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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515340 times)
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« Reply #7220 on: February 26, 2019, 05:44:58 PM »


Cardinal Pell convicted by Australian Court
26 February 2019, 08:11

Cardinal George Pell  (AFP or licensors)
The Prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy has been found guilty of child sexual abuse. The verdict was handed down on December 11th, but the Melbourne Court had issued an order prohibiting the publication of information concerning the trial. The Cardinal continues to plead innocent, and his lawyer plans to appeal.
By Jean Charles Putzolu and Roberto Piermarini

Cardinal George Pell, 77, Prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy since 2014, has been found guilty of sexually assaulting two children under the age of sixteen when he was Archbishop of Melbourne in the 1990’s.
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« Reply #7221 on: February 26, 2019, 05:49:50 PM »


Pope confirms Card. Pell prohibited from exercising public ministry
26 February 2019, 12:50

Pope Francis has confirmed the “precautionary measures” already taken in the case of Cardinal George Pell. The former Archbishop of Sydney, Australia, is prohibited from exercising his public ministry, and of having any contact with minors. These measures had already been announced by the local Ordinary when the Cardinal returned to Australia.

In a statement, the ad interim Director of the Vatican Press Office, Alessandro Gisotti, says the Holy See “while awaiting the definitive judgement”, unites itself “with the Australian bishops in praying for all victims of abuse”. The statement also reaffirms the Church’s “commitment to everything possible” to protect children and the most vulnerable.

Please find the full text of the statement below.

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« Reply #7222 on: February 26, 2019, 05:57:37 PM »


Pope’s Lenten Message calls for conversion
26 February 2019, 13:24

In his message for Lent, Pope Francis warns that once God’s law is forsaken, the law of the strong over the weak takes over.
By Linda Bordoni

Pope Francis is calling on the faithful not to let the Lenten season of grace pass in vain, and to live as children of God acknowledging and obeying His law, in particular in regards to our brothers and sisters and to creation.

In this year’s Lenten message, the Pope invites believers to prepare to celebrate the paschal mystery with mind and heart renewed, warning that “Sin leads man to consider himself the god of creation, to see himself as its absolute master and to use it, not for the purpose willed by the Creator but for his own interests”.

The Pope’s Lenten message was released on Tuesday during a press conference at the Holy See Press Office. The theme chosen this year is “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God” (Rom 8:19)

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 6 March, and will conclude on Holy Saturday, 20 April, the day before Easter
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« Reply #7223 on: February 26, 2019, 06:28:43 PM »


Vatican releases pope’s Lent, Holy Week, Easter schedule
Catholic News Service   Feb 26, 2019

ROME - Pope Francis and top officials of the Roman Curia will leave the Vatican March 10-15 for their annual Lenten retreat, the Vatican confirmed Feb. 26, but it did not announce who the retreat leader would be.

And, as is customary when first publishing the pope’s calendar for Holy Week, the Vatican did not provide the time or place for his celebration of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. Francis has made it a tradition to celebrate the Mass and foot washing ritual at a prison or detention center, refugee center or rehabilitation facility.

Here is the schedule of papal liturgical ceremonies for March and April released by the Vatican Feb. 26:

- March 6, Ash Wednesday, 4:30 p.m. penitential procession from Rome’s Church of St. Anselm to the Basilica of Santa Sabina for Mass with the imposition of ashes.

- March 10-15, Lenten retreat with the Roman Curia at the Pauline Fathers’ retreat center in Ariccia, southeast of Rome.

- March 29, 5 p.m., penitential liturgy in St. Peter’s Basilica.

- March 30-31, papal trip to Morocco.
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« Reply #7224 on: February 26, 2019, 06:44:58 PM »


Pope’s full schedule for March 30-31 Morocco trip released
Catholic News Service   Feb 26, 2019

Worshippers pray in St. Peter's Cathedral in Rabat, Morocco, Nov.12, 2008. Pope Francis will meet with priests, religious men and women and the ecumenical Council of Churches at the cathedral March 31 during his visit to Morocco. (Credit: Rafael Marchante/Reuters via CNS.)
ROME - Pope Francis will travel to Morocco March 30-31 as a “servant of hope” to encourage the country’s small Catholic community, the migrants hosted there and all people of goodwill, said Archbishop Cristobal Lopez Romero of Rabat, the nation’s capital.

“He comes to fill us with hope, to give us strength, to help us get up again after being disappointed, to fill us with enthusiasm,” the archbishop told Fides, the news agency of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

The Vatican Feb. 26 released the full, detailed schedule for the pope’s trip, which will include a visit to a school training an international group of Muslim prayer leaders and preachers, including women.

He also will visit a Caritas center assisting migrants and a social service center run by the Missionaries of Charity.

The visit to Morocco, where more than 99 percent of the population is Muslim, will give Francis an opportunity to continue the reflections on Christian-Muslim relations he began in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in February. As he did in Abu Dhabi, he is expected to highlight 2019 as the 800th anniversary of the encounter of St. Francis of Assisi and Sultan al-Malik al-Kamil of Egypt.

Here is the schedule released by the Vatican Feb. 26. Times listed are local, with Eastern Daylight Time in parentheses. (Rome goes on daylight time early March 31; Morocco does not change times.)

Saturday, March 30 (Rome, Rabat)
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« Reply #7225 on: February 26, 2019, 08:48:35 PM »


Cardinal Pell no longer prefect of Vatican's economy secretariat

Vatican City, Feb 26, 2019 / 02:33 pm (CNA).- Alessandro Gisotti, interim Holy See press office director, confirmed Tuesday via Twitter that Cardinal George Pell is no longer prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy.

Pell's term as prefect was to have expired Feb. 24. His resignation has not been noted in the Vatican's bollettino, so it is believed his term lapsed and was not renewed, and he was not removed from office.

Gisotti's tweet suggests that Pell's loss of office by the expiration of his term has been communicated to him in writing, as required by canon law.

The cardinal was convicted in an Australian civil court in December on five charges of the sexual abuse of minors. A gag order preventing media from reporting on the trial and conviction was lifted Feb. 26.

Gisotti had issued a statement regarding Pell earlier in the day Feb. 26, which did not mention his status as prefect.
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« Reply #7226 on: February 27, 2019, 02:11:07 PM »


Update: Vatican announces canonical investigation of Cardinal Pell
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service
2.27.2019 7:54 AM ET

CNS photo/Daniel Pockett, AAP images via Reuters
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The day Australian Cardinal George Pell was jailed in Melbourne after being found guilty of child sexual abuse, the Vatican announced his case would be investigated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

"After the guilty verdict in the first instance concerning Cardinal Pell, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will now handle the case following the procedure and within the time established by canonical norm," Alessandro Gisotti, interim director of the Vatican press office, said Feb. 27.

A court in Melbourne ordered that Cardinal Pell be taken into custody Feb. 27; he is scheduled to be sentenced March 13 on five charges related to the sexual abuse of two 13-year-old boys in the late 1990s when he was archbishop of Melbourne. The cardinal continues to affirm his innocence and plans to appeal the verdict.
Australian Cardinal Pell faces abuse sentencing hearing
Rod McGuirk  Feb 27, 2019
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« Reply #7227 on: February 27, 2019, 02:38:07 PM »


Photo Gallery at the link
Pope Audience: trust in God who knows everything
27 February 2019, 13:45

Pope Francis at the General Audience of Feb. 27, 2019, in the Vatican.  (Vatican Media)
During his General Audience on Wednesday Pope Francis spoke about our trust in the Father that “makes us ask for what we need without anxiety and agitation”.
By Robin Gomes

In his General Audience this week, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the Lord’s prayer, ”Our Father”, focusing on the first of its 7 invocations – “hallowed be thy name”.

Speaking to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square under a warm, sunny sky, he urged them to trust in the Father who knows everything about us and to ask Him what we need without anxiety and agitation.

He said that the “Our Father” has the pattern of every prayer, consisting of contemplating God and sincere supplications for our needs.  The first 3 of the 7 supplications of “Our Father” are centred on “thy”, God the Father -  holy be your name, your kingdom come,  your  will be done. 

The remaining four deal with “we” and our human needs – our daily bread, forgiveness of sins, help in temptation and freedom from evil.
Pope at General Audience on ‘Hallowed Be Thy Name’ (Full Text) 
February 27, 2019 12:05

Video at the link below--
Pope Francis - General Audience 2019-02-27
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« Reply #7228 on: February 27, 2019, 03:09:56 PM »


Pope says Church’s teaching on death penalty has ‘matured’
Inés San Martín   Feb 27, 2019

ROME - Once again, Pope Francis has spoken out against the death penalty, saying that the Church’s view on the issue has “matured,” that every life must be guarded without exception and that capital punishment is a “serious violation of the right to life” belonging to every person.

“While it is true that human societies and communities have to often face very serious crimes that threaten the common good and the safety of people, it is not less true that today there are other means to atone for the damage caused,” Francis said on Wednesday in a video message sent to the VII Global Congress Against the Death Penalty, taking place in Brussels.

The systems of detention, the pope noted, are becoming more effective in protecting society for the harm that some people might cause.

“On the other hand, you can never abandon the conviction of offering even to criminals the possibility of repentance,” Francis said.

The Feb. 26-March 1 congress is organized by Together against the Death Penalty, and organizers define it as “the world’s leading abolitionist event in terms of its scope and political ambition.” It’s held under the patronage of the European Union and with the support of the Kingdom of Belgium and the Norwegian foreign ministry.
Video at the llink below--
Message of Pope Francis to the World Congress Against the Death Penalty 2019.02.27
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« Reply #7229 on: February 27, 2019, 03:22:49 PM »


For children of priests, the good of the child comes first
27 February 2019, 15:30

Cardinal Beniamino Stella, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy   (Vatican Media)
In an interview with Vatican News, Cardinal Beniamino Stella, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, explains the guidelines the Dicastery applies in cases of Latin-rite priests who father children.
Editorial Director of Vatican News

The topic of “children of priests” has long been considered taboo, with the result that often, especially in the past, these children grew up without a known and acknowledged father. This topic, then, is distinct from the questions addressed in last week’s Meeting in the Vatican, which focused on the abuse committed against minors.

Recently, Irish psychotherapist Vincent Doyle, a son of a priest, was present in Rome. He is the founder of “Coping International”, an association for the defence of the rights of children fathered by Catholic priests throughout the world. Doyle wants to waive his anonymity and offer psychological help to “the many people born from a relationship between a woman and a priest” in various parts of the world. In recent interviews with diverse media, Doyle has spoken of a document of the Congregation for the Clergy, regarding the attitude to be taken in these cases. The existence of these internal documents — sometimes described, inaccurately, as “secret” — has been known since 2017, and the general criteria regarding protecting the children of priests was recently confirmed by Alessandro Gisotti, the Director ad interim of the Holy See Press Office. Vatican News spoke with Cardinal Beniamino Stella, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, which has the responsibility of dealing with cases of this sort.

Andrea Tornielli: What are the criteria that guide the decisions to be made in the case of priests with children?
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« Reply #7230 on: February 28, 2019, 06:36:41 PM »


Pope at Santa Marta: there is God’s mercy but also His anger
28 February 2019, 13:49

Pope Francis at Mass at the Vatican's Casa Santa Marta, Feb. 28, 2019.   (Vatican Media)
In his homily at Mass, Thursday morning, Pope Francis urged Christians to make a daily examination of conscience regarding their actions because no one is sure when and how life will end.
By Robin Gomes

Stop for a while to acknowledge our failures, aware that the end can  come  any moment, and let us not continue living as we want under the impression that God's compassion is infinite.  This was the advice of Pope Francis at his morning Mass, Feb. 28, at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican.

Reflecting on “the advice” in the first reading from the Book of Sirach, the Pope urged for a change of heart and conversion to the Lord.
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« Reply #7231 on: February 28, 2019, 06:41:34 PM »


Pope to St Peter's Circle: Thank you for your prayer, action, sacrifice
28 February 2019, 14:10

Pope Francis addresses the members of St Peter’s Circle on the occasion of their 150th anniversary, thanking them for their charity and encouraging them to pray.
By Francesca Merlo

“Every poor person is worthy of our concern, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or any other condition”, says Pope Francis when addressing the members of St Peter’s circle”. The Pope acknowledges that the Circle’s main focus “goes to the sectors of human poverty in Rome”.

In doing this, continues the Pope, “you serve Jesus, who assured us: ‘whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me’ Mt 25, 40.”
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« Reply #7232 on: February 28, 2019, 06:49:13 PM »


Pope: Cardinal Bea a model and inspiration for dialogue
28 February 2019, 11:52

Pope Francis meets participants commemorating the 50th anniversary of the death of Cardinal Augustin Bea  (Vatican Media)
Pope Francis addresses participants from a meeting commemorating the 50th anniversary of the death of Cardinal Augustin Bea.
By Lydia O'Kane

Cardinal Augustin Bea was the first President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and worked tirelessly in the field of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue.

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Cardinal’s death, the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies in collaboration with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Center for the Study of Christianity in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, have been holding a series of scholarly lectures.
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« Reply #7233 on: February 28, 2019, 07:05:09 PM »


Benedictine Bernardo Gianni Will Preach the Pope and Curia’s Lenten Spiritual Exercises 
February 28, 2019 17:24•Marina Droujinina

Benedictine Bernardo Francesco Maria Gianni, Abbot of San Miniato al Monte Abbey in Florence, will lead the Lenten Spiritual Exercises for Pope Francis and the Roman Curia from March 10-15, 2019, indicated the Holy See on February 27. The Retreat’s theme, which will take place in the “Divine Master’s” House at Ariccia — south of Rome — will be: “The City of Ardent Desires. For Paschal Looks and Gestures in the Life of the World.”

The Exercises will begin on Sunday, March 10, First Sunday of Lent, at 4:00 pm. From Monday to Thursday there will be two meditations a day, one in the morning at 10:00 and one in the afternoon at 4:30. On Friday, March 15, there will only be the morning meditation. Then the Pope and members of the Curia will return to the Vatican. The Retreat will begin each day with Mass and will end with Vespers and Eucharistic Adoration.

During those days, the Pope will suspend all audiences, including the General Audience of Wednesday, March 13, day of the sixth anniversary of his election.
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« Reply #7234 on: March 02, 2019, 11:58:20 AM »


Pope: Caring for the ill means caring for the whole person
02 March 2019, 13:05

Pope Francis with members of the Association against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma   (Vatican Media)
Pope Francis addresses members of the Italian Association against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma on the 50th anniversary since their foundation.
By Francesca Merlo

Pope Francis began his address to the association against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma by reminding participants that in today’s liturgy, the Church invites us to read about the great gifts God has given humans. In quoting Sirch, the Pope says that after having created them “He filled them with knowledge and understanding and showed them the difference between good and evil”, and “He made knowledge available to them and gave them the Law as a source of life”.
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« Reply #7235 on: March 02, 2019, 12:09:09 PM »


Pope accepts resignation of the Archbishop of Kaunas, Lithuania
02 March 2019, 10:05

Pope Francis and Archbishop Lionginas Virbalas
In a statement, Archbishop Lionginas Virbalas explains that his resignation is due to health reasons along with a desire to return to his vocation as a religious: "I hope in this way to be able to better serve God and the people".
By Francesca Merlo

Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of the pastoral government of the Archdiocese of Kaunas, Lithuania presented by Archbishop Lionginas Virbalas, SJ, who turns 58 next July.

On his Facebook page, the Archbishop writes: "In the last period, by the will of Pope Francis, I served as Archbishop. From 1 March with his permission, I return to work according to my religious vocation. Faced with health problems, and especially considering the sense of the religious vocation, I hope in this way to be able to serve God and the people better". The prelate "sincerely" thanks all the members of the Archdiocese of Kaunas: "What has been done is only thanks to many priests and lay people who have dedicated themselves to the Gospel and are serving faithfully in the Church. Please forgive my failings. You will always remain in my prayers. With love in Christ.
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« Reply #7236 on: March 02, 2019, 12:47:25 PM »


Video at the link

80th Anniversary of the Election of Pius XII
02 March 2019, 10:30

Pius XII was elected to the See of Peter on his birthday, 2 March 1939. A tireless peacemaker, he faced the horrors of the Second World War, bringing the light of Christ to a shattered world, and promoting the hope of rebuilding.
"I announce to you a great joy. We have a Pope!" On 2 March 1939, Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was elected the 260th Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church. The announcement of his election was interrupted four times by applause from the immense crowd of faithful gathered in St Peter's Square. The same enthusiastic welcome would embrace him ten days later at his solemn coronation.
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« Reply #7237 on: March 02, 2019, 10:16:43 PM »

Video at the link

Kazakhstan bishops present pope image of Mary Queen of Peace

Pope Francis met with 10 bishops of Kazakhstan's Episcopal Conference. There were also bishops from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan present. They are from countries where Catholics are a minority

It was a brief meeting, but nonetheless very symbolic.


As a present, the bishops presented this image of Our Lady to Pope Francis. In 1941, some deported Polish people prayed to the Blessed Mother for help, after being left to their own fate. As a result, they miraculously found a lake containing fish to eat during the middle of winter.

However, this was not the only gift he received.

“And this is the first book of prayers written in Kazakh.”
Photo at the link below

Edward Pentin‏ @EdwardPentin · 10h 10 hours ago 
Bishops of Kazakhstan meeting Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI yesterday via @go_alexey @EWTNVatican
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« Reply #7238 on: March 03, 2019, 07:27:59 PM »


Pope at Angelus urges leaders to be discerning, just and merciful
03 March 2019, 12:24

Pope Francis during the Sunday Angelus  (Vatican Media)
Pope Francis addresses the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus calling on all those who have educational or leadership responsibilities to be aware of their role and to be wise, discerning and merciful.
By Linda Bordoni

Pope Francis on Sunday reflected on the Gospel reading of the day in which Jesus invites his disciples to be good role models.

He was speaking to the crowds gathered in a sunny St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus Prayer when he took his cue from the Gospel of Luke in which Jesus poses the question “Can a blind person guide a blind person?”
Angelus Address: On Jesus as the Wise Guide 
March 03, 2019 14:55•Virginia Forrester

Video at the link below--
Pope Francis - Angelus prayer 2019-03-03
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« Reply #7239 on: March 04, 2019, 01:16:59 PM »

Photo Gallery at the link

Pope visits Rome Parish, decries gossip
04 March 2019, 11:24

On Sunday afternoon Pope Francis crossed the city to visit the Parish of St. Crispin from Viterbo in the northern periphery of Rome.
By Vatican News

Pope Francis spent time on Sunday afternoon with the parishioners of the Church of St. Crispin from Viterbo on the outskirts of Rome.

He was welcomed by the Cardinal Vicar, Angelo De Donatis, and by other Church authorities as wells as by the parish priest, fr Luciano Cacciamani.

During his visit to the parish, the Pope spent some time with children and young people involved in catechism classes as well as with a group of poor and  homeless people who are assisted by the Community of St. Egidio, and with a group of sick and disabled people.
Pope’s Homily at Saint Crispin of Viterbo 
March 04, 2019 18:19

Video at the link below
Pope Francis – Pastoral visit to the Roman Parish of “St. Crispin of Viterbo” 2019-03-03

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