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Author Topic: Marlies van der Kouwe , 24, kidnapped in Bonaire 9/21/08 -(BODY FOUND)  (Read 325599 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #320 on: October 06, 2008, 03:42:59 AM »

Bolita island, Justicia stupida

"If you Prosecutor, you sit at your pension and have little sense of computers, you should just buy your CDs in the store, instead of illegally everything within reach through peer to peer", says the opinion of weblog GeenStijl . com that many magistrates (sense of the law, but not the network) better sound in their ears can knots. Another face of a prosecutor is at least one of the last.

After the affair of PC Joost Tonino (also a "leaky officer" but one with pedophilia and thus adjacent to the law-homosexual needs) and security awareness seemed a serious matter within the OM. The practice pointed out otherwise, as well as the trial of William H: while the 'courthouse is surrounded by armed members of the KMar, flying witnesses from the file from the store or on the Internet.

In the files of the spheres officer (Prosecutor) to Bonaire, Ernst Wesselius, found the editor of the popular weblog (related to the Telegraaf) through the sharing software LimeWire include records of offenders of the Opiumwet, money laundering cases and petty crime. According to Wesselius, who is nearly retired, there are no documents between ongoing criminal matters.

Is the law and the law is so boring or Ernst as deliberations between the needy? '.. secretly to a porn cinema, watching movies exciting and ejaculation, then I could be back against'

He wanted his life record and print, but the story ended up accidentally in the business directory. Wesselius describes including the internal investigation he did, after a business card from him was found when a colleague who dushi Mühe to him "by sheaf."

Across other media, he explains that it is a "personal story", that only his eyes were. "I wanted my life to pursue a row. Now that this has got to others, what is the worst thing could happen, "reports the Telegraph.

Justice does not respond because the leak does not fall under the responsibility of the Dutch Justice. In Bonaire, it is still night.
Public Meat and blood on the mat in the HOvJ

Between meetings with other lawyers appeared Ernst once in a Thai massage salon. After a paragraph in which he is rich and somewhat puzzled by the juvenile manually height, follow these more dignified new record from the diary:

'Two days after my visit to Ineke had I arrived on the parquet,' s morning directly and urgently to the Prosecutor come. The tone was so compelling that I felt equal something very serious to the hand was. In the main prosecutor in his room happily under four-eyes-Ton but fell right in the door in the house: There was a long investigation of theft and receiving stolen to order cars, on a large scale.

That day it was just close drawn: the police had over the whole country house searches and made arrests made. And one of those searches and arrests involved .. Indeed, Ineke, sister of one of the suspects in that case.

When her arrest was in her handbag my business card was found. My sense of that time I will ever forget, it was if my whole world collapsed completely, preferably I was in a big hole in the ground disappeared for good. "

And as an unfortunate officer was far from retired. He had it so differently suggested. The letter was not even him so bad, it was already out of his pieces for appropriate and on the Internet, see Random does not exist, Carib Seek Bonaire news

To conclude notable finding, from a sociological loose wrist after reading his memoirs: 13 - or 14-year-olds talk (yet) easier with their 'chikkies' on the coitus than a slightly naughty old-age officer with his adult partner. Sign of the Times?
officieus een bestseller door open mapje        
Het Juridisch Dagblad   
vrijdag, 12 mei 2006
La isla bolita, Justicia stupida

'Als je officier van justitie bent, tegen je pensioen aanzit en weinig verstand hebt van computers, kun je beter gewoon je cd’s aanschaffen in de winkel, inplaats van illegaal de boel binnenhalen via peer to peer', luidt het advies van weblog GeenStijl.nl dat vele magistraten (verstand van de wet, maar niet van het net) beter goed in hun oren kunnen knopen. De zoveelste uitglijder van een aanklager is dan tenminste één van de laatste.

Na de pc-affaire van Joost Tonino (ook een 'lekkende officier' maar dan één met aan pedofilie -en daarmede aan de wet- grenzende homoseksuele behoeften) leek beveiliging en het bewustzijn daarvan een serieuze zaak binnen het OM. De praktijk wees anders uit, zo ook bij de strafzaak van Willem H: terwijl het 'gerechtsgebouw' is omsingeld door gewapende leden van de KMar, vliegen getuigenverklaringen uit het dossier de winkel uit of het internet op.

In de bestanden van de bolletjesofficier (OvJ) te Bonaire, Ernst Wesselius, trof de redactie van het populaire weblog (gelieerd aan de Telegraaf) via de uitwisselingssoftware LimeWire onder meer gegevens aan van overtreders van de Opiumwet, witwas-zaken en kleine criminaliteit. Volgens Wesselius, die bijna met pensioen is, zitten er geen documenten tussen van lopende strafzaken.

Is het recht en de rechtspraktijk zó saai of is Ernst zo behoeftig tussen de beraadslagingen? '..stiekem naar een pornobioscoop, opwindende filmpjes kijken en klaarkomen, dan kon ik er weer even tegen'

Hij wilde zijn levensverhaal optekenen en uitprinten, maar het relaas belandde toevallig in de zakelijke map. Wesselius beschrijft onder meer wat het interne onderzoek hem deed, nadat een visitekaartje van hem was aangetroffen bij een dushi muhe die een collega naar hem 'doorschoof'.

Tegenover ander media verklaart hij dat het een 'persoonlijk verhaal' betreft, dat alleen voor zijn ogen bestemd was. 'Ik wilde mijn leven op een rijtje zetten. Dat dit nu bij anderen terecht is gekomen, is het allerergste wat kon gebeuren', zo meldt de Telegraaf.

Justitie reageert niet omdat het lek niet onder de verantwoordelijkheid valt van de Nederlandse Justitie. In Bonaire is het nog nacht.
Officier van vleesch en bloed op het matje bij de HOvJ

Tussen vergaderingen met andere juristen dook Ernst eens in een Thaise massagesalon. Na een alinea waarin hij zich kostelijk en ietwat puberaal verwonderd over het handmatig hoogtepunt, volgt deze meer nieuwswaardige optekening uit het dagboek:

'Twee dagen na mijn bezoek aan Ineke moest ik, op het parket aangekomen, ’s ochtend direct en met spoed bij de hoofdofficier van justitie komen. De toon was zó dwingend, dat ik gelijk aanvoelde dat er iets heel ernstigs aan de hand was. Bij de hoofdofficier van justitie op zijn kamer –gelukkig onder vier ogen- viel Ton maar gelijk met de deur in huis: Er liep al geruime tijd een onderzoek naar diefstal en heling van auto’s op bestelling, en wel op grote schaal.

Die dag ervoor was het net dichtgetrokken: de politie had over het hele land huiszoekingen gedaan en aanhoudingen verricht. En één van die huiszoekingen en aanhoudingen betrof.. Inderdaad, Ineke, zuster van één van de verdachten in die zaak.

Bij haar aanhouding was in haar handtas mijn visitekaartje aangetroffen. Mijn gevoel van dat moment zal ik ooit vergeten, het was of mijn hele wereld compleet instortte, het liefst was ik in een groot gat in de grond voorgoed verdwenen.'

En zo ging een onfortuinlijke officier nog lang niet met pensioen. Hij had het zich zó anders voorgesteld. Het schrijven ging hem niet eens zo slecht af, bleek al uit z'n stukjes voor Opportuun en op internet, vgl. Toeval bestaat niet, CaribSeek Bonaire news

Opvallende constatering ter afsluiting, uit een sociologisch losse pols na lezing van zijn memoires: 13- of 14-jarigen praten (nog) makkelijker met hun 'chikkies' over de coïtus dan een ietwat ondeugende oud-officier op leeftijd met zijn volwassen partner. Sign of the Times?


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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #321 on: October 06, 2008, 05:10:19 AM »

                           Wesselius documents on the street
Prosecutor Bonaire

KRALENDIJK / WILLEM CITY (12-05-06) - Personal material from the prosecutor on Bonaire Ernst Wesselius, is located on the street. The website has Geenstijl.nl the texts published Thursday, said the AD.

The website only a light tip of the veil on. There is an overview of issues the 'beads officer "under his guard. But the contents of those documents is not accessible. However, the website would provide insight into some erotic passages from the life of Wesselius through citations that would come from him.

Geenstijl.nl it says have access to the things Wesselius is involved but not to reveal to prevent themselves to be subject to investigation.

Wesselius said in a response that no secret documents on his computer. "They are summaries of lawsuits and subpoenas," he says. "Although not normally come into the open, is not about ongoing investigations that are now in danger may come. The documents also dating from January. "

That there are erotic passages of his hand on the Internet, he finds appalling. "I can not tell them how I'm broken," said the officer. "I have written my life, but they are not sex stories. It is for example on the misery I have seen in Rwanda when I was there for the United Nations was and why my marriage is lost. I have tried to identify why some things fail. For myself. Not for the whole world. This is very painful, but in terms of my work I can see no harm in. "

Geenstijl.nl According to the Antilles now started to research how the information could be. Press Officer Prosecutor L. Vicento of the public prosecutor in Willemstad does not have a comment. "We have consultations Friday in the prosecution and determine what our reaction will be," says Vicento.
Documenten Wesselius op straat        
KRALENDIJK/WILLEMSTAD (12-05-06)- Persoonlijk materiaal van de officier van justitie op Bonaire Ernst Wesselius, ligt op straat. De website Geenstijl.nl heeft de teksten donderdagavond gepubliceerd, aldus het AD.

De website licht alleen een tipje van de sluier op. Er is een overzicht te zien van zaken die de 'bolletjesofficier' onder zijn hoede heeft. Maar de inhoud van die documenten is niet toegankelijk gemaakt. Wel zou de website inzicht geven in enkele erotische passages uit het leven van Wesselius middels citaten die van hem afkomstig zouden zijn.

Geenstijl.nl zegt wel toegang te hebben tot de zaken waar Wesselius bij betrokken is maar deze niet te openbaren om te voorkomen zelf onderwerp van onderzoek te worden.

Wesselius zegt in een reactie dat er geen geheime werkdocumenten op zijn computer staan. 'Het zijn samenvattingen van rechtszaken en dagvaardingen', zegt hij. 'Hoewel die normaal niet in de openbaarheid komen, gaat het niet om lopende onderzoeken die nu in gevaar kunnen komen. De documenten dateren bovendien van januari.'

Dat er erotische passages van zijn hand op internet staan, vindt hij verschrikkelijk. 'Ik kan niet zeggen hoe kapot ik daarvan ben', aldus de officier. 'Ik heb mijn levensloop opgeschreven, maar het zijn geen seksverhalen. Het gaat bij voorbeeld over de ellende die ik heb gezien in Rwanda toen ik daar voor de Verenigde Naties was en over waarom mijn huwelijk is misgelopen. Ik heb in kaart geprobeerd te brengen waarom sommige dingen mislukken. Voor mezelf. Niet voor de hele wereld. Dit is heel pijnlijk, maar voor wat betreft mijn werk kan ik er geen schade in zien.'

Volgens Geenstijl.nl is op de Antillen inmiddels onderzoek gestart naar hoe de informatie openbaar kon worden. Persofficier van justitie L. Vicento van het parket in Willemstad wil echter nog geen commentaar geven. 'Wij hebben vrijdag overleg binnen het Openbaar Ministerie en bepalen dan wat onze reactie zal zijn', aldus Vicento.

Wanneer domme mensen domme dingen beweren, dan moet je ze niet corrigeren, maar glimlachend gelijk geven.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #322 on: October 06, 2008, 08:17:25 AM »

Antillen exile place for perverts

"By Nathalie Holloway, the motif is also a resolve to work against the involvement of the family van der Sloot with Dad as a member of the judiciary. Insiders have long known that the Antilles an exile place for the sexual perverts of the largest judiciary as Cor Merx, nota bene man of the highest ever of the PPS on the Windward Islands and also because the convicted child pornography vice-president of Maastricht Fokke Fernhout there was employed as the prostitutes' clients Ernst Wesselius "

"Bij Nathalie Holloway heeft de staat ook een motief een oplossing tegen te werken: de betrokkenheid van de familie Van der Sloot met pa als lid van de rechterlijke macht. Insiders weten al lang dat de Antillen een verbanningsoord zijn voor de grootste sexual perverts van de rechterlijke macht zoals Cor Merx ,nota bene ooit de hoogste man van van het OM op de Bovenwindse Eilanden en ook de wegens kinderporno veroordeelde vice-president van Maastricht Fokke Fernhout vond er emplooi net als de prostituant Ernst Wesselius"



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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #323 on: October 07, 2008, 04:16:09 AM »


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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #324 on: October 07, 2008, 07:46:01 AM »

More about Ernst Wesselius
Bonaire reporter http://bonairereporter.com/news/2002Issues/03-01-02/

All six of the escaped prisoners, including Bonairean Edward Josephia,  were recaptured in Curaçao. Police also arrested five youngsters - four males and a female - suspected of having helped in the latest prison break from the Bon Futuro Penitentiary. Two cars were confiscated as well. In that dawn raid the police arrested one of the fugitives,  D. Djaoen, who did not resist. He had a .45 caliber revolver and cocaine in his possession. The fourth prisoner to be recaptured was Andre LaCroes a convicted armed robber. He was found in an "ocean view" room of the Curaçao Habitat Hotel in the company of an older lady, two young women and a child, enjoying the sunset. Josephia was the fifth prisoner to be caught. We have no information on the last inmate who's has just been caught as we go to press.
According to published accounts, police also received information that Josephia has been in telephone contact with relatives and friends in Bonaire. He told them he was coming to kill the island prosecutor Ernst Wesselius. Twenty-four- hour protection was provided Wesselius. Late last week Bonaire authorities got a bogus tip that Josephia was arriving on Bonaire via the ferry and met the boat with a squad and the helicopter.
In the past year, 35 inmates have escaped from the Curaçao prison, 15 of whom are still on the loose.

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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #325 on: October 07, 2008, 08:01:19 AM »

i think it is a friend of van Straten

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Environmental Police Group is Formed on Bonaire

Recently it was announced that a new Environmental Police Group was formed, made up of representatives from Stinapa, the Police Department, SSV, and the Police Ambiental.

Although ten Stinapa employees received official police powers in 2005, their Board of Directors felt that the rangers should not be armed.  However, it became apparent that additional control was needed, and therefore, then-Public Prosecutor Ernst Wesselius suggested the new Environmental Police Group. 

After multiple discussions, this week the group was formalized with Chief of Police van Stratton, and will consist of two members each from the four above-captioned entities.  Their sole purpose will be to investigate any charges of environmental issues, with priority placed on poaching of conch, spearfishing, construction debris and illegal dumping of construction materials, and illegal construction in the Bonaire National Marine Park (the construction of stairs, piers, etc. without permission).  (Source:  Stinapa release)

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Monkey All Star
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« Reply #326 on: October 07, 2008, 04:26:26 PM »

Johan... just wanted to let you know that I'm still here and following the case.

Just got off the phone with Abramhams on Bonaire.

Marlies not found.

Cadaver dogs did come from Holland with the KLPD. Klaren had the time frame wrong on the detention of Pyan Pieters. He is currently being held 8 more days, not the 30 indicated by Klaren.

They have no idea where Marlies van der Kouwe is, or so they say. They have no new news and no press conferences scheduled. If anything happens, I should get an email of the conference.


 - jmo -

I think they have gotten past the most critical 14 days and the case is over. The media did not pick it up and the Bonaire officials feel confidant that there will be no boycott or fall-out.

Abramhams does not indicate where the van der Kouwe family is located. He still does not want that known. I would suspect that with no news and no media attention, they will be leaving soon. I give them two more weeks on the island or on Aruba max.

At some point they are going to give up.

Truth, Justice and the American Way.


~ livin' the life I was born to live - givin' it all I've got to give ~
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #327 on: October 07, 2008, 04:30:00 PM »

do you have contact with the famliy  rob ?

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Monkey All Star
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« Reply #328 on: October 07, 2008, 04:35:16 PM »

do you have contact with the famliy  rob ?

no I did not. I emailed all of the addresses, but no response. The follow day there was that statement (doesn't seem written by them as it does not quote anyone in the family) that said they were happy with the police work.

TJ is going to call them right now and see if he can get through... that's the last shot to help them. I'll let you know of anything happens.

People have to want the help.. you can't force them.

Truth, Justice and the American Way.


~ livin' the life I was born to live - givin' it all I've got to give ~
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #329 on: October 07, 2008, 04:47:51 PM »

I know Rob  the police and specialy the officer (Prosecutor) from Bonaire, Ernst Wesselius is a very strange man .
The only this what you can do is to call them in Holland
I post a lot  about him the last days .
They also say the fam vd Kouwe live in Leuden in Holland but that is Not true
They live in the Northern part of holland not far from Assen
The Fam is very rich and that is why they protect the family
So it is possible that they(kidnappers) ask Money for Marlies

the fam vd Kouwe live in this capital House near Assen


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Monkey All Star
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« Reply #330 on: October 07, 2008, 05:02:55 PM »

Johan - check gmail.

Truth, Justice and the American Way.


~ livin' the life I was born to live - givin' it all I've got to give ~
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #331 on: October 07, 2008, 05:41:52 PM »

Johan, Rob, You are great !  Thanks !

never lift the pressure of evil island
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #332 on: October 08, 2008, 05:49:28 AM »

they are looking for a dark or black car on Bonaire


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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #333 on: October 08, 2008, 05:51:12 AM »

Bonaire Regatta -Bonaire regatta what a shame !!!!

pic bonaire regatta -the party is going on


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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #334 on: October 08, 2008, 11:33:22 AM »

Ryan keeps his mouth shut

Search for body difficult rough Bonaire
The police on Bonaire search each day to Marlies van der Kouwe. But more and more people on the island fear that she will never be found.

Two weeks after its violent abduction is the 24-year-old apothekersassistente still a trace. The Bonaireaan suspected of the kidnapping, keeps his mouth, which is dependent on the police work and search tips to find her.

For people who do not know the island is incomprehensible that the Marlies still not been found. But a large part of Bonaire is inhospitable and inaccessible. Without concrete evidence is searching for a needle in a haystack.

Bonaire is in terms of area almost twice as large as Texel, a small island so. There are 15,000 people, only 10 percent of the island is cultivated. The rest is rugged and pristine area.

An aircraft of the Coast Guard searched the first days and nights systematically off the island. These explorations accounted for targeted searches on the ground, but which remained without result.

Not only the landscape, the police for a problem, the secrecy of the local population. The culture creates fear silence, always al

Two years ago called a prosecutor in the courtroom that if the people wanted crime he addresses the people have had to talk.

Last weekend, the parents of Marlies in an open letter to the residents called for tips to come.

Zoeken naar lichaam lastig op ruig Bonaire
bron: BN de Stem

De politie op Bonaire speurt nog elke dag naar Marlies van der Kouwe. Maar steeds meer mensen op het eiland vrezen dat ze nooit meer gevonden zal worden.

Twee weken na haar gewelddadige ontvoering is de 24-jarige apothekersassistente nog steeds spoorloos. De Bonaireaan die verdacht wordt van de ontvoering, houdt zijn mond, waardoor de politie is aangewezen op recherchewerk en tips om haar te vinden.

Voor mensen die het eiland niet kennen is het onbegrijpelijk dat Marlies nog steeds niet is gevonden. Maar een groot deel van Bonaire is onherbergzaam en moeilijk toegankelijk. Zonder concrete aanwijzingen is het zoeken naar een speld in een hooiberg.

Bonaire is qua oppervlakte bijna twee keer zo groot als Texel, geen klein eiland dus. Er wonen 15.000 mensen, slechts 10 procent van het eiland is bebouwd. De rest is ruig en ongerept terrein.

Een vliegtuig van de kustwacht zocht de eerste dagen en nachten systematisch het eiland af. Die verkenningen zorgden voor gerichte zoektochten op de grond, maar die bleven zonder resultaat.

Niet alleen het landschap stelt de politie voor een probleem, ook de geslotenheid van de lokale bevolking. De angstcultuur zorgt voor zwijgzaamheid, altijd al.

Twee jaar geleden riep een officier van justitie in de rechtszaal uit dat wanneer de bevolking wilde dat hij criminaliteit aanpakte, de mensen wel moesten praten.

Afgelopen weekend hebben de ouders van Marlies in een open brief aan de bewoners een oproep gedaan om met tips te komen.


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Scared Monkey
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« Reply #335 on: October 09, 2008, 12:40:02 AM »

Well, what is happening with her case? Are they still looking, or just leaving the single suspect to sit in jail reading books and chilling like Joran did? Sorry to draw parallels, but none of this looks good, from what I can understand from the articles you posted, Johan, and there is no news anywhere on it, on the internet. Someone has got to shake someone down for answers. And fast. This is heartbreaking.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #336 on: October 09, 2008, 06:49:37 AM »

I spoke with a colleague of Mr. v Kouwe this  morning and  the police advised them not to speak to anyone.
Why is that ?
They have the knowledge and experience in this sort cases they say .
There are 150 caves on Bonaire so it is difficult to find a body .

The fam send a message to the media last weekend that they trust the police there
and that they do a good job .

note Johan :
But : they start with the investigation after 1 1/2 day ?  Why so late .
The security gard called the police that night !
Were is her  bike ?
Are there fingerprints ?
Is Jan vd Straaten advisor in this case ? i hope Not

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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #337 on: October 09, 2008, 08:44:42 AM »

picture Ryan Pieters  -  foto Ryan Pieters


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Scared Monkey
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« Reply #338 on: October 09, 2008, 01:07:18 PM »

Johan, that is hard when a family is told not to speak to anyone and thank you for checking into things. Please tell the friend of Mr. van der Kouwe to tell Mr. van der Kouwe that we can send dogs who can scent Marlies' skin cells and who can track where she went, even if she was put in a car, the dogs can scent in what direction the car went for miles, can follow. They can scent where the suspect was with Marlies and where he was not, too, (IF the suspect was with Marlies). They can scent where Marlies went from her bicycle to where she is now. These dogs are not the same as regular search dogs. We also have other search assets that they are not using. They can check caves and detect if she was brought there or not more easily than people searching can. Tell your friend who is friend of the van der Kouwes that we can help find Marlies. That this is a non-profit organization. That we understand the need to come and work discreetly and not draw a lot of public attention for the sake of tourism.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #339 on: October 09, 2008, 03:55:53 PM »

What and were is this on Bonaire ?
A perfect place to hide a body


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