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Author Topic: RBN #28 6/26/05 Sunday Evening  (Read 303888 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #500 on: June 26, 2005, 10:09:22 PM »

Well Absolut, maybe people should just be looking at you as a Supporter of the Truth??  Smile

"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
Another K in Texas
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #501 on: June 26, 2005, 10:10:26 PM »

Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "KerinTX"
I do know that some posters accused her mother of just seeking notoriety for Dash? That one shocked me....

 YIKES.. I wasnt aware of that Kerin.. Thanks!

Bad thing is that we get to keep the bad posters and the Mountain Brook kids are pretty much gone.

Heck of a way to treat Dash.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #502 on: June 26, 2005, 10:10:32 PM »

Hey all y'all!  Just wanted to say that I hereby enter of my own volition with an open mind to all possibilities with a very strong guidance from logical thought!

Thankyouverymuch!  Im jes happy ta be here! (Sotaspeak!)Very Happy
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #503 on: June 26, 2005, 10:10:33 PM »

Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Night all.... I have my kid hovering over my shoulder.. I know he wants online.. he hasnt been home all weekend..  SO .. I am gonna be a nice mommy and let him have his turn..LOL  
     Bless NH and family and friends...  good night!!

Night Angie - gotta be good to the little sprout!
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #504 on: June 26, 2005, 10:11:44 PM »

Quote from: "Scott"
Quote from: "GuyWdog"

I am leaning towards these 3 boys had nothing to do with NH's dissappearance. I can't believe that a 17 yr old could hold out this long. I dont think I could(but I have a conscience).


At least you recognize the distinct possibility that Joran could be a conscience-free sociopath.

I absolutely think he would......sociopath....think Scott Peterson? Besides, Dad told him not to say anything. If he sticks to his story, he gets off
provided no body found

Smiles Are Free, Pass One Around Please
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #505 on: June 26, 2005, 10:12:26 PM »

Quote from: "wwizard"
Quote from: "KerinTX"

Please don't back down on me now! I saw that theory posted so many times I almost had it memorized. Come on...say it isn't so!!! Changing stories?? Well please share.  Wink

 Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

WIZ - You don't remember what your theory was?
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #506 on: June 26, 2005, 10:12:27 PM »

Quote from: "kshe78"
I'm about 17 pages behind, but after taking a little trip to Bruster's for a chocolate milkshake, I'm feeling energized and did a little thinking.   Laughing

The more that I hear, the more that I read, and the more speculation that there is on the board, I'm starting to feel strongly that Natalee and Joran didn't make it to the beach at the Marriott.  

We had the first story that they went to the Holiday Inn.
(a) the security guard didn't see her come back
(b) the front desk didn't see her
(c) the video cameras didn't detect her
(d) the 139 other students didn't see her
Story changes.

New story - Joran is dropped off first, Natalee with the brothers.  
(a) not a likely scenario, as Deepak and Satish don't know Natalee (have apparently never "met" her until she's in the car)
(b) if Natalee just needed a ride back to the hotel, there was an entire group of kids who she could ride with - why make someone go out of their way?
Story changes.

New story - Deepak and Satish drop them off at the Marriott Hotel.
(a) Natalee's missing
(b) Joran's changing his story
(c) there are NO witnesses coming forward who saw them at the beach
(d) there are NO witnesses saying that they say Joran by himself that night
(e) a large group of Natalee's friends were apparently on the beach, a short distance away and didn't notice anything
(f) I find it hard to believe that there are 50? 100? people on the beach at the Holiday Inn, yet the Marriott Beach was deserted
(g) Joran apparently says now that he walked home - yet there are not witnesses, as far as we know, that saw him walking home.  Not even a cab driver can say "oh yea, I dropped some people off at a hotel along that road and saw a tall guy walking.  I might not be able to identify him in a lineup, but I saw someone."  At least that would give us SOMETHING.

Something just isn't sitting right with me about the whole thing.  That being said, it still doesn't solve WHERE the HELL Natalee is, but it's been bothering me.  Feel free to poke holes in it, b/c I sure don't have the answers.

BINGO! What is joran's alibi? He has none. No one has said they saw joran walking by himself that night. I said it before and I will say it again, peripheral witnesses.

Arubagirl, how well traveled is the road fromt the Marriott Beach to where joran lives at that time of night.? Isn't the area around the Marriott kind of crowded with people, cars taxis?
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #507 on: June 26, 2005, 10:12:34 PM »

Oh gawd.  Geraldo was just brushing the hair off of Steve Croes momma face.  How sweet of him! Laughing
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #508 on: June 26, 2005, 10:13:47 PM »

Why would you think he was a sociopath? Lots of us here cant understand how some of you can come to such a conclusion with so little info?

and you COULD say that about anyone involved in this case...
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #509 on: June 26, 2005, 10:13:57 PM »

KerinTX wrote:

I have always enjoyed reading your posts, whether I agree or not. You are entitled to your opinion just as much as everyone else.

I know kerin thank you, I know that there are a lot of people having simple an open mind or opinions, thats logical so many people so many opinions! That is what the world makes so different, which i`m glad for.
I couldn`t possibly noticed anybody which are open minded And I do not judge the ones that aren`t, hey we have all the right to our opinions I think...  Very Happy

But it doesn`t make them acctually true, b/c of hearsay and mediacircus Very Happy

If you create a theory, you fall in the trap of trying to fit the facts to your theory...
friend of monkeys
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #510 on: June 26, 2005, 10:14:49 PM »

Quote from: "Tila_Bean"
Oh gawd.  Geraldo was just brushing the hair off of Steve Croes momma face.  How sweet of him! Laughing

can you get a picture of the house that stands alone ?
aruba girl...

peace to all
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #511 on: June 26, 2005, 10:14:53 PM »

Quote from: "GuyWdog"
Why would you think he was a sociopath? Lots of us here cant understand how some of you can come to such a conclusion with so little info?

and you COULD say that about anyone involved in this case...

Guy he could be, and then he couldn't be.  Just depends on what comes out.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #512 on: June 26, 2005, 10:15:29 PM »

Kackylacky, Depends on the timeline. At one o'clock in the morning? It's fairly travelled. At 3am? The occasional car, but it's not completely deserted. That's why I'm thinking WTF about the "his walking home" story. He walked for 30 minutes and NOBODY saw him? Jeez.

Reading, internet, genealogy.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #513 on: June 26, 2005, 10:15:33 PM »

Quote from: "TTownMike"
Hey all y'all!  Just wanted to say that I hereby enter of my own volition with an open mind to all possibilities with a very strong guidance from logically thought!

Thankyouverymuch!  Im jes happy ta be here! (Sotaspeak!)Very Happy

Wow, there's TT and his southerndoubletalk LOL   Laughing  Laughing

"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #514 on: June 26, 2005, 10:16:19 PM »

Quote from: "Frank"
Quote from: "wwizard"
Quote from: "KerinTX"

Please don't back down on me now! I saw that theory posted so many times I almost had it memorized. Come on...say it isn't so!!! Changing stories?? Well please share.  Wink

 Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

WIZ - You don't remember what your theory was?

Ok owe me one again!

NH is probably alive (if she's minding).....but she ain't n or around aruba....what seems like random events is really a well oiled machine and it is ABOVE THE LAW...this is white slavery territory we're "rules".....I no the game now....and we ALL need to deal w/ it.......if there was no internet I wood no only watt the mainstream media tells me (laughable) and b OK......but I no more now....

the scam is this....the dutchguy is the setup man. he takes the "mark" and
plays kissy kissy wink wink all week and plants the "trust me" hook.....he
sets em up and the brothers carry em 2 the boat......after they seperate the "mark" from "the herd" (and they did) and away we body ever found means no murder conviction.....they do their "time" and are released........what a gig......foolproof......I feel for the people caught up in this twisted vortex....the ONLY way her parents will ever see her is 2 pay 2 have her back and it's very slim odds because that wood b an admission of guilt by the pirates of the caribbean.....u just don't kill women like NH....unless u can throw away $20,000, $50,000, $100,000.........way 2 valuable......the abducted women cooperate or die....real simple....what wood u do in their place? b honest w/ yourself......I'm through checking EVERY headline cause it don't matter.....I now no how it's gonna play now.....the "student"
brothers......."students" of watt and tell me about their mainland
connections.....the 3 will b released.....b honest
evidence.....if this disturbs u, I apologize, it's just the reality of the
situation......hug ur fam, kids, friends 2 day because ur free and not in a
nightmare like this......watt did NH ever do to warrant her punishment....the trio is a lot more scared of their BOSS than the law......all the king horses and all the kings well

NH has been SOLD. Don't shoot the messenger. The truth is ugly and it hurts. We must deal with it though as adults and stop pretending it doesn't happen. There's BIG money playing this game. Here's an example:
You buy a blonde women (popular where everyone is dark headed) for $100,000.
She could easily make you $50,000 a year for say 20 years. After 2 years
she's paid for and pure profit. $50,000 x 20 years = $1,000,000.
We lead sheltered lives in the US. Painfull to think about but it happens
ALL the time. She's NOT on Aruba, look all you want. This is the ONLY
scenario that fits all the "evidence". She was stalked from day 1, nothing
accidental about it. Time will bear this out.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #515 on: June 26, 2005, 10:16:22 PM »

Edmund Kemper, an extremely intelligent killer back in the 60's was kept separate from the rest of the family because of his enourmous size and strength.  The mother feared he would hurt his other siblings.  John Douglas - the famous FBI profiler whose work set the stage for the movie Silence of the Lambs, was one of the few people who interviewed Kemper.  He found this killer extremely intelligent, almost likeable, and was one of the only killers he felt was not "born" a killer but "made" one through circumstances surrounding his family life.  

1- It comes to my mind and I wonder why Joran had an apartment separate from the rest of the family?
2 -How long has he had that apartment?  Was it his request or his parents demand?  
3- Does he have an anger problem and if so for how long has this been a part of their family life?
4 - Was the house just not big enough and the outside apartment was the only logical solution?

I cant find definitive information regarding the apartment but if there is one, these are questions that come to mind.

This guy could have developed a serious personality disorder if he was constantly made to think he wasnt worthy of living with the rest of the family because of his size and strength.

I would also like to know if Joran had any sort of history of every killing animals for fun.

These questions are some of the questions an investigator would want answers to.

Innocent people dont lie.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #516 on: June 26, 2005, 10:16:24 PM »

Quote from: "GuyWdog"
Why would you think he was a sociopath? Lots of us here cant understand how some of you can come to such a conclusion with so little info?  and you COULD say that about anyone involved in this case...GuyWdog

This was covered in detail, over and over, very specifically a couple of nights ago.  Apparently you weren't here, but it was pretty much the concensus of the night crew that Joran fits the profile.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #517 on: June 26, 2005, 10:16:42 PM »

friend of monkey, you're REALLY going to be have to be more specific than that... What house that stands alone?

Reading, internet, genealogy.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #518 on: June 26, 2005, 10:17:00 PM »

All I know for sure is that I feel for all of the parents.  I truly do.  How hard it must be to be the parent of a missing child, but also just as difficult to be the parent of one of these suspects.  I was very impressed with the words of Steve's mother and that she walked right over to Natalee's dad to have a conversation.
da wench
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #519 on: June 26, 2005, 10:17:28 PM »

Quote from: "Tila_Bean"
Oh gawd.  Geraldo was just brushing the hair off of Steve Croes momma face.  How sweet of him! Laughing

Is he OCD?

Absense diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and fans the bonfire.
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