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Author Topic: Haleigh Marie Cummings #31 2/20/10 - 4/13/10  (Read 500407 times)
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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1020 on: March 20, 2010, 05:33:53 PM »

I don't know who this poster is over at BNN, but this is what the  poster has to say:

Come ON said,
in March 20th, 2010 at 4:09 pm

I have a suggestion for all of the people who continually bash the local LE about their response and continued investigation into this matter. Contact TEAM ADAM, who sent a team to the investigation to offer assistance and ask them their impression of how the investigation was handled from the beginning. I know that they were there. They are all about finding missing children (named after the abduction of Adam Walsh) I bet their impression of how things were done will be very positive.
Unless you are a participant in the investigation into this case you have no true idea of ALL the things that have been done. Some of you launch frivolous accusations about the Agency and investigators which you have no foundation to prove. Merely because you only hear what you hear does not substantiate it as the truth. You continually spew information about massive corruption. If that is so, why are they not being investigated by the FBI, FDLE, etc. Why hasn’t the Governor of the State of Florida stepped in and took receivership of the agency. It happens when there is true corruption. It is not happening because it isn’t true. I read your theories and your questions and I can tell you that all your questions were answered by LE in the initial 72 hours. Ask the people who created the C.A.R.T. what their impression of the Sheriff’s Office initial response was. I will bet you your pay check that they will report that the protocol for a missing child was followed and the response was correct. The immediate concern of LE was to locate a missing child. The scent material used would have been identified by a dog handler. The reason dogs would have sit in the car is because there are different types of search dogs, i.e. drug dogs, person search dogs, cadaver dogs, etc. The local LE had drug-bit dogs, and even immediately made arrangements with a blood hound that was just retired from the agency to assist in the initial search. They even utilized a city K-9 initially because it was the closest dog to the area. The wait for additional BLOUD HOUNDS was due to the distance they travelled to get to the scene. The area was shut down immediately. There is one road out of the area and the road way was closed down very quickly and all vehicles got searched. Within 1 hour of the call, there were detectives on scene and standing in the living rooms of the local sex offenders doing a search. There were 200 investigators on the ground doing door to door searches. Remember MISTY tried to misdirect the investigators from the very beginning. Do you know that FDLE Crime Scene, with the assistance of the FBI crime scene people had possession of the residence for days combing through everything they believed would contain evidence? The door was processed, but left. For some reason, as the investigation went on, they decided they needed something from the door so they returned and took it. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t done right. Initially they didn’t believe they needed to take the door after processing it initially. Every piece of trash was evaluated for what they believed to be of evidentiary importance, but they didn’t take everything with them. As the investigation went forward, they would return and take items that initially didn’t seem important, but after interviews, something lead them back to it to check it. I could go on for days about things and rebut each claim you make. Is the investigation or investigators perfect, HELL NO, but I will bet you that their intentions were perfect, and that all the agencies working together were on board with what was going on. On LE agency what so ever has come forward and stated that the LOCALS didn’t do their jobs correctly…….


Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1021 on: March 20, 2010, 05:56:14 PM »

Members at BNN asking for verification by Jan that the following poster is Connie Sheffield:

connie sheffield said,
in March 20th, 2010 at 2:59 pm

I would just like to say that if you people have questions, then stop by my house and I will gladly speak with any of you in person. Not on the phone where my conversation can be twisted nor behind a computer. I do feel as though there are several people on this blog with there own agenda, and are related to families involved in this case. However I have nothing to hide but I am tired of lies. To me it doesnt matter, but it still reflects on Haleigh and many other children. Which some (and I say some) of you have lost sight on. It is sad that my grandaughter may be somewhere being abused daily or she may be dead and if so, either way she has suffered both physically and mentally. What do you people care though. Lastly as my opinion stands the same today as it did the first day she went missing. I do not think Ronald or any of his family is responsible neither is Crystal or any of her family. As for the rest you do the math. Its not hard ,Crystal searched islands for her daughter, we have searched from one end of putnam county to the other, Ronald searched on horses and four wheelers, Cobra searched beatin the bushes and talking to people , Teresa searched, the only place I remember Misty looking was when the story of the rose broke. I really dont have to answer to any of you people although some of you mean well and I commend you for that, thank you. Whether you people realize it or not life goes on unfortunatley for us we have seen no peace. About a week before Haleigh went missing we buried my uncle who died after a battle with cancer in ky. Then Haleigh went missing and although I am tough skinned I have a gentle heart and to look into my sons eyes that are filled with hurt and fear it breaks my heart. As Im sure it does all the children in this case. As of today just last month my husbands sister passed and now I just got my dad out of the hospital and now he has lung cancer. That is just my story. I feel deeply sorry for Mrs. Sykes she was so close with Haleigh, let alone jr. and Ronald. The poem she wrote for Haleigh was beautiful. Ronald’s mother went above and beyond for the kids to have anything they wanted. Ronald Im sure is devastated I spoke with him on xmas eve and new years and told him how I felt. He has a lot on his plate. Crystal I have seen grow into a woman. My husband and I have good days and bad. The days when I look at pictures and get a laugh from memories or the days when I look at pictures and cry wondering if I will ever get to take any more pictures and add to those memories. That is all we have right now. All of Haleigh’s family. We all love her, we were all there the day she was born and now she is gone. We are the ones who love and miss her, Her ENTIRE FAMILY, the Father and Mother and their relatives. Just to add there is no such thing as a fake search, every search I have done has been real. That was not the first search or the last. You people say if it was your child you would be out looking every day . Well when we search it is fake and you shoot us down for doing it. Let me just say that I have dug up rotten oranges, I have been in snake swamps, I have walked along the side of roads, I have been all over looking. Why , I just couldnt sit and wonder if she might be out there some where. I have followed psychics, tarot card, and astrologers. As for the search at the church it was not planned that same day I had already been out searching, my husband was on the phone and we were advised that judy’s dog was a search and recover dog so we stopped along side of the road while they all got in there cars and followed us. I was hoping to motivate people to search for haleigh. Le had already scaled back their searches and I just couldnt sit there doing nothing. So following up on tips from mostly psychics both professional and non professional I set out. I did tell le about several locations that matched what some psychics had said and they assured me they would look into it. As for the professional Psychic I do not have to justify with you people but my phone records can attest to the truth. It was not the first psychic I have contacted and is not the last. I will not stop doing anything that I can possibly think of to find Haleigh.


Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1022 on: March 20, 2010, 07:01:37 PM »

Jan Barrett said,
in March 20th, 2010 at 5:34 pm

Just a note here to let you all know, I have no reason what so ever to doubt that this is really Connie Sheffield blogging with ya’ll here. Please mind your manners and remember this is her and her husbands grand daughter that we have all been praying for to be found alive and safe. Please try to have respect for her for Haleigh’s sake even if you don’t agree with her.

Like I have said a million times before … we all don’t always agree with one another, but until we know the truth about what happened to this little angel that has won our hearts, we have to respect everyone’s theories and ideas even if they do differ from yours.

Connie, Simon and I send our condolences to all of Haleighs family (both sides) and we pray she is found where ever she is. God bless her little heart and all of her family too.

Jan Barrett

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1023 on: March 20, 2010, 07:12:36 PM »

connie sheffield
in March 20th, 2010 at 5:43 pm

for your info i just want the truth and agree that both sides of the family have been through enough. i have no control over what other people say or do. my husband and i talk very little to others. I do not think ronald, his family or crystal or her family deserve such bashing. no lie sure we have had our ups and downs. like i said ronald called here on xmas eve and new years and we talked. i want haleigh found. i of course have my own opinion as to what might have happened but i do not think it involves ronald or any of his family, or cyrstal or her family. as for all of us i feel like we got along good at the vigil. it broke my heart to see Mrs. sykes read that poem and cry. i cried with her. teresa was very friendly i give her a card her grandson took it over to her and she came over and greeted me and marty. ronalds dad also spoke to us and said he wasnt picking sides that he loved everyone. everyone got along and that i feel we all need to do.

connie sheffield
in March 20th, 2010 at 5:49 pm

Jan I would like to thank you and simon and tj. You have been up to date and on top of news. that is why i come here. some times you all post things late at night and i would normally not have known until the next day or days later if it be on a weekend. i have dial up so i cant listen to the show but many thanks. we have been through a lot i could tell people many things that go threw ones mind. but i am always here thank you and GOD BLESS.


Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1024 on: March 20, 2010, 07:21:03 PM »

connie sheffield said,
in March 20th, 2010 at 5:58 pm

iowa mom crystal is not pregnant that i know of because when she had chloe i understood her to have had her tubes tied. marty did not know cobra until he came here. we appreciate cobra looking for haleigh that man is brave for going in some of the places he went. as for did crystal know jeremiah before haleigh went missing that i dont know but to my knowledge i dont think so. people came out of the wood work it crazy how things happen so fast like the first week it just seemed a blurr. you are so shocked your numb.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1025 on: March 20, 2010, 07:45:45 PM »

connie sheffield said,
in March 20th, 2010 at 6:21 pm

noreen we have not taken any lie detectors we offered to take one though. le did not waste time interviewing us as soon as we got there that morning they questioned us and recorded it. they have taken everyones dna, done several interviews and i do have faith in them. i feel like with fdle, fbi, cart, and local le i think they left no stone unturned. i do feel like they probably know more but that is just my opinion.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1026 on: March 20, 2010, 07:55:34 PM »

connie sheffield said,
in March 20th, 2010 at 6:31 pm

flmom41 my son is 4 and he still ask where is haleigh this has scarred him for life. i have cried at night, i dont sleep well, i am afraid to let my son watcht tv in the living room while i clean my bathroom because it is on the other end of the house. i have put his swing set in the back yard. he ask people are they going to kidnapp him. i just dont have answers for him. he asked for haleigh on his bday. we did not put up a xmas tree this past xmas. it was the first time in my life i didnt celebrate xmas. my son said he doesnt like xmas. everything has changed. we live in fear.
the last time we ever saw haleigh was xmas of 08. i just couldnt bring myself to put up a tree. so much i could say but long story short its awful.



Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1027 on: March 20, 2010, 08:34:11 PM »

connie sheffield said,
in March 20th, 2010 at 7:05 pm

i really do appreciate everyones efforts. even if it meant wearing some mud. i know alot of you have meant well. i am glad people have not given up. i am going to log of i am going to go play xbox 360 with my little guy. but please pray for the truth, and pray for ALL of haleigh’s family. easter is approaching and the last easter i remember was teresa brought the kids over to get their baskets. they both had their own dvd movies playing in the car. and i handed her the baskets she asked me what was in them they were heavy. i laughed and said lots of chocalate and toys. i pray that we have answers, closure, the truth. easter is more than eggs and hopping bunnies. it is also about jesus. with that i pray. i will check in and try to answer questions but please remember my dad has lung cancer and we have a long road ahead for him. so i may not have alot of time in the future. thank you all and again thank everyone with blogger news.


Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1028 on: March 20, 2010, 11:20:03 PM »

Thank you Heart for bringing that to us!  They are going thru hell and Connie expressed that very well.  I cannot imagine.   
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1029 on: March 21, 2010, 01:38:55 AM »

Thank you, Heart. Connie's pain is obvious.

This is simply heartbreaking.

Where is this child?
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1030 on: March 21, 2010, 06:37:09 AM »

Thank you Heart.   

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
~ Peter Frampton
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1031 on: March 21, 2010, 12:32:15 PM »

thanks Heart...
thanks to everyone for their input and research into the disappearance of Haleigh...
Keep the faith!

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1032 on: March 21, 2010, 03:16:17 PM »

Thanks for all of the posts Heart...I had not seen these ....very interesting.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1033 on: March 21, 2010, 05:21:29 PM »

I thought by now we would hear more jail visits...hoping this means no news is good news and someone is talking.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1034 on: March 21, 2010, 07:04:14 PM »

I thought by now we would hear more jail visits...hoping this means no news is good news and someone is talking.
Lisa Croslin had a court date 3/18, bust so far no updates on the clerk's site.

UCN: 542009CF002529XXAXMX
File Date: 2009-12-22   Judge: TERRY J LARUE    
Defense Atty:


Date   #   Docket Description
2009-12-22   1   COMPLAINT FILED: PATTY BRIMM 12-19-09
2009-12-22   1   BOOKING NUMBER: N/A
2009-12-22   1   FELONY THEFT
2010-01-27   2   INFORMATION (GRAND THEFT)
2010-02-09   3   CAPIAS REQUEST FORM - BOND $504.00
2010-02-18   4   CAPIAS ISSUED - BOND SET AT $504.00
2010-02-19   5   ARREST REPORT - GRAND THEFT
2010-02-19   5   ARREST DATE:02/18/2010
2010-02-19   5   BOOKING NUMBER:10-741
2010-02-19   8   $504.00 A-1-24 HOUR CITY BEST BAIL BOND-#2252856
2010-02-19   8   AMERICAN BANKERS INSURANCE COMPANY OF FL (02/18/2010)
2010-03-04   9   NOTICE TO DEFENDANT (03-18-2010)
2010-03-05   10   NOTICE TO BONDSMAN (03-18-2010)


Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 25374

« Reply #1035 on: March 21, 2010, 07:47:38 PM »

I thought by now we would hear more jail visits...hoping this means no news is good news and someone is talking.
Lisa Croslin had a court date 3/18, bust so far no updates on the clerk's site.

UCN: 542009CF002529XXAXMX
File Date: 2009-12-22   Judge: TERRY J LARUE    
Defense Atty:


Date   #   Docket Description
2009-12-22   1   COMPLAINT FILED: PATTY BRIMM 12-19-09
2009-12-22   1   BOOKING NUMBER: N/A
2009-12-22   1   FELONY THEFT
2010-01-27   2   INFORMATION (GRAND THEFT)
2010-02-09   3   CAPIAS REQUEST FORM - BOND $504.00
2010-02-18   4   CAPIAS ISSUED - BOND SET AT $504.00
2010-02-19   5   ARREST REPORT - GRAND THEFT
2010-02-19   5   ARREST DATE:02/18/2010
2010-02-19   5   BOOKING NUMBER:10-741
2010-02-19   8   $504.00 A-1-24 HOUR CITY BEST BAIL BOND-#2252856
2010-02-19   8   AMERICAN BANKERS INSURANCE COMPANY OF FL (02/18/2010)
2010-03-04   9   NOTICE TO DEFENDANT (03-18-2010)
2010-03-05   10   NOTICE TO BONDSMAN (03-18-2010)


Yes, I have been looking for info concerning the March 18 court date also.


Monkey All Star
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Posts: 10379

HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #1036 on: March 21, 2010, 10:09:19 PM »

Hi monkeys, I have spent the last 3 days re-reading the first 10 threads here............I missed so much after Eli was born and in all of those post I found it scary how many of the "rumors" proved to be true, guess the saying where there is smoke there is fire is spot on.

My heart aches for Haleigh and her family as I refllect back on that first 10 threads, we had so much hope and so many monkeys investigating and yet a yr later still no resolution. 

God Bless HaLeigh and please wrap your arms around those who love her, miss her and seek justice an angelic monkey

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Bud's Girl
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1037 on: March 22, 2010, 05:27:40 AM »

Hi monkeys, I have spent the last 3 days re-reading the first 10 threads here............I missed so much after Eli was born and in all of those post I found it scary how many of the "rumors" proved to be true, guess the saying where there is smoke there is fire is spot on.

My heart aches for Haleigh and her family as I refllect back on that first 10 threads, we had so much hope and so many monkeys investigating and yet a yr later still no resolution. 

God Bless HaLeigh and please wrap your arms around those who love her, miss her and seek justice an angelic monkey

an angelic monkey


The naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie.
Monkey All Star
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Posts: 10379

HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #1038 on: March 22, 2010, 09:17:18 AM »

Hi monkeys, I have spent the last 3 days re-reading the first 10 threads here............I missed so much after Eli was born and in all of those post I found it scary how many of the "rumors" proved to be true, guess the saying where there is smoke there is fire is spot on.

My heart aches for Haleigh and her family as I refllect back on that first 10 threads, we had so much hope and so many monkeys investigating and yet a yr later still no resolution. 

God Bless HaLeigh and please wrap your arms around those who love her, miss her and seek justice an angelic monkey

an angelic monkey

thanks BG~I didn't have any saved on this computer that were as cute as that one an angelic monkey

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1039 on: March 22, 2010, 09:18:29 AM »

God bless Haleigh...hope that she is found soon...

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