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Author Topic: Caylee Marie Anthony #165 7/14/10 - 7/19/10  (Read 180944 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #580 on: July 16, 2010, 10:40:27 PM »


When Lee was on the stand and Mason was " asking him" questions..and that noise kept going off .. that buzzing noise. Judge Perry said " What are you doing Mr. Mason? "

The buzzing noise/interference sound coming from Mason as he was near the bench..

Mason said straight back like a whiplash in response .. "I don't know Judge Perry it's your court room". He replied it Very Snarky .. as It's your problem not mine.  Mason again is an Asshat. He cannot even project " clear concise questions" to people on the stand. He is too busy " Grand Standing" ...  me thinks he is a jerk. I hope he does bail. He is only going to create problems and push the trial out further and or create the trial to last much longer than it should. Adding Bobo in the mix and this could go on into 2012. 

Being as casey accusing Lee of touching her boobs (snark)when she was younger!!
the I love you mouthed in court can be taken wrong and can almost  validate what she accused him of. maybe he is hooked on her hmmm so inappropiate ya think or is it just me here?

It's not just you.

I am with you as well.  Like seeing your first date after a very long time (gag)

Hi Monkey People---I think the sound was Mason getting too close to the microphone.  The microphone reacted to his hearing aid.  A few days ago,  I had some visitors and we suddenly started hearing a high-pitched whine.  No, it wasn't Cindy Anthony.  One of the guests had a hearing aid.  We were all searching  for the noise, including him, when I stood close to him and discovered what it was.  So while it certainly is the judge's courtroom, the noise was coming from Mason.  He's not only rude, but an idiot.

Cindy was very calm on the stand.  I wondered who is this woman and what did they do with Cindy.

I thought that Lee, I will refrain from calling him a dolt since he might have a mental problem in addition to being a dolt, could have been taunting Casey with the mouthing of "I love you."  Sometimes perpetrators do that to a victim. Nah, I don't believe that.  I just wanted to say it.

Thanks Trim and others for your great links and reports.  Much appreciated.

Wrong is wrong, even if everybody does it.
Right is right, even if nobody does it. ~ Unknown
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #581 on: July 16, 2010, 10:41:39 PM »


(Bumping for anyone who has not had a chance to watch the hearing...)


I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #582 on: July 16, 2010, 10:49:35 PM »

Was just about to post that, Trimm.

You are fast, woman!


I could hardly see to post it after seeing LA.   

That deserves another posting! LOL

OMG creepy is that picture of him saying I love you to her?

Don't tell me there was no incest.. and they aren't even from the South. LOL

I am from the south so don't tell me there was no incest, either.  I find that abnormal.  If my brother mouthed "I love you" to me, I'd tell my mama.

You know the old story about two people getting a divorce, and the husband says, "Does this mean you're not my sister anymore?"  Just kidding, folks.  Hey, I'm from Tennessee.  Not only can I take it, I can participate in it.

I do however, seriously think there is a possibility that there was some hanky-panky between Lee and Casey.  Not convinced Casey wasn't a willing participant though.  I mean half of the men in Orlando....well, you know.

And Mallory in her shorts left me speechless. (Which doesn't happen very often.)  Do these people become Anthonys by osmosis?  Trash, trash, trash.

Wrong is wrong, even if everybody does it.
Right is right, even if nobody does it. ~ Unknown
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #583 on: July 16, 2010, 11:02:19 PM »

I believe Mason did mumble that the distracting sound was feedback from his hearing aids.  I think he may have even removed one or both hearing aids at one point... maybe he needs to buy a new set that won't cause interference with the microphone?
Hearing Aid feedback problems:

The guy in the blue shirt and yellow tie was identified yesterday by someone posting at WS as a producer guy from ABC, IIRC.  That makes sense, if he was sitting with Jim L. in court, and if all the A's and Brad gave him big smiles and back-pats after the hearing.  Can't prove it now, b/c I can't find the post at WS any longer (I did look).  Not sure if I am just overlooking the post, or if it was removed... posts tend to disappear "over there" sometimes... Maybe someone who is a member over there could search and find it?

Witness Bradley Wright is Roy Kronk's former roommate who has told investigators that he saw bruises on Roy's ex Jill Kerley, and also that Jill told him (Bradley) that Roy used duct tape to restrain her at some point.  Apparently now this defense "witness" is suddenly unavailable for the prosecution to depose, as he is apparently out at sea or something (?) as captain on a boat (?)...  (LOL)

As for Robin Lunceford and what that secret jail phone call with Baez was all about... No idea.  She has snitched in the past, but she is at Lowell, and would not have come into contact with Casey as far as I can tell.  However, Maya Derkovic is at Lowell.  [Robyn Adams is serving her sentence in Tallahassee, not at Lowell in Orange County], and we know that Maya had dealings with Casey... It will be interesting to see what comes of this mysterious phone call that Baez was so quick to squelch... when Linda Drane-Burdick doesn't even HAVE the call yet! 

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #584 on: July 16, 2010, 11:13:43 PM »

Deenie, I am very interested in some of the details you pointed out about Cindy's testimony.  I was thinking very hard about the comment Cindy made yesterday, about having demanded the car back from Casey two weeks before July 15, 2008.

In that approximate time-frame (July 27), we do have Casey abandoning the car! 

Cindy has made statements to the media before, that she didn't think Casey could have committed any crime that had left incriminating evidence in that car; otherwise why would she have parked that car right out there in plain sight at the Amscot, where Cindy would not fail to see it as she drove past that corner twice a day on her way to/from work?  Cindy has alternately used this argument to suggest that Casey herself would never have left the car there; that someone else had to have abandoned the smelly death car.

However, the car was abandoned on a Friday.  And it was towed on a Monday.  I think Cindy was actually on vacation one or both of those days.  So would she have seen it there anyway?

Here is what I was pondering:  Could it possibly be that Cindy was meant to find the car with the empty car seat... and a deathly stench (or worse?!?) in the trunk?  In the words of Casey, maybe she really IS just a spiteful b*tch, even more spiteful than we ever thought...

It really does have me thinking.

You'll recall that the July 3 wild goose chase to Universal Studios, Cindy's very revealing myspace lament, and Lee's spy mission to search for Casey at downtown clubs were all around that same two-week-out time-period, too, as was the "Bella Vita" tattoo.

Just something to contemplate; thanks for highlighting that odd comment of Cindy's about having demanded her car back from Casey.

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #585 on: July 16, 2010, 11:42:23 PM »

I'd like to ask Cindy why she called the police. 

She's made it apparent since day one that she doesn't want to know the truth about what happened to Caylee.  She does everything but call LE liars and intimate that they are all in collusion to persecute her daughter.

Just something I'd like to ask her.

Night Monkeys!

*Huffing and puffing, red-faced, trying to catch up*  Evening all!  Unable to access the forum for 5+ hours last night, so sorry if I'm beating a dead horse here.  JMO, but the only reason Cindy threatened to call police and actually did was to exert her control over Casey, to force Casey to do what Cindy wanted her to.  Not sure it was ever really about Caylee, as the first thing Cindy did was begin removing and destroying evidence. JMO

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God is reigning and the Son is shining.
Northern Rose
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« Reply #586 on: July 16, 2010, 11:42:45 PM »

I believe Mason did mumble that the distracting sound was feedback from his hearing aids.  I think he may have even removed one or both hearing aids at one point... maybe he needs to buy a new set that won't cause interference with the microphone?
Hearing Aid feedback problems:

The guy in the blue shirt and yellow tie was identified yesterday by someone posting at WS as a producer guy from ABC, IIRC.  That makes sense, if he was sitting with Jim L. in court, and if all the A's and Brad gave him big smiles and back-pats after the hearing.  Can't prove it now, b/c I can't find the post at WS any longer (I did look).  Not sure if I am just overlooking the post, or if it was removed... posts tend to disappear "over there" sometimes... Maybe someone who is a member over there could search and find it?

Witness Bradley Wright is Roy Kronk's former roommate who has told investigators that he saw bruises on Roy's ex Jill Kerley, and also that Jill told him (Bradley) that Roy used duct tape to restrain her at some point.  Apparently now this defense "witness" is suddenly unavailable for the prosecution to depose, as he is apparently out at sea or something (?) as captain on a boat (?)...  (LOL)

As for Robin Lunceford and what that secret jail phone call with Baez was all about... No idea.  She has snitched in the past, but she is at Lowell, and would not have come into contact with Casey as far as I can tell.  However, Maya Derkovic is at Lowell.  [Robyn Adams is serving her sentence in Tallahassee, not at Lowell in Orange County], and we know that Maya had dealings with Casey... It will be interesting to see what comes of this mysterious phone call that Baez was so quick to squelch... when Linda Drane-Burdick doesn't even HAVE the call yet! 

If yellow tie guy is from ABC I am wondering what they sold now?  Cindy was very happy to see him, almost beeming which was a sharp contrast to the hunched shouldered dowdy demeanour she had earlier. 
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #587 on: July 16, 2010, 11:47:07 PM »
At the SM link above, mizjay mentions Cindy's statement on the stand yesterday, that it would have been “inappropriate” to yell at Casey in front of Amy, and that she has more “respect” for Casey than to do that.  Yeah right.  I share mizjay's skepticism.
And in the post at this link, TURBO was questioning why Cindy would "hide" and have Amy knock on Tony's door.


Earlier, I wondered why Cindy did not ask about Caylee when she showed up at Tony's apartment that night, or search the apartment for Caylee, or for any evidence that Caylee had been there.  I found that odd, since Cindy was supposedly so desperate to FIND CAYLEE that night.

It's also interesting that Cindy's testimony was that she had told Casey to leave all her things behind, and just get her shoes.  It appears that what really happened was just the opposite.  Cindy told Casey to get all of her things, because she wouldn't be coming back.  Casey belligerently refused, and only put her shoes on, saying that she was leaving everything there, because she WOULD be coming back.  (She was wrong about that, wasn't she?)  I believe Deenie pointed this out upthread; sorry if I am "misremembering" that.

Another discrepancy:  Cindy's testimony was that she stayed outside the door, and never went into the apartment or had conversation with the guys inside.  Tony says she did come in, at his invitation, and that she disparaged Casey to him and Nathan, making the "she'll leave you high and dry" statement.

So anyway, here are some excerpts I dug up, from Amy's and Tony's transcripts, to compare to the story that Cindy recounted under oath yesterday.  After all, Amy and Tony are the other two eyewitnesses to what happened that night (besides the tight-lipped Casey, that is).  Amy used the word "yelling."  Tony called the incident "an altercation."  Somehow I don't believe Cindy's version is an accurate reflection of what really happened that night... See what you think:


Amy Huizenga’s interview with OCSO on July 23, 2008, Page 19, Lines 19-23.  Amy is describing what happened on July 15, 2008, after Cindy had picked her up at the Florida Mall, so that Amy could direct Cindy to Tony’s apartment to find Casey:

“Um, and when I knocked on the door --- we decided that I should knock on the door and she would wait around the corner, just so Casey would answer – um, they actually told me, “Come in!” so I opened the door, motioned her mom over, and I kind of motioned Casey out, and her mom stood on the corner – well, I actually kind of got trapped in the corner next to them for a minute when – then, I finally escaped.”

Amy Huizenga’s interview with OCSO on July 16, 2008, Page 40:

4   AH: And I mean I heard everything. Even when I finally, because I got, initially got in
5   the corner. Was like in the corner because I had pretty much knocked on the
6   door to get Casey to come out. Motioned her mom over and got stuck in a
7   corner for a few minutes with them yelling like right here.
And I finally wiggled my
8   way to go sit on the stairs, but I mean they're my ride. I couldn't go to terribly far.
9   DR: Uh-hum (affirmative).

Like Amy, Tony also remembers the situation at his apartment that night as a loud altercation between Cindy and Casey.  He remembers that Cindy told Casey to get all her things, and that it was Casey who refused to do so, saying that she would be coming back later.  Not only that, but Cindy never asked Tony or Nathan that night whether they knew where Caylee was, or when they had seen Caylee last, or whether she had been staying with them, or whether they had ever even met Caylee.  She didn’t mention Caylee to them at all while she was at Tony’s apartment.  In fact, Tony had no idea that Cindy was even looking for Caylee until Lee called him later that night, introduced himself, and told him that Caylee was missing.

Tony Lazzaro’s interview with OCSO on July 22, 2008, Pages 30-32:

(Page 30)
8   AL: [..] Actually what
9   happened was I was just sitting there with my roommate uh, Nathan. We were
10   playing video games and she, and Casey was sitting there at the couch also, on
11   the laptop. And then all of a sudden uhm, there was a knock on the door and I
12   said, "Come in." And there was Amy just standing there with a miserable face

13   and we were, we were both looked confused. And then Casey then proceeded
14   to go outside and was, me and my roommate went back to playing video games.
15   Uhm then I would say about a half hour later uhm, Casey and her mother,
16   Cynthia Anthony, came to the door, Casey stormed in and looked like she was in
17   tears. Uhm, and her mom said, "Get your things. Let, you're, you're coming with
18   me." And Casey said, "No, I'm coming back." She said, "Okay, but I'm coming
19   back." And she goes, "No, get all your things."
And then uh, the grandmother
20   said uh, made a comment to me while I was sitting on the couch, because she
21   was waiting at the door and I said, uh, yeah (affirmative), hello, you know,
22   because I never, I've seen pictures of the woman, but I never met her. So I was
23   saying, you know, being friendly. Like you know, "Hello. You can come in." Like
24   because she was waiting at the door. And uhm, she came in and she goes, "I
25   hope you're rich because Casey's going to take all your money and leave you

(Page 31)
1   high and dry." And me and my roommate were just looking at her like, like,
2   what? What? I have no, what are, what are you talking about? Like because I
3   had no idea about uh, her with I guess the money. I guess the whole situation
4   with the mother, Amy and Casey were about the money situation. Uhm, I guess
5   that's what they talked about because that's why I guess Amy was there with the
6   grandmother. Uhm, but uh, so that happened. She said that and then Casey
7   said, "Shut up," and they, she stormed outside and the grandmother followed her.

8   And ....
9   EE: The grandmother ever mention the child at that point?
10   AL: No. That was well she made a, she said, she yelled at Casey, made that
11   comment to me, and they both walked out the door.
Then I was in the dark for
12   about I don't know, two hours. And I figured, it was around eight o'clock, a little
13   bit after eight o'clock because I remember I started watching the All Star game.
14   And I was you know, worried. And I gave, I went to go text Casey and then
15   realized, because her phone went off, that her phone was still at my place. So I
16   checked her phone to find Amy's number because I saw Amy there. And I said,
17   and I called up Amy to find out what was, just to go what was going on between
18   the two. And I guess the three of them were, I thought it was just between the
19   mom and Casey. And then she then told me that she uh, took money from her
20   through her checkbook.
21   EE: Did Amy ever mention the baby being missing ....
22   AL: Uh ....
23   EE: ... at that time?
24   AL: Not at that time. I then received a call after that, maybe twenty to, twenty
25   minutes to a half an hour from an unknown number that in, I mean it wasn't, it

(Page 32)
1   didn't show up unknown, but it showed up a 407 number. And uh, it was uh,
2   Casey's brother, Lee. He addressed himself uhm, introduced himself on the
3   phone and told me what was going on. How she admitted to him that she didn't
4   know where Caylee was and that she hasn't seen Caylee for thirty-one days.
5   And after that everything went downhill.
6   EE: And you haven't seen Casey face-to-face since?
7   AL: I haven't seen her since the altercation she had with her mother at my apartment.

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #588 on: July 16, 2010, 11:53:38 PM »

--self-snipped by Desi--The guy in the blue shirt and yellow tie was identified yesterday by someone posting at WS as a producer guy from ABC, IIRC.  That makes sense, if he was sitting with Jim L. in court, and if all the A's and Brad gave him big smiles and back-pats after the hearing.  Can't prove it now, b/c I can't find the post at WS any longer (I did look).  Not sure if I am just overlooking the post, or if it was removed... posts tend to disappear "over there" sometimes... Maybe someone who is a member over there could search and find it?
If yellow tie guy is from ABC I am wondering what they sold now?  Cindy was very happy to see him, almost beeming which was a sharp contrast to the hunched shouldered dowdy demeanour she had earlier. 
Seriously!  What a transformation that was.  And I did not remember seeing it, but read a post somewhere (here?) that George too, who had been scowling and frowning through the entire hearing, lit up with a big smile when he greeted this guy afterwards, as well.  Maybe they were thanking him for footing the bill for the Ritz stay and the the crab puff dinner?  I'm with you, it makes me suspicious about the big-money deals that may be in the works.  Poor Caylee!!

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Northern Rose
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« Reply #589 on: July 16, 2010, 11:53:55 PM »

Jim L is the founder of a company at this link

The top image of all the people, man at the end on the right.  Does he look like he could be the yellow tie guy?
Northern Rose
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« Reply #590 on: July 16, 2010, 11:56:23 PM »

--self-snipped by Desi--The guy in the blue shirt and yellow tie was identified yesterday by someone posting at WS as a producer guy from ABC, IIRC.  That makes sense, if he was sitting with Jim L. in court, and if all the A's and Brad gave him big smiles and back-pats after the hearing.  Can't prove it now, b/c I can't find the post at WS any longer (I did look).  Not sure if I am just overlooking the post, or if it was removed... posts tend to disappear "over there" sometimes... Maybe someone who is a member over there could search and find it?
If yellow tie guy is from ABC I am wondering what they sold now?  Cindy was very happy to see him, almost beeming which was a sharp contrast to the hunched shouldered dowdy demeanour she had earlier. 
Seriously!  What a transformation that was.  And I did not remember seeing it, but read a post somewhere (here?) that George too, who had been scowling and frowning through the entire hearing, lit up with a big smile when he greeted this guy afterwards, as well.  Maybe they were thanking him for footing the bill for the Ritz stay and the the crab puff dinner?  I'm with you, it makes me suspicious about the big-money deals that may be in the works.  Poor Caylee!!

Thank you for finding that Desi  an angelic monkey  I am on a mission to figure out who he is now. Cindy looked happy enough to share her chili recipe with him!
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #591 on: July 17, 2010, 12:14:20 AM »

Jim L is the founder of a company at this link

The top image of all the people, man at the end on the right.  Does he look like he could be the yellow tie guy?
So hard to tell in a small b/w pic that might be old.  I found this little gallery of the same peeps, with color thumbnail portraits of each one, and a description of their specialties within the company.  Did you see it?  From this, I'm thinking it's not him.

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
Northern Rose
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« Reply #592 on: July 17, 2010, 12:21:29 AM »

Jim L is the founder of a company at this link

The top image of all the people, man at the end on the right.  Does he look like he could be the yellow tie guy?
So hard to tell in a small b/w pic that might be old.  I found this little gallery of the same peeps, with color thumbnail portraits of each one, and a description of their specialties within the company.  Did you see it?  From this, I'm thinking it's not him.

I agree, not the same guy in the colour image.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #593 on: July 17, 2010, 12:23:25 AM »

Jim L is the founder of a company at this link

The top image of all the people, man at the end on the right.  Does he look like he could be the yellow tie guy?

Threw this together for you. Top two are Dr. Michael Breen from the website.

The other images are from court yesterday.

Very well could be him, older and heavier. I say probably same guy.

You make the call Wink

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #594 on: July 17, 2010, 12:28:22 AM »

Why did Cindy follow George home after she had left work to get $$$ for the towyard charges, and to take George to pick up the Pontiac that day?  (Two years ago today.) Why did she not take George there to pick up the Pontiac, chew out the towyard employees because she had to cough up so much money, see that George got the Pontiac started, and then head back to work where she belonged?

Since the discovery that the Pontiac had been abandoned and towed meant that harm might have befallen Casey and/or Caylee, why didn't Cindy call work and say, I have a life or death emergency and won't be back today?

Or, since George recognized that awful smell at the towyard, why didn't he call 911 IMMEDIATELY instead of driving it off the property with all the windows down, in the rain?  Why didn't he tell Cindy right then and there, that the car smells like a dead body, so we can't drive it away; we have to call the police right now?  Why didn't they call 911 like any normal person would have done under the circumstances?

Another thing:  Correct me if I am wrong, but IIRC, Cindy was not asked today about the text message she sent to Casey at 4:27pm that afternoon (after getting the car home, hiding it in the garage, sending George back to work, and proceeding to meddle with evidence in the murder of her granddaughter), which read,


Cindy lied a lot today.  One of the biggest lies was about what she told Amy on July 15, 2008, after picking her up so that Amy could lead her to Tony's apartment where Casey was staying.  Cindy knows good and well that in that conversation, she described to Amy how she and George had discovered Casey's car that day, and that it smelled like a dead body.  She told Amy that she and George were afraid when they opened the trunk, that the smell might mean that Casey's and/or Caylee's dead body might be in that trunk.  She perjured herself today about this conversation. 

I think Cindy has also lied about believing Casey's story that Zanny took Caylee.  She knew Casey was a habitual liar.  She knew Casey had been lying to her the whole time that Caylee was "missing."  If Cindy truly believed there was such a person as Zanny, and believed that Caylee was with Zanny, why would she have believed Casey's made-up story that Zanny had taken Caylee 31 days before?  If Casey had dropped off Caylee with Zanny and then not been able to locate or call Zanny after that, how could Cindy just assume that it was a kidnapping?  That Zanny "took" Caylee?  There was never any ransom note; never any communication from Zanny.  All she "knew" was that according to Casey, Caylee was STILL ALIVE, because Casey had received a call THAT VERY DAY (what a coincidence, right?) from Caylee.  Why would Cindy believe pathological liar Casey that Caylee called that day, that Caylee was still alive, and that Zanny had 'stolen' Caylee 31 days earlier?  She would NOT, IMO.  I think she lied about this, too.

There is one other thing I am thinking about:  It has always bothered me a great deal, that Cindy did not question Tony and Nathan when she barged into their apartment that day supposedly desperately searching for Caylee.  Nor did she bother to ask Tony if she could search his apartment for Caylee or Caylee's toys or belongings or any clues that Caylee might have been staying there.  It seems as if she already KNEW that Casey was there, but that Caylee was NOT.  Why would Cindy have assumed that?  It bothers me.

Deenie, thank you for the sweet picture of Caylee.   

Hi, Desi!  Great Post!  You're right on so many counts here.  Cindy did, in fact, perjure herself here.  She thought she was going to get away with the "I can't remember"(s) and the "I'm not sure" (s).  Praise God, LDB was fully prepared for that and her!  As you said, all of us would have called 911 from the tow yard.
I bolded your comment in purple above because in reading it, I had a new thought. The A's had just picked up Casey's abandoned, dead body smelling car (no disrespect to Caylee intended, bluntness intended for Cindy), brought it home, and began going through it.  How did Cindy know Casey was alive to text message her?  What made Cindy think Casey was alive?  After all, they had a decomp car with Caylee's carseat, the doll she was never without, Caylee's backpack, a few pull-ups, Casey's purse & lanyard (or so Cindy says and seems to make a majorly big deal about for some odd reason-IMO), Casey's pants and shoes, a knife, and some seemingly miscellaneous trash.  What did Cindy find in the car (or not find in the car) that made her so sure Casey was alive to get her text message?  Did Cindy check Casey's Facebook, Myspace, e-mails for activity?  Did Lee when George called him?  Something assured Cindy that Casey was not the one in danger or missing either.  What???  Was is that Casey's backpack wasn't in the car?  Was Casey's ID missing from the purse?  Or was it that everything in the car pertained to Caylee primarily, with the doll and the stinking pants left as a message?  Has Cindy been omitting something from "Day One" that she found in the car?  Why was the lanyard such a sticking point for her (of all things)? She was more concerned about that lanyard than Caylee's Mama doll...Why?  Something's not right here.
ITA with you about Cindy & the Zanny story.  IMO, as much as Cindy lies and has an answer for everything (and knowing full well the circumstances around Casey leaving the house the last time with Caylee) and her knowing Casey's propensity for lying, it's ludicrous that Cindy would believe the Zanny-took-Caylee-31 days ago story.  Cindy's  too cagey to be that dumb.  Seriously, these people specialize in doublespeak, deception, and game playing (the escalating 911 calls for example).  IMO, Cindy consciously (or subconsciously) latched onto Casey's story lie because she already knew Caylee was dead and Casey had killed her.  JMO

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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #595 on: July 17, 2010, 12:28:50 AM »

I heard or read that Tom Luka, Lee's attorney, attended the hearing, so I double-checked a pic of Luka.  He is NOT the yellow-tie guy... posting this in case anyone else had the same thought.
(scroll down to the "L's" for Luka.)


Whoa, Brandi, thank you so much for that helpful little montage!
Older, grayer, heavier... I'm not convinced, not certain, but maybe it COULD be him; I'll keep looking.

I come here for the children, not to stroke someone's ego.  --Darla, 12/14/09
« Reply #596 on: July 17, 2010, 07:48:20 AM »
Casey Anthony: Defense ‘hanging hopes’ on prison inmate, WFTV reports
Caylee and Casey Anthony, George and Cindy Anthony, Jose Baez, WESH, WFTV, WKMG, WOFL — posted by halboedeker on July, 16 2010 6:35 PM Discuss This: Comments(1) | Add to | Digg it
New in the Casey Anthony case:

Anthony attorney “Jose Baez is hanging his hopes on a state prison inmate,” WFTV-Ch. 9 anchor Bob Opsahl said in introducing a report tonight.

The inmate is Robin Lunceford, and she says that Anthony’s jail pals Robyn Adams and Maya Derkovic “made up incriminating stories” about Anthony, WFTV’s Kathi Belich reported.

Baez has asked Judge Belvin Perry to seal a phone call, recorded by the prison between him and Lunceford.

“One of the first lessons the defense learned in this case was there’s no expectation of privacy in either a correctional facility or a jail,” WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said.

But WKMG-Ch. 6’s Mike DeForest reported that Baez is fighting the call’s release because he didn’t know he was being recorded. “He believes that it would be illegal to release that audio to the public,” DeForest said.

Then DeForest explained there’s typically an announcement that a call is being recorded when an inmate speaks to someone.

“In his motion, Jose Baez points out that the inmate actually called his assistant and the assistant transferred the call to his cell phone,” DeForest said. “It’s unclear whether the prison told the assistant, and the assistant didn’t tell Jose Baez, or the prison didn’t notify them at all.”

Anchor Lauren Rowe observed, “Just when you think there couldn’t be another twist or turn in this case.”

Who is Lunceford? A career criminal, an armed robber who has used many aliases, an inmate who has been
disciplined often and someone who has inserted herself in high-profile cases, Belich reported.

The stations also were studying Thursday’s hearing, where Lee Anthony and Cindy Anthony testified.

WOFL-Ch. 35’s Holly Bristow talked to Anthony family attorney Brad Conway about Cindy’s statement that she believes granddaughter Caylee is alive. Echoing comments he made this morning on “Today,” Conway said, “The grieving process is different for everybody. And acceptance, I think, is probably one of the most difficult parts of grieving. And she’s doing amazingly well for what she’s been through.” 

WESH-Ch. 2’s Amanda Ober talked to a mental health counselor about Cindy’s I-believe-Caylee-is-alive statement. What’s up with that? “I really don’t know of anyone who could go through all she has gone through and not need help,” counselor Jim West said.

And what of Lee’s mouthing “I love you” at his sister, causing her to weep?

“It sounds to me that he was trying to forgive her, and when she burst into tears, that to me looked like she was feeling guilty,” West said. In letters to a jail pen pal, Casey Anthony accused her brother of sexually abusing her.

You may not be a mental health counselor, but feel free to draw your own conclusion. There’s so much speculation in this case.

WFTV also reported that the Anthony defense team canceled depostitions today with three Orange County sheriff’s investigators and hadn’t given a reason for the cancellation.

BOZO KNOWS all prison calls are recorded, who is he trying to fool!  and it didn't take Kathi long to find out about that call....   GO KATHI! GO KATHI!

Catching Up here.........

You are absolutely right, Miss Sunny! AND.......... not only does Bozo know it, the recording that plays when you accept the call from a correctional facility STATES that the call may be recorded. When you accept the call ( required by pressing a # per instructions) you accept and acknowledge the fact your conversation may be recorded.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #597 on: July 17, 2010, 12:54:06 AM »

--self-snipped by Desi--The guy in the blue shirt and yellow tie was identified yesterday by someone posting at WS as a producer guy from ABC, IIRC.  That makes sense, if he was sitting with Jim L. in court, and if all the A's and Brad gave him big smiles and back-pats after the hearing.  Can't prove it now, b/c I can't find the post at WS any longer (I did look).  Not sure if I am just overlooking the post, or if it was removed... posts tend to disappear "over there" sometimes... Maybe someone who is a member over there could search and find it?
If yellow tie guy is from ABC I am wondering what they sold now?  Cindy was very happy to see him, almost beeming which was a sharp contrast to the hunched shouldered dowdy demeanour she had earlier. 
Seriously!  What a transformation that was.  And I did not remember seeing it, but read a post somewhere (here?) that George too, who had been scowling and frowning through the entire hearing, lit up with a big smile when he greeted this guy afterwards, as well.  Maybe they were thanking him for footing the bill for the Ritz stay and the the crab puff dinner?  I'm with you, it makes me suspicious about the big-money deals that may be in the works.  Poor Caylee!!

Thank you for finding that Desi  an angelic monkey  I am on a mission to figure out who he is now. Cindy looked happy enough to share her chili recipe with him!

You guys and Brandi too with the pics downstream, are great!  Cindy's constant companion Jim L has been a source of many thoughts running through my head for a long time. especially since her lawyer is also by her side also leads me to believe that most definately there is a big deal in the wings. I think that it will be portrayed from the poor pitiful grandmother's viewpoint. The sightings coincided with the uncharacteristic quiet from Sinsin. She had to begin to repair her image. She had to start the revisionist storyline. She had to try and come across human instead of the "doberman on a lunge line".

All the outrageous things that have happened like the River/George deal, the foreclosure, the sickeningly sweet letters, the many many morning show appearances will play great in a movie of the week. Conman is right in on it. How else does he babysit these two without going broke or nuts?  It's going to happen and Cindy will laugh her way to the bank, same as Bozo.  Her performance yesterday was exactly the downtrodden, beaten woman with the barest thread of hope against hope that these networks thrive on.
Funny, even after the barrage of negative feedback ABC got for paying for a murder victims pictures by the accused killer, they make no attempt to keep a distance at the hearings.  It's as if they all are daring anyone to say anything.  Cindy is getting ready for her close up, there oughta be a law
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #598 on: July 17, 2010, 12:55:14 AM »

Another thing which brings Aspergers to mind recently was the story that KC told about awaking and finding Lee in her room with a flashlight shining on the walls. Many people with Aspergers seem to be fascinated with lights and he if he did fondle her, that would also fit because he would have been very delayed in the sexual sense. To som eone delayed like that a family member would feel safer than an outside female. It is just the nature of the disorder.

Then we go to my "theory" of them all going to throw George under bus before this is all over. In a secret family system, ONE child will always act out the family secret. If Lee was developmentally slow, and he knew that George had been molesting KC, then he would automatically try to mimic his father because he would not understand the dynamics of something like that yet.

Turbo- Reading your post made me think...If (just supposing), Lee did go to Casey's room and fondle her in some regard and Casey told Cindy, would Cindy's response been flat-out denial (angering Casey and fueling the power struggle) or something more along the lines of dismissal ("It's Lee.  Casey, you know Lee.  He didn't know what he was doing.").  I'm leaning toward Lee's never really had his own friends (Aspergers) and Casey being his only friend/confidante/co-conspirator against the parents kind of thing, and possibly *first love*, due to lack of normal boundaries.  I'm thinking Casey's basically manipulated Lee most of his life into thinking he's her hero, defender, and building him up to be oh-so-smart.  Hence his memorial C-M-A speech comment "Each day you give me the ability to be weak or to be strong.".   IMO, she's more than likely acted as his defender in school and social settings.  The roles were reversed and she likely allowed him to "tag along" sometimes, made him feel "cool" and "included".  This would explain his illogical, irrational, unnatural, and excessive loyalty to Casey.  IMO, he latched onto Casey and she manipulated that to her advantage.  I wouldn't be surprised if Lee was jealous of Caylee or was simply ambivalent towards her.  He shared no detailed personal memories of Caylee, nor how she impacted his life in any shape or form.  That's abnormal.  I believe the only tie he had to Caylee was Casey. JMO

Forecast for the Day:
God is reigning and the Son is shining.
« Reply #599 on: July 17, 2010, 07:56:49 AM »
Casey Anthony: Defense ‘hanging hopes’ on prison inmate, WFTV reports
Caylee and Casey Anthony, George and Cindy Anthony, Jose Baez, WESH, WFTV, WKMG, WOFL — posted by halboedeker on July, 16 2010 6:35 PM Discuss This: Comments(1) | Add to | Digg it
New in the Casey Anthony case:

Anthony attorney “Jose Baez is hanging his hopes on a state prison inmate,” WFTV-Ch. 9 anchor Bob Opsahl said in introducing a report tonight.

The inmate is Robin Lunceford, and she says that Anthony’s jail pals Robyn Adams and Maya Derkovic “made up incriminating stories” about Anthony, WFTV’s Kathi Belich reported.

Baez has asked Judge Belvin Perry to seal a phone call, recorded by the prison between him and Lunceford.

“One of the first lessons the defense learned in this case was there’s no expectation of privacy in either a correctional facility or a jail,” WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said.

But WKMG-Ch. 6’s Mike DeForest reported that Baez is fighting the call’s release because he didn’t know he was being recorded. “He believes that it would be illegal to release that audio to the public,” DeForest said.

Then DeForest explained there’s typically an announcement that a call is being recorded when an inmate speaks to someone.

“In his motion, Jose Baez points out that the inmate actually called his assistant and the assistant transferred the call to his cell phone,” DeForest said. “It’s unclear whether the prison told the assistant, and the assistant didn’t tell Jose Baez, or the prison didn’t notify them at all.”

Anchor Lauren Rowe observed, “Just when you think there couldn’t be another twist or turn in this case.”

Who is Lunceford? A career criminal, an armed robber who has used many aliases, an inmate who has been
disciplined often and someone who has inserted herself in high-profile cases, Belich reported.

The stations also were studying Thursday’s hearing, where Lee Anthony and Cindy Anthony testified.

WOFL-Ch. 35’s Holly Bristow talked to Anthony family attorney Brad Conway about Cindy’s statement that she believes granddaughter Caylee is alive. Echoing comments he made this morning on “Today,” Conway said, “The grieving process is different for everybody. And acceptance, I think, is probably one of the most difficult parts of grieving. And she’s doing amazingly well for what she’s been through.” 

WESH-Ch. 2’s Amanda Ober talked to a mental health counselor about Cindy’s I-believe-Caylee-is-alive statement. What’s up with that? “I really don’t know of anyone who could go through all she has gone through and not need help,” counselor Jim West said.

And what of Lee’s mouthing “I love you” at his sister, causing her to weep?

“It sounds to me that he was trying to forgive her, and when she burst into tears, that to me looked like she was feeling guilty,” West said. In letters to a jail pen pal, Casey Anthony accused her brother of sexually abusing her.

You may not be a mental health counselor, but feel free to draw your own conclusion. There’s so much speculation in this case.

WFTV also reported that the Anthony defense team canceled depostitions today with three Orange County sheriff’s investigators and hadn’t given a reason for the cancellation.

BOZO KNOWS all prison calls are recorded, who is he trying to fool!  and it didn't take Kathi long to find out about that call....   GO KATHI! GO KATHI!

Catching Up here.........

You are absolutely right, Miss Sunny! AND.......... not only does Bozo know it, the recording that plays when you accept the call from a correctional facility STATES that the call may be recorded. When you accept the call ( required by pressing a # per instructions) you accept and acknowledge the fact your conversation may be recorded.

Here's Casey's first call from jail. Listen carefully to the recording at the start.........
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