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Author Topic: Monkey Musings Daily Open Discussion #14 2/2 -2/5/09  (Read 180833 times)
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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #320 on: February 03, 2009, 03:26:13 PM »

Then show them to your pal ******* and the rest of your gang who have done everything to slander me and lie about me and intentionally cause me harm. Being mis-informed and uneducated is no excuse for your behavior and the behavior of everyone participating with Chat and Grumble site.
btw, your LEAK is still there![/b]

Kermit, to show just how much I was not in the know there, apparently they thought I was the one leaking information.  I have asked Mum to have them remove my name totally from the site as I am not interested in posting anywhere there.  I had only been a member since Dec. 29.  I am not a friend of Beth but actually someone else.  I've never had the pleasure of meeting her.  The way I worded that statement was not very nice and for that I apologize.  I think we can agree to disagree about the Persistence.  I do think trying to find out information on others for whatever reason is wrong.  My main sin with that was not disagreeing.  Klaas can vouch for the fact that ******* and I have not been big buddies.  As a matter of fact, I was quite surprised that I was allowed to join there when I found out he was one of the mods.  I did tell him when I joined that I thought we should forget our disagreements in the past.  I am a firm believer in forgiving and starting over.  If everything you have said does prove to be true, I promise you I will be the first in line to eat crow and apologize for not believing everything.

I actually do not care about anyone eating crow at all.
I posted what KYLE SAID. Not moi. For that I am slandered and maliciously attacked over and over and over.
I was shocked when I saw what you said.

However, the fact that you have come forward and explained yourself says a lot and I look forward to your
challenging what ever I say that you want. I just hope you understand that I'm not saying anything.
I rarely even post my own opinion. If it's facts, please just dispute the facts with yours. That is respectful in my book.

I can truthfully say, you were not the LEAK.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #321 on: February 03, 2009, 03:28:13 PM »

Then show them to your pal ******* and the rest of your gang who have done everything to slander me and lie about me and intentionally cause me harm. Being mis-informed and uneducated is no excuse for your behavior and the behavior of everyone participating with Chat and Grumble site.
btw, your LEAK is still there![/b]

Kermit, to show just how much I was not in the know there, apparently they thought I was the one leaking information.  I have asked Mum to have them remove my name totally from the site as I am not interested in posting anywhere there.  I had only been a member since Dec. 29.  I am not a friend of Beth but actually someone else.  I've never had the pleasure of meeting her.  The way I worded that statement was not very nice and for that I apologize.  I think we can agree to disagree about the Persistence.  I do think trying to find out information on others for whatever reason is wrong.  My main sin with that was not disagreeing.  Klaas can vouch for the fact that ******* and I have not been big buddies.  As a matter of fact, I was quite surprised that I was allowed to join there when I found out he was one of the mods.  I did tell him when I joined that I thought we should forget our disagreements in the past.  I am a firm believer in forgiving and starting over.  If everything you have said does prove to be true, I promise you I will be the first in line to eat crow and apologize for not believing everything.

I actually do not care about anyone eating crow at all.
I posted what KYLE SAID. Not moi. For that I am slandered and maliciously attacked over and over and over.
I was shocked when I saw what you said.

However, the fact that you have come forward and explained yourself says a lot and I look forward to your
challenging what ever I say that you want. I just hope you understand that I'm not saying anything.
I rarely even post my own opinion. If it's facts, please just dispute the facts with yours. That is respectful in my book.

I can truthfully say, you were not the LEAK.

I can attest to that as well.

    Funny that the leak is still there.
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #322 on: February 03, 2009, 03:28:41 PM »

From slide show:

******* said: "I do not like looking up personal info on people but we had no choice. Like others at SM she has some major issues. She is trying to make it look like we are a cult."

******* said: "She is no agent, she never has any association with the secret service or government jobs like the FBI or working with Kenneth Starr...She's a Fraud."

Casa said: "Thank you so much ******* I have had a bad feeling about Kermit from the start. I have always thought she was a fraud.

Thank you, now I know who was doing & saying what and spreading lies about me and other SM members.

Just need to make sure you get your facts correct before you try to slander people maliciously.

January 1996 - Information/evidence meeting with FBI assigned to Independent Kenneth Starr's investigation took place in (edited).

October 1997 - documents were left with Rep Henry Hyde regarding information that was turned over to Starr's office.

From a letter to me from Ron Packard  dated Feb. 9, 1998:

" Thank you for sharing your correspondence with Congressman Hyde and the House Judiciary Committee with me."

Majority counsel David Schippers stated "he has uncovered more evidence of obstruction of justice, witness tampering, abuse of power...."

Mr. Schippers was referring the appearance before the Judiciary counsel in Washington D.C at 9:30 am on December 8, 1998. Wherein the discussion with the judiciary counsel was: President Clinton. Names, amounts of money and how Bill Clinton laundered money. In other words, it was spelled out with evidence.

So, please explain to me Mister *******, and members of Chat and Grumble how I was not involved.

You can't.
The reason is: I was involved.

You people at Chat and Grumble are despicable and what you are doing is wrong, mean, hurtful and illegal.

Casa, since you claim to others to be Beth's friend, go ask her to show you the emails!

Then show them to your pal ******* and the rest of your gang who have done everything to slander me and lie about me and intentionally cause me harm. Being mis-informed and uneducated is no excuse for your behavior and the behavior of everyone participating with Chat and Grumble site.
btw, your LEAK is still there!

Kermit, to show just how much I was not in the know there, apparently they thought I was the one leaking information.  I have asked Mum to have them remove my name totally from the site as I am not interested in posting anywhere there.  I had only been a member since Dec. 29.  I am not a friend of Beth but actually someone else.  I've never had the pleasure of meeting her.  The way I worded that statement was not very nice and for that I apologize.  I think we can agree to disagree about the Persistence.  I do think trying to find out information on others for whatever reason is wrong.  My main sin with that was not disagreeing.  Klaas can vouch for the fact that ******* and I have not been big buddies.  As a matter of fact, I was quite surprised that I was allowed to join there when I found out he was one of the mods.  I did tell him when I joined that I thought we should forget our disagreements in the past.  I am a firm believer in forgiving and starting over.  If everything you have said does prove to be true, I promise you I will be the first in line to eat crow and apologize for not believing everything.

Casa:  "I am a firm believer in forgiving and starting over."

I'm sure you are, now that you're CAUGHT!  

Kermit's not the only one you stabbed in the back!  You should be ashamed, but I doubt very seriously that you are.  

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #323 on: February 03, 2009, 03:31:06 PM »

Many of us have wondered if Mrsk herself is the the "leak."  I think she would enjoy causing all this dissention!!  I think she would enjoy trying to hurt Klaas and others - purely to make herself seem so important.

I can "verify" most of what Art has said about her leaving CnG.  This was all told to me at the time it happened!! So yes, Art asked to have her account removed! And yes, she was falsely being accused!!

The person that you speak of Art - I am so sad for!!  She is now even bashing TES!!  I pray she sees the light before it is too late and she drinks the laced koolaid that Jim Jones ordered his followers to drink.

What a sick avatar!!  And I have good sense of humor - nothing funny about that one!!!!

I don't know her at all, never heard of her until I saw that slide show, but I, too, thought it odd that she banned you and then emails Klassend.

Kermit - Mrsk was trying to stir up poop but it didn't work.  Actually it backfired.  The email the person used to send me the info on Mytime just happened to be an email address of an old member of SM (from 2005).  That same member just happened to have a Youtube and Webshot account and just happened (JUST LIKE MRSKUB) to go on a Graveyard tour last November and posted about it at Goldmonkey.  So, yes...Mrskub emailed me trying to cause sh**

I see.

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #324 on: February 03, 2009, 03:33:11 PM »

OHMYGAWD!  I have been reading and sitting on my hands so as NOT to reply.......but this one got my ass off my hands and in the air!  Anna...that is the BEST!!  And now that I am here I will add my 2 cents.....I have seen some really good posts CBB and Blue Moon among the best. I too was appalled at some of the posts and posters in Klaas' collection from C&G....I hate a two faced person as badly as I hate a liar ....and I see we have  2 faced people who have come crawling back to SM with their tails between their legs. Klaas is a much better person than I am...I would have told some to FUXK OFF. This is a great example of why, not only in my personal life but in my cyber life, I am EXTREMELY careful of who I let into my inner circle. I am prepared to stand behind ANYTHING I POST. I don't have to worry about it coming back to bite me in the ass. I hope some have learned a lesson and I hope  it doesn't come back to bite you in the ass anymore than it already has. C&G is run by misfits...people who don't fit into the norm, weirdos, egotists, liars, stalkers, and on line sexual predators. For those still posting over there.... if you don't think it can happen to YOU, ask those who have now become targets of their 'one time friends and confidants.'  I have seen others get pissed and leave and start their own message boards....SM was here before them and will still be here when they are gone....and so will I and others who have no need to run off when we don't get our way. And with that I will stop. Anything else would be redundant. SM is still the best...unbeatable....and I am very grateful to Red and all the Mods for never allowing a C&G scenario to be a part of our SM community.

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #325 on: February 03, 2009, 03:33:46 PM »

I have a question for casa.

You wrote:
 If everything you have said does prove to be true, I promise you I will be the first in line to eat crow and apologize for not believing everything.

Does that mean you doubt the veracity of the information shared here at SM?

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #326 on: February 03, 2009, 03:35:10 PM »

Very well stated SunnyInTexas.

Monkey All Star
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« Reply #327 on: February 03, 2009, 03:37:59 PM »

Ok I am buckled up !!  But if I do not post this - then I will lack the same integrity and character as I did a few months ago!!

I am a Caylee poster!!  I was invited to GM - not really knowing what is was all about.  I thought it would be fun to join another chat!!  That simple!!  I had never even seen the forum!!

Shortly after I joined GM, I was banned from CnG!!  Even before that point, my eyes started to be come open.  In all honesty, at some point, I started to drink the Koolaid  - then decided I did not like the taste of it anymore!!  Some of my friends that got banned and where upset.  Merely, because they did not know why or what they had done wrong!  It was the just the principle of it!! So I did attempt to contact Mrsk and find out why!  I honestly could have cared less!!  However, she chose to ignore our requests for an explanation!! 

Anyway, I am certain there were certain members of GM that did not like me there and felt I could not be trusted!!  Of course, they were reading the posts at CnG!!

BT was very kind and sweet to me and she made me feel welcome!! That is my only experience that I can go off!!  And for that, I am thankful.  And I feel bad that her feelings are getting hurt!!  BTW, at this point, I would defend anybody that has treated me with kindness and respect!! 

So, if like BT, am I a bad person??  I don't understand the rules!!    Am I allowed to like all of you?? 

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #328 on: February 03, 2009, 03:38:55 PM »

I have posted along side Kermit since way back and ... granted we have had our issues at times ... I actually few the Natalee's Freebird coop ... I am not a very good team player but ... I stand behind his/her integrity 100%.  All Kermit's afforded ongoing time and effort researching this case has been about exposing the corrupt Aruban investigation as well as ... supporting the family as they have been forced to ride an ongoing roller coaster from H--- ... compliments of Aruba.



Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #329 on: February 03, 2009, 03:41:21 PM »

WOW - All I can say is WOW.  I'm not sure how Destiny can live with herself.  NO BOOK, NO NEED FOR HER CONTACT INFO, NO DISBELIEF THAT THE LETTER WOULD BE PUBLISHED.  She is FOS

Destiny had asked me to put the letter for Diario in tif format and jpg format.  This is what her source at Diario was asking from her so I helped her out with that.  There was never anything said be me about whether I thought it would or would not be published.  Destiny is FOS again.  Below is a copy of the last email correspondence prior to the letter being published in Diaro.  Actually at the time DESTINY WANTED TO MARRY ME   

Re: Hi resolution .tif format‏
From:  ((edit)) DESTINY 
Sent: Thu 5/29/08 2:09 PM
To:  klaasend scaredmonkeys (

Sent this, and Jpeg photos...will call in a couple of minutes to see if all is fine....Will You Marry Me...LOL!!!!!!

klaasend scaredmonkeys wrote:

Destiny - below is the text:

Dear Friends in Aruba,

As the 3 year mark of the loss of Natalee Holloway draws near, we come to you, the kind people of Aruba, to help heal our pain.

We thank those of you who have grieved and prayed for justice with us, knowing our loss will never fade. We still cry out for our lost daughter, sister, grandchild, niece and friend. We need resolve and peace in her loss, and come to you to find this.

We know that Aruba also has suffered because of this tragedy. Together, with the common goal of bringing Natalee home, we can end the suffering and pain so many have had to bear. Injustice by a few, no matter where in this world it exists, threatens all of us.

We don’t profess that America or any other country is perfect. Neither are we blaming the honorable citizens of Aruba for the tragedy that befell this young woman. What we do believe in, is a government and its people, that consider justice for wrongdoing an essential requirement of civilization.

We also believe there is a hero among you. A hero who can bring a child home to her loved ones. It takes only one brave voice, one brave heart, to make this happen.

Someone on Aruba surely knows what happened to Natalee. That “someone” can restore Aruba to the jewel of an island it once was. It’s up to you, as a citizen of Aruba, to have your voice heard. Whether it was fear, corruption, or incompetence that hampered the investigation in this case, it tainted your island’s reputation.

Let someone rise above the petty bickering that has divided Aruba and hurt her citizens. Let us join hearts and hands to bring Natalee home, and restore justice and integrity to your people.

Please, look deeply into your heart and soul to understand our plea. To understand how much a person can be loved. To understand the frustration caused by outrageous rumors and claims. To understand the agony of a family that cannot provide a proper burial for a loved one.

We ask for your help, fully aware that your safety and security is first and foremost. As such, we include contact information for the Birmingham office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) so that you can safely submit information you have.

Please be the hero that we so desperately need. If you have any information to share, regardless of how insignificant it may seem to you, please contact the Birmingham, Alabama, office of the FBI


An FBI representative can be reached 24 hours a day by calling 001-205-326-6166.


Or, FBI Tip Line at 001-877-627-2533.                                                       Written by:  Friends of Natalee

I am so glad I went to the potty before I came back and read this!  MARRY YOU!  OHMYGAWD!!   ROTFLMAO....well since her hubby didn't want her crazy ass any longer guess she was in need of another victim!  LOL

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #330 on: February 03, 2009, 03:41:42 PM »

i was sitting here "MUSING" hahaha...anyways, ya know how many appologies i seen over the last so many days/weeks...given by people AFTER already being booted from a place...ya know IMO, and im sure MINE alone...but i have always have felt in situations such as this, ya all shouldnt had done anything to have to apologize for if you had any strength of character to begin with.

Im a different sort than many of you have been lucky to find here in sm, I dont forget and I dont all of a sudden start thinking ...ok..its alright this one or that one screwed us over...they all is rainbows and unicorns.

Many were VERY well aware of what they were doing and what they were in with, wasnt til AFTER gettin the boot they now all of a sudden think they are all terrible and the beasts of the world...well why werent ya all thinking that BEFORE ya got the boot?? Instead of feeding into it and passing on stuff to cNg???

Yeah i do think you all that know what i am talking about should be VERY grateful it is klaas and the other mods running this place and NOT me.

Ya should be kissin the sm floor and happy ya have forgiving people in here.

like i said just my opinion....

Sunny, I agree, thats exactly why i posted this yesterday.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #331 on: February 03, 2009, 03:41:47 PM »

Ok I am buckled up !!  But if I do not post this - then I will lack the same integrity and character as I did a few months ago!!

I am a Caylee poster!!  I was invited to GM - not really knowing what is was all about.  I thought it would be fun to join another chat!!  That simple!!  I had never even seen the forum!!

Shortly after I joined GM, I was banned from CnG!!  Even before that point, my eyes started to be come open.  In all honesty, at some point, I started to drink the Koolaid  - then decided I did not like the taste of it anymore!!  Some of my friends that got banned and where upset.  Merely, because they did not know why or what they had done wrong!  It was the just the principle of it!! So I did attempt to contact Mrsk and find out why!  I honestly could have cared less!!  However, she chose to ignore our requests for an explanation!! 

Anyway, I am certain there were certain members of GM that did not like me there and felt I could not be trusted!!  Of course, they were reading the posts at CnG!!

BT was very kind and sweet to me and she made me feel welcome!! That is my only experience that I can go off!!  And for that, I am thankful.  And I feel bad that her feelings are getting hurt!!  BTW, at this point, I would defend anybody that has treated me with kindness and respect!! 

So, if like BT, am I a bad person??  I don't understand the rules!!    Am I allowed to like all of you?? 

Just as you like BT there are others that don't feel the same as you.  You are all welcome to your own opinions.  In the case of CnG however, there really isn't anything BTgirl can say that will change my mind.

I am curious of those who continue to post or chat along side of Yapperz in particular as she has made it clear how she feels about me, Red and SM.  So if in chat she's not talking about it, she is fishing for information.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #332 on: February 03, 2009, 03:43:45 PM »

Ok I am buckled up !!  But if I do not post this - then I will lack the same integrity and character as I did a few months ago!!

I am a Caylee poster!!  I was invited to GM - not really knowing what is was all about.  I thought it would be fun to join another chat!!  That simple!!  I had never even seen the forum!!

Shortly after I joined GM, I was banned from CnG!!  Even before that point, my eyes started to be come open.  In all honesty, at some point, I started to drink the Koolaid  - then decided I did not like the taste of it anymore!!  Some of my friends that got banned and where upset.  Merely, because they did not know why or what they had done wrong!  It was the just the principle of it!! So I did attempt to contact Mrsk and find out why!  I honestly could have cared less!!  However, she chose to ignore our requests for an explanation!! 

Anyway, I am certain there were certain members of GM that did not like me there and felt I could not be trusted!!  Of course, they were reading the posts at CnG!!

BT was very kind and sweet to me and she made me feel welcome!! That is my only experience that I can go off!!  And for that, I am thankful.  And I feel bad that her feelings are getting hurt!!  BTW, at this point, I would defend anybody that has treated me with kindness and respect!! 

So, if like BT, am I a bad person??  I don't understand the rules!!    Am I allowed to like all of you?? 

Hugs, Mytime. I think you're sweet too.

And I don't think you have to ask permission to like everyone - just go for it. Do you remember the other day when you told Carnut you thought some people didn't trust you because you were nice to SM, do you remember what he said? He said he had no problem with you being at GM and liking SM too, that in fact, BT had always been nice to SM as long as GM had existed.  Just do what you feel is right, and you'll feel a lot better for it, IMO.

I Stand With The Girl
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #333 on: February 03, 2009, 03:44:07 PM »

For me personally.If you post at Scared Monkey's,as well as at CnG.You should be ashamed of yourself!PERIOD!

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #334 on: February 03, 2009, 03:45:57 PM »

Is GM the Gold Monkeys site?  And is that site also full of back-stabbers or am I reading things wrong???

Faith . . . it matters . . . it really does. ~ Sister
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #335 on: February 03, 2009, 03:46:24 PM »

From slide show:

******* said: "I do not like looking up personal info on people but we had no choice. Like others at SM she has some major issues. She is trying to make it look like we are a cult."

******* said: "She is no agent, she never has any association with the secret service or government jobs like the FBI or working with Kenneth Starr...She's a Fraud."

Casa said: "Thank you so much ******* I have had a bad feeling about Kermit from the start. I have always thought she was a fraud.

Thank you, now I know who was doing & saying what and spreading lies about me and other SM members.

Just need to make sure you get your facts correct before you try to slander people maliciously.

January 1996 - Information/evidence meeting with FBI assigned to Independent Kenneth Starr's investigation took place in (edited).

October 1997 - documents were left with Rep Henry Hyde regarding information that was turned over to Starr's office.

From a letter to me from Ron Packard  dated Feb. 9, 1998:

" Thank you for sharing your correspondence with Congressman Hyde and the House Judiciary Committee with me."

Majority counsel David Schippers stated "he has uncovered more evidence of obstruction of justice, witness tampering, abuse of power...."

Mr. Schippers was referring the appearance before the Judiciary counsel in Washington D.C at 9:30 am on December 8, 1998. Wherein the discussion with the judiciary counsel was: President Clinton. Names, amounts of money and how Bill Clinton laundered money. In other words, it was spelled out with evidence.

So, please explain to me Mister *******, and members of Chat and Grumble how I was not involved.

You can't.
The reason is: I was involved.

You people at Chat and Grumble are despicable and what you are doing is wrong, mean, hurtful and illegal.

Casa, since you claim to others to be Beth's friend, go ask her to show you the emails!

Then show them to your pal ******* and the rest of your gang who have done everything to slander me and lie about me and intentionally cause me harm. Being mis-informed and uneducated is no excuse for your behavior and the behavior of everyone participating with Chat and Grumble site.
btw, your LEAK is still there!

Kermit, to show just how much I was not in the know there, apparently they thought I was the one leaking information.  I have asked Mum to have them remove my name totally from the site as I am not interested in posting anywhere there.  I had only been a member since Dec. 29.  I am not a friend of Beth but actually someone else.  I've never had the pleasure of meeting her.  The way I worded that statement was not very nice and for that I apologize.  I think we can agree to disagree about the Persistence.  I do think trying to find out information on others for whatever reason is wrong.  My main sin with that was not disagreeing.  Klaas can vouch for the fact that ******* and I have not been big buddies.  As a matter of fact, I was quite surprised that I was allowed to join there when I found out he was one of the mods.  I did tell him when I joined that I thought we should forget our disagreements in the past.  I am a firm believer in forgiving and starting over.  If everything you have said does prove to be true, I promise you I will be the first in line to eat crow and apologize for not believing everything.

Casa:  "I am a firm believer in forgiving and starting over."

I'm sure you are, now that you're CAUGHT!  

Kermit's not the only one you stabbed in the back!  You should be ashamed, but I doubt very seriously that you are.  

texasmom, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.  I'm not sure what you are talking about as I don't really know you.  I don't want to know either as there has been quite enough drama and I don't want to add to it.  I'm sure that we may all feel "stabbed in the back" in some ways.  I just wanted to address Kermit, not fuss with anyone.  I don't consider myself "caught" as many here knew I had joined CnG if only for a short time.   My choice of words was unkind and I apologized to the one they were unkind to.  I do not apologize that I might disagree with some things but I should disagree in a kinder way.  I was stalking no one, researching no one or lying about anyone. 
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #336 on: February 03, 2009, 03:47:28 PM »

For me personally.If you post at Scared Monkey's,as well as at CnG.You should be ashamed of yourself!PERIOD!

Just from what I have read in the past 24 hours, I would have to agree with that.  I am so surprised at some of the people I saw over there and the things they said.

Faith . . . it matters . . . it really does. ~ Sister
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #337 on: February 03, 2009, 03:48:06 PM »

Is GM the Gold Monkeys site?  And is that site also full of back-stabbers or am I reading things wrong???

Yes and no, long story.  I was never a member of Goldmonkeys to you would be best to read the posts of Artcolley, Seamonkey and OS when it pertains to the trouble they had at GM.
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« Reply #338 on: February 03, 2009, 03:49:18 PM »

If you lay down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas.  JMHO 

  " Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."  - Daniel Moynihan
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #339 on: February 03, 2009, 03:49:35 PM »

FYI - I just got an email from SAN from work.  She just wanted to say this 

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