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Author Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #710 1/03 - 1/09/2007  (Read 259063 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #460 on: January 07, 2008, 11:12:24 AM »
Link is to the Local section of Diario.

Very busy weekend for ALE.

Man NR attacked as he leaves night club; his girlfriend SKB witnessed; two bad guys.

Testigo a mira atacantenan di un dama hulandes       
Monday, 07 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Diadomingo mainta trempan a presenta na Warda di Polis Oranjestad dos hende muher cu ta N.R. di 32 aña naci na Hulanda, y S.K.B. naci na Merca di 21 aña e ultimo ta traha abordo di un crusero.

Nan a presenta na warda pa entrega denuncia di atraco.

E mucha muher N.R. a bisa cu mas o menos 2’or di marduga nan tabata na un night club. Pa alrededor di 4 or nan a sali un homber desconoci a presenta y a golpia N.R. consecuentemente e sla tabata asina fuerte cu el a bay for di tino.

Su amiga S.K.B. kende a bin yude a worde ataca pa un otro homber desconoci di patras.

Segun e mucha muher te asina leu por a saca afor lo tin un auto preto modelo liftback eybanda, y pesey nan a grita y direpiente e atacantenan a take off, laga nan benta na vloer.

Probablemente esnan den e vehiculo por ta meti den e asalto. Mey mey di e hombernan tabatin un hende muher cu a bay cu un tas preto.

Bon di tur esaki ta cu tin testigo cu a reconoce un di e malhechornan. E caso tin debido atencion y a base di informe compila sigur lo soluciona e caso aki.

Online Pap translation:

witness owing to see atacantenan of one lady dutch
monday, 07 january 2008

oranjestad (aan): diadomingo morning trempan owing to present at keep of police oranjestad two person muher cu is n.r. of 32 year naci at the netherlands, y s.k.b. naci at merca of 21 year the ultimo is work abordo of one crusero.

they owing to present at keep for entrega denuncia of atraco.

the child muher n.r. owing to tell cu more or less 2’or of marduga they was at one night club. for alrededor of 4 or they owing to leave one man desconoci owing to present y owing to golpia n.r. consecuentemente the sla was so strong cu past owing to bay for of tino.

his girlfriend s.k.b. that owing to come yude owing to worde ataca for one another man desconoci of behind.

according the child muher till so far can owing to saca afor will have one car black model liftback eybanda, y pesey they owing to bark y all of a sudden the atacantenan owing to take off, let they throw at vloer.

probably esnan in the vehiculo can is meti in the asalto. mey mey of the hombernan had a muher cu owing to bay cu one bag black.

good of all this is cu have witness cu owing to reconoce one of the malhechornan. the caso have debido atencion y owing to base of informe compila assure will soluciona the caso here.

* * *

Male Canadian tourist attacked at highrise beach.

Homber desconoci a haci acto inmoral cu turista       
Monday, 07 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Un muher turista Canades a spanta su alma ora cu riba beach, basta laat di marduga, el a worde ataca pa un homber color scur bisti cu jeans, t-shirt preto y cora.

E turista a bisa cu e homber tabatin un rug tas den su poder.

Ta asina segun e muher Canades ora e ta cana riba e beach di un Highrise Hotel, un individuo a yega cerca di dje y a tira man riba su parti intimo.

E bishitante a reacciona y a pone e individuo move rapido for di e lugar.

Corectamente e turista a reporta e caso na guardianan di seguridad y polis a worde envolvi pa atende e caso.

Online Pap translation:

man desconoci owing to haci acto inmoral cu tourist
monday, 07 january 2008

oranjestad (aan): one muher tourist canades owing to spanta his soul hour cu on beach, enough late of marduga, past owing to worde ataca for one man color dark dress cu jeans, t-shirt black y cora.

the tourist owing to tell cu he had one rug bag {carpet bag?} in his power.

is so according the muher canades hour the is march on the beach of one highrise hotel, one individual owing to arrive close of dje y owing to throw hand on his part intimo.

the bishitante owing to reacciona y owing to place the individual actuate rapido for of the lugar.

corectamente the tourist owing to reporta the caso at guardianan of seguridad y police owing to worde envolvi for atende the caso.

* * *

I think we posted this incident Friday or Saturday. Apparently there are 3 arrests (4 perps). 4 men attacked/beat a man who was found in a night club parking lot. Weststraat usually suggests (to me) C&C's.

Polis a haya homber na sanger banda di nightclub       
Monday, 07 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Den fin di siman, asistencia di Polis a worde pidi den Weststraat den e asina yama hot zone.   Parce pariba di e parkinglot di un di e nightclubnan tabatin pelea.

Ora cu polis a presenta, a mira hendenan sali na careda bandona e lugar direccion Royal Plaza.

Tabata tin informe cu cuatro homber a bati un homber , un di e hombernan a saca un cuchio y a staca e victima, un tal Betto C. di 22 aña.

Riba vloer bao di sanger polis a localiza e victima aki. E tabatin un hinca na su banda drechi di su barica.

E cuatro hombernan ta color scur nan tabata lomba sunu sin camisa.

Debi cu no kier a spera riba ambulans amigo (nan) di e victima a transporte pa Hospital.

Pero e bon noticia ta cu un di e cuatro hombernan segun bon fuente a worde reconoce di ta alumno di EPB.

Por ultimo tin detencion cu a cay, polis a detene tres hoben cual dos ta local inicialnan A.S.P.T. di 17 aña, E.A.P. y un Venezolano di inicialnan A.R.I. di 18 aña.

Tur esnan deteni fiscal lo evalua si nan lo keda deteni of no.

Online Pap translation:

police owing to achieve man at blood near of nightclub
monday, 07 january 2008

oranjestad (aan): in end of week, asistencia of police owing to worde ask in weststraat in the so calling hot zone. seems east of the parkinglot of one of the nightclubnan had action.

hour cu police owing to present, owing to see hendenan leave at careda bandona the lugar direccion royal plaza.

was have informe cu cuatro man owing to beat one man, one of the hombernan owing to saca one cuchio y owing to staca the victima, one such betto c. of 22 year.

on vloer bao of blood police owing to localiza the victima here. the had one hinca at his near right of his barica.

the cuatro hombernan is color dark they was back sunu without camisa.

debi cu does not owing to wait for on ambulance amigo (nan) of the victima owing to transporte for hospital.

but the good news is cu one of the cuatro hombernan according good fountain owing to worde reconoce of is alumno of epb.

can ultimo have detencion cu owing to cay, police owing to detene three young cual two is local inicialnan a.s.p.t. of 17 year, e.a.p. y one venezolano of inicialnan owing a.r.i. of 18 year.

all esnan deteni fiscal will evalua if they will stay deteni or not.

* * *

Homber a spanta di un muher di bida       
Monday, 07 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Diasabra mainta a presenta na Warda di Polis na San Nicolas e homber di inicialnan A.S.C. di 36 aña.   Segun version di e compay aki, e tabata coriendo den su auto y na altura di un bar el a dal para pa combersa cu un muher di bida.

E homber a bisa polis cu e muher a papia masha grosero cune, y esey a pone rabia y hasta el a baha for di auto pa atende e muher di bida alegre.

Pero e muher segun e homber a bisa, a saca un arma blanco pa cual A.S.C. a spanta y a core subi su auto direccion pa warda.

Awor ASC ta pidi polis pa nan papia cu e muher. Polis a bay na e bar y a logra localiza e muher encuestion.

E muher di inicialnan KGO naci na Colombia a conta polis e otro banda di medaya.

Segun e muher a splica polis, cu e tabata para riba un rust pafor, y ta e homber a bin papia palabranan masha ofensivo, pa cual ey a rabia y a zundra e tipo aki.

Encuanto e posible ‘cuchio’, e no ta ningun arma blanco den su poder.

Online Pap translation:

man owing to spanta of one muher of life
monday, 07 january 2008

oranjestad (aan): saturday morning owing to present at keep of police at san nicolas he of inicialnan owing a.s.c. of 36 year. according version of the compay here, the was coriendo in his car y at height of one bar past owing to strike stop for combersa cu one muher of life.

he owing to tell police cu the muher owing to talk very rude cune, y esey owing to place angry y even past owing to descend for of car for atende the muher of life cheerful.

but the muher according he owing to tell, owing to saca one arm blanco for cual owing a.s.c. owing to spanta y owing to core lever his car direccion for keep.

now asc is ask police for they talk cu the muher. police owing to bay at the bar y owing to succeed localiza the muher encuestion.

the muher of inicialnan kgo naci at colombia owing to count police the another near of medaya.

according the muher owing to splica police, cu the was stop on one rust abroad, y is he owing to come talk words very ofensivo, for cual ey owing to angry y owing to zundra the type here.

encuanto the posible ‘cuchio’, the do not none arm blanco in his power.

* * *
Best as I can tell, someone took a swipe at a cop at a Weststraat night club.

bomboshi again abroad of clubnan nocturno

Monday, 07 January 2008 

Mucha muher a keda deteni

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Diasabra marduga central di polis a dirigi patruya den Weststraat na altura di e clubnan nocturno.  E prome informe ta menciona cu ta trata di un pelea.

Patruya cu a presenta mesora na e lugar indica y segun informe suministra a indica e agentenan e persona aparentemente envolvi.

E sospechoso segun e version ta bisti a-la-black and white. Polis a acerca e sospechoso, ta trata di un hende muher inicialnan I.A.C. di 23 aña, el a bira agresivo y na dado momento a manda mokete den direccion di e agente.

Polis a tene, y apesar cu el a resisti, nan a detene y hibe Warda y a sere segun version policial ta menciona.

Parce cu cos tabata hot den Weststraat den oranan di marduga.

Hasta patruya encarga cu Santa Cruz a bay te Oranjestad, pa asisti na coleganan. Pero ora cu e patruya concerni a presenta ya coleganan di polis a bay cu un sospechoso.

Parce cu tin hende ta meti den pelea y hasta boter a worde tira. Durante cu patruya ta stacion y observa e situacion, ta presenta un homber di nowhere y a habri porta patras di e unidad Policial. Polisnan a reacciona y puntre kico esaki ta para bira, e homber a bisa polis, di a tende cu polis a “bay cu su chick”.

E homber a zundra, pero polis a scual e riba su forma di proceder.

Tambe a presenta un mucha muher y e ultimo a worde pusha. Mientras e mucha homber mes a move for di e lugar.

Awor polis a keda planta cu e mucha muher, su atencion tambe a worde hala y a avise pa no mete den trabao policial, asina tambe e situacion a bin calma.

Online Pap translation:

bomboshi again abroad of clubnan nocturno
monday, 07 january 2008

child muher owing to stay deteni

oranjestad (aan): saturday marduga central of police owing to dirigi patrol in weststraat at height of the clubnan nocturno. the first informe is menciona cu is deal of one action.

patrol cu owing to present at once at the lugar indica y according informe suministra owing to indica the agentenan the person apparently envolvi.

the sospechoso according the version is dress a-la-black and white. police owing to acerca the sospechoso, is deal of a muher inicialnan i.a.c. of 23 year, past owing to become aggressive y at dado instant owing to send fist in direccion of the agent.

police owing to as, y despite cu past owing to resisti, they owing to detene y hibe keep y owing to sere according version policial is menciona.

seems cu cos was hot in weststraat in oranan of marduga.

even patrol encarga cu santa cruz owing to bay till oranjestad, for asisti at coleganan. but hour cu the patrol concerni owing to present already coleganan of police owing to bay cu one sospechoso.

seems cu have person is meti in action y even boter owing to worde throw. during cu patrol is stacion y observa the situation, is present one man of nowhere y owing to open door behind the unidad policial. polisnan owing to reacciona y puntre kico this is stop become, he owing to tell police, of owing to hear cu police owing to “bay cu his chick”.

he owing to zundra, but police owing to scual the on his form of proceder.

also owing to present one child muher y the ultimo owing to worde push. while the boy self owing to actuate for of the lugar.

now police owing to stay plant cu the child muher, his atencion also owing to worde wing y owing to avise for not mete in trabao policial, so also the situation owing to come calma.

* * *
Man takes his child's 15-yr-old babysitter out to a night club; then violates her ...

Muher a viola su babysitter di 15 aña       
Monday, 07 January 2008 

Caso serio denuncia...

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Riba e potret aki, por mira momento cu Autoridad a escolta un dama, kende a hiba su yiu muher pa control medico.   E mucha inocente di 15 aña, a bira victima di violacion.

Fuentenan bon na altura, dunando detaye na DIARIO, a mustra cu e caso a cuminza cana su caminda legal, como cu denuncia a worde entrega na autoridad di e caso serio.

Te ainda pa prensa, no ta conoci di cual bario nan ta, pero si ta conoci cu e mucha muher ta fungi regularmente como Babysitter pa yiu di e muher aki! Anto awor e ta pasa den e situacion serio aki, y bira victima di violacion na man di un muher di 26 aña di edad.

Con serio e acusacion ta, esey no ta conoci. Pero fuentenan yega a duna di conoce cu e caso di Diasabra madruga a keda reporta na autoridadnan competente.

Pa colmo, ta e muher di 26 aña mes a invita su Babysitter pa nan bay na un Club Nocturno, unda posiblemente el a haya bebida alcoholico pa bebe.

Despues di esey, e muher a viola di e pober mucha muher aki den e area industrial na Eagle.

Investigacion lo tuma su curso y presenta cerca fiscal auxiliar y fiscal pa determina seriedad di e caso pa asina detene esun responsable pa para responde pa su actonan.

Online Pap translation:

muher owing to viola his babysitter of 15 year
monday, 07 january 2008

caso earnest denuncia...

oranjestad (aan): on the potret here, can see instant cu autoridad owing to escolta one lady, that owing to take away his child muher for control medico. the child inocente of 15 year, owing to become victima of violacion.

fuentenan good at height, dunando detaye at daily paper, owing to show cu the caso owing to cuminza march his caminda legal, because; cu denuncia owing to worde entrega at autoridad of the caso earnest.

till still for prensa, do not conoci of cual district they're, but if is conoci cu the child muher is fungi regularly because; babysitter for child of the muher here! then now the is happen in the situation earnest here, y become victima of violacion at hand of one muher of 26 year of edad.

con earnest the acusacion is, esey do not conoci. but fuentenan arrive owing to give of conoce cu the caso of saturday madruga owing to stay reporta at autoridadnan competente.

for colmo, is the muher of 26 year self owing to invita his babysitter for they bay at one club nocturno, where posiblemente past owing to achieve beverage alcoholico for drink.

after of esey, the muher owing to viola of the poor child muher here in the area industrial at eagle.

investigacion will take his curso y present close fiscal auxiliar y fiscal for determina seriedad of the caso for so detene esun responsable for stop responde for his actonan.

* * *

The weekend even included a Molotov cocktail - thrown at a house on Palm Beach ...

Molotov cocktail tira riba cas na palm beach       
Monday, 07 January 2008 

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Den transcurso di mainta, presencia di polis a worde solicita na un cas situa na Palm Beach. Esaki debi cu segun informe a tuma lugar un intento serio pa kima e cas.

Na yegada agentenan a atende e señora di inicialnan Y.R.P. naci na Colombia y e tin 42 aña.

Segun e señora den oranan di anochi, su dos yiunan a bin cerca dje y a puntre si tur cos ta OK, y bon ya cu nan a scucha sonido poco straño manera cu ta glas a kibra.

Pero ningun no a nota nada pa cual nan a sigui drumi.

Pa sorpresa mainta e famia a bin descubri cu dos boter di cervez kibra cu mecha y ta hole gasolin.
Polis a haci un pregunta general na e famia, si acaso nan lo por tin problema cu hende, a laga sa cu nan no tin problema cu ningun persona.

Recherche y personal tecnico di polis a worde envolvi y asina start cu nan investigacion.

Online Pap translation:

molotov cocktail throw on cas at palm beach
monday, 07 january 2008

oranjestad (aan): in transcurso of morning, presencia of police owing to worde solicita at one cas situa at palm beach. this debi cu according informe did take lugar one attempt earnest for burn the cas.

at arrival agentenan owing to atende the madam of inicialnan y.r.p. naci at colombia y the have 42 year.

according the madam in oranan of night, his two yiunan owing to come close dje y owing to puntre if all cos is ok, y good already cu they owing to listen sonido some odd as cu is glass owing to break.

but none not owing to notice nothing for cual they owing to follow sleep.

for surprise morning the family owing to come descubri cu two boter of cervez break cu mecha y is smell gasolene.
police owing to haci one question general at the family, if acaso they will can have problem cu person, owing to let know cu they not have problem cu none person.

recherche y personal tecnico of police owing to worde envolvi y so start cu they investigacion.

* * *

Why did they have to disappear her body?

Murder & Crime on  Aruba Summary -

My usual avatar is an orchis simia (monkey orchid) plant.
private eye
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1522

« Reply #461 on: January 07, 2008, 11:13:49 AM »

If Judge Wit believed that justice was obstructed by the Cheif of Police, why doesn't he order an investigation of the investigation and prosecute people who committed obstruction of justice? Especially if it includes the police or prosecutor, even the minister of justice?

Furthermore, Judge Wit just told us he determined that a coverup had indeed occurred, with the cooperation of at least the COP.

Why did Judge Wit, when faced with a judgment call concerning the search of the VDS, choose the path most likely to create an appearance of impropriety by choosing the path to limit the exposure of a citizen he knew professionally and personally, in direct violation of his Code of Ethics?

At the very least Judge Wit should have spoken up to defend himself in December 2005 when HE WAS ACCUSED OF LIMITING THE SEARCH. Nada. Nothing. It was all over the media and he did nothing, he let the statements calling him corrupt stand for two years? He is supposed to be a man of justice and he let lies stand? I doubt it.

I find Wit's accusations now after the case is closed to be highly suspicious but knowing his, Jannsen's and Dompig's lack of credibility and integrity it wouldn't surprise me at all if ALL THREE were in on the limited search along with prosecution official Ben Vocking.

Bigger question, why have the Dutch ignored all this?

This may go against popular belief, but I think Wit was forced by Mos, for example his press conference to Holland following the release of the boys, to defend his acts in this case. Mos is the only official with the means to expose the corruption involved with this case. He seems to have at been trying so far.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3835

« Reply #462 on: January 07, 2008, 11:15:12 AM »

M&C thread - 47,048 views.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

Murder & Crime on  Aruba Summary -

My usual avatar is an orchis simia (monkey orchid) plant.
private eye
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1522

« Reply #463 on: January 07, 2008, 11:27:14 AM »

Hi TM Smile

Sending a post to Kyle and the Team is a great idea. They have been on that ship now approaching 3 weeks and some even longer. Time is ticking and this may be Natalee's best chance for ever coming home. I hope they are not getting discouraged or feeling all alone in this search. I'M a bit sad because I know in my heart Joran has told several people what they did with Natalee. They have to live the rest of there lives knowing they did nothing to help. What's the big deal about Natalee being found? Unless Koen's brothers cell phone is with Natalee,Whats preventing him from making a anonymous email? It's been 31 months now and most humans I would think want to relieve there conscious about what they know.

Right now all that is on my Boycott list is Aruba. But I am highly suspicious what the mother country has been doing with this case since Aug 2006. MOS=FOS as far as I am concerned  Wink I don't know much about Bonaire and Curacao except they are very similar to Aruba. I would be stunned if either Govt is 1/10th as Evil as the Aruban Govt.

I like the way you think  Laughing

They have no reason to feel discouraged even if they find nothing because they will at least have in all probability eliminated all theories involving her disposal at sea, in what was thought to be an unsearchable location. They are accomplishing huge results period, finding or not finding, and I know that they deserve a great big thanks, not just from Beth and her supporters, but that thanks should also be coming from Aruba and her institutions. THE PERSITENCE IS DOING THE WORK FOR ARUBA, AT EXPENSE OF THE OWNER OF THE PERSISTENCE. OR DOES ARUBA WANT THEM TO BILL ARUBA FOR THEIR WORK? HAS ARUBA THANKED STILVETTI OR EXPRESSED APPRECIATION THE DONATION HE IS MAKING TO ARUBA?


Monkey All Star
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« Reply #464 on: January 07, 2008, 11:28:47 AM »

Our household has always felt that the underworld has a stronghold on Aruba.  IBE's reposting of Rob's theory on Korea and money laundering doesn't change that thought. 

Last night, many, like ourselves may have watched 60 Minutes to see what Clemens had to say to Mike Wallace.  As an extra bonus, I found the segment with John Martorano more interesting because it made me think of this case and Joran, Paulus and others knowing things but chosing not to state anything.  The segment with Martorano, page 3, in the following link, shows the mentality with regard to informants/rats....if you didn't see it, there is a video,or you can read the transcript.  The code of silence....


R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!

I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.


None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
private eye
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1522

« Reply #465 on: January 07, 2008, 11:34:30 AM »

Our household has always felt that the underworld has a stronghold on Aruba.  IBE's reposting of Rob's theory on Korea and money laundering doesn't change that thought. 

Last night, many, like ourselves may have watched 60 Minutes to see what Clemens had to say to Mike Wallace.  As an extra bonus, I found the segment with John Martorano more interesting because it made me think of this case and Joran, Paulus and others knowing things but chosing not to state anything.  The segment with Martorano, page 3, in the following link, shows the mentality with regard to informants/rats....if you didn't see it, there is a video,or you can read the transcript.  The code of silence....

Aruba has the laws to allow her to jail indefinitely witness who refuse to talk, according to Amnest International in their files concerning the law of the Netherlands Antilles and how to incorporate that law in following the terms of their treaty.
private eye
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1522

« Reply #466 on: January 07, 2008, 11:36:02 AM »

We should mail that man in the CBS article a copy of the reward and a round trip ticket to Aruba and Holland.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #467 on: January 07, 2008, 11:38:40 AM »

Just last week Judge Wit said that Police Chief Dompig obstructed the Investigation and didn't want them searching the Van Der Sloot property. He said they wanted to protect Paul Van Der Sloots privacy!!!Then said that the OM didn't request to search the property outside of Jorans Apt or anything in the future!! He admitted they waited 16 days to search the house then blocked everything except the jorans lil apt and 2 cars. Do they think we are stupid? A heavy weight judge just admitted Dompig obstructed the Investigation,they protected the main suspects and the prosecuters office did nothing except cover up a murder. This was just a week after they announced the case was cold/closed....You have got to be kidding me!

Good observation *******. Where was Judge Bob Wit in December 2005 when Dompig announced (after six months of  keeping it a secret) that the judge denied a full search of the premises? Why is he speaking out now, because the case is closed?

Somebody is lying. Dompig and Jannsen either lied to the international media or Judge Wit is lying his ass off to try to cover his tail.

Does this prove the cover-up or what??????

Dayhiker ... you bet it does!  It was a coverup to protect Joran and Paulus from the getgo.

There was no comparision in regard to the apprehension of the security guards and ... the search of their respective homes.  Also ... FBI were involved and ... no judge was present ... only Karin Janssen ... the prosecutor.


Associated Press
June 6, 2005

Two security guards from a hotel near where Holloway was staying were arrested Sunday. Aruban police in unmarked cars accompanied by FBI agents arrested the suspects, ages 30 and 28, during a pre-dawn raid.

An AP photographer watched as the rumpled men — one from the De Vuiyst housing project for poorer islanders and another from an average home in southeast San Nicolas — emerged without resistance, hands cuffed behind their backs.

Police searched the homes and emerged with what looked like a metal safe deposit box and a garbage bag of clothing.

Associated Press
June 7, 2005

Authorities searched the men's homes and impounded three vehicles, carrying away bags of items. Authorities said they had not found any of Holloway's belongings at the suspects' homes, but an eight-member team of FBI agents supporting the investigation was to help perform forensic testing.

June 5, 2005

DILMA ARENDS, REPORTER: Yes, we were part of a group of local reporters who received the tip since yesterday, and we were able to intercept a large caravan of local police officers who raided two homes in St. Nicholas (ph). The first one the whole group went there. They went into the house. Once they got out of the house they started checking two cars and then some police officers stayed at that house. We weren't able to see very well, but we saw the police detaining one person, handcuffing that person and a couple of officers stayed behind with that person and the caravan continued on to another house in downtown St. Nicholas and that's when they were joined by another local detective, who was accompanied by three FBI agents.

This operation was done by local police officers. And, I mean, they did the standard procedures. They knocked on the door. They told them -- they identified themselves, went into the house and start searching. As a matter of fact, there were two dogs barking. They even told the owners of he house or the inhabitants there to -- the residence there to keep the dogs calm. And it went pretty calm. I mean there was no resistance.

They immediately went in and they were accompanied by the person in charge, district attorney Karen Janssen. And they did a search and after half an hour or so came out with another man, also in handcuffs. While he was led out other agents stay there and combed the whole house and we saw them taking out bags of stuff. What they were, we don't know.

Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #468 on: January 07, 2008, 11:43:52 AM »

Just last week Judge Wit said that Police Chief Dompig obstructed the Investigation and didn't want them searching the Van Der Sloot property. He said they wanted to protect Paul Van Der Sloots privacy!!!Then said that the OM didn't request to search the property outside of Jorans Apt or anything in the future!! He admitted they waited 16 days to search the house then blocked everything except the jorans lil apt and 2 cars. Do they think we are stupid? A heavy weight judge just admitted Dompig obstructed the Investigation,they protected the main suspects and the prosecuters office did nothing except cover up a murder. This was just a week after they announced the case was cold/closed....You have got to be kidding me!

Good observation *******. Where was Judge Bob Wit in December 2005 when Dompig announced (after six months of  keeping it a secret) that the judge denied a full search of the premises? Why is he speaking out now, because the case is closed?

Somebody is lying. Dompig and Jannsen either lied to the international media or Judge Wit is lying his ass off to try to cover his tail.

Does this prove the cover-up or what??????

Dayhiker ... you bet it does!  It was a coverup to protect Joran and Paulus from the getgo.

There was no comparision in regard to the apprehension of the security guards and ... the search of their respective homes.  Also ... FBI were involved and ... no judge was present ... only Karin Janssen ... the prosecutor.


Associated Press
June 6, 2005

Two security guards from a hotel near where Holloway was staying were arrested Sunday. Aruban police in unmarked cars accompanied by FBI agents arrested the suspects, ages 30 and 28, during a pre-dawn raid.

An AP photographer watched as the rumpled men — one from the De Vuiyst housing project for poorer islanders and another from an average home in southeast San Nicolas — emerged without resistance, hands cuffed behind their backs.

Police searched the homes and emerged with what looked like a metal safe deposit box and a garbage bag of clothing.

Associated Press
June 7, 2005

Authorities searched the men's homes and impounded three vehicles, carrying away bags of items. Authorities said they had not found any of Holloway's belongings at the suspects' homes, but an eight-member team of FBI agents supporting the investigation was to help perform forensic testing.

June 5, 2005

DILMA ARENDS, REPORTER: Yes, we were part of a group of local reporters who received the tip since yesterday, and we were able to intercept a large caravan of local police officers who raided two homes in St. Nicholas (ph). The first one the whole group went there. They went into the house. Once they got out of the house they started checking two cars and then some police officers stayed at that house. We weren't able to see very well, but we saw the police detaining one person, handcuffing that person and a couple of officers stayed behind with that person and the caravan continued on to another house in downtown St. Nicholas and that's when they were joined by another local detective, who was accompanied by three FBI agents.

This operation was done by local police officers. And, I mean, they did the standard procedures. They knocked on the door. They told them -- they identified themselves, went into the house and start searching. As a matter of fact, there were two dogs barking. They even told the owners of he house or the inhabitants there to -- the residence there to keep the dogs calm. And it went pretty calm. I mean there was no resistance.

They immediately went in and they were accompanied by the person in charge, district attorney Karen Janssen. And they did a search and after half an hour or so came out with another man, also in handcuffs. While he was led out other agents stay there and combed the whole house and we saw them taking out bags of stuff. What they were, we don't know.

But where was the judge? Doesn't he attend all searches to limit the exposure of the accused??????????????
private eye
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #469 on: January 07, 2008, 11:45:57 AM »

And Jansen was already at the location with the owners of the PVS property before the searchers arrived? But I bet she never told PVS what was oming. Neither her or the judge I bet. I guess she was late on this search and she had to lead it instead of waiting for them. Bad hair day????????????
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #470 on: January 07, 2008, 11:48:51 AM »

They apparently could have searched the VDS property and the Kalpoe property on June 1 as they had more credible reasons to think the j2k party was guilty, and according to their protocol established in the SG arrests, and in accordance to the procedures of all civilized professional police departments should have.
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #471 on: January 07, 2008, 11:49:35 AM »

Our household has always felt that the underworld has a stronghold on Aruba.  IBE's reposting of Rob's theory on Korea and money laundering doesn't change that thought. 

Last night, many, like ourselves may have watched 60 Minutes to see what Clemens had to say to Mike Wallace.  As an extra bonus, I found the segment with John Martorano more interesting because it made me think of this case and Joran, Paulus and others knowing things but chosing not to state anything.  The segment with Martorano, page 3, in the following link, shows the mentality with regard to informants/rats....if you didn't see it, there is a video,or you can read the transcript.  The code of silence....

Aruba has the laws to allow her to jail indefinitely witness who refuse to talk, according to Amnest International in their files concerning the law of the Netherlands Antilles and how to incorporate that law in following the terms of their treaty.

Yes, true...the key word though is 'witness'.  Suspects can lie their azz off or say zip....& Paulus chose the option not to give any info regarding his sporter, iirc.

R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!

I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.


None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
private eye
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #472 on: January 07, 2008, 11:51:03 AM »

Everyone should be proud to be a "Monkey." Monkeys make the world a better place:Smile)))))))))))) CYA
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #473 on: January 07, 2008, 11:52:52 AM »

Our household has always felt that the underworld has a stronghold on Aruba.  IBE's reposting of Rob's theory on Korea and money laundering doesn't change that thought. 

Last night, many, like ourselves may have watched 60 Minutes to see what Clemens had to say to Mike Wallace.  As an extra bonus, I found the segment with John Martorano more interesting because it made me think of this case and Joran, Paulus and others knowing things but chosing not to state anything.  The segment with Martorano, page 3, in the following link, shows the mentality with regard to informants/rats....if you didn't see it, there is a video,or you can read the transcript.  The code of silence....

Aruba has the laws to allow her to jail indefinitely witness who refuse to talk, according to Amnest International in their files concerning the law of the Netherlands Antilles and how to incorporate that law in following the terms of their treaty.

Yes, true...the key word though is 'witness'.  Suspects can lie their azz off or say zip....& Paulus chose the option not to give any info regarding his sporter, iirc.

But now they are now suspects. So they could be treated as witness to crimes committed by the other
private eye
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #474 on: January 07, 2008, 11:54:22 AM »

I wonder who the judge was that signed the search warrant of the SG?
private eye
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #475 on: January 07, 2008, 11:56:38 AM »

If it was Wit, then a complaint should be filed with the Carribean Court that Wit violated the ethics of his position by creating the perception of preferential treatment to a person who worked with him for years in the legal system of Aruba in the execution of the search warrant. The delay and the limiting of search.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #476 on: January 07, 2008, 12:00:17 PM »

Talking about searches, I saw this while looking for something else:From the Birmingham News June 4th.

If she is not found by Sunday, the case could become a criminal investigation, said Jules Sambo, a superintendent for the Aruba police.

From Front page June 5th
Rod Wheeler, a talking head, says that someone somewhere is talking to the investigators, and that the police are following up on the leads as he gives them up.

Interesting that Guido was interviewed on June 3rd. 7th. and the 8th about leaving the country.
private eye
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #477 on: January 07, 2008, 12:00:40 PM »

And for failing to prosecute the chief of police after accusing him of obstruction of justice. It seems as if his remarks themselves about heretofore unreleased findings of the judge to the public about this ongoing case violated those cannons as well. I wonder when Dompig is going to file suit against Wit for slander and or libel? And when is the tourism agency going to speak out about the harm Dompig has done to Aruba's tourism by obstructing justice. Or Minister Rudy Croes take action? That is an oxymoron isn't it? Minister Croes? Lightening is sure to follow:))))))))))
private eye
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #478 on: January 07, 2008, 12:03:46 PM »

Guido and the Wever kids are 2 witnesses who could be held until they talk. Guido is certainly intimately acquainted with Joran being his child hood friend and having been with Joran the next day after her disappearance.

Instead Aruba plays the part of the ignorant chump, what can we do? We know but can't? BS
Monkey All Star
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Posts: 11324

« Reply #479 on: January 07, 2008, 12:07:37 PM »

Our household has always felt that the underworld has a stronghold on Aruba.  IBE's reposting of Rob's theory on Korea and money laundering doesn't change that thought. 

Last night, many, like ourselves may have watched 60 Minutes to see what Clemens had to say to Mike Wallace.  As an extra bonus, I found the segment with John Martorano more interesting because it made me think of this case and Joran, Paulus and others knowing things but chosing not to state anything.  The segment with Martorano, page 3, in the following link, shows the mentality with regard to informants/rats....if you didn't see it, there is a video,or you can read the transcript.  The code of silence....

Aruba has the laws to allow her to jail indefinitely witness who refuse to talk, according to Amnest International in their files concerning the law of the Netherlands Antilles and how to incorporate that law in following the terms of their treaty.

Yes, true...the key word though is 'witness'.  Suspects can lie their azz off or say zip....& Paulus chose the option not to give any info regarding his sporter, iirc.

But now they are now suspects. So they could be treated as witness to crimes committed by the other

I wouldn't put any money on this happening...jmo...

R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!

I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.


None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
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