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Author Topic: Joran's interview on Jensen  (Read 3684 times)
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« on: August 03, 2007, 11:22:30 AM »

This was posted by Faith on Truth 4 Natalee.  I believe she gathered various posts and combined them in one thread.

Joran was on the Jensen-show tonight, some hours ago. Jensen really tried to get things out of Joran, really pressed him, but unfortunatly… No confessions.

I translated the first part of the interview. Maybe the rest will follow tomorrow (if you’re interested). I skipped the 10 to 15 minutes long introduction.

Some remarks from the introduction:
- Joran van der Sloot. And his side of the story… And I wonder… In the bookstore… Is it in the Fiction or Non Fiction section?! (LOL) That’s what we’re trying to find out tonight.
- We’re just going to have a chat. … I’ll give you something to drink… I will not get you drunk (LOL). That’s not perticularly good for my image…

The interview.

Jensen: Just a thing… You went that night to… What is it… Carlos and Charlie?
Joran: That’s a club at Aruba. A discotheque over there. That’s the name…
Jensen: That’s a well known club?
Joran: Yes that’s very well known… For tourists… Very well known.
Jensen: Because I know some people that have been there. And they told me it was a… And that was before this all played… They really said: this was really a whores-joint.
Joran: Yes. It is a… Well whores-joint… I don’t know that but there are people dancing. And there are all kinds of these special drinks. And there are shows…
Jensen: And these special drinks are those things that… Let’s say… That you put a drink on your bellybutton and then you can lick it off. And I don’t know what? …
Joran: Yes something like that. And drinks that are a meter high. That you can drink from.
Jensen: And girls that shoot pingpong-balls from places… (LOL) … Yes, that’s possible… I think… Yes, am I right or not?
Joran: Yes, yes…
Jensen: These type of very erotic shows?
Joran: Yes, yes.
Jensen: So, that kind of atmospere. And many Americans come there who are on springbreak and these kind of things.
Joran: Yes, yes.
Jensen: And I know… Americans on springbreaks… they go through the roof…
Joran: Yes that’s right.
Jensen: Am I right?
Joran: Well I think it is… The drinking age over there (in the US) is 21…
Jensen: That’s it yes.
Joran: And on Aruba… You can… when you’re 18… you can drink legaly. So: everyone over there… who comes there…
Jensen: … goes through the roof…
Joran: … can get their hands on alcohol.
Jensen: Of course! They go through the roof. And uh… You sometimes were there, weren’t you? Well let’s… for a minute… guy to guy… A perfect spot, when you live there, to every now and then flirt-and-score somewhat with a tourist who likes that as well. And does that ones.
Joran: Yes it was like that. We went there every other week or sometimes even every week… Every weekend.
Jensen: … So… with the hand-held-vacuum-cleaner (translater: don’t know what thats called in the US) check what is there to be sucked up… (LOL)
Joran: Yeah… I…
Jensen: … (LOL) … No, I just think that’s the way these joints are… Isn’t it… So… Like… You regularly… Well. … So in the end you had gotten in contact with Natalee… And there you met her again…
Joran: Yes (Nods his head.)
Jensen: And she was… Well… She as well was that kind of girl… that went through the roof that night, am I right?
Joran: Well the time I was with her in total was only some three hours…
Jensen: Well, you don’t stand there with a mineral water…
Joran: No, no… She was dancing on the podium. And she called me to come dance with her. So I…
Jensen: And, and… you didn’t think she was that attractive… right?
Joran: No I had met her and her friend in the casino and… In the Excelsior casino at Aruba and uh, in fact I was talking to a friend of her… And when I arrived there (C&C’s) it was like: “You must go with Natalee… You must go to her…
Jensen: Her friends said that?
Joran: Yes, yes…
Jensen: They tried to direct you to her…
Joran: Yes.
Jensen: And then you did that?
Joran: Yes, then I went there
Jensen: But you do that… You do that on your initiative? I mean… You do that every week with the hand-held-vacuum-cleaner…
Joran: Yes… that’s right…
Jensen: You choose yourself who you want to suck up?
Joran: Yes that’s right but sometimes it even gets easier when… yes…
Jensen: She was… she was very easy that night, let’s say… That night?
Joran: Well I of course find it very difficult to speak bad of her… But that moment I thought that yes… Well just… That’s an easy girl…
Jensen: And your intention was… With her we’re going to… let’s say… We’re going to get bussy with her… We’re going to bed with her… and the next day we… Hoppa… Were going to school again…. That idea?
Joran: (Nods) Yes.
Jensen: You were 17 years old then, were you not?
Joran: Yes I was 17 then.
Jensen: But what a life you have on Aruba haven’t you?
Joran: Yes, I think it’s every boys dream to grow up on an island. Cause you have everything. You can always be outside… Always to the beach… Yes, it’s just beautifull there.
Jensen: And you have always been a player let’s say, with the ladies? You come across that way to me a bit.
Joran: Well, it’s different there.

Next piece of the Jensen - JvdSloot interview.

Joran: Well, it’s different there. It’s uh… You have to… It’s quite… It’s different there than it is over here. The culture is different as well. I think that if once you’ve lived there for some years that you then ….
Jensen: It’s more free over there?
Joran: It’s much freer. Everyone is more open than over here, I think.
Jensen: And about sex as well. And you come across… On such an… With all those tourists that come by… Who like to do something with the local boy or the local girl, let’s say. And than go back again. Well when I was 17, I went out every so often and then I would go stand in front of a mirror like this… (Makes gesture as if he is cleaning his face from pimpels and makes very puberal sounds…) (LOL) But not the free life like that you did have. Okay. Well alright. You think… Easy. I have to get her to… And then you went to the beach.
Joran: Yes, finaly we then went to the beach. We then got…
Jensen: What do you mean with finaly? You had danced a little…
Joran: Yes… When we got there… The C&C’s already closes at one o’clock. On that day, that sunday it closed at one o’clock. So then… when it was closingtime she herself asked if she could come with me… And I don’t have a car myself. The… We were with the car of friends of mine. And then I asked them… if she could come along. Well no problem, so…
Jensen: With the intention to go to the beach?
Joran: Well not realy… at that moment… intention no. I though I’ld rather go to her hotel.
Jensen: Why didn’t she want that?
Joran: She realy didn’t want that. (Is very positive about that.) No… I realy suggested that. But she didn’t want to go to the hotel.
Jensen: Because she said: “Well let’s go to the beach”, that idea?
Joran: Yes, she wanted to go to the beach, and uh… She told me herself that she wanted to go see sharks. And uh…
Jensen: On the…
Joran: Yes, at night…
Jensen: But she was… Had gone through the roof… let’s say..?
Joran: Yes, it was uh… I didn’t see her myself… I didn’t see how much she had drank.
Jensen: Well, you do know that Joran. You get there all the time. You know what it is…?
Joran: Yes…. She’d had a few drinks if you ask me… Yes, but I’d had a few drinks myself so…
Jensen: You were quite uh? (Makes drinking gesture.)
Joran: No, no, no… I only had a few drinks. I got there… And only had two drinks…
Jensen: You had two drinks? The whole evening just two drinks? You were not…
Joran: Yes, we were there in that club… When we came there it already closed within two hours. So…
Jensen: But before that… You hadn’t drank?
Joran: No, before that I hadn’t drank. No…
Jensen: (Can’t hear.) So, just very brief… Beach… You went to the beach… And did those two friends drop you off?
Joran: Uhm… They dropped me off there, yes.
Jensen: And on the beach uh… What happened then?
Joran: Uuhh, that beach is…
Jensen: Did those two friends drive away then?
Joran: Yes they drove away then. They left then. That uh… beach is a couple of hundred meters from her hotel. And uh… you can either… yes… Go further on the beach were there are no hotels or in the direction of her hotel.
Jensen: So… Only a couple of hundred meters… (Can’t hear.) Is that some 5 minutes of walking?
Joran: No, less.
Jensen: Less?
Joran: Yes.
Jensen: Less? So, that close?
Joran: Yes. … (Can’t hear.) Aruba is not a big island. Because… That northern strip of all the hotels all lies… These hotels all lie very close to one another.
Jensen: So where you went with here you say, is not even a 5 minute walk from her hotel?
Joran: Well, I think some five minutes off walking.
Jensen: So on that beach.., from that beach you can go easily to the hotel? So, so… that is really close to the hotel?
Joran: Yes. And neither in a hidden place or something… People always walk over there at nights so…
Jensen: Okay. So at the beach… And you wanted to have sex with her…
Joran: (Smug faced, as if he shifts to the “lying-mode”…) Yes.
Jensen: On the beach?
Joran: Yahmm.
Jensen: And she wanted that as well because she constantly was… Well, pulling on you? (LOL)
Joran: Yeah she was… Yes we were intimite some time… But uhm…
Jensen: And you had sex with her?
Joran: No. No, no, no. I didn’t have condoms with me. And that just is… Yes… That’s the reason I didn’t have sex uuhh with her. Some people say: Well, you’re a man… You would have had sex with her. But that’s something of me… One of my principles on which I always uh, stood ferm on.
Jensen: Not… Uh, you don’t do it with a condom.
Joran: Well.., YES. ONLY with a condom. (LOL)
Jensen: No, no, no, no, no…. I didn’t mean it like that… (LOL) Okay. So if you don’t have a condom with you then you just don’t do it.
Joran: Neah.
Jensen: That suprises me.
Joran: Well, yes…
Jensen: You don’t come across like that…
Joran: Well… It really is like that…
Jensen: And you didn’t let’s say.., had fellatio performed on you? By her?
Joran: Uh yes?!
Jensen: So.., you did have that? … At that moment it’s like… What, what, what… What was the atmosphere like then? You had something like… Well yes… My little pleasure is over now and I want to go home. I have to get up early?
Joran: Yes, that was what it was like … I had told her that I had school the next day and uh… Well, yes she wanted that I’ld stay with her… Looking at the stars… She said she had to leave the next day… Well, yes… And she didn’t want to go back and uh… You name it… And I uh, just wanted to go home. So…
Jensen: And what… Your little pleasure… It was done, let’s say… And… You had done it… It was over for you?
Joran: Yes, at that moment it was… as you say it…. Yes.
Jensen: And she says, No I want to stay here?
Joran: (Can’t hear.)
Jensen: And she…. Was she emotional?
Joran: No, no… (Hesitant.) … Well she was… When I (Can’t hear.) with her… I never noticed something strange at her. She acted very normal.
Jensen: … … And… then she was… Then there was an impasse cause she wanted to stay and you wanted to go home? … And then you left… You say?
Joran: I left her there then, yes. Because I, yes, at that moment, I felt like: If you don’t want to go back to your hotel… Well yes… Bad luck… Because I will never see you again anyhow…
Jensen: Yes… And you went…. What did you do next?
Joran: And then I went home.
Jensen: But how did… And that is…that is… How did you go home?
Joran: Uhm… A brother of Deepak, Satish dropped me off at home.
Jensen: He got… Did you phone him or something like that? Or was he still waiting for you there?
Joran: No, no, no… I rang him. The police has investigated that as well. The only telephonecall… The only telephonecall that was made from my telephone that night. That was to Deepak. And he sent his brother to pick me up. And he dropped me off at home.
Jensen: Why did she… Why did they… Because this is… This is what’s still very mysterious… How you got home from the beach?
Joran: Yes, that is… I feel it is very bad/sad (?)…
Jensen: And I feel now… That for the first time in this conversation… You get tensed, don’t you? When you… That… This is…. This is a very controversial thing…
Joran: Yes, of course… It is… They simply denie that I was picked up… And uh… that they have dropped me off at home (Translator: They?!)
Jensen: Those two brothers don’t say that they’ve brought you home?
Joran: No… They don’t admit that no…
Jensen: They are two FRIENDS of yours?
Joran: Not anymore, no… (LOL)
Jensen: No, I don’t understand that…. No… Why.., why, why don’t they say that this has happened.
Joran: Uh, yes uh… I wouldn’t know… Maybe to… for themselves… That they maybe… Well I wouldn’t know…. No…
Jensen: Now look, look… Well.., at this moment… From this moment on… This story… And I’ve discussed it extensively with Natalees mother… From now on some people… And that’s just my feeling… Pull up a wall in front of you all… And now we don’t get any closer… Because you say… In fact it’s very simple… You say: I was dropped of there… We had a little sex then… Then I made a phonecall to get picked up again… You say: The guy came in… You stepped in the car… He dropped you of at home… That’s it!!! If that would have been the story Joran, then it would have been so simple… But these two brothers say: ….
Joran: Yes… I can’t uh…
Jensen: They’re FRIENDS of yours… Why would they say they didn’t do that?
Joran: Yes… I don’t know… Maybe if I would be dropped of at home… He’s there alone with a car… And then I wouldn’t be a suspect anymore… Only they… I don’t know… because if he admits he dropped me off at home…Then uh… But yes… I can’t prove it…
Jensen: But when you were at home you spoke to them or something like that…. You sms-ed.
Joran: No, no, no… On the computer via Msm we had a chat… With Deepak.
Jensen: You chatted.
Joran: Yes, yes…

Part III Jensen - JvdSloot

Jensen: What did you chat about?
Joran: Yes not uh… Well in fact not very much then… Just uh… That were just a few sentences… when we spoke to eachother… But what I tried to say earlier is that during the police investigation… The police themselves don’t even believe I recently heard, we were at the beach at all, or whatever… And then you talk about those stories… don’t match… And yes, why should they say they dropped me of at the beach… And not picking me up… Well… In the end I believe that it doesn’t make a difference because I can prove that it….
Jensen: It does make a difference because you pull up a wall… There is something between you… Else these two… And I use simple logic, intuition, animal feeling… A combination of all that… Because it’s so simple…. This story… If nothing would have happened… Or if nothing…. Than it’s simple to say: Yes, I was picked up, dropped of at home, that’s it… See you later… Bye…
Joran: Yes, but that wasn’t that simple that moment because we had lied before that… And uh… Yes….
Jensen: But we don’t talk about your lies to the police…. We talk about what has happened!
Joran: Yes… No… Yes then it would be simple, yes… If they just would have said that they dropped me of at home… Yes… yes…
Jensen: Yes, but Joran…You must get CRAZY… Because of your two friends… That they would lie about how you got home? Then you should get CRAZY now…
Joran: That’s right…
Jensen: But you must have talked to them since then some twenty times?
Joran: After that I have never talked to them… Not ones…
Jensen: But they were FRIENDS of yours…
Joran: Yes they were…. Yes… They were friends of mine…. Uhmyeah…
Jensen: Well at least that’s what I think… If you call people… And the car comes and picks you up… Some sort of taxiservice?
Joran: Yes, they were friends of mine…
Jensen: And you have…, after that.., you’ve never spoken to them again?
Joran: No…
Jensen: Yes… But I don’t understand that… You do want to know why they lie!!!???
Joran: Yes, but I wouldn’t know what I would do to them if I would speak to them again… I find that… Myselves… I don’t know how I would react…
Jensen: Well, then you would be agressive… And you take someone with you who can hold you back…? (LOL)
Joran: Well not perse that but…. I either don’t know what sense that would make…
Joran: (Can’t hear.)
Jensen: You are worldwide… the mainsuspect in a story… rightlly or not rightly… but that has become SO BIG… And this is what it’s all about…: Beach… >>> Getting Home…. !!!
Joran: Well… I, I, I, I…
Jensen: The confusion!!! The confusion!!! It’s all about this girl who wasn’t found again… Nobody knows what’s happened to that girl… But Beach… >>> Coming Home… That’s mysterious… That’s strange… There are people that throw up smoke screens, put up walls, … Friends of yours lie… Are supposed to lie… You stick to that story???!!! I, I, I… Look… This makes me… I get… Here’s an element that is simply unclear… and says that something is REALLY not right!!!
Joran: Yes… I can understand you saying that but… I don’t have… further…
Jensen: Okay… Let’s get back… These guys are on Aruba now, are they not?
Joran: They’re both at Aruba… One has a job… and one still goes to school…
Jensen: And that one… He works in… What kind of business was that again?
Joran: Uhm… An internet-cafe.
Jensen: An internet-cafe. Today he’s there… working again?
Joran: Today he’s working there I think…
Jensen: Well maybe he’s sleeping…. that could be the case of course… (LOL) But he works there… You could go there and tell him: What the hell are you doing to me!? For two years now… I’m the mainsuspect in a case… because you don’t want…. You know that you picked me up there???!!! And you dropped me of at home… (Thought it was Satish…)
Joran: We were confronted with this and eachother about this…. Put together in a buss… that took us to prison… to see how we would react… And then it came out already… and then I said I’ll hit you in the face with my handcuffs on… The police recorded that all… The just tried to put us together I think, to see what we would do to eachother… I have spoken to them then… And I don’t want to do that anymore… I’ve had enough of that…
Jensen: Have you asked: Why do you lie about this?
Joran: Yes, I’ve said that and then they kept quiet in the buss… They didn’t say anything… I threatend to hit them… Because I was angry then, of course… Yes…
Jensen: So you talked to them then?
Joran: Yes, then we were still in uh prison… We were still in…
Jensen: Joran… Okay… But then in your head you’ve wondered twentythousand times: Why does he lie about this?
Joran: Yes, of course…
Jensen: And what’s your theory?
Joran: Yes, I’ve thought about that a lot… I do have more theories about that… Maybe he doesn’t want to put suspicion on himself… And that yes.., is uh… one of the theories… Or he himself has something to do with it…
Jensen: But why does he want to put himself… When it was as simple as you drew it here… that you were picked up…, dropped of at home… Why should he be afraid to put suspicion on him?
Joran: Yes, I don’t know. I realy don’t know that…
Jensen: I uh, I… I can only look at this the fact that a friend of mine… did something very simple..: picked me up at the beach and lied about that… And I am… In the US I am imaged as O.J. Simpson.., Charles Manson-like..,

Next part Jensen - JvdSloot

Then I wouldn’t be satisfied with a confrontation in a van, once…
Joran: Well, there are other… Well yes, I don’t really want to talk to them again. That is really…
Jensen: But Joran, you do have a… Three years ago… Or two years… How long has it been now… Two years…
Joran: Yes, two years ago…
Jensen: Well, how I would have experienced it… Like hell… you’ve experienced hell for two years…
Joran: Well I’m stuck with that anyhow… If I speak to them or not… Uh… I’ve had that all…
Jensen: But Joran… You are sure… The way you describe it… what happened that night… If it all happened that way… Then it’s because their statements that there still is a chaos.
Joran: No, I don’t… Well I think that you put somewhat to much emphasis on this… Because…Yes… I just think in this case… As you look at it… And you see that by me as well and others there’s been lied… Yes… Then you cannot anylonger… Yes, I understand that you then can’t relie anylonger on what somebody says… but… Then you in my opinion, just have to look at the facts… And I think that when you realy look into the facts in this case… So not just what a person says or thinks… and speculates… but into the facts.., that these free me of any guilt… And yes… That should…
Jensen: But you say, you are all in some sort of web of lies… and you can’t get out of that?
Joran: Yes… That’s what I wanted the say before… You are never heard by the police in a murdercase. And what the police do to you isn’t that normal either… You were interrogated for tens of hours continiously, especially in the beginning… By many different detectives… They came over from Holland… From Aruba… And they lie to you all the time. They tell you that the other guys have told them you did the bad things… And… You name it..
Jensen: They trie to frame you. I’m eager to believe that.
Joran: But then it realy happens that you say something bad about one of the others… because they say something bad about you… And that is how it starts off… That was how it was…
Jensen: And then you start reacting…
Joran: And so they put you up to one another…
Jensen: But still Joran… Where do I go wrong???!!! If it was as simple as you’ve told me.
Joran: It’s been that simple…
Jensen: But how is it possible that it gets so out of control and become so chaotic and triggers even more lies and all that kind of stuff? Why, why, why, why!!!???
Joran: Yes I think everything, all the lies, I’ve tried to explain in my book. And I hope the people can understand it. I don’t know if you’ve read it…
Jensen: Yes I’ve read the book, I have read the book. Of course… And I know everything about this case… Everything! They could hire me as special prosecutor…
Joran: Well let’s take for example my shoes… I’ve left my shoes there that night… On the beach… That sounds very suspicious… Yes… Why didn’t you just pick up your shoes and take them with you? That is something as well… that I have stated myself… to the police… that I left my shoes there… Why would you put more suspicion on you by telling the police that?
Jensen: Well, on all these details we could do another show of about four months…. About these kinds of details… shoes, this, that… You know… these kinds of puzzlepieces… But what sticks to my mind is the bigger timeline. Nobody knows what’s happened after she was abandoned at the beach… You say you went home… And there are lies between you and your friends of which I don’t understand why their should be lied about that. That’s my point. I just present my point. Because you know what my feeling is? Just a feeling… Who am I…. … I don’t think you are a murderer… I realy don’t think that. I don’t think you did something. The Americans are confinced you did that but I don’t think that… But I do think Joran… I do have a very strong feeling and everybody whom I talk to agrees with me… And I have this feeling tonight as well… YOU KNOW SOMETHING… … …THAT YOU HAVEN’T TOLD YET.
Joran: Yes I can understand that you have that feeling. But… Yes…. That… That is realy not the case… That is really, really not true… I’ve told everything I know. And I would wish that I knew, that I knew what happened. So I could tell it and everything would be over… I really would want that… I’m stuck with this every day. I don’t know it either. I feel sorry for what happened as well. As well for the family… And as well for her family… Many of the things they did I feel that shouldn’t have happened. The boycot of Aruba, these things… But yes… I would, I wouldn’t know what I should do when somebody I love would have been dissappeared and Joran was the last seen with that person… And it all sounded suspicious… I wouldn’t know what kinds of things I would do… I can understand that… But I really don’t know more then what I’ve told already…
Jensen: It’s always that feeling that will be attached to you. Like: there is something more… That he doesn’t … In combination with that vague stuff that is going on between you and your friends. With that lying of them about what you… Get it? That combination… May I ask one more thing of you Joran? And after that… But… I read your book. Actually… There are a few things in it… Here… Your a quite intelligent guy I think… You do that quite good… Fine. As I read about details. Of that evening. When you saw Natalee. You know: (Reads a phrase of the book with a LOT of details in it about things Natalee says and does amongst which: gestures and othere small things.) Jensen: And this goes on for pages… The details are just perfect. The way you describe it… It is painted to the second what happens… But I find… Further along in the book, where it is about, you know, the chatting you did… And the sms you got from Deepak… There it reads… During the interrogation. We’re further in the book now: (Reads the mismatch of the sms/msn messages and Jorans statements at the buro; suddenly there’s a total lack of details and here Joran knows nothing anymore.) Jensen: You get it? I think you’re very intelligent in writing about the details first but here it gets so…. blurry!!!??? “I don’t know anymore why I had to thank him at 3 o’clock at night? Why should…
Joran: But what do you think than, is blurry?
Jensen: Because the whole night, and it’s a heavy night, you know… And I know for sure if you at that point are accused of a murder… everything should get very clear to you, what happened?
Joran: No.
Jensen: And the same goes for the evening that you describe in the C&C’s were you could remember the details. And suddenly you don’t know anymore why you had to thank Deepak.
Joran: Well that’s not right. These details came out there because you are so heavily interrogated by the police… So many of these interrogations are used to write the book. And I think if I would ask you what you did two weeks ago at a thuesday, accept for being here, you wouldn’t know either. It wasn’t the day after that I was arrested of course. I think that if I’d sat here today and all this would have not happened, I wouldn’t even now who Natalee Holloway was. I maybe would have forgotten the whole night. So…
Jensen: I don’t think so… I think you’re more intelligent than that… I think I would have remembered it. On such an… Because how many sms-es do you sent at a quarter past three on such a night?
Joran: That night: two.
Jensen: Two? And you don’t know anymore what they meant and why you sent them?
Joran: The moment I was arrested I didn’t know that I’d sent two sms-es to Deepak two weeks before that.
Jensen: But you don’t know either… that… “Hey, thanks Swa Good night… ” Do you remember what you chatted about online?
Joran: Uh yes… That’s in the book as well and it can’t be doubted because I mean the police can get all that back from your telephone and your…
Jensen: Well alright… I’ve said that’s it… But I don’t think that you really did something… But maybe that one of you… You know something more. I think that.
Joran: I’m sorry I have to dissappoint you. I know nothing more about it…
Jensen: Hmm, hmm… How is life now for you Joran? Because… I have a thing as well. If I had gone through what you’ve experienced… And what you are in… Yes, at a certain time I’ld think… Well God yes… Well indeed now I am the mainsuspect… But they don’t have anything on me… And I didn’t do it… I want… I am going to shave my head bold and going to live somewhere in Cambodja, for some three years and I’ll be back. I don’t want to have to do with anyone for a while…

Last piece of Jensen - JvdSloot.

I would certainly not write a book. Why did you write it instead?
Joran: Uhmmm. Well, why I wrote the book… It was self… To cope with it and to let go of it… Because of course it is a LOT that has happened. And what all happened after it… So to be able to cope with it. I myself have not ever had the feeling I had to defend myself… or something… Because I know that everyone that loves me know that I would never do something like that.
Jensen: Well I think it’s very impressive of you… That you… That you can do that… With that enormous pressure that globalwide has been put on you… That you still think I’ll just go on with building up my life.
Joran: Hm… Yes… But… Uhm.. Yes… Imagine that you’re me and you hadn’t done it (the crime). And all this comes over you… At a given moment you come… in a… in a… that it makes no difference anymore… what happens…
Jensen: Is that… Is that… how you were drawn in… A sort of whirlpool to which you give in?
Joran: Yes… You are… You don’t have any controle over it, so… Yes…
Jensen: So then you just do it… But is it a fun life you live now? Because it’s strange… When you’re in a bar you are the “Joran van der Sloot”.
Joran: I don’t know if that’s okay. I think I’ld rather hadn’t have it. But… yes… Everything has it’s advantages…
Jensen: What’s the advantage?
Joran: Well yes… What you just mentioned yourself… I mean… People sometimes want to get in a conversation with you sooner… Or…
Jensen: And you think that’s
Joran/Jensen: (Can’t hear.)
Joran: Some people think it’s interesting. I don’t know why but… It’s like that…
Jensen: And you think that’s okay… You don’t mind that too much?
Joran: No, I don’t mind that, no.
Jensen: Well maybe you should… well… have your personality or your character to be able to keep standing under these circumstances. You are fighting… You like it to fight the people that come on to you with all these things? Don’t you?
Joran: Mwuhaa… I don’t know excactly what you mean?
Jensen: Well, there’s so much that comes to you… Accusations and all these kinds of things… And then you don’t have something like… getting away from it… But then you go for the fight…
Joran: Yes, but it are only accusations… In this case… it hasn’t even been proved that a crime has been committed… And people come up with all these theories… And such stuff… Well… (Shakes head.)
Jensen: Do you really say that this whole case is a blown up thing…
Joran: No, I, I don’t know. I hope it gets solved one day. But indeed there are many things in this case that are very, very strange. Yes, I realy hope… Yes, I realy hope that one day this case will be solved.
Jensen: And you think it’s strange your friends handeld?
Joran: Yes.., yes… That’s…
Jensen: Did it ever crossed your mind that they were involved in this?
Joran: Yes, of course. I thought a lot… I thought about that as well yes. But this… What I tried to… You constantly go back to that piece but they say I walked home. That’s what they say. That I walked home…
Jensen: Hmmm.
Joran: Uhhmm… I say they picked me up… Which was the way it happened. But… even if I had walked home what would be the difference? If I.. then… We sat before the judge and the judge said you contradict eachother… And even before the judge I said: Well if you want it I’ll say I’ve walked home… Even if that was not what happened. But I want to go home to… I mean… But then the judge said: No, that’s not what we want. You have to tell the truth.
Jensen: Jezus… Hey… And, and, and what do you think HAS happened?
Joran: I don’t think she’s alive anymore… I don’t have trust in that anymore. But I can’t imagine she’s somewhere on Aruba.
Jensen: No, I don’t think that either.
Joran: No I think… Aruba was so thoroughly investigated… Jetfighters and… You name it… Everything has been done…
Jensen: Could it be that she went for a swim and drowned and… Or do you wash up then do you think?
Joran: Yes I thank you wash up then, I think you wash up… yes. I, I, I really wouldn’t know… But the only thing that I can say in my defence in what people should believe me: that time, that evening I was home… I went to school the next day. Well, I just went on with my life in a normal manner. I don’t think that if you’d done something to somebody you could go on with your life in a normal way. I don’t think that…
Jensen: Some people would be able to do that!? I believe that.
Joran: Well… I don’t believe that… I can’t imagine that uhh… if you’d done something bad to someone… you could still….
Jensen: Yes… It’s unfortunate that those friends didn’t back up your story than else you wouldn’t be a suspect any longer? Don’t you think so?
Joran: Well… I think yes… still… I think that… that…
Jensen: Untill they’ve found a solution… Untill they’ve found something…
Joran: … that I will stay a suspect.
Jensen: You don’t think that this will haunt you for the rest of your life? And uh…
Joran: Yes indeed… And…
Jensen: You don’t mind that?
Joran: Yes, I think thats a petty too. Hmyaeh. But it’s as you said before. It’s just like this and you have to make… take the best of it. That’s the only thing you can do!
Jensen: Will you be remain in Holland or will you…
Joran: Uuuhhmmm. Well I myself never wanted to come to Holland. Actualy I wanted to go to university in the US for which I had a scollarship…
Jensen: Hmm… That doesn’t seem like a good idea to me (LOL) Under these circumstances go to the US…
Joran: So… Yes now I’m at school over here and I hope to finish my education over here.
Jensen: Well Joran. I think it was great to have spoken to you. And was it a bit OK for yourself as well?
Joran: I uhh…
Jensen: Were you able to say what you want?
Joran: I was able to say what I wanted yes.
Jensen: If you could say one more thing… Say one more thing about yourself… From within yourself… What would you say?
Joran: Uuhhmm…
Jensen: Cause you know…
Joran: Yes. Just that this case will be solved once… And so everyone who had to suffer because of this… Everybody may now what happened and get peace in their lifes… That’s what I really hope…
Jensen: Because many lifes were disturbed because of this incident… that one night… at Aruba.
Joran: Yea…
Jensen: Really… It’s amazing what a domino effect this has had. Joran… It was great to have you on the show… Ladies and gentlemen… Joran vd Sloot.

(I still think this Joran is scum and has to come up with the truth. And when he won’t do that, justice will!!)
Thank You klaasend
Maine - USA
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RIP Grumpy Cat :( I will miss you.

« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2007, 01:47:16 PM »

Thanks San...
Here is the video link for any newcomers who have not seen it or wish to review it. He makes me

This was posted by Faith on Truth 4 Natalee.  I believe she gathered various posts and combined them in one thread.

Joran was on the Jensen-show tonight, some hours ago. Jensen really tried to get things out of Joran, really pressed him, but unfortunatly… No confessions.

I translated the first part of the interview. Maybe the rest will follow tomorrow (if you’re interested). I skipped the 10 to 15 minutes long introduction.

Some remarks from the introduction:
- Joran van der Sloot. And his side of the story… And I wonder… In the bookstore… Is it in the Fiction or Non Fiction section?! (LOL) That’s what we’re trying to find out tonight.
- We’re just going to have a chat. … I’ll give you something to drink… I will not get you drunk (LOL). That’s not perticularly good for my image…

The interview.

Jensen: Just a thing… You went that night to… What is it… Carlos and Charlie?
Joran: That’s a club at Aruba. A discotheque over there. That’s the name…
Jensen: That’s a well known club?
Joran: Yes that’s very well known… For tourists… Very well known.
Jensen: Because I know some people that have been there. And they told me it was a… And that was before this all played… They really said: this was really a whores-joint.
Joran: Yes. It is a… Well whores-joint… I don’t know that but there are people dancing. And there are all kinds of these special drinks. And there are shows…
Jensen: And these special drinks are those things that… Let’s say… That you put a drink on your bellybutton and then you can lick it off. And I don’t know what? …
Joran: Yes something like that. And drinks that are a meter high. That you can drink from.
Jensen: And girls that shoot pingpong-balls from places… (LOL) … Yes, that’s possible… I think… Yes, am I right or not?
Joran: Yes, yes…
Jensen: These type of very erotic shows?
Joran: Yes, yes.
Jensen: So, that kind of atmospere. And many Americans come there who are on springbreak and these kind of things.
Joran: Yes, yes.
Jensen: And I know… Americans on springbreaks… they go through the roof…
Joran: Yes that’s right.
Jensen: Am I right?
Joran: Well I think it is… The drinking age over there (in the US) is 21…
Jensen: That’s it yes.
Joran: And on Aruba… You can… when you’re 18… you can drink legaly. So: everyone over there… who comes there…
Jensen: … goes through the roof…
Joran: … can get their hands on alcohol.
Jensen: Of course! They go through the roof. And uh… You sometimes were there, weren’t you? Well let’s… for a minute… guy to guy… A perfect spot, when you live there, to every now and then flirt-and-score somewhat with a tourist who likes that as well. And does that ones.
Joran: Yes it was like that. We went there every other week or sometimes even every week… Every weekend.
Jensen: … So… with the hand-held-vacuum-cleaner (translater: don’t know what thats called in the US) check what is there to be sucked up… (LOL)
Joran: Yeah… I…
Jensen: … (LOL) … No, I just think that’s the way these joints are… Isn’t it… So… Like… You regularly… Well. … So in the end you had gotten in contact with Natalee… And there you met her again…
Joran: Yes (Nods his head.)
Jensen: And she was… Well… She as well was that kind of girl… that went through the roof that night, am I right?
Joran: Well the time I was with her in total was only some three hours…
Jensen: Well, you don’t stand there with a mineral water…
Joran: No, no… She was dancing on the podium. And she called me to come dance with her. So I…
Jensen: And, and… you didn’t think she was that attractive… right?
Joran: No I had met her and her friend in the casino and… In the Excelsior casino at Aruba and uh, in fact I was talking to a friend of her… And when I arrived there (C&C’s) it was like: “You must go with Natalee… You must go to her…
Jensen: Her friends said that?
Joran: Yes, yes…
Jensen: They tried to direct you to her…
Joran: Yes.
Jensen: And then you did that?
Joran: Yes, then I went there
Jensen: But you do that… You do that on your initiative? I mean… You do that every week with the hand-held-vacuum-cleaner…
Joran: Yes… that’s right…
Jensen: You choose yourself who you want to suck up?
Joran: Yes that’s right but sometimes it even gets easier when… yes…
Jensen: She was… she was very easy that night, let’s say… That night?
Joran: Well I of course find it very difficult to speak bad of her… But that moment I thought that yes… Well just… That’s an easy girl…
Jensen: And your intention was… With her we’re going to… let’s say… We’re going to get bussy with her… We’re going to bed with her… and the next day we… Hoppa… Were going to school again…. That idea?
Joran: (Nods) Yes.
Jensen: You were 17 years old then, were you not?
Joran: Yes I was 17 then.
Jensen: But what a life you have on Aruba haven’t you?
Joran: Yes, I think it’s every boys dream to grow up on an island. Cause you have everything. You can always be outside… Always to the beach… Yes, it’s just beautifull there.
Jensen: And you have always been a player let’s say, with the ladies? You come across that way to me a bit.
Joran: Well, it’s different there.

Next piece of the Jensen - JvdSloot interview.

Joran: Well, it’s different there. It’s uh… You have to… It’s quite… It’s different there than it is over here. The culture is different as well. I think that if once you’ve lived there for some years that you then ….
Jensen: It’s more free over there?
Joran: It’s much freer. Everyone is more open than over here, I think.
Jensen: And about sex as well. And you come across… On such an… With all those tourists that come by… Who like to do something with the local boy or the local girl, let’s say. And than go back again. Well when I was 17, I went out every so often and then I would go stand in front of a mirror like this… (Makes gesture as if he is cleaning his face from pimpels and makes very puberal sounds…) (LOL) But not the free life like that you did have. Okay. Well alright. You think… Easy. I have to get her to… And then you went to the beach.
Joran: Yes, finaly we then went to the beach. We then got…
Jensen: What do you mean with finaly? You had danced a little…
Joran: Yes… When we got there… The C&C’s already closes at one o’clock. On that day, that sunday it closed at one o’clock. So then… when it was closingtime she herself asked if she could come with me… And I don’t have a car myself. The… We were with the car of friends of mine. And then I asked them… if she could come along. Well no problem, so…
Jensen: With the intention to go to the beach?
Joran: Well not realy… at that moment… intention no. I though I’ld rather go to her hotel.
Jensen: Why didn’t she want that?
Joran: She realy didn’t want that. (Is very positive about that.) No… I realy suggested that. But she didn’t want to go to the hotel.
Jensen: Because she said: “Well let’s go to the beach”, that idea?
Joran: Yes, she wanted to go to the beach, and uh… She told me herself that she wanted to go see sharks. And uh…
Jensen: On the…
Joran: Yes, at night…
Jensen: But she was… Had gone through the roof… let’s say..?
Joran: Yes, it was uh… I didn’t see her myself… I didn’t see how much she had drank.
Jensen: Well, you do know that Joran. You get there all the time. You know what it is…?
Joran: Yes…. She’d had a few drinks if you ask me… Yes, but I’d had a few drinks myself so…
Jensen: You were quite uh? (Makes drinking gesture.)
Joran: No, no, no… I only had a few drinks. I got there… And only had two drinks…
Jensen: You had two drinks? The whole evening just two drinks? You were not…
Joran: Yes, we were there in that club… When we came there it already closed within two hours. So…
Jensen: But before that… You hadn’t drank?
Joran: No, before that I hadn’t drank. No…
Jensen: (Can’t hear.) So, just very brief… Beach… You went to the beach… And did those two friends drop you off?
Joran: Uhm… They dropped me off there, yes.
Jensen: And on the beach uh… What happened then?
Joran: Uuhh, that beach is…
Jensen: Did those two friends drive away then?
Joran: Yes they drove away then. They left then. That uh… beach is a couple of hundred meters from her hotel. And uh… you can either… yes… Go further on the beach were there are no hotels or in the direction of her hotel.
Jensen: So… Only a couple of hundred meters… (Can’t hear.) Is that some 5 minutes of walking?
Joran: No, less.
Jensen: Less?
Joran: Yes.
Jensen: Less? So, that close?
Joran: Yes. … (Can’t hear.) Aruba is not a big island. Because… That northern strip of all the hotels all lies… These hotels all lie very close to one another.
Jensen: So where you went with here you say, is not even a 5 minute walk from her hotel?
Joran: Well, I think some five minutes off walking.
Jensen: So on that beach.., from that beach you can go easily to the hotel? So, so… that is really close to the hotel?
Joran: Yes. And neither in a hidden place or something… People always walk over there at nights so…
Jensen: Okay. So at the beach… And you wanted to have sex with her…
Joran: (Smug faced, as if he shifts to the “lying-mode”…) Yes.
Jensen: On the beach?
Joran: Yahmm.
Jensen: And she wanted that as well because she constantly was… Well, pulling on you? (LOL)
Joran: Yeah she was… Yes we were intimite some time… But uhm…
Jensen: And you had sex with her?
Joran: No. No, no, no. I didn’t have condoms with me. And that just is… Yes… That’s the reason I didn’t have sex uuhh with her. Some people say: Well, you’re a man… You would have had sex with her. But that’s something of me… One of my principles on which I always uh, stood ferm on.
Jensen: Not… Uh, you don’t do it with a condom.
Joran: Well.., YES. ONLY with a condom. (LOL)
Jensen: No, no, no, no, no…. I didn’t mean it like that… (LOL) Okay. So if you don’t have a condom with you then you just don’t do it.
Joran: Neah.
Jensen: That suprises me.
Joran: Well, yes…
Jensen: You don’t come across like that…
Joran: Well… It really is like that…
Jensen: And you didn’t let’s say.., had fellatio performed on you? By her?
Joran: Uh yes?!
Jensen: So.., you did have that? … At that moment it’s like… What, what, what… What was the atmosphere like then? You had something like… Well yes… My little pleasure is over now and I want to go home. I have to get up early?
Joran: Yes, that was what it was like … I had told her that I had school the next day and uh… Well, yes she wanted that I’ld stay with her… Looking at the stars… She said she had to leave the next day… Well, yes… And she didn’t want to go back and uh… You name it… And I uh, just wanted to go home. So…
Jensen: And what… Your little pleasure… It was done, let’s say… And… You had done it… It was over for you?
Joran: Yes, at that moment it was… as you say it…. Yes.
Jensen: And she says, No I want to stay here?
Joran: (Can’t hear.)
Jensen: And she…. Was she emotional?
Joran: No, no… (Hesitant.) … Well she was… When I (Can’t hear.) with her… I never noticed something strange at her. She acted very normal.
Jensen: … … And… then she was… Then there was an impasse cause she wanted to stay and you wanted to go home? … And then you left… You say?
Joran: I left her there then, yes. Because I, yes, at that moment, I felt like: If you don’t want to go back to your hotel… Well yes… Bad luck… Because I will never see you again anyhow…
Jensen: Yes… And you went…. What did you do next?
Joran: And then I went home.
Jensen: But how did… And that is…that is… How did you go home?
Joran: Uhm… A brother of Deepak, Satish dropped me off at home.
Jensen: He got… Did you phone him or something like that? Or was he still waiting for you there?
Joran: No, no, no… I rang him. The police has investigated that as well. The only telephonecall… The only telephonecall that was made from my telephone that night. That was to Deepak. And he sent his brother to pick me up. And he dropped me off at home.
Jensen: Why did she… Why did they… Because this is… This is what’s still very mysterious… How you got home from the beach?
Joran: Yes, that is… I feel it is very bad/sad (?)…
Jensen: And I feel now… That for the first time in this conversation… You get tensed, don’t you? When you… That… This is…. This is a very controversial thing…
Joran: Yes, of course… It is… They simply denie that I was picked up… And uh… that they have dropped me off at home (Translator: They?!)
Jensen: Those two brothers don’t say that they’ve brought you home?
Joran: No… They don’t admit that no…
Jensen: They are two FRIENDS of yours?
Joran: Not anymore, no… (LOL)
Jensen: No, I don’t understand that…. No… Why.., why, why don’t they say that this has happened.
Joran: Uh, yes uh… I wouldn’t know… Maybe to… for themselves… That they maybe… Well I wouldn’t know…. No…
Jensen: Now look, look… Well.., at this moment… From this moment on… This story… And I’ve discussed it extensively with Natalees mother… From now on some people… And that’s just my feeling… Pull up a wall in front of you all… And now we don’t get any closer… Because you say… In fact it’s very simple… You say: I was dropped of there… We had a little sex then… Then I made a phonecall to get picked up again… You say: The guy came in… You stepped in the car… He dropped you of at home… That’s it!!! If that would have been the story Joran, then it would have been so simple… But these two brothers say: ….
Joran: Yes… I can’t uh…
Jensen: They’re FRIENDS of yours… Why would they say they didn’t do that?
Joran: Yes… I don’t know… Maybe if I would be dropped of at home… He’s there alone with a car… And then I wouldn’t be a suspect anymore… Only they… I don’t know… because if he admits he dropped me off at home…Then uh… But yes… I can’t prove it…
Jensen: But when you were at home you spoke to them or something like that…. You sms-ed.
Joran: No, no, no… On the computer via Msm we had a chat… With Deepak.
Jensen: You chatted.
Joran: Yes, yes…

Part III Jensen - JvdSloot

Jensen: What did you chat about?
Joran: Yes not uh… Well in fact not very much then… Just uh… That were just a few sentences… when we spoke to eachother… But what I tried to say earlier is that during the police investigation… The police themselves don’t even believe I recently heard, we were at the beach at all, or whatever… And then you talk about those stories… don’t match… And yes, why should they say they dropped me of at the beach… And not picking me up… Well… In the end I believe that it doesn’t make a difference because I can prove that it….
Jensen: It does make a difference because you pull up a wall… There is something between you… Else these two… And I use simple logic, intuition, animal feeling… A combination of all that… Because it’s so simple…. This story… If nothing would have happened… Or if nothing…. Than it’s simple to say: Yes, I was picked up, dropped of at home, that’s it… See you later… Bye…
Joran: Yes, but that wasn’t that simple that moment because we had lied before that… And uh… Yes….
Jensen: But we don’t talk about your lies to the police…. We talk about what has happened!
Joran: Yes… No… Yes then it would be simple, yes… If they just would have said that they dropped me of at home… Yes… yes…
Jensen: Yes, but Joran…You must get CRAZY… Because of your two friends… That they would lie about how you got home? Then you should get CRAZY now…
Joran: That’s right…
Jensen: But you must have talked to them since then some twenty times?
Joran: After that I have never talked to them… Not ones…
Jensen: But they were FRIENDS of yours…
Joran: Yes they were…. Yes… They were friends of mine…. Uhmyeah…
Jensen: Well at least that’s what I think… If you call people… And the car comes and picks you up… Some sort of taxiservice?
Joran: Yes, they were friends of mine…
Jensen: And you have…, after that.., you’ve never spoken to them again?
Joran: No…
Jensen: Yes… But I don’t understand that… You do want to know why they lie!!!???
Joran: Yes, but I wouldn’t know what I would do to them if I would speak to them again… I find that… Myselves… I don’t know how I would react…
Jensen: Well, then you would be agressive… And you take someone with you who can hold you back…? (LOL)
Joran: Well not perse that but…. I either don’t know what sense that would make…
Joran: (Can’t hear.)
Jensen: You are worldwide… the mainsuspect in a story… rightlly or not rightly… but that has become SO BIG… And this is what it’s all about…: Beach… >>> Getting Home…. !!!
Joran: Well… I, I, I, I…
Jensen: The confusion!!! The confusion!!! It’s all about this girl who wasn’t found again… Nobody knows what’s happened to that girl… But Beach… >>> Coming Home… That’s mysterious… That’s strange… There are people that throw up smoke screens, put up walls, … Friends of yours lie… Are supposed to lie… You stick to that story???!!! I, I, I… Look… This makes me… I get… Here’s an element that is simply unclear… and says that something is REALLY not right!!!
Joran: Yes… I can understand you saying that but… I don’t have… further…
Jensen: Okay… Let’s get back… These guys are on Aruba now, are they not?
Joran: They’re both at Aruba… One has a job… and one still goes to school…
Jensen: And that one… He works in… What kind of business was that again?
Joran: Uhm… An internet-cafe.
Jensen: An internet-cafe. Today he’s there… working again?
Joran: Today he’s working there I think…
Jensen: Well maybe he’s sleeping…. that could be the case of course… (LOL) But he works there… You could go there and tell him: What the hell are you doing to me!? For two years now… I’m the mainsuspect in a case… because you don’t want…. You know that you picked me up there???!!! And you dropped me of at home… (Thought it was Satish…)
Joran: We were confronted with this and eachother about this…. Put together in a buss… that took us to prison… to see how we would react… And then it came out already… and then I said I’ll hit you in the face with my handcuffs on… The police recorded that all… The just tried to put us together I think, to see what we would do to eachother… I have spoken to them then… And I don’t want to do that anymore… I’ve had enough of that…
Jensen: Have you asked: Why do you lie about this?
Joran: Yes, I’ve said that and then they kept quiet in the buss… They didn’t say anything… I threatend to hit them… Because I was angry then, of course… Yes…
Jensen: So you talked to them then?
Joran: Yes, then we were still in uh prison… We were still in…
Jensen: Joran… Okay… But then in your head you’ve wondered twentythousand times: Why does he lie about this?
Joran: Yes, of course…
Jensen: And what’s your theory?
Joran: Yes, I’ve thought about that a lot… I do have more theories about that… Maybe he doesn’t want to put suspicion on himself… And that yes.., is uh… one of the theories… Or he himself has something to do with it…
Jensen: But why does he want to put himself… When it was as simple as you drew it here… that you were picked up…, dropped of at home… Why should he be afraid to put suspicion on him?
Joran: Yes, I don’t know. I realy don’t know that…
Jensen: I uh, I… I can only look at this the fact that a friend of mine… did something very simple..: picked me up at the beach and lied about that… And I am… In the US I am imaged as O.J. Simpson.., Charles Manson-like..,

Next part Jensen - JvdSloot

Then I wouldn’t be satisfied with a confrontation in a van, once…
Joran: Well, there are other… Well yes, I don’t really want to talk to them again. That is really…
Jensen: But Joran, you do have a… Three years ago… Or two years… How long has it been now… Two years…
Joran: Yes, two years ago…
Jensen: Well, how I would have experienced it… Like hell… you’ve experienced hell for two years…
Joran: Well I’m stuck with that anyhow… If I speak to them or not… Uh… I’ve had that all…
Jensen: But Joran… You are sure… The way you describe it… what happened that night… If it all happened that way… Then it’s because their statements that there still is a chaos.
Joran: No, I don’t… Well I think that you put somewhat to much emphasis on this… Because…Yes… I just think in this case… As you look at it… And you see that by me as well and others there’s been lied… Yes… Then you cannot anylonger… Yes, I understand that you then can’t relie anylonger on what somebody says… but… Then you in my opinion, just have to look at the facts… And I think that when you realy look into the facts in this case… So not just what a person says or thinks… and speculates… but into the facts.., that these free me of any guilt… And yes… That should…
Jensen: But you say, you are all in some sort of web of lies… and you can’t get out of that?
Joran: Yes… That’s what I wanted the say before… You are never heard by the police in a murdercase. And what the police do to you isn’t that normal either… You were interrogated for tens of hours continiously, especially in the beginning… By many different detectives… They came over from Holland… From Aruba… And they lie to you all the time. They tell you that the other guys have told them you did the bad things… And… You name it..
Jensen: They trie to frame you. I’m eager to believe that.
Joran: But then it realy happens that you say something bad about one of the others… because they say something bad about you… And that is how it starts off… That was how it was…
Jensen: And then you start reacting…
Joran: And so they put you up to one another…
Jensen: But still Joran… Where do I go wrong???!!! If it was as simple as you’ve told me.
Joran: It’s been that simple…
Jensen: But how is it possible that it gets so out of control and become so chaotic and triggers even more lies and all that kind of stuff? Why, why, why, why!!!???
Joran: Yes I think everything, all the lies, I’ve tried to explain in my book. And I hope the people can understand it. I don’t know if you’ve read it…
Jensen: Yes I’ve read the book, I have read the book. Of course… And I know everything about this case… Everything! They could hire me as special prosecutor…
Joran: Well let’s take for example my shoes… I’ve left my shoes there that night… On the beach… That sounds very suspicious… Yes… Why didn’t you just pick up your shoes and take them with you? That is something as well… that I have stated myself… to the police… that I left my shoes there… Why would you put more suspicion on you by telling the police that?
Jensen: Well, on all these details we could do another show of about four months…. About these kinds of details… shoes, this, that… You know… these kinds of puzzlepieces… But what sticks to my mind is the bigger timeline. Nobody knows what’s happened after she was abandoned at the beach… You say you went home… And there are lies between you and your friends of which I don’t understand why their should be lied about that. That’s my point. I just present my point. Because you know what my feeling is? Just a feeling… Who am I…. … I don’t think you are a murderer… I realy don’t think that. I don’t think you did something. The Americans are confinced you did that but I don’t think that… But I do think Joran… I do have a very strong feeling and everybody whom I talk to agrees with me… And I have this feeling tonight as well… YOU KNOW SOMETHING… … …THAT YOU HAVEN’T TOLD YET.
Joran: Yes I can understand that you have that feeling. But… Yes…. That… That is realy not the case… That is really, really not true… I’ve told everything I know. And I would wish that I knew, that I knew what happened. So I could tell it and everything would be over… I really would want that… I’m stuck with this every day. I don’t know it either. I feel sorry for what happened as well. As well for the family… And as well for her family… Many of the things they did I feel that shouldn’t have happened. The boycot of Aruba, these things… But yes… I would, I wouldn’t know what I should do when somebody I love would have been dissappeared and Joran was the last seen with that person… And it all sounded suspicious… I wouldn’t know what kinds of things I would do… I can understand that… But I really don’t know more then what I’ve told already…
Jensen: It’s always that feeling that will be attached to you. Like: there is something more… That he doesn’t … In combination with that vague stuff that is going on between you and your friends. With that lying of them about what you… Get it? That combination… May I ask one more thing of you Joran? And after that… But… I read your book. Actually… There are a few things in it… Here… Your a quite intelligent guy I think… You do that quite good… Fine. As I read about details. Of that evening. When you saw Natalee. You know: (Reads a phrase of the book with a LOT of details in it about things Natalee says and does amongst which: gestures and othere small things.) Jensen: And this goes on for pages… The details are just perfect. The way you describe it… It is painted to the second what happens… But I find… Further along in the book, where it is about, you know, the chatting you did… And the sms you got from Deepak… There it reads… During the interrogation. We’re further in the book now: (Reads the mismatch of the sms/msn messages and Jorans statements at the buro; suddenly there’s a total lack of details and here Joran knows nothing anymore.) Jensen: You get it? I think you’re very intelligent in writing about the details first but here it gets so…. blurry!!!??? “I don’t know anymore why I had to thank him at 3 o’clock at night? Why should…
Joran: But what do you think than, is blurry?
Jensen: Because the whole night, and it’s a heavy night, you know… And I know for sure if you at that point are accused of a murder… everything should get very clear to you, what happened?
Joran: No.
Jensen: And the same goes for the evening that you describe in the C&C’s were you could remember the details. And suddenly you don’t know anymore why you had to thank Deepak.
Joran: Well that’s not right. These details came out there because you are so heavily interrogated by the police… So many of these interrogations are used to write the book. And I think if I would ask you what you did two weeks ago at a thuesday, accept for being here, you wouldn’t know either. It wasn’t the day after that I was arrested of course. I think that if I’d sat here today and all this would have not happened, I wouldn’t even now who Natalee Holloway was. I maybe would have forgotten the whole night. So…
Jensen: I don’t think so… I think you’re more intelligent than that… I think I would have remembered it. On such an… Because how many sms-es do you sent at a quarter past three on such a night?
Joran: That night: two.
Jensen: Two? And you don’t know anymore what they meant and why you sent them?
Joran: The moment I was arrested I didn’t know that I’d sent two sms-es to Deepak two weeks before that.
Jensen: But you don’t know either… that… “Hey, thanks Swa Good night… ” Do you remember what you chatted about online?
Joran: Uh yes… That’s in the book as well and it can’t be doubted because I mean the police can get all that back from your telephone and your…
Jensen: Well alright… I’ve said that’s it… But I don’t think that you really did something… But maybe that one of you… You know something more. I think that.
Joran: I’m sorry I have to dissappoint you. I know nothing more about it…
Jensen: Hmm, hmm… How is life now for you Joran? Because… I have a thing as well. If I had gone through what you’ve experienced… And what you are in… Yes, at a certain time I’ld think… Well God yes… Well indeed now I am the mainsuspect… But they don’t have anything on me… And I didn’t do it… I want… I am going to shave my head bold and going to live somewhere in Cambodja, for some three years and I’ll be back. I don’t want to have to do with anyone for a while…

Last piece of Jensen - JvdSloot.

I would certainly not write a book. Why did you write it instead?
Joran: Uhmmm. Well, why I wrote the book… It was self… To cope with it and to let go of it… Because of course it is a LOT that has happened. And what all happened after it… So to be able to cope with it. I myself have not ever had the feeling I had to defend myself… or something… Because I know that everyone that loves me know that I would never do something like that.
Jensen: Well I think it’s very impressive of you… That you… That you can do that… With that enormous pressure that globalwide has been put on you… That you still think I’ll just go on with building up my life.
Joran: Hm… Yes… But… Uhm.. Yes… Imagine that you’re me and you hadn’t done it (the crime). And all this comes over you… At a given moment you come… in a… in a… that it makes no difference anymore… what happens…
Jensen: Is that… Is that… how you were drawn in… A sort of whirlpool to which you give in?
Joran: Yes… You are… You don’t have any controle over it, so… Yes…
Jensen: So then you just do it… But is it a fun life you live now? Because it’s strange… When you’re in a bar you are the “Joran van der Sloot”.
Joran: I don’t know if that’s okay. I think I’ld rather hadn’t have it. But… yes… Everything has it’s advantages…
Jensen: What’s the advantage?
Joran: Well yes… What you just mentioned yourself… I mean… People sometimes want to get in a conversation with you sooner… Or…
Jensen: And you think that’s
Joran/Jensen: (Can’t hear.)
Joran: Some people think it’s interesting. I don’t know why but… It’s like that…
Jensen: And you think that’s okay… You don’t mind that too much?
Joran: No, I don’t mind that, no.
Jensen: Well maybe you should… well… have your personality or your character to be able to keep standing under these circumstances. You are fighting… You like it to fight the people that come on to you with all these things? Don’t you?
Joran: Mwuhaa… I don’t know excactly what you mean?
Jensen: Well, there’s so much that comes to you… Accusations and all these kinds of things… And then you don’t have something like… getting away from it… But then you go for the fight…
Joran: Yes, but it are only accusations… In this case… it hasn’t even been proved that a crime has been committed… And people come up with all these theories… And such stuff… Well… (Shakes head.)
Jensen: Do you really say that this whole case is a blown up thing…
Joran: No, I, I don’t know. I hope it gets solved one day. But indeed there are many things in this case that are very, very strange. Yes, I realy hope… Yes, I realy hope that one day this case will be solved.
Jensen: And you think it’s strange your friends handeld?
Joran: Yes.., yes… That’s…
Jensen: Did it ever crossed your mind that they were involved in this?
Joran: Yes, of course. I thought a lot… I thought about that as well yes. But this… What I tried to… You constantly go back to that piece but they say I walked home. That’s what they say. That I walked home…
Jensen: Hmmm.
Joran: Uhhmm… I say they picked me up… Which was the way it happened. But… even if I had walked home what would be the difference? If I.. then… We sat before the judge and the judge said you contradict eachother… And even before the judge I said: Well if you want it I’ll say I’ve walked home… Even if that was not what happened. But I want to go home to… I mean… But then the judge said: No, that’s not what we want. You have to tell the truth.
Jensen: Jezus… Hey… And, and, and what do you think HAS happened?
Joran: I don’t think she’s alive anymore… I don’t have trust in that anymore. But I can’t imagine she’s somewhere on Aruba.
Jensen: No, I don’t think that either.
Joran: No I think… Aruba was so thoroughly investigated… Jetfighters and… You name it… Everything has been done…
Jensen: Could it be that she went for a swim and drowned and… Or do you wash up then do you think?
Joran: Yes I thank you wash up then, I think you wash up… yes. I, I, I really wouldn’t know… But the only thing that I can say in my defence in what people should believe me: that time, that evening I was home… I went to school the next day. Well, I just went on with my life in a normal manner. I don’t think that if you’d done something to somebody you could go on with your life in a normal way. I don’t think that…
Jensen: Some people would be able to do that!? I believe that.
Joran: Well… I don’t believe that… I can’t imagine that uhh… if you’d done something bad to someone… you could still….
Jensen: Yes… It’s unfortunate that those friends didn’t back up your story than else you wouldn’t be a suspect any longer? Don’t you think so?
Joran: Well… I think yes… still… I think that… that…
Jensen: Untill they’ve found a solution… Untill they’ve found something…
Joran: … that I will stay a suspect.
Jensen: You don’t think that this will haunt you for the rest of your life? And uh…
Joran: Yes indeed… And…
Jensen: You don’t mind that?
Joran: Yes, I think thats a petty too. Hmyaeh. But it’s as you said before. It’s just like this and you have to make… take the best of it. That’s the only thing you can do!
Jensen: Will you be remain in Holland or will you…
Joran: Uuuhhmmm. Well I myself never wanted to come to Holland. Actualy I wanted to go to university in the US for which I had a scollarship…
Jensen: Hmm… That doesn’t seem like a good idea to me (LOL) Under these circumstances go to the US…
Joran: So… Yes now I’m at school over here and I hope to finish my education over here.
Jensen: Well Joran. I think it was great to have spoken to you. And was it a bit OK for yourself as well?
Joran: I uhh…
Jensen: Were you able to say what you want?
Joran: I was able to say what I wanted yes.
Jensen: If you could say one more thing… Say one more thing about yourself… From within yourself… What would you say?
Joran: Uuhhmm…
Jensen: Cause you know…
Joran: Yes. Just that this case will be solved once… And so everyone who had to suffer because of this… Everybody may now what happened and get peace in their lifes… That’s what I really hope…
Jensen: Because many lifes were disturbed because of this incident… that one night… at Aruba.
Joran: Yea…
Jensen: Really… It’s amazing what a domino effect this has had. Joran… It was great to have you on the show… Ladies and gentlemen… Joran vd Sloot.

(I still think this Joran is scum and has to come up with the truth. And when he won’t do that, justice will!!)
Thank You klaasend

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« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2007, 01:49:07 PM »

OOPS...I was so ill I 4got the link
(we really need an edit tab)

Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware/Of giving your heart to a dog to tear  -- Rudyard Kipling

One who doesn't trust is never deceived...

'I remained too much inside my head and ended up losing my mind' -Edgar Allen Poe
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