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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #105 2/10/09 - 2/12/09  (Read 281459 times)
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Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1780 on: February 12, 2009, 05:19:14 PM »

I wonder what George's therapist thinks of George going to Haleighs Family for support at this time? I do not think this is where George needs to be right now.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1781 on: February 12, 2009, 05:20:15 PM »

I'm sorry but I don't think GA has any business being up there talking to the media about another missing child, and then saying he doesn't want to take any media attention away from Hayleigh. If that's true, then he should be no where around that case. I also believe it's too soon for him to be there doing anything related to a missing child, when he has a whole lot to deal with still in his own family. I just don't think it's a good thing for him. If that makes me hateful, then I think that's really sad.

  RIP Sweet Puppy
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1782 on: February 12, 2009, 05:20:58 PM »

you should pick your words more carefully .. I dont like what the anthons are doing.. I hate it!!!
I hate what they did to caylee. and like other posters said to you.. this is a forum to discuss issues and concerns... we dont always agree but were here to voice our thoughts..
sorry if it offends you but none the less the show must go on.. JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE WILL PREVAIL!!

alot of anger and resent  towards the A'S and  they have fully earned it... respect is earned...

anger is earned at the unjust they did to little caylee.
AGAIN to compare Haleigh's situation to caylees is wrong on  the A'S behalf..
CAYLEE.. was murdered by her mother!! for gods sake... and all the family has done  is  elicit our support for casey.. well its never gonna happen.
Haleigh's was KIDNAPPED.. caylee was KILLLED by her MOTHER!!!!

this is a forum and alot of intensity goes into our feelings.. we share we cry we laugh.. we seek Justice...
thank you
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1783 on: February 12, 2009, 05:21:18 PM »

no disrespect also to  trenton ducketts father but it seems like he isnt to intelligent. he mumbles alot and does say anything that makes alot of sense.. 

I have seen him on several shows...I think he is just a young man who doesn't have much experience and/or confidence....God knows he is part of a group of people he didn't chose to be a part of. I wonder how we would be perceived thrown into the public eye in similar circumstances.....I am sure I would be perceived as a blithering idiot!!  And I have lots of experience  with a mic in my hand. But THANK GOD I do not have any experience with my child being missing or murdered

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #1784 on: February 12, 2009, 05:23:16 PM »

Yes!  It feels spiteful to me as well.  Not just because she was cremated, but that Cindy knew Casey didn't want her to be.  This whole thing seems like Casey makes a move and Cindy one-ups her, then Casey one-ups Cindy, then Cindy one-ups Casey again.  And over and over, ad-nauseum.  One would have thought it would have ended with Caylee's death... but nope.  Am almost afraid to wonder where and when the one-upping will end!  And will the 'winner' be fully satisfied with that?   

Sadly, IMO Cindy fought with Casey and it got physical Father's Day evening. Casey "showed her" and killed Caylee.

So, now what? It's sick. Maybe Cindy wants her home so she can choke her again. Or maybe I'm just being cynical.

I agree goodnmad, sure seems that Cindy wants her chance in-person to show Casey.  Seems like that is what's behind her messages to Casey, hidden carefully in her words chosen for the memorial and the obituary.  Statements by Cindy that seem to slap Casey in the face, tied up with pretty bows. 

Am betting that if Cindy and Casey were able to spend some time together, things would get physical within minutes.  Yep.  I don't think you're being cynical.. unless we both are.       

~ 'Things are not always what they seem' ~
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1785 on: February 12, 2009, 05:24:10 PM »

Wow...some of you monkeys are pretty scary!!! I thought this board was a place to discuss this case...not to form a vigilante hate group. I was amazed that there were 153 death threats against the Ant family before the memorial service on Tuesday. I kept wondering what kind of people could have that much hate in their heart against these parents....especially GA.  I can understand being very angry with KC, as she is the person accused and charged with this crime.  Do some of you realize how much hate is coming through in your messages???

WHOA, George, Cindy & Lee are NOT innocent in how they have been covering up & possibly going so far as obstructing justice for Casey so people are very frustrated with that fact.   They have clearly lied on several facts repetitively.   Are you saying anyone here would be stupid & angry enough to make a death threat, if so that is HIGHLY OFFENSIVE! 

And I might add that the Anthony camp spoke of 153 threats the police never confirmed any.

I highly doubt they received 153 death threats.   If they did, then LE would have been called and something would have been done.  LE was called when George went missing - why wasn't LE called about the death threats?   That's pretty serious.   I just doubt it is true.   Just like I doubt that Cindy's computer was ever hacked.    I'm sure we are going to hear more fish stories before it is all over.    I just have a hard time believing anything that comes out of a A mouth.    JUST MY OPINION !
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1786 on: February 12, 2009, 05:24:29 PM »

I'm sorry but I don't think GA has any business being up there talking to the media about another missing child, and then saying he doesn't want to take any media attention away from Hayleigh. If that's true, then he should be no where around that case. I also believe it's too soon for him to be there doing anything related to a missing child, when he has a whole lot to deal with still in his own family. I just don't think it's a good thing for him. If that makes me hateful, then I think that's really sad.

QM - I agree he should NOT be talking to the media

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1787 on: February 12, 2009, 05:25:21 PM »

I'm sorry but I don't think GA has any business being up there talking to the media about another missing child, and then saying he doesn't want to take any media attention away from Hayleigh. If that's true, then he should be no where around that case. I also believe it's too soon for him to be there doing anything related to a missing child, when he has a whole lot to deal with still in his own family. I just don't think it's a good thing for him. If that makes me hateful, then I think that's really sad.

Well, what I saw was anger in him.  He was preaching about being judged which is his fight, not the Cummings family.   This is exactly why George has NO place there & he certainly doesnt have to promote KFN - Putnam County has more than covered PROFESSIONALS & LAW ENFORCEMENT to deal with this searcy & investigation.  KFN & George can offer NOTHING nor are they trained or of sound psychological profile to do so

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1788 on: February 12, 2009, 05:26:21 PM »

Wow...some of you monkeys are pretty scary!!! I thought this board was a place to discuss this case...not to form a vigilante hate group. I was amazed that there were 153 death threats against the Ant family before the memorial service on Tuesday. I kept wondering what kind of people could have that much hate in their heart against these parents....especially GA.  I can understand being very angry with KC, as she is the person accused and charged with this crime.  Do some of you realize how much hate is coming through in your messages???
You know ... I've wavered ... and even more than wavered ... on every one of them ... CA, LA and most especially GA ... stopped wavering a while ago. 

If ... and that's a really BIG IF in my mind ... anyone in this family ever truly loved Caylee ... they wouldn't have:

1.  Wasted a whole lot of time (31 days to be exact) knowing that their psychotic daughter, who was lying about having a job ... having a nanny ... yet didn't track her down ... didn't insist on talking to their granddaughter (and if they did and Casey wouldn't let them ... call the popo) ... and NEVER called to have their (Casey's) car reported as stolen!  Granted Caylee was probably already dead at that point ... but no one that I know would just "go along" ... "la di da"  "guess I'll talk to Caylee when Casey let's me"  .... THEY KNEW SHE WAS NOT WORKING, NOT USING A NANNY, PSYCHOTIC, A LIAR ...

2.  Drive a car home that smells like a dead body ... clean it ... air it out ... wash clothing that was in it ...

3.  Once they knew Caylee was "missing" ... go get a computer and belongings at Tony's apt ... open a bag of clothing that belonged to Caylee once one of Casey's friends brought it to their house, refuse to give receipts to LE

4.  When they did talk to LE ... lie ... fabricate ... mislead

5.  Refuse lie detectors and DNA to LE

6.  Refuse to come back in a talk to LE

7.  Start telling the media what a wonderful mother and daughter Casey was ... start putting suspicion on Casey's friends ...

Oh, I could go on and on ....

So, sorry you think I'm scary ... IMO ... you want to see scary ... close your eyes and live a day (and especially the last day) in Caylee's shoes.

Well said Newfie. 

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
~ Peter Frampton
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1789 on: February 12, 2009, 05:29:18 PM »

I wonder what George's therapist thinks of George going to Haleighs Family for support at this time? I do not think this is where George needs to be right now.

Oh, no.  I just logged in and read this comment.  This is not good.  He does not need to be doing this right now.  If he truly had a mental breakdown, he needs to be resting.  They just had the funeral service this week. 
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1790 on: February 12, 2009, 05:29:19 PM »

I am not, and never have, defended KC in any way, shape or form. It makes me almost physically ill to think of what that poor baby must have gone through at the hands of her own mother.  I don't have any sympathy for CA or LA, as I find both of them as manipulating and twisted as KC. But, I have to say my heart has always gone out to GA. He has always seemed to be the one family member suffering the most from this tragedy.  I'm a mother and a grandmother.  From the moment my children were born, I have considered parenting a job that God entrusted to me and have never taken that duty lightly.  By the grace of God, neither of my three children have ever been in trouble and all have turned out to be productive, law abiding adults. But...I do have friends that had a terrible time with their children and have suffered over things they have done.  Because their children made mistakes I don't consider the parents to have been a failure or be "bad" people.  I don't think they are responsible for "spawning an evil seed."  I do think that raising children is a task that is not an exact science.  I'm sure that every parent could have done things differently but I don't know anyone that's a perfect parent.  Yes, GA loves his daughter but is that so incomprehensible?  My feelings for KC are those of total disgust but I'm not her parent. 

If I have offended anyone, please accept my apology.  I just think everyone is so wrapped up in this case and feeling so much pain for this beautiful little girl that we're not being, doing or saying things that represent who we really are. As for the vigilante comment, please don't take it to heart. 
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1791 on: February 12, 2009, 05:30:57 PM »

Wow...some of you monkeys are pretty scary!!! I thought this board was a place to discuss this case...not to form a vigilante hate group. I was amazed that there were 153 death threats against the Ant family before the memorial service on Tuesday. I kept wondering what kind of people could have that much hate in their heart against these parents....especially GA.  I can understand being very angry with KC, as she is the person accused and charged with this crime.  Do some of you realize how much hate is coming through in your messages???
You know ... I've wavered ... and even more than wavered ... on every one of them ... CA, LA and most especially GA ... stopped wavering a while ago. 

If ... and that's a really BIG IF in my mind ... anyone in this family ever truly loved Caylee ... they wouldn't have:

1.  Wasted a whole lot of time (31 days to be exact) knowing that their psychotic daughter, who was lying about having a job ... having a nanny ... yet didn't track her down ... didn't insist on talking to their granddaughter (and if they did and Casey wouldn't let them ... call the popo) ... and NEVER called to have their (Casey's) car reported as stolen!  Granted Caylee was probably already dead at that point ... but no one that I know would just "go along" ... "la di da"  "guess I'll talk to Caylee when Casey let's me"  .... THEY KNEW SHE WAS NOT WORKING, NOT USING A NANNY, PSYCHOTIC, A LIAR ...

2.  Drive a car home that smells like a dead body ... clean it ... air it out ... wash clothing that was in it ...

3.  Once they knew Caylee was "missing" ... go get a computer and belongings at Tony's apt ... open a bag of clothing that belonged to Caylee once one of Casey's friends brought it to their house, refuse to give receipts to LE

4.  When they did talk to LE ... lie ... fabricate ... mislead

5.  Refuse lie detectors and DNA to LE

6.  Refuse to come back in a talk to LE

7.  Start telling the media what a wonderful mother and daughter Casey was ... start putting suspicion on Casey's friends ...

Oh, I could go on and on ....

So, sorry you think I'm scary ... IMO ... you want to see scary ... close your eyes and live a day (and especially the last day) in Caylee's shoes.

Well said Newfie. 

I agree.   Especially the part I bolded.        
Monkey Junky
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In Honor of my son Lt. Brandon W. Rollins LCSO.

« Reply #1792 on: February 12, 2009, 05:31:36 PM »

Missing 5-year-old Florida girl likely was abducted, police say
Helen Eckinger | Sentinel Staff Writer
3:54 PM EST, February 12, 2009
1 2 3 4 next SATSUMA - 3:53 p.m.

Brad Conway, George and Cindy Anthony's attorney, has confirmed that George Anthony is in Satsuma, offering support to Haleigh's family.

"He went up there because his family went through the exact same thing they're going through now," Conway said. "George has gone up to lend help and support and sympathy to the family and do whatever they need while the search goes on."

Conway said that Cindy Anthony did not accompany her husband to Satsuma, but that they both have been reaching out to members of the media who covered the Caylee case to make sure that Haleigh's disappearance gets as much coverage as possible. They also do not want their involvement to detract attention from Haleigh.

More Orlando Sentinel blogs "The irony of this is the media attention that they get is helping the search for Haleigh but they also are aware that they do not want Caylee Marie's case to overshadow what they are trying to do for Haleigh," Conway said. "They want this to be about Haleigh Cummings and finding this little girl "

3:21 p.m.

Texas EquuSearch has found a location to use as a staging area in Satsuma.

Anyone who wishes to help the group search for Haleigh tomorrow needs be at 914 E. Buffalo Bluff Rd. at 8 a.m. tomorrow, according to Tim Miller, EquuSearch's founder and director.

Miller said that volunteers, who need to be 18 or older, should wear long pants, closed toed shoes, and comfortable clothes. He also asked that volunteers bring their own sack lunches if possible - the group has plenty of water for volunteers, but there aren't many places to buy food near the staging area, which is less than an eighth of a mile from Haleigh's home

2:52 p.m.

Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla confirmed to the Sentinel that he is offering a reward for Haleigh's safe return.

Padilla, who is in Satsuma, said that he will give $25,000 to anyone responsible for Haleigh's safe return before midnight Saturday.

"The first five day of a kidnapping are crucial - after that they start getting panicky and want to get rid of the child," Padilla said, explaining the deadline.

Padilla also confirmed reports that George Anthony is in Satsuma and is spending time with Ronald Cummings' and his family, although he said he has not spoken to Anthony.

"I guess he's commiserating with the family," Padilla said.

2:27 p.m.

The Gainsville Sun is reporting that George Anthony is with Ronald Cummings' family on its Twitter feed. Check it out and more here.

I have been mostly quiet today...but why was this article even needed? I really do not see where it was necessary for them to even say GA went...It seems like everyday one of the Ant's stupid lawyers just have to have the spotlight on either GA,CA,LA or KC. I guess JB will be on later saying that KC wishes she could be there with the Cummings family...I just wish someone would tell the stupid azz lawyers and the even more disrespectful Anthony's that Caylee was never a missing child. Her murderer knew where she was from DAY ONE.

And I can bet you another face will be on the cameras soon...none other than JOY WRAY....She will be there with her TES shirt.....

And I have had a sick feeling in my gut since Tues. morning that Little Kaleigh is also gone from this world.
And I guess you all know where this is going with the Ant's ...same person kidnapped both of these little girls.
And I can just about promise you that the Dad or the GF know exactly where this little angel is.

Ok rant over...going back to my corner.

You will never know that Faith in prayer is all you need,
until it is all you have left!
God Bless!
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1793 on: February 12, 2009, 05:32:30 PM »

I highly doubt they received 153 death threats.   If they did, then LE would have been called and something would have been done.  LE was called when George went missing - why wasn't LE called about the death threats?   That's pretty serious.   I just doubt it is true.   Just like I doubt that Cindy's computer was ever hacked.    I'm sure we are going to hear more fish stories before it is all over.    I just have a hard time believing anything that comes out of a A mouth.    JUST MY OPINION !

I agree. I don't see most people caring enough to bother to threaten them. They most likely had to pay people to go from pay phone to pay phone to call them.

Maybe the criminal Milstead and his wife went from pay phone, to pay phone for them.

They need to go home now and shut the hell up. I feel so sorry for the father where there is a REAL missing child with KFN (which is a bogus foundation) and George trying to move in on his terrible fears. I hope they have a wreck going home and all have to go to the hospital and not come out for months.

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1794 on: February 12, 2009, 05:33:02 PM »

Good Afternoon Monkeys!

I haven't posted in a while because this case was wearing on me, but I see KFN is trying to insert itself (for self-serving purposes) into Hayleigh's case.  It is disgusting!

Glad to have you back posting.

Thanks, it is good to be back.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1795 on: February 12, 2009, 05:34:19 PM »

Well said Newfie. 
Thanks trimm.  Hope the branch we are sitting on is sturdy!   

... trying to chase down all the Anthony's lies ... this may take a while ...
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1796 on: February 12, 2009, 05:34:22 PM »

I wonder what George's therapist thinks of George going to Haleighs Family for support at this time? I do not think this is where George needs to be right now.

Oh, no.  I just logged in and read this comment.  This is not good.  He does not need to be doing this right now.  If he truly had a mental breakdown, he needs to be resting.  They just had the funeral service this week. 

Truly is the key word.     

I wonder how much money Kid Finders will make off of this case.     
FL Beagle Mom
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1797 on: February 12, 2009, 05:34:51 PM »

Well, what I saw was anger in him.  He was preaching about being judged which is his fight, not the Cummings family.   This is exactly why George has NO place there & he certainly doesnt have to promote KFN - Putnam County has more than covered PROFESSIONALS & LAW ENFORCEMENT to deal with this searcy & investigation.  KFN & George can offer NOTHING nor are they trained or of sound psychological profile to do so

I saw the anger from him too... i was wondering why he was so pizzed. 

Caylee's Warriors:  Relax, I've got this one -- GOD
Maine - USA
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RIP Grumpy Cat :( I will miss you.

« Reply #1798 on: February 12, 2009, 05:35:17 PM »

Where is the DOC DUMP!!!!!! AAAAARRGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!

Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware/Of giving your heart to a dog to tear  -- Rudyard Kipling

One who doesn't trust is never deceived...

'I remained too much inside my head and ended up losing my mind' -Edgar Allen Poe
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1799 on: February 12, 2009, 05:36:51 PM »

In addition to what I said above about George preaching to the media about being judged - its also dangerous because he very well could be projecting how his family has been covering up the truth of Casey's guilt to not judge someone in the Cummings immediate circle besides the father who is cleared that may have done something that attributed to Haleigh's abduction (directly or indirectly)

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