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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #129 5/06/09 - 5/12/09  (Read 297304 times)
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Fanny Mae
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« Reply #1820 on: May 12, 2009, 12:46:04 AM »

I am exhausted tonight, but a good one. I may not be able to get my sore bones and muscles out of the bed in the morning, but I will creak around and plant some more flowers.

I was sorry to miss so many of my Monkey cage mates and to tell them what a good job you did today. We have an intelligent and articulate group here. I am very proud.

Desi I am sorry I missed you, but great post! Glad you are back more often.

I especially wanted to say to Deenie that I know your Mother's Day hurt you to the core. I know you raised your daughter right. We do what we think is right at the time and go by our own judgement. Please don't blame yourself. I know from reading your post you are a sweet, thoughtful, person, and your posts have always been well thought out. Unlike some of my silly babbling. You alway bring us back to the center of the subject, and you have a fine honed sense of  humor too. This too will pass, and although it makes you sad I am sure that the breach will be healed. As close as my mother and I were, there was a period of about month where we had a falling out and did not speak. It was my fault, and as soon as I could screw up the gumption to call her, I didn't even get I'm sorry out of my mouth before she was saying to get over to her house, she had a big glass of sweet tea with lemon and my favorite cake waiting for me. That month was the lonliest time of my whole life. We never spoke of it again, and It was like it never happened. I was back to being her baby girl and was until she died when I was 53 yrs old.

With that I will say goonight, ya'll. God bless.

Jesus loves the little children, all the children in the world.
Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.

 Words: C. Her­bert Wool­ston (1856-1927)  Music: George F. Root (1820-1895)
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1821 on: May 12, 2009, 12:52:33 AM »

I am not sure if this has been posted, so I will post it for those that haven't seen it...


Oh good grief! I am almost asleep at the wheel here and read this. This is so wrong on so many levels, and the statements are absurd and odious at best.

Why are they coming out with this propoganda at this time? I guess they are reeping the overflow from the Anthony appearance on LKL.
They are the most disgusting people that come out in the name of a child or children to make the almighty buck. They have absolutely no credibility. I think Kathi Belich need to pay them another visit. That caused them to pack up their gypsy camp and lay low for quite a while. They both ought to think about getting a real job and taking care of their financial problems that are creeping up to their doorstep. Ick!!

  OMG  Fanny, I was just about to call it a day ya had tp post this and get my blood pumping again!!

Okay, coincidence or not our visitor this afternoon singing M Bart's praises?  These people just can't understand that bloggers and internet forums are by nature annonymous places and that it's not some vast conspiracy to personally attack any of them however they have chosen to be involved in very public situations. They have chosen to "devote their lives" to a profession that demands scrutiny. When a family is facing unimaginable terror and tragedy, those that show up to help better be squeaky clean because victims should never be victimized by those claiming to help. 
All the elaborate explanations regarding the checked past of D milstead do nothing but confirm to me that he's not a person that I would want to be around especially at the most vulnerable time.

Also, coincidence or not, Milstead's brother's "poisoning" news front and center, calling yet more attention to the family integrity??
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1822 on: May 12, 2009, 12:53:24 AM »

I am not sure if this has been posted, so I will post it for those that haven't seen it...


OMG!  This is filled with total blatant lies!  They never addressed their various businesses they used to front as sponsors & were nothing but a fraud, they never addressed their unaccountability for funds, discrepancies in tax returns, unpaid bills, foreclosure.  How dare they imply that they were taken advantage of by TES!  What flipping news reporter would call these kooks!  In the process of trying to set the public straight they were insulting & defensive.  Just like them trying to sell software for free, yet charge a download fee (bogus) and then in a third package charge $5 for the software & $25 for the USB device.....It seems rather obvious that the Milsteads & Anthonys read here as well as other sites so hello we are not naive Milsteads  FREE is FREE, your latest scam has been screencapped just in case you try to get rid of it -  this press release is your final demise, trust me ITS AWN and you're going down.   

Look at the date of this, April 19th.  Wonder why we're just seeing it now? 

Good question Klaas.   I screencapped their latest scam

Bringing forward a post I made in the early hours this morning:

My mission this morning is to make a few phone calls on this issue.  The download appears not only on KFN, but also The Caylee Marie Anthony Fund  under links
Kid Finders Network offered this self-proclaimed invented "Safety in a Flash" for something like $79 prior to this- it is disabled to purchase that way right now.   Go to purchase page & see what you get
Now on a link that says "Donations" it then takes you to a page that is titled  "software offers"    WHAT  since when is selling stuff for profit a donation?  Nowhere on this page does it say any of these purchases are a way to donate to charity, NADDA!

Package 1
Notice it says FREE and yet they are charging a download fee of $9.95 (if they uploaded once, anyone could download it for free via megaload, photobucket, rapid share)   This is bogus!
Package 2
Notice how reduced they made this USB device, they obviously couldn't sell them (mind you anyone can format a USB device...geez)  Now they offer only by mail, they used to claim to sell them at locations previously along with their fingerprinting program (whateva!)
Package 3
Ok lets get this straight, they offered the CD for FREE in Package 1 yet in Package 3 they charge $5 in addition to the $25 for the USB device - what gives, do they think people are as moronic as they are...o hell to the no!    FRAUDS!

It ends with this:  After Payment You Will Be Redirected To Download Page

AGAIN, if this software is uploaded to a service such as megaload, photobucket THERE SHOULD BE NO FEE - once it is uploaded it doesn't matter if one person downloads it or a million!   Why don't they just provide the link to the download, because they are scamming the public via the internet (note:  crimes committed using the internet are federal offenses).

Each of their paypal pages for payment states "Review donation and continue"

Protect the little babies
Scared Monkey
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We are the voice for the missing or harmed!!

« Reply #1823 on: May 12, 2009, 12:55:03 AM »


LK, just said that the ant's will be on tomorrow and that everyone should go and check the blog as it is "really lighting up".....mmm could that mean

 an angelic monkey an angelic monkey an angelic monkey

We will go to great lengths to be the voice for the missing and harmed!!

~Light a Candle ~
Monkey Junky Jr.
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Earth hath no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. TM

« Reply #1824 on: May 12, 2009, 12:55:07 AM »

I am not sure if this has been posted, so I will post it for those that haven't seen it...


Wow. I had not seen this.It sounds as if someone is very defensive and afraid and is trying to distance themselves from the Anthonys.It is too late for that. Everytime I hear the name Milstead My mind immediately goes to the Anthonys. Their motives are the same. It all comes back to the almighty dollar and trying to invent the latest scam to take advantage of as many people as possible. I ask myself if these people were independently wealthy would they be promoting this cause? I think not. That is the true test for genuine passion for a cause. They could learn so much from Tim Miller.That is why they dispise him.

I thank God for what I have and trust God for what I need.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1825 on: May 12, 2009, 01:00:48 AM »

Protect the little babies   sorry in my earlier post I thought Fanny had brought that link for the KFN

I never really realized that other people's tragedys are fertile grounds for con artists. So sad to think that not everyone is working from the heart when it comes to missing kids or adults too.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1826 on: May 12, 2009, 01:02:10 AM »

This is how I think they work these 'charities'.

C&G have the Caylee Foundation and say they 'give away' the Caylee Bears.
Well, they can own a 'for profit' company of supplying Caylee Bears...they then sell each bear to the Caylee Foundation for say $100...their 'cost' is $5.00..Voila!  They have now moved $95 into their pockets.

I reread the statement from the tow company guy...Simon Burch.  It says a lot.  He said C&G were arguing (rowing - his word) and bickering.  Poopy said they would probably be divorcing (Poopy had prolly had enough of paying for Slore).  

Simon also said GA was going on and on about his grandchild and not seeing her, and their daughter was lying and lying (blah, blah, blah - his words).  Simon said the car smelled when he was making his rounds the prior week but when George opened the door...he was knocked back and said "Oh, sh*t" and he was scared because George had been telling him about the Grandchild and he knew there was a carseat in the car.  He thought the baby was going to be in that trunk.  He had experience w/people leaving food in the car...and knew this wasn't 'food smell'

Also, he said the car wouldn't start...and George had brought gas with him like he KNEW it was out of gas!  (How did Poopy know?)

I would have copied excerpts..but it is a pdf and wouldn't let me copy.

Here is the link:

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1827 on: May 12, 2009, 01:03:21 AM »

LK, just said that the ant's will be on tomorrow and that everyone should go and check the blog as it is "really lighting up".....mmm could that mean

 an angelic monkey an angelic monkey an angelic monkey

 I guess old windbag Larry is practically giddy that his board is buzzing. Old geezer should just retire.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1828 on: May 12, 2009, 01:12:18 AM »

I just went and checked the lk blog thinking i would write another one protesting the a's on there and it is gone. says page not found! 
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1829 on: May 12, 2009, 05:38:01 AM »

This is how I think they work these 'charities'.

C&G have the Caylee Foundation and say they 'give away' the Caylee Bears.
Well, they can own a 'for profit' company of supplying Caylee Bears...they then sell each bear to the Caylee Foundation for say $100...their 'cost' is $5.00..Voila!  They have now moved $95 into their pockets.

I reread the statement from the tow company guy...Simon Burch.  It says a lot.  He said C&G were arguing (rowing - his word) and bickering.  Poopy said they would probably be divorcing (Poopy had prolly had enough of paying for Slore).  

Simon also said GA was going on and on about his grandchild and not seeing her, and their daughter was lying and lying (blah, blah, blah - his words).  Simon said the car smelled when he was making his rounds the prior week but when George opened the door...he was knocked back and said "Oh, sh*t" and he was scared because George had been telling him about the Grandchild and he knew there was a carseat in the car.  He thought the baby was going to be in that trunk.  He had experience w/people leaving food in the car...and knew this wasn't 'food smell'

Also, he said the car wouldn't start...and George had brought gas with him like he KNEW it was out of gas!  (How did Poopy know?)

I would have copied excerpts..but it is a pdf and wouldn't let me copy.

Here is the link:

Oh Bluesy -- listen to Cindy's own words  -- (, @ 30 min, Cindy says that George was warned ahead of seeing the car that it smelled when the tow yard picked it up from Amscot and had been getting progressively  worse and that the tow company could not get in the trunk.  No one had access to the trunk.  Bag in the car was full of maggots which was tossed in the dumpster.  OCSO has the bag. 
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1830 on: May 12, 2009, 05:43:11 AM »

Leave it to me! Wake up when the whole world is sleeping!!! I am ABSOLUTELY livid with LK !! I couldn't post anything articulate this morning I was so mad. I just said " You make me sick"...I have been going in and trying to improve on that a little bit...What is going on? What are the laws in the state of Florida that allow the A's to run these scams? I can't look at their website for info because I will throw up in my mouth but you guys keep me posted!! TY..Hail those of strong stomaches! I sincerely hope that everyone who threatened to NOT watch the show, does NOT watch the show! Rumour has it, that sometimes the more threats they have that people will not tune in, means the larger the audience that will tune in. Maybe that accounts for this ill conceived interview continuing? I don't know. But I am going back to state in no uncertain terms what I think of it and I WILL NOT BE WATCHING!!!

Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1831 on: May 12, 2009, 05:58:15 AM »

Good morning monkeys ==

I wanted to add to my previous post -- Cindy said:

August 29 -- (1) maybe someone could have put a body in the trunk after it was towed -- this contradicts what she told the FBI on July 30 indicating the two yard did not have a key, no one could have gotten in the trunk before they arrived and (2) there was no odor in the car per conversations she, Cindy, had with the tow yard, which is inconsistent with ALL other evidence including her statement to the FBI.  See
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1832 on: May 12, 2009, 06:02:32 AM »

Leave it to me! Wake up when the whole world is sleeping!!! I am ABSOLUTELY livid with LK !! I couldn't post anything articulate this morning I was so mad. I just said " You make me sick"...I have been going in and trying to improve on that a little bit...What is going on? What are the laws in the state of Florida that allow the A's to run these scams? I can't look at their website for info because I will throw up in my mouth but you guys keep me posted!! TY..Hail those of strong stomaches! I sincerely hope that everyone who threatened to NOT watch the show, does NOT watch the show! Rumour has it, that sometimes the more threats they have that people will not tune in, means the larger the audience that will tune in. Maybe that accounts for this ill conceived interview continuing? I don't know. But I am going back to state in no uncertain terms what I think of it and I WILL NOT BE WATCHING!!!

cuteascanbe -- Oh, I am so sorry you are angry, I am now at the resigned stage.  I have accepted that LKL is going to have them on their show and have now started sending emails with questions and links to statements made to media or FBI and OCSO.  Larry sounded so poorly informed the last interview, if he is going to do it, I want him to have all the facts.

PS -- Your compassion is admirable and I am proud to be a fellow monkey with you and so many others.
Western Observr
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« Reply #1833 on: May 12, 2009, 06:43:54 AM »

Leave it to me! Wake up when the whole world is sleeping!!! I am ABSOLUTELY livid with LK !! I couldn't post anything articulate this morning I was so mad. I just said " You make me sick"...I have been going in and trying to improve on that a little bit...What is going on? What are the laws in the state of Florida that allow the A's to run these scams? I can't look at their website for info because I will throw up in my mouth but you guys keep me posted!! TY..Hail those of strong stomaches! I sincerely hope that everyone who threatened to NOT watch the show, does NOT watch the show! Rumour has it, that sometimes the more threats they have that people will not tune in, means the larger the audience that will tune in. Maybe that accounts for this ill conceived interview continuing? I don't know. But I am going back to state in no uncertain terms what I think of it and I WILL NOT BE WATCHING!!!

cuteascanbe -- Oh, I am so sorry you are angry, I am now at the resigned stage.  I have accepted that LKL is going to have them on their show and have now started sending emails with questions and links to statements made to media or FBI and OCSO.  Larry sounded so poorly informed the last interview, if he is going to do it, I want him to have all the facts.

PS -- Your compassion is admirable and I am proud to be a fellow monkey with you and so many others.

I definitely won't be watching.
The last time they were on I watched part of it but the questions he asked were so feeble, he was like some senile old man just being led around by them.  I have better things to do than submit myself to that again. I think this will backfire on LK..
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1834 on: May 12, 2009, 06:47:55 AM »

Leave it to me! Wake up when the whole world is sleeping!!! I am ABSOLUTELY livid with LK !! I couldn't post anything articulate this morning I was so mad. I just said " You make me sick"...I have been going in and trying to improve on that a little bit...What is going on? What are the laws in the state of Florida that allow the A's to run these scams? I can't look at their website for info because I will throw up in my mouth but you guys keep me posted!! TY..Hail those of strong stomaches! I sincerely hope that everyone who threatened to NOT watch the show, does NOT watch the show! Rumour has it, that sometimes the more threats they have that people will not tune in, means the larger the audience that will tune in. Maybe that accounts for this ill conceived interview continuing? I don't know. But I am going back to state in no uncertain terms what I think of it and I WILL NOT BE WATCHING!!!

cuteascanbe -- Oh, I am so sorry you are angry, I am now at the resigned stage.  I have accepted that LKL is going to have them on their show and have now started sending emails with questions and links to statements made to media or FBI and OCSO.  Larry sounded so poorly informed the last interview, if he is going to do it, I want him to have all the facts.

PS -- Your compassion is admirable and I am proud to be a fellow monkey with you and so many others.

I definitely won't be watching.
The last time they were on I watched part of it but the questions he asked were so feeble, he was like some senile old man just being led around by them.  I have better things to do than submit myself to that again. I think this will backfire on LK..
Thank you for your kind words...This will backfire if the people that said they will not watch,do not watch..The A's are toxic and I don't know why LK isn't old enough to know better...I mean really, how old do you have to get to?

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1835 on: May 12, 2009, 07:03:19 AM »

 This is incredibly off topic, but I couldn't sleep and I am so distraught.  My 14 year old niece hung herself last night.  We were at the hospital til midnight.  Her father, (my husband's brother,) could not stop crying.  It was the most horrendous experience...Please, please, please hug your loved ones and tell them you love them.  I had no idea she was in such a dark place.  I always tried to be a good aunt, I remember each of the 16 nieces' and nephews' birthdays, but I wasn't there for her, obviously.  Please pray for us.  I'll be in and out the next few days.  Keep up the LKL campaign.  Standing up for Caylee is important--now I have first hand experience what losing a child is like.  We can never quit the good fight for justice.

What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1836 on: May 12, 2009, 07:37:32 AM »

This is incredibly off topic, but I couldn't sleep and I am so distraught.  My 14 year old niece hung herself last night.  We were at the hospital til midnight.  Her father, (my husband's brother,) could not stop crying.  It was the most horrendous experience...Please, please, please hug your loved ones and tell them you love them.  I had no idea she was in such a dark place.  I always tried to be a good aunt, I remember each of the 16 nieces' and nephews' birthdays, but I wasn't there for her, obviously.  Please pray for us.  I'll be in and out the next few days.  Keep up the LKL campaign.  Standing up for Caylee is important--now I have first hand experience what losing a child is like.  We can never quit the good fight for justice.

I am so very, very sorry for your loss.  I cannot imagine what you and your family are going through.  My prayers will be with you and your family.  My grandchildren will be here in a moment and I will give them a hug for me and for you.  God bless you and your family.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Seeking Justice for Caylee

« Reply #1837 on: May 12, 2009, 07:58:05 AM »

I am not sure if this has been posted, so I will post it for those that haven't seen it...


OMG!  This is filled with total blatant lies!  They never addressed their various businesses they used to front as sponsors & were nothing but a fraud, they never addressed their unaccountability for funds, discrepancies in tax returns, unpaid bills, foreclosure.  How dare they imply that they were taken advantage of by TES!  What flipping news reporter would call these kooks!  In the process of trying to set the public straight they were insulting & defensive.  Just like them trying to sell software for free, yet charge a download fee (bogus) and then in a third package charge $5 for the software & $25 for the USB device.....It seems rather obvious that the Milsteads & Anthonys read here as well as other sites so hello we are not naive Milsteads  FREE is FREE, your latest scam has been screencapped just in case you try to get rid of it -  this press release is your final demise, trust me ITS AWN and you're going down.   

   When I read their BS it insults me makes me so flaming mad I can't see straight but when I read your post Cappy it makes me feel a bit calmer and I have to believe they ARE going down!!!   

On July 5th, 2011 Caylee Anthony was denied Justice, her murderer was set free.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1838 on: May 12, 2009, 07:59:28 AM »

Good Morning Monkeys. 

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
~ Peter Frampton
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1839 on: May 12, 2009, 08:04:28 AM »
Monday, May 11, 2009
Baez Won't Quit, But He Should

If the Casey Anthony's murder case moved any slower, the 23 year old defendant could die of old age before she goes on trial for murder. This week started off with Casey Anthony's lead attorney, Jose Baez, taking deposition testimony from three different people today. From all outward signs, Baez is looking for anything and everything that might draw some kind of reasonable doubt to his client, who most people believe killed her own daughter Caylee Anthony.

While it is the job of Jose Baez to defend Casey Anthony to his best ability, many people believe that he (Baez) is way out of his league when it comes to a murder case where the death penalty is on the table. I am concerned about Baez' ability in this case not because I want to see Casey Anthony get away with murder, but because I don't want to see a guilty verdict overturned down the road because of incompetent legal council.

It can't be good news for the side of justice when most people who are familiar with this case believe that Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, is not up to the task of defending her. While the justice system in the United States might be the best in the world, when it comes to high profile murder cases - far too many times guilty famous people walk when an average Joe off the street is sent immediately to the death chamber. The only reason I question Baez competence in defending Casey Anthony is to make sure she does not escape justice through some legal back door loophole that no one sees coming.

I'm on record many times calling for the withdrawal of Jose Baez as Casey Anthony's lead criminal defense attorney. However, it does not appear that Casey Anthony has lost faith in Baez and most certainly he is not going to quit a job that is the biggest of his career. I guess we will all just be forced to wait - while Baez and six other attorney's, that are currently working for the defense of Casey Anthony - slowly work their way through the deposition process. Justice in this case is certainly moving at a slow pace.

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
~ Peter Frampton
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