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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4538321 times)
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« Reply #7860 on: September 26, 2019, 07:47:44 PM »

‘Baptized and sent’: Pope designates October as Mission Month
Cindy Wooden  Sep 26, 2019

The logo of the Extraordinary Missionary Month October 2019 is a missionary cross in which the primary colors refer to the five continents. The theme chosen by Pope Francis for the monthlong celebration is "Baptized and Sent." (Credit: CNS illustration/Pontifical Mission Societies.)

ROME - In the October calendar of Vatican events, Pope Francis’s “Extraordinary Missionary Month” may be overshadowed by the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon and its related events.

But in the lead up to the monthlong focus on missionary outreach, Francis spoke frequently and in detail about the Christian obligation to share the Gospel through personal witness and welcome.

And while the synod preparations led to news headlines about climate change and a possible debate about ordaining some married men for ministry in their indigenous communities, the working document that will guide the assembly frames the whole discussion as a discernment of “the new paths whereby the Church in the Amazon will announce the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the coming years.”

On World Mission Sunday 2017, Francis announced his intention to dedicate the entire month of October 2019 - not just World Mission Sunday - to “the Church’s evangelizing activity ad gentes,” a phrase meaning “to the nations” and used to describe missionary activity focused on people who still have not heard the Gospel.

The pope is scheduled to launch the month with a prayer vigil in St. Peter’s Basilica the evening of Oct. 1, the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, co-patron of the missions and one of Francis’s personal favorites.
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« Reply #7861 on: September 26, 2019, 08:03:28 PM »

Update: Cardinal Marx, German bishops’ conference...
German bishops vote to adopt statutes for Synodal Assembly

Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg. Credit: Estefania Aguirre/CNA
By Ed Condon

Fulda, Germany, Sep 25, 2019 / 03:45 pm (CNA).- The bishops of Germany have voted to adopt a set of statutes for their long-planned “Synodal Assembly.” The decision was taken in a vote on Wednesday, Sept. 25, the final day of the plenary session of the German bishops’ conference.

The bishops voted to adopt the statutes by a margin of 51-12 with 1 abstention. The vote followed hours of debate concerning several amendments. Various changes were proposed and considered in response to Vatican concerns that a previous draft of the plans was “not ecclesiologically valid.”

Senior figures within the conference told CNA Tuesday night that “some minor changes” had been adopted by the conference, but that the revised text of the statutes would not be released until Wednesday at the earliest. 

Sources also told CNA that the final version of the document includes a revised preamble which makes direct reference to the synodal priorities outlined by Pope Francis in his June letter to all German Catholics.

The preamble will include specific reference to “the primacy of evangelization, the Sensus ecclesiae, and the consideration of unity with the universal Church,” CNA has confirmed, but the subject areas for consideration by the synod’s working groups (synodal fora) will remain as previously announced – review of Church teaching on sexual morality, the role of women in Church offices and ministries, priestly life and discipline, and the separation of powers in Church governance.

On Tuesday night, Bishop Rudolph Voderholzer of Regensburg issued a statement explaining that while some changes had been made from previous versions, he remains opposed to the statutes.

“I voted against the statutes,” the bishop said. “In a many-hour debate some improvements were achieved in detail. But I have made it clear on several occasions that the thematic orientation of the [synodal] forums seems to pass by the reality of the crisis of faith in our country.”
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« Reply #7862 on: September 27, 2019, 09:28:59 PM »

Pope addresses ethical challenges of technological progress
27 September 2019, 12:42

Pope Francis receives participants in the meeting on the "Common Good in the Digital Age"  (Vatican Media)
Pope Francis meets in Audience with participants at the meeting on the "Common Good in the Digital Age", promoted by the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
By Vatican News

When Cardinal Ravasi addressed the Pope at the beginning of the Audience, he said it was the complexity of ongoing scientific research in the field of digital culture that had inspired the two Vatican Dicasteries to “join forces”.

From AI to Transhumanism

The Cardinal listed some of the issues discussed during their meeting: from digital systems to autonomous weaponry, from artificial intelligence to blockchain, from robotization to transhumanism. The “guiding star” of their reflections, he said, remained the “value of the common good and the protection of the dignity of the human person”.

Pope Francis responded by acknowledging “the remarkable developments in the field of technology, in particular those dealing with artificial intelligence”, and how these “raise increasingly significant implications in all areas of human activity”.
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« Reply #7863 on: September 27, 2019, 09:38:07 PM »

Pope praises ice-hockey skaters for their capacity to get back on their feet
27 September 2019, 12:52

Pope Francis receives the International Ice Hockey Federation  (Vatican Media)
Pope Francis receives participants of the International Ice Hockey Federation Semi-Annual Congress.
By Vatican News

Pope Francis on Friday greeted sportsmen and staff of the International Ice Hockey Federation who are holding their Semi-Annual Congress, and highlighting the fact that sport is a channel for the promotion of peace and unity.

Sporting activities are meeting places

He said sporting activities are meeting places where people of many different backgrounds come together, and he said that hockey is a good example of how sport can express a sense of community.

“It is a team game in which each team member has an important role to play,” he said.

The Pope reflected on how the Church also values sport as “an arena of human activity where the virtues of temperance, humility, courage and patience can be fostered, and encounters with beauty, goodness, truth and joy can be witnessed.”

He encouraged those in charge of the Federation to continue to make the sport inclusive and available to individuals on a global level.
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« Reply #7864 on: September 27, 2019, 09:46:27 PM »

The Holy See and China: the door is open
27 September 2019, 13:41

Pope Francis meets Chinese Bishops in Rome
A new book entitled "The Agreement between the Holy See and China" is presented in Rome.
By Alessandro Gisotti

"A door has opened that can hardly be closed." With this effective image, Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli summarized the value of the provisional agreement signed in Beijing between the Holy See and the People's Republic of China, a year after that historic event of 22 September 2018.

The opportunity to take stock of the first year since the signing of the Agreement was offered by the presentation in Rome of the book, entitled "The Agreement between the Holy See and China. Chinese Catholics between past and future", edited by Agostino Giovagnoli and Elisa Giunipero, with a preface by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, and published by Urbaniana University Press.

The book-launch was moderated by the President of the Community of Sant'Egidio, Marco Impagliazzo, was attended by former Italian Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, the Founder of the Sant’Egidio Community, Andrea Riccardi, and Jesuit Fr Federico Lombardi, President of the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Foundation.

Particularly significant, in a crowded Benedict XIII Hall, was the presence of the head of the political office and First Secretary of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Rome. A visible sign of that change in climate, in the name of trust and respect, that was evoked by all the speakers involved in presenting the book.
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« Reply #7865 on: September 27, 2019, 09:54:01 PM »

Muslim leader meets Pope Francis, calls for Islam that sees no ‘infidels’
By Courtney Grogan

Vatican City, Sep 27, 2019 / 01:03 pm (CNA).- The leader of the largest independent Muslim organization in the world met Pope Francis this week to present his vision for a more peaceful future and greater human fraternity.

Sheikh Yahya Cholil Staquf leads the 50 million member Nahdlatul Ulama movement, which calls for a reformed “humanitarian Islam” and has developed a theological framework for Islam that rejects the concepts of caliphate, Sharia law, and “kafir” (infidels).

The Indonesian Sunni leader told CNA that he was “thrilled and excited” when Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar Ahmed el-Tayeb signed in February the Abu Dhabi declaration on “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” because it expresses the vision of  “compassionate Islam” his organization has advocated for for decades.

The sheikh has specific recommendations for concrete steps to achieve the pope’s aspirations of peace and human fraternity. He came to Rome to share them with the pope.
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« Reply #7866 on: September 27, 2019, 10:01:42 PM »

Update: Cardinal Marx, German bishops’ conference...
German synod plans to be vetted by controversial lay group, not Vatican
By Ed Condon

Berlin, Germany, Sep 27, 2019 / 02:00 pm (CNA).- The plan for a “binding synodal process” recently approved by the German bishops will be sent to a controversial lay group for amendment and approval, CNA has learned.

On Sept. 25, the German bishops’ conference concluded a three-day plenary session at which bishops debated and voted to adopt statutes for the creation of a Synodal Assembly in partnership with the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK).

According to senior sources in the German bishops’ conference, those statutes, the text of which has not yet been released, will now be passed to the ZdK for review and approval. The group’s consideration of the plans includes the opportunity for the committee’s membership to amend the text before voting to adopt the statutes.

Earlier this year, ZdK leaders assured their members that the groups’ participation in the synodal process was predicated on a guarantee from the German bishops that its resolutions would be “binding.”

The role of the ZdK as co-equal participants with the German bishops was identified as a point of special concern in a Vatican assessment of the German synodal plans. A review of a draft of the synodal statutes was produced by the Pontifical Commission for Legislative Texts in August and sent to the German bishops by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

The PCLT concluded that the German plans would essentially form a particular council – a canonical body which can, though only with explicit Roman approval, legislate and teach authoritatively – instead of a synod, which is a purely consultative body. The commission also concluded that the German synodal plans created a “parliamentary” forum for treating universal Church teaching which was “ecclesiologically invalid” and sought to address topics which “cannot be the object of the deliberations or decisions of a particular Church without contravening what is expressed by the Holy Father.”
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« Reply #7867 on: September 28, 2019, 08:19:27 PM »

Pope: sacred music helps faithful participate actively in liturgy
28 September 2019, 14:28

Pope Francis meeting members of the Italian Association of Saint Cecilia in the Vatican on 28 September, 2019.  (AFP or licensors)
Receiving members of the Italian Association of Saint Cecilia (AISC), Pope Francis said that while helping raise hearts to God, church music also builds bridges and helps people come together.
By Robin Gomes

Pope Francis on Saturday expressed esteem for and encouraged those who serve the liturgy through sacred music and singing, saying they help the faithful feel attracted to beauty, elevating them towards God and uniting hearts in praise and tenderness.

“I recommend that you help the whole people of God sing with conscious and active participation in the liturgy,” he told some 3000 members of the Italian Association of Saint Cecilia (AISC), whom he met in the Vatican.   

The association, named after the patron saint of musicians, is holding its national convention of choristers in Rome, September 28-29.
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« Reply #7868 on: September 28, 2019, 08:25:41 PM »

Pope urges young people to be part of “revolution of tenderness”
28 September 2019, 15:10

Pope Francis receives members of the Centro Social Padre David de Oliveira Martins, Portugal   (Vatican Media)
Pope Francis receives members of the “Centro Social Padre David de Oliveira Martins” of Braga, in Portugal, and tells the young people not to be afraid to participate in the “revolution” to which Christ calls them.
By Vatican News

The Father David De Oliveira Martins Social Centre started life as an unpretentious soup kitchen in Portugal, nearly 70 years ago. Since then it has grown to become a government-recognized Social Solidarity Institution, offering care, shelter and support to orphans, needy children, and the elderly.
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« Reply #7869 on: September 28, 2019, 08:38:41 PM »

Pope approves Commissioner for "Heralds of the Gospel"
28 September 2019, 12:57

Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis
The Vatican Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life announces the Pope’s decision following an investigation of the Association begun in 2017. The Pontifical Commissioner appointed for the Association founded by Msgr Scognamiglio Clá Dias, is Brazilian Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis.
By Vatican News

Following the Apostolic visitation begun in 2017, Pope Francis has approved the appointment of a Pontifical Commissioner for the International Association “Heralds of the Gospel” (Arautos do Evangelho), along with its two branches of consecrated men and women. The announcement was made by the Vatican Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, headed by Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, on 25 September and made public on 28 September.

On 23 June 2017, the Holy See Press Office published a press release expressing how the Congregation, in agreement with the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, had called for "an Apostolic Visitation of the Association known as Heralds of the Gospel, of which the International Public Association of the Faithful of Pontifical Right, Heralds of the Gospel, the Society of Priestly Apostolic Life, Virgo Flos Carmeli, and the Society of Female Apostolic Life, Regina Virginum, are members".

"After carefully studying the conclusions of the visitors, and having obtained the approval of the Holy Father, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life appointed a Pontifical Commissioner" to the International Association and the two Societies of Apostolic Life. The Commissioner is Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis, Archbishop Emeritus of Aparecida, with José Aparecido Gonçalves de Almeida, Auxiliary Bishop of Brasilia, and Sister Marian Ambrosio I.D.P., Superior General of the Sisters of Divine Providence, as his assistants.
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« Reply #7870 on: September 28, 2019, 08:46:04 PM »

Memory at heart of Pope’s message for World Communications Day message
28 September 2019, 13:26

Pope Francis  (AFP or licensors)
“So that you can tell your son and grandson” . Life creates history. This is the theme chosen by Pope Francis for the 54th World Day of Social Communications, celebrated on 24 January 2020 in the memory of St Francis de Sales, patron saint of the Catholic press.

By choosing this theme, taken from a passage in the Book of Exodus, Pope Francis underlines how particularly precious is the patrimony of memory in communications. The Pope has emphasized many times that there is no future without being rooted in the lived history. He has helped us understand that memory is not to be considered as a “static body”, but more like a “dynamic reality”. It is by means of memory that the stories, hopes, dreams and experiences of one generation are passed on to another.

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« Reply #7871 on: September 28, 2019, 08:52:43 PM »

Pope’s condolence for death of former French president Chirac
28 September 2019, 11:05

Former French president Jacques Chirac dies at 86.  (ANSA)
In a telegram to French President, Emmanuel Macron, Pope Francis expresses his condolence for the death of former French President Jacques Chirac, who passed away in his home in Paris on 26 September, at the age of 86.
By Robin Gomes

“Having learned of the death of Mr. Jacques Chirac, former President of the French Republic, I would like to express my deepest condolences to you, the Government and the entire French people,” Pope Francis wrote in the telegram.   “I fervently pray to the Lord that He may welcome the deceased into His peace assure the comfort of hope to all those mourning his death, especially his wife and family,” the Pope wrote, imparting his blessing on France and its people.
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« Reply #7872 on: September 29, 2019, 07:44:41 PM »

Pope unveils sculpture commemorating migrants and refugees
29 September 2019, 11:48

Pope Francis unveils sculpture dedicated to migrants and refugees in St. Peter's Square  (Vatican Media)
Following the celebration of Mass and the recitation of the Angelus, Pope Francis unveils a sculpture entitled “Angels Unawares” by Canadian artist, Timothy Schmaltz, in St Peter’s Square.
By Vatican News

“Angels Unawares” is a life-size sculpture in bronze and clay, that depicts a group of migrants and refugees from different cultural and racial backgrounds and from diverse historic periods in time.

The sculpture

The figures stand together, shoulder to shoulder, huddled on a raft. Within this diverse crowd of people, angel wings emerge from the centre, suggesting the presence of something sacred among them. In fact, the sculptural work interprets the belief that the sacred is to be found in the stranger, in this case, in refugees and migrants.
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« Reply #7873 on: September 29, 2019, 08:22:03 PM »

Pope at Mass: We must not fail to weep. We must not fail to respond
29 September 2019, 11:08

Migrants arrive on the Greek island of Lesbos after crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey  (AFP or licensors)
Pope Francis celebrates Mass for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. In his homily, he reflects on this Sunday’s liturgical readings and reminds us “it is not just about migrants”.
By Vatican News

The first World Day of Migrants and Refugees was celebrated in 1914. Since then, this annual commemoration has become an opportunity to express concern for vulnerable people on the move, and to pray for increased awareness about the opportunities that migration offers.

Concern for the vulnerable

Attention to the vulnerable is at the heart of this Sunday’s Responsorial Psalm. In his homily, Pope Francis noted how the Psalmist “makes explicit mention” of those who are “forgotten and subject to oppression”. The Lord has a particular concern “for foreigners, widows and orphans”, said the Pope, because “they are without rights, excluded and marginalized”.
Pope at Angelus: no one must be excluded from society
29 September 2019, 11:34
Pope at Angelus appeals for peaceful political solutions for Cameroon
29 September 2019, 11:41
‘Today We Also Need a Mother,’ Pope Appeals to Entrust Painful Journeys of All on the Move to Mary (Full Homily) 
September 29, 2019 16:24•Deborah Castellano Lubov

Video of Holy Mass, Angelus and unveiling of sculpture (time mark 1:54:00) at the link below--
Pope Francis-Holy Mass for Migrants 2019-09-29
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« Reply #7874 on: September 29, 2019, 09:14:23 PM »

Edward Pentin Retweeted 
Diane Montagna‏ @dianemontagna · 24h 24 hours ago 

Angels and Demons? Steps from St. Peter’s 200 Catholics implore the angels to exorcise the Vatican ahead of Amazon Synod | News | LifeSite

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« Reply #7875 on: September 30, 2019, 06:20:59 PM »

Pope at Mass: promote a culture of hope by caring for the young and the old
30 September 2019, 13:33

Pope Francis celebrates Mass at Casa Santa Marta   (Vatican Media)
Pope Francis urges us to care for the young and for the old, in families and in society at large. Speaking at Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, he says that to neglect children and the elderly because they are not productive is not a sign of God's presence.
By Linda Bordoni

Pope Francis told the faithful on Monday that God's love for his people is like a burning flame. He said that notwithstanding the fact that His people betrayed Him and forgot about Him, His Love is such that His promise of salvation continues to be offered to each and every one of us.

Reflecting on the 8th chapter of the Book of the Prophet Zechariah which says “I am intensely jealous for Zion,” and “I will return to Zion,” the Lord, the Pope said,  is telling us that thanks to His love,  Jerusalem will live.
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« Reply #7876 on: September 30, 2019, 06:28:14 PM »

Pope: without the joy of the Gospel one cannot be a missionary
30 September 2019, 13:39

Proclaiming the joy of the Gospel.  (© Vatican News)
Pope Francis on 30 September met representatives of missionary congregations of Italian origin and urged them to go out and joyfully proclaim the Gospel of Jesus who attracts.
By Robin Gomes

Pope Francis on Monday encouraged missionary congregations of Italian origin to keep alive in the people of God the awareness of being fundamentally "outgoing", that is, sent to bring to all nations the blessing of God who is Jesus Christ.

Going out

“May your Institutes collaborate more and more with the particular Churches in order to foster an increased awareness of the “missio ad gentes” (mission to other peoples) and take up again with renewed fervour the missionary transformation of the Church’s life and pastoral activity,” the Pope told some 70 men and women religious of the Comboni, Consolata, PIME and Xaverian congregations.
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« Reply #7877 on: September 30, 2019, 07:43:26 PM »

Pope meets with Jesuit criticized by conservatives for gay outreach
Nicole Winfield   Sep 30, 2019

(Credit: CNS photo/ courtesy Father Martin.)
ROME - Pope Francis met privately Monday with an American Jesuit who has been attacked by conservative U.S. Catholics for reaching out to gays, the latest evidence of Francis’s willingness to shrug off right-wing criticism for the sake of his pastoral priorities.

The Vatican listed the audience with the Jesuit James Martin among the pope’s activities, in a sign that Francis wanted it publicized. Since only some of Francis’s private meetings are announced, the implicit message was a public vote of confidence in Martin’s ministry.

Martin, author of Building a Bridge, a book about how the Catholic Church should reach out more to the LGBT community, has had several talks canceled in the United States because of pressure from conservative groups who oppose his advocacy. The Vatican under Francis has welcomed him, however, appointing him as a communications consultant, giving him a speaking slot at a 2018 Vatican-sponsored family rally, and now, a private papal audience.

Official church teaching calls for gay men and lesbians to be respected and loved, but considers homosexual activity “intrinsically disordered.” Francis, though, has sought to make the Church more welcoming to gays, most famously with his 2013 comment “Who am I to judge?”

The Argentine Jesuit also has spoken of his own ministry to gay and transgender people, insisting they are children of God, loved by God and deserving of accompaniment by the Church.

Some conservative and traditionalist Catholics, especially in the U.S., have accused Martin of blasphemy and of spreading a “homosexualist” agenda. Many of them belong to the small but loud Francis opposition - a wing that the pope recently acknowledged when he told reporters that he was “honored” to be attacked by Americans and wasn’t afraid of schism by conservatives in the U.S. Church
Martin spoke with Crux about the meeting...excerpts of that conversation at the link below--
Fr. James Martin: Pope was ‘attentive, welcoming and warm’ during meeting
Inés San Martín  Sep 30, 2019
Catholic LGBT advocates praise Francis' meeting with Jesuit Fr. Jim Martin
Sep 30, 2019
by Joshua J. McElwee

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« Reply #7878 on: September 30, 2019, 08:07:17 PM »

Pope establishes Sunday of the Word of God
30 September 2019, 12:42

Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter, Motu proprio "Aperuit illis", published on 30 September, establishes that "the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be devoted to the celebration, study and dissemination of the Word of God".
By Vatican News

The timing of the document is significant: 30 September is the Feast of Saint Jerome, the man who translated most of the Bible into Latin, and who famously said: "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ". This year also marks 1600 years since his death.

The title of the document, “Aperuit illis”, is equally important. They are its opening words, taken from St Luke’s Gospel, where the Evangelist describes how the Risen Jesus appeared to His disciples, and how “He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures”.

A response to requests

Recalling the importance given by the Second Vatican Council to rediscovering Sacred Scripture for the life of the Church, Pope Francis says he wrote this Apostolic Letter in response to requests from the faithful around the world to celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God.

An ecumenical value

In the Motu proprio (literally, “of his own initiative”), Pope Francis declares that “the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be devoted to the celebration, study and dissemination of the Word of God”. This is more than a temporal coincidence, he explains: the celebration has “ecumenical value, since the Scriptures point out, for those who listen, the path to authentic and firm unity”.
English text of the Motu Proprio at the link below--
Pope Institutes the ‘Sunday of the Word of God’ in New Motu Proprio ‘Aperuit illis’ 
September 30, 2019 14:16•Deborah Castellano Lubov
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« Reply #7879 on: October 01, 2019, 02:25:24 PM »

Vatican prosecutors conduct raid on Secretariat of State offices
By Hannah Brockhaus

Vatican City, Oct 1, 2019 / 08:40 am (CNA).- Vatican prosecutors seized documents and electronic devices in a raid executed Tuesday at the offices of the most senior curial department.

According to a statement from the Holy See press office Oct. 1, the raid was conducted at the offices of the general affairs section of the Secretariat of State. The action was authorized by the Vatican City court's Promoter of Justice, Gian Piero Milano, and Adjunct Promoter of Justice Alessandro Diddi.

The documents and devices were taken in connection to an investigation following complaints brought last summer by the Institute for Religious Works (IOR) - commonly called the Vatican Bank - and the Office of the Auditor General concerning a series of financial transactions "carried out over time," the statement said.

The Secretariat of State is the central governing office of the Catholic Church and the department of the Roman Curia which works most closely with the pope. It is also responsible for the governance of the Vatican City state.
Vatican investigates financial transactions
01 October 2019, 16:09

Documents and electronic devices were acquired on Tuesday morning in some offices in the 1st Section of the Vatican Secretary of State in an investigation after complaints were presented earlier this year.

The Holy See Press office released a Communiqué on Tuesday, communicating the following information:
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