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Author Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 - 11/16/10  (Read 393576 times)
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Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #320 on: October 31, 2010, 01:02:48 PM »

Good catch Buckeye, I hadn't even noticed that.   
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #321 on: October 31, 2010, 02:54:26 PM »

De Vries met ‘het gewetenloze spel van Joran van der Sloot’...

Het nieuwe seizoen van Peter R. de Vries Misdaadverslaggever wordt niet stilletjes geopend Opnieuw heeft de journalist een spraakmakende(tweedelige) aflevering gemaak over de verdwijning van Natalee Holloway, het vermeende aandeel van Joran van der Sloot hierin en het verhaal van moeder Beth Holloway, die ook nog eens het slachtoffer is geworden van afpersing. Met name die laatste actie staat centraal in dit tweeluik, dat al is verkocht aan de Amerikaanse zender CBS. Peter R. de Vries jaagt de aflevering aan als ‘het gewetenloze spel van.

De misdaadverslaggever op zijn website: “Vanavond vertelt Beth Holloway in ons programma voor het eerst hoe de keiharde afpersing door Joran van der Sloot in zijn werk is gegaan, waarbij hij haar 250.000 dollar afhandig probeerde te maken. In ruil daarvoor beloofde hij de plek aan te wijzen waar hij Natalee zou hebben begraven. Beth verstrekte ons programma alle e- mails die Joran aan haar schreef. Deze geven een schokkend beeld van de nietsontziende, berekenende wijze waarop hij met de gevoelens van Natalee’s radeloze moeder speelde. Peter zocht Beth op in haar woonplaats Birmingham in de Amerikaanse staat Alabama.

Hij vervolgt: “In het tweede deel, dat zondag 7 november wordt uitgezonden is te zien hoe Peter en Beth in het Zuid-Amerikaanse Peru een emotionele ontmoeting hebben met de broer van de vermoorde Stephany Flores. En na vijf jaar van ellende en onzekerheid, heeft Beth in de Castro Castro gevangenis in Lima voor het oog van onze camera’s ook een confrontatie met de man die haar leven heeft verwoest zal ontmoeten? En hoe reageert Joran op deze onverwachte confrontatie?”

Peter R. de Vries Misdaadverslaggever, 21.30 uur, SBS 6.


Google Translation

De Vries' the ruthless game of Joran van der Sloot"

The new season of Peter R Ferris Crime Reporter is not silently opened. Once again, a journalist known (part two) episode about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, the alleged share of Joran van der Sloot and the story of this mother, Beth Holloway, who also once the victim of extortion. story of this mother, Beth Holloway, who also once the victim of extortion. Particularly the latter action is central to this diptych which has been sold to U.S. network CBS. Peter R. Ferris chases the episode as "the ruthless game of Joran van der Sloot.

The crime reporter at his website : "Tonight tells Beth on our program for the first time how hard extortion by Joran van der Sloot in his work is gone, and he's trying to extort $ 250,000. In return he promised to designate the place where he would have buried Natalee. Beth provided our program all e-mails way he has the feelings of Natalee's distraught mother played. Peter Beth looked at her home in Birmingham in the U.S. state of Alabama. "

He continues: "In the second part, which is broadcast Sunday, November 7 we see how Peter and Beth in the South American Peru an emotional meeting with the brother of the murdered Stephany Flores. And after five years of misery and uncertainty, Beth in the Castro Castro prison in Lima in front of our cameras is also a confrontation with Joran. Beth was her nerves to keep them after five years now the man who ruined her life will meet? And how does this unexpected confrontation Joran? "

Peter R. Ferris Crime Reporter, 21.30 hours, SBS 6

The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #322 on: October 31, 2010, 03:56:15 PM »

Hey everyone!
The Peter R de Vries show starts in about 35 mins.
There were reports that CBS would broadcast it more or less simultaneously.
Is this true? I've been browsing through the last few pages here, but couldn't really see any solid confirmation.
Otherwise I'll try and write some sort of summary here.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #323 on: October 31, 2010, 04:01:25 PM »

Hey everyone!
The Peter R de Vries show starts in about 35 mins.
There were reports that CBS would broadcast it more or less simultaneously.
Is this true? I've been browsing through the last few pages here, but couldn't really see any solid confirmation.
Otherwise I'll try and write some sort of summary here.

Hi, Jo-An,
We haven't been able to find any information about a CBS broadcast. We have only seen an interview
with Beth.
We would appreciate any summary that you can pass along.  Thanks

The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #324 on: October 31, 2010, 05:12:00 PM »

Hey everyone!
The Peter R de Vries show starts in about 35 mins.
There were reports that CBS would broadcast it more or less simultaneously.
Is this true? I've been browsing through the last few pages here, but couldn't really see any solid confirmation.
Otherwise I'll try and write some sort of summary here.

I would really appreciate your summary Jo-An!  Thanks for checking in!   

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #325 on: October 31, 2010, 05:41:19 PM »

Joran van der Sloot would have taken the initiative to ask for money to the mother of Natalee Holloway in exchange for the location of Natalee's body.

This is in contrast to what Joran claimed in an interview with the Guardian where he says that just offered him money.

This shows that e-mails of Joran's mother Nathalie Holloway Sunday showed crime in the program by Peter R. de Vries.

The relevant Telegraph interview with John Joran van den Heuvel says that "her parents offered to pay for the location of the girl." In the episode of Peter R. Ferris is clear that Van der Sloot was the first mail.

'Just imagine'

On March 28, 2010 he asked by U.S. investigative reporter Greta Van Susteren 'something' to ask the lawyer for Beth Holloway, the mother of Natalie. He then let the lawyer know that he want in exchange for $ 250,000 where Natalie is buried.

"This is a painful situation for everyone, so I tell the truth," said Van der Sloot in his e-mail. His requirement is that everything must remain secret. He wants to see all this down in a contract.

Scared Monkey
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« Reply #326 on: October 31, 2010, 05:48:22 PM »

So, here's the summary:

Peter R de Vries – Sunday, October 31st 2010.
Elaborate introduction, concentrating on Joran’s gambling addictio, hunger for money and pathological lying.
After his dad died, he more or less faked he was mourning his father’s dad and his mother was trying to get him admitted to a mental institution. But Joran had actually already started blackmailing Beth.

Peter arriving at Beth’s house.
Joran said in the John van den Heuvel interview that Beth was the one who contacted him first, but emails clearly show that Joran was the one who initiated the blackmailing.

Joran tried blackmailing Beth for $250,000.
It started mid to late March. Joran was looking for money. He wanted to lead Beth to Natalee’s remains. He said he wanted to get this “monkey off his back”.
Joran sent the first email under the alias JP Sanders to Greta van Susteren, asking for Beth’s lawyer’s email address.
John Kelly then sent an email back to Joran.
March 30th Joran sends John Kelly an email that he wants to do some good, he will lead them to Natalee’s remains. He asked for $250K.
Beth says: “If this is the way I can get her remains, then I’m in.”
Everyone’s flabbergasted but John Kelly sends an emai back that his client is interested and asking what kind of info he has.
Joran sends back: I never hurt anyone in my life. I can show you the spot where she was and maybe still is. Joran says some friends buried Natalee the night she died because he had to go home to sleep. He also writes that she might have been replaced.
He says he went to the location a week earlier to pay respects and from what he felt she was still there.
John Kelly answers that he doesn’t believe him and he has to do a lot better than that.
Joran swears he is not lying.
Joran emails a whole list of conditions. He also writes why he wants to come clean, because things have changed in his life.
Kelly is very hesitant, feels like he his being played.
Joran says: I’m ready to start my life over, I’ve hurt enough people. I would never blackmail Natalee’s parents.
Next decision was for John Kelly to go to Aruba.
Kelly and Joran decided to meet at the Marriott Hotel.
Joran didn’t show up.
Kelly went back to the US.
Joran later said in an email he listened to his instincts and he didn’t trust Kelly.
Beth never thought until that point that it was blackmail or extortion.
Beth called the governor of Alabama that she thought what had happened was a federal crime.
After that there was a meeting with the FBI. The FBI starts an investigation.

Joran writes another email on April 30th to set up another meeting.
Kelly took $10K cash with him to Aruba. Beth would wire $15K to Joran’s account.
The FBI came to Aruba too.
This time Joran did show up at the Marriott.
They went up to a room where Joran took the money, the FBI was recording everything.
Beth then wires the money.
After Joran gets confirmation from the bank that the money is being wired, Kelly and Joran go the site where Natalee is supposedly buried.
They get to the site, Joran says Paulus was the one who buried Natalee.
He says that Paul at first hid the body at the beach and replaced her a few days later.
There has been construction work at the site, Joran is leading Kelly through the area.
Jorans shows Kelly the spot where Natalee’s remains are supposed to be.
Joran uses the time that is needed to determine whether anything is actually there to flee Aruba.
Joran sends an email to John Kelly saying Kelly and Beth are nice people but shouldn’t be so stupid.
Joran meanwhile is in Peru spending the $25K.
Joran sends another email, that he wants Beth to buy him a plane ticket to Aruba, he wanted to turn himself in.
Beth thinks Joran is in the Netherlands.
She then finds out that Joran is wanted for murder in Peru.
She is afraid the story will repeat itself and Joran will be a free man again, like he became after being released from prison in 2005.
That is why she wanted to contact the Flores family.
So Peter and Beth go to Peru.

Next week: part 2.
Beth meets the Flores family, and Joran.
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #327 on: October 31, 2010, 06:00:25 PM »

So, here's the summary:

Peter R de Vries – Sunday, October 31st 2010.
Elaborate introduction, concentrating on Joran’s gambling addictio, hunger for money and pathological lying.
After his dad died, he more or less faked he was mourning his father’s dad and his mother was trying to get him admitted to a mental institution. But Joran had actually already started blackmailing Beth.

Peter arriving at Beth’s house.
Joran said in the John van den Heuvel interview that Beth was the one who contacted him first, but emails clearly show that Joran was the one who initiated the blackmailing.

Joran tried blackmailing Beth for $250,000.
It started mid to late March. Joran was looking for money. He wanted to lead Beth to Natalee’s remains. He said he wanted to get this “monkey off his back”.
Joran sent the first email under the alias JP Sanders to Greta van Susteren, asking for Beth’s lawyer’s email address.
John Kelly then sent an email back to Joran.
March 30th Joran sends John Kelly an email that he wants to do some good, he will lead them to Natalee’s remains. He asked for $250K.
Beth says: “If this is the way I can get her remains, then I’m in.”
Everyone’s flabbergasted but John Kelly sends an emai back that his client is interested and asking what kind of info he has.
Joran sends back: I never hurt anyone in my life. I can show you the spot where she was and maybe still is. Joran says some friends buried Natalee the night she died because he had to go home to sleep. He also writes that she might have been replaced.
He says he went to the location a week earlier to pay respects and from what he felt she was still there.
John Kelly answers that he doesn’t believe him and he has to do a lot better than that.
Joran swears he is not lying.
Joran emails a whole list of conditions. He also writes why he wants to come clean, because things have changed in his life.
Kelly is very hesitant, feels like he his being played.
Joran says: I’m ready to start my life over, I’ve hurt enough people. I would never blackmail Natalee’s parents.
Next decision was for John Kelly to go to Aruba.
Kelly and Joran decided to meet at the Marriott Hotel.
Joran didn’t show up.
Kelly went back to the US.
Joran later said in an email he listened to his instincts and he didn’t trust Kelly.
Beth never thought until that point that it was blackmail or extortion.
Beth called the governor of Alabama that she thought what had happened was a federal crime.
After that there was a meeting with the FBI. The FBI starts an investigation.

Joran writes another email on April 30th to set up another meeting.
Kelly took $10K cash with him to Aruba. Beth would wire $15K to Joran’s account.
The FBI came to Aruba too.
This time Joran did show up at the Marriott.
They went up to a room where Joran took the money, the FBI was recording everything.
Beth then wires the money.
After Joran gets confirmation from the bank that the money is being wired, Kelly and Joran go the site where Natalee is supposedly buried.
They get to the site, Joran says Paulus was the one who buried Natalee.
He says that Paul at first hid the body at the beach and replaced her a few days later.
There has been construction work at the site, Joran is leading Kelly through the area.
Jorans shows Kelly the spot where Natalee’s remains are supposed to be.
Joran uses the time that is needed to determine whether anything is actually there to flee Aruba.
Joran sends an email to John Kelly saying Kelly and Beth are nice people but shouldn’t be so stupid.
Joran meanwhile is in Peru spending the $25K.
Joran sends another email, that he wants Beth to buy him a plane ticket to Aruba, he wanted to turn himself in.
Beth thinks Joran is in the Netherlands.
She then finds out that Joran is wanted for murder in Peru.
She is afraid the story will repeat itself and Joran will be a free man again, like he became after being released from prison in 2005.
That is why she wanted to contact the Flores family.
So Peter and Beth go to Peru.

Next week: part 2.
Beth meets the Flores family, and Joran.

Thank you, Jo-An.....next week, part 2 makes me wonder if CBS has any plan to show it in parts or in entirety.  The Insider show mentioned usually only has short segments.  

R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!

I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.


None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #328 on: October 31, 2010, 06:01:47 PM »

Thanks Jo-An


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #329 on: October 31, 2010, 06:02:25 PM »

Thanks Jo-An!   


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #330 on: October 31, 2010, 06:03:29 PM »

You're welcome! 
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #331 on: October 31, 2010, 06:20:35 PM »


If I remember correctly John Q. Kelly talked about meeting with Joran (without the money) in Aruba and Joran getting very angry about that.

They didn't say anything about that meeting in the show?  I'm thinking the one you mentioned where Joran didn't show up must have been before this one?

I found the article about it.



So Kelly went to Aruba in April to meet with van der Sloot without telling anyone but his own wife and Twitty. He met van der Sloot for about two hours in a hotel.

“No money, no recording devices. Nobody knew I was there,” Kelly said Friday. “It was Easter Sunday. It was one-on-one in a hotel room for a couple hours. He thought I was bringing the $25,000. I engaged him in a long series of conversations. I was trying to get as much information as I could.”

Van der Sloot wanted money, and when Kelly said he didn’t have it with him, the man got “very angry, very agitated, very upset.”

Kelly said it was nerve-racking.

“He’s a big guy. He’s 6’4”, 225 [pounds], well built. He’s sort of a threatening individual when he gets angry, no question.”

When Kelly returned to the States, he contacted the FBI and began to set up the elaborate sting with the FBI and Aruban law-enforcement authorities.

He regained van der Sloot’s attention by sending him $100. Then, with a promise that he would bring $25,000, another meeting was set up for May 10 in Aruba.


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #332 on: October 31, 2010, 06:41:39 PM »


If I remember correctly John Q. Kelly talked about meeting with Joran (without the money) in Aruba and Joran getting very angry about that.

They didn't say anything about that meeting in the show?  I'm thinking the one you mentioned where Joran didn't show up must have been before this one?

I found the article about it.



So Kelly went to Aruba in April to meet with van der Sloot without telling anyone but his own wife and Twitty. He met van der Sloot for about two hours in a hotel.

“No money, no recording devices. Nobody knew I was there,” Kelly said Friday. “It was Easter Sunday. It was one-on-one in a hotel room for a couple hours. He thought I was bringing the $25,000. I engaged him in a long series of conversations. I was trying to get as much information as I could.”

Van der Sloot wanted money, and when Kelly said he didn’t have it with him, the man got “very angry, very agitated, very upset.”

Kelly said it was nerve-racking.

“He’s a big guy. He’s 6’4”, 225 [pounds], well built. He’s sort of a threatening individual when he gets angry, no question.”

When Kelly returned to the States, he contacted the FBI and began to set up the elaborate sting with the FBI and Aruban law-enforcement authorities.

He regained van der Sloot’s attention by sending him $100. Then, with a promise that he would bring $25,000, another meeting was set up for May 10 in Aruba.


It's late for Jo-An, no doubt....good question, TM.  I would guess it could depend on who they got their info from for this program and who edited.   It could also be an omission in the timeline if JQK went there three times??????         

R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!

I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.


None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #333 on: October 31, 2010, 07:23:13 PM »

The Extortion - According to John Q. Kelly

Deadly Connection?
Police say Joran van der Sloot - after confessing to killing a young woman in Peru - is finally admitting that he killed Natalee Holloway

By Chris Hansen

NBC News
updated 6/11/2010 9:03:58 PM ET


LIMA, PERU — Could it be the beginning of the end of the Natalee Holloway mystery?  Was there a confession?

JOHN KELLY: This was the first time he admitted being personally responsible for physically causing her death.

Or was it all a lie?  Like so many other stories from the chief suspect in the Holloway case.
Tonight, for the first time, details of an alleged extortion plot, targeting Natalee Holloway’s mother.

A first-hand account, from the  man who acted as a go-between.

JOHN KELLY: It's probably the most horrific unanticipated nightmarish ending for Beth that you could ever imagine.

With his money troubles mounting, his father dead, and his life spiraling downward, this spring Joran van der Sloot allegedly made a bold attempt to cash in on the Natalee Holloway disappearance.

JOHN KELLY: I got the first e-mail from van der Sloot on March 30.
Attorney John Q. Kelly represents the Holloway family in a wrongful death lawsuit filed against van der Sloot. He spoke exclusively to NBC News about the alleged extortion plot that, he says, began with that email from van der Sloot.
CHRIS HANSEN: What went through your mind?  What did you think he wanted?

JOHN KELLY: I had no idea.  I was more than amenable to talking to him, or hearing what he had to say just because, you know, I still-- committed to finding what happened to Natalee. So, any chance I had to open a door, I was willing to do it.
Kelly says van der Sloot quickly raised the stakes.

CHRIS HANSEN: Give me a sense for the e-mail communications that ensued.

JOHN KELLY: It was about money. It was, you know, "I want to come clean.  My father's dead now.  I have nothing to hide.  I want to help Natalee’s family, but at a price, you know, for a quarter million dollars—“

CHRIS HANSEN: A quarter million dollars?

JOHN KELLY: “Quarter million dollars, I will tell you what happened to Natalee, where she is now so you can help Beth bring her home."

After all the heartbreak and grief, after all the stories he had told, could van der Sloot be believed? Kelly says he immediately went to Beth Holloway with the offer.

CHRIS HANSEN: How hopeful was Beth that this might develop into some sort of closure?

JOHN KELLY: She's always been hopeful. I mean, she can't be anything but hopeful as a mother.

According to Kelly, with Beth Holloway’s blessing, he travelled to Aruba to meet with van der Sloot, who was expecting to receive a down payment of $25,000. 
For Kelly, it was a test run.  He didn't have the money.  It was Easter Sunday.  He says they met at the Marriott hotel.

CHRIS HANSEN: And what did he tell you during that meeting?

JOHN KELLY: He alluded to knowing where Natalee’s body was, and how she had died. And I asked him, "Well, what if I don't pay you the $25,000?"  And he just said, "Beth can wait another five years."

CHRIS HANSEN: Another five years?

JOHN KELLY: Yeah.  He was well aware that the five year anniversary coming up was sort of, it was almost like a clock ticking with him.

CHRIS HANSEN: Describe his demeanor during this initial interview.
JOHN KELLY: He was agitated, nervous and desperate at that time.
After returning to the U.S., Kelly and Beth went to the FBI and the Feds agreed to work with them on a sting operation.

Kelly would set up another meeting with van der Sloot in Aruba and this time bring $10,000 cash from Beth.  She would wire an additional $15,000 to van der Sloot’s Netherlands bank account. If van der Sloot took the bait, they might be able to charge him with a crime.

JOHN KELLY: If he took the money, and he took a wire transfer, and it was false information, which you know he has done in the past…

CHRIS HANSEN: Wire fraud.

JOHN KELLY: It's wire fraud. And extortion. And if for some reason, his information was true, the Aruban authorities pick him up on the murder charge.

According to Kelly, the FBI sent an advance team to Aruba to coordinate with Aruban authorities and set up for the sting, outfitting a hotel room and rental car with hidden cameras and microphones

CHRIS HANSEN: How did you think this was going to play out?

JOHN KELLY: I wasn’t sure. I was just holding my breath, the whole way. Every step of the way.

After a mostly sleepless night, Kelly arrived in Aruba on May 10.

With FBI agents monitoring, Kelly returned to the Marriott hotel, where he says van der Sloot met him.

CHRIS HANSEN: When van der Sloot walks into room 443--


CHRIS HANSEN: --what does he say first?

JOHN KELLY: "How you doing?"  He's covered with sweat.  He apparently walked from his house to get there.  And, you know, I just told him to have a seat.  Gave him a Diet Coke.  We actually split a Three Musketeers. The one thing I did at the very beginning was show him the $10,000 cash.

CHRIS HANSEN: So, he knew he was getting $10,000 from you in cash?

JOHN KELLY: He was like, "Give me the money now."  And I was, "No, you're not getting the money now."

CHRIS HANSEN: And what did he have to do to convince you to hand over the $10,000?

JOHN KELLY: To take the wire transfer and sign the documents I had there, too.
Strangely enough, Kelly says van der Sloot had insisted Kelly draw up a document for both Beth and van der Sloot to sign.

CHRIS HANSEN: And what did those documents say?

JOHN KELLY: That he would take me exactly to where Natalee’s body was, and tell me how she died. And once I had confirmed that, he'd get the other $225,000. 

With the documents signed, Kelly says he handed over the cash and confirmed the wire transfer.

Then, Kelly says, they got into the rental car that had been wired by the FBI, and drove to the site where van der Sloot claimed Natalee’s body had been buried.

CHRIS HANSEN: And precisely where did he say Natalee's remains were?

JOHN KELLY: He pointed to a specific room on a house right by the Aruba Racquet Club. The foundation hadn't gone in yet.

CHRIS HANSEN: So, the story was that there was a house being constructed, the foundation was about to be built or poured, and they put Natalee’s remains in there, and the house was built around it?

JOHN KELLY: Correct. And I took pictures of him with a throwaway camera.

CHRIS HANSEN: You actually took pictures of Joran van der Sloot pointing to the location where he says Natalee’s body was?


Then, Kelly says , they got back in the car and that's when van der Sloot told him how Natalee died.

JOHN KELLY: He actually admitted,  this was the first time he admitted being personally responsible for physically causing her death.

According to Kelly, van der Sloot claimed that he and Natalee were at the beach and when he wanted to leave, Natalee tried to stop him.
JOHN KELLY: He got angry and actually threw her. He actually made the gesture in the car, on video, showing me how he threw her in anger, because she wouldn't leave at that point.  And according to him, she hit the back of her head, lots of blood and she was dead.

CHRIS HANSEN: Did you think at the time he was telling the truth?


But Kelly says he played along and van der Sloot told him he hid the body on the beach with the help of his father who, the following day, buried the body.

CHRIS HANSEN: He implicated his own father in the disposal of the body?

JOHN KELLY: Along with himself, yeah.

CHRIS HANSEN: Why wasn't he arrested on the spot?

JOHN KELLY: That I don't know.  I mean, I went down there, I did what I was supposed to do. When I got on the plane May 11, I thought it was a done deal.  And he was going to be arrested at some point.  That he'd be talking at some point, and we'd get some closure at some point.

Aruban authorities would eventually determine van de Sloot's story about the body being buried at that site could not be true because the house he pointed out was not under construction at the time Natalee disappeared.
In the meantime, Kelly had no way of knowing that Joran van der Sloot would leave Aruba, find his way to Peru and a fateful encounter with Stephany Flores.

In Aruba, on May 10, attorney John Q. Kelly says he gave Joren van der Sloot $25,000 of Beth Holloway’s money.
Working with the FBI and Aruban authorities, Kelly and Holloway hoped that van der Sloot would be arrested-- if not for allegedly implicating himself in Natalee’s death then for extortion or wire fraud.

But van der Sloot was not picked up. After Kelly left Aruba, he says van der Sloot continued to email him

JOHN KELLY: He was telling me how he was personally going to turn himself into the police, and that he needed more time.  And I was pretending like I believed all this, just to keep a line of communication open.  I had been in personal contact with Joran up to May 25.

Kelly assumed van der Sloot was still in Aruba-- but he wasn't.

CHRIS HANSEN: Just days after you give him $25,000, he goes to Peru.

JOHN KELLY: Correct.

Then, on May 30, exactly five years to the day after Natalee Holloway’s disappearance, it happened.

Van der Sloot allegedly killed 21-year-old Stephany Flores at this hotel after a night out at a casino in Lima, Peru.
JOHN KELLY:  I was dumbfounded.
CHRIS HANSEN: Did you have to break the news to Natalee’s mother about the death of this woman in Lima, Peru?


CHRIS HANSEN: What did she say?

JOHN KELLY: She just stopped.  Just “how could this happen?”

According to Kelly, for Beth Holloway, the thought that her money may have facilitated van der Sloot’s travel plans was almost too much to bear.

JOHN KELLY: It's probably the most horrific, unanticipated nightmarish ending for Beth that you could ever imagine.  That her money may have financed his trip to Peru.

CHRIS HANSEN: Has Beth reached out to the family of Stephany Flores ?

JOHN KELLY: Not directly.  She's extended her deepest sympathy.  She's just really upset. Everything was just like an instant replay of what had happened five years ago.


JOHN KELLY: Déjà vu.

Kelly says he does not blame U.S. law enforcement for letting van der Sloot leave Aruba but wonders why the Arubans didn't arrest him as soon as they could.

JOHN KELLY: I think at the minimum, the Aruban authorities could've picked him up, and they had the ability to hold him there at that time.  It was their country, it was their island, it was their citizen. They controlled the port, and apparently, they knew he was leaving when he was leaving.


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
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« Reply #334 on: October 31, 2010, 07:23:29 PM »

From Jo-An's transcript:

Joran tried blackmailing Beth for $250,000.
It started mid to late March. Joran was looking for money. He wanted to lead Beth to Natalee’s remains. He said he wanted to get this “monkey off his back” 
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #335 on: October 31, 2010, 07:59:21 PM »

From Jo-An's transcript:

Joran tried blackmailing Beth for $250,000.
It started mid to late March. Joran was looking for money. He wanted to lead Beth to Natalee’s remains. He said he wanted to get this “monkey off his back” 

I noticed that too!   

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #336 on: October 31, 2010, 08:37:25 PM »


The show is on Peter's website now!   

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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« Reply #337 on: October 31, 2010, 09:26:47 PM »


The show is on Peter's website now!   

I can't understand what he's saying but I'll try and capture it.
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« Reply #338 on: October 31, 2010, 09:30:07 PM »

From Jo-An's transcript:

Joran tried blackmailing Beth for $250,000.
It started mid to late March. Joran was looking for money. He wanted to lead Beth to Natalee’s remains. He said he wanted to get this “monkey off his back” 

I noticed that too!   

Me, three!!!

R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!

I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.


None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
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« Reply #339 on: October 31, 2010, 09:30:51 PM »


The show is on Peter's website now!   

I can't understand what he's saying but I'll try and capture it.

I'll have to do it later because the program I'm going to have to do it in makes me stay on the same page and I don't want to stay on one page for an hour.  I'll copy it later.
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