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Author Topic: Lindsey Baum #3 7/28/09 - 8/26/09  (Read 529625 times)
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Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #900 on: August 08, 2009, 01:37:10 PM »

in the beginning she said there was a report, there was paperwork etc, now she does not know if the police wrote a report.  now someone else knows there was a report but had nothing to do with josh baum.  and both the police and cps thought enough about any of this to do anything. 

at first marilyn knew there was a white car, that lindsey told her about it, NOW she has heard about this, and it happened at the time marilyn was not living in Mccleary, so how would lindsey tell her about this car if marily was not living in mccleary, was lindsey over in another town talking to marilyn?  see, the stories change, the more you dig the more they change.  at this point I don't know how to believe, but everytime the story changes I am less likely to believe the person. 

In all fairness it is not only marilyn's story which changes, it is a bunch of people.  makes you wonder what the heck is wrong with these people.  grrrr.  all these lies send us on wild goose chases when we could be staying on tract.  is this the agenda of some to these people, so send us on wild goose chases to get us away from the truth;  sometimes I wonder. 

this is why I need to talk with marilyn herself to make sure someone is not misunderstanding what she is saying... however, I don't believe for one second the person relaying the information to me is misunderstanding, but I have to be sure.

I believe that the implication mlachester's words in the KOMO comments are very clear.  So ... either she is lying or she is telling the truth.  Until proven to that she is lying ... I will continue to give her the benefit of the doubt.  The alleged incident with Lindsey which involved 911 and the small McCleary police force ... reinforces my ongoing belief that mlachester is being truthful.

DD ... I concede ... I could be wrong and ... you could be right in your words in a preceding post that mlachester could be just a troublemaker.  You and KaraK are one.  She holds no weight in this woman's words.


For the record, there's a RECORD of every 911 call ever made.  I'm not looking for a formal police report.  All 911 calls are recorded.  So if she made 911 calls, there will be records of them.  I'm just hoping the time period is detailed enough.  The less detailed, the longer it takes to get the information.  If she could narrow it down even to the month it would be great.

I though all 911 calls were public record but ... I was not sure.

Thank you Jess.


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #901 on: August 08, 2009, 01:44:02 PM »

Well When married as long as we have been there are all kinds of bumps in the road

such as?

As far as the abuse Lindsey went threw the MPD knows the FBI also knows.

again - such as?

They have the reports I help Lindsey file

maybe they were there to see what marilyn's real story is and if she is conjuring up tales - juss sayin'

But people lets face it she never went anywhere without he Cell

apparently she DID - it was at home the night she was abducted - marliyn is wrong here for sure.

Did she have it at her friends house she left the night she dissapered?

apparently NO is the answer. It's part of the official record.

Let all get back to the real picture here

marilyn WASN'T there and didn't witness anything and doesn't live in McCleary. So what is the REAL picture?

Just as of this moring when the FBI was at my house I made a comment about the 911 calls and the call to CPS.

probably after reading some of these accusations she made on message boards - just sayin'...

And for all you on scared monkeys pulling up my step son law record and names of people you think may be my realitives that should have nothing to do with finding lindsey

no marilyn, but it does often show your own personal character... and any motive you may have.

And yes I have a son around her age who is her friend. But he is none of your concern that also will not help find lindsey

why mention it then?


Female, Age: 31

9A.36.041 - Assault 4

DOMV - Domestic Violence

Arrest Type:

Charging Agency:
MCPD-McCleary Police Department
6/28/2008 04:15
MCMU-McCleary Municipal

Bail Amount:
No Bail
6/30/2008 18:00
PRD-Released on Personal Recog

doesn't look like a dog running loose - just sayin!


Melissa Baum stated that Lindsey never went anywhere without her cell.  However ... this fateful evening her cell was left at home charging.

It appears that there is an effort to discredit mlachester's words prior to any proof that she is fabricating.

Let's wait and see.  The truth will be revealed.

I am off.



Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
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« Reply #902 on: August 08, 2009, 01:44:50 PM »

love4ever before I go back to the previous page just wanted to say thanks to you also for the info. Why are people's statements changing. One other thing about the dog, could it have been Lindsey's mom who called about the dog that got loose? That could sure start a feud  I've seen that happen in my own neighborhood 
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #903 on: August 08, 2009, 01:52:08 PM »

let me add to this info, as I believe people take all of this however they choose to further what they think, when actually, I have heard a LOT LOT more having to do with this but because it has NOTHING at all to do with Josh Baum and might be something that would sway people into thinking things they should not (because I can't post ALL of what this is about), then I think I should at least say what I personally think about all of this. 

I believe there is some on-going feud(if you will) between ML(marilyn Lachester) and MB(Melissa Baum).  supposedly marilyn has called the police on Melissa Baum 3-4 times and has called cps on her once.  This happened in the summer of 2008 as far as I am told.  Mind you I had someone who knows marilyn ask her specific questions and these are the answers I am getting(I intend to talk with Marilyn herself, to be certain this is actually what she said, however, I already believe the person who asked for me, but just to be able to say it is from the horses mouth, I intend to veryify all of this through Marilyn).... in the meantime I am sharing what I can from the person who asked her for me. 

I asked for the phone number the 911 call was called from and the date, so jessstar could try to find the report.  what I was told as an answer to these questions was:

911 was called in the summer of 2008.  Marilyn called 3-4 times to the police.  She called cps once on Melissa Baum.  This had nothing to do with Josh Baum.  Marilyn says she does not know if a report was made or not.  She called them and she does not know what they did concerning making a report, but she "assumes" there is an incident report because she called them.  So there very well might not be a report at all. 

Evidently, nothing happened about all of these calls because lindsey was still living at home with her mother.  So whatever it was which marilyn called about did not seem important enough to the police to do anything about it. 

Now I do know a couple of things marilyn called about, but I am not going to post that, she can post it somewhere if she chooses to do so, which it seems as though she has no qualms about posting about Melissa or Josh.

If marilyn is telling the truth about what she felt was wrong enough that she needed to call the police and cps, then the question is, was it really happening?  Well, evidently the police did not think it anything that warranted lindsey being taken out of the home or for her mother to be  in trouble etc;  so here is what you have to decided to believe.  Was there really anything that bad going on.  Did the police do their job in looking at the accusations by marilyn?  Was marilyn just mad at MB and josh and was calling about things that were not true or blown out of proportion?  Was lindsey telling marilyn things and marilyn thought they were worse than they were?

see we don't KNOW, all I know is what marilyn is saying and that she does not know if there is a police report and also that the police did nothing about anything.  so what does that tell us?  It tells us either the police did not do their job and neither did cps, or... there is nothing bad going on to warrant any action by the police or cps. 

I also have info from another source other than marilyn about one of these incidents where there is a report.  And it had nothing at all to do with josh baum, and it was nothing that anyone got in trouble for nor did it warrant taking lindsey out of the home etc.  And from the extent of what I have been told actually happened, it was something that probably 80% or 90% of people would have done under the circumstances, IF the circumstances are such that I have been told.  However, am I told the truth?  I believe I was, as the police did not think this was out of line to do and no actionns were taken about it. 

Now why is marilyn saying all these horrible things were going on, I don't know.  She probably believes they were.  Obviously the police do not believe they were, or both the police and cps just did not care.  who really knows. 

as for the white car incident, supposedly marilyn is saying this happened a week before lindsey disappeared, however, marilyn HEARD about it, she did not KNOW about it.  Marilyn was not even living in McCleary at this time, she still does not live in McCleary.  She does have a lot of friends there and she does HEAR things. 

Now this is something I have no idea what this is about, but love4ever has dug up a court record for ML for assault in the summer of 2008.  I have no idea what this is about, but we can see that ML also assaults people.  So who do we believe here? 

I really don't know.  I do know what the report is about, and it has absolutely NOTHING AT ALL to do with josh baum.   


What if Lindsey is telling the truth regarding her brother's abuse?  What if mlachester is revealing exactly how the incident unfolded?



... but for your peace of mind, the police did check out josh... so as you keep saying about a free pass, he did NOT get one.  he was looked at.



Link please.

DD ... I have not read one quote from Kara, Melissa or Sheriff Scott that Josh Baum was considered a person of interest in the process of elimination in the investigation and ...  was interrogated accordingly.

One quote in regards to a police interrogation or ... one quote that reveals that Josh Baum went home per the family friend's instructions ... one quote that reveals that this young man was with his Mom when his sister left the Kampen/Williams residence ... will shut this wannabe detective up in regards to Josh Baum.

KaraK would not answer me directly in regards to whether Josh Baum went straight home as instructed following the argument with his sister.


I have no link, and if you need links for everything I state, then you can disregard 90% of what I say, because I am talking to people outright, they are not posting this stuff.  just like I don't have a link for what the detective told me either.  Neither does lachester have links, but her own posts prove she has lied.  At least my posts don't prove I am lying LOL...

but if you want to believe ML, then believe this, the cops checked out josh, and just so you will know... that info came from ML... so if you want to believe her, believe that too, you can't pick and choose which parts of her stories you wish to believe.  either believe her or don't.  she is the one who states the police checked out josh baum and the places he hangs out.  now I do believe that part because I don't believe she would like about anything that makes josh look guilty, as she is saying she believes melissa and josh had something to do with lindsey's disappearance. 

you can believe what you like, as anyone else can believe what they like.  If you need links from me to believe me, then just skip over my posts.  I post everything to document when there are records, when I give my own opinion I state it is just that ... opinion... when I say something from the "local rumor mill" I state that also. 

ML is part of that local rumor mill.  and believe me she is a HUGE part of that local rumor mill.  but she is not the only part of the local rumor mill, however, she knows a lot of the ones who are, and all this stuff is going around and around and around, and several people are outright lying.  so are they also lying to the police? 

again ML states someone else was living at kara's.  that is something else no one knows about.  oh you have to hear this story!  LOL  but kara has never even heard of anyone with this person's name.  so who is lying here?  ml or kara.  if ml told the police this person was living at kara's and was there the night lindsey disappeared, don't you think the police would go ask kara about this person.  especially when they got a broken rib at kara's house that night ACCORDING TO MARILYN???

see what I am saying, I hear a lot more than what I say,  one of these people are lying their butts off.  it will all come out in the wash.  the police are not going to say these things to the public, there are no articles about all this stuff, there are no links.  but they are still going on nonetheless.  And one of these two are lying their butts off.  but if there was another person at kara's that night, who might I add marily states actually lived at kara's, and if they ended up with a broken rib that night trying to crawl through the window etc, AS MARILYN STATES, then the police should know about that.  funny though, kara never ever even heard of this person, let alone that they lived with her and was crawling through her window and ended up with a broken rib. 

now see what is going on behind the scenes?  no wonder people in mccleary won't help search for lindsey, heck they probably think kara, melissa, or josh killed her and so why help them look for her. 

I'll tell you what, if marilyn is causing all this crap she needs her butt kicked.  on the other hand if she is telling the truth, (which we can prove some of it is lies), then they better go find the guy who lived at kara's house with the broken rib.  in fact I will just email that over to them today.  they can put an end to all this crap. 

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Monkey All Star
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« Reply #904 on: August 08, 2009, 01:55:07 PM »

I have to wonder if Marilyn's son was interviewed - after-all she admits he is a friend and what were his whereabouts for this evening in question. 

Truth, Justice and the American Way.


~ livin' the life I was born to live - givin' it all I've got to give ~
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« Reply #905 on: August 08, 2009, 01:57:35 PM »

DD you said  now see what is going on behind the scenes?  no wonder people in mccleary won't help search for lindsey, heck they probably think kara, melissa, or josh killed her and so why help them look for her. 
This is what I think is going on, for whatever reasons, people don't like this family or so it seems. Do you think the dog getting out and Marilyn's fine that she had to pay started a feud?
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #906 on: August 08, 2009, 02:19:37 PM »

love4ever before I go back to the previous page just wanted to say thanks to you also for the info. Why are people's statements changing. One other thing about the dog, could it have been Lindsey's mom who called about the dog that got loose? That could sure start a feud  I've seen that happen in my own neighborhood 

You are welcome, in any instance where a matter of life or death is concerned, all feuds should ethically be dismissed by all persons involved. This should be an innate behavior amongst the individuals who truly care for the missing person. An immoral act of selfishness because one (Mlachester) wishes to be holier than thou.

The two personas, MBaum & MLachester look as if MBaum is mostly intimidated by Mlachester who is consistantly pointing the finger@ MBaum. They both have children who have been in trouble with the law. The thing is, the families environments, in which these children belong are profoundly different.

My own opinion of course, I see MLachester as a lady who has a dissonance issue in which she disregards her own behavior, and her childrens, yet is cleary quick to make claim of someone elses.

My own opinion, MBaum seems to regress her feelings when she is demeaned by another, maybe a self esteem issue, maybe not. It just seems as if she is intimidated by MLachester.

I could go on and on, but the importance is of Lindsey and MLachester shows no signs of compassion in the efforts to find Lindsey, she seems to be more in a vindictive mode of operation in which her focus is directed to MBaum and Josh, again an intimidation tactic.

no rose colored glasses
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« Reply #907 on: August 08, 2009, 02:24:34 PM »

love4ever before I go back to the previous page just wanted to say thanks to you also for the info. Why are people's statements changing. One other thing about the dog, could it have been Lindsey's mom who called about the dog that got loose? That could sure start a feud  I've seen that happen in my own neighborhood 

You are welcome, in any instance where a matter of life or death is concerned, all feuds should ethically be dismissed by all persons involved. This should be an innate behavior amongst the individuals who truly care for the missing person. An immoral act of selfishness because one (Mlachester) wishes to be holier than thou.

The two personas, MBaum & MLachester look as if MBaum is mostly intimidated by Mlachester who is consistantly pointing the finger@ MBaum. They both have children who have been in trouble with the law. The thing is, the families environments, in which these children belong are profoundly different.

My own opinion of course, I see MLachester as a lady who has a dissonance issue in which she disregards her own behavior, and her childrens, yet is cleary quick to make claim of someone elses.

My own opinion, MBaum seems to regress her feelings when she is demeaned by another, maybe a self esteem issue, maybe not. It just seems as if she is intimidated by MLachester.

I could go on and on, but the importance is of Lindsey and MLachester shows no signs of compassion in the efforts to find Lindsey, she seems to be more in a vindictive mode of operation in which her focus is directed to MBaum and Josh, again an intimidation tactic.

It sure sounds that way. I'm really wondering the true reason why MLachester dislikes Melissa and Josh so. Something happened that's for sure, maybe MBaum looked at her the wrong way one day, who knows, could be something as lame as that.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #908 on: August 08, 2009, 02:38:38 PM »

love4ever before I go back to the previous page just wanted to say thanks to you also for the info. Why are people's statements changing. One other thing about the dog, could it have been Lindsey's mom who called about the dog that got loose? That could sure start a feud  I've seen that happen in my own neighborhood 

You are welcome, in any instance where a matter of life or death is concerned, all feuds should ethically be dismissed by all persons involved. This should be an innate behavior amongst the individuals who truly care for the missing person. An immoral act of selfishness because one (Mlachester) wishes to be holier than thou.

The two personas, MBaum & MLachester look as if MBaum is mostly intimidated by Mlachester who is consistantly pointing the finger@ MBaum. They both have children who have been in trouble with the law. The thing is, the families environments, in which these children belong are profoundly different.

My own opinion of course, I see MLachester as a lady who has a dissonance issue in which she disregards her own behavior, and her childrens, yet is cleary quick to make claim of someone elses.

My own opinion, MBaum seems to regress her feelings when she is demeaned by another, maybe a self esteem issue, maybe not. It just seems as if she is intimidated by MLachester.

I could go on and on, but the importance is of Lindsey and MLachester shows no signs of compassion in the efforts to find Lindsey, she seems to be more in a vindictive mode of operation in which her focus is directed to MBaum and Josh, again an intimidation tactic.

It sure sounds that way. I'm really wondering the true reason why MLachester dislikes Melissa and Josh so. Something happened that's for sure, maybe MBaum looked at her the wrong way one day, who knows, could be something as lame as that.

Ever since I have been able to understand this type of behavior, it has disgusted me. We have someone who uses their power of intimidation by the culture in which they come from, and then we have a person who is trying to make it in everyday life struggles.

If something did happen between these two families it seems to be that one is consistent in intimidation, because one plays on the weakness of another. This type of personality is empowered by the thought of continuous harassment towards a person to make themselves feel good. Again, an act of dissonance of their own families behavior.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #909 on: August 08, 2009, 02:44:44 PM »

DD you said  now see what is going on behind the scenes?  no wonder people in mccleary won't help search for lindsey, heck they probably think kara, melissa, or josh killed her and so why help them look for her. 
This is what I think is going on, for whatever reasons, people don't like this family or so it seems. Do you think the dog getting out and Marilyn's fine that she had to pay started a feud?

I really don't know anything whatsoever about the dog other than the post by ML.  I don't know what caused the feuding other than Kara said it was over josh and ML's son getting into it.  I don't know one thing about these two things other that what everyone has read from kara or Ml's posts. 

what I do know, is marilyn obviously thinks lindsey was abused, or she keeps saying she was and that she was trying to help her.  one of the things ml said, passed on to me from her friend I have not posted as if it is not true it really throws people off on another wild goose chase but if it true, and no authorities acted upon it you really have to wonder why.  either police and cps should be investigated for not doing something or marilyn is lying or she really believes what she is saying and she's nuts.  and because of all these allegations again melissa and josh, to the point she is trying to tell people they were doing horrible physical abuse to lindsey to the point is showed up on her, then you have to wonder if the whole town is hearing this.  if the town believes melissa and josh or kara is responsible, because of all these rumors/lies etc,(IF that is what they are) then I can see why no one will help kara or melissa look for lindsey, who is going to help the very people they believe did this?  no one.  and if you have a well known resident telling everyone this stuff, what are they to believe?  just like people on the board believe marilyn and start looking at melissa and josh. 

I don't know what the real problem here is but I know at least some of it is lies, you can compare the statements and it proves there are lies... so which are lies and which aren't?  and this is going on day after day after day. 

so we have an 11 yr old girl missing and because of all the crap no one is looking for her, that is what I really think.  because people do not like kara or melissa or josh, and because of all the BS going on through a tiny little gossipy town, people will not help.  that really sucks.  it pisses me off to no end.  it has also led me on a ton of wild goose chases when I could have been researching the things I was working on to begin with, rather than stopping to go follow another bunch of lying bs. 

I'm mad!  I'm mad because lindsey is still out there somewhere and people in that town are full of crap.  grrr, I have to go, I;m getting out of hand, and I don't like getting like that, but these lying people are on my last nerve.  they better hope the heck they are really telling the truth, because at some point I am going to blow up about this.  grrr.

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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #910 on: August 08, 2009, 02:45:22 PM »

jessstar, you have email with phone number and etc.

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Scared Monkey
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« Reply #911 on: August 08, 2009, 02:48:05 PM »

Another thing, if one continuously coerced and played on Lindseys feelings, this is morally wrong in concerns with a child's intellectual maturity, or any reason for that matter. Furthermore, if one uses a child to retaliate against someone they dislike, I find literal disgust in this sort of behavior.

This is my own emphasis, just something that asses from the limited information I have read. I do not know of the matter between these two families, personally. The situation between these two families could be the exact opposite of that in which I have pondered.


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« Reply #912 on: August 08, 2009, 02:53:03 PM »

so we have an 11 yr old girl missing and because of all the crap no one is looking for her, that is what I really think.  because people do not like kara or melissa or josh, and because of all the BS going on through a tiny little gossipy town, people will not help.       (Sad part is I know all about this kind of behavior, all too well what can happen in a tiny gossipy town. This is all very frustrating, and of course little Lindsey is the one suffering from this behavior. I have no idea from reading all of this who is telling the truth, but I'm sure LE has checked if there was any abuse inside Lindsey's home. One thing I can see is for whatever reason, gossip or whatever the Baum family doesn't seem to be well liked and perhaps Kara's family also, maybe because they are outsiders?)
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« Reply #913 on: August 08, 2009, 02:54:31 PM »

Another thing, if one continuously coerced and played on Lindseys feelings, this is morally wrong in concerns with a child's intellectual maturity, or any reason for that matter. Furthermore, if one uses a child to retaliate against someone they dislike, I find literal disgust in this sort of behavior.

This is my own emphasis, just something that asses from the limited information I have read. I do not know of the matter between these two families, personally. The situation between these two families could be the exact opposite of that in which I have pondered.


She could have been playing on Lindsey's feelings, even giving her things that perhaps her mom couldn't afford.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #914 on: August 08, 2009, 03:01:07 PM »

Another thing, if one continuously coerced and played on Lindseys feelings, this is morally wrong in concerns with a child's intellectual maturity, or any reason for that matter. Furthermore, if one uses a child to retaliate against someone they dislike, I find literal disgust in this sort of behavior.

This is my own emphasis, just something that asses from the limited information I have read. I do not know of the matter between these two families, personally. The situation between these two families could be the exact opposite of that in which I have pondered.


She could have been playing on Lindsey's feelings, even giving her things that perhaps her mom couldn't afford.

She also could have played on Lindseys feelings to use against Lindseys mother, this would be a very manipulative behavior by a person unto a child.

However, I believe we should listen to children if they choose to confide in us, but coercing a child to say things in extremely different.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #915 on: August 08, 2009, 03:04:10 PM »

Anyways, back to the quest of finding precious Lindsey Baum...
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #916 on: August 08, 2009, 03:06:58 PM »

so we have an 11 yr old girl missing and because of all the crap no one is looking for her, that is what I really think.  because people do not like kara or melissa or josh, and because of all the BS going on through a tiny little gossipy town, people will not help.       (Sad part is I know all about this kind of behavior, all too well what can happen in a tiny gossipy town. This is all very frustrating, and of course little Lindsey is the one suffering from this behavior. I have no idea from reading all of this who is telling the truth, but I'm sure LE has checked if there was any abuse inside Lindsey's home. One thing I can see is for whatever reason, gossip or whatever the Baum family doesn't seem to be well liked and perhaps Kara's family also, maybe because they are outsiders?)

I know what tiny little towns are like as well, I have lived in several and lived in them for many years.  it's like this.  someone moves in and crap starts if you get on one of the long time locals bad side.  you don't even have to do anything, all you need is one loudmouth local who can't stand to see someone have or do something they can't etc, and it starts.  The long time local gossips crap throughout the whole town, are believed or even if not believed the other locals jump on the bully wagon and the new person gets heck from there on out.  it's like the little clique at school who goes around bullying all the newer or weaker kids.  kara has lived there 6 months, melissa 2 yrs.  like marilyn states, she (marilyn) is well known, everyone knows who she is.  no one really knows kara and her family.  they probably don't know anything about melissa baum or josh other than josh got into it with marilyns son and he does not get along with other kids, so here comes the locals and does not like these two newer families.  so the crap starts.  and now there is something huge to rag the families about, oh they must have killed their daughter/sister, don't help them they did it, so no one helps. 

you really can't believe how the locals are treating these two families over this. 
I have heard(from people inside the case) what the locals are doing and how they are acting and treating kara and melissa etc.  it's bs... these people better realize that someone out there has lindsey and they could have their kid next.  people won't say anything against certain people, I've already been told that too.  no one will get their loved one of friends in trouble they say.  wow!  so not only point fingers at people just because you don't like them, but also don't say anything about others just because you are related or know them.  then you have all the druggies who refuse to tell the police what they know as well.  Yes, I have been told that also. 

so mccleary is full of people who need to wake up... who cares who they like etc, lindsey is a child who needs to be found and no one should get away with doing something to a child.  IF for some reason melissa baum or josh is involved, then people who really do know something need to tell the police and the police need to go check.  I am sure they have.  but all this saying blah blah blah and then when someone goes to check it out the stories keep changing, what the heck is that about?  the stories, if they are true, should not be changing.  no wonder some people say the police are rude to them, I can see why.  they were not rude to me at all, they were exceptionally nice.  I expected them to be rude, I didn't even want to contact them at all, but I could not get anyone else to because they did not have the info I had etc, and it was confusing unless you understood how it all took place, so I did it.  and all these people with all their stories need to tell the police or shut the heck up.  grrr, and if they wish to tell me anythig more, they better quit lying because at this point I don't believe them

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Scared Monkey
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« Reply #917 on: August 08, 2009, 03:13:39 PM »

Ditto, DD
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #918 on: August 08, 2009, 03:17:56 PM »

I'm going.  you know where to find me if you need me or whatever, at this point I don't need to be here.  I'm blowing a fuse and I don't need to do this.  sorry for the ranting, but I am so tired of all these dang lies.  we spend a lot of time and effort trying to help, not that we can most of the time, but every once in awhile one of us do come across something that will help.  I know I am not the only one who spends hours and hours, and waking up in the middle of the night trying to think of something that might help lead somewhere.  going through all these docs and paying for pay sites, etc.  We do this why?  because we care about the missing person.  We don't get paid, in fact if people are like me it takes away from the hours we might get money for ourselves... we do this because we care, no other reason. 

and then to have people come and tell you lies and send you on wild goose chases for whatever reason, pisses me off to no end.  it wastes our time that we could be possibly finding something that might actually help someone.  now I will go back and see what I was working on when all these people started lying to me; what was it that they wanted me to stop looking at?  hmmm.... might be interesting to find out...

see all of you later, I need to get back to something I am working on.  again sorry to get so grrr.  I only came here to give jessstar the phone number and ended up getting mad because of this whole marilyn pointing fingers crap again. 

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« Reply #919 on: August 08, 2009, 03:30:49 PM »

DD  an angelic monkey  I for one don't blame you at all for being angry, and want to thank-you again for what you are doing. The behavior coming from this town is very upsetting, I have asked and asked and don't get an answer. Are the towns people pointing fingers at one another or basically is it finger pointing just at Kara, Josh and Melissa? Are the townspeople watching their kids better, are they being more cautious, or are they letting them unsupervised because the fingers are being pointed at Kara, Josh and Melissa. And are LE telling the people in town to watch your children closer because we have a kidnapper out there?
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