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Author Topic: Prayers  (Read 52295 times)
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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2010, 09:44:50 PM »

Sister,  thank you for sharing these prayers, they are such a blessing!  an angelic monkey
You are more than welcome -- we are blessed to be a blessing!

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2010, 07:59:19 AM »

Oh, Majestic God, my soul desires to behold You.  I cry to you from the dust of which I am made.  Help us to know what it is You would have us to know about you.  Cause our minds and hearts to be open to the Light of your Being as you want it revealed to us.  Cause the shame of our arrogance to scorch us so that we will leave it quickly . . . and then, most merciful Father, heal us, according to Your plan . . . so that the beauty of Your love can shine, each and every minute on our faces.  Yes, Eloheim, we ask to be your servants, we ask to let our lives be a beacon to those who do not know you, help us to bring them, help us to bring ourselves, closer to You and what You would have us to do . . .  this we humbly ask of the Father of Jesus our Christ, in whose worthy name we pray.  Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2010, 11:22:32 PM »

Dear heavenly Father, we bow our hearts before you in prayer.  We bow because that reminds us that you are almighty and we are not, you are awesome and we are not, and you are always faithful and we are not.
We sometimes feel inferior to everyone.  We tell ourselves that we are inadequate.  We feel competitive with those who seem to have more of things than we do.  O Lord, please deliver us from feeling inferior and help us instead to be humble.
We are humbly dependent upon you for every good and perfect gift.  We are not self-made . . . we sprout from the humus of your love.  As we grow we want to be our won, and yet we also want you to be our divine safety net.
We want to be powerful and responsible and in charge of our lives, and yet, when we are in trouble, we are prone to cry out, “I couldn’t help myself!” or “I can’t change the way I am!”  O Lord, help us to feel powerfully responsible when we are in trouble, not just when we are in triumph.
We are powerful, and yet we are dependent upon you.  You have taught us that we are of great value and that we are to be humble, that we are responsible for our responses to what life offers and that you are the very ground of our being, and that, even though we have sinned and fallen short of your glory, we are also just a little lower than angels.
We rejoice in knowing that you love us unconditionally regardless of how well we cope with the complexities of our lives.  We thank you for the divinely inspiring model that Jesus is for us being humbly powerful.  And we thank you for the faith you nourish within us for living life abundantly.  Thank you in Jesus’ name.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2010, 04:13:49 PM »

O God, how precious are your thoughts! Your mysteries number more than all the grains of sand and all the blades of grass on earth, yet all of them are one.  Show yourself, Lord, that we might sit at your feet and listen to your teaching!
O Christ, you enter our communitird, and we receive you into our houses. Sometimes, like Mary, we sit at your feet, listening to your teaching; other times, like Martha, we are distracted with much serving, and we complain that the work has been left to us alone. Then you answer us, saying, “You are anxious and troubled about many things, but only one thing is needed.”
Only one thing is needed. How often we forget, Lord, and how often we doubt, that what you most need is not our waiting upon you, but our waiting for you -- waiting for the Word, through whom all things are made, and without whom nothing is done.  We forget; we doubt, because waiting is not easy for us.  We live in a bustling world in the midst of bustling people.  We have little patience and much ambition; we have little time and much talk.  We fidget in silence.  We squirm in idleness.  We teach our children that those who say nothing have nothing to say, and that those who hesitate are lost.
O Christ, interrupt our busyness with a word about mindfulness, lest we forget the God who gives us birth.  Disrupt our distraction with a call to attention, lest we forget the Lord who provides for life.  Convict us if, when we have eaten and are full, we say in our hearts, “The work of our own hands has satisfied our hunger.”
Thank you for your mercy and your grace.  Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2010, 09:16:43 PM »

Our heavenly Father, we your humble children invoke your blessing on those for whom we pray and for us.  We adore you, whose name is love, who nature is compassion, whose presence is joy, whose Word is truth, whose Spirit is goodness, whose holiness is beauty, whose will is peace, whose service is perfect freedom, and in knowledge of whom stands our eternal life.  Unto you be all honor and all glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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Year of Karma ~ 2009

« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2010, 12:34:24 AM »

Our heavenly Father, we your humble children invoke your blessing on those for whom we pray and for us.  We adore you, whose name is love, who nature is compassion, whose presence is joy, whose Word is truth, whose Spirit is goodness, whose holiness is beauty, whose will is peace, whose service is perfect freedom, and in knowledge of whom stands our eternal life.  Unto you be all honor and all glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen and Amen.

Sister, if only it could be viewed/found/ heard as simplistic as you state your prayer.
  Thank You Sister for your Prayers and offerings.

 This is for You Sister ~ My Sunday Monkey * even when its not Sunday
<a href=";amp;hl=en_US&amp;amp;rel=0" target="_blank">;amp;hl=en_US&amp;amp;rel=0</a>

" God Bless The Babies Human, Fur, Feathered &  Finned" ~Caylee, Adji, & Sandra Cantu~ Peace~kai~cj *
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2010, 10:14:59 AM »

Thank you my friend for sharing that -- powerful!

Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 7103

Year of Karma ~ 2009

« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2010, 11:26:47 PM »

Thank you my friend for sharing that -- powerful!

You are Powerful ~ You are a messenger and I am Thankful for your Prayers

You are strong and able ~ have no fear in showing your beliefs ~ this is not of the norm Sister. Seems like in today's society it is to be " politically correct" so to be a marshmallow is best.
Most will never show or offer, for fear that they will be labeled ? for fear of? of fear?

I am proud to be a witness of your thoughts and posts and I am a better person because
 " YOU Sister" you make me think. You make me remember. You offer up and I like it.
I like it very much. 

Thank You for being You ~ K


" God Bless The Babies Human, Fur, Feathered &  Finned" ~Caylee, Adji, & Sandra Cantu~ Peace~kai~cj *
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2010, 04:13:21 PM »

Heavenly Lord, with a humble but troubled spirit, I come before you.  I entreat you to continue to provide patience to the many people who work so diligently for justice.  Father, I have sat and watched the broadcast of horrid people who will do anything, including lying, to get their client off.  Lord I understand you have the ultimate say about justice, yet I believe justice is given here on this earth.  Please be with those who are seeking justice for precious Caylee.  Give them a special anointing of your strength, wisdom, and grace.  Kindly do not forsake these special people who speak for those who cannot or no longer can speak for themselves.  We do thank you for your blessings.  Help us to keep our eyes upon the good.  Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2010, 04:47:20 PM »

Great Creator of the rain which falls, we thank you for the water which nourishes the earth which in turn nourishes us.  Most of all we thank you for the living water of our Saviour who nourishes our spirits.
On this day in many places and in many lands throughout your creation, there are people willing to crawl on their hands and knees to find justice for those who cannot speak for themselves.  Anoint them Lord with a warmth of body which they will know comes only from you.  We thank you for their dedication, we thank you for their courage, we thank you for their desires to make right events which have gone so wrong.  May they receive encouragement in the knowledge that you have chosen many hands and many feet to be a part of your plan of justice.  We are humbled by this knowledge.  Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2010, 12:45:57 AM »

My dear friend Fanny, I don't know where you are anymore, but I see you light a candle for my sister Connie.  You have no idea how much that means to me.  I miss you.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2010, 11:15:46 PM »

O God, whose name is worthy of unending praise, we bow before you in humble submission.  Words fail to communicate the depth of love to you and our yearning to obey your will.  Without your Spirit day follows day in aimless succession.  Nothing can compare with the love you have shown us, not the tribute of leaders, the fame of achievement, the applause of friends and loved ones.  We owe all to your mercy . . . we will praise you at all times and call upon your name.
Hear us as we pray for cleansing . . . rid us of the vanity which clutters our thinking.  Show us the Christ who taught self-denail.  Help us to hear once again how the humble received mercy, the sick were healed, and those whom good people rejected were loved and forgiven.
Increase our faith and save us from the need to boast of our own goodness.  As we are quick to call on your for guidance when we are threatened, let us be eager to give you the glory for whatever we gain.  Fill us anew with you Holy Spirit, so that our words may be your words, our work your work, and our glory your glory.  You are the God of our salvation to whom belongs all the glory, praise, and honor, now and forevermore.  Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2010, 03:07:34 PM »

Almighty and everlasting God, you have ordained every time as a time of preparation for the coming of our Savior.  Yet we need the challenge of Advent to prepare for his birth.  Deliver us from the temptation to turn this Christmas into just another Christmas.  The season’s commonplaces – lighting candles, singing carols, the giving of gifts – have all too often become a mindless routine, engaging our purses rather than our hearts, calling attention to our diligence rather than our devotion.  Forgive us, O God, for allowing this holy day to become a mere holiday, for letting eternity’s invasion of time become an occasion for time’s corruption of eternity, for permitting your symbol of divine self-giving to become our sanction of human self-seeking.  Grant us penitent hearts, dear Lord, that we might become bearers as well as receivers of your comfort.  Let us make common cause with those for whom Christ’s coming turns bad news into good news; captives in a strange land, strangers in their native land, the neglected poor, the abandoned young, the forgotten elderly, the desperate lonely – all those who have fallen victim to humanity’s inhumanity.  O Holy Comforter, as you break once again into our midst, make us channels of your consolation.  Proclaim your healing word through our surrendered lips.  Manifest your transforming presence through our yielded hearts.  Work your gracious deeds through out outstretched hands.  As we travel again the road of Bethlehem, let us not forget that Golgotha is our destination.  Keep ever before us the connection between cradle and the cross, lest we mute the glory of Christ’s coming and repeat the shame of his going.  As we listen to the song of angels, let us remember the message of Calvary.  With an eye toward Jerusalem, let us march to Bethlehem, with gifts in our hearts, coming to the Lord as the Lord came to us.  Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #33 on: December 13, 2010, 12:06:23 PM »

God, this Advent season is a time when your light radiates through the world.  Inasmuch as we can, let us be bright for you.  Shine your light through us as though we were pieces in a stained-glass window.  Flow through us into others as the warm glow of colors seeps into our church.  Fill us with your light as though we were lighthouses on the shore.  Use us to guide others and to keep them from danger.  Set us aflame with your light as though we were candles, even candles in a storm.  Enable us to burn steadily with your fiery Spirit and push aside all forms of darkness.  Turn us on with your light a though we were Christmas bulbs all connected to one another.  Help us as a community of faith to celebrate the sparkling good news of your Son’s coming birth.  Be present with us today, God, and throughout the Advent season as we live and worship in our wait for the One who is the world’s light.  Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #34 on: December 24, 2010, 04:17:51 PM »

Father God, you have given us every good and perfect gift, even the gift of life itself.  We come before you this night to worship you, we also come to give thanks for the life you have given us.  We thank you for all the yesterdays with all their opportunities, many of which glided past us without even an attempt on our part to reach and grab them.  Forgive us for that lack of understanding, comprehension, and aggressiveness.  But we have awakened today, Dear Lord, and you have given us another chance . . . you have given us another night . . . filled with new opportunities.  You, who has the power over life and death . . . have allowed us one more day on this earth.  Guide our steps now . . . freshen our minds . . . strengthen our desire.  In short, take this day and this night and use us in to cause the glorious message of the birth of your son to be sung in the highest heavens.  Cause us ever to be alert for the appearance of the heavenly hosts in our lives . . . for the arrival of the shepherds . . . for the strange bright star to appear in the heavens . . . and whenever we see these signs before us . . . let us not be timid about rushing out to greet our Saviour.  Use us, O Thou Great Jehovah.
We come this night confessing our sins.  As we come to this altar to humble ourselves and receive the elements of holy communion, let us come with the surety that if we confess our sins, you are faithful and just and will forgive us our sins.  Create in us pure hearts and clean minds and renew a right spirit within us.
Hear the pleadings of our hearts for our prayers of concern for those we love.  Fill the needs of those whose names are written within our hearts.  Use us as your comforters and as your healers as we minister to those who seek the fulfillment in their lives only you can provide.
As we celebrate again the birth of Jesus may His presence be felt here among us as surely as it was felt that fateful night in Bethlehem when there was no room in the inn.  Send your blessings upon us Father, for we pray all these things in the name of the baby born of Mary, even Jesus the Christ. 

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2010, 05:36:54 PM »

Another year it about to begin.  Father, we thank you.  We never know what the moment will bring to us, but we do know you are in our moments.  We don’t know what 2011 will bring us, but we do know you will provide opportunity after opportunity for us to witness to your love and your forgiveness.  As we pause to give you thanks for caring for us through the past year, we would ask for your abiding grace and continued companionship throughout the year to come.  O God, may we be constantly listening for your voice . . . may we be constantly watching for your hands showing us what we must do . . . may we be ever alert for your spirit to be walking by our sides  . . . calling us to do your work in our community, in our world.
Grant your blessings to those in need.  For the lonely . . .  give them companionship . . . for those in pain . . . give them comfort . . . for those at war with themselves and with others . . . give them peace . . . for those who have lost loved ones . . . give them consolation.  Grant to us all your mercy and your grace. 
And God, forgive us all our sins.  We have known what to do and we haven’t done it.  We have known what we shouldn’t do and that we have done.  Forgive us as you  have promised you would if we pray in the name of your son . . . forgive us because he died for us and made the required sacrifice for our sins . . . forgive us because we love you.  We pray all these things in the name of the Babe who came down at Christmas, the One who spoke your Word, who kept your Word, who is your Word-- ever our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2011, 01:04:11 PM »

Just Ruler of all nations, we bow in awe before your glorious light.  Amid the shadow in which we live, we catch a glimpse of your radiant promises. You intend that all share the abundance you provide.  You defend the cause of the poor and deliver the weak from their oppressors.  You gather your people to the brightness of your rising.  You lift up our hearts to rejoice.  Surely your love will shine through our eyes as we proclaim your praise, O God.
We thank you, God of glory, that stars do shine, even in our midnight world. The birth of Jesus Christ reminds us that all life is precious, including our own. The magi with their gifts help us realize that we, too, have much to give. Our love for you beckons us to become one with the saints, to explore the mystery, to grow in commitment, to share the good news. How wonderful are your purposes for us!
May we feel your presence so that with boldness and confidence we may follow where your voice leads. As we seek your face, may we become stewards of your grace and ministers of your promise.  Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #37 on: January 07, 2011, 06:18:53 AM »

Thank you my friend for sharing that -- powerful!

You are Powerful ~ You are a messenger and I am Thankful for your Prayers

You are strong and able ~ have no fear in showing your beliefs ~ this is not of the norm Sister. Seems like in today's society it is to be " politically correct" so to be a marshmallow is best.
Most will never show or offer, for fear that they will be labeled ? for fear of? of fear?

I am proud to be a witness of your thoughts and posts and I am a better person because
 " YOU Sister" you make me think. You make me remember. You offer up and I like it.
I like it very much. 

Thank You for being You ~ K

Deenie, just want you to know you are missed . . . all good thoughts going your way!

Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 8648

« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2011, 11:54:32 AM »

Light of the World, you baptize us each day with the refreshing winds of your spirit. Your life-giving breath awakens us from the shadows of sleep to a morning washed by the rays of your love. Yes, God, you say, “Let there be light,” and there is light in our minds, in our hearts, in our spirits.
Yet, we are troubled by your radiant splendor.  Your light shines into our hidden thoughts and repressed feelings.  It reveals to us our heart of hearts.  It opens our memories to a flood of faces, names, incidents, words, and acts that evoke regrets.  The feeling wells up inside us that we are not worthy to stoop down to untie the shoes of our parishioners.  Sometimes the sense of our unworthiness overwhelms us.  We want to run from your light to escape the pain.  We have missed the mark of our high calling and are not worthy of your forgiving grace.
Your light is good, O God! It shines on your earth and illuminates our hearts. In your light, we can see clearly, repent sincerely, and hear dearly your accepting word!  “You are my child, my beloved; with you I am well pleased.”  Assist us, gracious God, to receive your acceptance and benediction.  Help us to know ourselves as your beloved children.  Wash away like a flood the debris of old devilish thoughts and distracting memories.  Free us from the past to serve you fully in the present. Give strength to your people for a lifetime of loving service.  May the light of Christ bless us with peace and joy. Amen and Amen.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 8648

« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2011, 09:02:44 AM »

Savior, like a shepherd lead us; much we need your tender care.  Strengthen our resolve to be faithful to the gospel, which frees us from the prison of fear, delivers from anxieties that paralyze, and opens up new opportunities to serve.  May your healing presence address our history, transform our present, and enliven our future, that we may become healing persons in our time.   Amen and Amen.

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