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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #120 4/03/09 - 4/07/09  (Read 256010 times)
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joesamas mama
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« Reply #460 on: April 04, 2009, 10:11:20 PM »

Subject:  Fingerprints on the Duct Tape

The only thing we really know is that they checked LA, GA & CA's prints and ruled them out.  

What that tells me is that there WERE prints on the tape or why would they even be trying to match prints.  

Like if there were NO prints...then they wouldn't have requested the prints' to be tested for a match.  

Since KC was the one that did this to poor Caylee..her prints HAVE to be the ones on the tape that they are matching up.  (However, maybe there is a 'strange' print on there that didn't match KC's.  But, I think that when they submitted the tape for testing...they just sent ALL of the print cards in and asked for the testing as standard procedure)  They must be 'holding back' this info to let Bozo & gang keep 'spinning' their wheels.

DC's second interview.

What about the phone calls that Lee told Morgan about during his depo, when KC calling him on his cell phone after he set up that account?  We haven't ever heard those yet?

They supposedly had over 40 CD's ready for release a month ago...let us have 'em!

DC interviews with LE? He said that about Lee setting up an account for KC. Where the holy smoke have I been. Do you have a link to these Bluesy?

Please LE give me some docs to look at and lots of them. Where is Sheriff Beary when I need him? Oh nevermind he never took me up on his pizza if he arrested Cindy. 

DC did two interviews w/ LE I am almost sure.

When Morgan asked Lee about talking to KC at the jail..he said that KC called him on the cell phone from jail after those first couple of days that we heard on TV (when LE released those).  I don't ever remember hearing any phone calls that were just Lee & KC, do you?

Hey Bluesy, the only phone call I recall is the one when she called the house and got all mean with that friend of hers and with Cindy. When she was asking for Tony's number.

I do remember a call with Lee, but I didn't know it was on his cell phone. I thought it was on his home phone. He kept asking her crazy questions and she was evasive. Then the recording came on and said she had like one minute left. Oh for the love of Pete I wish I could remember what they were talking about.

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« Reply #461 on: April 04, 2009, 10:15:27 PM »

question Monkees...did search or cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of Casey HO's car? can't remember...TIA


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« Reply #462 on: April 04, 2009, 10:17:01 PM »

JSM---yes, Jose has to disclose his evidence to the state, just they have to for him.  I would assume it would be released under the Sunshine Law as well.  Someone correct if I'm wrong.     It would probably be a good laugh to see what "evidence" Jose digs up (to try to prove dumbo is innocent---yeah, right!) What a crock!
  So he has to release it only after the SA asks for it, or if it is filed in court the media can request it? That is what confuses me.

By the way, Baez couldn't dig up evidence if he were dragging his butt across the yard because it was on fire. Sorry, my Josef can dig up more evidence than Baez in one second flat.

The defense does have to disclose discovery to the State, referred to as reciprocal, meaning both sides share & must disclose in advance of trial.   However, you can bet Bozo will withhold as long as he can before turning over his.    After he turns over defense discovery to the State at that point it becomes eligible to be released to the public under the State of Florida's Sunshine Law.   The media or even an interested individual can request the documents - there is normally a processing fee for copies.
Thanks Capp, I kind of figured he would have to release stuff to the SA, I didn't think it would become public record until the State received it from Baez.

He won't release a think because he can't find his head out of his butt to get the evidence. All evidence he has is what the state has given out.

What do you think about him wanting records from Tim Miller again? Do you think Judge Strickland will tell Baez to shove it up his butt? He asked for it once before, don't ask again. That kind of answer? TIA JSM

I anticipate that Judge "Stan the Man" Strickland will tell Bozo something similar to this:   "Didn't we visit this once before?   I distinctly told you to contact Texas Equusearch directly and your motion was denied.   For the same reasons, your motion is denied."   I have a post here a few pages back as to why I think Bozo wants these records so badly.   I'm sure we will be receiving reaction from TM's Florida attorney, Mark Nejame shortly.    I still get a kick in the pants that he is representing Tim after resigning as the Anthonys attorney.   I got a bigger chuckle watching Nejame argue that motion the first time around, he was eloquent & court room ready savvy, he ran circles around Bozo!    It was also worth a few giggles this past motion hearing to watch Nejame smooging with detective & the prosecution while the Anthonys sat in the court room chewing their gum.

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« Reply #463 on: April 04, 2009, 10:17:34 PM »

question Monkees...did search or cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of Casey HO's car? can't remember...TIA


joesamas mama
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« Reply #464 on: April 04, 2009, 10:19:28 PM »

question Monkees...did search or cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of Casey HO's car? can't remember...TIA

Yes I believe they did. JSM is going crazy, but I remember that they did and in the yard. Cindy made a big stink about it.

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« Reply #465 on: April 04, 2009, 10:22:47 PM »

thanks McMonkees...! I thought so...

joesamas mama
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« Reply #466 on: April 04, 2009, 10:23:40 PM »

DC did two interviews w/ LE I am almost sure.

When Morgan asked Lee about talking to KC at the jail..he said that KC called him on the cell phone from jail after those first couple of days that we heard on TV (when LE released those).  I don't ever remember hearing any phone calls that were just Lee & KC, do you?

[/quote] I hope am not doing anything wrong here Mods, but I think this is the telephone conversation Bluesy was asking about. I found it on Channel 13 website. I don't know how to post links so I copied and pasted. If I did wrong, please forgive me.

Lee Anthony: Hey, Casey. Are you there?

Casey Anthony: Hey. Yeah, I'm here.

Lee: Sorry, my cell phone reception is terrible.

Casey: It sucks at the house. I know.

Lee: I still want you to be able to know that you can -- you can call me, and I'll try to, you know, get as much out there as I can before anything would ever die. It's not, like, a situation, but, you know, what can we do? You know?

Casey: Oh, yeah. Absolutely.

Lee: Um, so you understand what I was trying to say for that -- that you know you can reach out to them?

Casey: Yes.

Lee: And, you know they -- you know, I know that you said that when we did visitation, and you know, I want you to know that you don't have to, necessarily, have to put everything through your attorney if you feel like you wanted to speak to them about anything at all.

Casey: Yeah.

Lee: You can still request that he be there, but you don't, he doesn't have to, and you don't have to do that through him.

Casey: Oh, I know.

Lee: OK.

Casey: That was something we had talked about yesterday, actually.

Lee: OK, good. Um, do you plan on speaking with, you know, any of those guys at all?

Casey: We're going to set up a meeting for, uh, Monday.

Lee: OK.

Casey: Um, Jose [Baez, Casey's lawyer] was going to, you know, think about stuff, how we were going to set things up over the weekend. He was going to be here with me when we bring them in -- um, you know, and as far as what I answer, how I answer, you know, how all of that goes down, he was going to figure that out this weekend. He was actually going to come up either today or tomorrow, and bring, like, a couple of the videos, I guess, for me to watch from some of the news stuff that's been going on, I guess some of the talk shows.

Lee: Hmm, yeah.

Casey: Just to try to update me on stuff. Plus, he wanted me to get a good laugh, so.

Lee: Well, here's the thing: Don't put too much stock and faith into anything the media is putting out there, 'cause you got to understand that --

Casey: Oh, I know.

Lee: They get information, they speculate on information, and then, you know, they put something out there so they can fill their -- their clips.

Casey: Oh, I know. I actually caught a little bit of it. I mean, I only got to see maybe an eighth of the TV, but I could see the pictures and stuff that were coming up last night.

Lee: Yeah.

Casey: Um, I just caught a little bit of that, you know, between the 10 and 11:00 news, so.

Lee: Here's an FYI for you, so you can conduct yourself accordingly.

Casey: Yeah.

Lee: Everything is public record, including this phone call --

Casey: Mm-hmm.

Lee: Including, um, the visitation videos --

Casey: Yes.

Lee: All that stuff is going to end up being released at some point.

Casey: Oh, I know it is.

Lee: I had no knowledge of that whatsoever.

Casey: Jose told me that yesterday.

Lee: He told me that after we got on -- that we did that, so.

Casey: Yeah.

Lee: Um, there's obviously some things that I may have asked in -- that I would have asked in a different way

Casey: Yes, absolutely.

Lee: And I don't want you to, you know, feel for any reason that, you know, we're not on your side about anything, 'cause we are about everything. We're completely behind you, completely behind you. Um, our entire focus, all our days, every second of every day is consumed with "What can we do to find Caylee?"

Casey: Yes. Oh, absolutely.

Lee: So, is there anything? I know we had spoken before, and you understand how all this works now, but -- um, do you have anything that you can, you know, tell me, you know, that would help? Um, you know?

Casey: There's nothing I can think of at the moment. Um, I'm going to actually try to get something together, you know, today, so I can write a couple letters, um --

Lee: OK.

Casey: To the family. I'm even going to get with [inaudible] and stuff, to see if you guys get that directly -- um, but still put out my own, specific -- so if anything happens, if there's any lapse, you still get what I'm trying to put across, to you.

Lee: Right, and just remember that if you give it to the attorney, he can choose whether or not to --

Casey: He can read it, he could choose whether or not -- so he can fix that, which is why he'll do a secondary letter.

Lee: Perfect.

Casey: Just to make sure that it's direct.

Lee: Perfect. That would be -- I would encourage that 110 percent. So, um, is there anything specific? I know you're going to meet with -- um, you know, the investigators and everything, but you know, is there anything, specifically the details, that you want to clarify to me now, so when I'm following up on my own leads and my own information -- putting this stuff together -- you know, that I can start working on it now?

Casey: Um, at the moment there's nothing specific or nothing that, you know, should probably be said here. Um, again, I'll put something together before I see Jose, or when I see Jose, and, you know, make sure I have something also to put out.

Lee: Right.

Casey: So that we can get everything.

Lee: OK, and just remember: When you get to talk to those guys -- um, you know, you mention that, you know, you're going to have your prep and everything with Jose.

Casey: Mmhmm.

Lee: But remember: Truth don't hurt.

Casey: Oh, I know it doesn't.

Lee: So, you know --

Casey: But in the meantime, things that I have told them, again, were misconstrued and not used to their benefit. I gave them the same resources that I gave you, and you found out 100 more things than they did.

Lee: Right.

Casey: And they were given the same information.

Lee: Right.

Casey: So it's just about the approach, I guess, in using the resources to their full extent.

Lee: Right.

Casey: I'm, again, everybody's biggest resource. You've said that. Jose has said that. Mom and Dad have said that.

Lee: Right, but at the same time, we still -- we just need to figure out how we can be clear on, on whatever that we're giving to them. So even if we have to, you know, speak, um, you know very direct, or we have to -- you know, we can't really speak in generalities with them, with anybody, is what I'm finding out.

Casey: Yeah.

Lee: 'Cause, you know, or if we tell them, "I'm not completely sure on a spelling, or I'm not completely sure on this or that."

Casey: Yeah.

Lee: They take everything exactly up front, to the 'T,' exactly how you provide it.

Casey: Yeah.

Lee: So, you know, if it's off at all, they don't even think to look in any other areas, is what --

Casey: That's why I gave them things multiple times. Each officer, I gave the same information at least two or three times. I've done the same thing with you, the same thing with Mom, the same thing with Jose. Everyone has the same information, same spelling, same names. I mean, none of that has altered because, that's it.

Lee: Right. What do you think -- uh, where do you think -- you think Caylee's OK right now?

Casey: My gut feeling? As mom asked me yesterday, and even Jose asked me last night, the psychologist asked me this morning that I met with through the court. Um, in my gut, she's still OK, and it still feels like she's, she's close to home.

Lee: OK.

Casey: So, I mean, that's still my, my best feeling at the moment. Again, if that changes, obviously I'm going to reach out and say something immediately, but I know Mom will understand this better than anyone that there's that type of bond that you have with your kids.

Lee: Right.

Casey: And it's, you know, it's unexplainable. Absolutely.

Lee: Did you speak with Caylee over the phone at any time?

Casey: I did one time, yes, and that was actually the day that Mom had called the police.

Lee: OK, do you remember what time you spoke to her?

Casey: Around noon? It was through a private call.

Lee then gets Casey's cell phone account information from her.

Lee: I know, did you ever have, or did you ever call, uh, the babysitter on your cell phone, or ever receive a call from the babysitter on your cell phone number?

Casey: Um, I most definitely did.

Lee: Can you give me any day or anything, whenever you think may have received that?

Casey: Any specific day, um -- God, a lot of the times, it was through text messages, so the number would show up even on that.

Lee: OK.

Casey: Um, I can't think of any specifics. I mean, my days are all thrown together. At least I know what the day is today, but as far as stuff from the last couple of months, I have -- I have no exact, you know, time or date. If I can think of something.

Lee: Do you remember, do you remember an area code?

Casey: Um, the last number that she called me from was a 954 number, which I believe is a Fort Lauderdale number. I know because Amy's is also the similar area code.

Lee: Right.

Casey: She has also called me from a 407 number, from a 321 number -- there's been different numbers, different times. Not necessarily on different days, but it just depended on the number that she had at the time.

Lee: OK. Most recently, can you remember the number that, you know, you would have seen?

Casey: The last number that she had called me from that wasn't, uh, the private listing, or that didn't show up "private cell" or "private call," was 954.

Lee: OK. Um, but even like a private cell or a private number from the most recent one that you can remember, can you remember, like, what month or anything like that that they were in?

Casey: Um, the last private call that I received was on the 15th, I believe. That was the day that Mom made that call.

Lee: Right.

Casey: And I think that was the last one that I had gotten. I mean as far as my knowing someone on the phone when I last had it.

Lee: Right, and do you remember what area code, or any part of that?

Casey: That was the number that came up. It just said "private cell," or "private call." I can't remember which one.

Lee: OK.

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« Reply #467 on: April 04, 2009, 10:24:08 PM »

question Monkees...did search or cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of Casey HO's car? can't remember...TIA

Hey Cookie!

I am pretty sure they were cadaver dogs.

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« Reply #468 on: April 04, 2009, 10:25:07 PM »

Strickland did seal the second part of DC's interview because it was ruled to be "work product" the portion of anything to do with when he was under contract with Bozo

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« Reply #469 on: April 04, 2009, 10:30:45 PM »

thanks McMonkees...! I thought so...

Cookieeeeee....Im very anxious for Monday.... The State has a very strong case but I think we are all hoping for evidence that will be so strong that it will not be able to be overcome by bunk and bull.

joesamas mama
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« Reply #470 on: April 04, 2009, 10:31:49 PM »

JSM---yes, Jose has to disclose his evidence to the state, just they have to for him.  I would assume it would be released under the Sunshine Law as well.  Someone correct if I'm wrong.     It would probably be a good laugh to see what "evidence" Jose digs up (to try to prove dumbo is innocent---yeah, right!) What a crock!
  So he has to release it only after the SA asks for it, or if it is filed in court the media can request it? That is what confuses me.

By the way, Baez couldn't dig up evidence if he were dragging his butt across the yard because it was on fire. Sorry, my Josef can dig up more evidence than Baez in one second flat.

The defense does have to disclose discovery to the State, referred to as reciprocal, meaning both sides share & must disclose in advance of trial.   However, you can bet Bozo will withhold as long as he can before turning over his.    After he turns over defense discovery to the State at that point it becomes eligible to be released to the public under the State of Florida's Sunshine Law.   The media or even an interested individual can request the documents - there is normally a processing fee for copies.
Thanks Capp, I kind of figured he would have to release stuff to the SA, I didn't think it would become public record until the State received it from Baez.

He won't release a think because he can't find his head out of his butt to get the evidence. All evidence he has is what the state has given out.

What do you think about him wanting records from Tim Miller again? Do you think Judge Strickland will tell Baez to shove it up his butt? He asked for it once before, don't ask again. That kind of answer? TIA JSM

I anticipate that Judge "Stan the Man" Strickland will tell Bozo something similar to this:   "Didn't we visit this once before?   I distinctly told you to contact Texas Equusearch directly and your motion was denied.   For the same reasons, your motion is denied."   I have a post here a few pages back as to why I think Bozo wants these records so badly.   I'm sure we will be receiving reaction from TM's Florida attorney, Mark Nejame shortly.    I still get a kick in the pants that he is representing Tim after resigning as the Anthonys attorney.   I got a bigger chuckle watching Nejame argue that motion the first time around, he was eloquent & court room ready savvy, he ran circles around Bozo!    It was also worth a few giggles this past motion hearing to watch Nejame smooging with detective & the prosecution while the Anthonys sat in the court room chewing their gum.

THanks Capp, I read the post about why he wanted the documents now (Hoover right) and asked the same question. So Strickland will tell Baez shove it up your behind, fly to Texas and get a judge to release the documents or Baez needs to shut the Heck up. Does this question make sense.

I didn't like that Nejame at all, but when he came to Tim's defense and left the Ant's Mr Nejame is a good man in my eyes. even if he has a plaster cast of his baby's behind hanging on the wall.

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Northern Rose
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« Reply #471 on: April 04, 2009, 10:33:07 PM »

Jm - yes by determing how old the maggot is you know that the person has been dead at least that long.  Other than human intervention (Dr. putting maggot larvae into bad ulcerated sights in humans to clean ulceation) maggots do not show up until the carbon unit is dead.  Because maggots feed on dead tissue, whatever resides in that tissue will show up in the maggots. So if Cayee was recently chloroformed and the chloroform is still in her cells,then as the maggots eat the cells the chloroform will be present in the maggot.  This is the same for any drug or chemical that can be found in the host tissue the maggots are feeding from.

Capp - be very careful with removing the popcorn from your ceiling.  Up until 1987 one of the major ingredients that helped the stipple adhere to the ceiling was asbestos. If your ceiling has been painted with an oil based paint you can scrape it off with no worry of the asbestos being released.  If it has not been painted then you really need a hazmat team as the asbestos will be flying throughout your house and you will be breathing it for a long time. Hope your house was built after 1987.
joesamas mama
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« Reply #472 on: April 04, 2009, 10:34:49 PM »

Strickland did seal the second part of DC's interview because it was ruled to be "work product" the portion of anything to do with when he was under contract with Bozo
Oh, I only thought DC worked with Cindy, not Baez. So anything DC did for Baez would be sealed? Forever or just until court? It's not fair a "private eye" can have his stuff sealed, but true law enforcement have to allow their documents out in the open. Or am I confused? TIA Cappy.

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joesamas mama
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« Reply #473 on: April 04, 2009, 10:36:13 PM »

Jm - yes by determing how old the maggot is you know that the person has been dead at least that long.  Other than human intervention (Dr. putting maggot larvae into bad ulcerated sights in humans to clean ulceation) maggots do not show up until the carbon unit is dead.  Because maggots feed on dead tissue, whatever resides in that tissue will show up in the maggots. So if Cayee was recently chloroformed and the chloroform is still in her cells,then as the maggots eat the cells the chloroform will be present in the maggot.  This is the same for any drug or chemical that can be found in the host tissue the maggots are feeding from.

Capp - be very careful with removing the popcorn from your ceiling.  Up until 1987 one of the major ingredients that helped the stipple adhere to the ceiling was asbestos. If your ceiling has been painted with an oil based paint you can scrape it off with no worry of the asbestos being released.  If it has not been painted then you really need a hazmat team as the asbestos will be flying throughout your house and you will be breathing it for a long time. Hope your house was built after 1987.

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« Reply #474 on: April 04, 2009, 10:44:09 PM »

I just finished reading the phone conversation you posted between Lee and Casey.

This part just creeps me out:

Lee: I still want you to be able to know that you can -- you can call me, and I'll try to, you know, get as much out there as I can before anything would ever die. It's not, like, a situation, but, you know, what can we do? You know?

I would really like to know what they were talking about during that conversation.

"Denial.......Isn't that in Egypt?"
joesamas mama
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« Reply #475 on: April 04, 2009, 10:46:35 PM »

Jm - yes by determing how old the maggot is you know that the person has been dead at least that long.  Other than human intervention (Dr. putting maggot larvae into bad ulcerated sights in humans to clean ulceation) maggots do not show up until the carbon unit is dead.  Because maggots feed on dead tissue, whatever resides in that tissue will show up in the maggots. So if Cayee was recently chloroformed and the chloroform is still in her cells,then as the maggots eat the cells the chloroform will be present in the maggot.  This is the same for any drug or chemical that can be found in the host tissue the maggots are feeding from.

Capp - be very careful with removing the popcorn from your ceiling.  Up until 1987 one of the major ingredients that helped the stipple adhere to the ceiling was asbestos. If your ceiling has been painted with an oil based paint you can scrape it off with no worry of the asbestos being released.  If it has not been painted then you really need a hazmat team as the asbestos will be flying throughout your house and you will be breathing it for a long time. Hope your house was built after 1987.
Thanks Northern Rose, I knew maggots could show chemicals in the body they fed off. I also know about gross, using maggots to eat away dead tissue from ulcerated skin.

Do you know how long it takes for chloroform to metabolize in a live body? Is it a long while or a short while? If it is a short while, then will the maggots show chloroform?

If KC used chloroform to make Caylee sleep, why not use the GHB? I know KC could have found GHB much more easily than chloroform and GHB metabolizes very fast. TIA JSM

PS, JSM is very inarticulate and flunked chemistry in high school and college andy help would be appreciated! 

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« Reply #476 on: April 04, 2009, 10:51:08 PM »

thanks for the replies McMonkees..

Capps...I will be very anxious for Monday as well.....can't wait....are we for sure that we will get docs then? I sure hope so........

joesamas mama
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« Reply #477 on: April 04, 2009, 10:51:10 PM »

I just finished reading the phone conversation you posted between Lee and Casey.

This part just creeps me out:

Lee: I still want you to be able to know that you can -- you can call me, and I'll try to, you know, get as much out there as I can before anything would ever die. It's not, like, a situation, but, you know, what can we do? You know?

I would really like to know what they were talking about during that conversation.
Now that I re-read it, it creeps me out even more. At first thought he was talking about letting the story of Caylee die in the media, now that I saw it again. I am not so sure. I would like to know what they were talking about.

I'm still not sure if this is the conversation on his cell phone

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« Reply #478 on: April 04, 2009, 10:51:24 PM »

Thankyouthankyouthankyou Puzzler for the info about the terpenes.  Ever since LP first brought those up in, like November or December I've been trying to google them.  But how do you look it up when you can't spell it?  turpin, tarpon, terrapin, i've tried them all!  Sounds like he might have a friend at the Body Farm.

Just wanted to make a couple of quick comments (it's a wrestling match to get on and stay on the computer here on the weekend):

Regarding Bozo's request for an ex parte meeting with Strickland that was denied.  What if he wanted to see him as a preemptive move, because (surprise, surprise) "somebody" hacked into his secure server set up to view autopsy photos and he doesn't want to appear responsible if they suddenly show up on ebay or a tabloid or something equally despicable?   I don't trust that goober as far as I could throw him and he seems just the kind to report a car "stolen" then cash in on the insurance.

Personally I don't think the chloroform in the trunk had anything to do with Caylee but more to do with George scrubbing the crap out of it with all kinds of strong solvents that break down to chloroform.  I also think the fight on the night of the 15th had nothing to do with money - Shirley's check situation had been  cleared long before that I'll bet.  I think it had to do with the fact that Cindy was probably giving Caylee the third degree on what she and her "mommy" had been up to that past week when they weren't at home much.  I can imagine conversations about "where are you sleeping, honey?  Who is Rico?" or "what do you mean mommy gives you medicine to make you sleep?" "she puts your blankie in the trunk? why??" or something along those lines.  I can certainly see her choking La Cucaracha over finding out something like that.

Finally, and color me paranoid, but it is starting to seem to me that the media is hanging on to these doc dumps for a while before they let them out.  I can't imagine the state is releasing them in dribs and drabs.  Februrary, May and November are all "sweeps" months on TV and it just seems funny that, at the rate we are going, it will take until the next sweeps month before we have a decent, robust doc dump (this last one was so anemic it shouldn't even count).  The media has been embarrassed lately by all of the sleuthing this site (yay Blink and co.) and others have done - I think they are getting egg on their faces because they don't do any real investigative reporting themselves and just regurgitate facts from the doc dump as if they are BOMBSHELLS!  Not to mention paying six figures for photos that all kinds of people downloaded for free from Ant photobuckets within the first few weeks of the crime.  Every time I turn on NG I am starting to get deja vu - I always think it's a re-run or something.  Old, old, old news repackaged to make it sound new.  I know the released evidence has to be petitioned by the media after it is released, but does anyone know anyone with a press pass who could at least check and see how much material is sitting there waiting to be released and if the media is just sitting on it so they can boost their ratings by controlling the rate of flow?


Flamma fumo est proxima
joesamas mama
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« Reply #479 on: April 04, 2009, 10:54:28 PM »

Subject:  Fingerprints on the Duct Tape

The only thing we really know is that they checked LA, GA & CA's prints and ruled them out.  

What that tells me is that there WERE prints on the tape or why would they even be trying to match prints.  

Like if there were NO prints...then they wouldn't have requested the prints' to be tested for a match.  

Since KC was the one that did this to poor Caylee..her prints HAVE to be the ones on the tape that they are matching up.  (However, maybe there is a 'strange' print on there that didn't match KC's.  But, I think that when they submitted the tape for testing...they just sent ALL of the print cards in and asked for the testing as standard procedure)  They must be 'holding back' this info to let Bozo & gang keep 'spinning' their wheels.

DC's second interview.

What about the phone calls that Lee told Morgan about during his depo, when KC calling him on his cell phone after he set up that account?  We haven't ever heard those yet?

They supposedly had over 40 CD's ready for release a month ago...let us have 'em!

DC interviews with LE? He said that about Lee setting up an account for KC. Where the holy smoke have I been. Do you have a link to these Bluesy?

Please LE give me some docs to look at and lots of them. Where is Sheriff Beary when I need him? Oh nevermind he never took me up on his pizza if he arrested Cindy. 

DC did two interviews w/ LE I am almost sure.

When Morgan asked Lee about talking to KC at the jail..he said that KC called him on the cell phone from jail after those first couple of days that we heard on TV (when LE released those).  I don't ever remember hearing any phone calls that were just Lee & KC, do you?

Bluesy, I posted the phone call that I found, but unfortunately I posted it in my on post.  If you would like, I will copy and paste back into this post.

Sorry JSM

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