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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony, 2, FL Missing since June 16-just reported by mother #79  (Read 395899 times)
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Monkey Junky Jr.
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caylee marie is my hero

« Reply #60 on: December 20, 2008, 10:04:20 AM »

Repost from last thread:

I honestly don't think KC will be allowed at the funeral no matter what. They may stream it in for her to watch, but to allow her to attend would be a huge security risk to say the least. Even Kc understands this, she mentioned before that she feels safer in jail than she did when she was staying at her parents home.

With Christmas right around the corner, I really hope this hits Cindy and George hard that their granddaughter will not be coming home. Not to be evil, but I want them to fully understand what KC took away from them all, it's because her her that Caylee's stocking will go unfilled, no presents under the tree, no going to see Santa, no silly Christmas movies for her to dance around to. I want them to come clean about their killer daughter, not lie, not exaggerate, just tell the truth. KC needs to understand that she no longer has their support for murdering Caylee, she is no longer the center of their universe and removing Caylee from the equation didn't work

I would not get my hopes up that any of this is likely to happen. I will be mighty surprised if anything changes with the Anthonys' thinking...or at least what they say in public about what they are thinking. The only thing likely to change is that they will be unable to promote searches and sightings of a live Caylee, and they now have someone new, the meter reader, to concentrate on ripping apart and trying to turn him into a pervert. They will also now concentrate their efforts on condemning the police for never having conducted a proper investigation since day # 1. Just my cynical opinion having watched the Anthonys since this all began.

If they decide to try and pin this on Mr. Kronk, I hope they have very, very deep pockets.  Somehow, I can see Cindy slandering this man.


I will be surprised if it is only Cindy. My guess is the defense will try to turn him into the "kidnapper" or spin some story where he had something to do with her disappearance and murder. Before the body was discovered, the defense was flailing around trying to find a defense. Now, they've been supplied with something to spin a yarn around. Cindy has been hammering the police as conducting a conspiracy to railroad her innocent daughter. Unfortunately, now, she and the defense have been given some material to work with. I hope it doesn't sell, but you can bet that when Casey goes to trial for murder, the cops will be on trial too.

Hey ladie monkeys! Like NG said I hope they go after this theory, I HOPE THEY DO, because they will be shot down and embarrased so quick. I hope they try to pin it on this innocent man, so atleast someone can be proven innocent in this case! KC is going down, she indicted herself with one single hair strand. Now we have a full head of hair.. im sure they are going to get some for of finger print from the tape or inside of the bags (2). KC's telltale heart will give it away. Not to mention i know the slor isnt going to testify. Only to make her look more pitiful!

"u are my sunshine, my only sunshine,  u make me happy when skies are gray,  u do not know dear how much i love  u, so please dont take Nans sunshine away." R.I.P Caylee. rot in jail KC
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #61 on: December 20, 2008, 10:05:26 AM »
Corrections Dept Reacts To Baez Comments

Jail spokesman Allan Moore says Jose's comments and this type of behavior wins him no favors from the jail

Allan Moore also said he will ask the court to deny Casey's request to attend Caylee's funeral.

Again, what an a**clown Baez is:

Corrections Department Responds To Baez's Comments
The Orange County Corrections Department responded to Baez's comments after he claimed the sheriff's office was "unprofessional" in the way they informed Casey about her daughter's death, and the way they handled the situation.

Allen Moore, spokesman for the Orange County Jail, said he was surprised Baez would say anything like that, since all their interactions have been cordial up to this point.

Moore said that type of behavior would win Baez no favors with the jail.

"I can understand Mr. Baez being agitated, but in every case, we have followed policy and protocol with Casey Anthony. We have given her no special treatment," Moore said. "For Mr. Baez to say that we were unprofessional, we find that very offensive."

Moore said the way in which they informed Casey is standard procedure. When the jail receives notice that an inmate needs to be told of a death, the jail chaplain is one who informs the inmate.

According to Moore, Baez has always been aware of this procedure. Baez requested that he be notified so he could be the one to tell Casey, but his request was denied.

A good old fashion clownstomp is what comes to mind.  I have a picture in my mind of what it would look like; wish I had some artistic talent to portray it in pixels.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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Our Little Princess

« Reply #62 on: December 20, 2008, 10:06:06 AM »

Okay everyone! Now that we know for a fact where Casey dumped Caylee's body; what in the hell was she doing in all those remote locations we tracked on all the cellphone pings maps!!! Does anyone have any ideas of what she was doing out there in the middle of the night? Looking for alternate dump spots? Meeting clients? Drug transactions? WHAT, WHAT, WHAT??????!!!!!! 

I can't get onboard with this being George as the helper.It would seem that if he was,Caylee would never ever be found instead of almost being put in their own backyard where eventually she'd be found..It just

I hope the prosecution doesn't bargain with her at this point! She had her chance before Caylee was found & Baez blew it then!! All these defense experts seem to think they know so much about what LE has and that now murder 1 could be off the table!! I just hope LE has all they need to securely put the bitch behind bars for the rest of her life. I'm praying that they do.

There was a former LE on HLN that said LE should NOT talk to KC at this point. Then a psych said they should because she may talk. 

I wouldn't have a problem with a deal as long as that #$^%(# is in prison!

BTW, I cannot imagine ANY jury finding her NOT guilty of obstruction of justice. I think that is a gimme. JMHO

"The Truth & Ms. Anthony are Strangers" -- Judge Stan Strickland
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #63 on: December 20, 2008, 10:07:46 AM »


So much time and effort was put into the cell phone pings and our little princess was found almost in her backyard.

KC hated being home and around her family. I think she just drove around to get wonder she always ran out of gas!

Also, I was thinking last night that KC may have "stored" Caylee's body elsewhere before dumping it.

You know, I was thinking...I think she did drive by the airport location, as well as other places. I think she was thinking of where she could put Caylee. I think she was trying to think about where Caylee wouldn't be found, and drove to various locations--maybe even the sighting on the side of the road...who knows. Anyway, just rambling.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #64 on: December 20, 2008, 10:08:53 AM »

What was Casey doing between June 16 -June 19?  Thanks to KCJackie for her maps:

June 14-16

<a href=";hl=en&amp;fs=1" target="_blank">;hl=en&amp;fs=1</a>

June 16-19

<a href=";hl=en&amp;fs=1" target="_blank">;hl=en&amp;fs=1</a>
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #65 on: December 20, 2008, 10:08:58 AM »

Okay everyone! Now that we know for a fact where Casey dumped Caylee's body; what in the hell was she doing in all those remote locations we tracked on all the cellphone pings maps!!! Does anyone have any ideas of what she was doing out there in the middle of the night? Looking for alternate dump spots? Meeting clients? Drug transactions? WHAT, WHAT, WHAT??????!!!!!! 

So much time and effort was put into the cell phone pings and our little princess was found almost in her backyard.

KC hated being home and around her family. I think she just drove around to get wonder she always ran out of gas!

Also, I was thinking last night that KC may have "stored" Caylee's body elsewhere before dumping it.

I was thinking that as well, but if not in the backyard, how will LE ever know for sure if it was one of those far out locations!!??? 

IMO Casey did keep Caylee somewhere while she drove around, that is why she had such an advanced state of decomp in her car, but not the first stages..JMO. I think she kept her in the turtle sandbox, it has a lid and the cadaver dogs hit the backyard. Im thinking Casey knew her parents like the back of her hand, she knew if she and caylee were not home, her parents wouldnt touch the sandbox and caylee could be discretly kept there. again JMO

Yes, the sandbox and possibly the playhouse? Jesse really talked about that playhouse; almost too much! 

You have to remember that the A's have two dogs.  There are no leashes out front, so you have to assume the dogs are let out back to do their business.  If there was a body in the back yard those dogs would have gone to check it out.  I cannot imagine any dog that would be lured by the smell of death, its in their genes.  They may not alert like a trained dog, but they would check it out.

Personally, I don't believe a deceased Caylee was ever in the backyard of the A's.  I believe articles from the trunk where placed in the back yard, before they were washed or disposed of. 

With what I can infer from the documents I think she had her in the back yard for a short time.  Here is my timeline.

1. Killed Caylee June15-16
2. Drove around with her for 2.6 days.
3. She backed her car into the garage and borrowed a shovel.  This is when she put her in the yard and in a bag.
4. The next day she backed her car into the garage again.  This is when she realized the dogs would give her away.
5. She drove around the corner and put the bag off the road.

Remember, Casey is about as lazy as they come.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #66 on: December 20, 2008, 10:10:03 AM »

Okay everyone! Now that we know for a fact where Casey dumped Caylee's body; what in the hell was she doing in all those remote locations we tracked on all the cellphone pings maps!!! Does anyone have any ideas of what she was doing out there in the middle of the night? Looking for alternate dump spots? Meeting clients? Drug transactions? WHAT, WHAT, WHAT??????!!!!!! 

Sorry but I am still of the opinion that ONLY a former policeman could help KC blur this whole situation by sending them all over the place to place pings that they know will be checked out.  I still believe that George helped her by placing Caylee's body in those woods and then sending KC all over the place with her cell phone planting pings. Only a former policeman could advise someone in a horrible situation about what to do to plant reasonable doubt.

Also last night Greta played a jail house visit from the parents to KC. It was really telling to me.  KC was crying and saying when Caylee came home she was going to devote all her time to her.  She also said that Caylee was her baby but she was also Cindys, George and Lee's baby also and all of them would divide their time with Caylee and take care of her so she would never be without someone to be with.  I find this very telling that she is telling them it was their fault she had no help from them taking care of Caylee.  She is saying if they had helped care for Caylee she wouldn't be in this mess right now.  So in a way she is telling them THEY caused what happened to Caylee.

I can well believe that Casey is blaming everyone in this world and the next for Caylee's death.  She appears to have never really taken responsibility for her actions.

However, I think that if George had any hand in hiding Caylee's body, she would never have been found.  Look at Drew Peterson....  Cops know where to hide a body, and she would not have been just alongside the road in a bag.  That smacks or the lazy so-and-so princess girl who didn't want to get messy and dirty and bug-bitten.  She hauled that bag just to the fringes of the woods and left it there.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #67 on: December 20, 2008, 10:11:11 AM »

Okay everyone! Now that we know for a fact where Casey dumped Caylee's body; what in the hell was she doing in all those remote locations we tracked on all the cellphone pings maps!!! Does anyone have any ideas of what she was doing out there in the middle of the night? Looking for alternate dump spots? Meeting clients? Drug transactions? WHAT, WHAT, WHAT??????!!!!!! 

Sorry but I am still of the opinion that ONLY a former policeman could help KC blur this whole situation by sending them all over the place to place pings that they know will be checked out.  I still believe that George helped her by placing Caylee's body in those woods and then sending KC all over the place with her cell phone planting pings. Only a former policeman could advise someone in a horrible situation about what to do to plant reasonable doubt.

Also last night Greta played a jail house visit from the parents to KC. It was really telling to me.  KC was crying and saying when Caylee came home she was going to devote all her time to her.  She also said that Caylee was her baby but she was also Cindys, George and Lee's baby also and all of them would divide their time with Caylee and take care of her so she would never be without someone to be with.  I find this very telling that she is telling them it was their fault she had no help from them taking care of Caylee.  She is saying if they had helped care for Caylee she wouldn't be in this mess right now.  So in a way she is telling them THEY caused what happened to Caylee.

I can well believe that Casey is blaming everyone in this world and the next for Caylee's death.  She appears to have never really taken responsibility for her actions.

However, I think that if George had any hand in hiding Caylee's body, she would never have been found.  Look at Drew Peterson....  Cops know where to hide a body, and she would not have been just alongside the road in a bag.  That smacks or the lazy so-and-so princess girl who didn't want to get messy and dirty and bug-bitten.  She hauled that bag just to the fringes of the woods and left it there.
Monkey See Monkey Don't Do
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #68 on: December 20, 2008, 10:11:28 AM »

Off topic, but sometimes we all need a little inspiration. And after the sad news yesterday this seemed a fitting place.

Are You Going to Finish Strong?


Monkey Junky
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« Reply #69 on: December 20, 2008, 10:12:52 AM »

Why is it so unreasonable to think KC did this on her own? It's not like she took a lot of effort in the disposal of the body! It doesn't take much strength to kill a little 2 1/2 year old, chloroform her, wrap her head in duct tape, put her in a garbage bag, pull over to the side of the road and toss everything out the door. Pull away and go party with her boyfriend. Problem solved.

I don't believe for a minute that she had help, she wants everyone to think she's the greatest. In fact she goes to extremes to make sure everyone likes her, until she is done with them. It would take tremendous trust for her to confide in someone that she killed her baby, then hope they keep their mouths shut. Her mother may have spun some lies to make her family appear to be a Norman Rockwell painting, but no one, except a person who has the heart of a killer would help her hide this tiny body!!

You are so on a roll this morning Boo! For instance,my hubby last night said exactly the same thing.Almost word for word and he hasn't been keeping up with this case like me.He did call me yesterday after hearing on the radio she was identified for sure.He wanted to see if I had heard the news.It touched me deeply for some reason.Last night he even sat down and watched NG with me which is something he has never done.At the end when they were showing the pictures of Caylee,I said outloud,"I love you Caylee" and he said,"She was the perfect child and so beautiful"..I was told once that one never knows what goes on in the quiet place of a mans heart and so now for sure,I know it's true.....

Proverbs 3:5
  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;
         and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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caylee marie is my hero

« Reply #70 on: December 20, 2008, 10:14:15 AM »

Why is it so unreasonable to think KC did this on her own? It's not like she took a lot of effort in the disposal of the body! It doesn't take much strength to kill a little 2 1/2 year old, chloroform her, wrap her head in duct tape, put her in a garbage bag, pull over to the side of the road and toss everything out the door. Pull away and go party with her boyfriend. Problem solved.

I don't believe for a minute that she had help, she wants everyone to think she's the greatest. In fact she goes to extremes to make sure everyone likes her, until she is done with them. It would take tremendous trust for her to confide in someone that she killed her baby, then hope they keep their mouths shut. Her mother may have spun some lies to make her family appear to be a Norman Rockwell painting, but no one, except a person who has the heart of a killer would help her hide this tiny body!!
Agreed again boomonkey. She did not put effort into the disposal of her baby at all! if her father had helped her, you better believe caylee would still be unfound. But she has been found and the disposal was just as wreckless as the killing and disapearance theory. we have to remember that this girl has hidden major secrets before. I mean which female at 17 can get pregnant and hide it for 7 months, and then when everyone knows, NEVER tell the truth about who the dad is. She is used to steering away from the truth.

"u are my sunshine, my only sunshine,  u make me happy when skies are gray,  u do not know dear how much i love  u, so please dont take Nans sunshine away." R.I.P Caylee. rot in jail KC
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #71 on: December 20, 2008, 10:14:23 AM »

With what I can infer from the documents I think she had her in the back yard for a short time.  Here is my timeline.

1. Killed Caylee June15-16
2. Drove around with her for 2.6 days.
3. She backed her car into the garage and borrowed a shovel.  This is when she put her in the yard and in a bag.
4. The next day she backed her car into the garage again.  This is when she realized the dogs would give her away.
5. She drove around the corner and put the bag off the road.

Remember, Casey is about as lazy as they come.

I think this is a reasonable timeline. I also think that during the 2.6 days, she was looking for alternate dumping spots (hence being by the airport wooded area, et cetera). Just my thinking on this.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #72 on: December 20, 2008, 10:14:50 AM »


So much time and effort was put into the cell phone pings and our little princess was found almost in her backyard.

KC hated being home and around her family. I think she just drove around to get wonder she always ran out of gas!

Also, I was thinking last night that KC may have "stored" Caylee's body elsewhere before dumping it.

You know, I was thinking...I think she did drive by the airport location, as well as other places. I think she was thinking of where she could put Caylee. I think she was trying to think about where Caylee wouldn't be found, and drove to various locations--maybe even the sighting on the side of the road...who knows. Anyway, just rambling.

I think you're correct. I suspect that once the body started to smell, she got fairly agitated when she was alone and drove around trying to think where she could get rid of it without someone seeing her and someone later finding it. I don't know if something panicked her and made her decide to get rid of Caylee where she did, or if she at some point decided to go with what was probably her first instinct, to put her in the "neighborhood pet cemetery."
Blue Moon
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #73 on: December 20, 2008, 10:15:56 AM »

Repost from last thread:

I honestly don't think KC will be allowed at the funeral no matter what. They may stream it in for her to watch, but to allow her to attend would be a huge security risk to say the least. Even Kc understands this, she mentioned before that she feels safer in jail than she did when she was staying at her parents home.

With Christmas right around the corner, I really hope this hits Cindy and George hard that their granddaughter will not be coming home. Not to be evil, but I want them to fully understand what KC took away from them all, it's because her her that Caylee's stocking will go unfilled, no presents under the tree, no going to see Santa, no silly Christmas movies for her to dance around to. I want them to come clean about their killer daughter, not lie, not exaggerate, just tell the truth. KC needs to understand that she no longer has their support for murdering Caylee, she is no longer the center of their universe and removing Caylee from the equation didn't work

I would not get my hopes up that any of this is likely to happen. I will be mighty surprised if anything changes with the Anthonys' thinking...or at least what they say in public about what they are thinking. The only thing likely to change is that they will be unable to promote searches and sightings of a live Caylee, and they now have someone new, the meter reader, to concentrate on ripping apart and trying to turn him into a pervert. They will also now concentrate their efforts on condemning the police for never having conducted a proper investigation since day # 1. Just my cynical opinion having watched the Anthonys since this all began.

If they decide to try and pin this on Mr. Kronk, I hope they have very, very deep pockets.  Somehow, I can see Cindy slandering this man.


I will be surprised if it is only Cindy. My guess is the defense will try to turn him into the "kidnapper" or spin some story where he had something to do with her disappearance and murder. Before the body was discovered, the defense was flailing around trying to find a defense. Now, they've been supplied with something to spin a yarn around. Cindy has been hammering the police as conducting a conspiracy to railroad her innocent daughter. Unfortunately, now, she and the defense have been given some material to work with. I hope it doesn't sell, but you can bet that when Casey goes to trial for murder, the cops will be on trial too.

Hey ladie monkeys! Like NG said I hope they go after this theory, I HOPE THEY DO, because they will be shot down and embarrased so quick. I hope they try to pin it on this innocent man, so atleast someone can be proven innocent in this case! KC is going down, she indicted herself with one single hair strand. Now we have a full head of hair.. im sure they are going to get some for of finger print from the tape or inside of the bags (2). KC's telltale heart will give it away. Not to mention i know the slor isnt going to testify. Only to make her look more pitiful!

I have not seen any law enforcement or medical examiner say they have found duct tape or hair strands.  I have only heard reporters and commentators state that and I did hear the medical examiner say that nothing would be obtained from what little hair strands there were.  I think they had very little to work with after finding that bag.  It had been there for too long for much to be left.

If you ask the wrong question, of course, you get the wrong answer. We find in design it’s much more important and difficult to ask the right question. Once you do that, the right answer becomes obvious.<br />Quote: Amory Lovins
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #74 on: December 20, 2008, 10:16:09 AM »

Off topic, but sometimes we all need a little inspiration. And after the sad news yesterday this seemed a fitting place.

Are You Going to Finish Strong?


That was beautiful. Thank you so much!

"but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself.  The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." -Atticus Finch
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #75 on: December 20, 2008, 10:17:18 AM »

Why is it so unreasonable to think KC did this on her own? It's not like she took a lot of effort in the disposal of the body! It doesn't take much strength to kill a little 2 1/2 year old, chloroform her, wrap her head in duct tape, put her in a garbage bag, pull over to the side of the road and toss everything out the door. Pull away and go party with her boyfriend. Problem solved.

I don't believe for a minute that she had help, she wants everyone to think she's the greatest. In fact she goes to extremes to make sure everyone likes her, until she is done with them. It would take tremendous trust for her to confide in someone that she killed her baby, then hope they keep their mouths shut. Her mother may have spun some lies to make her family appear to be a Norman Rockwell painting, but no one, except a person who has the heart of a killer would help her hide this tiny body!!

In light of where the body was found and how it was disposed of I have changed my mind that she had any accomplices.  This proves just how lazy she was and if she had help it would not have ever been placed down the street from her house.  I had thought because George lied about the chase that perhaps he lied about a lot of things.  Perhaps he did lie, but nevertheless I doubt he had anything to do with the disposal.  The only thing I thought was that they found the body in the car when they brought it home from the tow yard perhaps or that George saw the body and helped her around the time of the gas can story.  Since I think he would have been wise enough to not dump the body behind the house I think she did this alone.

Casey was a lazy whore.  Lazy being the most important word.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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caylee marie is my hero

« Reply #76 on: December 20, 2008, 10:18:51 AM »

Okay everyone! Now that we know for a fact where Casey dumped Caylee's body; what in the hell was she doing in all those remote locations we tracked on all the cellphone pings maps!!! Does anyone have any ideas of what she was doing out there in the middle of the night? Looking for alternate dump spots? Meeting clients? Drug transactions? WHAT, WHAT, WHAT??????!!!!!! 

So much time and effort was put into the cell phone pings and our little princess was found almost in her backyard.

KC hated being home and around her family. I think she just drove around to get wonder she always ran out of gas!

Also, I was thinking last night that KC may have "stored" Caylee's body elsewhere before dumping it.

I was thinking that as well, but if not in the backyard, how will LE ever know for sure if it was one of those far out locations!!??? 

IMO Casey did keep Caylee somewhere while she drove around, that is why she had such an advanced state of decomp in her car, but not the first stages..JMO. I think she kept her in the turtle sandbox, it has a lid and the cadaver dogs hit the backyard. Im thinking Casey knew her parents like the back of her hand, she knew if she and caylee were not home, her parents wouldnt touch the sandbox and caylee could be discretly kept there. again JMO

Yes, the sandbox and possibly the playhouse? Jesse really talked about that playhouse; almost too much! 

You have to remember that the A's have two dogs.  There are no leashes out front, so you have to assume the dogs are let out back to do their business.  If there was a body in the back yard those dogs would have gone to check it out.  I cannot imagine any dog that would be lured by the smell of death, its in their genes.  They may not alert like a trained dog, but they would check it out.

Personally, I don't believe a deceased Caylee was ever in the backyard of the A's.  I believe articles from the trunk where placed in the back yard, before they were washed or disposed of. 

With what I can infer from the documents I think she had her in the back yard for a short time.  Here is my timeline.

1. Killed Caylee June15-16
2. Drove around with her for 2.6 days.
3. She backed her car into the garage and borrowed a shovel.  This is when she put her in the yard and in a bag.
4. The next day she backed her car into the garage again.  This is when she realized the dogs would give her away.
5. She drove around the corner and put the bag off the road.

Remember, Casey is about as lazy as they come.

agreed. Also i have yet to leak this from my head. hehe. but i think that casey used the Spot Bot that they removed from the house to clean that "mysterious stain" and when they removed it the other day it still had liquid in it...a greyish liquid, unlike the green liquid usually used in it...It is imo that after chloroform sets, it becomes a different gas, thus would have a new chemical reaction explaining its change in colors

"u are my sunshine, my only sunshine,  u make me happy when skies are gray,  u do not know dear how much i love  u, so please dont take Nans sunshine away." R.I.P Caylee. rot in jail KC
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #77 on: December 20, 2008, 10:19:10 AM »


So much time and effort was put into the cell phone pings and our little princess was found almost in her backyard.

KC hated being home and around her family. I think she just drove around to get wonder she always ran out of gas!

Also, I was thinking last night that KC may have "stored" Caylee's body elsewhere before dumping it.

You know, I was thinking...I think she did drive by the airport location, as well as other places. I think she was thinking of where she could put Caylee. I think she was trying to think about where Caylee wouldn't be found, and drove to various locations--maybe even the sighting on the side of the road...who knows. Anyway, just rambling.

I think you're correct. I suspect that once the body started to smell, she got fairly agitated when she was alone and drove around trying to think where she could get rid of it without someone seeing her and someone later finding it. I don't know if something panicked her and made her decide to get rid of Caylee where she did, or if she at some point decided to go with what was probably her first instinct, to put her in the "neighborhood pet cemetery."

Good question. I think it might be a little of both her being paniked that she had to get rid of the smell. She needed the smell to be gone by the time someone came to rescue her from being out of gas again or such... And since she couldn't find another spot in her drivings, she felt safer dumping there, because of the familiarity.
Blue Moon
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« Reply #78 on: December 20, 2008, 10:19:13 AM »

Remember KC telling Lee to look in familiar places for Caylee. If this place was stomping grounds for KC during her youth you know it was to Lee also.  She was telling Lee where the body was and Lee knew it too.

If you ask the wrong question, of course, you get the wrong answer. We find in design it’s much more important and difficult to ask the right question. Once you do that, the right answer becomes obvious.<br />Quote: Amory Lovins
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #79 on: December 20, 2008, 10:19:44 AM »

Repost from last thread:

I honestly don't think KC will be allowed at the funeral no matter what. They may stream it in for her to watch, but to allow her to attend would be a huge security risk to say the least. Even Kc understands this, she mentioned before that she feels safer in jail than she did when she was staying at her parents home.

With Christmas right around the corner, I really hope this hits Cindy and George hard that their granddaughter will not be coming home. Not to be evil, but I want them to fully understand what KC took away from them all, it's because her her that Caylee's stocking will go unfilled, no presents under the tree, no going to see Santa, no silly Christmas movies for her to dance around to. I want them to come clean about their killer daughter, not lie, not exaggerate, just tell the truth. KC needs to understand that she no longer has their support for murdering Caylee, she is no longer the center of their universe and removing Caylee from the equation didn't work

Good morning Monkey's.
Boo,I totally agree with your post.The whole Anthony family needs to open their eyes and see the injustice in what Casey did.
Caylee,sweet child,is resting and playing peacefully with God's Angel's now.

Karma Is Coming

Justice for Natalee Holloway!

Rest In Peace Sweet Angels

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