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Author Topic: Translated conversation between Joran and Patrick from the DeVries broadcast  (Read 6036 times)
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Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 74276

« on: February 06, 2008, 12:42:34 PM »

Translated by Marco at RU - warning translation is AS IS with language as Joran and Patrick spoke it...unedited cuss words:

Translated by me and Lazlo.

translation de vries's show Joran and Patrick

part # 1
background info on the case,no conversation between Joran and Patrick.

part # 2.
more background info, no conversation.

part # 3

de vries:
How did you meet Joran?

I met him in a casino in Arnhem, I registered myself at a poker table, I saw Joran sitting at the table, I am from the Antillen, so I thought, I'll just say "Hi" to him.
And I said: Hey Joran, matong, (sp) how is it?
I said that to Joran in jest, "matong" means murderer.
He saw that I meant it in a friendly way, then I went to smoke a cigarette and from that moment on, he came directly towards me.
Immediately, there was a very good contact between us

de vries:
How did you represent yourself towards him?
What kind of impression did he get from you?

Um, that grew, at a certain point, I had more contact with him.
I was searching for a way to really draw him closer to me.
Because he smoked so much weed, every day, I thought by myself I'm going to tell him that I have a weed nursery, that that's how I make my living, he thought that was very impressive, that's how the relationship began.
The boy got more and more trust in me, and I had the feeling that there will be a day that he wants unload on me.

de vries:
How did it happen that Joran trusted you so much?

I think the fact that I did not show any interest in the case, helped a lot.
A lot of people came up to him ask him: did you do it?
I did not do that, and I knew that's not the way to go, I told him it does not interest me, what's been done is done, it does not fascinate me.
But he constantly wanted to tell me more and more, I told him, wait I can't keep this by my self, just be patient and wait.

de vries:
You pretended to be Joran's friend, Joran even tell you there are only 2 people on this earth that I really trust, one of them is you.
When you hear something like that, does it feel like betrayal?
Because you know you're busy with something totally different.

Yes, that's right, but I shielded myself from that, I did not want those emotions, when I think of that girl, she's gone, than it's very simple not to have those emotions.
There are many more important things than mr. Joran vd Sloot.
The mother of Natalee of course, she deserves an honest answer what happened to her daughter, that's what brought to have no emotions towards this boy, I don't see it as a betrayal

de vries:
Joran himself has lied to half the world, so a little half lie from you on top of it, is not that bad, now is it?

Yes, who throws the ball can expect it back.

end of that conversation.

The first taping was to be nov. 22, 2007.
They decided to make the secret tapes in a car, because they feel Joran will feel more free to talk in private there, than say in a house or a bar.

But Joran got rearrested nov. 21, 2007
He was detained for 2 1/2 weeks.
After his release, Joran stayed for about a month on Aruba with his parents, but had contact by telephone with patrick.

part 4

thursday, jan. 10th.
Joran gets in patrick's car, and gives him a present.
Joran tells Patrick he's going to show him his teeth.
They're talking about how cool the new car is.

Commentator says that Joran was involved in a fight at the casino over a gambling debt. in the HI someone tore his lip.

Joran tells patrick that he can tell the judge, because of this f***ing, this f***ing lip, I even fell into a glass bottle because of f***ing this.
What the f*** do you want?
Give me enough f***ing money, so I can buy a house in Spain.
We already filed a claim for compensation.
That had to be done within a month.
My father has arranged all that.
There are enough lawyers that are willing to help my father.

Joran than tell patrick that he's no longer is a suspect, that he knows with 100% certainty that if the DA brings the case to court, they will loose.
So they know if they bring the case to court now, it's done, even if they find the body of the girl, with my sperm in her, they can't do anything anymore.

Joran than starts talking about the investigators, police etc.
They're stupid, I did not say a word,
The judge told him he did not have to say anything, I looked the agent right into his eyes, and I said nothing.

The judge told Joran: You are not speaking the truth.
Joran told the judge: I did not speak the truth? I did not even give an statement,
The judge told Joran: I think you know more,.
Joran told the judge: I think it's a terrible thing that you as a judge are speculating.
Joran, (laughing) said his lawyer told him that was a very good thing to tell the judge.

Joran: My parents want to go and talk on the P&W show, because of all the f***ing mistakes the OM has made, my father thinks that that will be very helpful with the compensation for damage.
I will get a FAT compensation, a fat material compensation.

Then Joran starts telling Patrick about his latest arrest.
Those asshole policemen, they're so f***ing smart, Alex opened the door, they said: You are under arrest.
I'm sitting there laughing my ass off.
You're joking right?
No no no, you're going to Aruba.
Well I don't believe you.
No it's for real, start packing your suitcases.
My suitcases? I pick up a bag and throw 2 t=shirts and 2 underwear in there, I'm not going anywhere.
And Patrick I was stoned, I was so stoned, and that was a good thing, because the first night I slept like a baby.

Then Joran starts talking about the K2 brothers.
When he met them they owned a honda civic, they never went anywhere, I told them, hey you have a cool car, let's go out, because you can have any girl you want, we did go out, and I had a girl every other week, or every other 3 weeks, and them in all that time?
Zero Patrick, zero, in all those 8 months.

Where do you think they will ever find her?

shaking is head no, saying: no I'm done.
inaudible.......but yes, I can get 10 year,
never to be found.
Where exactly I don't know either.

how come you don't know?

Higher power, no I'm done with it, patrick I am done,

part # 5.

It will all be okay, I will probably receive a big settlement.
Without this latest arrest, I was not counting on that.

Then they show a little bit of P&W show.
de vries brings up the possibility that maybe something happened against her will, maybe she drank too much, it was fragile girl, maybe she felt sick, he than panicked, and instead of calling the police, he called his father, maybe he did something else.
(Of course de vries knew about the secret conversations at that time)
Then they show the wine incident.

Two mornings after the show, and after Joran brings his parents to the airport, Patrick has an other appointment with Joran.

Day 2, sunday jan 13 2008
Joran asks Patrick if he saw the show, if he saw the wine throwing.
Patrick did not see it.
Joran states that when I saw it himself on tv, he did not think it looked that bad.
the program is over, I look at him, I shake Witteman's hand, and I see him looking at me, and I grab the glass of wine, and I throw it quietly in his face,
And he goes: Ah ah my eyes, my eyes, (Joran is laughing) And I was so cool,
And then you see me like : Yeah yeah, I thought you deserved that.
It did not look that aggressive, it was more like, f*** who do you think you are?
But it was not worth the 5000 euro.
They did pay that. I don't have it yet, but I will receive it.

If people really knew how much punishable I really am, Okay, I have know this girl for about 2 days, not even, I met her that same day, and the whole time I have been with her was maybe 3 1/2 hours, that the total.
I can prove that I was home half an hour after I left her on the beach.
No, sooner than that.

Patrick asks Joran how did he get home that evening.
Joran says the same as he told the police, K2.

(can't understand here, what they are saying now)

why is now saying that he not say that?

Yes, well I know why he says that now.
If he says that now than he's fried.
Because then he'll be picked up again, why the f*** do you lie? You did pick him up.

What happened with her? Joran, what the f***, I'm from Aruba, I know the beach.

I can tell you what happened to the girl.
I will honestly tell you.

morta, she's dead is she not?

of course.


well, come on now, I would never murder.

Of course something happened there.
And yes, the ocean is big.
I think I have been very lucky, because if they find the girl, I'm the (lul) fried.
If they have a body, they can make a case.
Then they can pick me up again, I don't know, If they have direct evidence .
But I think from now on I should not talk anymore.

They're not going to try it, man.

I have never talked with anyone, of course it's not easy.

I know Joran, but with certain things you have to be able

yes, but, she will never been found.

You think?


In the sea?


Did you go swimming?

he shakes his head no.
he says, well I know people on Aruba.
At your age I also, (it gets really confusing here) I know people, they have always been really good to me, but who it is, I'm not going to say.
It is not my parents,
but, yeah, it just a very good friend of mine, he has a boat.

Well than it's done.
He has a boat.
Farther then 2 miles?

Look, this friend of mine, is older,

But why would he want to do that for you?
If you would call me I would help you also, but you really have to think about that.

Till my grave I will never say.
Because I just don't do that.
I am obligated because of what he did for me.

He has a boat, and of course, then there on the beach.
All of a sudden she did nothing anymore.
I called him, not with my mobiel (cell phone) but I walked to , I called him, and told him this is what happened, come here, come here,
He said: No I will not call the police, and then he arrived.
But she did not look normal, you know,

part # 6.

He said: this is not possible.
You have to go home.
I say: No.
I can't ask you to take responsibility for this.
He said: You're going home. I arrange the rest.
I went home then.

shit man, this dude has a hart of gold.

I know that.

I help you make money, you have to give him money,

If I ever can ever do anything for him......
I would give my life for him.

You don't have to do that.
You can help him financially.
I'm going to take care of the fact, that you can help him financially.

Yes, he's real good, unbelievable good.

I always told you, I knew it, you know,

It feels good, I have never told anybody,
And this is a rich American girl,

f***ing family of friends of Bush.

That makes no difference, I'm telling you the truth, I did not know all that, she did tell me, I come from a rich family, you know, like that,

Of course you did not know that.
But nobody knows that something like that can happen?

Relax Joran, you cleared the air (your hart), everything will be okay, man.
I give it a place and for me it's finished. The book is closed.
We will not discuss this anymore.
It good is it not?
I am happy for you that it's over for you.
I am happy for you, man, yes? (high five each other)

I am being honest with you, Patrick
The two people I trust the most, of everyone, is that person and you.

Day 3, tuesday Jan, 15th 2008

How did you know that she was dead, Joran?

I just know.

How did you see that than?
Did you feel her pulse?
Did it happen in one time?

I just.......I touched it, there was nothing, It was finished.

Did you try to REAMINEREN her

I tried everything, I lifted her up,

You know, I don't understand one thing, okay, she's there, dead yes?
Your friend, yes,

Patrick, we had a group of boys on Aruba, we had a lot of contact, we have known each other since we where little, And those boys, to this day, they still call me every now and then, but they don't have much money,

Are you not afraid that the dude will talk?

Patrick, if that boy........
Of course I'm afraid of that.
But I have something on him, Patrick, I also have something on him.
He knows perfectly clear

Why did he do it this way?
Does he have a boat himself?

Yes, of course.

What's the name of the f***ing boat?

I can't justify it, not to him, you will not hear anything coming from my mouth.
In any case, he does not live on Aruba anymore.

Does he live in Nederland?


But what about your father? When you came home?
He noticed nothing different about you?

My father was asleep. It was 3:00 am or 4:00 am.
It happened around 2:00 am.
I was home around 3:00am, 2:30 am.
And at 2:30 am I went directly to the computer.
I was only with the girl for about 2 1/2 hours.
I did not meet her during daytime, we did things together.
You can't kill someone in 2 1/2 hours and do something with it.
Everyone knows this, it's not possible,.
You have to a be a professional, eh,

I have lived on Aruba for 18 years, you know this,

Of course you know people.
What you asked of this person

I did not ask!

You did not ask.
He offered?

He offered.
And he saw me there,
and he knew I was was going to go to America,

he wanted to save you.

He thought,
and he could not have known how it was going to go.
Later on in Holland, I did talk to him about it, I have sat with him for evenings.

How old is he? About as old as you?

No, 25
You know what's the most bizarre?

But they never arrested him.

This is so bizarre.
Though out everything, you know,
But you know , I played a good game in the beginning.
Because in the beginning I thought, I will tell them what they want.
Because if there's no evidence against me, then.......
they can't screw me, in the end they have nothing,

But they never questioned him.
They did everything, but this boy......
I have had so much luck, unbelievable.

But how far did he bring her then
This boy must have done a really good job.
But how far?
Does he ship often, does he know a lot about boats, what does he know about the ocean?

He has his own boat licence.

Yes a license, the boy really knows what's he doing.
Did he make her heavy to let her sink?

No, I don't think so.

You don't know?
He never told you how he did it?

Of course he did.

How then?

He just went into the ocean. farther away.
Then he dumped her.

You really have been lucky, you know that.
No shit, you where very lucky.

I say that also.

Real lucky.
That he was so stupid, that he did it that way, you know.
You have a gigantic angle hanging above you head.

That evening I slept normally.
I went home that evening, and went to my bed.

What's his name?


p: Daury what?
Is he Dutch?

no, well yes.
Half Dutch, half Arubaans.
Dutch mother, or something like that.

Now Joran is telling Patrick about a favor he while he was in jail, the first time.

So I said, Dad, I need some thing here.
I feel very badly, and so on, you know, I need a phone.
He said: Well, we can't do that.
Then I told him, I really need one here, otherwise I'll get into trouble here.
Maybe people will beat me up in here, all those kind of things.
Then my dad said, If I arrange that for you, I will be there with the boy, who takes care of all of that.
So I'll be with him, I will stand with him, because nobody can get a phone in there.
And yes, he did it.
So, then I had contact, of course, and do you know how often, I had so little calling time.......
My father is so stupid.....
He buys a phone, and does not add any f***ing calling time.
So, there was only 5 or 10 guilders worth of calling time on there.

Peter de Vries then talk about Jorans book, he writes a different story about the phone in there.

The point that de vries makes is that Joran told a different story in his book, and if the sory is true that Joran is telling on tape, than Paulus know that there's nonsense written in the book.

They now ask Patrick to have Joran tell the whole story again, from A to Z.

day 4, wednesday jan. 16th 2008.

J: So yes, those bitches just ask us, will you go out with us tonight?
will you go to Carlos 'n Charlie, the bar, tonight?
And I said yes, that's fine. And they've been drinking for a long time.
And those girls where also taking coke.
Because I know "boetie" on Aruba, they went to him and get it.
That's possible, I know that.
And, eh, so then, No, I have to go to school the next day.
And the girl, Please, you know.
I said: I know she wants to f***, I just know it.

p: Which girl?

j: A friend of that Natalee. Not even Natalee herself, you know.
I then called Deepak and Satish, the have the car you know, and I said to those girls, okay, I'll see you there.
So we went to C&C
I went there, and see this big group of good looking bitches.
And I see this good looking chick, and I start talking to her.
I did not even fall for Natalee, Patrick.
So I talk to her, and she said to me: no, no, you know what?
That girl has a "shotgun" on you.
I asked her: A shotgun on me?
She said: Yes, go and dance with her.
So I walk over to the bar.
They where already talking about me.
The girl said" Come and dance with me, come and dance.
And I told her, No I'm not going to dance on top of that stage.
Come down, we'll talk.
I thought I'll go and drink with D & S. So I got a drink at the bar.
Then she came down, down from the bar. She came to me.

p: Who?

j: Natalee, Come, take a jelly shot from me.
The whore jumped on the bar and wanted me to take a shot out of her belly button.
I did that. ha ha
Then she said I had to buy her a drink.
I told her: do what you what.
What do you want? I tell her: one shot of bacardi 151. okay, good.
She got her shot, she takes it, and ooh, she took it in one time, whoop bam, 151 proof, 151 proof that is, 75% alcohol.
Then she asked for a chaser.
I had a yard in my hand, a long drink, she took that from me, and she drank some of that, I see also, she's drunk, Patrick, really drunk,
But I thought, I'll just take the girl for a little while and f*** her.
Then I said: What do you want to do? Do you want to go to the hotel?
I thought, I'll just take her to the hotel, that's the best.
She said: no no, I don't want to go to my own hotel.
I said: okay; what do you want to do?
She said: I want to see the sharks.
I'm not bullshitting you Patrick.....

p: No no Joran, I've told you before, You already told me before, you know.

j: some people are strange, she said: I want to see the sharks.
I told the boys I want to go somewhere with her by myself, but she does not want to go back to the hotel.
I also wanted to do a little what she wanted, that's only right.
So I told them, drop us off at the beach, I'll f*** her, and I'll bring her to the hotel later.
So they dropped me of at the beach.

p: Where, by those things?

j: by the corner, by the marriot, between the marriott and the fisherman's hut.
There is a road.
I get out and walk with her on the beach.
I begin to kiss her and such, but she does not look to good.
Shit man, but she also looked good, but she wanted, she really wanted.
So I kissed her and fingered her, she has her hand in my pants, and so on, and all of a sudden Patrick, like in a movie what she did.

Shaking, yes very bad.
So I was like, Shit, what is this?

p: What did you do then?

j: I stayed with her, and there was nobody there, Patrick, nobody.

p: Of course no one is there, it's night time Joran.

j: And um, yeah, I talk to her, talk to her, talk with her, she's not talking,

p: How long did she shake then>
Do you know what it is?

j: I don't know.

p:An epileptic episode, or something, man.
she was shaking, and foam also, from her mouth?

j: No, no foam from her mouth.
Not that I saw.

Then I panicked.
I think, nobody even knows you're out of the house, I just left the house, you know, so I'm thinking, what do I have to do? What do I have to do?
Look, there are not a lot of people I trust, but this is a boy, I also have something on him. I can't say he owes me.
That's too much.
But I told him, I have a problem.
And I know if he would have told me: I can't help you, you have to take care of this yourself......then he also would not have talked.
Maybe yes, but I don't know.
But I also know what this person is like.
And um I told Daury, Something bad has happened, something bad.

P: where did you talk to him?

j: the payphone, from the MH,

p: in the lobby?

j: no outside by the pool.
I always sit there.

p: did you just leave her there?

j: I left her there. (he can't think of the right word to describe where he left her)

p and J talk back and forward about the location.

j: So I picked her up and put her by the "mangrove things".
And I told him, you need to come here.
Because he lives by himself, he does not all that shit, sometimes he takes a bitch and fucks here, but he lives alone, always.
That's the way it should be, so he says.
So he gets there, and he says Joran what did you do?
But she looks so sweet, you know.
She just lays there, she does not do anything.
He asks me, what happened?
I don't know I tell him,

p: did you try to reanimeren?

j: Ofcourse I did, I tried to shake her, I was shaking the bitch, I was almost crying, Why does shit like this happen to me?
I said to him, this is not possible.

p: what time was this?

j: 2:30, 2:00 o clock.
He said to me this is a big problem.
But he has his own boat there on Aruba.

He works for banana Boats, fun boats. Where you can sit on.

P: Ah, those fun things, where you can sit on a banana all together

J: Yes. But then he has his own boat but he works for one of these people.

J: That is sort of his cover-work.

P: That is good, you have to do something, earn some money.
He is doing great then, he is not dumb.

J: No he isn't dumb, he was sitting there and he said Joran you also know I would not do this myself, but this is going to be a huge problem he said.
He said: No matter what, no matter what, you are going to get blamed for this.

J: And I said, yes , I said yes I don't know also, I don't know what I have to do, I cannot go to the police, I cannot solve this.
His boat was stading there by the pier, and I knew that also, you know, and he told me, then help me for a while, so we have taken to the boat

P: lifted her up.

J: Yes, the two of us just quickly.

P: And nobody saw you then either?

J: Nobody.

P: Yes but it is near the Marriott these boats there?

J: Yes but there is nobody, Nobody pays attention, you are walking there in the dark.
Even if you walk there with someone they think you are playing.

P: Probably think someone is drunk.

J: They do not pay attention at all.

J: He said to me, what did he say to me, Ehm, when we were there he said to me: "You do have to go to school tomorrow and stuff. Because, if there is a missing girl then ehm...

P: He's smart, Joran.

J: I knew these things too! I said, "You're so right. I just have to do normal things. And on top of that I'm going to the casino to make sure I am on camera and stuff, and he/I said ok that is fine.

J: So I went home.

P: How did you get home, then?

J: I just walked, what do you think, he had to....

P: How long a walk is that then?

J: 15 mintes or so, and the shoe thing is all BS Patrick.

P: Does he have your shoes?

J: No these shoes I have thrown them away, I have thrown them away myself.
On the way to there... on the way to home...

P: You just took them off.

J: No, on the way to there, you have these puts...

P: Riolering or something.

J: Yes.

P: Ok but, you walk home and he sailes (varen) out straight away?

J: He sails out straight away.

J: From what he told me, from what he told me, I think he did not even went out 2 kilometers or so.
He told me he just took the boat, went far, threw her out, and came back. Put the boat back, and he then came to visit me at home. And we talked for some time.

P: That night?

J: Yes he came and he told me, you know, all is arranged, she is going to be missing, they will go search, but they will not know a thing, they will not know a thing.

J: He said maybe they will come to you, then I said, you know we have to talk this through/arrange this good I told him, like I am with you, we both of course were a little nervous.


J: You know it isn't something small you know, we both had something like...we also had done things together before, therefor I knew when I, when I had to to call someone I had to call him.

P: Yes.

J: And that he would do this for me, but...

P: Yes.

J: But at that moment you know, it had to be, it had to be good, if the police would come to me for the disappearance of the girl, because they had seen me leaving with the girl at Carlos and Charlies, these boys they know, ok they have just dropped me of, they don't know anything furhter.

P: Deepak and Satish.

J: Dumb boys Patrick, they are not even worth it.

P: I figured that already.

P: They dropped you of.

J: Imagine how "conjo" I had to be to have them to say they had dropped me of at the hotel. That messed things up truly, that messed things up.

P: But of course.

J: So I told him, but if the police comes, Deepak and Satish have dropped me of at the beach there, so I will have to talk with them also.
Then he/they said, yes that is true.

P: So you never told these two anything?

J: Never, never, never.

J: You looking back I did not thought that this shit would so much...

P: No indeed, you had some bad luck with that, that it got such a fokking huge media hype.

J: But now I can abuse that too (laughs)

J: You don;t have a smoke?

P: Yes I have a smoke.

P: Hey drove of last night, but you had no pot anymore, or did you?

J: No but I was stoned, so no problem.

P: Ok, so that was that, or wasn't it?

J: Patrick boy, I have just spend two hours with her Patrick!

P: But you were fingering her, and then bam within it was finished?

J: I was fingering her, and talking, just talking with her, and I wanted her to suck my d**k, I just wanted to say that, and then at once: finish.

P: What did she do, shaking?
J: And these police officers you know, during these investigations they give you so much information about what they know eh, they want to trhow it all on the table, but they know shit, ok, if that is how you say it is, then it is like that.

J: Oh, and when I was leaving there you know, I even sms'd my girlfriends: hey darling see you tomorrow. Patrick I did not have a bad feeling about it at all, I did not loose one night sleep over it, I thought it goes on, I have to go on. I have to look good, then they cannot do anything to me, and that is how it went also.

P: Joran it is finished ok, but eh Daury, do you even speak with him?

J: Yes I speak with him at times.

P: Often?

J: No

P: How do you talk with him, by phone?

J: No by internet.

P: But Joran about this...

J: No, no no, about this we only talk when we are together.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2008, 10:47:15 PM by klaasend » Logged
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 74276

« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2008, 10:48:52 PM »

The above is the entire Dutch program translated
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 74276

« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2008, 12:38:26 PM »

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