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Author Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #837 6/10/10 - 6/12/10  (Read 472580 times)
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Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1800 on: June 12, 2010, 09:08:08 AM »

"Joran is afraid of being killed"

Only cell for fear of fellow prisoners
UPDATE LIMA - Joran van der Sloot, who is now in the Castro Castro high-security prison locked, has asked to sit alone in a cell because he fears being killed by other inmates.

"Shame" and "murderer" shouted angry bystanders Friday, when Van der Sloot in jail arrived. He also received a bad head lettuce thrown at his head. He was then taken to a secluded area on the east side of the prison in the Peruvian capital Lima charged.

He has, according to the warden of the traditional Peruvian dish eaten seco de pollo. Van der Sloot is in a cell near the office of the Director. In that part of the prison he is in the company of a Colombian hit man and a mayor who has laundered money.

Van der Sloot would Stephany Flores after a game of poker in a casino in a hotel room are killed. He would have broken her nose after she was strangled. Then he would have emptied her wallet in her jeep and drove away. It was money worth nearly 250 euros and two credit cards.

The Peruvian court has yet decided a case against Joran van der Sloot to open murder with malice aforethought. Murder can be much heavier, up to 35 years in prison, be punished than manslaughter. It is unclear when his trial begins. (AP / MV)
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1801 on: June 12, 2010, 09:08:26 AM »

Posted at RU:

fierljepper  PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:23 am         

Latest in NL:

* Joran was planning to escape to NL.
* therefore he drove to the Airport in Stephany's car.
* but then he changed his mind and decided to go to Chili
* he changed shirts since he saw that Stephany still breathed after he had hit her and sophocated her with his shirt Shocked
* he has offered to tell the location where Natalee is buried, but only if he he is transported to Aruba since he wants to show it in person (Peruvians laughing in his face, tell him that's not going to happen).

Joran is toast. And righteously so.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1802 on: June 12, 2010, 09:08:27 AM »

(Edit) add link per texasmom.  MB)

apparently, he is a bit prophetic.  He knocked her eye out with his bare hands.  I wonder if that is what he was thinking about when he painted this.  What a sick bastard, I hope they knock his eyes out so he doesnt know when "its" coming.

Is that the ocean?  Are they eys/hand trying to come out of the ocean?
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1803 on: June 12, 2010, 09:08:46 AM »

I watched two of the videos and felt that Stephany's father really spoke honestly and sounded like a good man.  He spoke well of his daughter, she sounded like a nice young woman.  He made no excuses for her choices of going to a casino alone and did not approve of it. 

Unlike Anita and all her reditions of what a perfect boy her delicious sporter is.

I wonder if Joran's family will "pay" for him to have a private cell during him being a "guest" of the Peruvian government.  It sounds like for the right price those accomodations can be made.  or I wonder if the Peruvians don't want him having a private cell after his trial. . . .

Good Morning, Monkeys!

Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!

That option will not be available to Joran as no one is going to want to accept a bribe and offend Stephany's father. 

Some cultures just take a very dim view of killing their daughters.  Many prisoners and guards are going to want to win favor with Mr. Flores.  He has a long history of doing benevolent acts on behalf of the LE officers.

I would be shocked if Joran is allowed very much in the way of comforts.  His family/supporters might be able to pay to keep him alive but no guarantee even there.  He is the most hated person in that country right now.  A national insult.  Very bad form to go into another country and do something this horrific.  The gruesome details of what he did will soon be in all the Peruvian media.  They have a fairly open court and what Joran did will be available for public consumption.

And just being in a prison that bad under any conditions has to be hell.  Karma, Divine Intervention or that miracle I have been praying for. . . whatever yu cal it, Payback is a Bitch!



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1804 on: June 12, 2010, 09:11:01 AM »

Hey All,

Can I just say that I have been waiting 5 long years to see this bastard be treated like the piece of garbage he truky is like he was today. JVDS, the little sporter packed in that van with the other convicts stacked like wood. Priceless.

Then the pic of the Peru police officetr from the FP with Joran, the officer looking like he just bagged a 12 point buck.

When I saw the story earlier of Joran be shouted at and fruit & veggies at him I thought to myslef ... God bless you people of Peru, I wish I was there to join them.

This POS is finally going to get what is coming to him. He can say he is going to say where NH is all he wants, for a poker player, Joran is holding none of the cards.

There is no way that any one should lessen his time, they have him dead to rights on all charges in Peru, his confession was BS.

Nice job with the posts Klaas

Hear, hear!!!!

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1805 on: June 12, 2010, 09:15:04 AM »

Looks like they are breaking out the Kool-Aid again;

bizman  PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:05 pm         

A reported deal in the works
Apparently there is a deal in the works between Peru and Aruba concerning Joran. If reports are correct Aruba will take custody contingent on Joran revealing the whereabouts of Natalee and due to Joran's past claims being false this new deal is only valid with the truth.

If Joran is truthful he will spend 10 years in KIA prison in Aruba and all other charges will be dropped.The deal was struck when it became obvious that with Joran's truthful confession in Peru and the likelihood of him getting 20 years and 10 years credit for confessing and credit for 2 for 1 days served resulting in only 5 years in a Peruvian prison in the best of accommodations provided at the prison.If the deal goes thru Joran will spend 10 years in the KIA.

If Joran's claims of Holloway's whereabouts are false then he will serve the maximum 20 years in a Peruvian prison without any luxuries at all.Authorities have said no more tail chasing in the Holloway case.

It is reported that in order for Joran to accept the deal he is demanding that in return for spending an additional 5 years in prison that he be offered the following: after spending 6 months in KIA that he gets supervised bi-weekly weekend furloughs to his mothers house and be allowed to play poker on his furloughs and then after 18 months of supervised furloughs that he be able to participate in a work release program thru the week.Under such a deal Joran would spend Sun-thru-Thurs at KIA from 6 p.m. til 6 a.m. locked up and from 6 a.m. Fri-thru 6 p.m. Sun on unsupervised furlough.

It sounds as if LE is attempting to kill two birds with one stone and give out more than the required Peruvian punishment with a chance for Joran to rehabilitate himself.

As stated its only a report and a starting point for LE in these negotiations.It sounds like a fair deal.Only time will tell what deal will be made.

Is there any truth to this?
Would be absolutely crazy...

This is about the most +++++++ thing I have ever heard.  These people are complete idiots if they believe this.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1806 on: June 12, 2010, 09:16:30 AM »

Translated by Reader, at RU:

I include here a translation I did of what the commentator says in the above video:

“To begin with, we have to highlight that he did have a defense lawyer, it was a public defender, and she was that person who was named (in the media) in the first moments (of this case). Besides, he was interrogated through a translator, that is, in his native language, so to avoid the possibility of someone saying that ‘he didn’t understand’.

“He says, for example, what was his occupation in Aruba, his job, a pizza, bread and coffee shop in Thailand, and he refers to earn 20,000 euros per year. Evidently, with 20,000 euros per year just a few people can live in such a circumstance (maybe the commentator is referring to traveling and gambling).

“He says that he did meet Stephany Tatiana Flores, but on May 27. We are talking three days before her death. And where did he meet her? He went many times, he said, to the Atlantic City Casino. He also met the person whose name has been mentioned as being with him, Elton García.

“He is asked to state in detail the facts related to the crime against the life, and he says that Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramírez, at about five in the morning, told him that she wanted to play on the Internet, that she told him ‘let’s go play elsewhere’, that is, to his hotel.

“ ‘We left in Stephany’s vehicle’, and they arrived to the hotel on 5:30. ‘We went to my room, and we played poker in my laptop. In that moment, he says, I opened my e-mail and I saw a message saying ‘I’m going to kill you, +++++++’, in reference to the Holloway case . ‘In that instant I talked to Stephany about the case’, he says, and he told her that five years ago he was detained on the suspicion that he had murdered this girl.

“But he says that, in that moment, Stephany had a reaction, according to what he is saying, had a reaction, and hit him with her fist on his head's left side, he says. He says that he reacted with his elbow and hit Stephany for the first time, and left her semi-conscious. He says that this affected him so much that ‘I grabbed her neck with both hands and strangled her for a minute’. That is, here, in this testimony , he admits he killed this girl.

“And he refers that when he exits this room, when he fled, he took the van. That is, he robs it, and then he took the cabs, and all that that we have been knowing about this journey of Van der Sloot to Santiago. And here he involves those two drivers who took him from Ica to Arica. He says he told them that he was being accused of commiting a murder, that he was being accused of murdering this person. There he involves these persons (the taxi drivers).

“He arrived in Santiago on 2 PM, and he says, in this long narration, that in Santiago there wasn’t an arrest warrant on him, that he goes voluntarily to a precinct, a police center, and he says that he told them he was being wanted, but they told him there wasn’t any arrest warrant.

“He is questioned through the translator (all the questions are done through the translator) about the garment, the shirt he refers he used to asfixiate this girl and deprived her from her life. And he confirms that he used that same shirt he wore, which was later found with stains of blood.

“When he talks about Stephany Flores' purse he refers it contained three Visa cards, and 850 soles, which he also took. There is the aspect of robbery. There are a series of details.

“And now we go to the essential part, where with extreme detail he says where she was, she was on the bed, he hit her with his right elbow, and he narrates exactly how he caused her death.

“Later on he also talks about his link to the case of Natalee Holloway, the young girl, bur he said he preferred to talk about that to the Aruban police.

“This is the testimony given by the Dutchman”
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1807 on: June 12, 2010, 09:17:47 AM »

Looks like they are breaking out the Kool-Aid again;

bizman  PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:05 pm         

A reported deal in the works
Apparently there is a deal in the works between Peru and Aruba concerning Joran. If reports are correct Aruba will take custody contingent on Joran revealing the whereabouts of Natalee and due to Joran's past claims being false this new deal is only valid with the truth.

If Joran is truthful he will spend 10 years in KIA prison in Aruba and all other charges will be dropped.The deal was struck when it became obvious that with Joran's truthful confession in Peru and the likelihood of him getting 20 years and 10 years credit for confessing and credit for 2 for 1 days served resulting in only 5 years in a Peruvian prison in the best of accommodations provided at the prison.If the deal goes thru Joran will spend 10 years in the KIA.

If Joran's claims of Holloway's whereabouts are false then he will serve the maximum 20 years in a Peruvian prison without any luxuries at all.Authorities have said no more tail chasing in the Holloway case.

It is reported that in order for Joran to accept the deal he is demanding that in return for spending an additional 5 years in prison that he be offered the following: after spending 6 months in KIA that he gets supervised bi-weekly weekend furloughs to his mothers house and be allowed to play poker on his furloughs and then after 18 months of supervised furloughs that he be able to participate in a work release program thru the week.Under such a deal Joran would spend Sun-thru-Thurs at KIA from 6 p.m. til 6 a.m. locked up and from 6 a.m. Fri-thru 6 p.m. Sun on unsupervised furlough.

It sounds as if LE is attempting to kill two birds with one stone and give out more than the required Peruvian punishment with a chance for Joran to rehabilitate himself.

As stated its only a report and a starting point for LE in these negotiations.It sounds like a fair deal.Only time will tell what deal will be made.

Is there any truth to this?
Would be absolutely crazy...

This is about the most +++++++ thing I have ever heard.  These people are complete idiots if they believe this.

There is NO WAY this would happen..don't even give it attention....consider the source....wishful thinking of the Joran supporters!


In Aruba, everyone lies!! Except Jossy!
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1808 on: June 12, 2010, 09:17:57 AM »

True Anna, I forget how he is such a visible profile right now. 
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1809 on: June 12, 2010, 09:19:28 AM »

Looks like they are breaking out the Kool-Aid again;

bizman  PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:05 pm         

A reported deal in the works
Apparently there is a deal in the works between Peru and Aruba concerning Joran. If reports are correct Aruba will take custody contingent on Joran revealing the whereabouts of Natalee and due to Joran's past claims being false this new deal is only valid with the truth.

If Joran is truthful he will spend 10 years in KIA prison in Aruba and all other charges will be dropped.The deal was struck when it became obvious that with Joran's truthful confession in Peru and the likelihood of him getting 20 years and 10 years credit for confessing and credit for 2 for 1 days served resulting in only 5 years in a Peruvian prison in the best of accommodations provided at the prison.If the deal goes thru Joran will spend 10 years in the KIA.

If Joran's claims of Holloway's whereabouts are false then he will serve the maximum 20 years in a Peruvian prison without any luxuries at all.Authorities have said no more tail chasing in the Holloway case.

It is reported that in order for Joran to accept the deal he is demanding that in return for spending an additional 5 years in prison that he be offered the following: after spending 6 months in KIA that he gets supervised bi-weekly weekend furloughs to his mothers house and be allowed to play poker on his furloughs and then after 18 months of supervised furloughs that he be able to participate in a work release program thru the week.Under such a deal Joran would spend Sun-thru-Thurs at KIA from 6 p.m. til 6 a.m. locked up and from 6 a.m. Fri-thru 6 p.m. Sun on unsupervised furlough.

It sounds as if LE is attempting to kill two birds with one stone and give out more than the required Peruvian punishment with a chance for Joran to rehabilitate himself.

As stated its only a report and a starting point for LE in these negotiations.It sounds like a fair deal.Only time will tell what deal will be made.

Is there any truth to this?
Would be absolutely crazy...

This is about the most +++++++ thing I have ever heard.  These people are complete idiots if they believe this.

There is NO WAY this would happen..don't even give it attention....consider the source....wishful thinking of the Joran supporters!


Peru has nothing to gain by doing this.  IF Joran ever gets out of Peru, he will be going straight to the US to face his extortion cgarges.  There is no way Peru would send him to Aruba - it just isnt logical.
the big hammer
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1810 on: June 12, 2010, 09:20:27 AM »

No Coincidence

wreck writes: "After watching JQK tonight on "Dateline", I am more convinced than ever that Joran did not act "impulsively". He told JQK that if 'they didn't pay him - they would have to wait another 5 years to find out wher Natalee was'. He was keenly aware that this was the 5 year anniversary. Instead of Aruba arresting him -- they tipped him off about the sting. Joran was hell-bent at getting back at Beth. The EXACT anniversary date was no coincidence. The answers to where Natalee is and where she lies will NEVER come from Joran. It will have to come from the Kalpoes or someone else INVOLVED trying to save their own skin.

Great post by SM poster "wreck."

The goon knew where he was on the calendar.  He referenced it directly to Kelly.

And imo, he attacked her first as soon as they walked through that door.  There was no computer, no talking, no sex.  He wanted her money and he wanted her dead first.


Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1811 on: June 12, 2010, 09:20:57 AM »

Good morning, Mr. Blah.

Well, yes, they would have to be pretty dense to have supported Joran and the refusal of the Aruban LE to collect any evidence against him for five long years.  Some even started a "defense fund" for this monster who literally beat the eyes out of the sockets of Stephany Flores whose only offense was being nice to him.

Also, I see that painting of van der Straaten as totally racist.  He has the blue eye above and some how uplifting the brown (and mixed color) eyes.  I think he is claiming Dutch superiority of the other ethnicities in the region.  Yeah, we sure see proof of that in Joran, Uncle Jan. 

But then it's just hideous by any standard and everything this island of enablers does just rubs me the wrong way so is just my opinion.



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1812 on: June 12, 2010, 09:22:54 AM »

urine locked up in a cell to protect him from the general population is not giving him a break.....
He went from doing whatever he wanted...whenever he an early stage of Dante's HELL....
he went from no one can touch Castro, Castro in less than two weeks...
Yes, he is in a solitary cell, surrounded by some of the worst prisoners (murderers, thieves, rapists, hit men) for the next few - many months until he goes to trial.....where he will be sentenced for the murder of a beloved Peruvian family's daughter......after he is sentenced, he will be eventually released to the general prison population....
But while he may be physically protected in his solitary cell......he won't be free of the hassles of the prisoners around him....he will be harassed and berated.....every day will be another immersion into urine's living HELL..... 

I know what you mean, but we need to at least keep him alive until after sentencing.... then  its "open season"

Maine, born and raised!
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1813 on: June 12, 2010, 09:24:20 AM »


One day closer to Natalee's family finally getting the truth.

June 11, 2005

wow…parents are back on with Geraldo and the stepdad is very upset that they just found out about the blood from HIM! Mom looks like she is about to faint…

Comment by KerinTX | June 11, 2005, 10:59 pm

what do you mean? her parents didnt know about the blood?

Comment by tell me its not true | June 11, 2005, 11:01 pm

parents know nothing… have been told nothing… upset that 3 last with her weren’t questioned until 12 hours after she disappeared

Comment by m wood | June 11, 2005, 11:03 pm

well seems the family didnt even know theer was blood evidence….how sad…and i am surprised to hear this…seems teh PM is talking in generalities..must be very frustrating….

Comment by lisabobeesa | June 11, 2005, 11:03 pm

I would think that since they took blood from the mon to compare with the blood in the car the parents would know about blood being found.

Comment by DT | June 11, 2005, 11:04 pm

Fox has reported that the blood is and dna is back!

Comment by Lola | June 11, 2005, 11:07 pm

The aruban official have not said if it is NH’s blood yet

Comment by Lola | June 11, 2005, 11:07 pm

Boy, the blood test came back pretty quick

Comment by Lola | June 11, 2005, 11:08 pm

The Aruban officials are also morons. Wait till the people that tested the blood leak the info to reporters. The reporters will figure this one out before the “police”.

Comment by S.Taylor | June 11, 2005, 11:09 pm

The fbi did the blood tests from the car?

Comment by Lola | June 11, 2005, 11:12 pm

Ben - nothing to report apart from blood sample from car supposedly being tested in the US. Denials of confession by Joran’s lawyer, AP not retracting confession story - Aruba gov’t seems to have shut up completely in the last day… More FBI arrived on the island at 3pm today as well. I think that’s pretty much it.

Comment by Rick | June 11, 2005, 11:56 pm

they just said on news that the aruban justice minister that no one admitted to killing her, they still dont know if shes alive or dead, and they did find blood but they dont know whose it is. the search for her is no further along than it was yesterday. 

Comment by tell me its not true | June 12, 2005, 12:03 am

So how does anyone get blood in your trunk?

Comment by arubagirl | June 12, 2005, 12:23 am

Do we know for sure blood was found in the trunk?
How about the back seat - where Joran was raping her?

Comment by Annie | June 12, 2005, 12:24 am


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!" Margaret Mead
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1814 on: June 12, 2010, 09:25:08 AM »


Deadly Connection?
Police say Joran van der Sloot - after confessing to killing a young woman in Peru - is finally admitting that he killed Natalee Holloway

By Chris Hansen
NBC News
updated 6:03 p.m. PT, Fri., June 11, 2010


With his money troubles mounting, his father dead, and his life spiraling downward, this spring Joran van der Sloot allegedly made a bold attempt to cash in on the Natalee Holloway disappearance.

JOHN KELLY: I got the first e-mail from van der Sloot on March 30. ......

Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1815 on: June 12, 2010, 09:27:09 AM »

Posted at RU:

fierljepper  PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:23 am         

Latest in NL:

* Joran was planning to escape to NL.
* therefore he drove to the Airport in Stephany's car.
* but then he changed his mind and decided to go to Chili
* he changed shirts since he saw that Stephany still breathed after he had hit her and sophocated her with his shirt Shocked
* he has offered to tell the location where Natalee is buried, but only if he he is transported to Aruba since he wants to show it in person (Peruvians laughing in his face, tell him that's not going to happen).

Joran is toast. And righteously so.
"therefore he drove to the Airport in Stephany's car."
This is where he decided to take a cab because he saw police at the airport.

You have to give Joran credit. He found a way to travel extensively without it costing him a dime.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1816 on: June 12, 2010, 09:32:07 AM »

Translated by Reader, at RU:

I include here a translation I did of what the commentator says in the above video:

“To begin with, we have to highlight that he did have a defense lawyer, it was a public defender, and she was that person who was named (in the media) in the first moments (of this case). Besides, he was interrogated through a translator, that is, in his native language, so to avoid the possibility of someone saying that ‘he didn’t understand’.

“He says, for example, what was his occupation in Aruba, his job, a pizza, bread and coffee shop in Thailand, and he refers to earn 20,000 euros per year. Evidently, with 20,000 euros per year just a few people can live in such a circumstance (maybe the commentator is referring to traveling and gambling).

“He says that he did meet Stephany Tatiana Flores, but on May 27. We are talking three days before her death. And where did he meet her? He went many times, he said, to the Atlantic City Casino. He also met the person whose name has been mentioned as being with him, Elton García.

“He is asked to state in detail the facts related to the crime against the life, and he says that Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramírez, at about five in the morning, told him that she wanted to play on the Internet, that she told him ‘let’s go play elsewhere’, that is, to his hotel.

“ ‘We left in Stephany’s vehicle’, and they arrived to the hotel on 5:30. ‘We went to my room, and we played poker in my laptop. In that moment, he says, I opened my e-mail and I saw a message saying ‘I’m going to kill you, +++++++’, in reference to the Holloway case . ‘In that instant I talked to Stephany about the case’, he says, and he told her that five years ago he was detained on the suspicion that he had murdered this girl.

“But he says that, in that moment, Stephany had a reaction, according to what he is saying, had a reaction, and hit him with her fist on his head's left side, he says. He says that he reacted with his elbow and hit Stephany for the first time, and left her semi-conscious. He says that this affected him so much that ‘I grabbed her neck with both hands and strangled her for a minute’. That is, here, in this testimony , he admits he killed this girl.

“And he refers that when he exits this room, when he fled, he took the van. That is, he robs it, and then he took the cabs, and all that that we have been knowing about this journey of Van der Sloot to Santiago. And here he involves those two drivers who took him from Ica to Arica. He says he told them that he was being accused of commiting a murder, that he was being accused of murdering this person. There he involves these persons (the taxi drivers).

“He arrived in Santiago on 2 PM, and he says, in this long narration, that in Santiago there wasn’t an arrest warrant on him, that he goes voluntarily to a precinct, a police center, and he says that he told them he was being wanted, but they told him there wasn’t any arrest warrant.

“He is questioned through the translator (all the questions are done through the translator) about the garment, the shirt he refers he used to asfixiate this girl and deprived her from her life. And he confirms that he used that same shirt he wore, which was later found with stains of blood.

“When he talks about Stephany Flores' purse he refers it contained three Visa cards, and 850 soles, which he also took. There is the aspect of robbery. There are a series of details.

“And now we go to the essential part, where with extreme detail he says where she was, she was on the bed, he hit her with his right elbow, and he narrates exactly how he caused her death.

“Later on he also talks about his link to the case of Natalee Holloway, the young girl, bur he said he preferred to talk about that to the Aruban police.

“This is the testimony given by the Dutchman”
"“He arrived in Santiago on 2 PM, and he says, in this long narration, that in Santiago there wasn’t an arrest warrant on him, that he goes voluntarily to a precinct, a police center, and he says that he told them he was being wanted, but they told him there wasn’t any arrest warrant."
BULL$HIT!!! If this was the case, he would have turned himself in at the hotel. I cannot believe the lengths this punk wgo to to make himself look good.

You have to give Joran credit. He found a way to travel extensively without it costing him a dime.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1817 on: June 12, 2010, 09:33:35 AM »

No Coincidence

wreck writes: "After watching JQK tonight on "Dateline", I am more convinced than ever that Joran did not act "impulsively". He told JQK that if 'they didn't pay him - they would have to wait another 5 years to find out wher Natalee was'. He was keenly aware that this was the 5 year anniversary. Instead of Aruba arresting him -- they tipped him off about the sting. Joran was hell-bent at getting back at Beth. The EXACT anniversary date was no coincidence. The answers to where Natalee is and where she lies will NEVER come from Joran. It will have to come from the Kalpoes or someone else INVOLVED trying to save their own skin.

Great post by SM poster "wreck."

The goon knew where he was on the calendar.  He referenced it directly to Kelly.

And imo, he attacked her first as soon as they walked through that door.  There was no computer, no talking, no sex.  He wanted her money and he wanted her dead first.


I agree 100% with this.  I would even speculate a little further.  I think he was trying to create a "new story".  The media was no longer paying him for the Natalee story, his extortion attempt failed.  The Natalee story was his only source of income and that well went dry.  He thought he could create a new story by killing Stephanie and the whole thing would start over again.  The money would come rolling in.  This time armed with the experience of Natalee, he would better know how to maximize his profits.  He targeted the daughter of a rich man figuring he could make huge money pulling her familily's strings the way he did with Natalee.  He thought the media would fall all over themselves trying to pay for his story.

This guy is a great example of "your brain on drugs".  WHat a loser.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1818 on: June 12, 2010, 09:35:57 AM »

I believe this is a repost:

Aruban Authorities on Van der Sloot Comments
June 11, 2010 - 1:47 PM | by: Meredith Orban

Aruban authorities say they have no official confirmation on reports that Joran Van der Sloot, the main suspect in the 2005 disappearance of Natalee Holloway, told Peruvian investigators that he knows where the body of the Alabama teen can be found.  Aruban Solicitor General Taco Stein says that they are reaching out to Peruvian authorities to discuss the reported statement and that if Van der Sloot did, in fact, say he will tell investigators where the body is, the Arubans will weigh the information to see if they can act on it.  "We are in the process of reaching out to them," Stein said of Peruvian investigators, "as you can understand they are very busy with their case... it's very hard to get the proper person."  Since 2005, Van der Sloot has told investigators and members of the media countless conflicting versions of what happened the night Holloway disappeared, none of which have led to formal charges against the Dutch national.

Stein reports that there is no formal treaty between the Dutch Kingdom, which the island nation of Aruba is a part of, and Peru.  Thus, he says it would be difficult for Aruban investigators to request Van der Sloot be brought to Aruba.  Without speculating on the veracity of the reports regarding Van der Sloot, Stein says if they are true it is more likely that Aruba would send a small team of investigators to Peru.  "We can ask the Peruvian authorities if we can come there and interrogate him on this point and see what we can do on the information he gives," said Stein.  Since it is highly unlikely there is any trace evidence related to the Holloway case in Peru, Stein says only one or two investigators familiar with the Holloway case would be sent and that such a team could be ready to go within a day of being granted permission.

As for the investigation on the island of Aruba, Stein says there have been no new developments in the Holloway case since the murder of 21-year-old Stephany Flores last month in Peru.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1819 on: June 12, 2010, 09:36:05 AM »

Translated by Reader, at RU:

I include here a translation I did of what the commentator says in the above video:

“To begin with, we have to highlight that he did have a defense lawyer, it was a public defender, and she was that person who was named (in the media) in the first moments (of this case). Besides, he was interrogated through a translator, that is, in his native language, so to avoid the possibility of someone saying that ‘he didn’t understand’.

“He says, for example, what was his occupation in Aruba, his job, a pizza, bread and coffee shop in Thailand, and he refers to earn 20,000 euros per year. Evidently, with 20,000 euros per year just a few people can live in such a circumstance (maybe the commentator is referring to traveling and gambling).

“He says that he did meet Stephany Tatiana Flores, but on May 27. We are talking three days before her death. And where did he meet her? He went many times, he said, to the Atlantic City Casino. He also met the person whose name has been mentioned as being with him, Elton García.

“He is asked to state in detail the facts related to the crime against the life, and he says that Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramírez, at about five in the morning, told him that she wanted to play on the Internet, that she told him ‘let’s go play elsewhere’, that is, to his hotel.

“ ‘We left in Stephany’s vehicle’, and they arrived to the hotel on 5:30. ‘We went to my room, and we played poker in my laptop. In that moment, he says, I opened my e-mail and I saw a message saying ‘I’m going to kill you, +++++++’, in reference to the Holloway case . ‘In that instant I talked to Stephany about the case’, he says, and he told her that five years ago he was detained on the suspicion that he had murdered this girl.
“But he says that, in that moment, Stephany had a reaction, according to what he is saying, had a reaction, and hit him with her fist on his head's left side, he says. He says that he reacted with his elbow and hit Stephany for the first time, and left her semi-conscious. He says that this affected him so much that ‘I grabbed her neck with both hands and strangled her for a minute’. That is, here, in this testimony , he admits he killed this girl.

“And he refers that when he exits this room, when he fled, he took the van. That is, he robs it, and then he took the cabs, and all that that we have been knowing about this journey of Van der Sloot to Santiago. And here he involves those two drivers who took him from Ica to Arica. He says he told them that he was being accused of commiting a murder, that he was being accused of murdering this person. There he involves these persons (the taxi drivers).

“He arrived in Santiago on 2 PM, and he says, in this long narration, that in Santiago there wasn’t an arrest warrant on him, that he goes voluntarily to a precinct, a police center, and he says that he told them he was being wanted, but they told him there wasn’t any arrest warrant.

“He is questioned through the translator (all the questions are done through the translator) about the garment, the shirt he refers he used to asfixiate this girl and deprived her from her life. And he confirms that he used that same shirt he wore, which was later found with stains of blood.

“When he talks about Stephany Flores' purse he refers it contained three Visa cards, and 850 soles, which he also took. There is the aspect of robbery. There are a series of details.

“And now we go to the essential part, where with extreme detail he says where she was, she was on the bed, he hit her with his right elbow, and he narrates exactly how he caused her death.

“Later on he also talks about his link to the case of Natalee Holloway, the young girl, bur he said he preferred to talk about that to the Aruban police.

“This is the testimony given by the Dutchman”

In all the garbage that he spews, this (in red) may possibly contain the only grain of truth (or close to it as the liar could get).  I do believe this was premeditated, so he could kill her on the same day (the date and day of the week were the same) that he killed Natalee 5 years ago. He deliberately told (showed) Stephanie about his past in order to get a reaction from her. He wanted her frightened before he began his assault.
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