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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony, 2, FL Missing since June 16-just reported by mother #3  (Read 438172 times)
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Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 5026

« Reply #1180 on: August 10, 2008, 06:39:22 PM »

Tell Granny....this is not a game....Caylee needs to be found!!!!

I am trying to imagine myself in the same situation as Cindy and George. May none of us here ever have to go through anything like this.

I would play the d*** game and try to defend my daughter in hopes of getting some real answers out of her. I would not lie to LE but if I had to lie to the media in order to keep Caylee's name in the news or to prevent my daughter from seeing how darn angry I was at being put in this situation then I would.

We know Casey has access to TV. Remember her rant at her Mom for her first interview.Just My Honest Opinion

I agree Sam.
Just because Cindy is lying to the media, doesn't mean she is not being truthful with LE. Again I say, Casie has used Caylee as a pawn to manipulate her parents and brother...hell even her friends and boyfriends...I think she still continues to do so from the jail cell.

Refugees will tell you Beth lied repeatedly to the press...I never saw it at all. I still don't see out and out lies from Cindy and George...I see confusion...I see kissing Casey's ass so she keeps communicating with the family...I see two people exhausted and their lives turned up side down..but I don't see anything sinister in Cindy, George or Lee.

"No justice for Natalee - No tourists for Aruba!"
Scared Monkey
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Posts: 242

« Reply #1181 on: August 10, 2008, 06:41:02 PM »

Carpe, you"ll send me a real one later, right???

I love ya, A-1... but I'm with Rob on that one...

I don't want to be baby shango'd.

pretty lady, and beautiful baby though!!!

not that A-! would give your pic to anyone - but we have all been around long enough to know it's not a good idea to send your pictures to anyone.

I'm sure it's not personal - but there aren't to many people hated more than Carpe by the haters.

they have said he is the most vile person on the net.

I disagree obviously - but there are some really demented trolls out there.

april------>hates carpe...
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« Reply #1182 on: August 10, 2008, 06:41:46 PM »

it's hard to get a read on Casey - she is one vindictive bitch - that's fer sure. She perceives her parents and brother as having turning on her, and that's the reason for the back to back cancellations of the visits.

if she gets that upset over something like that - one can only imagine what else could really tick her off.

I'm also not getting the impression she will crack. I'm not seeing anything to suggest she will crack anytime soon - and that's all probably under the advice of Baez.

she is twised

I agree Rob.  If she is going to be like that and I was her mother I would not visit.  If you want to play a game I would not even accept her phone calls.  Then I want to see her play the game.  She would go nuts.

hi San

Hi Rob.
always 1
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1183 on: August 10, 2008, 06:44:04 PM »

Ok, Im being serious again.. If I were Casey, I would be screaming at the top of my lungs.  My baby has been kidnapped, please someone, come and let me tell you all the details of where we were so we can find my baby....Why isnt she doing that.

I am A1 because I am saucy!!!
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2145

« Reply #1184 on: August 10, 2008, 06:47:26 PM »

Thursday, July 24, 2008    
4 All My New 'friends" from forums and blogs - Casting Stones
Current mood:  determined
Category: Religion and Philosophy

(for all of my My Space friends there will be a copy of all the posts at the web site regarding my family and I that I have found so far in regards to the Caylee Marie Anthony situation.  I invite all of you to visit them there. and so no one thinks I am singling out Websleuths there are bloggers at other forums saying & doing similar things....right "DUH"?)

In John 8:3-11 Yeshua/Jesus has a woman caught in the act of adultery brought to Him.  The scribes and the Pharisees don't truly want justice.  What they want is judgement and to trick the Lord into doing something they can accuse Him of.

According to Mosaic Law (Leviticus 20:10) adultery is a sin punishable by being stoned to death.  This woman was caught in the act of having sex with another man.  It's not clear who was married to whom but it's clear that something is missing here - the adulterer.  There is no male with her in front of the Lord...unless he's in the crowd with those holding the stones.  Also, for this woman to be "caught in the act" meant that the Pharisees and scribes were either watching in hiding or entered while sex was taking place which means they looked upon the nakedness of this woman....another reason for being stoned.  Yet, these men seem to have forgotten that.  Stone throwers always forget what they do.  They are too focused on what others are doing.  Liars always hear everyone's words as lies.  Cheaters think everyone is cheating.  And, so on.

The Lord could have pointed all of that out but He's too cool for that.  He simply says, 7So  "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." 8And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last.

Have you ever wondered why the dropping of the stones and departure began with the oldest?  It was because they knew He was writing the Mosaic Law in the dirt and if they threw that stone at this woman in violation of the Law they would themselves be subject to being stoned.  Is there another scripture that talks about this?

Matthew 7:1-5 ( NKJV ) 1"Judge not, that you be not judged.  2For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.  3And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?  4Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye?  5Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

The new friends I have at Webslueth and other blogs, forums and sites who copy & paste everything they find here on My Space or Facebook for their messages (someone even went as far as to hack into my wife's account and switch her setting from Private to Public to do it) seem to have forgotten something here in their zeal to throw stones at me, my son, the Anthony family, etc.  First, they have forgotten that there are people involved here with emotions that are raw right now.  Just over 7-days ago all involved have learned that a little child, an innocent who they cared for is lost and either endangered or ....  Which one of you would want your names thrown in the dirt for someone else's amusement during this time?  While my family and I are in no way feel the pain that the Anthony Family feel right now, it stil hurts.  That little girl was here at our home almost every day for the first year of her life.  I was the first one to pray over and bless that baby while mother and newborn baby were in still in the hospital.  We all held her, loved on her and watched in amazement God's grace and wonderous works.  Regardless of how things turned out between my son and Casey Anthony, that adorable little girl was a blessing and loved by us.

I was going to shut down all of my web sites and this page until everything died down.  As I worked in FrontPage to do that the Lord spoke to me and asked me how the people I minister or need SRT's help will find us.  He then pointed out the obvious - this is exactly what the enemy wanted me to do.  So, I have not shut ANYTHING down and I've left this page PUBLIC for all to see.  I have never run from a fight and I will not run from this.  As the Lenny Kravitz song says as it "blares" according to my Websleuth friends - BRING IT ON!

It's also difficult for me to watch and listen to the bile being spewn by strangers and now PEOPLE I KNOW who hint at or come right out and accuse my son Jesse of having something to do with her disappearance.  I cannot divulge any details now but when the story is revealed and all details are shared you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETRIEVE YOUR WORDS.  At least the Phraisees didn't throw their stones.  You've thrown yours and cannot retrieve them.  I have to be honest and admit I went before the Lord about dealing with this either in lawsuits or some other "form" of justice had He gave me a choice.  I could do it my way or He could do it His.  I chose His and it's fair to tell you that EVERY HIDDEN THING is about to revealed in the lives of those who have thrown stones during this time. 

For me, there is another painful reminder here - our beloved Rottweiler Samson who you have read about here loved that little baby.  He would place his massive170 lb body down next to her chair or whoever was holding her and he would just stare at her.  She would grab his face and he didn't care.  He just licked her face and loved on her, one innocent to another.  Those memories while precious are also a painful reminder he is no longer with us. (addendum - a moron on another site claims this reference to Samson means his memory is more important then hers...DUH!  a small mind can only fit so much and with all of the words in this blog that person must be in overload to get that from this)

Some of these people seem as if they or someone they loved has been a victim at one time or another.  Yet, in their zeal to do what they do they have failed to notice that they are now the attackers instead of the attacked.

How many of you or your children could stand up to the scrutiny and suposition being offered?  At least the Pharisees and scribes in John 8 knew enough to  do a self-examination BEFORE they threw the stones.

But none of that matters to the Stone Throwers.  They are too busy taking aim at everything and anything that seems worthwhile of their efforts.  They mock, they ridicule, they accuse and they spend their days gathering rocks to throw when they sit down at the end of the day in the empt, busybody lives.  Free speech does not entitle anyone to slander and libel others on the Internet.  Massive lawsuits have been won against individuals and web sites in regards to this.  But, I know a better Court and Righteous Judge and this is what He says about this -

Matthew 12:33-37 ( NKJV ) 33"Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.  34Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  35A good man out of the good treasure Łof his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.  36But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.  37For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

But it would seem that these new friends of mine neither fear man or God so let me leave you with their comments for you to enjoy their fruit.

This is the first part of Jesse's dads blog. I dont get the adultry thing someone explain to me what they think..
Scared Monkey
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Posts: 242

« Reply #1185 on: August 10, 2008, 06:48:10 PM »

Ok, Im being serious again.. If I were Casey, I would be screaming at the top of my lungs.  My baby has been kidnapped, please someone, come and let me tell you all the details of where we were so we can find my baby....Why isnt she doing that.

cause she killed her
Monkey Junky Jr.
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Posts: 947

« Reply #1186 on: August 10, 2008, 06:48:24 PM »




Cindy looks like Joran with a wig!!!

It's a man, babeee!!!

Who said Siberian Huskies are too big to be lap dogs?

If ya ain't the lead sleddog, the scenery never changes.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 5026

« Reply #1187 on: August 10, 2008, 06:54:37 PM »

Really Rob, so I shouldnt have sent him a nude picture????


"No justice for Natalee - No tourists for Aruba!"
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 7607

« Reply #1188 on: August 10, 2008, 06:56:15 PM »

it's hard to get a read on Casey - she is one vindictive bitch - that's fer sure. She perceives her parents and brother as having turning on her, and that's the reason for the back to back cancellations of the visits.

if she gets that upset over something like that - one can only imagine what else could really tick her off.

I'm also not getting the impression she will crack. I'm not seeing anything to suggest she will crack anytime soon - and that's all probably under the advice of Baez.

she is twised

I agree Rob.  If she is going to be like that and I was her mother I would not visit.  If you want to play a game I would not even accept her phone calls.  Then I want to see her play the game.  She would go nuts.

Maybe Casey is mad they haven't posted bond yet? It would seem in viewing their house that they would have enough assets to post it no? Maybe she perceives that by her parents not posting bond that they don't support her?

".......O you who love clear edges
more than anything ......    watch the edges that blur"
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2387

« Reply #1189 on: August 10, 2008, 06:56:49 PM »

Tell Granny....this is not a game....Caylee needs to be found!!!!

I am trying to imagine myself in the same situation as Cindy and George. May none of us here ever have to go through anything like this.

I would play the d*** game and try to defend my daughter in hopes of getting some real answers out of her. I would not lie to LE but if I had to lie to the media in order to keep Caylee's name in the news or to prevent my daughter from seeing how darn angry I was at being put in this situation then I would.

We know Casey has access to TV. Remember her rant at her Mom for her first interview.Just My Honest Opinion

I agree Sam.
Just because Cindy is lying to the media, doesn't mean she is not being truthful with LE. Again I say, Casie has used Caylee as a pawn to manipulate her parents and brother...hell even her friends and boyfriends...I think she still continues to do so from the jail cell.

Refugees will tell you Beth lied repeatedly to the press...I never saw it at all. I still don't see out and out lies from Cindy and George...I see confusion...I see kissing Casey's ass so she keeps communicating with the family...I see two people exhausted and their lives turned up side down..but I don't see anything sinister in Cindy, George or Lee.

Thanks IDSTLOU for understanding what I was trying to say.

I also remember all the Hell Jessica Lunsford's family were put through with false accusations. I hope those folks making those accusations learned from their mistakes. I learned from mine so try not to make the same mistake twice.

Just a swinging with the tribe
carpe noctem
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 9286

History repeats itself. It's a cyclical beast.

« Reply #1190 on: August 10, 2008, 07:00:25 PM »

Just found this

"There's something wrong," Cynthia continues to tell the dispatcher in the second call. "I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car."

The latter comments contradict what she told Eyewitness News after Casey Anthony's bond hearing on Tuesday.

"There was a bag of pizza for 12 days in a car full of maggots," Casey's mother Cynthia Anthony told reporters.

How does the witch know it was 12 days.....

1.I believe she is going by the date they picked up the car and the date the towing company picked up the car.

2. In Illinois if the mother is unmarried the name of the father can not be put on the Birth Certificate unless they agree to it.I have no idea what the law is in Florida.

3.I so agree with some of the things Jesses Dad is saying.Especially this part.The thing about throwing stones is that they have a way of bouncing back up to hit you in the face.

4. Some of the things being said on SM is really disappointing to me. It reminds me of RU and the way they said Beth kept changing her stories and ridiculing her for being on TV so often. Again JMHO

That would still be 16 days between 6/30(towed)and 6/16(pickedup).
Sam,I understand what you are saying about bashing and I try not to do it.I'm just trying to understand Cindy and George and what their motives are.If I see any really bad bashing of the parent's....I just scroll on by it.


Later when Cindy finally said 19 days...

That puts the car abandonment right at about June 27th, 2008.

For Natalee and Stephany, whatever it takes.

"Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going to do." Thomas Jefferson
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."Thomas Jeff
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 5026

« Reply #1191 on: August 10, 2008, 07:00:42 PM »

Thursday, July 24, 2008    
4 All My New 'friends" from forums and blogs - Casting Stones
Current mood:  determined
Category: Religion and Philosophy

(for all of my My Space friends there will be a copy of all the posts at the web site regarding my family and I that I have found so far in regards to the Caylee Marie Anthony situation.  I invite all of you to visit them there. and so no one thinks I am singling out Websleuths there are bloggers at other forums saying & doing similar things....right "DUH"?)

In John 8:3-11 Yeshua/Jesus has a woman caught in the act of adultery brought to Him.  The scribes and the Pharisees don't truly want justice.  What they want is judgement and to trick the Lord into doing something they can accuse Him of.

According to Mosaic Law (Leviticus 20:10) adultery is a sin punishable by being stoned to death.  This woman was caught in the act of having sex with another man.  It's not clear who was married to whom but it's clear that something is missing here - the adulterer.  There is no male with her in front of the Lord...unless he's in the crowd with those holding the stones.  Also, for this woman to be "caught in the act" meant that the Pharisees and scribes were either watching in hiding or entered while sex was taking place which means they looked upon the nakedness of this woman....another reason for being stoned.  Yet, these men seem to have forgotten that.  Stone throwers always forget what they do.  They are too focused on what others are doing.  Liars always hear everyone's words as lies.  Cheaters think everyone is cheating.  And, so on.

The Lord could have pointed all of that out but He's too cool for that.  He simply says, 7So  "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." 8And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last.

Have you ever wondered why the dropping of the stones and departure began with the oldest?  It was because they knew He was writing the Mosaic Law in the dirt and if they threw that stone at this woman in violation of the Law they would themselves be subject to being stoned.  Is there another scripture that talks about this?

Matthew 7:1-5 ( NKJV ) 1"Judge not, that you be not judged.  2For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.  3And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?  4Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye?  5Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

The new friends I have at Webslueth and other blogs, forums and sites who copy & paste everything they find here on My Space or Facebook for their messages (someone even went as far as to hack into my wife's account and switch her setting from Private to Public to do it) seem to have forgotten something here in their zeal to throw stones at me, my son, the Anthony family, etc.  First, they have forgotten that there are people involved here with emotions that are raw right now.  Just over 7-days ago all involved have learned that a little child, an innocent who they cared for is lost and either endangered or ....  Which one of you would want your names thrown in the dirt for someone else's amusement during this time?  While my family and I are in no way feel the pain that the Anthony Family feel right now, it stil hurts.  That little girl was here at our home almost every day for the first year of her life.  I was the first one to pray over and bless that baby while mother and newborn baby were in still in the hospital.  We all held her, loved on her and watched in amazement God's grace and wonderous works.  Regardless of how things turned out between my son and Casey Anthony, that adorable little girl was a blessing and loved by us.

I was going to shut down all of my web sites and this page until everything died down.  As I worked in FrontPage to do that the Lord spoke to me and asked me how the people I minister or need SRT's help will find us.  He then pointed out the obvious - this is exactly what the enemy wanted me to do.  So, I have not shut ANYTHING down and I've left this page PUBLIC for all to see.  I have never run from a fight and I will not run from this.  As the Lenny Kravitz song says as it "blares" according to my Websleuth friends - BRING IT ON!

It's also difficult for me to watch and listen to the bile being spewn by strangers and now PEOPLE I KNOW who hint at or come right out and accuse my son Jesse of having something to do with her disappearance.  I cannot divulge any details now but when the story is revealed and all details are shared you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETRIEVE YOUR WORDS.  At least the Phraisees didn't throw their stones.  You've thrown yours and cannot retrieve them.  I have to be honest and admit I went before the Lord about dealing with this either in lawsuits or some other "form" of justice had He gave me a choice.  I could do it my way or He could do it His.  I chose His and it's fair to tell you that EVERY HIDDEN THING is about to revealed in the lives of those who have thrown stones during this time. 

For me, there is another painful reminder here - our beloved Rottweiler Samson who you have read about here loved that little baby.  He would place his massive170 lb body down next to her chair or whoever was holding her and he would just stare at her.  She would grab his face and he didn't care.  He just licked her face and loved on her, one innocent to another.  Those memories while precious are also a painful reminder he is no longer with us. (addendum - a moron on another site claims this reference to Samson means his memory is more important then hers...DUH!  a small mind can only fit so much and with all of the words in this blog that person must be in overload to get that from this)

Some of these people seem as if they or someone they loved has been a victim at one time or another.  Yet, in their zeal to do what they do they have failed to notice that they are now the attackers instead of the attacked.

How many of you or your children could stand up to the scrutiny and suposition being offered?  At least the Pharisees and scribes in John 8 knew enough to  do a self-examination BEFORE they threw the stones.

But none of that matters to the Stone Throwers.  They are too busy taking aim at everything and anything that seems worthwhile of their efforts.  They mock, they ridicule, they accuse and they spend their days gathering rocks to throw when they sit down at the end of the day in the empt, busybody lives.  Free speech does not entitle anyone to slander and libel others on the Internet.  Massive lawsuits have been won against individuals and web sites in regards to this.  But, I know a better Court and Righteous Judge and this is what He says about this -

Matthew 12:33-37 ( NKJV ) 33"Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.  34Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  35A good man out of the good treasure Łof his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.  36But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.  37For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

But it would seem that these new friends of mine neither fear man or God so let me leave you with their comments for you to enjoy their fruit.

This is the first part of Jesse's dads blog. I dont get the adultry thing someone explain to me what they think..

I feel terrible for this family too!! They have lost a daughter...and a granddaughter twice...first when the paternity results came in...but they continued to love Caylee as their own...and now she is gone from their lives once again.

I think we SHOULD be careful about what we say about far as I can tell he is a good boy who took responsibility for Caylee...even after he found out she was not his biological child...same with his family.

Until we have proof...or even sufficient evidence that Jesse was involved..I think we have to be careful about what we say about him and his family.

"No justice for Natalee - No tourists for Aruba!"
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2387

« Reply #1192 on: August 10, 2008, 07:05:03 PM »

it's hard to get a read on Casey - she is one vindictive bitch - that's fer sure. She perceives her parents and brother as having turning on her, and that's the reason for the back to back cancellations of the visits.

if she gets that upset over something like that - one can only imagine what else could really tick her off.

I'm also not getting the impression she will crack. I'm not seeing anything to suggest she will crack anytime soon - and that's all probably under the advice of Baez.

she is twised

I agree Rob.  If she is going to be like that and I was her mother I would not visit.  If you want to play a game I would not even accept her phone calls.  Then I want to see her play the game.  She would go nuts.

Maybe Casey is mad they haven't posted bond yet? It would seem in viewing their house that they would have enough assets to post it no? Maybe she perceives that by her parents not posting bond that they don't support her?

I did not think the Anthony home looked like the home of someone who is wealthy.I believe it was said they were unable to raise the bond. They do know their daughter is not a responsible person . If I were her parent knowing what they know about her there would be no way in Hell I would take that kind of risk with what little I had.JMHO

Just a swinging with the tribe
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2145

« Reply #1193 on: August 10, 2008, 07:05:04 PM »

Thursday, July 24, 2008    
4 All My New 'friends" from forums and blogs - Casting Stones
Current mood:  determined
Category: Religion and Philosophy

(for all of my My Space friends there will be a copy of all the posts at the web site regarding my family and I that I have found so far in regards to the Caylee Marie Anthony situation.  I invite all of you to visit them there. and so no one thinks I am singling out Websleuths there are bloggers at other forums saying & doing similar things....right "DUH"?)

In John 8:3-11 Yeshua/Jesus has a woman caught in the act of adultery brought to Him.  The scribes and the Pharisees don't truly want justice.  What they want is judgement and to trick the Lord into doing something they can accuse Him of.

According to Mosaic Law (Leviticus 20:10) adultery is a sin punishable by being stoned to death.  This woman was caught in the act of having sex with another man.  It's not clear who was married to whom but it's clear that something is missing here - the adulterer.  There is no male with her in front of the Lord...unless he's in the crowd with those holding the stones.  Also, for this woman to be "caught in the act" meant that the Pharisees and scribes were either watching in hiding or entered while sex was taking place which means they looked upon the nakedness of this woman....another reason for being stoned.  Yet, these men seem to have forgotten that.  Stone throwers always forget what they do.  They are too focused on what others are doing.  Liars always hear everyone's words as lies.  Cheaters think everyone is cheating.  And, so on.

The Lord could have pointed all of that out but He's too cool for that.  He simply says, 7So  "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." 8And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last.

Have you ever wondered why the dropping of the stones and departure began with the oldest?  It was because they knew He was writing the Mosaic Law in the dirt and if they threw that stone at this woman in violation of the Law they would themselves be subject to being stoned.  Is there another scripture that talks about this?

Matthew 7:1-5 ( NKJV ) 1"Judge not, that you be not judged.  2For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.  3And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?  4Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye?  5Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

The new friends I have at Webslueth and other blogs, forums and sites who copy & paste everything they find here on My Space or Facebook for their messages (someone even went as far as to hack into my wife's account and switch her setting from Private to Public to do it) seem to have forgotten something here in their zeal to throw stones at me, my son, the Anthony family, etc.  First, they have forgotten that there are people involved here with emotions that are raw right now.  Just over 7-days ago all involved have learned that a little child, an innocent who they cared for is lost and either endangered or ....  Which one of you would want your names thrown in the dirt for someone else's amusement during this time?  While my family and I are in no way feel the pain that the Anthony Family feel right now, it stil hurts.  That little girl was here at our home almost every day for the first year of her life.  I was the first one to pray over and bless that baby while mother and newborn baby were in still in the hospital.  We all held her, loved on her and watched in amazement God's grace and wonderous works.  Regardless of how things turned out between my son and Casey Anthony, that adorable little girl was a blessing and loved by us.

I was going to shut down all of my web sites and this page until everything died down.  As I worked in FrontPage to do that the Lord spoke to me and asked me how the people I minister or need SRT's help will find us.  He then pointed out the obvious - this is exactly what the enemy wanted me to do.  So, I have not shut ANYTHING down and I've left this page PUBLIC for all to see.  I have never run from a fight and I will not run from this.  As the Lenny Kravitz song says as it "blares" according to my Websleuth friends - BRING IT ON!

It's also difficult for me to watch and listen to the bile being spewn by strangers and now PEOPLE I KNOW who hint at or come right out and accuse my son Jesse of having something to do with her disappearance.  I cannot divulge any details now but when the story is revealed and all details are shared you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETRIEVE YOUR WORDS.  At least the Phraisees didn't throw their stones.  You've thrown yours and cannot retrieve them.  I have to be honest and admit I went before the Lord about dealing with this either in lawsuits or some other "form" of justice had He gave me a choice.  I could do it my way or He could do it His.  I chose His and it's fair to tell you that EVERY HIDDEN THING is about to revealed in the lives of those who have thrown stones during this time. 

For me, there is another painful reminder here - our beloved Rottweiler Samson who you have read about here loved that little baby.  He would place his massive170 lb body down next to her chair or whoever was holding her and he would just stare at her.  She would grab his face and he didn't care.  He just licked her face and loved on her, one innocent to another.  Those memories while precious are also a painful reminder he is no longer with us. (addendum - a moron on another site claims this reference to Samson means his memory is more important then hers...DUH!  a small mind can only fit so much and with all of the words in this blog that person must be in overload to get that from this)

Some of these people seem as if they or someone they loved has been a victim at one time or another.  Yet, in their zeal to do what they do they have failed to notice that they are now the attackers instead of the attacked.

How many of you or your children could stand up to the scrutiny and suposition being offered?  At least the Pharisees and scribes in John 8 knew enough to  do a self-examination BEFORE they threw the stones.

But none of that matters to the Stone Throwers.  They are too busy taking aim at everything and anything that seems worthwhile of their efforts.  They mock, they ridicule, they accuse and they spend their days gathering rocks to throw when they sit down at the end of the day in the empt, busybody lives.  Free speech does not entitle anyone to slander and libel others on the Internet.  Massive lawsuits have been won against individuals and web sites in regards to this.  But, I know a better Court and Righteous Judge and this is what He says about this -

Matthew 12:33-37 ( NKJV ) 33"Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.  34Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  35A good man out of the good treasure Łof his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.  36But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.  37For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

But it would seem that these new friends of mine neither fear man or God so let me leave you with their comments for you to enjoy their fruit.

This is the first part of Jesse's dads blog. I dont get the adultry thing someone explain to me what they think..

I feel terrible for this family too!! They have lost a daughter...and a granddaughter twice...first when the paternity results came in...but they continued to love Caylee as their own...and now she is gone from their lives once again.

I think we SHOULD be careful about what we say about far as I can tell he is a good boy who took responsibility for Caylee...even after he found out she was not his biological child...same with his family.

Until we have proof...or even sufficient evidence that Jesse was involved..I think we have to be careful about what we say about him and his family.

**That is true any man who would stand up and say I will take responsibility for that beautiful baby, even though it is known Casey loved the men, gets an A in my book..I am just confused over the using adultry and getting caught in the act in response to the situation..
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1194 on: August 10, 2008, 07:15:11 PM »

Tell Granny....this is not a game....Caylee needs to be found!!!!

I am trying to imagine myself in the same situation as Cindy and George. May none of us here ever have to go through anything like this.

I would play the d*** game and try to defend my daughter in hopes of getting some real answers out of her. I would not lie to LE but if I had to lie to the media in order to keep Caylee's name in the news or to prevent my daughter from seeing how darn angry I was at being put in this situation then I would.

We know Casey has access to TV. Remember her rant at her Mom for her first interview.Just My Honest Opinion

I agree Sam.
Just because Cindy is lying to the media, doesn't mean she is not being truthful with LE. Again I say, Casie has used Caylee as a pawn to manipulate her parents and brother...hell even her friends and boyfriends...I think she still continues to do so from the jail cell.

Refugees will tell you Beth lied repeatedly to the press...I never saw it at all. I still don't see out and out lies from Cindy and George...I see confusion...I see kissing Casey's ass so she keeps communicating with the family...I see two people exhausted and their lives turned up side down..but I don't see anything sinister in Cindy, George or Lee.

Thanks IDSTLOU for understanding what I was trying to say.

I also remember all the Hell Jessica Lunsford's family were put through with false accusations. I hope those folks making those accusations learned from their mistakes. I learned from mine so try not to make the same mistake twice.

Same with the Ramseys' and Maddie's parents.

Monkeys will tell ya how upset I got at all the accusations against Maddie's parents...I just didn't see where the hatred towards them was coming heart heart terribly for them!!

I think there is only one place our anger and accusations should be turned towards is at Casie...where they belong.

I have NO IDEA!!!! how I would react if I were in Cindy's to think I would do the right thing...but I remember when my sister used to get herself in trouble...even though we knew she was wrong...we still loved her, wanted to believe the best in her...and wanted to protect her.

"No justice for Natalee - No tourists for Aruba!"
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #1195 on: August 10, 2008, 07:17:05 PM »

ok, for the skeptics.

the LE have said the DNA from the trunk is back. I'm sure they have double and possibly tripled checked it to make sure there is not going to be an explosion when this eventually gets to court for a trial.

Mr. Baez knows what his client has or hasn't done. He has to know in order to defend Casey. If he doesn't know what she did, he's going to be setting himself and /casey up for a conviction. If he's defending a client basically in jail on a $500,200 bond and not for endangerment / neglect and lying to authorities - because we all know that the bond is not representative of those charges - so, it's what I just said - some sort of homicide.

now, answer this - why hasn't Mr. Baez DEMANDED the release of those DNA findings to end the speculation of his client?

I think you know the answer here - he's not going to open Pandora's box on his client or himself. He knows what those results will show and even George has said they will be what there are. If that was my daughter and I fully expected her to be cleared - I would say "there is no way those results will show there was a dead body in the trunk of my wife's car.

Casey knows - Mr. Baez knows and George knows. All know what those results will show.

Truth, Justice and the American Way.


~ livin' the life I was born to live - givin' it all I've got to give ~
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1196 on: August 10, 2008, 07:17:11 PM »

a man that would take responsability for a child that is not his, must love the mother very much...what else would he do for her????its just a question..

I think he loved Caylee that much...for 18 months she was HIS daughter...I think the love is for Caylee not Casie. I don't think he would do anything to hurt Caylee.

"No justice for Natalee - No tourists for Aruba!"
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1197 on: August 10, 2008, 07:18:09 PM »

**That is true any man who would stand up and say I will take responsibility for that beautiful baby, even though it is known Casey loved the men, gets an A in my book..I am just confused over the using adultry and getting caught in the act in response to the situation..

My take on the situation is that possibly he considers Casey and Jesse's "commitmet/engagement" as such in the eyes of the Lord and the fact that Casey obviously cheated (adultry) on Jesse (Caylee) she was "forgiven" and basically overlooked as far as Jesse's family was concerned.

I will no longer support lies and "mistruths", nor make excuses for people that do ... If I do, I am no better than Cindy Anthony .... I will continue to fight for the TRUTH for Caylee Marie ...
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1198 on: August 10, 2008, 07:19:15 PM »

ok, for the skeptics.

the LE have said the DNA from the trunk is back. I'm sure they have double and possibly tripled checked it to make sure there is not going to be an explosion when this eventually gets to court for a trial.

Mr. Baez knows what his client has or hasn't done. He has to know in order to defend Casey. If he doesn't know what she did, he's going to be setting himself and /casey up for a conviction. If he's defending a client basically in jail on a $500,200 bond and not for endangerment / neglect and lying to authorities - because we all know that the bond is not representative of those charges - so, it's what I just said - some sort of homicide.

now, answer this - why hasn't Mr. Baez DEMANDED the release of those DNA findings to end the speculation of his client?

I think you know the answer here - he's not going to open Pandora's box on his client or himself. He knows what those results will show and even George has said they will be what there are. If that was my daughter and I fully expected her to be cleared - I would say "there is no way those results will show there was a dead body in the trunk of my wife's car.

Casey knows - Mr. Baez knows and George knows. All know what those results will show.

I think we all were hoping it was the damned pizza. Hell Rob...I convinced myself for awhile it is just too heart wrenching. I am so damned sad and so damned angry at Casie.

"No justice for Natalee - No tourists for Aruba!"
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1199 on: August 10, 2008, 07:21:15 PM »

a man that would take responsability for a child that is not his, must love the mother very much...what else would he do for her????its just a question..

I think he loved Caylee that much...for 18 months she was HIS daughter...I think the love is for Caylee not Casie. I don't think he would do anything to hurt Caylee.

i dont think he would harm the baby either...but whats done is done...again, he loved the baby so much but he has no idea where she is?
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