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Author Topic: Haleigh Marie Cummings #17 6/26/09 - 8/6/09  (Read 453140 times)
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Thunder Bunny
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« Reply #1420 on: July 30, 2009, 05:01:41 PM »

Sorry.  That was me.  We must have been posting at the same time.  off to read.

~°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°     Please Bring Haleigh Home!!!!     °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°~
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1421 on: July 30, 2009, 05:38:56 PM »


In regards to looking for these precious children, IIRC Tim Miller was looking in the woods thru heavy brush, and swamps..........I guess I just trust his instincts as to what he is looking for determined by WHERE he is looking.

I trust TM and know that he left after 2 days searching and stated this is not what it seems (not verbatim) Therefore, I believe TM knew he would not find her in those woods.

It is disturbing how so many are insisting she is dead with no evidence pointing to that fact. I saw on another forum, a missing 8 yr old boy who's mother has a history of abuse inflicting injury on a child, yet they are not willing to say he is dead,but are willing to say Haleigh is, I just do not understand the insistance that she is.   

I read Tim was asked to leave by LE I'll find the link if you want.also, if he did say things are not as they seem-there are MANY ways to interpret that statement IMO, especially after the Caylee ANthony case and the lack of cooperation, the same type of lack of cooperation that Misty has showm per LE.

I haven't insisted she's dead, I pray she is alive-but I don't believe she is based on the facts and length of time she has been missing, and the professional profilers...........I'd love to be wrong and hope I am, but statistically the odds are not good.

What facts might those be? There has been no evidence she is not alive and LE has stated they believe she is, so what FACTS are you going by to determine she is dead? Children have went missing for years and been found alive as adults.

The fact that she went missing from the care of her father/Misty, their numerous inconsistent statements, if you want me to list them I can (not today as I have an appt in 20 minutes), nut they don't add up.......Ron said he knew something was wrong because when he pulled up Misty was awake and at the door and she was usually aleep.......did he forget she had called him several times???? The fact there has been NO sighting of Haleigh. The fact that Ron and Misty decided to get married so soon as if  they are ready to move on with life. He and Misty constantly referred to her in past tense. Those are facts to me and facts that don't add up, but let me leave you with not my perception but the perception of criminal profilers, as they are the experts:

CLint Van Zandt:
Sheriff's investigators, Florida Department of Law Enforcement officials, FBI Agents, criminal profilers and others are involved in a race against the clock to find missing Haleigh Cummings and, unfortunately, it is the clock and not the good guys that are winning the race. We can only hope for a positive conclusion to this case, but again, we know the odds are against this.
I've seen spys and murderers pass polygraphs and seemingly innocent people come up deceptive (see my past article "Do Lie Detectors Lie?" at, and since we have the father's characterization of the two of them "passing," this without law enforcement confirmation, I'm not ready to give them a pass on this case, especially with the circumstances as they currently appear. While the father's behavior appears crude but otherwise appropriate, many question his girlfriend's affect, or lack thereof. While, as my article suggests, there are a number of scenarios to explain what happen to the little girl, the two adults in the home still have explaining to do.
Clint Van Zandt
I fully believe that the investigators are continuing to look at the father and the teenager.
It is a shame that another young child is missing. The entire family on both sides appear to be uneducated and very poor. Makes you wonder how they afford the cigarettes they are puffing away on. Sorry, some people should not reproduce.
#13 - Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:01 PM EST
Clint Van Zandt
The father was very educated on how he was allowd to ue physical punish on his daughter per the Fla Dept of Soc Svs. His own form of "I got you" to the State.
1 vote
·         Clint Van Zandt
·         Native,
·         They are still using cadaver dogs and as far as the initial search of the trailer, I saw (on TV) investigators going in and out of the trailer without the requisite white suits, but that may have been after the CSI team went through. Usually we would recommend they search for a body disposal site anywhere around where a suspect may have worked or where he otherwise knew his way around the area.
·         Best,
·         CVZ
·         {"commentId":5719195,"authorDomain":"clintvanzandt"}
·         Clint Van Zandt
·         Lynn,
·         You are right, I believe, in that the key to Haleigh's disappearance rests with Misty and Ronald. They, are someone they know, will ultimately be fould responsible for whatever happened to the little girl, a story that is repeated far too often in this country...
·         Thanks for your comments!
·         CVZ
Clint Van Zandt
And Misty, the current girlfriend of the father, is but one of a string of 17 year old girlfriends he's allegedly had... Social Services really has its hands full in so many areas.
1 vote
#17.1 - Wed Mar 4, 2009 7:43 PM EST
From a dad of 3, I also find the whole story fishy. While not appearing to be the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, Misty, as you suggest, appears to have delayed calling 911 for reasons yet explained. We hear of drug usage by both and could assume that she had to hide the drugs before calling the cops...
For the father not to know his daughter's birthday is just unbelieveable and could speak volumes about his possible relationship with his daughter. Where is the test of truth by fire when we need it?
1 vote
#19 - Fri Mar 6, 2009 10:28 AM EST
Clint Van Zandt
I am sorry for your loss. Who better than you could suggest how someone would "normally" respond to the loss of their child. My experience investigating kidnappings is that I usually encountered parents like you and your husband, couples that were shell shocked when their child was first kidnapped, and were afraid to even leave their home for lunch for fear their child would call or somehow show up and they not be there to greet their missing child.
While no one can suggest what the behavior of another should be, there are certain standards of response that are normal and what we see from Ron and his new bride do not fit that known standard.
It are good insincts like yours that keep you safe and life and help investigators solve cases. Misty looks like a scared little kid under the control of a tryant.
mommy of 5
As a mother of 5, I don't think that anyone or anything would stand in the way of finding my child. Especially a WEDDING. God knows the truth, and someday we will too. Just to think that a wedding is more important than searching for my daughter. That is foolish. And as far as the interview is concerned...I would have done it from the back yard of my home, not hopped on a plane to NY. What were they thinking? I know in my heart that my husband would not pay any attention to anything other than finding his little girl, but I guess if you are involved the best thing to do is stay away I guess. I would be in those fields searching with the police to find my little girl.
I just have one question...What is wrong with people today?
1 vote
#47 - Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:45 AM EDT
Clint Van Zandt
Mommy of 5,
I believe that too many people believe the world begins and ends at the end of their own nose. They could really care less about others. While this goes along with part of the definition of a sociopath, it also speaks of someone who never learned to be a good human being, much less a good parent. Chldren are a gift and far too many people do not appreciate the gift they have.
Bob Miler
Just a random thought.
If the father was at work he obviously clocked out or was seen leaving and the Police know when the call came and how long it took to get home. So if they called Police right when he got home that doesn't leave much time for him to be involved in anything does it?
I definetly believe something fishy but also believe the Police know what it is.
1 vote
#49 - Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:12 PM EDT
Clint Van Zandt
Correct unless whatever happened, happened before he went to work and Misty was told to wait until the end of his work shift to call police. When the missing child was last seen by anyone other than the "two adults" in the home would be important, plus any physical evidence from the father's vehicle to suggest any side type trip, one that would be off the beaten path that he traveled back and forth to work. It is a time line that police need for the lask known 24 hours in the victim's life that would help resolve the case.
AAraoz, Mary and other reasonable readers,
The most absurd part of this in Ron and Misty's belief that they could marry and fly off to NYC and it wouldn't point the finger at them. The combination of stupidity and arrogance is overwhelming!
Clint Van Zandt
I think you are right, one of the two will crack or make a mistake. Misty already blew the interview on the Today Show, and her new husband is just too smug to be able to pull this off.
Also the issue of his mom being his alibi, we'll see if that holds water...
1 vote
#58.1 - Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:07
Ron Cummings is just too quick and too smug with his answer "I don't know, I was at work".   This sounds like it was a planned alibi.  One he knew would stand because he was always at work at that time.    How odd that Misty woke up just before time for him to come home and for them to make the 911 call.   Everything just seems to be timed too perfert.
#59 - Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:39 PM EDT
Clint Van Zandt
Almost as if it has all been orchestrated and Ron is proud of how he put this all together...
Clint Van Zandt
Good catch! That and any past tense reference, like "she would have wanted me to get married," are possible clues to either his guilty knowledge or his stupidity, or both...
Clint Van Zandt
There are a lot of questions left unanswered here and of the two that apparently have the answers, one is too grightened to talk and the second too smug to talk.
Be Safe,
Clint Van Zandt
I think you've hit upon the fact that the entire family, up and down, is disfunctional, and the children are the ones that suffer the most. While no one is perfect and most of us who are parents and grandparents have made our share of mistakes, most of us really try. In the case of Ron, Crystal and his new wife, the children had three strikes against them to begin with. Ron, Jr., has survived physically, but mentally will be another thing.
Clint Van Zandt
While I share your caution on rushing to judgement, we each compare the behavior that we see with what we would expect from ourselves or from others. While we know it is wrong to compare, it is, nonetheless, part of life. When some over the top talk shows dedicate their nightly program to such cases, and when over 1 million people watch to get their crime fix, we know, unfortunately, such are human interest stories. As far as amateur detectives, it would appear that even the real world investigators are challenged by such cases. Even though you get a feeling after years of working these cases, you still know that you need to develop proof beyond a reasonable doubt or all you have is that feeling, one that does not convict, though the media does an interest job in the court of public opinion. Many people live vicariously through such cases, hoping beyond hope at times that they can somehow help solve the case and bring the victim home safe. Good thoughts, but not very realistic in nature.
I believe in your prayers; hopefully they will bring the answer that so many now seek.


Pat Brown said...
I find Ronald Cummings reactions and statements a bit odd. The most recent comments to the press:

"Ronald Cummings also said he doesn't suspect his 17-year-old girlfriend did anything wrong the night Haleigh disappeared.

"I don't have any suspicions of anybody," Cummings said. "Obviously, if I knew what was going on, I would have my daughter."

Why would he have no suspicions of anyone or have any feeling the girlfriend could be involved? Usually the opposite is the problem....that you start suspecting everyone, especially the girlfriend you called a bitch and so many think are lying. As much of a control freak as this guy is and the fact he doesn't seem to worry much whether people like him, it is surprisingly he wouldn't be vicious toward his girlfriend if he had the slightest inkling she was lying.

Something doesn't add up here with Mr. Cummings.
February 20, 2009 12:34 PM
Pat Brown said...
The father is twenty-five. I don't think it is a big issue that the girl is seventeen in that she is not in school nor living with her parents and the emotional age between the two is not that great. The bigger problem is the involvement of social services in the family life which indicates there are issues within the home that have put the children's health and welfare at risk in the past. History is a great indicator of future issues whether they be neglect or abuse.
February 20, 2009 3:10 PM
Pat Brown said...
As disgusting as the Geraldo interview was with Ronald Cummings, I did find it fascinating that Ronald claimed he NEVER has used drugs, he has NEVER been abusive, that he NEVER sold drugs. If it turns out that he has lied about any of these issues, then we will have an example of how someone can stand in front of a camera and lie with total boldness. And, if he did lie about these things, does that mean he has lied about what happened to his daughter as well? I am looking forward to finding out what the truth is about Ronald Cummings. It will be very educational.
February 24, 2009 12:22 PM

These echo my sentiments and pattern of facts/actions that make no sense to me, and this is just a fraction of my list.........

I find it interesting all of that was from March and nothing new has been said by him, I also did not see where he said she is dead.

no rose colored glasses
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« Reply #1422 on: July 30, 2009, 06:46:34 PM »

Sad part like with many cases we may never know what happened to Haleigh 
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1423 on: July 30, 2009, 06:59:35 PM »

Does anyone see a resemblance between Michael Christopher Prevatt and Kristina "Nay Nay" Prevatt?

no rose colored glasses
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« Reply #1424 on: July 30, 2009, 07:10:55 PM »

They look like they could be brother and sister.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1425 on: July 30, 2009, 07:27:08 PM »

Does anyone see a resemblance between Michael Christopher Prevatt and Kristina "Nay Nay" Prevatt?

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1426 on: July 30, 2009, 07:37:58 PM »

They look like they could be brother and sister.

Baker County Standard:  Police Blotter


Police responded to a disturbance at Mac’s Liquors just before midnight on July 24 to find a large crowd gathered around two wrecked vehicles.

According to reports, Michael Christopher Prevatt, 27 of Macclenny, was yelling and screaming at his girlfriend. The woman was bleeding from the mouth and had red marks on her face.

According to reports, both Prevatt and the woman had a strong odor of alcohol about their person.

According to reports, witnesses said the two had gotten into an argument inside the bar and had been asked to leave. Further, that Prevatt had struck the woman several times in the face while in the car and had then had attempted to leave at a high rate of speed. In his haste, Prevatt struck another car in the rear.

Prevatt was arrested on a charge of battery and transported to the BCDC. A .22 caliber handgun was retrieved from the car and placed into safekeeping.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1427 on: July 30, 2009, 09:32:10 PM »

What sets me off on this one is when the police arrived, Ronald Cummings had a bleeding hand. He says he hit the back door, he was so upset. So they took DNA at the scene from his hand. Those police didn't have a clue how to do it. His hand should have been bagged and he should have been escorted right to a hospital. The back door ? It was taken away weeks later after everyone and their dog and the media dogs had their hands on the damn door.
That's my issue with this investigation right from the get go.
Ron and Misty should have been separated even if they had to hold them for questioning in separate cells.  Right from that night.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1428 on: July 30, 2009, 10:01:52 PM »

all true Kat Gram....lots of mistakes made from the get go...imo

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1429 on: July 30, 2009, 10:36:21 PM »

all true Kat Gram....lots of mistakes made from the get go...imo

I agree lots of .....MISTAKES???? ....I just find that kinda strange to think that these men/women have gone thru training, not sure how many years, courses, etc.... to become a LE, detective, officer. 

I am sure their training included the PROPER PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW WHEN INVESTIGATING A 911 CALL....or any other incident related to investigation.

These were not detailed errors, they were BASIC PROCEDURES to follow, and I am sure most civilians know the rules without taking a darn course.

Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1430 on: July 30, 2009, 10:57:01 PM »

IM Thank you for posting the post of CVZ!!

Monkey All Star
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HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #1431 on: July 30, 2009, 11:00:48 PM »

IM Thank you for posting the post of CVZ!!

Thanks Jules~Good to see you an angelic monkey

KatGram, I totally agree.....the investigation might have well been done by drunk college kids for all the mistakes they made (freshman mistakes is the word that comes to mind)

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1432 on: July 30, 2009, 11:01:00 PM »

Does anyone know why Orlando Taylor and Ron Cummings are no longer friends?  Also does anyone know for sure if Misty is pregnant or not?

Monkey All Star
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HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #1433 on: July 30, 2009, 11:04:02 PM »

Does anyone know why Orlando Taylor and Ron Cummings are no longer friends?  Also does anyone know for sure if Misty is pregnant or not?
I don't have a clue........seems a though they have been WAY OUT of any media for months makes you wonder why?

I wish I knew about Orlando & Ron's friendship myself..curious??

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1434 on: July 30, 2009, 11:09:52 PM »

Child No. 5: Jessie PREVATT
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 16 November 1894
Birthplace: Baker County, Florida
Death date: 11 February 1975
Place of death: Florida
Buried: North Prong Cemetery, Baker County, Florida
Marriage date: 20 June 1909
Marriage place: Baker County, Florida
Spouse's name: Ernest JOHNS

Child No. 1: Lola PREVATT
Sex: Female
Birthdate: July 1887
Birthplace: Baker County, Florida
Death date: 1920
Place of death: Baker County, Florida
Buried: North Prong Cemetery, Baker County, Florida
Marriage date: 12 February 1903
Marriage place: Baker County, Florida
Spouse's name: Colonel JOHNS

Archibald Johns
married Margaret PREVATT about 1832.
Archibald Johns 2nd wife was Margaret GEIGER

3. John H., b. 1841
4. Erwin (Irvin), b. 27 Sep 1840, married Elizabeth Andreu
5. Jeremiah M., b. Oct 1844, married Annie Cone
6. Mary Margaret, b. 1845
7. Francis P., b. 1848
8. Dora, b. abt 1852
9. Thomas Jefferson, b. 1856, (illeg.) married Evelyn Prescott

The following is very interesting and shows how far back these people go back living within this community and attending school together.

School Club?
The teacher/sponsor is Mrs. Al (Mary Ellen) Bostick, a history teacher at Macclenny-Glen High School and Jr. High. Her husband was a Florida Highway Patrolman stationed in Macclenny. He was the first to teach drivers' ed in our school.
front row, left to right: Mrs. Bostick, Mavis (Crews) Griffis, Robert Scholes, Joann (Thomas) Osteen, Daryl Newmans, , Jerry Moran, Bonnie Burnsed, Richard Rowe.
second row, left to right: Faye (Prevatt) Moran, Lizzie (Starling) Crews, Florried Hall, Everett Rhoden, Peewee Hicks, Shirley Alford
back row, left to right: Ila (Davis) Yonn, Yvonne Newmans (or a Crews), Maisie or Daisy Crews, Davis, Davis, Raulerson (?Ophelia), Myrtle Lee Morgan, etc. etc., Harvey.
photo made on the main steps of the old auditorium in about 1947 or '48.

Macclenny Elementary 1968 3rd Grade Class
L to R front row: Brenda Sapp, Carol Lauramore, Denise?, Jeanie Greene Lisa Davis, Rhonda Wood, Susan Martin, Cheryl Lowery, Roxanne Kirkland
2nd row: Ronda Kirkland, Sandi Harvey, Karen Griffis, Pamela Starling, Sheri Methvin, Wendy Lane, Angie Roberson, Patricia Rowe, Martha Sue Starling, Susan Johnson, Tony Mayhall
Back Row:Kenneth Johns, Terry Griffis, Johnny Kirkland, Mike Hurst, Tim Dewey, Charlie Sharman, Greg Harden, Jeffrey Piatt, Dennis Finley, Warren Mobley, Mark Starling, Terry Kellogg & Teacher Ms Smith (waters)


Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1435 on: July 30, 2009, 11:21:00 PM »

IM Thank you for posting the post of CVZ!!

Thanks Jules~Good to see you an angelic monkey

KatGram, I totally agree.....the investigation might have well been done by drunk college kids for all the mistakes they made (freshman mistakes is the word that comes to mind)

IM it is good to see you on here also!!  Things have been crazy on the home front and I am just trying to catch up!

Monkey All Star
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HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #1436 on: July 30, 2009, 11:46:46 PM »

IM Thank you for posting the post of CVZ!!

Thanks Jules~Good to see you an angelic monkey

KatGram, I totally agree.....the investigation might have well been done by drunk college kids for all the mistakes they made (freshman mistakes is the word that comes to mind)

IM it is good to see you on here also!!  Things have been crazy on the home front and I am just trying to catch up!

Here too Jules  we have non-stop thru Sunday friends from TN, then Saturday -Saturday my stepson will be here (last time before he deploys for Iraq) then Friday- Tuesday a friend of mine that was my daughter's babysitter for 10 know you're getting old when your babysitter is 30, and the waterski you use is 21 yes old

Praying that things get better for you in the twilight zone

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey Junky Jr.
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Earth hath no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. TM

« Reply #1437 on: July 31, 2009, 12:58:19 AM »


In regards to looking for these precious children, IIRC Tim Miller was looking in the woods thru heavy brush, and swamps..........I guess I just trust his instincts as to what he is looking for determined by WHERE he is looking.

I trust TM and know that he left after 2 days searching and stated this is not what it seems (not verbatim) Therefore, I believe TM knew he would not find her in those woods.

It is disturbing how so many are insisting she is dead with no evidence pointing to that fact. I saw on another forum, a missing 8 yr old boy who's mother has a history of abuse inflicting injury on a child, yet they are not willing to say he is dead,but are willing to say Haleigh is, I just do not understand the insistance that she is.   

With all due respect,I have never "insisted" anything, let alone that this child is dead. I have stated my belief which has not changed since the first day coverage began. I desperately want to be wrong. I would like nothing more for the report on the morning news to be that Haleigh is found with a distant cousin (or whomever) in the backwoods of North Georgia(or where ever) in perfect health and is on her way back to Satsuma. I am only saying that just as some of you have a feeling that she is alive and well, I have a different feeling. I must be true to my own feelings just as you must be true to yours. I would not ask less of you.What would you have me do? Walk lockstep with others? Keep silent? I cannot do the first but I can do the latter.
You are correct there is no physical proof that she is no longer with us. Where is the proof that she was abducted ? Ron and Misty's word ? Their ever changing account of what happened that night, where Haleigh was sleeping,who called who and at what time?Local law enforcement's statement of belief that this was an abduction ? The quality of the investigation from the start ? The actions of Ron and Misty immediately after Haleigh disappeared make it impossible for me to believe their account of what happened. Here is what we know. A little girl is gone.To our knowledge she has not been seen or heard from in 5 months. The last person to see her has been less than truthful and has gone on with her life.
I respect all views, please don't ask me to put aside mine.

I thank God for what I have and trust God for what I need.
Thunder Bunny
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« Reply #1438 on: July 31, 2009, 04:47:49 AM »

What sets me off on this one is when the police arrived, Ronald Cummings had a bleeding hand. He says he hit the back door, he was so upset. So they took DNA at the scene from his hand. Those police didn't have a clue how to do it. His hand should have been bagged and he should have been escorted right to a hospital. The back door ? It was taken away weeks later after everyone and their dog and the media dogs had their hands on the damn door.
That's my issue with this investigation right from the get go.
Ron and Misty should have been separated even if they had to hold them for questioning in separate cells.  Right from that night.
Right there with you Kat Gram.  I worry about the way DNA was taken.  The door bothers me.  But mostly, I was screaming at the top of my lungs that Misty and Ronald should have been separated immediately.  There was no way to hold them for any period of time though, and apparently you can get out of jail damn near for free in Putnam county, no matter what you do!

~°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°     Please Bring Haleigh Home!!!!     °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°~
Monkey Junky
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Got my Anti Anthony Koolaid helmet on ,I'm ready!

« Reply #1439 on: July 31, 2009, 06:39:38 AM »

IM Thank you for posting the post of CVZ!!

Yes IM, Thank you , I had no idea that is why you were saying profilers state she is dead. I just do not see in there where he states she is.

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