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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony # 147 9/13/09 - 9/30/09  (Read 293218 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1900 on: September 29, 2009, 09:30:38 PM »

I am thinking maybe the imprint of Caylee's little body could be from Casey spraying chemicals over the bag. Do you know what I mean? The bag would protect the carpet under it and the spray could make the outline.

Just makes me sick to my stomach that Caylee was in that trunk while she was banging her brains out all night.'

And i am still holding out hope that just one of Caseys fingerprints are on that tape. It has not been ruled out yet.
Also, kudos to the guy who threatened to drag George up and down the interstate til he had no skin left.

Darla- IMO, you've come up with an excellent theory there!  It makes sense that there would be no DNA.  It is utterly unacceptable and inconceivable to normal human beings like us that Casey knowingly drove around with Caylee in the car period.  I'm sorry, but that's definitely not human.

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God is reigning and the Son is shining.
Northern Rose
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« Reply #1901 on: September 29, 2009, 09:32:09 PM »

I am thinking maybe the imprint of Caylee's little body could be from Casey spraying chemicals over the bag. Do you know what I mean? The bag would protect the carpet under it and the spray could make the outline.

Just makes me sick to my stomach that Caylee was in that trunk while she was banging her brains out all night.'

And i am still holding out hope that just one of Caseys fingerprints are on that tape. It has not been ruled out yet.
Also, kudos to the guy who threatened to drag George up and down the interstate til he had no skin left.
JMO, Bug spray, not OFF for mosquitoes, but RAID for flying insects.

Caylee was bagged when she was found, so if no DNA was found but an imprint was, it could be from bug spray of some kind. It leaves a greasy residue on whatever you spray, so that could be the kind of chemical you are talking about Darla. Like I said, JMO. JSM


You are right JSM. It would probably be enough to see with a naked eye at the right angle, but really hard to photograph. 
One more question that I have before I go to bed. Isn't Chloroform a Degreaser? I don't know why I thought it was, but if so, that could be the reason, chloroform was found in the trunk. To get the greasy bug spray residue out of the trunk.  Just another VSO from JSM 

Short answer. Yes. See, you are a smart monkey. 

  Thanks, I thought I remembered reading that when the chloroform stuff came out.

Several of us are on the same wave length as to how an image was noticeable of poor Caylee lying there killed by her mother in that trunk.  My thought is that whatever the Anthonys attempted to do to destroy the evidence in fact left an impression

Or created a chemical reaction in their cleaning or bug spraying with the trunk carpet liner that left the marks. 
Fanny Mae
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« Reply #1902 on: September 29, 2009, 09:32:56 PM »

O/T  Police: Mom Killed Toddler With Bra
Mother Charged With First-Degree Murder
LONGWOOD, Fla. -- A mother was arrested Tuesday evening and charged with strangling and killing her 2-year-old daughter using her hands and bra.


Ya know, forget the needle maybe these monsters would hesitate if their sentence to death would be to die the way they killed their victim(s), in this case I'd be more than willing to make a purchase at Victoria Secrets to get the job done!     No excuses, I dont care about them AT ALL.   There is no excuse for anyone to kill anyone much less a child, your own flesh & blood worse yet.   We all have times in our lives that we have dealt with adversities, emotional turmoil but by the same token we all know right from wrong as far back as toddler age, nope society needs to reevaluate just how much we are willing to find excuses for people & empathsize with the fact that there has to be a reason why people do what they do - no we need to make them accountable to the fullest because they knew it was wrong when they did it, with an extremely minor exception for the true essence of what insanity is, not what sympathizers what to think insanity is.

Im wearing my  but I need Calgon to take me away  at intervals today

I agree CAPP. And a Calgon moment might not be a bad idea for me. A long Calgon moment.

Jesus loves the little children, all the children in the world.
Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.

 Words: C. Her­bert Wool­ston (1856-1927)  Music: George F. Root (1820-1895)
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1903 on: September 29, 2009, 09:34:47 PM »

Cindy Anthony wanted private detectives to look for a live Caylee as late as two months ago," WFTV-Channel 9 anchor Vanessa Echols said at noon.  Cindy has to be mentally ill, right? What else would you call this insanity, does this twit really think that people are going to believe that Caylee isn't dead, they had a memorial service for her, what was that for then, because she is alive?

O.k., so if Cindy's wanting people to look for a live Caylee two months ago- THEN WHOSE REMAINS ARE THEY WEARING AROUND??????
  I'm stunned by this, darn it, I don't care what anyone says, I believe Cindy is very mentally ill, and that's that  Monkey Devil!  And also wanted to say how I enjoy your posts 

Thanks, NoRose- Right back at ya!  I enjoy yours as well.  I was thinking about this this evening and I'm really beginning to think Cindy honestly is mentally ill, as in either over her head in denial or delusional.  That's the only rational explanation I can come up with for asking someone to look for a documented dead relative.  Seriously, we're not talking about a person whose remains are Id'd by a part-time coroner.  These people are experts in their fields.  Maybe Cindy has been digging herself deeper and deeper into denial over the past year to cope with the reality that she raised a killer because she just cannot accept that.  It could explain her seemingly obsessive-compulsive need to find someone to pin this on.  Then again, I could be completely wrong.  I don't know.

Love you monkeys, seriously I do.    Yup, why would Cindy give the wrong hair brush if she was convinced Caylee was still alive or the fact that her daughter was innocent...o never mind we know the answer.   I'm afraid Cindy's delusional mindset & combative behavior were present many a year before Casey got pregnant, o heck maybe even before Casey was born.   She is absolutely histrionic.   Remember how she denied & made excuses for Casey's pregnancy?   Remember the excuses she gave for Casey not graduating HS or her thefts & how much she criticized Casey but then at the same time coddled & protected her at every infraction.   Nope, this behavior is not exclusive to the trauma of realizing your demon killed your grandchild.

Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 17527

« Reply #1904 on: September 29, 2009, 09:36:40 PM »

O/T  Police: Mom Killed Toddler With Bra
Mother Charged With First-Degree Murder
LONGWOOD, Fla. -- A mother was arrested Tuesday evening and charged with strangling and killing her 2-year-old daughter using her hands and bra.


Ya know, forget the needle maybe these monsters would hesitate if their sentence to death would be to die the way they killed their victim(s), in this case I'd be more than willing to make a purchase at Victoria Secrets to get the job done!     No excuses, I dont care about them AT ALL.   There is no excuse for anyone to kill anyone much less a child, your own flesh & blood worse yet.   We all have times in our lives that we have dealt with adversities, emotional turmoil but by the same token we all know right from wrong as far back as toddler age, nope society needs to reevaluate just how much we are willing to find excuses for people & empathsize with the fact that there has to be a reason why people do what they do - no we need to make them accountable to the fullest because they knew it was wrong when they did it, with an extremely minor exception for the true essence of what insanity is, not what sympathizers what to think insanity is.

Im wearing my  but I need Calgon to take me away  at intervals today

I agree CAPP. And a Calgon moment might not be a bad idea for me. A long Calgon moment.

With a much needed margarita and I hardly ever drink!

Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1877

« Reply #1905 on: September 29, 2009, 09:38:15 PM »

The three pieces of duct tape measured

9.75 in x 2 in
7.25 in x 2 in
8.75 in x 2 in

I just went and cut masking tape in those dimensions and even the smallest piece covered my nose and mouth and the largest piece wrapped around past my ears..so they had to almost go all the way around Caylee's head....

Using 3 pieces was insurance that Caylee couldn't breath IMO

WOW, Sunny! I would have never thought to try that little experiment.  Part of me is glad you did and part wishes you hadn't.  There goes quite a bit of my hope for a more peaceful passing...holding onto some shreds here.  Praying it was peaceful and the tape was more of a message to Cindy or a cover...please.  Thank you for thinking to do that though.  I hope the prosecution does a similar demonstration with a 2-3 year old child mannequin, the same width duct tape as that Henkel stuff, in the appropriate lengths.  Many jurors will be visual learners.  The auditory ones should be do well with those jail visit videos, Casey's first call home, Tracy's testimony, and they jail's video of Casey when LE found Caylee.

Forecast for the Day:
God is reigning and the Son is shining.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3266

« Reply #1906 on: September 29, 2009, 09:38:16 PM »

Cindy Anthony wanted private detectives to look for a live Caylee as late as two months ago," WFTV-Channel 9 anchor Vanessa Echols said at noon.  Cindy has to be mentally ill, right? What else would you call this insanity, does this twit really think that people are going to believe that Caylee isn't dead, they had a memorial service for her, what was that for then, because she is alive?

O.k., so if Cindy's wanting people to look for a live Caylee two months ago- THEN WHOSE REMAINS ARE THEY WEARING AROUND??????
  I'm stunned by this, darn it, I don't care what anyone says, I believe Cindy is very mentally ill, and that's that  Monkey Devil!  And also wanted to say how I enjoy your posts 

Thanks, NoRose- Right back at ya!  I enjoy yours as well.  I was thinking about this this evening and I'm really beginning to think Cindy honestly is mentally ill, as in either over her head in denial or delusional.  That's the only rational explanation I can come up with for asking someone to look for a documented dead relative.  Seriously, we're not talking about a person whose remains are Id'd by a part-time coroner.  These people are experts in their fields.  Maybe Cindy has been digging herself deeper and deeper into denial over the past year to cope with the reality that she raised a killer because she just cannot accept that.  It could explain her seemingly obsessive-compulsive need to find someone to pin this on.  Then again, I could be completely wrong.  I don't know.

After having read some of the things Cindy has done and/or attempted to do, I can only conclude that she is psychotic.  IMO, of course.

Wrong is wrong, even if everybody does it.
Right is right, even if nobody does it. ~ Unknown
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 17527

« Reply #1907 on: September 29, 2009, 09:38:44 PM »

I am thinking maybe the imprint of Caylee's little body could be from Casey spraying chemicals over the bag. Do you know what I mean? The bag would protect the carpet under it and the spray could make the outline.

Just makes me sick to my stomach that Caylee was in that trunk while she was banging her brains out all night.'

And i am still holding out hope that just one of Caseys fingerprints are on that tape. It has not been ruled out yet.
Also, kudos to the guy who threatened to drag George up and down the interstate til he had no skin left.

Darla- IMO, you've come up with an excellent theory there!  It makes sense that there would be no DNA.  It is utterly unacceptable and inconceivable to normal human beings like us that Casey knowingly drove around with Caylee in the car period.  I'm sorry, but that's definitely not human.

Nope, its not even animalistic!   We know she did thought because the witch gave excuses to Amy as to why her car reeked days before she left that deathmobile at Amscot (tony picked her up 6/27, I think she made those comments to Amy surrounding the days of 6/24)

Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1877

« Reply #1908 on: September 29, 2009, 09:43:43 PM »

Cindy Anthony wanted private detectives to look for a live Caylee as late as two months ago," WFTV-Channel 9 anchor Vanessa Echols said at noon.  Cindy has to be mentally ill, right? What else would you call this insanity, does this twit really think that people are going to believe that Caylee isn't dead, they had a memorial service for her, what was that for then, because she is alive?

O.k., so if Cindy's wanting people to look for a live Caylee two months ago- THEN WHOSE REMAINS ARE THEY WEARING AROUND??????
  I'm stunned by this, darn it, I don't care what anyone says, I believe Cindy is very mentally ill, and that's that  Monkey Devil!  And also wanted to say how I enjoy your posts 

So now she doesn't believe the DNA identification of Caylee?    Sounds about right for her!
I really think she has come unglued...

Western- I'm beginning to think so too.  Psychosis comes to mind (Webster's Dictionary): fundamental mental derangement characterized by defective or lost contact with reality.  I'm not saying this to be funny or to hurt Cindy, but if were Lee, I'd get my mother some help (maybe even an intervention).

Forecast for the Day:
God is reigning and the Son is shining.
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 17527

« Reply #1909 on: September 29, 2009, 09:45:42 PM »

The three pieces of duct tape measured

9.75 in x 2 in
7.25 in x 2 in
8.75 in x 2 in

I just went and cut masking tape in those dimensions and even the smallest piece covered my nose and mouth and the largest piece wrapped around past my ears..so they had to almost go all the way around Caylee's head....

Using 3 pieces was insurance that Caylee couldn't breath IMO

It sure explains what was left of hair had to be cut from it and yea I consider that a form of wrapping, maybe just not mummy style by going around and around - heinous beeotch!

WOW, Sunny! I would have never thought to try that little experiment.  Part of me is glad you did and part wishes you hadn't.  There goes quite a bit of my hope for a more peaceful passing...holding onto some shreds here.  Praying it was peaceful and the tape was more of a message to Cindy or a cover...please.  Thank you for thinking to do that though.  I hope the prosecution does a similar demonstration with a 2-3 year old child mannequin, the same width duct tape as that Henkel stuff, in the appropriate lengths.  Many jurors will be visual learners.  The auditory ones should be do well with those jail visit videos, Casey's first call home, Tracy's testimony, and they jail's video of Casey when LE found Caylee.

Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 17527

« Reply #1910 on: September 29, 2009, 09:46:23 PM »

The three pieces of duct tape measured

9.75 in x 2 in
7.25 in x 2 in
8.75 in x 2 in

I just went and cut masking tape in those dimensions and even the smallest piece covered my nose and mouth and the largest piece wrapped around past my ears..so they had to almost go all the way around Caylee's head....

Using 3 pieces was insurance that Caylee couldn't breath IMO

It sure explains what was left of hair had to be cut from it and yea I consider that a form of wrapping, maybe just not mummy style by going around and around - heinous beeotch!

WOW, Sunny! I would have never thought to try that little experiment.  Part of me is glad you did and part wishes you hadn't.  There goes quite a bit of my hope for a more peaceful passing...holding onto some shreds here.  Praying it was peaceful and the tape was more of a message to Cindy or a cover...please.  Thank you for thinking to do that though.  I hope the prosecution does a similar demonstration with a 2-3 year old child mannequin, the same width duct tape as that Henkel stuff, in the appropriate lengths.  Many jurors will be visual learners.  The auditory ones should be do well with those jail visit videos, Casey's first call home, Tracy's testimony, and they jail's video of Casey when LE found Caylee.

Opps, bold was not meant to be "in the box"

Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2919

Boycott ALL the Scamthonys THEY are ALL LIARS.

« Reply #1911 on: September 29, 2009, 09:46:50 PM »

I haven't read through all the documents, I don't have the time.  However, I did scan them, and it was enough for me to solidify in my mind that not only is cindy evil, she's nucking futs.  Put whatever medical diagnosis to it, I think she created a monster because she's one too. Just My Opinion
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2919

Boycott ALL the Scamthonys THEY are ALL LIARS.

« Reply #1912 on: September 29, 2009, 09:48:55 PM »

What a great idea to experiment with the tape.  I've never been clear whether it wrapped all the way around or not.  Do you have a giant head?  I know everything is bigger in Texas so I thought I'd better ask.  That way I'll have an even better "mental interpretation of your visual".  Monkey Devil!
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2919

Boycott ALL the Scamthonys THEY are ALL LIARS.

« Reply #1913 on: September 29, 2009, 09:50:34 PM »

Sorry Monkeys,
I didn't mean to sound like I think the duct tape is funny.  I meant no disrespect to Caylee!!!
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1914 on: September 29, 2009, 09:52:16 PM »

I haven't read through all the documents, I don't have the time.  However, I did scan them, and it was enough for me to solidify in my mind that not only is cindy evil, she's nucking futs.  Put whatever medical diagnosis to it, I think she created a monster because she's one too. Just My Opinion

That's what is said to coin Cindy's overused phrase "from day one."   Totally concur!

Fanny Mae
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« Reply #1915 on: September 29, 2009, 09:52:57 PM »

I have been trying to hang around until cage change, but things have really slowed down.

Mods, would it be bad of me to go ahead to my Calgon moment, or do we need to push. If so, I will sacrifice myself.

Jesus loves the little children, all the children in the world.
Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.

 Words: C. Her­bert Wool­ston (1856-1927)  Music: George F. Root (1820-1895)
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1877

« Reply #1916 on: September 29, 2009, 09:53:39 PM »

Then again, (thinking out loud), if this guy Thompson is on the prosecution's witness list, do you think they have proof to show that he did in fact see KC and Caylee that day... like store video or something?
Well I hope because I'm having trouble believing him 

NoRose- I'm with you on this.  I'm having a lot of trouble believing Thompson's account, primarily because of his manner of describing Casey (it seems obsession-like referring to her appearance numerous times).  It also seems excessive in the details, as well.  I think if he really did encounter Casey Anthony at his store and sometime later, when Caylee was declared missing and Casey arrested, why didn't he immediately report it?  Something about it doesn't set well with me.  JMO

Forecast for the Day:
God is reigning and the Son is shining.
Northern Rose
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« Reply #1917 on: September 29, 2009, 09:58:12 PM »

Then again, (thinking out loud), if this guy Thompson is on the prosecution's witness list, do you think they have proof to show that he did in fact see KC and Caylee that day... like store video or something?
Well I hope because I'm having trouble believing him 

NoRose- I'm with you on this.  I'm having a lot of trouble believing Thompson's account, primarily because of his manner of describing Casey (it seems obsession-like referring to her appearance numerous times).  It also seems excessive in the details, as well.  I think if he really did encounter Casey Anthony at his store and sometime later, when Caylee was declared missing and Casey arrested, why didn't he immediately report it?  Something about it doesn't set well with me.  JMO
I wonder if he sent her money for her poptarts?
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1918 on: September 29, 2009, 10:00:16 PM »

As if Cindy couldn't disgust me any further, I just realized something while reading the docs today.  Not only does she independently pull of some crazy chit (washing the pants, giving the wrong hairbrush, sending DC out into t ::MonkeyJnBox::he woods) - she announces that she does crazy chit.  IMO, she enjoys telling others that she messed with them.  No excuses for CA - but her twisted thinking has a basis.

Saying that she is smarter and will win sent me over the edge......

OK Fanny....stay away from the dang edge

God knows I am trying to keep it in the middle! 

Joining Sunny- (in best automated loud speaker voice) **BACK AWAY FROM THE EDGE.**   

Forecast for the Day:
God is reigning and the Son is shining.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1877

« Reply #1919 on: September 29, 2009, 10:06:24 PM »

I don't understand Conway releasing evidence in this case. What does he have to do with this case? He is George and Cindy's attorney....they have not been charged with anything related to this case, I just don't understand.     Can someone enlighten me, please?
I'm wondering can Conway, even legally do this, as he is not legal counsel to any litigants in this case.  Where, oh where, is the FL Bar Association?  Aren't there statutes and sanctions for stunts like this?

Forecast for the Day:
God is reigning and the Son is shining.
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