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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #93 1/16/09 - 1/19/09  (Read 322059 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1800 on: January 19, 2009, 01:34:27 PM »

Hi Ms Sam, welcome to the cage! 

hello all!!!im new to the post.i enjoy reading all the post here,all very good ones!!!

Welcome ncbelle54 

Greetings All Monkeys!

Has anyone had any new word about this??

Breaking: Court documents just handed over to the defense in the Caylee murder case will be released any moment now.

Why, why, WHY do people keep trying to use sociopath and borderline interchangeably? They're nothing at all alike! Borderlines aren't consciousless killers, they're terrified of abandonment and have huge self-esteem issues. A Borderline in Casey's shoes wouldn't have taken Caylee and killed her, she'd have left Caylee with Cindy and killed herself, or gone on a bender.  Just because you get tired of someone's suicide attempts or pity parties doesn't mean they're evil or a killer! It really, really, bothers me.

Borderlines need re-parenting and DBT.  They feel guilt, shame, and remorse, and can learn to take responsibility. Sociopaths don't respond to that kind of treatment at all--they're just missing a piece. They don't feel embarrassment or guilt or even sorrow. The best they can do is mimic.

I can't stand it when people try to call Casey a "Borderline" personality. Cindy might be a Borderline. Lee might be. But not Casey. I understand that everyone hates their Borderline relatives and can't wait for them person to actually commit suicide instead of just making all those failed attempts or threats, all those crazy scenes that make the feared abandonment a certainty. But being a pain in the ass drama queen isn't the same thing as being a cold-blooded killer.

   Please tell me I read this wrong     

You didn't read that wrong.  I didn't read it wrong either.

Hoping for someone to actually end there life is a scarey thought process in its own.  Ive lost family and friends to suicide and I wished I could of saved them from the pain.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1801 on: January 19, 2009, 01:35:10 PM »

                                   CRIME AND VIOLENCE 

   The last decade has seen the emergence of an inescapable and terrifying reality: a dramatic surge of juvenile crime that threatens to overwhelm our social institutions. Particularly distressing is the staggering increase in drug use and crimes of violence--homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault--and the ever younger age at which these offenses are committed. We are constantly sickened and saddened--but no longer surprised--by reports of children under the age of ten who are capable of the sort of mindless violence that once was reserved for hardened adult criminals.
   Also stated: "The level of impairment that arose in the 1960s and 1970s in juveniles' functioning should cause concern about the ability of a proportion of that generation to bring up the next generation. Impaired child-rearing practices is one of the factors that influence how antisocial a next generation will be." IN OTHERS WORDS--HANG ON TO YOUR HATS---WE AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET!!! 


*Teenage boy in Colorado waits patiently while two young friends hack and hammer his mother to death.
*Florida police try to determine if 5-year-old knew the consequences when he threw 3-year-old off fifth-floor balcony.
*Kansas City police are baffled by jealous 12-year-old who kills younger sister, mother over birthday party plans.
*Eleven-year-old from affluent St. Louis neighboorhood orders 10-year-old out of her yard; when he doesn't leave she shoots him with parents' gun. Playmate dies after surgery.
*Girl, 4, kills twin baby brothers by throwing them to the floor after one of the 3-week-old infants accidently scratches her during play.


That is extremely frightening, and the cases that are listed, what happened or happens to these young people who have commited these crimes?

I have no idea, Norose, but I hope they are being wacthed 24/7! 

Children like this have always been with us. Movies like "The Bad Seed" are just retellings of old, old stories. There were kids like this around in Medieval times, in Biblical times. It could be "on the rise," because it's a kind of birth defect, and we really do have a lot more pollution and fewer nutrients in our food.

Children like this go to juvenile detention centers and attend schools for juvenile offenders, which is why it's important to be really, really sure a child isn't sent there for a frivolous reason. He'll be bunking with those kids and could end up dead, or just maimed.
Garden Gnome
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« Reply #1802 on: January 19, 2009, 01:35:57 PM »

Why, why, WHY do people keep trying to use sociopath and borderline interchangeably? They're nothing at all alike! Borderlines aren't consciousless killers, they're terrified of abandonment and have huge self-esteem issues. A Borderline in Casey's shoes wouldn't have taken Caylee and killed her, she'd have left Caylee with Cindy and killed herself, or gone on a bender.  Just because you get tired of someone's suicide attempts or pity parties doesn't mean they're evil or a killer! It really, really, bothers me.

Borderlines need re-parenting and DBT.  They feel guilt, shame, and remorse, and can learn to take responsibility. Sociopaths don't respond to that kind of treatment at all--they're just missing a piece. They don't feel embarrassment or guilt or even sorrow. The best they can do is mimic.

I can't stand it when people try to call Casey a "Borderline" personality. Cindy might be a Borderline. Lee might be. But not Casey. I understand that everyone hates their Borderline relatives and can't wait for them person to actually commit suicide instead of just making all those failed attempts or threats, all those crazy scenes that make the feared abandonment a certainty. But being a pain in the ass drama queen isn't the same thing as being a cold-blooded killer.

Fuzzball, do you know the statistics for suicide?  39,000 per year in the USA alone. 

I would like you to repeat this to someone who has loved someone and lost them to suicide.  This is one of the most irresponsible things I have ever heard anyone say on this website.  You might want to keep in mind that you don't know the stories of other posters and what they might be feeling.

Were you a fly on the wall of the Anthony home?  How can you possibly spout this chit like it is a FACT and not way over used imagination.

Go ahead and throw all your bananas at me.  That post was mean and uninformed.  Sorry you seem to have had a really rotten family but some of us loved ours and would have laid down their own life to save someone we lost.

Thank you Garden Gnome.  Well stated IMO.

Thank you.  My youngest daughter completed suicide after a twelve year battle with mental illness, started when she fifteen.  She just gave up.  She was not a drama queen and she was dearly loved by her sisters and nieces and nephews.  She was extremely bright and got into Lang College in NYC (for journalism) on just about a full boat.  She died on February 7, 2002 and her anniversary is coming up.  I am very raw this time of year.


Every now and then soft as breath upon my skin, I feel you come back again....and I believe.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1803 on: January 19, 2009, 01:36:28 PM »

I also want to add: There is no way that George & Cindy could not have known that something was "wrong" with their daughter. Unfortunately, there is little that could be done about it; even if they had wanted to.

   Many people feel uncomfortable applying the term PSYCHOPATH to children. They cite ethical and practical problems with pinning what amounts to a perjorative label on a youngster. But clinical experience and empirical research clearly indicate that the raw materials of the disorder can and do exist in children. PSYCHOPATHY DOES NOT SUDDENLY SPRING, UNANNOUNCED, INTO EXISTENCE IN ADULTHOOD. The precursors of the profile first reveal themselves early in life.
   Clinical and anecdotal evidence indicates that MOST PARENTS OF CHILDREN LATER DIAGNOSED AS PSYCHOPATHS WERE PAINFULLY AWARE THAT SOMETHING WAS SERIOUSLY WRONG EVEN BEFORE THE CHILD STARTED SCHOOL. Although all children begin their development unrestrained by social boundaries, certain children remain stubbornly immune to socializing pressures. They are inexplicably "DIFFERENT" from other normal children--MORE DIFFICULT, WILLFUL, AGGRESIVE, AND DECEITFUL; harder to "relate to" or get close to; less susceptible to influence and instruction and always testing the limits of social tolerance. 

When I was a special education teacher I taught student in K-2 multi-catergorical.  I had many different children (severe autism, CP, Learning diabilities, ADD/ADHD mental handicaps) in my time and only 2 that stand out to me in EXTREME behavior.  They were dignosed with SEVERE Emotional Handicaps.  One in particular frightens me to this day, and makes me wonder where he is now.  At the time he was a second grader.  He was very violent.  Throwing, hitting, tantrums, self abuse, wetting himself and defecating almost on demand.  I was pregnant at the time I was teaching him and one day, I came home with his blood, feces, and urine on my clothing following a long day with his extreme behavior and little support from my administration.  My husband made me go on maternity leave early due to the need for safety for our own unborn child.  I think about his parents and how they were limited in mental ability and also had no way of fully understand how to deal with his behavior.  He controled the home.  They were exhausted from his behavior and his games, but they had no very little support from anyone outside, even though they DID seek the help.  FOr one reason or another medicaid and insurance would only pay for inpatient care for so long and they had no money to get help.

Relating this to Kc, she probably also controled the home from a young age.  She obviously was not like this young man but her behaviour was draining none the less.  Parents of children with strong wills often get tired of the constant battles and choose to give in on things that do not seem to matter, but then the lines get very blurry on what DOES matter.  The child begins to control more and more, knowing their parents will give in.  THe parents feel guilty for this and so they make take the blame for the child's problems and then begin to cover up the problems instead of getting help.  Children like this many times are born and not made, but the behaviors get worse when not dealt with appropriately, many times out of the parents own shame and guilt

Hope this makes sense.       

Monken and Perri, very well written posts, and both are spot on! 

And when a parent of such a child does go for help, very often there are years of confusion as to what exactly IS the problem.  Parents at their wits end, seek the moments of peace while this child is at school.  Teachers at their wits end, seek answers and involvement from the parents.  Doctors try different meds and approaches until finally some answers and relief is found.  With cooperation between the doctor, parents and teacher, and siblings/family, the child's behavior might begin to improve.  Only to go back to 1st base when a new school year begins with a new teacher, and/or the child hits a new developmental phase and matures.  Then it begins all over again.  Sigh. 

As a mother of such a child, who was diagnosed at age 7 with ADHD, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, life was... lived on the edge, at all times, except when he was asleep.  Parents aren't the only ones who despair, run out of patience, lose control, get to their wits end.  Teachers and staff as well.  At one annual meeting for my oldest, because they couldn't think of anything that would work with my son, it was suggested to me that in the afternoons they place him with the janitor.     As if!!  I told them they needed to rethink that plan. 

When my son was 13, he went into a group home, because he was so wild and out of control I could not deal with him by myself.  While there, he was taken out of therapy because 'it didn't seem to be helping', as I was told.  Very nervously, I explained over and again, that a child with conduct disorder, left untreated, could possibly become as an adult, a sociopath/psychopath/anti-social personality.  Take your pick of labels, they basically mean the same thing.  They weren't listening to me, after all, I was 'just the mom who couldn't control her child'.  And what we have today is a 28 yr old sociopath.   

Relating all this back to Casey?  In part I can sooooooooooo understand how the A's must be feeling helpless, at their wit's end, despairing of what to do next.  Perhaps hoping that the worst case scenario would never happen.  Not sure if they feel any of that.  What it seems to me is that they've turned a blind eye to Casey from very earlier on, perhaps in their denial of what she has become.  That doesn't excuse them.  It's easy for me to say, a bystander with benefit of hindsight, yet IMO, I would have kept a hugely close eye on what was going on with Caylee.  Especially given the fact they seem to have lost control with Casey.  At the very least, IMO, they could have alerted LE at the first sign of anything gone weird with how Caylee was being treated by Casey.  But that's with hindsight and all.  Am thinking the A's simply were hoping for the best.   

Wyks, you would know more than anyone here what it's like; and i wouldn't consider you a bystander. Your insight, having lived it, is invaluable to me and I look forward to your future posts. God bless you 

"Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden."
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1804 on: January 19, 2009, 01:38:25 PM »

Why, why, WHY do people keep trying to use sociopath and borderline interchangeably? They're nothing at all alike! Borderlines aren't consciousless killers, they're terrified of abandonment and have huge self-esteem issues. A Borderline in Casey's shoes wouldn't have taken Caylee and killed her, she'd have left Caylee with Cindy and killed herself, or gone on a bender.  Just because you get tired of someone's suicide attempts or pity parties doesn't mean they're evil or a killer! It really, really, bothers me.

Borderlines need re-parenting and DBT.  They feel guilt, shame, and remorse, and can learn to take responsibility. Sociopaths don't respond to that kind of treatment at all--they're just missing a piece. They don't feel embarrassment or guilt or even sorrow. The best they can do is mimic.

I can't stand it when people try to call Casey a "Borderline" personality. Cindy might be a Borderline. Lee might be. But not Casey. I understand that everyone hates their Borderline relatives and can't wait for them person to actually commit suicide instead of just making all those failed attempts or threats, all those crazy scenes that make the feared abandonment a certainty. But being a pain in the ass drama queen isn't the same thing as being a cold-blooded killer.

Fuzzball, do you know the statistics for suicide?  39,000 per year in the USA alone. 

I would like you to repeat this to someone who has loved someone and lost them to suicide.  This is one of the most irresponsible things I have ever heard anyone say on this website.  You might want to keep in mind that you don't know the stories of other posters and what they might be feeling.

Were you a fly on the wall of the Anthony home?  How can you possibly spout this chit like it is a FACT and not way over used imagination.

Go ahead and throw all your bananas at me.  That post was mean and uninformed.  Sorry you seem to have had a really rotten family but some of us loved ours and would have laid down their own life to save someone we lost.

Thank you Garden Gnome.  Well stated IMO.

Thank you.  My youngest daughter completed suicide after a twelve year battle with mental illness, started when she fifteen.  She just gave up.  She was not a drama queen and she was dearly loved by her sisters and nieces and nephews.  She was extremely bright and got into Lang College in NYC (for journalism) on just about a full boat.  She died on February 7, 2002 and her anniversary is coming up.  I am very raw this time of year.

Im very sorry for your loss Garden Gnome.
joesamas mama
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1805 on: January 19, 2009, 01:39:23 PM »

Why, why, WHY do people keep trying to use sociopath and borderline interchangeably? They're nothing at all alike! Borderlines aren't consciousless killers, they're terrified of abandonment and have huge self-esteem issues. A Borderline in Casey's shoes wouldn't have taken Caylee and killed her, she'd have left Caylee with Cindy and killed herself, or gone on a bender.  Just because you get tired of someone's suicide attempts or pity parties doesn't mean they're evil or a killer! It really, really, bothers me.

Borderlines need re-parenting and DBT.  They feel guilt, shame, and remorse, and can learn to take responsibility. Sociopaths don't respond to that kind of treatment at all--they're just missing a piece. They don't feel embarrassment or guilt or even sorrow. The best they can do is mimic.

I can't stand it when people try to call Casey a "Borderline" personality. Cindy might be a Borderline. Lee might be. But not Casey. I understand that everyone hates their Borderline relatives and can't wait for them person to actually commit suicide instead of just making all those failed attempts or threats, all those crazy scenes that make the feared abandonment a certainty. But being a pain in the ass drama queen isn't the same thing as being a cold-blooded killer.

Fuzzball, do you know the statistics for suicide?  39,000 per year in the USA alone. 

I would like you to repeat this to someone who has loved someone and lost them to suicide.  This is one of the most irresponsible things I have ever heard anyone say on this website.  You might want to keep in mind that you don't know the stories of other posters and what they might be feeling.

Were you a fly on the wall of the Anthony home?  How can you possibly spout this chit like it is a FACT and not way over used imagination.

Go ahead and throw all your bananas at me.  That post was mean and uninformed.  Sorry you seem to have had a really rotten family but some of us loved ours and would have laid down their own life to save someone we lost.

Thank you Garden Gnome.  Well stated IMO.

Thank you.  My youngest daughter completed suicide after a twelve year battle with mental illness, started when she fifteen.  She just gave up.  She was not a drama queen and she was dearly loved by her sisters and nieces and nephews.  She was extremely bright and got into Lang College in NYC (for journalism) on just about a full boat.  She died on February 7, 2002 and her anniversary is coming up.  I am very raw this time of year.

I'm so sorry Garden Gnome. I just read the earlier post from fuzzball and was trying to catch up. I wanted to catch up before I ranted about her post. Hugs

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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1806 on: January 19, 2009, 01:40:00 PM »

Thank you.  My youngest daughter completed suicide after a twelve year battle with mental illness, started when she fifteen.  She just gave up.  She was not a drama queen and she was dearly loved by her sisters and nieces and nephews.  She was extremely bright and got into Lang College in NYC (for journalism) on just about a full boat.  She died on February 7, 2002 and her anniversary is coming up.  I am very raw this time of year.

I am so sorry for your loss  <<HUGS>> 

Faith . . . it matters . . . it really does. ~ Sister
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1807 on: January 19, 2009, 01:40:09 PM »

Hugs GG.     I'm really sorry to hear about your daughter.  What a heart break.     
Monkey Junky
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In Honor of my son Lt. Brandon W. Rollins LCSO.

« Reply #1808 on: January 19, 2009, 01:44:53 PM »

Why, why, WHY do people keep trying to use sociopath and borderline interchangeably? They're nothing at all alike! Borderlines aren't consciousless killers, they're terrified of abandonment and have huge self-esteem issues. A Borderline in Casey's shoes wouldn't have taken Caylee and killed her, she'd have left Caylee with Cindy and killed herself, or gone on a bender.  Just because you get tired of someone's suicide attempts or pity parties doesn't mean they're evil or a killer! It really, really, bothers me.

Borderlines need re-parenting and DBT.  They feel guilt, shame, and remorse, and can learn to take responsibility. Sociopaths don't respond to that kind of treatment at all--they're just missing a piece. They don't feel embarrassment or guilt or even sorrow. The best they can do is mimic.

I can't stand it when people try to call Casey a "Borderline" personality. Cindy might be a Borderline. Lee might be. But not Casey. I understand that everyone hates their Borderline relatives and can't wait for them person to actually commit suicide instead of just making all those failed attempts or threats, all those crazy scenes that make the feared abandonment a certainty. But being a pain in the ass drama queen isn't the same thing as being a cold-blooded killer.

Fuzzball, do you know the statistics for suicide?  39,000 per year in the USA alone. 

I would like you to repeat this to someone who has loved someone and lost them to suicide.  This is one of the most irresponsible things I have ever heard anyone say on this website.  You might want to keep in mind that you don't know the stories of other posters and what they might be feeling.

Were you a fly on the wall of the Anthony home?  How can you possibly spout this chit like it is a FACT and not way over used imagination.

Go ahead and throw all your bananas at me.  That post was mean and uninformed.  Sorry you seem to have had a really rotten family but some of us loved ours and would have laid down their own life to save someone we lost.

Thank you Garden Gnome.  Well stated IMO.

Thank you.  My youngest daughter completed suicide after a twelve year battle with mental illness, started when she fifteen.  She just gave up.  She was not a drama queen and she was dearly loved by her sisters and nieces and nephews.  She was extremely bright and got into Lang College in NYC (for journalism) on just about a full boat.  She died on February 7, 2002 and her anniversary is coming up.  I am very raw this time of year.

Im very sorry for your loss Garden Gnome.

Oh Garden Gnome, I am so very sorry....(((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))

You will never know that Faith in prayer is all you need,
until it is all you have left!
God Bless!
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1809 on: January 19, 2009, 01:45:32 PM »

Hi Ms Sam, welcome to the cage! 

hello all!!!im new to the post.i enjoy reading all the post here,all very good ones!!!

Welcome ncbelle54 

Greetings All Monkeys!

Has anyone had any new word about this??

Breaking: Court documents just handed over to the defense in the Caylee murder case will be released any moment now.

Why, why, WHY do people keep trying to use sociopath and borderline interchangeably? They're nothing at all alike! Borderlines aren't consciousless killers, they're terrified of abandonment and have huge self-esteem issues. A Borderline in Casey's shoes wouldn't have taken Caylee and killed her, she'd have left Caylee with Cindy and killed herself, or gone on a bender.  Just because you get tired of someone's suicide attempts or pity parties doesn't mean they're evil or a killer! It really, really, bothers me.

Borderlines need re-parenting and DBT.  They feel guilt, shame, and remorse, and can learn to take responsibility. Sociopaths don't respond to that kind of treatment at all--they're just missing a piece. They don't feel embarrassment or guilt or even sorrow. The best they can do is mimic.

I can't stand it when people try to call Casey a "Borderline" personality. Cindy might be a Borderline. Lee might be. But not Casey. I understand that everyone hates their Borderline relatives and can't wait for them person to actually commit suicide instead of just making all those failed attempts or threats, all those crazy scenes that make the feared abandonment a certainty. But being a pain in the ass drama queen isn't the same thing as being a cold-blooded killer.

Fuzzball, do you know the statistics for suicide?  39,000 per year in the USA alone. 

I would like you to repeat this to someone who has loved someone and lost them to suicide.  This is one of the most irresponsible things I have ever heard anyone say on this website.  You might want to keep in mind that you don't know the stories of other posters and what they might be feeling.

Were you a fly on the wall of the Anthony home?  How can you possibly spout this chit like it is a FACT and not way over used imagination.

Go ahead and throw all your bananas at me.  That post was mean and uninformed.  Sorry you seem to have had a really rotten family but some of us loved ours and would have laid down their own life to save someone we lost.

I don't know where this post is coming from; I haven't seen anyone compare Borderline & sociopathy. And i didn't see it in the link either! I have been screaming PSYCHOPATH all morning so i don't have a clue! If I had a relative that was borderline, I wouldn't hate them and the suicide reference was way over the line IMO. I DO have a close relative that committed suicide and this post was obnoxious and hateful! 

"Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden."
Monkey Junky
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Burn, baby, burn...'Ol Sparky is waiting for you!

« Reply #1810 on: January 19, 2009, 01:49:55 PM »

To those of you who have had a suicide, I'm so sorry for you.

But...having experienced a borderline/psycho/sociopath, I would have to agree with Fuzzball. The hell that this person put those around her through was unbelievable. It got to the point where I would pray to God for her to die. Car accident, eating her gun, whatever. I rationalized it by telling God (yeah, right, like He needs to have things explained to Him!) that the world would be a much safer place without her in it. I'm the kind of person who puts "awful things that have happened to me" in a file in my mind. The drawer to that file is locked, and I'm always losing the keys, so I can't (won't) give you details, but suffice it to say that what we went through was awful, and has left scars that will never heal.

Thankfully, this person is out of our sphere now, I don't know if she's dead or alive, but I hope she's dead.

So, I said all this to maybe tone down what Fuzz said.

  Remember Ladies, get the damm mamm!     Thanks, Brandi!
« Reply #1811 on: January 19, 2009, 01:50:34 PM »

Good afternoon, all!!

Just wanted to add my hugs, thoughts and prayers to Garden Gnome. Well said, GG, and so true. Sometimes, battling temptation for suicide is a symptom of a terminal illness, and often, just as with terminal cancer patients, the battle is lost. I'm so sorry for your daughter and for you and your family. Twelve years is a long time, and I'm sure it was that long because of an incredible effort by her and your family.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1812 on: January 19, 2009, 01:50:42 PM »

Why, why, WHY do people keep trying to use sociopath and borderline interchangeably? They're nothing at all alike! Borderlines aren't consciousless killers, they're terrified of abandonment and have huge self-esteem issues. A Borderline in Casey's shoes wouldn't have taken Caylee and killed her, she'd have left Caylee with Cindy and killed herself, or gone on a bender.  Just because you get tired of someone's suicide attempts or pity parties doesn't mean they're evil or a killer! It really, really, bothers me.

Borderlines need re-parenting and DBT.  They feel guilt, shame, and remorse, and can learn to take responsibility. Sociopaths don't respond to that kind of treatment at all--they're just missing a piece. They don't feel embarrassment or guilt or even sorrow. The best they can do is mimic.

I can't stand it when people try to call Casey a "Borderline" personality. Cindy might be a Borderline. Lee might be. But not Casey. I understand that everyone hates their Borderline relatives and can't wait for them person to actually commit suicide instead of just making all those failed attempts or threats, all those crazy scenes that make the feared abandonment a certainty. But being a pain in the ass drama queen isn't the same thing as being a cold-blooded killer.

Fuzzball, do you know the statistics for suicide?  39,000 per year in the USA alone. 

I would like you to repeat this to someone who has loved someone and lost them to suicide.  This is one of the most irresponsible things I have ever heard anyone say on this website.  You might want to keep in mind that you don't know the stories of other posters and what they might be feeling.

Were you a fly on the wall of the Anthony home?  How can you possibly spout this chit like it is a FACT and not way over used imagination.

Go ahead and throw all your bananas at me.  That post was mean and uninformed.  Sorry you seem to have had a really rotten family but some of us loved ours and would have laid down their own life to save someone we lost.

Thank you Garden Gnome.  Well stated IMO.

Thank you.  My youngest daughter completed suicide after a twelve year battle with mental illness, started when she fifteen.  She just gave up.  She was not a drama queen and she was dearly loved by her sisters and nieces and nephews.  She was extremely bright and got into Lang College in NYC (for journalism) on just about a full boat.  She died on February 7, 2002 and her anniversary is coming up.  I am very raw this time of year.

i am very sorry for your and your families loss. thoughtless words can wound deeply.

Justice is truth in action - Benjamin Disraeli
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1813 on: January 19, 2009, 01:52:19 PM »

Good afternoon, Monkeys!

Garden Gnome, I am so very sorry for your loss.  My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.  Please know that you are among friends. 
always 1
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1814 on: January 19, 2009, 01:52:19 PM »

Well surely she had a reason for posting this, lets give her time to think it over before we put her feet to the fire, ok???

I am A1 because I am saucy!!!
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« Reply #1815 on: January 19, 2009, 01:52:21 PM »

Garden Gnome... I am very sorry for your loss, I cannot even begin to imagine the devastation you and your family and friends have endured.
Monkey Junky
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I can spell, I just can't type.

« Reply #1816 on: January 19, 2009, 01:55:01 PM »

To those of you who have had a suicide, I'm so sorry for you.

But...having experienced a borderline/psycho/sociopath, I would have to agree with Fuzzball. The hell that this person put those around her through was unbelievable. It got to the point where I would pray to God for her to die. Car accident, eating her gun, whatever. I rationalized it by telling God (yeah, right, like He needs to have things explained to Him!) that the world would be a much safer place without her in it. I'm the kind of person who puts "awful things that have happened to me" in a file in my mind. The drawer to that file is locked, and I'm always losing the keys, so I can't (won't) give you details, but suffice it to say that what we went through was awful, and has left scars that will never heal.

Thankfully, this person is out of our sphere now, I don't know if she's dead or alive, but I hope she's dead.

So, I said all this to maybe tone down what Fuzz said.

i could never wish anyone dead just because they put me thru the wringer. i can understand the frustration with dealing with someone with bpd, but i can honestly say that all ive wished for them is some peace and self acceptance.

Justice is truth in action - Benjamin Disraeli
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1817 on: January 19, 2009, 01:57:41 PM »

Hi Ms Sam, welcome to the cage! 

hello all!!!im new to the post.i enjoy reading all the post here,all very good ones!!!

Welcome ncbelle54 

Greetings All Monkeys!

Has anyone had any new word about this??

Breaking: Court documents just handed over to the defense in the Caylee murder case will be released any moment now.

Why, why, WHY do people keep trying to use sociopath and borderline interchangeably? They're nothing at all alike! Borderlines aren't consciousless killers, they're terrified of abandonment and have huge self-esteem issues. A Borderline in Casey's shoes wouldn't have taken Caylee and killed her, she'd have left Caylee with Cindy and killed herself, or gone on a bender.  Just because you get tired of someone's suicide attempts or pity parties doesn't mean they're evil or a killer! It really, really, bothers me.

Borderlines need re-parenting and DBT.  They feel guilt, shame, and remorse, and can learn to take responsibility. Sociopaths don't respond to that kind of treatment at all--they're just missing a piece. They don't feel embarrassment or guilt or even sorrow. The best they can do is mimic.

I can't stand it when people try to call Casey a "Borderline" personality. Cindy might be a Borderline. Lee might be. But not Casey. I understand that everyone hates their Borderline relatives and can't wait for them person to actually commit suicide instead of just making all those failed attempts or threats, all those crazy scenes that make the feared abandonment a certainty. But being a pain in the ass drama queen isn't the same thing as being a cold-blooded killer.

My husband committed suicide.  He sat in the living room, right in front of me, at 2:30 in the morning, loading a gun.  then he got up, walked out the front door, braced the butt of the gun against a tree and the barrel against his temple and fired.

I'm leaving now.
always 1
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1818 on: January 19, 2009, 02:00:41 PM »

Hi Ms Sam, welcome to the cage! 

hello all!!!im new to the post.i enjoy reading all the post here,all very good ones!!!

Welcome ncbelle54 

Greetings All Monkeys!

Has anyone had any new word about this??

Breaking: Court documents just handed over to the defense in the Caylee murder case will be released any moment now.

Why, why, WHY do people keep trying to use sociopath and borderline interchangeably? They're nothing at all alike! Borderlines aren't consciousless killers, they're terrified of abandonment and have huge self-esteem issues. A Borderline in Casey's shoes wouldn't have taken Caylee and killed her, she'd have left Caylee with Cindy and killed herself, or gone on a bender.  Just because you get tired of someone's suicide attempts or pity parties doesn't mean they're evil or a killer! It really, really, bothers me.

Borderlines need re-parenting and DBT.  They feel guilt, shame, and remorse, and can learn to take responsibility. Sociopaths don't respond to that kind of treatment at all--they're just missing a piece. They don't feel embarrassment or guilt or even sorrow. The best they can do is mimic.

I can't stand it when people try to call Casey a "Borderline" personality. Cindy might be a Borderline. Lee might be. But not Casey. I understand that everyone hates their Borderline relatives and can't wait for them person to actually commit suicide instead of just making all those failed attempts or threats, all those crazy scenes that make the feared abandonment a certainty. But being a pain in the ass drama queen isn't the same thing as being a cold-blooded killer.

My husband committed suicide.  He sat in the living room, right in front of me, at 2:30 in the morning, loading a gun.  then he got up, walked out the front door, braced the butt of the gun against a tree and the barrel against his temple and fired.

I'm leaving now.
Gosh, I dont know what to say to you.  I always whine about my life, and have lost loved ones, but never in this way.  I am so sorry.

I am A1 because I am saucy!!!
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1819 on: January 19, 2009, 02:01:27 PM »

Hi Ms Sam, welcome to the cage! 

hello all!!!im new to the post.i enjoy reading all the post here,all very good ones!!!

Welcome ncbelle54 

Greetings All Monkeys!

Has anyone had any new word about this??

Breaking: Court documents just handed over to the defense in the Caylee murder case will be released any moment now.

Why, why, WHY do people keep trying to use sociopath and borderline interchangeably? They're nothing at all alike! Borderlines aren't consciousless killers, they're terrified of abandonment and have huge self-esteem issues. A Borderline in Casey's shoes wouldn't have taken Caylee and killed her, she'd have left Caylee with Cindy and killed herself, or gone on a bender.  Just because you get tired of someone's suicide attempts or pity parties doesn't mean they're evil or a killer! It really, really, bothers me.

Borderlines need re-parenting and DBT.  They feel guilt, shame, and remorse, and can learn to take responsibility. Sociopaths don't respond to that kind of treatment at all--they're just missing a piece. They don't feel embarrassment or guilt or even sorrow. The best they can do is mimic.

I can't stand it when people try to call Casey a "Borderline" personality. Cindy might be a Borderline. Lee might be. But not Casey. I understand that everyone hates their Borderline relatives and can't wait for them person to actually commit suicide instead of just making all those failed attempts or threats, all those crazy scenes that make the feared abandonment a certainty. But being a pain in the ass drama queen isn't the same thing as being a cold-blooded killer.

Hello monkeys and welcome newbies

As a mother that drove miles and miles because my son would not answer the phone this post is way way wrong. I begged God the whole time please God let him be alright. Not once did I ever or would I ever think just let him do it so I don't have to worry about him anymore.
Let me say that my worry is nothing to what he feels every minute of every day. He is trying to over come so many things and he is doing a fine job. I would help in anyway that I could but never never would I not want him not to be here on this earth.

Monkey hugs

"Always be a first-rate version of yurself, instead of a second rate version of somebody else" Judy Garland
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