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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #165 7/14/10 - 7/19/10  (Read 180941 times)
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Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2766

« Reply #600 on: July 17, 2010, 01:00:21 AM »

BOZO KNOWS all prison calls are recorded, who is he trying to fool!  and it didn't take Kathi long to find out about that call....   GO KATHI! GO KATHI!

Catching Up here.........

You are absolutely right, Miss Sunny! AND.......... not only does Bozo know it, the recording that plays when you accept the call from a correctional facility STATES that the call may be recorded. When you accept the call ( required by pressing a # per instructions) you accept and acknowledge the fact your conversation may be recorded.

Here's Casey's first call from jail. Listen carefully to the recording at the start.........
  Baez is so busted on this one.   

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
« Reply #601 on: July 17, 2010, 08:08:53 AM »

Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2766

« Reply #602 on: July 17, 2010, 08:08:59 AM »

-- self-snipped by Desi --
Cindy lied a lot today.  One of the biggest lies was about what she told Amy on July 15, 2008, after picking her up so that Amy could lead her to Tony's apartment where Casey was staying.  Cindy knows good and well that in that conversation, she described to Amy how she and George had discovered Casey's car that day, and that it smelled like a dead body.  She told Amy that she and George were afraid when they opened the trunk, that the smell might mean that Casey's and/or Caylee's dead body might be in that trunk.  She perjured herself today about this conversation. 
Hi, Desi!  Great Post!  You're right on so many counts here.  Cindy did, in fact, perjure herself here.  She thought she was going to get away with the "I can't remember"(s) and the "I'm not sure" (s).  Praise God, LDB was fully prepared for that and her!  As you said, all of us would have called 911 from the tow yard.
I bolded your comment in purple above because in reading it, I had a new thought. The A's had just picked up Casey's abandoned, dead body smelling car (no disrespect to Caylee intended, bluntness intended for Cindy), brought it home, and began going through it. How did Cindy know Casey was alive to text message her?  What made Cindy think Casey was alive? After all, they had a decomp car with Caylee's carseat, the doll she was never without, Caylee's backpack, a few pull-ups, Casey's purse & lanyard (or so Cindy says and seems to make a majorly big deal about for some odd reason-IMO), Casey's pants and shoes, a knife, and some seemingly miscellaneous trash.  What did Cindy find in the car (or not find in the car) that made her so sure Casey was alive to get her text message?  Did Cindy check Casey's Facebook, Myspace, e-mails for activity?  Did Lee when George called him?  Something assured Cindy that Casey was not the one in danger or missing either.  What???  Was is that Casey's backpack wasn't in the car?  Was Casey's ID missing from the purse?  Or was it that everything in the car pertained to Caylee primarily, with the doll and the stinking pants left as a message?  Has Cindy been omitting something from "Day One" that she found in the car?  Why was the lanyard such a sticking point for her (of all things)? She was more concerned about that lanyard than Caylee's Mama doll...Why?  Something's not right here.
--respectfully snipped by Desi--
Funny you should bring this up, ISpy.  I pulled some excerpts about the whole subject of whether or not Cindy said anything to Amy about fearing that CASEY, not just Caylee, might be deceased.  She did, but I'm not sure she was being forthright.  After all, Cindy did testify at the July 22 bond hearing that she heard from or spoke to Casey EVERY DAY.  I'm afraid we may never get to the bottom of the lies.

Page 6:
9   EE: Okay, we're going to go, I'm going to , this is a highlighted point. We'll get to it
10   when we go through the calendar as well. But you mentioned uhm,
11   conversations regarding the smell of her car.

12   AH: Yes. Uhm...
13   EE: I'll, I'll tell you what.
14   AH: Do you want to (inaudible).
15   EE: Yeah (affirmative), because we won't, we don't need to make this thing longer
16   that it has to be. Alright, we'll go to the calendar book.  [They switch to another topic.]

Pages 29-32:

(Page 29)
EE: Did uh, grandma ever ask you about a smell coming from the car?
7   AH: She told me about the smell uhm...
8   EE: Uhm, when?
9   AH: the car ride back to Tony's place. Uhm, after she had picked me up from
10   Florida Mall that was, she was telling me the story about you know, the fact that
11   she had gotten a letter from the impound uhm, saying that the car had been
12   Impounded...
13   EE: Uh-hum (affirmative).
14   AH: ..since the 30th. They went to go pick it up. And that the car smell like
15   something had died. And...
16   EE: Grandma tells you that?

17   AH: Grandma tells me that. And at that point I'm like,"Oh, yeah (affirmative), Casey
18   told me she had run something over with her car." And then proceeds, she
19   proceeds to tell me, she's like, "Oh, well we didn't know that." But proceeds to
20   tell me the rest of the story that the impound law, because they couldn't, didn't
21   have the keys...
22   DR: Yeah (affirmative), but didn't you say that Casey had blamed her dad for running
23   something over?
24   AH: Is what she told me. But we no know that....
25   DR: (Unintelligible).

(Page 30)
1   ...nothing Casey says is true.
2   DR: I know. But what, but you told her mom...
3   EE: Did you share that information...
4   DR: Right.
5   EE: ...with grandma?
6   AH: I know she said that she, I think I, at the time I said I thought she said that you
7   know she had run something over. I don't think I mentioned the dad part. But...
8   EE: Uh-hum (affirmative).
9   DR: Okay.
10   AH: I, I mean at that time we don't know any of this is going to happen.
11   EE: Did, did grandma at the time start to seem like she was going down the road that
12   baby's missing?
13   AH: Uh, at this time...
14   EE: Nasty smelling car?
15   AH: ..she just..well,that's what they said. I mean she, she told me the whole story
16   after I, you know, I had mentioned that I knew about the smell. Uhm, she's like
17   well, you know, the impound lot didn't have the keys so they couldn't open up the
18   trunk. And she had told me that the smell was coming from the truck, trunk. And
19   Casey had talked about it coming from the engine. Uhm...
20   EE: Grandma told you on the 15th smell coming from the trunk?
21   AH: Yes. Uhm, when they went to go pick up the car from the impound lot. Once
22   they had the keys and they opened it up they found the pizza boxes with
23   maggots on the inside. And we're assuming that's what the smell was..

24   EE: In the...
25   AH: what she told me.

(Page 31)
1   EE: the...
2   AH: In the trunk.
3   EE: In the trunk?
4   AH: Is what she told me.
5   EE: Okay, okay.
6   AH: Uhm, and also told me that Caylee's baby, that her car seat was in there and she
7   didn't know how Casey was getting her around.
And you know, she just didn't
8   know what was going on. Uhm, at that....
9   EE: Anything about a squirrel? Any story about a squirrel?
10   AH: Not from her mom. I think Casey, when I talked to her on the phone mentioned
11   that she thought it was a squirrel that was the dead thing, but it was pretty dead.
12   DR: When was that conversation about the squirrel?
13   AH: Uhm, probably, I'm, I don't, I think I called her like after that text message I'm
14   pretty sure I called her and talked to her while she was waiting for Tony to come
15   pick her up.
16   DR: So on the 27th?
17   AH: Well, yes, on the 27th.
18   EE: So the chunk of animal...
19   AH: I do, I do remember...
20   EE: ...on the front of her car...
21   AH: ...her saying squirrel, but I don't remember if that was her initial, I think maybe
22   my dad ran over a squirrel, or if that was the information that's what the dead
23   animal was. I don't...

(Page 32)
1   AH: Somewhere along the line I did hear a squirrel. Uhm, and yeah (affirmative), so
2   her mom you know, tells me that story and just, I mean she's beside herself in
3   the car. Like she's really just trying to hold it together.
4   EE: Grandma?
5   AH: Yes.
Pages 34-36

(Page 34)
15   EE: So she said she well felt she was an unfit mother? But did...
16   AH: Which Casey had told me that her mom has said to her before.
17   EE: But did she say anything that sticks out in your mind that she may have linked
18   something bad happening to that child with that smell in that car?
19   AH: Only that at first they, because she hadn't talking to Casey either in a month, that
20   they were afraid that it was either Caylee of Casey stuffed in the trunk, uhm, until
21   they got it open. Uhm, once we got to ...
22   EE: So they were afraid that the baby was in the trunk?
23   AH: They were terrified it was either Casey or Caylee.
24   EE: Because of the smell?

(Page 35)
1   AH: Because they has not talked to either of them. Because of the smell. I did not
2   ever smell the smell. Uhm, I've only heard of it.
3   EE: That was in the car...
4   AH: That was in the car.
5   EE: ...traveling to or from?
6   AH: That was in the car traveling to Tony's place from the Florida Mall.
7   EE: Grandma said afraid smell from trunk was Casey...
8   AH: Or Caylee.
9   EE: ...or Caylee?

10   AH: Because the towing company had not been able to get into the trunk because
11   they did not have the keys.
12   EE: So instead of calling the police at that time...
13   AH: Well she told me that she, it was weird because it kind of seemed like she had
14   sort of reported it, but it was like a, tentative reporting. Like she was reporting
15   that maybe something was wrong, but she had to call to confirm that it was. Is
16   what it...
17   EE: Uh-hum (affirmative).
18   AH: ...seemed like to me but I didn't know that was possible. I thought you either
19   reported someone missing or you didn't. Uhm, that seemed a little fly to me, but
20   you know, there was so much other stuff going on at that time that...

21   EE: When did the car get to mom's house?
22   AH: The 30th is when she said that, or on, no, on the 15th. Because she told me that it
23   was that morning that they had gone to get it.
24   EE: And they still hadn't been in the trunk?

(Page 36)
1   AH: The 15th, well that's when they opened the trunk, when they went to, they opened
2   at the lot when they got there.
3   EE: Okay. Because they had the key?
4   AH: Is what her mom told me.
5   EE: But she was nervous that that was going to be...
6   AH: Yes, and telling when it opened.
7   EE: She wasn't sure if she was going to open up, because you...
8   AH: She didn't know what they were going to find.
9   EE: They could smell that before they even opened the trunk?
10   AH: Yes. And the towing company said that they could smell it.
11   EE: That pungent?
12   AH: Yeah (affirmative).
13   EE: Not a pizza box? I know there was pizza boxes in there. Did that...
14   AH: There's no way a pizza box could smell that bad.
15   EE: At that point in time...
16   AH: From what the, from the description of the smell there's no way.
17   EE: Even the grandparents felt at that time, from what she told you ...
18   AH: And...
19   EE: ...that that oh, shit?
20   AH: Until they got that trunk open that's what they were afraid of, yes.
21   EE: That it was going to be the baby or their daughter? Excellent. (Sighs)


I'm not sure WHO they thought might or might not be dead.  George hesitated when giving his dramatic rendition to LE of the moment he opened the trunk.  He said "Please don't let this be---"  Then he said "Please don't let this be my Caylee."  But he also stated to them that he wondered if it might be Caylee OR Casey, since they were both "missing."  Why didn't he worry that it would be TWO bodies, since they were both missing?  How could he discern that the odor represented only one dead body?  I think that is a valid question.

Oh, and wild speculation here:  IF one could consider the extremely unlikely possibility that George actually DID find Caylee in the trunk that day... well, it would put a whole different spin on this issue.

Sorry this was so LONG!  I'm all done posting lengthy transcript excerpts for now.  That was QUITE enough for one night!

-- Oh, and I agree; that Cindy's harping on about the whereabouts of the "work lanyard" has always been more than odd.

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3430

« Reply #603 on: July 17, 2010, 01:11:29 AM »

BOZO KNOWS all prison calls are recorded, who is he trying to fool!  and it didn't take Kathi long to find out about that call....   GO KATHI! GO KATHI!

Catching Up here.........

You are absolutely right, Miss Sunny! AND.......... not only does Bozo know it, the recording that plays when you accept the call from a correctional facility STATES that the call may be recorded. When you accept the call ( required by pressing a # per instructions) you accept and acknowledge the fact your conversation may be recorded.

Here's Casey's first call from jail. Listen carefully to the recording at the start.........
  Baez is so busted on this one.   
Yes, but he has no qualms about lying so he will pass the buck and claim that the secretary didn't give him the heads up or whatever lame excuse he can spin. I don't think JP will fall for it, I mean c'mon how many times can one guy get away with being stupid?  He's used all his chances.  I loved the way Linda DB was holding the paper, like it had stink on it.  I pray with all my heart that Caylee didn't die just to give this collective of morons free reign to lie, cheat, steal. I pray that something decent can come from this, but so far all I see is the most debased human beings on the planet getting a leg up on her homicide. Bummer.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3430

« Reply #604 on: July 17, 2010, 01:20:46 AM »

DES~  I can't tell you how much I appreciate the details in your posts. I have a lot of opinions but not real facts to back them.  There's so much that is record and we all know a lot of it, but when Cindy or any of them start with the "no that's not true" it would be impossible for me to find the transcripts until the discussion was long since over!  Thanks
 an angelic monkey
« Reply #605 on: July 17, 2010, 08:31:11 AM »

Snipped from Desdemona's post:

14   AH: ..since the 30th. They went to go pick it up. And that the car smell like
15   something had died. And...
16   EE: Grandma tells you that?
17   AH: Grandma tells me that. And at that point I'm like,"Oh, yeah (affirmative), Casey
18   told me she had run something over with her car." And then proceeds, she
19   proceeds to tell me, she's like, "Oh, well we didn't know that." But proceeds to
20   tell me the rest of the story that the impound law, because they couldn't, didn't
21   have the keys...
22   DR: Yeah (affirmative), but didn't you say that Casey had blamed her dad for running
23   something over?
24   AH: Is what she told me. But we no know that....

You know, that's a problem for Casey. Casey was lying about the source of the smell and making excuses for it to friends. George had not been driving Casey's car, nor did he hit anything in it. The obvious question is "Why"?

Casey's going down and going down hard. She's trapped herself into this stupid "Zanny" story which is so easily disproven, and the fact she feels compelled to lie about the smell in the car just screams conscienceness of guilt.

IMO, the ONLY hope for a lesser sentence is one she'll never take, IMO. Bozo would have served her well to advise her to admit Caylee died accidently somehow, and she panicked because she has an insane Mother from Hell. She took the body, put Caylee in the trunk and disposed of it in the woods.

That would be a case that would not bring a death penalty, and then the defense would be fighting fewer circumstances. They'd still have to fight premeditation, and Casey's behavior in the bars but their prospects would be better, IMO.

Doesn't matter. She'll never admit to anything, IMO.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2766

« Reply #606 on: July 17, 2010, 01:30:20 AM »

Jim L is the founder of a company at this link

The top image of all the people, man at the end on the right.  Does he look like he could be the yellow tie guy?

Threw this together for you. Top two are Dr. Michael Breen from the website.

The other images are from court yesterday.

Very well could be him, older and heavier. I say probably same guy.

You make the call Wink
Link to a bigger picture and a bio.
He does the "health" side of their media consulting /PR business.  He's an M.D.  I'm still not sure; to me the guy in court yesterday has different eyebrows and a thinner neck; a bit less square jaw... but I really am not sure.  I could go either way as far as the resemblance. 

For those who are researching:  Note that there is ANOTHER Mike Breen who does sports for ABC.  Not the same guy.

What I remember reading (and still cannot find!) is that the yellow-tie guy at the hearing yesterday was a "producer with ABC."  ICBW.  I'll keep looking.  Thanks again for doing this, Brandi.

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
« Reply #607 on: July 17, 2010, 08:35:47 AM »

BOZO KNOWS all prison calls are recorded, who is he trying to fool!  and it didn't take Kathi long to find out about that call....   GO KATHI! GO KATHI!

Catching Up here.........

You are absolutely right, Miss Sunny! AND.......... not only does Bozo know it, the recording that plays when you accept the call from a correctional facility STATES that the call may be recorded. When you accept the call ( required by pressing a # per instructions) you accept and acknowledge the fact your conversation may be recorded.

Here's Casey's first call from jail. Listen carefully to the recording at the start.........
  Baez is so busted on this one.   
Yes, but he has no qualms about lying so he will pass the buck and claim that the secretary didn't give him the heads up or whatever lame excuse he can spin. I don't think JP will fall for it, I mean c'mon how many times can one guy get away with being stupid?  He's used all his chances.  I loved the way Linda DB was holding the paper, like it had stink on it.  I pray with all my heart that Caylee didn't die just to give this collective of morons free reign to lie, cheat, steal. I pray that something decent can come from this, but so far all I see is the most debased human beings on the planet getting a leg up on her homicide. Bummer.

I think you have a crystal ball, Mizjay! That's exactly what Baez will contend. 

I'm not sure that will work. His secretary is paid by him and I would think acts as his agent in these circumstances.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #608 on: July 17, 2010, 08:36:00 AM »

Jim L is the founder of a company at this link

The top image of all the people, man at the end on the right.  Does he look like he could be the yellow tie guy?

Threw this together for you. Top two are Dr. Michael Breen from the website.

The other images are from court yesterday.

Very well could be him, older and heavier. I say probably same guy.

You make the call Wink
Link to a bigger picture and a bio.
He does the "health" side of their media consulting /PR business.  He's an M.D.  I'm still not sure; to me the guy in court yesterday has different eyebrows and a thinner neck; a bit less square jaw... but I really am not sure.  I could go either way as far as the resemblance. 

For those who are researching:  Note that there is ANOTHER Mike Breen who does sports for ABC.  Not the same guy.

What I remember reading (and still cannot find!) is that the yellow-tie guy at the hearing yesterday was a "producer with ABC."  ICBW.  I'll keep looking.  Thanks again for doing this, Brandi.

You're welcome, Desi.

I really am leaning towards this being the same guy in the above pics. (Depending on when the professional pics were taken.)

Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2766

« Reply #609 on: July 17, 2010, 01:35:49 AM »

DES~  I can't tell you how much I appreciate the details in your posts. I have a lot of opinions but not real facts to back them.  There's so much that is record and we all know a lot of it, but when Cindy or any of them start with the "no that's not true" it would be impossible for me to find the transcripts until the discussion was long since over!  Thanks
 an angelic monkey

Mizjay, I overdo it sometimes.  Thanks for being so sweet.  I appreciate reading your opinions, as much as you appreciate reading transcript details, believe me.


CBB, you da bomb, girl!  Thanks for that "Casey's going down and going down hard" post.  You are so right that she has trapped herself, and that she will never admit to the truth.

I'm off to dreamland, bye all.

 an angelic monkey God Bless Our Caylee.  an angelic monkey


I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1971

« Reply #610 on: July 17, 2010, 08:46:45 AM » is sooo good to see you here.  So many Monkeys are SO smart....everytime I hear, see lanyard, I is so hard for me to even type this...I keep wondering if poor sweet Caylee was strangled with seems so significant, but yet, I hate to say it

I will ALWAYS stand with the girls, Natalee and Caylee, forever.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3430

« Reply #611 on: July 17, 2010, 01:46:14 AM »

BOZO KNOWS all prison calls are recorded, who is he trying to fool!  and it didn't take Kathi long to find out about that call....   GO KATHI! GO KATHI!

Catching Up here.........

You are absolutely right, Miss Sunny! AND.......... not only does Bozo know it, the recording that plays when you accept the call from a correctional facility STATES that the call may be recorded. When you accept the call ( required by pressing a # per instructions) you accept and acknowledge the fact your conversation may be recorded.

Here's Casey's first call from jail. Listen carefully to the recording at the start.........
  Baez is so busted on this one.   
Yes, but he has no qualms about lying so he will pass the buck and claim that the secretary didn't give him the heads up or whatever lame excuse he can spin. I don't think JP will fall for it, I mean c'mon how many times can one guy get away with being stupid?  He's used all his chances.  I loved the way Linda DB was holding the paper, like it had stink on it.  I pray with all my heart that Caylee didn't die just to give this collective of morons free reign to lie, cheat, steal. I pray that something decent can come from this, but so far all I see is the most debased human beings on the planet getting a leg up on her homicide. Bummer.

I think you have a crystal ball, Mizjay! That's exactly what Baez will contend. 

I'm not sure that will work. His secretary is paid by him and I would think acts as his agent in these circumstances.
Hi CBB!   Well his bar for excellence seems to be pretty low so his *personal secretary's* credentials might only be pretty and laugh at all his jokes. Still won't fly, I hope 
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #612 on: July 17, 2010, 08:47:51 AM »

“She’s maybe trying to discredit herself by making statements like this that would make her sound crazy so that they wouldn't use the 911 calls as evidence. That way maybe she could save her daughter from the death penalty,” said West.    BINGO

Cindy never does anything for anyone but Cindy. She is still saying that to get out of the fraud case she knows is coming for collecting money for a fake find Caylee foundation when she knew all along she was dead. She can and will be prosecuted over hundreds of thousands of dollars she took under false pretenses.

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3430

« Reply #613 on: July 17, 2010, 01:51:25 AM »

Jim L is the founder of a company at this link

The top image of all the people, man at the end on the right.  Does he look like he could be the yellow tie guy?

Threw this together for you. Top two are Dr. Michael Breen from the website.

The other images are from court yesterday.

Very well could be him, older and heavier. I say probably same guy.

You make the call Wink
Link to a bigger picture and a bio.
He does the "health" side of their media consulting /PR business.  He's an M.D.  I'm still not sure; to me the guy in court yesterday has different eyebrows and a thinner neck; a bit less square jaw... but I really am not sure.  I could go either way as far as the resemblance. 

For those who are researching:  Note that there is ANOTHER Mike Breen who does sports for ABC.  Not the same guy.

What I remember reading (and still cannot find!) is that the yellow-tie guy at the hearing yesterday was a "producer with ABC."  ICBW.  I'll keep looking.  Thanks again for doing this, Brandi.

You're welcome, Desi.

I really am leaning towards this being the same guy in the above pics. (Depending on when the professional pics were taken.)

He really does resemble him. Also remember the pictures of Cindy's BFF, the professional ones were years old or heavily airbrushed so, maybe same with this.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2766

« Reply #614 on: July 17, 2010, 01:59:12 AM »

Logging back in quickly to provide a link to another "publicity" picture:

...and a link to some more screen caps of yellow-tie guy from the hearing, posted by NorthernRose earlier:


to akamom)

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2766

« Reply #615 on: July 17, 2010, 02:00:27 AM »

“She’s maybe trying to discredit herself by making statements like this that would make her sound crazy so that they wouldn't use the 911 calls as evidence. That way maybe she could save her daughter from the death penalty,” said West.    BINGO

Cindy never does anything for anyone but Cindy. She is still saying that to get out of the fraud case she knows is coming for collecting money for a fake find Caylee foundation when she knew all along she was dead. She can and will be prosecuted over hundreds of thousands of dollars she took under false pretenses.
Good point!  'Night!

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6356

« Reply #616 on: July 17, 2010, 02:03:42 AM »

Was just about to post that, Trimm.

You are fast, woman!


I could hardly see to post it after seeing LA.   

That deserves another posting! LOL

OMG creepy is that picture of him saying I love you to her?

Don't tell me there was no incest.. and they aren't even from the South. LOL

I am from the south so don't tell me there was no incest, either.  I find that abnormal.  If my brother mouthed "I love you" to me, I'd tell my mama.

You know the old story about two people getting a divorce, and the husband says, "Does this mean you're not my sister anymore?"  Just kidding, folks.  Hey, I'm from Tennessee.  Not only can I take it, I can participate in it.

I do however, seriously think there is a possibility that there was some hanky-panky between Lee and Casey.  Not convinced Casey wasn't a willing participant though.  I mean half of the men in Orlando....well, you know.

And Mallory in her shorts left me speechless. (Which doesn't happen very often.)  Do these people become Anthonys by osmosis?  Trash, trash, trash.

I am guessing she USED Lee to get her way in that household like she did George. I make fun of the South only because I am a true Southerner.  Born & Bred. LOL 

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #617 on: July 17, 2010, 09:15:11 AM »

Was just about to post that, Trimm.

You are fast, woman!


I could hardly see to post it after seeing LA.   

That deserves another posting! LOL

OMG creepy is that picture of him saying I love you to her?

Don't tell me there was no incest.. and they aren't even from the South. LOL

I am from the south so don't tell me there was no incest, either.  I find that abnormal.  If my brother mouthed "I love you" to me, I'd tell my mama.

You know the old story about two people getting a divorce, and the husband says, "Does this mean you're not my sister anymore?"  Just kidding, folks.  Hey, I'm from Tennessee.  Not only can I take it, I can participate in it.

I do however, seriously think there is a possibility that there was some hanky-panky between Lee and Casey.  Not convinced Casey wasn't a willing participant though.  I mean half of the men in Orlando....well, you know.

And Mallory in her shorts left me speechless. (Which doesn't happen very often.)  Do these people become Anthonys by osmosis?  Trash, trash, trash.

I am guessing she USED Lee to get her way in that household like she did George. I make fun of the South only because I am a true Southerner.  Born & Bred. LOL 

That clip is the creepiest, grossest thing ever. Southern born and bred here too and they would be the family the whole block dissed on and the mama's whispered about in the kitchen, some really bad mojo going on with them.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #618 on: July 17, 2010, 02:18:07 AM »

Hi Monkeys, read all the time and keep up but don't post much, but I had to come out of lurkdom and comment on today's proceedings.  Cindy is not in denial about Caylee, she knows that Caylee is dead.  She is CRAZY like a fox.  If Caylee is alive then Casey could possibly be charged with child neglect/endangerment but certainly not murder.  As a grandmother, if I thought my granddaughter was kidnapped and still alive out there somewhere I would not stop looking, ever.  Cindy, are you looking??

Cindy knew Caylee was in the woods from early on.  Remember she did not want Tim to search for a dead Caylee in the "woods".  She KNEW.


She thew a fit when he wanted to search those woods. She threw him out of her house. Most have forgotten how she went off when he wanted to bring the cadaver dogs in to search those woods. I think the cover up started when they found the car. NO ONE would ever wash clothes that smelled like decomp, take a knife out of that car and wash it, etc. There is no telling what other evidence she destroyed that was in that car. SHE KNEW..........the phone calls NEVER even mentioned Caylee until the last one and there was over an hour in between it and the last one where they made up their story.

I have never been convinced that Caylee was not in the spare tire place covered up with the carpet over her when George took that car from the lot. There was NO REASON for either of them to know that KC had not been in that trunk too but yet Cindy texted KC "Call me - big problem" - yeah the problem was they knew Caylee was dead and either in that trunk or had been there.

Remember when KC got out of jail the first time and GA got angry and went walking to the woods when Lee suddenly raced down there in the car and made him get in?  I do.

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6356

« Reply #619 on: July 17, 2010, 09:26:22 AM »

Hmmmmmmmmm, just thought about something. What if GA or CA put the baby in their garbage bags from their garage when they first got the car and dumped the baby in the woods there so the other one would not see her planning on going back to get her but after all the publicity hit and people were following them all the time they couldn't. Then the rains came and could not find her because she was underwater.

It has always been a puzzle to me as to WHY would they put a stinking car in the garage. That smell is horrible and a real insult to the senses. It permeates everything around it too, so why put it in a closed garage unless you were "packaging the baby" and did not want to be seen doing it and didn't want neighbors to smell it UNTIL you could get it cleaned out. (George cleaned it spotless in the trunk if you remember)

Where you find a generational evil, you find chaos, lies and many family secrets.

There is a DEEP GENERATIONAL EVIL in the Anthony family.
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