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Author Topic: We Forgot We Knew  (Read 64454 times)
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Scared Monkey
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« on: April 03, 2008, 05:26:10 AM »


'Scarborough Country' for June 30, 2005

JOE SCARBOROUGH, HOST:  One month without Natalee Holloway and growing anger over the investigation.  Tonight‘s top headline:  U.S. officials wage a secret war of words against Aruban officials.  We are going to have an inside story in a special SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY investigation. 

Welcome to SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY.  No passport required, only common sense allowed. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  My feeling is, there‘s a possibility that others are involved, including—you know, obviously, the judge, knows more than what he is telling. 


SCARBOROUGH:  A moment of silence marks one month since Natalee disappeared.  But cries for action are growing at home, as SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY uncovers Senate documents demanding immediate action from Aruba.  With Congress finally involved, will Natalee‘s family get the answers they need? 

You know, it‘s been one month to the day since Natalee Holloway disappeared in Aruba, and there‘s still no sign of the Alabama teenager, and, tonight, shocking results from a SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY investigation on Washington‘s secret war of words with Aruban authorities.  SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY has obtained Senate documents blasting the Natalee Holloway investigation as—quote—“a dead end,” while FBI officials are bitterly complaining that they have been shut out by Dutch authorities. 

Now, we are going to have a lot more on that exclusive report in one minute.

But, first, let‘s go live to Aruba to NBC‘s Martin Savidge for today‘s latest developments. 

And, Martin, I‘ve just got to start with the question, what‘s been the reaction to your explosive interview with the chief prosecutor last night? 

MARTIN SAVIDGE, NBC CORRESPONDENT:  Well, you know, the number one response that you‘ve had from people across the island and even outside of Aruba is that they are amazed as to how much that prosecutor opened up to us.  They really were surprised that she had so much to say when she started talking. 

Ms. Janssen is a woman that is known on the island to be as tough as nails and a woman who doesn‘t say a lot usually, especially to the media, and they were very surprised how she opened up, but, in many cases, very pleased about what they heard from her, that she was straight-talking and that she was not trying to sugarcoat anything about how the investigation was going. 

Let‘s talk about other things going on today on the island, the searching.  It has been dwindling over the past couple of days for a number of reasons.  But, today, we did see Dutch Marines out again on the search for the first time in a couple of weeks.  They were there with the Aruban police. 

The EquuSearch people, they have been scaling back some.  They say they are in the middle of a transition.  They hope to have more people arriving by the weekend to supplement those who had to leave.  Remember, they are volunteers, so they do have day jobs to go back to.  The van der Sloot family, Paul and Anita, for the first time today in a while, they had the opportunity to go visit their son.  That is at the prison where their son is now located, at the opposite end of the island.  KIA is how it‘s referred to.

Paul van der Sloot is not allowed to go visit his son.  He does, of course, drive his wife there.  Only Anita is allowed to go in and talk to their 17-year-old, who continues to be a prime suspect in the case.  It was a day of solidarity throughout the island of Aruba, but especially around this particular area, where the tourists are so heavy, the American influence is felt, and, of course, where the family of Natalee Holloway waits for word on the fate of that young woman. 

They had a special ceremony that took place late in the afternoon.  And it was quite moving to watch, as hundreds of people, those involved in the tourist industry, those who are just Arubans that wanted to be there, and, in many cases, tourists who stopped the vacation for the moment to join hands, to have a moment of silence, to listen and take part in a prayer, and be as one, as they thought about Natalee Holloway exactly one month since her disappearance. 

One very poignant sign, too, about the feelings of the United States and Aruba, there‘s a very tall hotel on the edge of the strip here.  Almost every day, it has an Aruban flag flying atop.  Today, something different, a huge American flag, a sign of solidarity—Joe.

SCARBOROUGH:  Martin, thanks so much.  We greatly appreciate your report. 

Now, tonight, disturbing reports out of Washington regarding this case.  SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY has obtained documents from a powerful U.S.  senator that was sent yesterday to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the Aruban prime minister, letters demanding a more aggressive investigation into Natalee‘s disappearance. 

Now, copies of those letters were provided to Natalee Holloway‘s family and also members of the Dutch Embassy.  Senator Shelby‘s office refused any comment tonight, but they did confirm—and this is all they would confirm to me—that the letters had been sent. 

The letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reads in part—quote—“Dear Madam Secretary, I am writing today regarding the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.  I request you engage the Aruban government in dialogue regarding their ongoing investigation of Ms.  Holloway‘s disappearance.  I am told that, while Aruban government officials initially invited the FBI to the island, the government did not grant the FBI sufficient investigative authority over the case.  I believe that it is essential the FBI be allowed to participate in a meaningful and substantive way.”

The letter to the prime minister of Aruba is also equally blunt.  The senator wrote—quote—“Dear prime minister, I believe the government of Aruba should invite the United States‘ Federal Bureau of Investigation to become an active participation in the ongoing investigation in a full and substantive manner.  The FBI was initially invited to Aruba to observe the investigation into Natalee‘s disappearance.  However, they had no clearly defined role, nor were they granted sufficient investigative authority over the case.”

The letter goes on to say this: “It is troubling to think that our governments are not working together to resolve this investigation.  It is my hope,” the senator says, “that the government of Aruba will formally request the assistance of the FBI and grant them full access to all evidence and information pertinent to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.  I believe you will agree that it is imperative this case be resolved quickly and that it‘s done with the FBI‘s active involvement—unquote. 

Now, friends, I have learned much more.  U.S. officials also told me today that FBI agents in Aruba have grown increasingly frustrated with this investigation, with one agent complaining—quote—“They have not allowed us to do ‘blank,‘ anything.”  You fill in the blank. 

U.S. officials also complained tonight that the Dutch government is calling all the shots in this—quote—“incestual investigation” and all the power does not lie in Aruba.  All the power lies in the Netherlands.  An official told me—quote—“Everybody down there is protecting their friends.”  That‘s how one Washington official summed up the entire Natalee Holloway investigation. 

Now, some in Washington say it‘s because the Dutch police chief is—quote—“best friends” with Paul van der Sloot.  With much of official Washington seemingly convinced that the Dutch government is engaging in a cover-up of the investigation, what can the Alabama teenager‘s family do to find justice in this tiny Caribbean nation? 

Well, with us now, let‘s bring in a member of that family.  I believe we have with us Paul Reynolds. 

Paul, obviously, we have been following this story for some time.  But talking to you, here we have now a U.S. senator getting involved, taking the secretary of state of the United States to task and taking Aruban officials to task for not letting the FBI participate in this investigation.  What can you tell me about this senator‘s involvement and the letters? 

PAUL REYNOLDS, UNCLE OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY:  We are very glad to hear that response.  We think it‘s certainly needed.  When we hear reports that the father went on Dutch television and said that he was not even interrogated, we lose confidence in the system that‘s there and what‘s been happening. 

We thought the FBI was coming in to assist in the beginning.  We were very comfortable when they started arriving on the island.  You know, we were hopeful that the concerns we had about the preferential treatment they might be receiving on the island, that would be alleviated.

But it just—it—we don‘t see that.  Time...

SCARBOROUGH:  Well, Paul, you know, I am hearing two things today, Paul. 

First of all, I get a copy of these documents from the senator‘s office.  The senator, of course, won‘t talk to us.  But we get these documents that were mailed out yesterday. And, in the documents, the senator is clearly saying the FBI is not involved.  Then we talk to an official in Washington, D.C., who tells us that the FBI is bitterly complaining quote—“We are not allowed to do ‘blank.‘”

Very angry, and the FBI is angry.  Does the family share the FBI‘s anger, and has the family heard from the FBI that they are being cut off at the pass every single time? 

REYNOLDS:  They don‘t actually say that to us, but we can certainly see that in the activities that are going on.  They are simply not involved.  The fact that they were leaving the island, most of the agents were leaving in the middle of the investigation, certainly was a signal to us that they weren‘t being allowed access. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Now, Paul, you have also, of course, had—what are they? EquuSearch, I think it is.  EquuSearch has been involved in this.  They are out of Texas.  They went down there.  I have also been getting reports out of Washington today that they have been frustrated, that they haven‘t been given all the resources that they needed. What can you tell us about that search?  Are they getting frustrated?  And are they about to come home because the Dutch authorities are standing in the way? 

REYNOLDS:  I haven‘t actually heard those reports.

But in seeing the past activity, that would not surprise me at all.  Every aspect of this investigation has been delayed and postponed, and, you know, it‘s just not effective. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Can you tell me, Paul, how angry the family is tonight with the Dutch authorities?  And do you think the real problem here lies with the Dutch authorities, as I have been told today from all my sources in Washington, D.C., or is it with the Aruban authorities? 

REYNOLDS:  It‘s hard for us to differentiate, but certainly we can see that Aruba is not cooperating. 

I saw in one of the local newspapers today that they are forming a committee to protect the image of Aruba.  I don‘t think their priority is appropriate here. 

SCARBOROUGH:  We don‘t think it is, Paul.  Thank you for being with us.  Paul Reynolds, as always, we greatly appreciate it.  And thank you so much for all the hard work you are doing.  We are going to continue reporting on this. 

Friends, let me tell you something.  This is an incestuous investigation.  That‘s what Washington officials are saying.  I have got to tell you, it‘s so obvious.  You look at this.  You have the Dutch government.  And I was told—another source told me today, if you really want to know what‘s going on in Aruba, if you want to understand why we can‘t get to the bottom of anything, you know what?  You can‘t search for answers in Aruba.  You have got to follow it, follow that trail all the way over to the Netherlands, because that‘s where the real power of this investigation is.

And they are the ones that many in Washington, D.C., believe are covering up this investigation.  We are also hearing that, obviously, from agents in Aruba. 

Now, we are going to be back live in Aruba for more on the Natalee Holloway case.  We are going to have Natalee‘s aunt, Linda Allison.  She will be here to join us about the family‘s struggle just to get the facts and to keep the investigation going.  We are going to be asking for her reaction to today‘s developments.


SCARBOROUGH:  Growing anger among U.S. officials that there may be a cover-up going on in Aruba in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.  We will have that report and much more when this special edition of SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY continues. 


SCARBOROUGH:  While the search for Natalee continues, the questions remain.  Are the authorities in Aruba doing everything they can to resolve this case in the mad search for Natalee Holloway?  Are they keeping information from the FBI and Natalee‘s family? 

With us now live from Aruba, Arlene Ellis-Schipper.  She‘s an attorney down there. 

Arlene, thank you so much for being with us. 

You know, there‘s growing anger in America over what many consider in Washington, D.C., to be a cover-up.  But there also seems to be growing anger in Aruba.  Yesterday, you have the prosecutor come—coming out and delivering a somewhat harsh attack on the father.  What is going on down there?  Is there a growing impatience with this investigation, with the judicial system? 

ARLENE ELLIS-SCHIPPER, ARUBAN ATTORNEY:  Well, first of all, Aruba‘s reputation is on the line here.  Aruba has absolutely nothing to gain by covering up anything.  So, I am sure that it‘s not happening. 

Frustration?  I think on all parties have frustration about this case.  We all want this case resolved as much as possible as you do.  So, I think you are right that there‘s frustration both on the camp of the prosecution office and in the states, yes. 

SCARBOROUGH:  You know, I talked to law enforcement officers in America and Washington, D.C., today.  What they told me was that, when they talked to the prime minister, the prime minister was saying that this investigation is being run out of the Netherlands.  When they talk to Dutch authorities, they say, no, no, it‘s an Aruban investigation.  Help us out here. 

Who is in charge of this police investigation?  Is it the Aruban prime minister, that government, or is it the Dutch government? 


Aruba, like any other country in Europe, has a division of powers.  We have what was called by Montesquieu the trias politica.  We have the executive power.  We have the legislative power.  And we have the judicial power.  The judicial power includes the police and the prosecutor.  They lead the investigation. 

Now, what was the minister, president, referring to is the Dutch Marines.  If you want help of the Dutch Marines, that is something of the Dutch government, because, as you know, Aruban—Aruba is part of the kingdom of Holland.  And our defense, including the Dutch Marines, is run by the Dutch government. 

SCARBOROUGH:  OK.  So, the Dutch are in charge of the investigation. 

What can you tell us about the...


ELLIS-SCHIPPER:  No, no, no, no, no, no.  I‘m—I‘m sorry. 


ELLIS-SCHIPPER:  The Dutch are not in charge of the investigation.  I am saying the judicial power in Aruba, including the police and the prosecution, those are in charge of the investigation. 


ELLIS-SCHIPPER:  If you want help from Dutch Marines, that is Dutch. 

SCARBOROUGH:  OK.  Well, that—I will tell you what.  That clarifies something that goes against what I heard today from a law enforcement official. 

What can you tell us about the Dutch Marines?  Do they usually like to go it alone, or do you—can you give us any insight as to why the FBI may not be able to help as actively in this investigation as they would like?  Would it be unprecedented in Aruba for the FBI or a foreign investigative agency to come in and take part in this type of investigation? 

ELLIS-SCHIPPER:  Of course it‘s unprecedented, like it would be in the U.S. for a foreign country to take part in an investigation. 

The FBI simply doesn‘t have jurisdiction in Aruba, as the Aruban authorities have, of course.  The FBI has an advisory role in this part—in this—in this country. 

SCARBOROUGH:  All right. 

Arlene, thank you so much.  We greatly appreciate your insights and shining a light on some of these questions we have.  As always, we appreciate you being with us. 

Now let‘s bring in former FBI profiler Clint Van Zandt.

You know what, Clint?  I am just going to tell you the truth, OK?


SCARBOROUGH:  This young lady, she is an attorney.  She doesn‘t represent the Aruban government.  She doesn‘t represent Dutch authorities.  I am not going to invite her on and beat her up.  She can‘t answer for them, but I can tell you what I learned today.  I learned the FBI is mad as hell.  They are being shut out.  They are swearing.  They are saying, we are not being allowed to do anything. 

And I am also hearing from Washington officials that this is an incestuous investigation, that everybody knows everybody down there, and Americans are being kept at an arm‘s length.  I tell you what, something smells in Aruba.  What do we do?  What can the FBI do tonight? 

VAN ZANDT:  Well, Joe, every time as an FBI agent that I have been in a foreign country, it‘s somewhere between, “Go into a hotel room; stay there; if we have anything to tell you, we‘ll tell you; otherwise, don‘t leave the hotel room,” to, “Get your gun and come with us; we are going out to arrest terrorists, and you are part of the team.”

So, every country is going to do it different.  As your last guest suggested, it may be unprecedented in Aruba, but there are a lot of countries that would at least allow FBI agents to physically sit in the same room and be part of the actual interview team that‘s interviewing the suspects.  In this case, the Aruban authorities said, no, best-case scenario, FBI, sit in another room, watch it on closed-circuit television.  It‘s our country.  We‘ll tell you what we can do and can‘t do. 

That‘s why you see the FBI team has been reduced.

SCARBOROUGH:  Hey, Clint, though—hey, Clint.

VAN ZANDT:  Yes.  Yes. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Listen, man, this is like Disneyland down there.  They had one homicide last year, and they are telling the Federal Bureau of Investigation, thanks guys, but no thanks.  We don‘t need your help. 

Come on.  I bet there were more murders at Disneyland last year than in Aruba.

VAN ZANDT:  Well, you know, Joe...

SCARBOROUGH:  So, what do you do if you are an FBI agent and you know it‘s an incestuous relationship down there, you know there‘s a cover-up going on?  What do you do?

VAN ZANDT:  Well, you got a couple of choices. 

One, you could go in and get everybody upset, and they expect you are going to come in with the big FBI boots on, and they are not going to let you do it.  Otherwise, you kind of finesse your way in.  The finessing hasn‘t worked.  That‘s why you see the team from about a dozen agents down to one or two agents, because I don‘t think the FBI is going to sit there and pretend they are doing something, when the Arubans are not allowing them to do it.

And, Joe, Joe, we are 30 days behind.  Things could have been, should have been, would have been done, you know, you can‘t back that train up.  So, the Arubans, if they solve it, good.  If they don‘t, they got to take the hit on this one. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Again, you know, I talked to somebody in—up in Washington today, another person who told me that everybody is trying to protect everybody‘s friend. 

Well, Clint, you talked about 30 days passing by, nothing getting done, all of these mistakes happening, these boys being released for 11 days, the father being allowed to stay away for, what, three weeks? 


whiskey for my men/beer for my horses
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 05:33:16 AM »



SCARBOROUGH:  I mean, let‘s face it.  Give me—give me—you have done this your entire life.  Give me your professional advice.  If these officials had wanted to botch this investigation, if they wanted to protect a friend‘s son, if they wanted to stop Natalee from ever being found, could they have planned it any better than these Aruban authorities have planned it? 

VAN ZANDT:  I hear what you are saying, and I would like to heap coals on their head, Joe.

But I think part of it is just the lack of experience.  And Arubans are proud of that.  They will say, we are proud that we don‘t work homicide cases, like FBI agents and NYPD does.  But the flip side of that is that, when they do an interview, they say, OK, what do you have to say?  Thank you very much.  Close the notebook and walk out, where the FBI is ready to play good cop/bad cop, ready to psych them out, ready to play their words against each other. 

They don‘t do it like we do in our league, Joe.  It‘s a while ‘nother country, and that‘s part of it. 



VAN ZANDT:  It is another country.  And they do it different. 

SCARBOROUGH:  It‘s minor leagues, Clint.  It‘s minor leagues. 

Clint, as always, thanks for being with us and helping us understand what‘s going on in this case.  We really appreciate it. 

VAN ZANDT:  Thanks, Joe. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Now, let‘s go back live to Aruba.  I want to talk to Natalee‘s aunt once again, Linda Allison.

Linda, thank you for being with us tonight.

Obviously, you have got a United States senator, you‘ve got secretary of state, you‘ve got a lot of law enforcement officers very angry about what‘s going on down there in Aruba.  Tell me, why did you all get the United States Senate involved? 

LINDA ALLISON, AUNT OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY:  Well, I think, obviously, the more voices that are being heard throughout the United States, that that just helps us in our case of not knowing anything.  And this has gone on for 30 days and we still don‘t know anything from the day one that we were here. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Are the Dutch officials covering up this investigation, covering up the facts on what really happened to Natalee? 

ALLISON:  It would be hard for me to speculate at this time.  The Dutch law is so different than it is in the United States.

And, of course, the FBI are not considered to be part of the investigation, only an advisory role.  And what I understand with the prosecuting attorney‘s office is that they play a few cards.  This is like a poker game, so that, when they hold the three suspects, in order for them to hold them, detain them longer, they just allow as little information as possible, only because they don‘t want the defense—the defense attorneys to be able to have time to react to the information that they do have once it comes to trial. 

SCARBOROUGH:  All right, Linda, let‘s hope that‘s the case. 

Stay with us, Linda.  I want to talk about the FBI.  I also want to talk about the ongoing search, but we have to go to a quick break. 


SCARBOROUGH:  A solemn prayer walk this morning in Aruba, as family and friends mark one month since the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. 

Let‘s go back to Aruba and talk to Natalee‘s aunt, Linda Allison. 

Linda, I want to ask you about a strong statement Senator Shelby put in his letter to Condoleezza Rice, our secretary of state.  He said the investigation is in Aruba is—quote—“at a dead end,” and that‘s why he said the FBI needs to be brought in.  Do you agree with that assessment? 

ALLISON:  I would tend to agree, because we are 30 days into this investigation, and we still don‘t have information.

And, if they truly do not have homicide, if that is what this case is going to be, they should have contacted the Dutch government in the very beginning.  If they don‘t have the experience here on the island to handle this case. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Linda, final question.  What can we in America do tonight?  Do you want us to write our senators, our congressmen, our president?  How can we help you? 

ALLISON:  Well, obviously, any voice out there would be helpful in any way. 

I do know, on another note, that the prime minister‘s office has been in contact with me since Sunday evening.  And I made a specific request for us to utilize the Dutch Marines with the EquuSearch group.  They told me yesterday afternoon they had completed the paperwork, and all of that type of information was completed, and that the—it was just a matter of getting the logistics of the Dutch Marines out.

And then we learned this afternoon, after making a few phone calls, that the police chief is actually the one who can activate the Marines because of the way, again, the governmental structure is here.  The prime minister doesn‘t have control over the Dutch Marines.  It‘s actually the police authorities.  So, they actually were activated this morning by van der Straaten, and not to any of our knowledge.

And I don‘t know why they chose not to start doing an additional search with the Dutch Marines, after we had requested that the Dutch Marines be working with EquuSearch.  So, there‘s a lot of miscommunication going on here. 


SCARBOROUGH:  A lot of miscommunication, a lot of unanswered questions, and it all adds up to a tragedy. 

Linda, thanks again for being with us in SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY.  And, again, we are behind the family.  We will continue praying for you and also for Natalee. 

ALLISON:  Thank you so much. 


whiskey for my men/beer for my horses
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2008, 05:59:18 AM »

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Aruban police in unmarked cars accompanied by FBI agents made a pre-dawn raid at 5 a.m. Sunday, rousting two suspects aged 28 and 30 from their beds.

Deputy police chief Gerold Dompig confirmed that the suspects were security guards.

Authorities declined to comment whether there was a relationship between the suspects and other three, earlier described as students — two Surinamese and a native of the Netherlands — who told police they dropped off Holloway at her hotel around 2 a.m. on May 30. Hotel employees, however, say that security cameras did not record her return.

Authorities were overheard on a police frequency Sunday evening issuing a bulletin to stop a rented white Toyota in connection with the disappearance of the 5-foot-4-inch blonde. Dompig declined to confirm it.

Authorities impounded three vehicles found at the two homes, and a team of more than a dozen FBI agents helping with the investigation will help perform forensic testing on them, police said.

Many feared the worst when authorities said they found a blood-soaked mattress at a beach in eastern Aruba on Sunday, but it turned out to be animal blood.


whiskey for my men/beer for my horses
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2008, 06:14:28 AM »

8:27 pm DT:
Question for people in aruba, at what time was the fact that NH was missing known to the public? I'm wondering this because why would the boys make up a story or get advice from their father on the monday she was reported missing, the only reason I can think of (assuming their innocence) is that they were scared of all the publicity. But if it wasn't known she missing yet why make up a story?

8:31 pm arubagirl:
We heard the story Monday, maybe? The thing is I heard it from a friend who is in the red cross, and another member was talking to a cop. But then it really broke Tuesday morning. We knew pretty early on about a Dutch guy and the two Surinamese brothers.

8:31 pm writenow:
Max Arendsz was also brought in for questioning.

8:36 pm writenow:
Police weren't notified until 9 pm that night because the chaperone thought when she told beach patrol, they were going to report it to the police. When the chap called police at 9 to find out what was going on, they didn't know anything about it. That's when it got officially reported, but I don't know if word was put out until the next day. Right, arubagirl?

8:42 pm writenow:
We heard the story Monday, maybe? The thing is I heard it from a friend who is in the red cross, and another member was talking to a cop. But then it really broke Tuesday morning. We knew pretty early on about a Dutch guy and the two Surinamese brothers.

arubagirl, you heard from people or officially on the radio or TV? Because the police didn't know until 9 pm that night.

8:47 pm arubagirl:
you heard from people or officially on the radio or TV? Because the police didn't know until 9 pm that night.

writenow, I could swear that I heard it around 6pm. I know that I was sitting at my computer and it was still light out when my friend called me. The thing about the boys was the next day, I think.


whiskey for my men/beer for my horses
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2008, 06:33:30 AM »

Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:10 pm
WidgetTheMidget wrote:

Help Me Here ...
During Interview Didn't Polis Chief van der Straaten State ...
That I Know The Facts Of This Case & You Don't ...
And That For Sure Natalee Was Murdered ...
Is This Correct ??

Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:31 pm
Rammstein wrote:

Rep: Hebt u nog hoop op een goede afloop?
reporter: are you still hopeful for a happy ending?

Jan: Hoop moet je altijd hebben, maar ik geloof niet meer dat we Natalee levend zullen terugvinden.
Jan: One should always have hope, but I don't believe any more that we will find Natalee alive.

Rep: Waarom niet?
reporter: why not?

Jan: Omdat ik het onderzoek ken en u niet.
Jan: Because am privy to the details of the investigation and you're not.

Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:34 pm
bondia wrote:

Jan: Omdat ik het onderzoek ken en u niet.
Jan: Because I know about the investigation and you don’t.

whiskey for my men/beer for my horses
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2008, 06:38:43 AM »

Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:25 pm
bluebob: Bondia, do you think PVDS is Lorenzo's padre?

Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:29 pm
bondia: The quote I have is "We met this kid for the first time when he was 9 years old in his father's garage when we took our car to be repaired. The only other thing we know about him is he had problems and was in and out of school and eventually dropped out."

This is all I know.

Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:31 pm
bluebob: Thanks, bondia, and you are quoting ???? I know I have heard that quote b4, but not sure who said it.

no response


whiskey for my men/beer for my horses
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« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2008, 06:50:37 AM »

Hi, my name is Ting and I'll be your server this evening.

Our specials tonight are baby rumors sauteed in a chardonnay and melon butter sauce, grilled medallions of free range allegation topped with a balsamic mango and fiddlehead salsa, that one is really popular, and we also have a luscious souffle of inflammatory rhetoric whipped with our house organic creme sensationalism.

Would you like me to pour a cocktail down your throat while you decide?


whiskey for my men/beer for my horses
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2008, 08:29:49 AM »

Fri Aug 26, 2005

4:49 pm
Sooz: If Geraldo was right about the videos, then this could eventually lead to Mr. Pink and all that smut about internet videos, right?

4:54 pm
Majielle: I hope those girls are getting a lot of support. They are very courageous to step forward

4:55 pm
sunmoonstars: This press release came down from the prosecutors. This is the email from the prosecutor to MSNBC

They are in custody based on the same suspicions as before. They are suspected of the primary criminal act of together with other people committing premeditated murder.
Alternately, together with other people murdering somebody.
More alternately, rob a person of her liberty with fatal consequences.
Even more alternately, raping somebody.

Aside from these suspicions against these two brothers,
There are new suspicions which at this point the prosecutor is not commenting on. To arrest the Kalpoe brothers, there had to be new facts and circumstances, that is the case!

4:56 pm
omega: It might be possible that NH's remains were found in early June, and that only the family & the prosecutor are aware of this.


The above URL contains info about something found while digging in an Aruban pond which was so large and/OR heavy, that it required two men to load it onto a truck.

The stories state that the press was cordoned off, and that BHT was present... maybe it is true, and would explain alot of Beth's comments and actions.

4:59 pm
AZLady: Who are the other two in custody, besides the Kalpoes? Freddy and someone else?

4:59 pm
sunmoonstars: We are told they will be held at least 4 days and there will be a hearing
Prosecutors made it VERY clear Kalpoe brothers are arrested in connection with Natalee
The other boy, the friend and neighbor of VDS is NOT connected with NH in any way.

Satish attorney says:
Arrests are based on new information involving 4 people...the 2 K brothers, the friend and Joran
In part at least on new allegations involving young girls and photos

5:04 pm
AZLady: The reason I doubt the theory about them finding Natalee's body in early June is that Beth and Jug allowed the searchers to work in the landfill, jeopardizing their lives and health. They wouldn't have done this had they known.

5:04 pm
arubagirl: So, anything new? Kidding, kidding. So, do we know who the other guy is?

5:05 pm
AZLady: Arubagirl, were the Kalpoes and two others arrested? Or the Kalpoes and one other guy? I can't find accurate info.

5:06 pm
klaasend: No...only Freddy. Not sure if there's more, I'm thinking not.

5:06 pm
sunmoonstars: Catherine Crier Fri

Based on the same suspicions as before. There are new suspicions, or they couldn't re arrest the K brothers.

Art Wood: We have known for a long time that the LE have statements from these boys. They Know where Natalee is.

Freddy Arandashi?? Uses the name Freddy Arends, he is a close friend and neighbor of Jorans.

5:07 pm
AZlady: On the radio said that four new arrests were made, but then I heard it was only three. Anyway, I heard the name of one guy, but I don't know if it's right or not.

5:08 pm
sunmoonstars: AG: Art Wood is saying Freddy Arandashi?? also says he goes by Freddy Arends.

5:09 pm
arubagirl: I think it's not Arends. I'll check it out on Monday.

5:10 pm
DT: The ex-girlfriend of Joran, Melody or whatever, is saying on RWV that the guy's name is Freddy Zedan.

5:11 pm
DT: Someone said that he was Joran's doubles partner in tennis.

5:12 pm
sunmoonstars: AG: They said a neighbor and friend of Jorans. Does that help?

5:14 pm
arubagirl: Well, if he is a neighbour and lives in the same neighbourhood (montanja), then I can check, hold on.

5:14 pm
barbiegirl23: This Freddy is listed as a doubles tennis partner of Joran in the Aruban paper of Sept 2004...

5:15 pm
arubagirl: There is an Arends that lives at Montanja... Check the other last names.

5:15 pm
sunmoonstars: There are conflicting statements from the brothers and Joran. The brothers describe the fact that Joran was assaulting NH in the back seat of the car

5:16 pm
arubagirl: No person named zedan in the phone book, not that it means that he doesn't exist, just not in the phone book.

5:17 pm
DT: Well there is some Aruban paper that states he was Joran's doubles partner in a tennis tournament not too long ago.

5:17 pm
arubagirl: Nor Arandashi / Arendashi.

5:17 pm
klaasend: I'm thinking it's Freddy Arends: Blue shirt on left - middle with cap on right.

5:19 pm
arubagirl: Yes that's who I thought it was as well. Why don't these things happen on a Friday? Now I have to wait a whole weekend to find out more. BLECH!

5:22 pm
DT: Jossy: We don't know that he was arrested in relation to this case, though he was questioned about it at the beginning. We have heard that he had alibi that said he was with Joran that night.

Dan Riehl said earlier that the Freddy guy is the same person who was staying at Joran's apartment that night.

5:22 pm
whodunit: Does HE  live at Aruba Racquet Club?

5:24 pm
fluffy monkey: Geraldo said that this guy was a fake alibi and faked that he stayed with Joran that night.

5:24 pm
nancy drew: http://www.aeromodelers.sr.org/david/am28sep04.pdf  28 sept 2004
B-Doubles team Freddy Zedan/Joran van der Sloot beat Peter Villevoix/Lex Burgman in a surprise sweep

5:25 pm
arubagirl: No, owner of the place told me the homes are only used as vacation homes by wealthy tourists.

5:26 pm
fluffy monkey: Wonder if "someone" has a key to one of them....

5:28 pm
whodunit: Hmmm...maybe it could at least explain what the boys were doing late that night (3am) near the ARC. Maybe meeting his tennis partner.......hmmmmm

5:32 pm
odds on: Who - For what it's worth, the AM Digitel article (link posted above)about the September 2004 tennis tounament that jvds and Freddy Z won took place at the Aruba Racqut Club. Coincidences abound.

5:34 pm
arubagirl: I swear to God I am getting tired of reading "Gilliam van der Straten". Seriously, who makes up this crap?

5:36 pm
whodunit: I thought NativeLingo said that was his name, but he is not related? Is that not his name?

5:37 pm
arubagirl: There isn't even someone of that name on the bloody island! Gilliam, that is.

5:38 pm
whodunit: Ok, I was confused. She said not related though. Anyway, do you know who that is then?

5:38 pm
arubagirl: Haven't got a clue.

5:42 pm
HannieC: if there is a 4th person arrested than i think it`s significant that nobody seems to know who that person is nor his initials or name...Makes me wonder who that is.....(and than i`m not thinking of Paulus).BTW...

5:44 pm
bondia: Freddy Z.

Freddy's middle name is Alexander and it is customary to never use somebody’s last name in Aruba until they have been charged.

The rules were obviously broken in Natalee's case as it has been a free for all of accusations since the Beginning

6:00 pm
Port Valerie: New Greta Wire emailed at 5:41 PM:

What has caught my attention most is the timeline we have pieced together. From Satish's lawyer the other night on the show, we learned that someone was on the Internet at the Kalpoe residence from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. Why did that person get off the Internet at 3 a.m.? Note that 3 a.m. is the exact time that Joran van der Sloot's second call went to Deepak's cell phone (the first was 2:40 a.m.) Stay tuned. We will have more tonight.

6:01 pm
sunmoonstars: Catherine Crier/Friday

Crier: Can you tell me anything about this Freddy?

Jossy: We hear 2 versions:
The official press release that the prosecution put out did not mention him at all
People are under the impression that his arrest may be related to another case
He was arrested in the beginning with relation to this same case
There is no mention from the police in regards to this third man
Third man is a friend of them, partied with them, many pics with him
He was questioned in the beginning in regards to the Natalee case
Do you have any info as to his whereabouts the night Natalee disappeared?
Jossy: I hear his alibi is that he was with Joran

6:02 pm

6:02 pm
AZLady: I found an ARAMBATZIS-RODRIGUEZ, ALBERT and LILIAN REGINA who live in MONTANJA. http://www.arubachamber.com/LC%20KLEIN%2005-06-2005.htm

6:05 pm
NativeLingo: MONTANJA 39-F is a neighbor of Joran's allright!

6:05 pm
arubagirl: Wonderwoman and AzLady are good, I suck

6:06 pm
peaches: WOOHOO!! At least we don't have to wait until Monday.

6:07 pm
klaasend: So why is Bondia saying the last name starts with a Z ?

6:08 pm
arubagirl: I have no idea. I'm guessing that Bon Dia is checking back with the group.

6:09 pm
Shell: Maybe the stop at the other bar that was mentioned was to pick up Freddy? Just thinking

6:10 pm
Hat: So when do we get to search Freddy's house?

6:11 pm
WonderWoman: Hey AZ!! Arubagirl said wait till Monday...that was killin' me!!! Patience is a virtue, but I used it all on the kids'!!! Now is 39F close to 19 ?

6:12 pm
new girl: Michelle Kosinski on MSNBC is saying that Kalpoe attorney believes Kalpoe arrests are based in part on other allegations involving "photos and young girls".

6:13 pm
NativeLingo: VDS= Montaña 19...

6:14 pm
RobertJ: BINGO! Directory listing: Arambatzis, Freddy. Aruba. I've got his e-mail and his TICKLE site too: Freddy Locoman Pimp

6:14 pm
arubagirl: Wonderwoman, I'll have to go and check, but the housenumbers here are usually a big mess.

6:16 pm
could be either Venezuelan or Colombian....only they use 2 last names here...

6:19 pm
DT: Jossy says: Freddy arrested on charges of taking and selling pictures of young naked girls. He was questioned initially in the NH case.

6:21 pm
WidgetTheMidget: Dont Be Surprised If What Happened To Natalee Was Recorded ........

6:21 pm
bondia: As we have already told RED, SM usually knows what it going on before MSM and 99% of Aruba. Based on the Tennis match from AM Digital and the initials givin by the police F.A. (and usually most people in Aruba have at least 3 if not 4 initials in thier name) We were told that Joran has a friend named Freddy Alexander.

Since Jossy was the one who found the girls with the rape accusations, so we are sure that he has the right Name since it is his find.

ARAMBATZIS in Montana sounds like a winner! Thanks for the Good work Monkeys.

6:22 pm
arubagirl: Sorry, guys, I have to go and I'm going to try and find the house, in case it matters.

6:23 pm
scared tom: The new guy arrested was for selling pics of young naked girls

6:24 pm
AZLady: AG, take your camera, okay? You might find some interesting shots at #39

6:25 pm
bluebob: Our own reporter, Arubagirl, embedded and on her way to Montana!!

6:25 pm
DT: Aruban attorney: I doubt that it is a coincidence this guy was arrested at the same time and lived near Joran.

6:28 pm
DT: Aruban Attorney: It is possible that the Kalpoes stated Joran sexually assaulted Natalee, and were still released.

6:31 pm
NativeLingo: DT, it wasn't a coincidence...

6:32 pm
nancy drew: They said it on Abrams...the part about Freddy knowing about the disposal of the body...

6:34 pm
RobertJ: PHOTO on Locoman Pimp Freddy's TICKLE site.. Sander/female/Joran

6:34 pm
cancon: sometimes having a nickname like Loco Man /Pimp looks like a bad idea in retrospect

6:35 pm
klaasend: By the way, I have a pretty good source that tells me this Freddy is in a band that plays at CnC.

6:38 pm
sunmoonstars: He was brought in before for questioning.

6:38 pm
Hat: Nancy, You mean Paulus recruited Freddy for the clean? Shades of Fagin.

6:41 pm
bluebob: Wonder how Arubagirl is making out at 39F Montana, and how many MSM reporters are also headed there!!

6:42 pm
sandraK: Freddy Cuz..Lissette' ...lives..in Usa.... her Mom maybe is... Rebeca Zedan (Female, 52) Location: Venezuela. his aunty?? or something?

6:43 pm
tcumom: Does anyone remember Geraldo's comments looooong time ago about porn stuff and pics? Think I'm remembering correctly.....just a comment.

6:45 pm
DT: Yeah I brought this up earlier, it would be insane if Geraldo turned out to be right. I can't think of one person who believed him when said this.

6:45 pm
RobertJ: photo from Freddy's tickle site: Locoman/Jaime/Joran

6:46 pm
cancon: indeed I remember it clear as day, what was puzzling that Geraldo never mentioned it again, not to my recollection, until perhaps today, maybe the Aruban LE contacted him and asked him to hush up? and for once one of Geraldo's wild statements could be coming true.........

6:49 pm
sunmoonstars: Abrams Friday
Talking to Aruban attorney

Abrams: : What do you make of the arrest of this friend

Attorney: I agree with you that it is not coincidential. If you talk about separate charge, one of the separate charge is disposal of a body. Which is a separate crime. If this person who is a friend of Joran, I think the prosecutionin the back of their mind want to crack him to see if he had something to do with the disposal of a body.

Abrams: Do you know that or speculating?

Attorney: No, there are many presumptions here.

6:51 pm
writenow: If Freddy has been brought in and Freddy, Joran & Jaime Carrasquilla were all best friends, is Jaime next to be arrested? BTW Satish is now calling himself the King of bling bling on his tickle site. Good grief. Maybe he's getting the bling bling from selling pics of naked girls.

6:58 pm
OneSillyMonkey: If Freddy is known to take photos of this group's activities with the girls they drug and rape, and if this indeed was a premeditated murder that Freddy accompliced, there is a photo or video of Natalee somewhere with these boys - I would bet my right arm on that.

7:01 pm
NativeLingo: No matter what, Aruba will always be the "One Happy Island". see you later......ciao

7:14 pm
OneSillyMonkey: My understanding of today's news is that Freddy was arrested, along with the Kalpoes, for the same crime (premeditated murder, disposal of body, etc). They must have more on him than just being in possession of and taking nude photos of underaged girls

7:17 pm
friend of monkey: but Vanderstraten does have a son jorans age? or not known?
7:18 pm
arubagirl: Just called Native, she's not mad, she had to go. I couldn't find the house, I'm sorry guys, I found 39, but not 39-K.

7:18 pm
HannieC: I believe his youngest son is 24 and the oldest 33 or 34

7:23 pm
mom2three: Could 39-K be an apartment behind a house, sort of like Joran's?

7:24 pm
arubagirl: It could be, mom, but the house that had number 39 didn't have an apartment

7:25 pm
HannieC: If I'm not mistaken it was 39 F, ag....

7:26 pm
arubagirl: I didn't find any house that had a letter behind a number 39, Hannie.

7:30 pm
cancon: see here is the deal, and this is pure speculation at this point,
you take a video or picture on the cell phone but then I think you have to save the file and send it to whomever, maybe more advanced people can find a way to do it live

the point is that file may have been saved on the cellphone or the computer

now they presumably would have deleted it but there are ways to retreive deleted info, you'd think Deepak would know that but maybe he isn't familiar with how to do it on cell phones or maybe there are ways even he didn't know about or someone got stupid and made hard copies like videos or photos and then deleted the files.......and those hard copies were found, perhaps in possession of Freddy or someone else who was holding onto them for the boys........

or maybe it got accidentally emailed to someone else, who didn't delete it??? you know how you have group mail outs hmmm.....

or maybe they didn't delete the pictures and the computer forensics guys found them finally

7:31 pm
HannieC: Ok AG, I thought it must be that b/c i`m sure if there were letters behind the house #s you had found them, lol!! Maybe the F stands For Freddy

7:31 pm
sandrak: Rebeca Zedan (Female, 52) Location: Venezuela. Aunty ??

7:32 pm
cancon: I meant checking out for the house ... the Monkeys may have beaten the MSM to the address, except Aruba girl couldn't find 39F, maybe it is just 39?

7:33 pm
arubagirl: That particular house was pretty quiet, looked like nobody home.

7:33 pm
bondia: WRITENOW said earlier that Jaime would be arrested! Are you part of the ALE or a clairvoyant of a Monkey PI. Who can spell his last name right?

7:35 pm
widgetThemidget: The Occupant Is On Vacation .............. At KIA ....................

7:37 pm
sandrak: Jaime Carrasquilla

7:38 pm
the big hammer:
1. The 2:40am call is the link w/ video to k residence to download. Call may have linked to assault live? Depends on duration of call.

2. 3:10 am is the voice call to say: "something's wrong -- come get me."

3. From k2 residence, numerous 3rd parties could link in to view the 2:40am "show."

7:39 pm
Shell: Tito was listed on that tickle site of Freddy. When I looked at it when RobertJ first posted, Ruben Trapenberg was on there also, then when I went back a while later, his photo (RT) was gone. Maybe I don't understand how tickle sites work.

7:39 pm
bondia: Good Try SANDRA K, but I have another spelling, but I have been wrong before. Rumors are strong that he will be picked up tomorrow.

7:40 pm
DT: Any clue what the exact connection is here between these two new detainees and the NH case, other than their relationship with the three?

7:40 pm
whodunit: How far from the VDS residence? How many houses in between?

7:43 pm
bondia: The Rumor on Aruba was that four were arrested today, but the police confirmed only 3, possibly another tomorrow. We spoke to Jaime and he thinks it is about some pictures that were taken in April, but they were deleted after the girl asked them to. He said they weren't illicit, but she didn't like them. They have all continued a friendship relationship since and he is surprised that she would be complaining now. Jaime also lives in Montana. To make it clear, he didn't even know that anyone has made a complaint, but that is the only thing he could think anyone could complain about. Since then, the girl has remained friends with all of them - even been to family parties at Joran's house.

7:45 pm
whodunit: How far from the VDS residence? How many houses in between?

sadie: I also saw Ruben's picture on Freddy's tickle site. At that time Freddy's hobbies/interests also listed:****ing at parties. Maybe I don't understand how tickle sites work either.

7:49 pm
whodunit: But isn't 2:40 am about the time the missing gardener saw them around the ARC?

7:49 pm
arubagirl: I'm looking for the address in the phonebook, what was the address, again, please?

7:53 pm
sandraK: bondia, Anyone with..."SA"..... as Nic?

7:55 pm
writenow: You're funny bondia. Monkey ALE PI clairvoyant. My new title. I posed it as a question not a fact.

You tell me -- are they going to arrest Jaime? He's tight with Freddy and Joran. Makes sense he's in this, too.

7:55 pm
cancon: well I thought he said 2:30 am, could the assault have taken place before 2:40 am, 2:30 am they just transmitted the video file at 2:40 am under a pretence which would mean real premeditation if they had already worked out their alibis in advance here........

you can tape and save a video file on those phones too, may not have been live........

7:56 pm
san: I hope to god there isn't a video out there. Very disturbing.

7:56 pm
bondia: Hi SANDRAK

It was spelled out for us as Carasquia, but since he made his own tickle site, I will give him credit that he knows how to spell his own name, although...

As for SA - we would need more details.

7:57 pm
the big hammer: In this theory,

1. Call initiated by the goon to k residence: something wrong, come get me.

2. k residence: on line show ends (when call is received - 3:00am). Log off.

7:59 pm
lilorphan: It was on Riehl, I believe posted by "Billy" that one was online and then taken off. Also, when Jug said that Joran assaulted Natalee...they asked him how he knew...he gave a rueful kind of laugh and said something like "Let's just say it's documented."

The way he said it made me immediately think of "billy's" video claim.

8:00 pm
sandrak: Time will tell ....

8:04 pm
crazybabyborg: Greta: Freddy arrested now to put pressure on Joran. Has nothing to do with Nat's disappearance. Satish and Depak picked up on suspicion of rape.

8:13 pm
crazybabyborg: Jossy: Freddy provided an alibi for Joran

8:14 pm
crazybabyborg: Jossy: my info from our sources in the LE is that 3 girls came forward with statements of being date drugged and raped

8:15 pm
arubagirl: Found Montanja 39 G, not no 39- F yet

8:15 pm
writenow: Oh, one more thing.

Jaime lives on the same street as the van der Sloots. Jaime Carrasquilla/Carrasquilla, Acuna Omar/Montanja 232

8:15 pm
I hear shango: hey....question.....earlier today someone posted a picture of a kid that looked like the google kid Koen, friend of many...and said that is was Van Straaten's son. Is it Koen? the friend that visited Joran with Freddy and Jaime on his birthday? if so....he changed his tickle name recently to K.g. instead of koen...why?

8:16 pm
HannieC: Wow were you back again to that address?

8:18 pm
arubagirl: Guys, I meant in the phonebook.... Not out on the road. Heh

8:19 pm
suz3nscar: Sometimes I think Nancy Grace is nuts....just came back on the air with Elvis' Jailhouse Rock playing

8:21 pm
port valerie: Stupid question maybe but if they were taping and "broadcasting," would they not need lighting? Thus, an interior place -- not the beach -- would be indicated.

8:21 pm
san: On NG lawyer stated Freddy won't be able to have a lawyer for several days.

pj: Are there any left?

8:22 pm
sooz: NG says CNN is trying to confirm the arrest of a 4th suspect. Did I miss something?

8:22 pm
fluffy monkey: Freddie takes pictures for the Pimp Gang says the guy on NG

8:24 pm
sooz: OMG!! NG is going to tick off the Arubans again. She looked straight at the camera and said "Attention Aruban police. Separate cells!"

8:27 pm
OneSillyMonkey: NG -

Kapoe bros not being questioned right away. Letting them sit, being informed that they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the seriousness of crimes they are accused of - this is a method to induce fear into them in order to get them to more easily talk when the interrogations begin. They are being careful not to try and force information out of them that can later be thrown out due to a forced confession.

Fourth suspect IS in connection with NH case.

8:32 pm
pj: No one knows anything about a fourth suspect being arrested. I think someone said maybe tomorrow.

8:38 pm
arubagirl: Found 39-E as well, but no other number with 39-x and no, we can't look up addresses online and/or directions. Wish we could. The roads here probably confuse the satellites too.

8:43 pm
OneSillyMonkey: Aruba does not have a plea bargain deal, but they have something similar that can be used. Unfortunately, NG cut off her guest in mid-sentence, so whatever that something else is that can be used was not stated.

8:44 pm
I hear shango: since no one answered me before...i will ask again....is Koen the same kid that people were saying was Van Straaten's son earlier?

He recently changed his name on his tickle site to K.g.

8:46 pm
arubagirl: No, they called him "Gilliam".

8:48 pm
I hear shango: AG...so Koen is also known as Gilliam? If so, is he Straaten's son?

8:48 pm
DT: Both Freddy and Jaime were present with the Van Der Sloots on Joran's 18th birthday at KIA

8:50 pm
I hear shango: DT....yes, they were and Koen was also there.

8:54 pm
arubagirl: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8:57 pm
ting: Could he be persuaded to adopt him, to save SM bandwidth?

8:58 pm
mom2three: Father says the American media needs to lay off his son...told to Current Affair. He sort of threatened them to lay off. He told court that American media had invaded Joran's privacy by taping Joran. He helped the court set the $600K fine.

9:00 pm
bluebob: PVDS HELPED the court set the fine? He is involved at that level? This is really bad news.

9:01 pm
arubagirl: I highly doubt it. He probably demanded that sum and the court gave it to him, but it's not like he conferred with the judges and was like "yeah, one million, that's good, say that".

9:03 pm
san: from tv for those w/o the channel, Freddy's involvment in the case is with a car.

9:05 pm
I hear shango: Helen Lejuez said Freddy....physical evidence regarding the car......

9:06 pm
nancydrew: Hannity and Colmes....

Helen: Says this is considered a gang rape...Freddy was brought in due to the car (which car???) .

Paul Reynolds: First time he's heard the term "gang rape"

HC: Is this a homicide?

PR: Joran said Deepak raped, murdered Natalee

Helen: 60 Days now for the boys brought in today. The prosecutor told her this has to do with murder and rape. She has more info not from the prosecutor, and it is quite secure.

9:08 pm
arubagirl: So much for the gang-rape being 'secret', which my source told me it was.

9:10 pm
justinsmama: Is that what you were going to reveal around the 4th? Or part of it, anyway?

DT: Do you know anything more about this?

9:11 pm
arubagirl: no, this I heard today.

9:11 pm
little miss: Secret from who?

9:12 pm
arubagirl: No, nothing more, only about the gang-rape taking place.

9:13 pm
DT: Does this involve all of the boys, or just the three?

9:14 pm
friend of monkey: freddy lives behind jorans apartment...on FOX

9:14 pm
arubagirl: All of them.

9:16 pm
ting: I wonder if this is related to that original US wire service story, something about all 3 having indicated some sort of intimate contact or fooling around, I don't remember what the wording was or the specifics, like who told the reporter this, or to whom the boys allegedly said it, this was right at the beginning, even before Mickey and Abraham were arrested.

Maybe somebody else will have a better memory, or even a link to the story if it still exists anywhere on the internets.

9:16 pm
nancydrew: Hannity and Colmes

Reporter/Aruba... It's a "commission based crime." Freddy lives in the neighborhood.

9:20 pm
I hear shango: jossy said there are a total of 6 girls who have come forward....not including Natalee.....

9:22 pm
sooz: Hmmm, another vote for a 4th new suspect in jail today.
Hanity and Colmes transcript: Friday August 27

Helen: Him (Freddie) and another detainee in jail right now. Freddie is a friend of Jorans and has something to do with the car. According to my (Helen’s) sources, he is part of the “gang” and what we are getting is that he is involved in the rape case and it has to do with the car. I have other news that I haven’t yet confirmed, another young man who hasn’t yet been brought before the judge.

Uncle: That is the first time I have heard that phrase used (gang rape) We have heard sexual assault.

9:26 pm
candygirl: Maybe its freddy's place they went back to? I sure hope the LE is doing a search there!

9:32 pm
fluffymonkey: Larry King Live, Friday August 26, 2005

Dave Holloway : We were concerned about September 4 date coming up but now it looks like Joran is probably not going to be let go. FBI called and told us about Kalpoe brothers and Freddy. Prosecutor is very confident.

Steve Holloway (uncle): Very happy they arrested K2, maybe we can find out a little more.

Harris Faulkner (Current Affair): Polis said FBI made a difference and gave them confidence. The polis were very involved and busy in keeping up with K2 .

Cardoza: Young women have come forward saying K2 were involved in using date rape drugs Now police can turn up the heat even though it didn’t have to do with NH case.

9:38 pm
I hear shango: polis chief was not overhead saying how can i do this to my best friend's son....he was on national tv saying it...I saw it with my own eyes.

9:39 pm
lost in time: what did they mean when they said commission base crime?

9:41 pm
peaches: Vinda just said they collected DNA from the VDS property.

9:45 pm
TNDude: Doesn't commission-based crime mean a for-profit crime? Like how people work on commission?

9:45 pm
littletxlady: Geraldo told about the videos, gang rape and the best friend thing on the same night, in the very beginning of this case.

9:48 pm
luna: Sounds to me like it's a crime where an act has been "committed."

margaritaville: CNN just mentioned the TicKle sites!!!

9:55 pm
peaches: Harris Faulkner just said they keyed into the boys from the start and got their cell phone #s from their Tickle sites. Called 'em up.

9:56 pm
fluffymonkey: Larry King Live

Fresno, CA caller: We heard there was an admission of sexual assault by the boys. When were those statements made?

Vinda: They were made early on. Beth said that the first night – Joran admitted certain sexual consensual acts.

Cardoza: On small islands there are men who prey on tourist girls because the govt will not bring them back to prosecute, so perhaps there are others out there.

Jossy: 16 year old girl has made statement to child advocate, said this happened with Joran. Two other 18 year olds will not come forward. Diario has three other girls who made “drugs and rape” statements to the polis.

Harris: Current Affain pulled info from TICKLE!!!!! Three guys described themselves as having healthy sex lives (Joran, particularly) Thinks it is relevant to look at lifestyle, says tickle is explicit, AND THE WAY CURRENT AFFAIR GOT IN TOUCH WITH JORAN THE FIRST TIME WAS FROM HIS CELL PHONE NUMBER ON TICKLE.

9:58 pm
sunmoonstars: Current Affair

We pulled several items off of Tickle.com
These three guys, particularly Joran described themselves as having pretty healthy sex drives
We learned of these before they were even arrested
Hooking up with women, it was explicit
They put their cellphones on the internet, we picked up the phone and called Joran in the very beginning

10:01 pm
friend of monkey: early on a gang bang tape w/ joran and a 14 yr old was mentioned here..

10:03 pm
kackylacky: yes by Geraldo...............and we all scoffed.

10:17 pm
Shell: Charles Croes on June 2nd posted the following on visitaruba.com:

There are issues in this case that can go beyond the obvious in their implications.

It will take time for all the information regarding this lovely child to come out. Some of it will be hard to handle, and some of it will be expected.

With regards to the family of this missing child, my prayers are with you. I was with them the first night they arrived in Aruba looking for their daughter from midnight until 5:30am, and have kept in touch.

In my opinion this issue has far reaching implications for all those involved.

I wish all of us strength.


10:18 pm
DT: I don't think there is anyone here who doesn't know of this statement, I'm seriously going to go insane if I see it posted again.

10:28 pm
crazybabyborg:  Anyone know what the nature of the alibi was that Freddy supplied for Joran?

10:30 pm
writergal: I think Freddie said he slept over at Joran's house on the relevant night

10:30 pm
DT: From what I understand, he said he stayed at Joran's apartment that night, which is something he and other friends often do. He claimed Joran got home at a certain time, and that he said he had met an American girl, but that nothing sexual had taken place.
10:41 pm
sleddogs: At the beginning of the show they were talking about Freddy being linked somehow due to the car. Not sure which car...but, they referred to the info from the gardener...

If I remember right awhile back when they first brought the gardener in wasn't there a problem with him not being able to identify one of the K2's? Maybe that was because the other person in the car that night was later identified as Freddy.

10:42 pm
kackylacky: Jossy said on Abrams this afternoon, that freddy told ALE he was "with" joran that night...........and that was all that was said about it. The usual comments about that not being too smart was what followed.......no further detail. But I am thinking freddy may have tried to alibi joran for the time after the HI drop off.............which begs the question.........why did they arrest steve for giving deepak an alibi, but did not arrest freddy for doing the same for joran. Interesting.............

10:48 pm
pj: Yet Joran went to school bragging about having sex, am I right?

10:49 pm
kackylacky: when in fact, both of them could have been with her at joran's or at freddy's......................Vinda said tonight that DNA was collected at joran's........I didn't hear if she said what kind or much more than it was collected.

If according to Helen, freddy is also attached to this case because of a car............could freddy have provided joran with transportation ( remember the walk with only one shoe line ) or moving the body?

10:49 pm
sunmoonstars: Greta Fri
Greta Timeline According to the statements from Nadira and Kock

1:50 am May 30th Deepak and Satish home
2:00 am someone on the internet until 3:00 am
2:40 am first phone call from Joran to Deepak
3:00 am is the second call from Joran to Deepak..same time he gets off the internet

Joran has himself walking home, Deepak has himself going and picking him up and driving him home


whiskey for my men/beer for my horses
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Posts: 393

« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2008, 09:13:45 AM »

7:33 pm
bondia: WRITENOW said earlier that Jaime would be arrested! Are you part of the ALE or a clairvoyant or a Monkey PI. Who can spell his last name right?

7:37 pm
sandrak: Jaime Carrasquilla

7:39 pm
bondia: Good Try SANDRA K, but I have another spelling, but I have been wrong before. Rumors are strong that he will be picked up tomorrow.

7:53 pm
sandraK: bondia, Anyone with..."SA"..... as Nic?

7:56 pm
bondia: Hi SANDRAK

It was spelled out for us as Carasquia, but since he made his own tickle site, I will give him credit that he knows how to spell his own name, although...

As for SA - we would need more details.

8:00 pm
sandrak: Time will tell ....

June 23rd, 2005 at 11:39 am
the boys are innocent. only witness. co and sa are key.

long ago, we tossed this around:
co = columbia / sa = south america


F A was overheard/passed along verbally/not written down
and the listener took it as S A

Freddy Arambatzis

similar to the passed along misspelling of Jaime's name, above


whiskey for my men/beer for my horses
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2008, 05:05:45 PM »

7:33 pm
bondia: WRITENOW said earlier that Jaime would be arrested! Are you part of the ALE or a clairvoyant or a Monkey PI. Who can spell his last name right?

7:37 pm
sandrak: Jaime Carrasquilla

7:39 pm
bondia: Good Try SANDRA K, but I have another spelling, but I have been wrong before. Rumors are strong that he will be picked up tomorrow.

7:53 pm
sandraK: bondia, Anyone with..."SA"..... as Nic?

7:56 pm
bondia: Hi SANDRAK

It was spelled out for us as Carasquia, but since he made his own tickle site, I will give him credit that he knows how to spell his own name, although...

As for SA - we would need more details.

8:00 pm
sandrak: Time will tell ....

June 23rd, 2005 at 11:39 am
the boys are innocent. only witness. co and sa are key.

long ago, we tossed this around:
co = columbia / sa = south america


F A was overheard/passed along verbally/not written down
and the listener took it as S A

Freddy Arambatzis

similar to the passed along misspelling of Jaime's name, above

CO and SA and NO and STRA ?

just a thought
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2008, 09:26:20 PM »

Thanks Finn...I have been looking for some of those gems you posted...Freddy and the car and the Raquet Club! And Jaime!
Scared Monkey
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Posts: 393

« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2008, 11:35:05 PM »

Thanks Finn...I have been looking for some of those gems you posted...Freddy and the car and the Raquet Club! And Jaime!

y/w Wink

need help refreshing my memory:

when did we learn
that Freddy was overnight guest of JvdS
on the night NH went missing?

I don't remember hearing it early on/in june ...
but we heard it in late august when Freddy/K2 arrested, yes?

remember hearing that:
JvdS went home, got online, checked scores, had snack, etc

don't recall: spoke w/ BFF who was spending the night,
who stayed at my house while I went to CnC's w/K2

wondering if purpose of alibi is not to benefit JvdS
but rather to benefit Freddy?

Fri Aug 26, 2005
5:22 pm
DT: Jossy: We don't know that he was arrested in relation to this case, though he was questioned about it at the beginning. We have heard that he had alibi that said he was with Joran that night.

Dan Riehl said earlier that the Freddy guy is the same person who was staying at Joran's apartment that night.

5:24 pm
fluffy monkey: Geraldo said that this guy was a fake alibi and faked that he stayed with Joran that night.

6:09 pm
Shell: Maybe the stop at the other bar that was mentioned was to pick up Freddy? Just thinking

6:25 pm
DT: Aruban attorney: I doubt that it is a coincidence this guy was arrested at the same time and lived near Joran.

6:31 pm
NativeLingo: DT, it wasn't a coincidence...

6:32 pm
nancy drew: They said it on Abrams...the part about Freddy knowing about the disposal of the body...

6:38 pm
Hat: Nancy, You mean Paulus recruited Freddy for the clean? Shades of Fagin.**

6:49 pm
sunmoonstars: Abrams Friday
Talking to Aruban attorney

Abrams: : What do you make of the arrest of this friend

Attorney: I agree with you that it is not coincidential. If you talk about separate charge, one of the separate charge is disposal of a body. Which is a separate crime. If this person who is a friend of Joran, I think the prosecutionin the back of their mind want to crack him to see if he had something to do with the disposal of a body.

10:28 pm
crazybabyborg: Anyone know what the nature of the alibi was that Freddy supplied for Joran?

10:30 pm
writergal: I think Freddie said he slept over at Joran's house on the relevant night

10:30 pm
DT: From what I understand, he said he stayed at Joran's apartment that night, which is something he and other friends often do. He claimed Joran got home at a certain time, and that he said he had met an American girl, but that nothing sexual had taken place.

**Fagin is a fictional character who appears in the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist. Fagin is the leader of a group of children whom he teaches to make their livings by pickpocketing and other criminal activities in exchange for a roof over their heads. He is said by another character, Monks, to have already made criminals out of "scores" of children who grow up to live- or die- committing the same crimes as adults.  In the second chapter of his appearance, it is shown- albeit when talking to himself- that he cares less about those children who are eventually hanged for their crimes and more about the fact that they do not "peach" on him and the other children.


whiskey for my men/beer for my horses
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« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2008, 03:47:06 AM »

aug 1-3, 2005
karen: maxito: ran across this: Special Thanks :: :: The ones that helped / or still helping me one way or another with this project :: Mom and Dad, who tolerate the mess in the garage ... Maxito Arendsz @ Aruba Speed Shop ... http://boostunit.com/home.php

which took me to: http://www.arubaspeedshop.com/shop.html

Peeps: I am the owner of Boost Unit website and the webmaster of the speedshop. I don't know what your deal is with us or anything. We don't have nor want anything to do with some stupid teens, americans, dutch, surinam or any nationality whatsoever involved with this annoying case. We don't know that teen Joran nor his 3 chocolate factory buddies. They are not of our age bracket. We are some motorsports fans and that's all there is to it.

I request you to put your detective wannabee skills into something more productive. I am just helping you out here that you'll heading towards a dead end. Just trying to save you some time. Regards to everyone

omega: Hiya, Peeps! Welcome to the Scared Monkeys, Natalee Holloway THEORY & SPECULATION FORUM. I've often wondered why so few webmasters ever seem to notice when dozens of hits unexpected come to their websites from unexpected places. Hope you enjoy your visit here, I suppose you're right and that "The Butler Did It!!" will soon be proven. Can you please tell me to whom you refer when you wrote, "...Joran and his three chocolate factory buddies." Who are these 3 individuals? Thanks so much.

Peeps: knew about this site from the newspapers, plus its name is pretty "catchy". I got my monthly referrals report today (Aug 1) and what do I see? More than 50 referrals from the famous NH connected "scared monkeys". The purpose of this particular speculation forum is all good. I just don't want our names stickied on the internet,especially something that we have no part in. This is not the first time that somebody wants to connect us with the fatass dutchy. I did a typo, I meant 2 chocolate buddies.

karen: hi, peeps! no disrespect intended! just posting the trail that led to maxito, as we've been told he is lorenzo's, aka locoman's, alibi. could you share a little re lorenzo, just so we have everyone straight? maybe you can help us, & we can help you? thx!

Peeps Maxito is one of my best friends. We go everywhere together. This rumor also spread on the street. Frankly we were pretty scared about this false accusations. Long story short, the detectives already know about this and have straightened out this false rumor. He doesn't know this guy Lorenzo. Locoman came once with his mom to the shop to get some quotations for parts for his Quad racer. that's it. We don't know locoman nor his following. Also we don't want to know anything about him. We stick to our motto " minding our own business"

omega: Thanks for the clarification, Peeps. I take it that, on Aruba, that perhaps Joran doesn't really have a large number of friends, that maybe the social/personals websites are exagerrating the popularity of, as you state, the fatass dutchy & his two chocolate factory buddies. Say, OUR BlogMaster, Red, is on your island, he's there with Texas Equusearch -- why dontcha track him down at the landfill, and have him interview ya?

Ms DarthVada: I thought he meant 3, meaning, deepak, satish and freddy. haha

karen: thank you, peeps! just to be sure..we are talking about the maxito arendsz, who is in his 20's? i know there is also a max arends, could that be the one they meant? i REALLY appreciate you taking the time to answer.

Peeps: He's 26. The same as me. He's the same person. Maxito = Little Max in papiamento. A childhood name that got stuck till now. I just notified one of the detectives again about this piece, just in case some false accusations come up. Just taking precautions. If there are more questions I can ask them as far as I can. You can put a separate thread or something or email.

Peeps: I wouldn't know if Joran has a lot of friends or not. You have to take personal sites like Tickle, Hi5, Myspace with a tiny grain of salt. Everyone on that site are the best friends, the kindest people, the best personalities, the biggest pimps, the sharpest girls, a whole lotta hoopla. It's a big game of distraction and illusions.

new girl: Peeps, because you have been so kind in responding to questions here, I have deleted the post I had made that included Karen's links to your site. I have left up only 1 name - the Carib crew out of Florida.

Peeps: Thank you newgirl, I appreciate the cooperation. There's a lot to read on this site, I am busy doing that.

karen: hey peeps! do you know if locoman is known to hang out at casinos? also, is it true his dad committed suicide a coupla yrs ago?

Peeps: His dad owned the Volkswagen dealership here. He killed himself a couple of years ago, that's correct. The dealership is still there, but I don't know if they still have it or whatnot. locoman has a lot of money, but rumors have it that he's misusing the money. I think he doesn't even has to work for the rest of his life. locoman has 2 houses, and i got to know that he use(d) to throw some heavy parties at his homes. That's how much I know. I have no clue if he frequents the casinos / hotels.

new girl: Peeps, is Lorenzo a different guy than locoman? Up until now, everyone said that Lorenzo was the son of the VW businessman who committed suicide and who has two houses and inherited $$.

Peeps: I thought Lorenzo = locoman from previous post. Excuse me if I had understood wrong. So basically it's just old news to you guys.

jozee: I thought Lorenzo and locoman were two different people. Lorenzo is someone who we don't have a pic of, although several people think it's the guy with the blonde dredlocks. Locoman is a dark island-looking person? Am I wrong? I'd like to know who is Alexxx the ax guy! And why does he carry around an ax?

Peeps: Ok. Locoman, no clue who he is. Lorenzo, saw him once. He's a tall Dutch looking fellow. You guys know more about him than me I see. You only need a pic of him.

I hear Shango: If Peeps is from aruba, and goes "everywhere" with Maxito...perhaps Peeps will tell us how the party was that night.

Peeps: We don't go to tourist places. As a matter of fact we haven't been to Carlos and Charlies this year even. We are over that type of party stage. You're beginning to sound like the dumb blonde Nancy Disgrace, simma downa.

I hear Shango: I didn't ask if you went to tourist place..I asked about the party...and before you call me dumb....you should think twice...I have just proven myself smarter than the entire LE....and many others in Aruba.

Peeps: Ok, Another smart comment in there but whatever floats your party boat is fine with me. Dunno what party, like all other questions you've asked me: Not Applicable. Another FYI, the Mansurs are one of the wealthiest families on the island, and also with many business related stories as you will find out sooner or later in your quest. Go fetch.

Peeps: Grasshopper sees the tip of the Iceberg and thinks deeply........" I think that's the whole Iceberg". Ok, enough busting I hear shango's balls. I really don't think the Mansur will connect you to NH case. They have extensive shady practices but I don't foresee any connection. Karen, you see what I mean. I am a native. I know as many other islanders about the M's. Alot of which are not on the web. Now I get an internet worm who just found last week what Aruba is, telling me he/she has everything. We are laughing so hard at this that we are having headaches.

karen: i hear ya, peeps, i get the headaches, too! won't you pleez tell us some lorenzo stories??
rockyroads: oh magic crystal ball- i see some arrests

I hear Shango: Peeps...I see the whole iceberg...better run....unless you are a VERY good swimmer...

Peeps: I hear Shango, My applogies to you for being rude. Sometimes it's needed to get the point across, and it's my favourite tool. No hard feelings.

rockyroads: hey peeps, are you a poker player? at the casinos much? i'm sorry to ask so many questions man i am just happy to talk to someone from the real island

Peeps: Yes I am a poker player. We play at home pretty much. We try to get out of the casinos as much as possible. There are quite a few stories about locals losing tons of money in casinos. From time to time we go casino sight seeing if you will call it and also the $50- $100.000 big Bingos at La Cabana and Renaissance Casino. Any more questions feel free, I try to answer them. As for the smart a$$ comments, I'll try to give them the stick.

2 days later, discussion begins re TES/turtle eggs:

Peeps: These turtles are endangered worldwide, and have been laying eggs at the eagle beach more than anyone can remember. From the eggs less than 1% will be able to be a grown up turtle. Do you see why your comparisson to a couple of dogs on the street make you look as dumb as a crumbled brick now. Get your a$$ over here and look instead of cooking your fat asses on that computer screen, looking at pix the whole day and making childlike judgements. I am done venting.

rockyroads: Peeps, get your fat a$$ out and help find Natalee and then we will go home!! your turtle eggs do not compare to a human beings life. by the way it is your own dutch government that gave them permission to search there and let them come back to the island. sorry if i am privledged and i can sit on my fat a$$ all day on the computer thats way i live in america

Peeps: LOL. I don't have any responsibility in that, thank you. Swing and a miss.

rockyroads: its ok if i swing and miss because the big hit is going to be to the islands pocket book

Dallas Also: Peeps, we are only speculating because we can't get straight answers from your citizenry. Someone tells us they saw a body in the landfill. We dig up the landfill. No body. We hear lighthouse. We go look around the lighthouse. We hear Holiday Inn. We go look. We hear Fisherman's Huts. We drain a pond. We look. We chase our tails. Has Natalee been seen on your island since the night of her disappearance? If she went to a party, who else saw her?

Peeps: Dallas, perfectly understood. I understand the tail chasing, but that's what you do if you want to get things solved, you look at everything, the minute they come before you. It's not like in the movies, or CSI Miami, where everything goes perfectly in sequence. I mean these detectives are not like they are un-trained. They frequently go to courses in Europe and even the FBI. Plus they have support from the FBI team. Your right that lots of mistakes were made by lack of training and knowledge of procedures., but we've got to strive forward. I was also one of the thousands who burned my butt in the son, searching the beaches for NH. Losing my precious weekend time with my family and go searching for this girl.

Oxygenated Lady: Peeps - why are you so angry??

Peeps: Some people on this forum are sooooooooooo friggin Ignorant, it's unbelievable. It's like they don't know anything around the world. They have no clue about why certain things go the way they go over here and don't want to understand either. That's the main problem on this forum. Guys that's the way we do it over here. It's a different law system, understand it. Don't rebel against, accept it. I wonder if it's this type of arrogance and ignorance that so hated about some americans in the world. Expand your mind with real things instead of reading Shango BS that goes nowhere.

new girl: I understand your frustration, Peeps. But our frustration isn't much different than yours. We know we have no clue why things have gone the way they have over there. We are begging to understand.
eleye: let me tell you why...because a criminal element is present and puts big money into their economy...exposing that means ruining that island and that's why the aruban people are mad, scared or indifferent. this case exposes the belly of the beast and they are getting nervous that an island that runs on tourism and crime, will crumble.

Peeps: You are 15 years late. You know who the belly were?
Marlboro Company
Citi Bank
Hotel Chains.
American / European bank
Mr. Pablo Escobar.

There were even some White Citations with bald eagle encriptions on them. Who can that be. Everybody gained from the small washing machine with white beaches. There is a reason why I tell you why there won't be any embargoes or economic restrictions.

I hear Shango: IMO the main trade that brings money to that island wouldn't be subject to sanctions or embargos....cause its illegal stuff and it is still there in full force.

I hear Shango: I try to expand my mind....but no one in Aruba will open up and tell us anything of use relative to this case....since you are so open and knowledgeable about the wildlife and other stuff there, would you be willing to give Beth a tour of the island? You know, show her where the underground begins? Show her the brothels and drug houses and where the private parties are held....show her where Natalee was REALLY taken that night....

Peeps: Willing to help, sure. But not with these unbased nonsense such as these. It's my nature to ignore these stupidities. No offense. Instead of playing in the casino with a baseball hat every night, she could have gone to the brothels. and see for herself. Or if she went, she can tell you what she saw. Private parties, well newsflash, they are private.

I hear Shango: Peeps....I will let Beth know you are on board for a tour... as for Beth at the casino....I assume you have been there and seen her every night? Did you ever stop to think that she may be in the casino doing surveillance of her own? I am sorry if you aren't invited to the parties...I didn't mean to offend.

Dallas Also: Peeps, was Natalee wearing a baseball cap when she was in the casinos each night? You know, someone has the opportunity to earn $100,000 to $1,000,000. And be a national hero to Aruba, I would predict.
Oxygenated Lady: Peeps, You are there...can you HELP us? Tell us about the baseball cap reference, please.

Peeps: I was thinking about the cameras in the casinos a few days back. Another reason why we have to thank the dutch legal system is that no info can be given to the public. The answer has to lie on the cameras. I know they have a 2 week history on those recorders. I also know that every corner gets surveilled by those cameras. I think that's what the FBI wants to go after now. They want to sift through evidence, documents. I have no problem with that. The FBI has more experience. The Aruban police should have made and agreement with the FBI from day one, instead of being that proud.

eleye: so, you think the fbi hasn't seen those yet? you think "that" is what the fbi wants to go after....that meaning the tapes? or that meaning the people on them?

Dallas Also: I stand by my question. How did Peeps know about her wearing, or not wearing, a baseball hat? Is he exaggerating when he says "every night"? Bottom line is: is Peeps in a position where he is able to observe things? In the mighty name of Jesus, will someone have the courage in Aruba to come forward?

new girl: Peeps, who do YOU think we should be focusing on here?

Peeps: She couldn't have been kidnapped. Not by plane. Not by boat. There are 2 surface radars, the Dutch marine coast guard. And nobody can leave without Customs clearance. Kidnapped in Aruba? That could be a posibility but why. She wanted to get free from her parents. Well by judging her last entry into her yearbook. That can also be a possibility. I firmly believe that she's been dumped into the sea on the west coast. Let her drift into the ocean. She would have been eaten by barracudas and other fishes, crabs in no time. Possibiliy to recover bones now, nil. I really want to see some change in sea currents caused by tropical storms, so that the sea can flush something back on shore. Then we would have something. This f***ing Joran is sly, and has a rarely seen strong character. There is a dutch team who specialize in interviewing suspects now with him. As I understand they are drilling him, and also filming him in order to look for any anormalities. The only way out I see, is to crack him. But without some evidence SOON it's difficult.

Dallas Also: Peeps, he turns 18 in just 3 more days. There is some thought that he can then be interrogated "as an adult". Surely the Aruban people can see that this kid is the one bringing problems on all of them.

Peeps: I would have to hit the books about that tomorrow. PVDS will also try all his tricks to prevent that. I'll have to see the possibilities. It would be better for all of us if he can be considered as an adult. More perks for the interviewers.

Peeps: I certainly got punched really good by you crazy monkeys tonight. Pleasant day tomorrow. Godspeed.

there were four posts the following day/aug 4,
mainly re TJ Ward's work permit.
then no more posts until Aug 25
when we were again discussing Lorenzo
(who Peeps claimed not to know)
& lack of documantation re the alleged search of LvR's properties

august 25, 2005
finngirl11: I really/really wonder about the circle of friends. Diario is poring over the club/radio photo galleries. Van Zandt said he knew last week that girls of many nationalitites from multiple countries had begun coming forward re unfavorable encounters w/ JvdS, whose face is publicized worldwide. Nearly 2 months into the investigation it leaks out that some guy spent that night at JvdS' apt; an alleged local posts that it was Max, Max is part of Lorenzo's alibi. Perhaps LvR & friends have good reason to keep LvR's face from the public eye, perhaps wouldn't be good for girls to recognize him from a previous encounter. Then again, peeps said Max was one of his good friends & they have nothing to do w/ JvdS/K2 at any time, ever.
Another thing: when we question the intertwining family trees/friendships re gov't reps, attys, reporters, etc we're told it's a small island, no big deal that all these people are related or know each other. But when it comes to this group of kids/young men all of a sudden people don't know each other. Sooooo many locals have posted that LvR's property/vehicle/boat were searched & we have ZERO proof of that. Nah, this gives off a very unpleasant odor.

finngirl11 quotes arubagirl: They have questioned friends, such as Max Arendsz and Lorenzo van Rijn, and I believe one other guy was questioned for sure, as I believe a few girlfriends. DIARIO wants those pictures

finngirl11 quotes sandrak: Max was in de Cop shop the same day SteveO was taken in for his extended Vacation ... Max was the over night Vistor @ joran's pad on night of Joran's C& C night on the Town..

Peeps: Alright guys, I just found out a little detail: There are 2 Max's on the island. But....the difference lies in the last name: Max Arends - @20 years old. And associated with Joran.Max Arendsz - 26 years old. Owner of the Speed Shop and has no clue who Joran and his posse is. Somehow, the names got mixed up and misleading info spread like wild fire. Anyhow, back on topic.

Peeps: From my uber reliable source, the local detectives searched his house twice already, but what to do if you can't find anything.
The police know about the parties, etc etc. And they also agree that LVR is a little kwak kwak in the head.

Anyhow, I got this pic from a source of mine, which I think will be the only pic you'll be able to find of him.

This is from his van, and guess who's driving.

So there, I helped you guys a little. I hope I don't get shafted like many helpful Arubians have been misused / abused in the past by los americanos.

Don't ask me for more.
Don't ask me for higher resolution.
Don't ask me for bigger pictures.
I still stand by my opinion that you guys are losing your time with this fellow.
See you next time

jozee: Peeps, Thank you for posting the photo. Wild paint job!  Shocked  Did he do it himself or is there a local artist that does that work?

Ms DarthVada: Some other posts I saved regarding why we keep going to does LVR have something to do with this. I don't know if they are fact or not.

June 26th, 2005 at 4:57 pm Island Hopper says:
I’ve heard 2 stories on Lorenzo Van Rijn. I read that he’s allegedly JVDS half-brother by an affair PVDS had w/another woman and I also heard that he may be the guy with the blue van that the blogs are talking about who went crazy when his father committed suicide a few years ago. Both may be false. I read these on Riehlworldview, but they reference Scared Monkey’s as where they info came from. I think I also saw something about it on Amy Kappel’s blog. If you google the name, it takes you to Dan Riehl’s blog.

June 26th, 2005 at 5:06 pm Maya99 Says:
Lorenzo VanRijn owns the blue van, I believe. His brother is Maxito (I think). They have been mentioned in the past as witnesses/suspects if memory serves. As you can see, I’m fuzzy on these guys, but they come up occasionally.

Posted by: claire | June 19, 2005 03:28 PM
"Rumors have it that...Van Rijn's mother had an affair with Paul Van Der Sloot (before he was married to his current wife) and the result was Lorenzo Van Rijn (23). - no I'm not making this up. Lorenzo is close friends with Joran (his half brother?) Natalee was being kept at Van Rijn's house and is still alive. Police found some of Natalee's belongings at Van Rijn's house, but she has been moved to another house.." Found on another site.

Peeps: No disrespect darth, but all those sentences belong in the trashcan. Look in the posts in the 1st page and you'll get the answers. That will automatically rule out other redundancies.

Dan in Tx: MY Aruban contact tells me LVR's mom's house in Savatena was NOT searched along with the other house and his boat and car, and furthermore has not been searched even to this day. This person tells me polis want very badly to search the Savatena 'ranch house' that I believe belongs to his mom but aren't allowed near it as it is 'not in the scope of the search'. Can you verify or refute this please?

Peeps: That's right Dan. Other note: That's the best I can provide you guys. Use your photoshop skills to better the pic.


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« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2008, 03:56:09 AM »

gotta love sandraK: when she realized that she'd said too much ...
which was quite often, LOL ...
she'd pretend not to understand the conversation

sandraK: Lorenzo's Dad had a VW   Dealership.. He is dead.sadly..He runs with. Max Arendsz &  Orlando Bello  .From the Aruba Speed Stop...A Kinda Strange Dude.. but harmless...  SM's think he has something to do with this.. Cops Been all over him.. He's not involved...

MisGivings: Is this the 'rave' guy? And, wasn't some of Natalee's clothing found in his basement?

sandraK: No clothes were found...!! Nothing

jozee: SandraK, So Lorenzo runs with the guys from the Speed Shop?? I thought Peeps said he only met him once??

sandraK: and ???

jozee: ...and back at ya...if he met him once how does he run with them?

sandraK: I didn't know Peeps was Max Arendsz....I'm Sorry..  Embarassed  Embarassed

jozee: SandraK, I don't believe he is Max...if you are to believe what he says they are best friends...just do a search on Peeps posts and you can see for yourself. He came here after a bunch of Monkeys hit on the speed shop during research. I don't know if he posts anymore....

sandraK: WE  PM  Wink


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« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2008, 04:30:20 AM »

sept 28, 2005

discussion began re the cab driver's story
that 2 MB boys were upset re NH being infatuated
w/ a local guy earlier in the week;
posters were wondering who this local was
and of course Lorenzo came up:

mishy: I read somewhere that Lorenzo's mom and PVDS were possibly seeing each other...and that she's blonde and from a distance looks like Beth

bondia: Lorenzo is 26, the v/d Sloots arrived on Aruba when LR was nearly 10 years old. I don't remember Internet on Aruba 26 years ago, much less 15 years ago, so it couldn't have been a cyber encounter either?

candygirl: Bondia........I don't remember the poster's name, but someone said awhile back that L mother followed Paul to aruba. If L is 27 and paul 50, he's certainly old enough to be his dad.......? Could he have had a relationship with this woman prior to aruba?????? Ya know ya still got wonder why L was brought in for questioning? I'm NOT buying into the "b/c he throws rave parties"

finngirl11: AG posted in June that Lorenzo was 23, was very close to Joran. Flying back/forth to Holland/Aruba seems easy enough, we've seen that.

elaine: Not only that, but Lorenzo wasn't born in Aruba he was born in Holland, and Paulus comes from Holland, so it is very possible

mishy: For real? AG said Joran and Lorenzo were close friends??????

finngirl11: Posted somewhere between June 13-22 I believe

Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:45 pm
AG: aia, van Rijn is the son of the late owner of the Volkswagen dealership. He is very close to van der Sloot, and he has been taken in for questioning.

Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:49 pm
americaninaruba: they took him again??!!! IM sorry I know who he is but I was lost..I didnt know they have him again....I understood they interrogated him & released him later......wow ok I know who this guy is if you check my posts. I "described" him!

Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:50 pm
AG: This is all hearsay, so my apologies if it's not true:
van Rijn is 23, going on 24. He's very close to van der Sloot, and his father hanged himself after a life filled with drugs. I've HEARD that the son also does drugs, don't know it. Have also HEARD that he walks armed, but don't know for sure.

I've HEARD he lives at Jaraweg, but before he lived on the Savaneta main road.

bondia: I am pretty sure that Lorenzo was born on Aruba. If you guys could sent me some monkey cents (55c) to be exact, I will go to the census and find out

arubagirl: No, he isn't. Born in The Netherlands. You know where I work.

gutfeeling: Fantastic entrance Aruba Girl. Nice to see you.

dragonfly: I am in NO WAY saying this is the truth, but early on when it was speculated that PVDS was Lorenzo's dad, someone researched where PVDS was from in Holland, family land and so on, court cases involving some of his family's land, things like that. They also researched Lorenzo's last name and found that some by that name lived in the same area as PVDS' family in Holland. It was said that Lorenzo's mom met her husband there and then went to Aruba. So the possibility was brought up that PVDS could still be his father from Holland before his mother married this other man. PURE speculation....

klaasend: What I'd like to know is why is everyone in Aruba protecting Lorenzo? Is it because they're affraid of him?

candygirl: just maybe he has something to hold over on everyone......I smell blackmail.......

lnichols: The whole thing stinks to high heavens......

klaasend: He and Max were brought in for questioning early in the case. Max is now going to school in Florida and we can never get any information on Lorenzo. We've been told that his place was searched and he's been cleared.....but we've been told alot of things. I still feel as though he is somehow connected to this case.

finngirl11: Different Max. Max Arends who goes to school in FL is 20. Max "Maxito" Arendsz is 26, owns Speed Shop.
Best friend Peeps is webmaster of Speed Shop website, read monthly report, saw all the hits from SM, came to tell us:
Maxito is one of my best friends. We go everywhere together. This rumor also spread on the street. He doesn't know this guy Lorenzo. Locoman came once with his mom to the shop to get some quotations for parts for his Quad racer. that's it. We don't know locoman nor his following. Also we don't want to know anything about him. We stick to our motto " minding our own business."

This is the guy who posted the photo of Lorenzo/the van in Theory/Speculation. The photo he got from a "source."

klaasend: I realize there are 2 Max's. Are you telling me that the Max they brought in is the 26yr old??

finngirl11: This is what we've heard, also that he is part of Lorenzo's alibi for the night in question. Which is in direct opposition to "we don't know locoman or his following and we don't want to know." "We stick to the motto minding our own business" ... sounds like the Code of Silence.

klaasend: Well, I could be wrong but it was my understanding it was the younger Max that was brought in for questioning.

gutfeeling: Me too, klaasend, FWIW

finngirl11: speaking just for myself, I've been wrong about a lot of things I thought I understood about this investigation

klaasend: Arubagirl - do you know which Max was brought in for questioning in June?

Thread Locked

klaasend: Arubagirl - brought this over from the other thread in case you missed it. Do you know which Max they brought in for questioning around the same time as Lorenzo? Was it the 26yr old or the 20yr old? TIA

arubagirl: Klaassend, the database that I have access to has only one Max Arends that is the age of Joran.

klaasend: Thanks AG. There are 2, the names are spelled slightly different. One of them hangs out at the speed shop and the other one is in college in Florida now.

arubagirl: Klaassend, I searched last name: All last names starting with Arend and first names starting with Max

Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:35 pm
AG: They have questioned friends, such as Max Arendsz and Lorenzo van Rijn, and I believe one other guy was questioned for sure, as I believe a few girlfriends. DIARIO wants those pictures.

Sat Jun 18, 2005 7:34 pm
arubagirl: I know that right now I'm being an information tease, but it's just ridiculous that I'm afraid that I'm going to be howled out of the message board. Deep sigh. Here goes:

According to neighbours of van Rijn's mom, this lady had an affair with v/d Sloot before he was married to his current wife, and the result was Lorenzo van Rijn. Natalee was held at Lorenzo's house (who lives alone), since he has a basement (not many houses here have a basement). Natalee has been moved from house to house belonging to those that are in the plan (don't know what plan that is). They are afraid to kill her what with everybody focusing on the case.
Look, I KNOW. I KNOW. It's sounds to utterly fantastic and ridiculous. Please don't kill me, troll me, flame me. Not for this. I WANT it to be true, that she is still alive.

sb: You mean that on the strength of that ONE POST about Lorenzo, there was developed the manic, obsessive fixation on him that a lot of the posters here had for a while?  Lorenzo was the single BIGGEST Red Herring in this WHOLE case! All over ONE obscure post!

Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:00 pm
NativeLingo: This "Lorenzo" kid's name was mentioned from the very beginning..In fact it is the first name I heard when this whole thing started....
My guess is that he must have been involved with her sometime during her trip, and that they are now bringing in EVERYBODY that had come in contact with her.... from what I hear, "lorenzo" is ONE troublemaker......

Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:08 pm
NativeLingo: But from the very beginning "the son of an ex Vwagen dealer" was somehow involved..... He was the first one mentioned....

Sat Jun 18, 2005 11:49 pm
NativeLingo: Like I posted yesterday, this guy "Lorenzo" was the first person that I heard that was related to the case from the very beginning.... He's a little psycho from what I hear....


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« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2008, 04:39:09 AM »

Hi Finn...

As far as I can find Freddy showed up on the scene when he was arrested in August. Strange after being questioned all those times.

I think I read at RWV that Max Arends slept over around August 11th.

We posted about Freddy Arends on the Shango thread the day before yesterday and discussed a movie/video place owned by a Frederick Arends, which was at the same address that had been posted for Freddy Zedan’s apartment.

Who said the alibi played for the Sloots?

The other car?

The famous pic!  Whose Hand?

You get my drift…LOL
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2008, 04:39:28 AM »

Quote from: NativeLingo
Quote from: Rob
Quote from: arubagirl
Quote from: Rob
here it is...name deleted to protect his idenity....

My counterpart with the local Police told me what they "did" to Lorenzo and he is confident that Lorenzo had nothing to do with the case. According to him Lorenzo was crying like a baby. They stripped his house, cars and boats apart, piece by piece. Other than that he also has an alibi corroborated by three friends who spent the night with him. That alibi does not include his girlfriend who reportedly was with him and the friends too. The other house is his mother's. He is quite the eccentric and "everybody" in Aruba knows he has that nightclub in the basement.
On the Rob post. About Lorenzo being cleared? No, not really, actually. As far as I know, he's not cleared.
maybe hes wrong, i trust him to tell me the truth....he has no reason to lie... it might be one of those things, your always a suspect until YOU can prove your not.....
In fact his is the first name I heard connected to this case....

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« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2008, 04:54:46 AM »

Hi Finn...

As far as I can find Freddy showed up on the scene when he was arrested in August. Strange after being questioned all those times. but, on the night FA was arrested w/ K2, whassup w/ aruban attys/MSM referring to FA's overnighter when NH disappeared? said: JvdS told him/Freddy that he/JvdS met american girl but nothing of a sexual nature occurred. detail like that def refers to night NH disappeared

I think I read at RWV that Max Arends slept over around August 11th. OK, I'll bite ... which crimes are associated w/ that date? cuz if someone had a houseguest, someone needed an alibi, LOL

We posted about Freddy Arends on the Shango thread the day before yesterday and discussed a movie/video place owned by a Frederick Arends, which was at the same address that had been posted for Freddy Zedan’s apartment.

thought I read there that Freddy Arends was dutch/aruban, in the C of C business registry IIRC? cuz Freddy Aranbatzis is Venezuelan. pretty sure: two diff guys/very similar names. the Arends addy was on Catiri/Katiri? Locoman lived behind Joran on Montanja/thru the backyard and a few houses down

Who said the alibi played for the Sloots?

The other car?

The famous pic!  Whose Hand?

You get my drift…LOL

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« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2008, 05:21:08 AM »

I read the 11th, IIRC and noticed it was strange, will check back on. I took notice of the date, and checked the Dr Phil log.

Will go back as I am interested as to who posted it and why it was mentioned.

Will check and see if I found anything.

If Freddy is Freddy Arambatzis then he is Dutch. Well if the info on the mother is correct. Lillian Regina Arambatzis Rodriguez Albert...I have a post back from 2005 that the poster checked the Chamber registry and said she was Dutch.

Some posters checked again for me a few weeks back and she is no longer on the Registry.

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« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2008, 05:35:10 AM »

Finn...I don't know how I didn't put this together the first time, unless I am wrong on the date of 8/11...a house guest and a maid?

Name: Margaritha Dijkhoff (van der Sloot maid) (third statement)
Date: 11 August 2005
Pages: 3
Writer/Initiator Dennis Jacobs /Eric Soemers
Description: witness statement

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