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Author Topic: WATT'S UP WITH THIS? STEPH WATTS & TIM MILLER 9/19/2010 (PARTIAL) TRANSCRIPT  (Read 12113 times)
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« on: September 24, 2010, 02:13:25 AM »

I've only transcribed portions of the show that referred to Beth Holloway and/or the Natalee Holloway Case, along with other segments of my choosing.  Much of the show's discussion centered around the Caylee Anthony case.

I'm sure there are mistakes and/or typo's and misspellings.  Please forgive those.  

For a full understanding of the show and the statements made; the podcast is available for downloading at:


I'm posting what I was able to finish this evening tonight and will post the rest when I finish it either tomorrow evening or Saturday.

Steph Watts: Good evening.  Face to face with Joran van der Sloot.  What really went on when Natalee Holloway’s mother confronted Joran van der Sloot in a Peruvian jail?  Was Beth Holloway on a journey for justice for her murdered daughter; or a mission for money?  

Joining me is Texas Equusearch founder, Tim Miller.  But first breaking news, we just learned Dave Holloway due to the stress of this case and what’s happened to his daughter collapsed on a boat.  He is now hospitalized, uhh Robin’s on her way to the hospital and uhh Tim tell us..Tim what’s happening with Dave?

Tim Miller:  Well they was actually fishing trying to get away and relax a little bit in Louisiana (Falker Louisiana) and I got a call very late last night from Robin and they was afraid Dave had a heart attack.  Ummm he is going to be getting out of the hospital tonight and then Robin is taking him to a cardiologist tomorrow.  Uhhh we’re hoping it was just heat exhaustion uhhh combined with uhhh the stress of what he’s going through and but you know what we know stress can cause many illnesses and uhh heart problems is one of them.  So let’s just keep Dave in our prayers and our thoughts and uhhh umm you know for a quick recovery...once again let’s just hope uhhh this is just uhhh exhaustion and stress related and there’s no long term effects from it.  So again, you know I talked to Robin several times today and uhh Dave has became just a real real close friend of mine, uhhh I regret not meeting Dave Holloway twenty years ago you know and I just love him as a person and for what he’s gone through and I’m there to support him.

Steph Watts:  O.K., you guys are like brothers and I remember when all three of us were together in Aruba, uhhh Dave was on pins and needles, his stress level was high, again and with all the happenings this week and you as the father of a murdered child understand it makes it like it’s yesterday again and all over every single time correct?  So I can just imagine what Dave’s going through.

Tim Miller:  Uhhh yeah, and I mean Dave is a very, very strong person, uhhh Dave uhhh certainly has a lot of faith and uhhh is a very God fearing person and uhhh I think the support he gets from uhhh all his friends and supporters and the trust he has in God and stuff is the only thing that’s gotten Dave through it as well as he’s gotten through it and I give him a big pat on the back and an A+.  He’s stayed very very humble through this whole thing...very, very focused and ummm he’s been very, very patient and again he’s...I’m just very, very proud to say that Dave’s my friend and ummm and certainly right now I’ve got concerns about his health.  And again I know everybody...you know keep him in your prayers and uhhh let’s all work together to get through this.

Steph Watts:  Absolutely, everybody that’s Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch.  Our hearts and prayers go out to Dave Holloway tonight, hospitalized.  Hopefully he’ll be out tomorrow.  Dave, we’re all thinking about you, we know how stressful a time this is.  Tim Miller, thank you for joining us.  I’m Steph Watts, host of Watt’s Up With This?  Tonight Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch speaks out.  


Tim Miller:  You know we have nearly turned Casey Anthony and Joran van der Sloot into celebrities with all this money the media has given them.  Uhhh you know, we’ll talk about that one later Steph. (laughing)

Steph Watts:  And Tim you know I’m writing my book The Cottage Industry of Murder, we’ve turned missing children into entertainment, we’ve turned murderers into celebrities, we pay them money to continue to finance their crimes; it’s despicable.  And I have organizations like you and tons of other wonderful organizations that are starving to death for money.  Everyone I don’t want to turn this into Jerry Lewis Telethon but if you can donate any money to Texas Equusearch, please go to their website (snip) You know they’re a wonderful organization.  I’m proud to call Tim Miller my friend, he’s like a brother to me as is Dave...I’m worried sick about Dave tonight and uhhh I really appreciate you being here and filling us in on what’s going on.  Ummm I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore (both laughing).

Tim Miller:  I’m mad too and you know what Steph, I want the Caylee Anthony and Natalee Holloway cases to go away.  (Talks about Valerie Hamilton case)  But you know what..still...I don’t know why...I don’t know why...Casey Anthony and Beth Holloway are the big stories.  People, you need to get somethin’...Caylee and Natalee are not the only two people that have ever been abducted and murdered.  Those are not the only two people that have suffered.

Steph Watts:  I agree Tim, and Tim Miller, the more time we waste and I’m guilty as charged talking about these two is time we’re not talking about cases like what you just mentioned.  Time, and you know the first 48 hours is the most crucial time.  It’s time we could be talking about missing children, missing people that need help right now.

Tim Miller:  Right now, not five years down the road, now.  Right now.

Steph Watts:  And everybody...Tim Miller is constantly updating his website and has all these cases, not all the cases but as many as he can get up there as quickly as he can get them up there.  Visit his website.


Tim Miller:  We’re searchers, we let the investigators do their job...


Steph Watts:  And I want to explain to everybody what I thought was really interesting in spending some time with you which I so enjoyed over the last year as we worked on a project together and that was right before we actually left for Aruba.  Tim, coincidentally we happened to be in Dave’s hometown...strictly coincidentally...and I went along with you...filming you and doing some work on a sh..a..a.. you were searching for an unfortunate cat that...an older man that had committed suicide and you guys skimmed the pond...and skimmed the pond...and skimmed the pond.  You know everybody...the police had skimmed the pond and everybody’d skimmed the pond.  And you know you guys decided to lower the pond and there the poor guy was standing straight up and the sonar equipment missed him, you went over it a hundred times, because of the position of the body.  The connection here Tim is it’s not uncommon for stuff to get missed.  Sometimes stuff can be right under our nose, we’ve all done it...I can’t find my glasses, my glasses are on my head.  

(Talk about Caylee Anthony case)

Another appeal for money...

Steph Watts:  People coming up we’re gonna talk about Beth Holloway, what’s been going on this week.

(Continue talking about Caylee Anthony)

Steph Watts:  Moving on...this week Beth Holloway face to face with Joran van der Sloot.  What really went on in that Peruvian jail?  Then...called to Aruba, Beth Holloway and Peter DeVries are allegedly called by Prosecutors to get their butts over to Aruba because they may have interfered with an ongoing investigation.  Tim Miller, I know you’re knee deep in this case as well.  What is going on?  From what I understand Tim, Beth...and listen...I’m getting a lot of emails, people saying I’m being hard on Beth.  I’m not being hard on Beth, I understand and I know you do...the passion of a mother of a missing child.  She’ll do anything to get answers, but Tim, why do you have to bring a media crew along?  Why do you have to allegedly be paid to do this and other stuff?  That’s what my issue is with Beth.  I have no disrespect for her, I understand she wants answers.  She was infuriated by his interview that he did, again, Tim Miller, was sold to NBC news...they paid money for that, they didn’t hand them , they didn’t get it for free.  Somebody made money on that I’m sure his mother did to pay for his defense.  Ummm so Tim Miller what are your thoughts on that?

Tim Miller:  You know what I’m trying to digest that whole thing Steph you know I’ve...like I said I was going to Alabama and I was actually in Meridian Mississippi, in Dave’s town when I got the phone call that Flores had been murdered and Joran van der Sloot was a suspect.  And I was like “Oh my God, I can’t believe it”, so I called Dave up and then we went down to Alabama and we did that search and I was only probably less than seven miles away from Beth and I called Beth, and she never did return my phone call; and I’m sure she was you know certainly tied up with things after the Stephany Flores deal.  And then I uhhh...I ended up in uhhh...remember you got the uhhh...the map that Joran van der Sloot drew.

Steph Watts:  Let me explain everybody.  I was in contact with a friend of Joran van der Sloot’s back in Holland.  He had contacted me with a hand drawn map that Joran had drawn allegedly saying what he had done with Natalee Holloway’s body.  Yet another story in the trilogy, or whatever it is in the millions of stories that Joran van der Sloot has told.  We had the map long before Nancy Grace aired the map, long before anyone else had the map we had the map, and decided upon Dave’s request not to publicize it because he didn’t want you know all the attention on us.


Steph Watts: Let’s jump back to the Beth Holloway case.  So Tim, I just want to paint the landscape for everybody.  Beth decides, unbenounced to everybody including her own attorney, John Q. Kelly to go to Peruvian jail.  There’s reports that night that Beth Holloway’s arrested, the reports were false, Beth was not arrested...she didn’t just walk into the Peruvian jail.  She obviously was allowed in, she had permission.  I think from what I understand Tim, the gray area is they probably didn’t realize she had brought Peter DeVries who was the ummm reporter, journalist from The Netherlands who was the one who broke the story ...got the tape of Joran van der Sloot confessing inside the car, inside the Range Rover in a tape we saw a few years back.  She was with him from what we’ve learned; we’ve tried to put the pieces of this puzzle together...that Beth was being paid by him.  They somehow managed to sneak a camera in which I don’t understand that because even Jean Casaraz from TruTV went through how detailed you have to get...you know go through the security camera.  It’s a prison; we have to get rid of our cell phones when we go to court here with cameras.  Somehow allegedly they got a camera through...uhhh into the Peruvian jail.  (?) and got an interview with Joran van der Sloot.  Here’s the problem Tim Miller, this is the issue I’m gonna have with that.  That interview is going to be sold.  It’s going to go to the highest bidder (Tim, big sigh)and I understand the intentions of Beth were for her to try to get answers, but then why do it on camera?

Tim Miller:  You know what Steph...I have to agree.  I was hoping that we wouldn’t have to touch on that subject, but you know what I’ve gotten many many other calls and emails on this and I think...let’s go back to the map.  Remember when we went to Aruba, we did not let anybody know that we were going uhhh because we went to go ahead and look at that area just to see if by chance maybe this time Joran van der Sloot was telling the truth, and possibly it was Natalee at this spot.  Media found out we was there but you know what Steph, we stayed in a house...they could not find us in any motels.  We did absolutely no media stuff on it uhhh and I think we did it uhhh only for the best interest of Natalee.  You know Dave came over there and uhhh and I remember meeting with the two FBI agents out of Alabama, then I remember meeting with the uhhh lead FBI agent out of Barbados.  Uhhh Dave was gone just about all the time with the investigators and stuff in Aruba and with the FBI.  I know that they had a plan that uhhh that they were gonna pursue and actually go to Aruba...I mean Peru and actually question Joran van der Sloot.  Uhhh I can’t uhhh share what that plan was but a tremendous amount of work has went into this, for it to be the right time and the right way to do it and everything.  And so for Beth to go over there...it’s one thing if she goes with herself and somebody else (?)  When you’re going over there and you’re taking cameras, now the reports are it’s gonna be about another documentary.  Ummm unfortunately (crosstalk) there is gonna be money involved and stuff and I..I..I..just have to totally disagree with her choice.  Totally disagree.

Steph Watts:  Tim, beyond what you just said...and people in the chat room are asking me, how could they interfere with an ongoing investigation.  Here’s how.  Beth went over there without even informing her attorney.  There’s Peruvian authorities working on this case, there’s Aruban authorities working on this case, and there’s American authorities working on this case.  People remember, he’s being charged with extortion in this country.  So, how does she interfere with an ongoing investigation?  She has no idea if they’re about to crack him, if they’re working some kind of a deal with Aruba.  If they’re working some kind of a deal...she has no idea because they don’t tell families everything.  So how does she interfere with an ongoing investigation?  She goes over there, confronts him, spooks him, scares him, gets him to tell them the story and now he doesn’t want to talk to you know the people he was talking to before.  He throws his hands up in the air and says all this is off...you guys sprung Beth on me.  That’s how she interferes with an ongoing investigation Tim Miller.  Agree or disagree?
« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 07:38:29 PM by texasmom » Logged

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2010, 12:58:45 AM »


Tim Miller:  I one hundred percent agree... I one hundred percent agree... I .. I think she should have...  Beth needs to understand, Beth is the mother, Beth is not the investigator.  I know for a fact the FBI is working this very, very hard right now, very methodical.  Uhhh they’re working very, very  close with the authorities in Aruba, they are all on the same page and ummm... were mistakes made in the very beginning?  Yes, they were, they were.. o.k. let’s face it.  But you know what everybody’s on the same page now and ummm they could have done absolutely nothing except damage all the work that’s gone into it now.  And again I would like to say I believe this is in Natalee’s best interest... and I would believe that if she wouldn’t have went over there with film crews and reports are already out it’s about another documentary.  Money’s going to be paid.  I ... I (crosstalk) It is almost like exploiting...and I know I’m going to get criticism over this but it’s only my opinion and uhhh uhhh it’s almost like... I feel like she’s exploiting Natalee’s disappearance and death for financial gain.  And I hate to say that...those are very, very hard words that just came out of my mouth. (crosstalk)  And I apologize... I apologize in advance...I apologize in advance for that but it’s kinda upsetting I mean...I ...I’ve been there too, I’ve suffered the same thing.  Uhhh people can say that I’m doing Equusearch for the money and that ... you know there’s no money in this...there’s no money in this. (crosstalk by the idiot)  You know I’m still doing construction and I’m still doing maintenance on four different shopping centers.  I, myself, personally put over six thousand dollars into Equusearch in this last month to keep the doors open.  Uhhh, I have everything that I want and everything I need.  I don’t need a big house, I’ve got a little fifteen hundred square foot house that’s thirty five years old...and...(interrupted)

Steph Watts:  Tim let me ask you this... I want to ask you this... a couple of tough questions.  First of all, I’ve always said three people have profited off of Natalee Holloway’s murder; her murderer, the media, and her own mother.  Let me ask you this Tim, What’s the name of Beth Holloway’s organization?

Tim Miller:  I don’t even know.

Steph Watts:  Beth Holloway has an organization in the name of her daughter.  You’ve spent countless hours in Aruba, traveling, working on this case.

Tim Miller:  Nine different times, nine different...nine different trips to Aruba.  You know what...

Steph Watts:  How much money?

Tim Miller:  Oh my God...Louis Schaefer...when we went over there for three weeks...ended up there almost three months in the deep water search.  Spent...put a million dollar budget on it...spent 1.8 million.  I’ve been there nine different times...(interrupted)

Steph Watts:  1.8 million?

Tim Miller: 1.8 million, I.8 million...let me tell you this...there’s way, way, way over two million dollars and then you know when we was over there searching... anybody can say what they want about Aruba but you know what...they gave us free motel rooms, they gave us free meals, they did everything to accommodate us...to help us out when we was doing the search for Natalee.  And then uhhh I certainly would not support the boycott.  And you know what Steph, I’m gonna say this...I’m gonna say this and I get out of line when I get fired up ... every once in a while I get out of line...(Steph cackling laughter) But this case has been so focused on so very, very, very, much over five years.  If Beth really wants to make a difference and help people...you know we had more people disappear in the United States of America in the last twenty four hours... do you hear this ... twenty four hours, than Aruba has in their entire history.  This was a very isolated incident, I will not boycott Aruba.  The last time we was in Aruba, they was just friendly with us again and... and uhhh my Gd you know what let’s start at home to try to make a change.  Yes my sympathy goes out to Dave and Beth and everybody involved but when you start putting some money in the pockets, uhhh I don’t get it.

Steph Watts:  I agree, and everybody... I don’t know if people know this about you Tim and I’m going to reveal a little secret about you that I learned and you never talk about.  You turned down... correct me if I’m wrong on this... millions of dollars in a lawsuit from the police department in exchange for getting your daughters...

Tim Miller:  Sixteen million dollars...uhhhhh You know what...I just want...because the law enforcement uhh lied to me, they kept my daughters remains for three and a half years.  I finally got to bury her seven years after that.  I finally had the courage to go to the medical examiner’s office and umm get her autopsy reports ... and I buried her in 1989 in November... her body was found of course in February 1986 which was three more years of hell that we couldn’t bury her.  Seven years later I go to the medical examiner’s office, I get her autopsy reports in May of 1992, a League City police officer or League City detective goes to the medical examiner’s office, gets all of Laura’s remains from her shoulders to her hips and sends off to some college for research.  And then two years later they go get some more body parts.  So anyhow... uhhh I finally had to get an attorney involved, we exhumed Laura’s body, there were only twenty eight bones there, filed a lawsuit...uhhh we won.  We went...of course there was going to be appealment and I told my attorney I said listen you know what talk to their attorneys.  You know Lee Hamil who’s my attorney I said you know we did not get in this for the money, you tell them to give me the rest of Laura’s remains with the remains that I’ve got and I will walk away from this quietly.  They agreed on that of course and then we turned the remains I had and the remains they had to the University of North Texas to Doctor Gilking and I said it’s finally going to be over.  Within a week later my attorney calls me and says Tim we’ve got a new problem.  I said Lee how can we have a new problem? He said now Laura has thirty one ribs and a human body only has twenty four.  Now I’ve been through that ringer...I’ve been through that ringer, I’ve turned down money.  And you know what Steph, I also turned down money on a reality show that they wanted to do with Equusearch and it (?) big money.  Said you know what we cannot really do a reality show.  You’re not gonna turn us into Dog the Bounty Hunter and we’ve got the (protective) these families.  Law enforcement is not gonna work with us the way they work with us when there’s cameras there.  And you know what we can’t do the same stuff that we’ve been doing, and that’s going to interfere with the way we search.  You know what, we turned it down...turned it down.

Steph Watts:  I understand...I completely understand.  Here’s my question, and I want to ask you.  Has Beth Holloway ever donated any money towards Texas Equusearch from her organization which I know for a fact from which I understand made millions and millions of dollars in donations.

Tim Miller:  Can everybody just kind of read between the lines, then let’s go to the next subject.  I can say this.  Beth was supposed to come to one of our fundraisers this year.  She was supposed to come to one earlier in the year and then at the last minute had to back out and that was o.k.  And we had... you know she never travels alone...you know we had two airline tickets ummm that of course we lost.  And she was supposed to come to our other one that we had in April and the day before the Fundraiser she canceled and it was advertised all over that Beth was gonna be here.  And I’ve never forget what Beth said...she said well Tim I didn’t realize I was supposed to speak.  And I said Beth it’s not gonna be your (?) speech that you normally do on the dangers of traveling abroad, they’ve got you penciled in for four minutes just to say you know how much you appreciated Equusearch and what they did you know to try to find your daughter.  And she said well you know I get paid for speaking and it was like alright...so anyhow she wasn’t there uhh at that fundraiser so anyhow and you know I wish we wouldn’t of touched on that subject but the truth is the truth.

Steph Watts:  No, it’s not uncommon for the fa...you never ask... you’re a humble man...you never ask for anything.  But it’s not uncommon for the families that you help to secretly or privately or openly to make a donation to your organization.  That’s not uncommon.  If you’re going to look for my missing child, I’m gonna... I understand you’ve got expenses...hotels...food...travel...gas...flying people in and flying people out I mean...this stuff doesn’t happen for free.

Everybody, Tim Miller, from Texas Equusearch


Tim Miller:  I’m gonna say one other thing about our organization.  Even when we are almost penniless broke, we’ll go out there searching for somebody and we find them ...God bless them... they’re... we know this family doesn’t have much money...but they’ll send us a two hundred or a five hundred dollar check.  We return that to them.  You know they’ve already paid their dues.  You know they’ve already paid their dues, they’ve lost a loved one and so we do not expect anything in return uhhh you know we uhhh...

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2010, 02:49:43 AM »


Steph Watts:  So Tim let’s jump ahead and move on now.  I understand..what is...here are reports that after this incident... and everybody Beth was not arrested... they were obviously questioned perhaps about the camera.  Obviously she wouldn’t be arrested because they allowed her to go into the prison.  Now I’m hearing reports now that Prosecutors in Aruba were furious when they found out Beth was there and ordered her, called her and Peter DeVries and said you need to get over here to Aruba.  Is that true?

Tim Miller:  I don’t know, I don’t know.  I heard that report too, and you know Steph all the time and you know this, and I know this, and the whole world knows this; you know whenever anything like this happens, the rumors start flying around and flying around.  I did hear that she is in Aruba.

Steph Watts:  She is in Aruba...alright.  So she’s in Aruba for whatever reason.  She’s back in Aruba.  And again everybody I know I’m gonna get hit for this, I’m not being hard on Beth...she’s the mother of a murdered child, I can’t even imagine what it’s like...I don’t have a missing child.  Tim does, you’ll go to any length and Tim what you’ve gone through... I remember being in...I remember I’ll never forget this Tim with you and Dave.  We picked Dave up at the airport in Aruba and Dave wants to go directly to a graveyard, because somebody gave him a tip that his daughter’s body might have been there.  And  it’s a hundred and ninety five degrees and we’re going through a graveyard going through this way and that way because a psychic had told Dave that (his) body’s there.  And I just thought look at these two men of missing children that will go to any length...any length.

Tim Miller:  You know what, I was with Dave Holloway ahhh the year that Natalee disappeared I was with Dave Holloway on Natalee’s birthday.  And I’ll never forget, I rented a helicopter that morning because Dave was interested in some abandoned wells that were out in the middle of nowhere.  We rented the helicopter, we flew over and found...and seen them from the air.  And Natalee’s birthday Dave Holloway and I went to a hardware store and Natalee’s birthday present was a good sized metal washtub, a rope, a shovel, and a flashlight.  And on Natalee’s birthday, Dave Holloway was down in the bottom of these wells with that shovel digging stuff because he thought if Natalee was put in one of them and they probably put trash and stuff on top of her.  Shoveling these pans full and I would lift them out, dump them, and drop them back down.  And then I finally just looked at Dave down there and just wanted to cry...still do... and I said Dave get out of there...let me go down.  So I went down there for about an hour doing the digging and Dave was lifting the stuff up... and then Dave said Tim get up out of there... and I’ll never forget this...Dave threw the tub, the flashlight, the shovel, the rope down in the well and he said well you know...he said you know get me to the airport I’ve got to get off this island and I never want to return.  That was the birthday present.  Dave was in that landfill every day for two weeks digging through the trash with us...uhhh Dave went into that area in the Bird Sanctuary (?) actually got in the sea because (?) and stunk so very, very bad.  Got in the sea to go ahead and try to wash off.  We went to the motel, he washed his pants, after he took them out of the washing machine they still stunk so bad that he had to throw them away.  Dave has been out there, on...in the search and out in the mud, in the pit, and has stayed very, very humble and very, very quiet with absolutely not one camera and Dave Holloway will say Thank You to everybody that’s helped.  And I’ve been with Dave Holloway when he’s cried and I’ve been with Dave Holloway when he’s laughed.

Steph Watts: Well Tim Miller I’m gonna have to wrap the show up shortly but I’d like to say this and you don’t have to comment on this.  But I’d like to see the accounting for Beth Holloway’s foundation.  And I’m gonna leave it at that.

Tim Miller:  You know what, I have got uhhh some cases that I’ve got to go find and people’s missing loved ones so uhhh I don’t have time for that, so ya’ll keep me abreast in what’s going on with that.

(both laugh)

Steph Watts:  Hey Tim listen our last word and we’re gonna wrap up.  I really appreciate you being here.  Everybody Dave Holloway, please send out your thoughts and prayers to Dave tonight.  He’s under a lot of stress and was hospitalized, we’re hearing rumors...maybe a heart attack...hope it’s not.  We certainly send our prayers to Dave, love the man to death, he’s like a brother to both of us.

Tim Miller:  One more thing keep our prayers out for Valerie Hamilton’s family...again we’ve got another girl, uhhh daughter of a police chief in Concorde North Carolina.  And believe me people, her parents are suffering just as much as the Holloway family and many, many other families.  Let’s don’t focus on just the Natalee’s and Caylee’s and high profile cases.  All these other families love their children just as much and I know that God loves them all the same so you know what...


Steph Watts:  Tim right let’s shine the spotlight on these cases, the thousands of missing children’s cases without turning them into entertainment.  Let’s do that.

Tim Miller:  Nothing entertaining, nothing entertaining ... go on these searches with us and wipe the tears out of the parents eyes and see how emotional the searches are.  It’s not entertaining believe me.  So don’t anybody make ten cents off of it.

Steph Watts:  I agree with you Tim.  Please everyone if you can donate to Tim’s organization, help out, volunteer, he’s more than happy to have you on board.  (website address)


Tim Miller:  Thank you Steph, and thank the listeners.  And of course I’m ready for the criticism and I want to apologize in advance if I stepped on anybody’s feet.

Good nights to all by Tim and Steph

The end


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2010, 02:06:30 PM »

Who is Steph Watts?

What's his interest in this case...and another question that comes to mind...where has he been?

Hopefully, the following posts will provide some insight.


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2010, 02:09:09 PM »



A SAR Impersonator

This information was posted on the SAR-L email list and, with permission, I'm sharing it here in order to help spread the word:

During a massive search in the San Diego area, a man named Stephen Watts, a.k.a Steph (pronounced "Steff"), presented himself to the Sheriff's Department and coordinating agencies as a member of 1st Special Response Group (1SRG), a known and reputable organization, in an attempt to insinuate himself into law enforcement search efforts. Soon after, Mr. Watts began blogging about his actions, including sensitive search information.

1SRG has never had a member, past or present, by this name or any reasonable variation, nor have they ever received and/or denied an application by such a person.

1SRG launched an investigation and determined that Stephen Watts is a freelance "investigative" reporter who provides titillating and "newsworthy" information to on-air broadcasts such as Nancy Grace, Greta Von Susteren, CourTV (now HLN), and other entertainment providers.

1SRG is sharing this information because Mr. Watts appears to have repeatedly joined with Texas Equusearch in their efforts and has made a number of other attempts prior to his actions in San Diego to insert himself into other search missions. He falsely stated that he was with 1SRG in an effort to further his own cause. Apparently, he has done this before, and 1SRG is concerned that he may try to do so again in the future.

From information obtained during the investigation, Mr. Watts arrived in San Diego, along with Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch, in the search for the McStay family. You can read the McStay relatives' account of  their experience with Mr. Watts at http://www.mcstayfamily.com/steph-watts-rumors.

While in San Diego with Texas Equusearch, Chelsea King disappeared, and Mr. Watts used that opportunity to get involved with a growing national news story.

After verifying their initial information with several agencies and individuals, 1SRG notified both the San Diego County Sheriff's Department and the California Emergency Management Agency, the local SAR coordinator, state SAR coordinator, and, since this was an investigative effort that included federal agencies, contacts within the FBI. Based on further discussion, this issue is said to have been "handled and considered resolved."

1SRG also attempted to contact Mr. Watts through his personal webpage, his Facebook page, a phone number he gives on his website, and through email, in addition to their posts on the SAR-L lister and elsewhere. Mr. Watts has not returned their contacts.

On March 12th, formal "cease and desist" letters were sent to Mr. Watts, CourtTV/HLN, Nancy Grace, Greta Von Susteren, and those agencies who employ Mr. Watts for their "news" services, instructing them that any attempt to use 1SRG's name, logo, reputation, or other team affiliation would be met with legal action and that 1SRG would assist other SAR teams who may find themselves in a similar position.

This information is being provided in the attempt to stop Mr. Watts from breaching law enforcement and search mission security as he seeks confidential or legally protected information, as well as to protect both 1SRG and other SAR teams from those same efforts.


Anonymous said...
Not much of a surprise. Steph Watts is a snake.
Tim Miller really should start doing better checks on the people he surrounds him with.

MARCH 29, 2010 6:20 AM

Anonymous said...
I totally agree with post #1.

APRIL 1, 2010 5:56 AM

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2010, 02:15:35 PM »


Blogger Releases Sensitive & Inconclusive Information

by admin on March 7, 2010

Rumors are swirling about sightings of the McStay family crossing the border into Mexico and video tapes recording it all. A blogger in the interest of himself, released information with a total lack of regard for the missing family and did the same on another case less than a week earlier.

I (Mike McStay) have seen the videos firsthand along with my mom, the Aranda family, and a few family friends. The video quality is very poor. I personally could NOT make a positive identification.

This blogger has released confidential information that detracts from the pursuit of finding my family, splits energies, and is simply for his own gain. This blogger has landed Texas EquuSearch in hot water with the San Diego Sheriff Department once again, just as he did on Monday March 1, 2010. I was in the vehicle and overheard what happened on another missing persons case in San Diego county because of this blogger’s actions. [Link Below]


The vehicle was found near the border, but there are no eye witnesses as to who actually got out of the vehicle, contrary to Watts’ blog. The vehicle could have been parked by others, we simply do not know at this time.

We do know that a sweet, loving family is missing and the leads are far a few between. We know that the community has showered us with emails, concerns, and offers to help. We know that the Detectives are hard at work on this case. We know that cases like these bring out the best in many people and the worst in a few others.

35 responses to “Blogger Releases Sensitive & Inconclusive Information”

March 7, 2010 at 10:06 am | Permalink
I knew that post was all wrong as soon as that idiot posted it, same with the one before.

I was one of the ones to leave a comment questioning his information, which he eventually changed, but clearly the damage was done.

I hope StephW enjoys his 15 minutes, as I’m sure he will not be working as a journalist in the future.

Best wishes. I truly hope everyone is found and in great health.

March 7, 2010 at 10:12 am | Permalink
Wow! There are many of us out here who are truly concerned and praying for your family and the safe return of Joey, Summer, Gianni and Baby J. We are perplexed, to say the least, by the lack of coverage this case is getting and the lack of good reliable information. It would appear from early articles that LE was asking for the publics help in finding clues, etc…however, recently it would appear that they are giving (or allowing) only information that is mis-leading at best and damaging at worst. Many of us are wondering why LE does not give a press conference to clear up all the mis-information and give actual facts as they know them.

I will continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers…trusting God.

March 7, 2010 at 11:58 am | Permalink
Steph Says:
March 7, 2010 at 6:48 am | Reply

Your anger is misdirected. I suggest you take a good hard look at summer and her activities prior to your families disappearance. I would also suggest you start looking over the border for your family..but what do I know, I’m a lousy journalist…I wish you all the best…

March 7, 2010 at 12:14 pm | Permalink
We continue to keep your entire family in our prayers and hope that the Equusearch team will be able to find them soon.

March 7, 2010 at 1:33 pm | Permalink
Glad you posted this. So sorry you’re dealing with a flake like this in addition to everything else. So many people are thinking about your family — we haven’t forgotten them!!

March 7, 2010 at 2:08 pm | Permalink
Focus needs to move back to finding this family. Nothing else matters. Nothing.

March 7, 2010 at 2:12 pm | Permalink
It is not what Watts wrote or said so much as the manner and spirit in which he did this and he is still doing this. A family is missing and it really should not matter even if they had gone into T.J. They are still missing. Steph is making it out like they did something wrong. LE has said they have not. Even if they had (which LE has said they did not) they still should not be missing off the face of the earth. TES is brought in to help and paid to help. How does this help? Someone needs to shut up Steph Watts.

March 7, 2010 at 2:37 pm | Permalink
WHY is anyone paying attention to Watts? He can’t spell. His website is, well this website is 20 times more professional looking. Anyone can call themselves a journalist.
Watts is proof of this.

Lets get the focus back on finding the missing McStay family.

Mary Wanna
March 7, 2010 at 4:55 pm | Permalink
I quit reading Steph Watts after his Misty Croslin article. He stinks. I hope you find your family alive and well. My prayers are with you.

March 7, 2010 at 6:19 pm | Permalink
I’m so sorry that your family is missing. I really hope that they’re found soon.

This journalist Steph Watts should be ashamed of himself and his callous disregard for you and your family.

March 7, 2010 at 8:27 pm | Permalink
I think if the reward was more than a miserable $1,000.00 you might get some answers. It would make it worth someone giving information. Why is the reward so low?

March 7, 2010 at 9:53 pm | Permalink
Do you have a facebook support page? If so, please send me the link. I think it could be very helpful in getting the word out and more support and attention. :0) Prayers for the entire family <3

March 8, 2010 at 7:36 am | Permalink
Why aren’t family members at the border passing out missing posters to everyone that goes into Mexico?

March 8, 2010 at 10:31 am | Permalink
Thank you for the heads up, I have un-subscribed from Watt’s site. Prayers for you and your family.

March 8, 2010 at 3:56 pm | Permalink
Still praying for you. I think you need to contact every news outlet, and dateline and 20/20, and all newspapers!!!!!

Your family is in my thoughts!

Carol Brown
March 9, 2010 at 7:01 am | Permalink
My family’s prayers are with you and your family. We can only hope that this family is found healthy and is returned home to the ones who love them unharmed. Its a shame that some of the media is causing this kind of heartache for you. In a situation like this, you need the media for their coverage but it’s double edged, due to the fact that SOME of the media is causing more hurt to a very fresh wound. Prayers and continuing good thoughts for their safe return!

Catherine Mozingo
March 9, 2010 at 1:42 pm | Permalink

Keeping you and your family in our prayers daily, and a wish for continued positive energy in the face of frustration. Don’t give up, my friend. Take care of yourself and keep fighting to find them.

Catherine and Marc

jessica and denny
March 9, 2010 at 11:54 pm | Permalink
our family is praying for you guys and for your family that is missing. we hope that God can bring it all to nothing and they can come home safely.

(……. edited……)

we are just praying that there will be some answers for our friends about their family. none of them deserve what is happening.

March 10, 2010 at 6:40 am | Permalink
I have been keeping up with your missing family members on the news, and have read alot also. Please know so many have you all in our thoughts and prayers. Tim Miller of TES is an extroidinary man who continues to put his heart and soul into every missing person case he is involved with. Try not let the likes of Steph or blogger sites discourage you. I hope and pray they find your family safe.

March 10, 2010 at 6:48 am | Permalink
WHY was Steph Watts even allowed in the house to begin with? That is what I cannot understand. He has been with some premium employers in the past, but has not stayed or been able to stay. That says a lot to me.

Something just is not right about this disdappearance. Are you sure they did not disappear on their own? It is looking more and more like it to me. Nonetheless, I hope you will find your anwers soon.

Prayers go out to the family.

March 10, 2010 at 12:42 pm | Permalink
Why is little Gianni missing from Interpol’s website?
~Thoughts & prayers

March 10, 2010 at 2:08 pm | Permalink
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you search for your family. Noone should begin to make a judgment about how or why they are missing. Everyone should remember that Jaycee Dugard’s stepfather was held in suspicion of her disappearance until she was thankfully found. I hope that you find your family safely and soon.

tim murphy
March 10, 2010 at 7:23 pm | Permalink
maybe their in the witness protection program.sure sounds like it to me.

March 11, 2010 at 4:54 am | Permalink
Lets Stick To the Missing McStay Family. We have an entire Family gone missing here.
They have two very small children and seem to be very good people to me. Mike McStay and his wife also are good people. Focus needs to stay on finding this family and getting solved what has happened in this case. Should it turn out Summer was not perfect, I doubt that should be reason an entire family with two small children should be missing. Steph Watts is the very person that put on his blog that (…. edited….)This is a sensationalist blogger who has come out of left field this past year on the two cases in Florida. Lets just keep this in the press and Pray for this family.

March 11, 2010 at 1:18 pm | Permalink
Praying for your family from Laguna Beach. I have a good sense they will be found OK. I hope I’m right.

March 11, 2010 at 9:25 pm | Permalink
For God’s sake a family is missing and all this blogger (He is no journalist) can comment on is the housekeeping skills of the Mother? He would have done better to search in the clutter of his own life to find his missing soul.

May you find your family safe.

March 12, 2010 at 2:16 am | Permalink
It is ridiculous to say that this family may be in the witness relocation program. The police would have already been notified of this and the investigation ceased immediately and the family notified what had happened. THIS family has DISAPPEARED under very suspicious circumstances. I am sure that you would hope that someone would look for you if you just DROPPED off the earth, do the same for this family.
I pray that they are found safe and sound,, and no worse for the wear…. And to the jerks who doubt that they are legitimately missing, WHY would they put their family thru this, they have to know by now that their family is suffering? I don’t think that this is a voluntary disappearance, I think this was a forced disappearance…
Here’s “HOPE” to a speedy and good resolution to this….

Tara Orr
March 12, 2010 at 7:26 am | Permalink
Many Blessings to you and strength as you search for your family! I am praying for this very beautiful family from Reno, Nv.
~::~Love and Light~::~

March 16, 2010 at 1:02 am | Permalink
Steph Watts is a trouble maker. He “used” to be a journalist for ABC before he charged a nose job expense to their credit card. Google it. He is a thief. He also worked for Fox News for a very short while. He is a fry short of a happy meal. The only thing you can do is stay off of his silly dramatic blogs. STeph is all about Steph. Even if he has to tell a small fib to get the hits to his page, he will do it, nothing is too low for Steph.

March 16, 2010 at 10:20 am | Permalink
Haha! A nose job!

I love his denial: “I’ve never had a nose job”.

Well Steph, no one said YOU did, just that you charged one on your corporate card. I imagine your boytoy at the time ended up with a better looking nose.

March 16, 2010 at 2:17 pm | Permalink
To all who are using this forum to blast Steph Watts…stop giving him air time, or the time of day for that matter!!!

THERE ARE 4 PEOPLE MISSING!!! The hell with the trouble makers and nay-sayers…this family needs our prayers and support to help find their loved ones!

Continuing to pray for the entire McStay/Aranda family that God will quite your hearts and minds and give you strength and peace…and bring your family home safely!
God Bless…TLS

March 16, 2010 at 2:21 pm | Permalink

The above article will tell you a lot!

March 31, 2010 at 10:18 am | Permalink
I have been following this case. I thought by now they would have found something to indicate there was some sort of issue going on with the family. It is so bizzarre to me that this family would simply disapear without a trace on purpose. I pray they are found safe and sound and can answer some of these questions. It makes you wonder if they owed some dangerous person alot of money or something? They are a beautiful family and those boys are so precious! Truly hope they are ok! Michele

Viki Reynolds
March 31, 2010 at 7:53 pm | Permalink
I pray that you find your family safe. I know this must be awful for you all.

Please secure the help of a reputable Psychic, for I truly believe in their gifts.
There are fake ones out there,… but the real ones are truly gifted and just might
point you in the right direction. I’s worth a try anyhow.

Good luck to Tim Miller and his gang!

April 1, 2010 at 7:18 am | Permalink
There is no such thing as a reputable psychic.

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2010, 02:22:54 PM »



Last Updated: 12:40 AM, April 9, 2009

A CHICAGO-based "Good Morning America" staffer has been let go after medical expenses appeared on his corporate credit card. According to an insider, payments for a nose job for former "GMA" producer Steph Watts  were discovered on his ABC credit card. Ironically, Watts touts himself on his Web site as "the New Face of News Coverage." A rep for ABC told us, "We never comment on personnel matters." A lawyer for Watts had "no comment."

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/item_IjjshlUrunKxhzczF2gQGP#ixzz10ZDJnYUi

I continue to stand with the girl.
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« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2010, 02:30:53 PM »


Drew Peterson's defense team questions Fox News autopsy on Kathleen Savio
Phone number for "Girls Gone Wild" producer Joe Francis reportedly found among autopsy notes
June 30, 2010|By Steve Schmadeke and Stacy St. Clair, Tribune reporters

Drew Peterson's defense team is seeking to bar a renowned pathologist from serving as a prosecution witness after finding a telephone number for "Girls Gone Wild" producer Joe Francis in notes related to an autopsy, the Tribune has learned.

The defense long has shown disdain for the autopsy, which Dr. Michael Baden performed on Peterson's third wife, Kathleen Savio, in 2007, at the behest of both her relatives and the Fox News Channel. But after finding the reference to Francis in the materials and being unable to find video footage from the procedure, Peterson's attorneys submitted a motion calling the autopsy "irretrievably compromised."

Though the prosecution's case doesn't hinge on Baden's testimony, his sterling reputation would add heft to allegations that Peterson drowned his wife in her bathtub in 2004. In addition to working on the O.J. Simpson and Phil Spector murder trials, he is the host of the HBO series "Autopsy."

Baden called Savio's death a homicide, saying he believed she had been beaten, then drowned. A state-hired pathologist reached a similar conclusion.

Baden, however, raised eyebrows at a pretrial hearing this year when he testified that Steph Watts, a freelance producer for "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren at the time, assisted him with the autopsy by helping move the body and taking pictures.

Watts, who says he videotaped Baden during the autopsy, has denied touching the body. In a phone interview with the Tribune on Tuesday, Watts said he also took dictation from the pathologist during the procedure.

"He didn't have anybody else to help," Watts said.

Watts said he had Francis' number in his notes because he was working on a story about the entrepreneur's legal troubles at the time. Watts said he has since become friends with Francis, who made millions selling videotapes of college-age girls baring their breasts while on spring break.

"I'm almost surprised Steph Watts didn't do some of the incisions in the autopsy," defense attorney Joel Brodsky said. "They weren't just covering the news; this shows they were making the news."

Brodsky said in court that the defense has received three pages of Watts' notes from the autopsy. Sources later told the Tribune that on a page noting the weight of Savio's liver, Watts had written down three telephone numbers, including Francis' personal cell phone number.

Francis' publicist did not return calls seeking comment.

A Fox News spokeswoman directed a reporter to a previous statement from a producer saying that Watts did not participate in the autopsy.

Both sides are precluded from discussing the contents of the sealed motion, but Peterson attorney Steven Greenberg said the circumstances surrounding the autopsy are troubling.

"The integrity of the autopsy is so flawed, the question is whether this is a serious investigation or a reality show," Greenberg said.

The judge also seemed upset by the network's involvement with the autopsy and has threatened to ban Baden if the footage cannot be found. Baden, a Fox News analyst, has testified that the cable outlet paid his expenses because Savio's family could not afford his services.

Charles Pelkie, spokesman for Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow, declined to comment.

Watts said prosecutors have subpoenaed him to testify before Judge Stephen White next week so he can state under oath that the actual autopsy was not videotaped. He expressed surprise that defense attorneys were seizing on Francis' number in his notes.

Savio's body was exhumed after Peterson's fourth wife, Stacy, disappeared in October 2007. Savio's death had initially been ruled an accident, but authorities determined that she had been killed after reopening the case.

Now a retired police sergeant, Peterson has not been charged in Stacy's disappearance, though he remains a suspect. He denies wrongdoing in both cases.


I continue to stand with the girl.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2010, 02:51:49 PM »


Once again Watts is inserting himself with Miller into an active case assuming the role of polygraph experts 

New search for Haleigh may come today
Haleigh's stepmom allegedly pointed out a patch of ground marked by a plastic rose.

By Karen Voyles
Staff writer

Published: Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 6:01 a.m.
Last Modified: Friday, August 28, 2009 at 10:34 p.m.

A comment Misty Croslin-Cummings allegedly made about investigators needing to double-check a patch of ground marked by a single plastic rose in their search for her missing stepdaughter, Haleigh Cummings, has motivated a private firm to begin scouring the area this morning.

Croslin-Cummings, 17, is said to have made the unrecorded comment while undergoing a lie-detector test, hypnosis session and voice stress test earlier this month. The head of the organization that paid for the tests said the stepmother of Haleigh - the 6-year-old Putnam County girl missing since February - was trying to clear her name when she agreed to the tests, yet failed each of them.

"She said there was a place that was not searched very well and that we should look for a red rose, and she gave us the location," said Steph Watts, who recorded the sessions for EquuSearch, a private Texas firm that founder and director Tim Miller said was contacted by Croslin-Cummings to help clear her name.

"We went and we looked, and we found it, and the next day we took them (Putnam County investigators) back there," Watts said. "I don't think they are going to dig where the rose is and find the body, but the fact that they went with us shows that they are following up on every lead."

The Putnam County Sheriff's Office has said it has followed about 4,000 leads so far in its search for Haleigh, whom Croslin-Cummings reported missing at 3:27 a.m. on Feb. 10.

A comment Misty Croslin-Cummings allegedly made about investigators needing to double-check a patch of ground marked by a single plastic rose in their search for her missing stepdaughter, Haleigh Cummings, has motivated a private firm to begin scouring the area this morning.

Croslin-Cummings, 17, is said to have made the unrecorded comment while undergoing a lie-detector test, hypnosis session and voice stress test earlier this month. The head of the organization that paid for the tests said the stepmother of Haleigh - the 6-year-old Putnam County girl missing since February - was trying to clear her name when she agreed to the tests, yet failed each of them.

"She said there was a place that was not searched very well and that we should look for a red rose, and she gave us the location," said Steph Watts, who recorded the sessions for EquuSearch, a private Texas firm that founder and director Tim Miller said was contacted by Croslin-Cummings to help clear her name.

"We went and we looked, and we found it, and the next day we took them (Putnam County investigators) back there," Watts said. "I don't think they are going to dig where the rose is and find the body, but the fact that they went with us shows that they are following up on every lead."

Croslin-Cummings did not respond to interview requests made Friday through her attorney, a friend and a family member. Without the knowledge or approval of her attorney or the Sheriff's Office, she reportedly asked Miller, the director of EquuSearch, to help her clear her name.

The firm was established nearly 10 years ago to assist in searches, especially after local law enforcement agencies are unable to sustain a search. Miller said Haleigh's family reached out to his firm "because they didn't think enough was being done to find her."

A comment Misty Croslin-Cummings allegedly made about investigators needing to double-check a patch of ground marked by a single plastic rose in their search for her missing stepdaughter, Haleigh Cummings, has motivated a private firm to begin scouring the area this morning.

Croslin-Cummings, 17, is said to have made the unrecorded comment while undergoing a lie-detector test, hypnosis session and voice stress test earlier this month. The head of the organization that paid for the tests said the stepmother of Haleigh - the 6-year-old Putnam County girl missing since February - was trying to clear her name when she agreed to the tests, yet failed each of them.

"She said there was a place that was not searched very well and that we should look for a red rose, and she gave us the location," said Steph Watts, who recorded the sessions for EquuSearch, a private Texas firm that founder and director Tim Miller said was contacted by Croslin-Cummings to help clear her name.

"We went and we looked, and we found it, and the next day we took them (Putnam County investigators) back there," Watts said. "I don't think they are going to dig where the rose is and find the body, but the fact that they went with us shows that they are following up on every lead."

The Putnam County Sheriff's Office has said it has followed about 4,000 leads so far in its search for Haleigh, whom Croslin-Cummings reported missing at 3:27 a.m. on Feb. 10.

Croslin-Cummings initially said she had put Haleigh and her younger brother to bed at about 8 p.m. on Feb. 9 in the same room where she went to sleep about two hours later. She was caring for the children because their father, Ronald Cummings, was working the night shift.

When Haleigh was reported missing, the Putnam County Sheriff's Office launched an Amber Alert and led a massive search that included boats, canine teams, four-wheelers, helicopters and horses.

In the months since Haleigh was last seen, investigators have said Cummings and Haleigh's mother, Crystal Sheffield, are not considered suspects.

On Friday afternoon, Putnam Sheriff's Maj. Gary Bowling weighed his words carefully in describing his agency's view of Croslin-Cummings' situation.

"No, I don't think we consider her a suspect," Bowling said. "We factually know that she is consistently inconsistent and we need some factual exactness about her activities the night before Haleigh disappeared until the morning when she was reported missing."

Croslin-Cummings did not respond to interview requests made Friday through her attorney, a friend and a family member. Without the knowledge or approval of her attorney or the Sheriff's Office, she reportedly asked Miller, the director of EquuSearch, to help her clear her name.

The firm was established nearly 10 years ago to assist in searches, especially after local law enforcement agencies are unable to sustain a search. Miller said Haleigh's family reached out to his firm "because they didn't think enough was being done to find her."

Croslin-Cummings then asked for something specific - assistance clearing her name so that the search could focus on Haleigh, not on rumors about her, Miller said.

"She said she did not trust the cops and asked me if she could take a lie detector test or something," Miller said. "I told her that was out of the realm of what we did, but this was something that she felt would be helpful, and so we arranged it. This is the first time I have ever been put in a position like this. It has ended with Misty (Croslin-Cummings) not speaking to us. "

Miller said the polygraph that Croslin-Cummings underwent in Orlando on Aug. 19 "showed huge deceptions." When Croslin-Cummmings was told about the results, "she said she wanted to be hypnotized," Miller said. "My thought was 'Now where do we go?' My hopes were that she would have passed, but the opposite happened, so we arranged for the hypnosis and a voice analysis to be done at her husband's aunt's house in Welaka."

Apparently, Croslin-Cummings leaked the news about the pending hypnosis and analysis to some of her relatives, and the word spread quickly. Miller said there were lots of people in the yard of the aunt's home during the tests and that within a day or two, a variety of reporters began requesting interviews.

The sessions were taped and have since been distributed to media outlets around the state, including The Sun. The sessions reportedly were paid for by EquuSearch and recorded by Steph Watts, who distributed copies to reporters with the approval of EquuSearch.

Among those asking for a copy of the tapes and other materials was the Sheriff's Office, which phrased its request in the form of a search warrant, but the firm immediately handed them over, EquuSearch officials said.

Croslin-Cummings' attorney, Robert Fields of Palatka, downplayed the value of the material.

"Everyone knows that if there was any merit, polygraphs and these sorts of things would be admissible in court," Fields said.

Fields also said that his understanding from conversations he had with Croslin-Cummings was that she agreed to the testing by EquuSearch because "she was told that if she did not take the exams, they (EquuSearch) would not bring any assets to the search." Miller has denied that allegation.

"We will be in Florida very, very soon to search for Haleigh," Miller said. "I am not a detective and did not want to be in the position this has put me in."

Those close to the case said EquuSearch will launch a search this morning at an undisclosed location in Putnam County.

Croslin-Cummings' results also put her attorney in an embarrassing position.

"This all kind of hit me out of the blue," Fields said. "My advice to her was 'Don't speak to any law enforcement without speaking to me first,' and I found it hard to imagine that a private party would be playing Magnum P.I."

Seventh Judicial Circuit Assistant State Attorney Christopher Kelly gave no indication that any arrest or other legal action is imminent.

"We have been in touch with the Sheriff's Office since the beginning, but this is still under investigation, so it is still in their hands," Kelly said.


I continue to stand with the girl.
Monkey Junky
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Justice for Natalee

« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2010, 03:03:15 PM »


Hearing to be held July 2 regarding Steph Watts’ role in Kathleen Savio autopsy.

Authorities exhume the body of Kathleen Savio at Queen of Heaven Cemetery in Hillside, Ill.
July 1, 2010
JOLIET–Less than a week before the start of Drew Peterson’s murder trial, prosecutors have called for a hearing to determine what role a cable news producer played in a private autopsy performed on Kathleen Savio’s exhumed corpse.

Steph Watts, a former Fox News Channel producer, filmed and may have assisted celebrity medical examiner Michael Baden during the November 2007 autopsy conducted at the behest of Savio’s family.

Peterson is charged with murdering Savio, who was his third wife, in March 2004. In the aftermath of Savio’s death, state police quickly decided she was the victim of a bathtub accident. But three and a half years later, following the disappearance of Peterson’s next wife, Stacy Peterson, state police abruptly changed course and declared Savio was the victim of a homicide. They charged Peterson with her murder a year and a half later.

Within weeks of Stacy Peterson’s disappearance, State’s Attorney James Glasgow ordered Savio’s grave to be dug up and a new autopsy performed on her decomposed corpse. Baden then conducted his own autopsy, parts of which were shown on Fox, for Savio’s family.

Watts filmed Baden with a hand-held camera during the autopsy. He also took notes. Baden testified during a pretrial hearing that Watts assisted him in moving Savio’s body as well.

Peterson’s attorneys have criticized Watts for his involvement in Baden’s autopsy. They also claim Watts’ autopsy notes included the personal phone number for Joe Francis, the producer of the nudity-laden video line “Girls Gone Wild,” and point to this as proof that the autopsy was flawed.

“This case is autopsies gone wild,” said Peterson attorney Joseph “Shark” Lopez.

Watts failed to return calls for comment on his upcoming court appearance.

Peterson’s lawyers will argue during Friday’s hearing that the autopsy was “irretrievably compromised” and to have Baden barred from testifying.

While Peterson’s lawyers want Baden out, one of his attorneys, Joel Brodsky was eager to get Watts on the witness stand.

When contacted Wednesday, Brodsky said, “I’m very much looking forward to getting Mr. Watts on the witness stand.”


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Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3266

Justice for Natalee

« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2010, 03:15:12 PM »

Wow I though Greta did this story.


Photo Galleries

 Gallery One
Thailand and The Aruba Murder -  Preparation
Steph travelled to Thailand in 2008 to interview the self-admitted slayer of Natalee Holloway


 Gallery Two                                                 Thailand and The Aruba Murder -  The Interview

Steph uses his video and interviewing skills to move the story to the next stage.


 Gallery Three
Steph's personal photo-story




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Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3266

Justice for Natalee

« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2010, 03:24:12 PM »

Did we know he launched Nancy Grace's TV show? LOL I wonder if she knows this?


About Steph

I have an excellent reputation as a multi-platform Reporter / Producer stemming from my experiences at all of the major networks and print publications.

A native of Canada, my career in New York City began by writing for “The Village Voice” and “Brills Content Magazine.” Following, I ventured into TV by producing documentaries for TRU TV (formerly Court TV), before moving to daytime trial coverage, where I gained extensive knowledge in the criminal justice system covering l high profile trials gavel to gavel.

I then produced/wrote an entertainment/legal show called “Hollywood at Large.” Following, I executive produced a radio show with Nancy Grace for Clear Channel and launched Grace’s TV show on CNN Headlines News, where I produced and reported from the field. I then field produced and reported for “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” at the FOX News Channel. I have also produced and reported for MTV Networks, PBS, ABC's "Good Morning America," "Inside Edition," CBS’ "The Early Show" and A&E.

I am the featured crime reporter in a new show called “Bloodwork” scheduled to air on A&E this fall. “Bloodwork” is a 20 episode series following the work of forensic experts as they solve real crimes.

My work encompasses writing, booking/securing guests in a competitive environment, shooting video and reporting detailed information from the field used by all platforms at the networks. I have had the opportunity to travel the world covering some of the biggest crime stories. From the two weeks I spent in Thailand with Joran van Der Sloot -- to testifying in the Drew Peterson Case in Chicago.

I have chronicled my experiences in my Blog at stephww.wordpress.com. I am also the host of a weekly radio show at blogtalkradio.com/Watts-Up-With-This. I appreciate you stopping by, and please give me your feedback.

Steph Watts
PO Box 111
Pocono Pines, PA 18350
PHONE: (646) 645-1855


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Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 74276

« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2010, 07:57:05 PM »

Just because this is what I think of when I hear his name and voice  Monkey Devil!

Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6714

« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2010, 01:57:59 AM »



Last Updated: 12:40 AM, April 9, 2009

A CHICAGO-based "Good Morning America" staffer has been let go after medical expenses appeared on his corporate credit card. According to an insider, payments for a nose job for former "GMA" producer Steph Watts  were discovered on his ABC credit card. Ironically, Watts touts himself on his Web site as "the New Face of News Coverage." A rep for ABC told us, "We never comment on personnel matters." A lawyer for Watts had "no comment."

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/item_IjjshlUrunKxhzczF2gQGP#ixzz10ZDJnYUi

This nose job report is a little different.  It is also suggested that he used the card to get the
nose job for his lover in the comments.

Steph Watts Responds: “I Have Never Had a Nose Job”
By SteveK on April 9, 2009 3:18 PM
Steph Watts, the ABC producer reported by Page Six to have been fired for using his company credit card to pay for cosmetic surgery, responded to TVNewser today.

Watts gave us this statement: “I am perplexed by the New York Post story and the motivation of their sources within ABC. My departure from ABC had nothing to do with alleged medical expenses on a corporate card. Leaving ABC was a decision that has freed me up to fully utilize my talents in ways that would have been hindered if I stayed. And for the record, ‘I have never had a nose job but thank you for the compliment.’”

Watts says he was let go by ABC on March 17, but negotiations between his attorney and ABC over severance began yesterday.

An ABC News spokesperson tells us, “We don’t comment on personnel matters.”

The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
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