those present at the Synod that “the Synod is not a Parliament.” Rather, the Synod is a “protected space” where the Holy Spirit is allowed to work. For this reason, the information about what happened in the Synod was more general, with few specific details released. “Let us not forget this,” the Pope said: “It was the Spirit who worked here.”
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« Reply #6837 on: October 28, 2018, 04:28:01 PM »

Synod 2018 = Final Mass
Letter read by Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri


Synod of Bishops: Letter from the Synod Fathers to Young People
28 October 2018, 11:25

Full text of the Letter from the Synod Fathers to Young People, read at the conclusion of the final Mass.

XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops


We the Synod Fathers now address you, young people of the world, with a word of hope, trust and consolation. In these days, we have gathered together to hear the voice of Jesus, “the eternally young Christ”, and to recognize in Him your many voices, your shouts of exultation, your cries, and your moments of silence.
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« Reply #6838 on: October 28, 2018, 04:39:22 PM »

Synod 2018 - Final Mass


Pope Francis: Homily at the final Mass of the Synod - Full text
28 October 2018, 10:57

In his homily during the concluding Mass for the Synod of Bishops, Pope Francis speaks about three fundamental stesps on the journey of faith.

Final Mass of the Synod
28 October 208

The account we have just heard is the last of those that the evangelist Mark relates about the itinerant ministry of Jesus, who is about to enter Jerusalem to die and to rise.  Bartimaeus is thus the last of those who follow Jesus along the way: from a beggar along the road to Jericho, he becomes a disciple who walks alongside the others on the way to Jerusalem.  We too have walked alongside one another; we have been a “synod”.  This Gospel seals three fundamental steps on the journey of faith.

Video at the link below--
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« Reply #6839 on: October 28, 2018, 04:56:06 PM »

Synod 2018 - Angelus


Pope Francis at Angelus: Synod was a moment of listening
28 October 2018, 17:05

The faithful gather in a rainy Saint Peter's Square to pray the Angelus with Pope Francis.  (Vatican Media )
Pope Francis reflects on the Synod of Bishops during his address at the Angelus on Sunday.
By Christopher Wells

During the Angelus following the Mass, Pope Francis related the day’s readings to the Synod of Bishops.

“The first reading, from Jeremiah, was particularly suited to this moment,” he said, “because it is a word of hope that God gives to his people.” It is a word of consolation that “opens to them a horizon of the future, a viable and practical way” along which all can walk.

Pope Francis said that this passage of God’s Word “expresses well the experience” of the past few weeks of the Synod: “It was a time of consolation and hope,” he said, “precisely through the demanding and even tiring work.”

The Synod, he said, was fundamentally a moment of listening, which requires “time, attention, and openness of mind and heart.” It was precisely through listening that the participants of the Synod were able to discern the signs of the times. It was a discernment of the whole community, “made in the light of the Word of God and of the Spirit.” This, the Pope said, “is one of the most beautiful gifts that the Lord gives to the Catholic Church.”
Pope prays for victims of Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
28 October 2018, 14:09

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