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Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 - 11/16/10
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Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 - 11/16/10 (Read 397408 times)
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Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 32412
ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #420 on:
November 03, 2010, 07:36:11 AM »
Justice for Natalee...
and Stephany!
I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.
"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.
Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey All Star
Posts: 11324
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #421 on:
November 03, 2010, 04:55:05 PM »
Natalee's Candles
R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!
I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.
None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 37229
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #422 on:
November 03, 2010, 05:02:17 PM »
The beginning of the Peter Devries' interview with Beth Holloway regarding the extortion begins at 15:00.
I just listened to the entire interview again. The implication is that a 22 year old young man is void of a conscience ... empathy. When that enfamous photo of Paulus, Anita and baby Joran flashed across the screen ... the photo that reflects many in my own albums ... I cried. When did it all go wrong?
Beth Holloway and Peter Devries Interview
Part One - Extorion
31 oktober 2010
, 22:45 uur
Archief, Uitzending
Het gewetenloze spel van Joran van der Sloot
Afgelopen zondag vertelde Beth Holloway in ons programma voor het eerst hoe de keiharde afpersing door Joran van der Sloot in zijn werk is gegaan, waarbij hij haar 250.000 dollar afhandig probeerde te maken. In ruil daarvoor beloofde hij de plek aan te wijzen waar hij Natalee zou hebben begraven. Beth verstrekte ons programma alle e-mails die Joran aan haar schreef. Deze geven een schokkend beeld van de nietsontziende, berekenende wijze waarop hij met de gevoelens van Natalee’s radeloze moeder speelde. Peter zocht Beth op in haar woonplaats Birmingham in de Amerikaanse staat Alabama.
In het tweede deel, dat zondag 7 november wordt uitgezonden, is te zien hoe Peter en Beth in het Zuid-Amerikaanse Peru een emotionele ontmoeting hebben met de broer van de vermoorde Stephany Flores. En na vijf jaar van ellende en onzekerheid, heeft Beth in de Castro Castro gevangenis in Lima voor het oog van onze camera’s ook een confrontatie met Joran. Zou Beth haar zenuwen in bedwang kunnen houden nu ze na vijf jaar de man die haar leven heeft verwoest zal ontmoeten? En hoe reageert Joran op deze onverwachte confrontatie?
De afpersingsaffaire begint in maart 2010, als de advocaat van Beth Holloway een e-mail ontvangt van Joran van der Sloot. Het is het begin van een wekenlange e-mailcorrespondentie. Waar Joran eerder in een interview beweerde dat hij door de familie van Natalee met e-mails werd bestookt, blijkt uit onze reportage juist het omgekeerde.
Beth en haar advocaat zijn in eerste instantie verbijsterd door de opstelling van Joran, maar besluiten het morbide spel mee te spelen om te zien wat hij precies beoogt. De tot wanhoop gedreven Beth, die er alles voor over heeft om haar dochter na vijf jaar eindelijk thuis te brengen, betaalt uiteindelijk een voorschot van 25.000 dollar. Maar de hoop dat er nu echt een einde wordt gemaakt aan het tergende mysterie dat Beth al zo lang kwelt, blijkt niets meer dan een gewetenloos spel van Joran te zijn.
Ons programma kreeg ook exclusief inzage in alle rapporten van de FBI, die onderzoek deed naar de afpersing en zorgde dat alles werd opgenomen. Uit de verslagen blijkt opnieuw de harteloosheid van Joran. Zonder blikken of blozen wijst Joran in het bijzijn van Beth haar advocaat John Kelly op Aruba de plek aan waar Natalee begraven zou liggen. Van der Sloot presenteert zelfs niemand minder dan zijn eigen vader, die op dat moment nog geen drie maanden overleden is, als mededader. Maar na enig onderzoek stellen de politie en de FBI tamelijk eenvoudig vast dat het verhaal van Joran niet kan kloppen. Joran is dan al lang en breed van Aruba verdwenen en zit met het geld van Beth in de casino’s van Lima.
Een week later wordt Joran verdacht van moord, als in zijn hotelkamer in Lima het Peruaanse meisje Stephany Flores om het leven wordt gebracht. Voor Beth zijn de gelijkenissen met de moord op haar eigen dochter nauwelijks te bevatten, zo vertelt de geëmotioneerde moeder in onze uitzending.
In het tweede deel van onze reportage ontdekken Peter en Beth dat Peru een land is van corruptie, geweld, vriendjespolitiek en afspraken die niet worden nagekomen. Toch weten ze in het geheim een confrontatie met Joran van der Sloot in de zwaar beveiligde Castro Castro gevangenis te regelen. In de Amerikaanse pers heeft dit bezoek al de headlines van het nieuws gehaald, maar beelden zijn er nog niet van uitgezonden. Eindelijk kan Beth de man die ze verantwoordelijk houdt voor de verdwijning van haar dochter en die haar op zo’n laaghartige wijze afperste, in de ogen kijken.
Ook keren Beth en Peter terug naar Aruba, om met eigen ogen te zien waar Joran Natalee zogenaamd zou hebben begraven. De plek waar Joran in een van zijn e-mails over schrijft dat hij er regelmatig zelf heenging om “zijn respect te betuigen” aan Natalee…
De eerste uitzending is tot zondag 7 november online te bekijken
Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day. I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me. It's not easy. I ask God to help me.
“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 37229
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #423 on:
November 03, 2010, 05:08:54 PM »
If Joran van der Sloot possessed a conscience ... if he felt empathy ...
Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 15
: I'm glad I'm alone to recount the events that have brought me to this place on this morning, preparing to pack up and leave this house and Mountain Brook. Standing in the doorway of Natalee's room, I unwillingly step inside to the center of it, look around slowly, take it all in. In what feels like slow motion, I bend my knees until they touch the floor, rest my hands on the light cream-colored rug in front of me, and roll over onto my right side. Curling up in a fetal position, my head tucked down, arms crossing over my chest, I close my eyes again. And the cry I have fought off for almost two years finally comes. The final good-bye cry. And it comes hard. From somewhere deep, deep inside me. And it feels as if it will never stop. As if the pain can never be contained again.
Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day. I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me. It's not easy. I ask God to help me.
“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 32412
ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #424 on:
November 03, 2010, 09:16:55 PM »
Papiamentu translation:
30 year because the number 1!
publication: diaranson, 3 november 2010.
categoria: editorial, general
for by the instant cu the matutino here owing to see luz by day, past owing to acapara the posicion number 1 among all the medionan write, local y by exterior, y owing to mantene during 30 year! y not only esey, but cu by acuerdo cu we estadisticanan, cada year daily paper was aumenta her circulacion on the year anterior till arrive at the cifra record by 23.000 ehemplar before day! y the do not inclui the corant at english, aruba daily, because we do not manipula cu cifranan before aparenta cu we is more big by thing we is! we circulacion is fiho y creciendo keto bay!
daily paper owing to depart in the momentonan cu aruba was pasando in quite turbulencia; confrontacionnan politico was strong while the struggle before independencia was tumando lugar; betico was one by the apoyadornan more big by daily paper, y viceversa. together we owing to enfrenta enemigonan big by the cause, y at end owing to conquer because razon was at we near. at end, the netherlands owing to concede aruba the status aparte cu the have at present.
djey front, the crecimento by daily paper was vertiginoso. cu the mihor equipment by redaccion in entire the area here, we owing to impone one style by periodismo modern, optando before not sconde nothing before folk. kico cu was sosode cu was by her interest, we owing to cubri pe, y thing not was cumbini we island we owing to combati cu all we forza. is in the proceso ey cu daily paper, aruba y the folk by aruba owing to become uno, cu one sun aim we dilanti: the bienestar by we island y by her habitantenan.
all medio by comunicación is consisti by various departamento, y we have the suerte by can count ; cu will mihor disponible on one island so diminutive. today i am expresa my gratitud deep at all the personal by administracion, distribucion, impresion, photography, y mantenimento, apart from the another integrantenan by we empresa cu is ocupa funcionnan important in the aspecto global by we corant.
more cu nothing another, my be willing to agradece the folk generoso cu owing to apoya we for by one principio, y cu is follow sostene we incondicionalmente. is thanks at her lealtad we can owing to supera various obstaculo cu owing to being poni gratuitamente in we caminda. all the bad deseonan by nel oduber before come to anend cu daily paper, y by esnan cu past owing to influencia before follow her trayectoria by hate, owing to encounter cu the wall by boluntadnan cu not owing to allow neither person, y less still one mediocre manner nel, dicidi before they kico they can y kico they not can read. during ultimo eleccion, nel owing to bay so far by garantiza her hendenan cu the trip here if the is bay close daily paper, because the was confia in her victoria. but, the masa enormous by lectornan by daily paper owing to dicidi another. y behold we here, cumpliendo 30 year by existencia y bayendo before quite more!
before thing is we sponsernan, one thanks enfatico before they respaldo y they belief in we matutino. consciente cu thing depart in we paginanan is being read before more by 50 thousand lector, they're haci they inversionnan in propaganda where the have efecto y is rindi more, or as in daily paper. thanks by curazon!
after by owing to work tanto year together, is fair before my give one reconocimento personal at nilton, yubi, aureen, robbie y django, without neither menosprecio for her others. majority by they're cu my for by one principio. nilton, yubi, aureen y django have more cu 30 year near by my in the noble tarea by saca one matutino earnest y ecuanime, but also combativo hour the necesidad by hacie surgi. i am sintimi proud by is part by one equipment so talentoso, y is beseech ask god forza y boluntad before continua cu the tarea by informa we folk manner debt being by all the acontecimentonan cu is take lugar on we island.
thanks once more at all we lectornan, we sponsernan, we personal y we colaboradornan. god bendiciona we island y we folk!
I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.
"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.
Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 32412
ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #425 on:
November 03, 2010, 09:23:06 PM »
Papiamentu translation:
casa by alex mathew is feel cu abogadonan is take away by caso by her casa, because they're feel presion by o.m.
publication: diaranson, 3 november 2010.
categoria: judicial
*miles by dollar pay, after by cual abogadonan is bandona caso
oranjestad (aan): tuesday wife by alex mathew owing to be called daily paper, door by one preocupacion big cu the y her casa is feel actualmente. manner daily paper already come to anend owing to publica, mathew owing to worde acusa by traficacion human, relaciona cu personanan cu was work at the establecimento cu the was maneha esta foxy lady. always mathew owing to mantene her inocencia y past owing to busca one advocate before represente. her casa owing to be called daily paper y past owing to say cu cada vez cu mathew take one advocate, at dado instant the advocate is take away for by the caso.
past owing to say cu the y mathew owing to spend thousand by dollar pagando abogadonan y cada trip door by presion by part by ministerio publico, the advocate is take away her self for by the caso.
today self mathew have to present at corte before deal her detencion, but the ultimo advocate cu the was have owing to come to anend by take away by the caso, then the will have to bay without advocate.
casa by mathew owing to say daily paper cu the is wait for cu algo will can worde haci, because her casa is inocente y the have derecho manner all sospechoso, before attain good representacion in corte.
I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.
"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.
Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey All Star Jr.
Posts: 6714
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #426 on:
November 03, 2010, 10:56:59 PM »
I read a while back that Anita had copyrighted Joran's name. Can't say for certain that is true,
but this sounds like it might be the case.
Van der Sloot suing for copyright invasion?
Birmingham, Al (WIAT) Copyright lawsuit? Joran van der Sloot "the brand?" One more legal battle on one more continent?
Joran van der Sloot faces murder charges in Peru in the death of Stephany Flores.
He's sitting in Lima's Castro Castro prison trying to get his murder confession thrown out of court claiming coercion and technical irregularities by police.
He faces U.S. federal indictment on charges of wire fraud and extortion from a grand jury here in Birmingham after allegedly trying to scam Natalee Holloway's family out of a quarter million dollars in exchange for information about the fate of the Mountain Brook teen last seen in van der Sloot's company on a 2005 graduation trip to Aruba.
He's reportedly under investigation in Thailand over an alleged sex trade ring to import women from Southeast Asia to Dutch brothels.
Given that caseload, it seems pretty mundane to dabble in copyright law. But the Dutch newspaper de Telegraaf reports that van der Sloot's family lawyer, Bert de Rooij, is looking at suing Dutch crime journalist Peter R. de Vries for violating van der Sloot's right to protect his image.
"The manifestations of a person are therefore protected, as someone else who used that infringes your copyright," De Rooij said in an interview. De Telegraaf also quoted him saying ""If there is an infringement then of course we consider a compensation."
The same article quotes De Vries as saying a lawsuit would be a good opportunity for Jan van der Sloot to explain his behavior in the Holloway case.
De Vries, who currently has a two part series on the Natalee Holloway case airing on Dutch network SBS6, has pursued van der Sloot for years. He's taped hidden camera "confessions" telling various stories about Natalee's fate..only to have van der Sloot later say he was lying or making up tales.
de Vries current television project includes Beth Holloway discussing the alleged extortion and de Vries website promises next Sunday's program will include hidden camera video of Beth Holloway confronting van der Sloot in his prison cell.
The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
Monkey Junky
Posts: 3835
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #427 on:
November 03, 2010, 11:31:14 PM »
Good luck with that one.
Why did they have to disappear her body?
Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary -
My usual avatar is an
orchis simia
(monkey orchid) plant.
Monkey All Star
Posts: 11324
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #428 on:
November 03, 2010, 11:45:36 PM »
Quote from: msmarple on November 03, 2010, 11:31:14 PM
Good luck with that one.
Protect what image? 'Of the ditch' is probably one of the better parts of it.
R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!
I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.
None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 32412
ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #429 on:
November 04, 2010, 12:43:35 AM »
Quote from: 2NJSons_Mom on November 03, 2010, 11:45:36 PM
Quote from: msmarple on November 03, 2010, 11:31:14 PM
Good luck with that one.
Protect what image?
'Of the ditch' is probably one of the better parts of it.
I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.
"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.
Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Scared Monkey
Posts: 67
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #430 on:
November 04, 2010, 12:59:38 AM »
Quote from: Magnolia on November 03, 2010, 10:56:59 PM
I read a while back that Anita had copyrighted Joran's name. Can't say for certain that is true,
but this sounds like it might be the case.
Van der Sloot suing for copyright invasion?
Birmingham, Al (WIAT) Copyright lawsuit? Joran van der Sloot "the brand?" One more legal battle on one more continent?
Joran van der Sloot faces murder charges in Peru in the death of Stephany Flores.
He's sitting in Lima's Castro Castro prison trying to get his murder confession thrown out of court claiming coercion and technical irregularities by police.
He faces U.S. federal indictment on charges of wire fraud and extortion from a grand jury here in Birmingham after allegedly trying to scam Natalee Holloway's family out of a quarter million dollars in exchange for information about the fate of the Mountain Brook teen last seen in van der Sloot's company on a 2005 graduation trip to Aruba.
He's reportedly under investigation in Thailand over an alleged sex trade ring to import women from Southeast Asia to Dutch brothels.
Given that caseload, it seems pretty mundane to dabble in copyright law. But the Dutch newspaper de Telegraaf reports that van der Sloot's family lawyer, Bert de Rooij, is looking at suing Dutch crime journalist Peter R. de Vries for violating van der Sloot's right to protect his image.
"The manifestations of a person are therefore protected, as someone else who used that infringes your copyright," De Rooij said in an interview. De Telegraaf also quoted him saying ""If there is an infringement then of course we consider a compensation."
The same article quotes De Vries as saying a lawsuit would be a good opportunity for Jan van der Sloot to explain his behavior in the Holloway case.
De Vries, who currently has a two part series on the Natalee Holloway case airing on Dutch network SBS6, has pursued van der Sloot for years. He's taped hidden camera "confessions" telling various stories about Natalee's fate..only to have van der Sloot later say he was lying or making up tales.
de Vries current television project includes Beth Holloway discussing the alleged extortion and de Vries website promises next Sunday's program will include hidden camera video of Beth Holloway confronting van der Sloot in his prison cell.
REALLLLYYY? If that is true, I suggest Anita just use a symbol for his name as he is so very famous.....(kind of like Prince....LOL)
And I have an idea for the
symbol to use!!!!!!
billb's daughter
Monkey Junky
Posts: 1956
No Body...No Tourism aruba! Bring Natalee Home!
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #431 on:
November 04, 2010, 01:45:41 AM »
josey mansewer....at the end of the day...
feinted hope that aruba would bring Justice for Natalee....
Never happened....josey mansewer supported the dis-information machine....
son mansewer on persistence is only one example....
billb's daughter
Monkey Junky
Posts: 1956
No Body...No Tourism aruba! Bring Natalee Home!
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #432 on:
November 04, 2010, 01:48:24 AM »
Beth is a class act......my heart goes out to her and Dave and their family and friends...
Natalee never had a chance.....
Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 32412
ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #433 on:
November 04, 2010, 02:10:16 AM »
I’m going to throw out some names to you and I know you’ve done this line of questioning before from other show hosts but I’m curious to see what you have to say. When I mention the name Jossy Mansur...
Oh absolutely heroic, what a man, what a father, what a husband he is too... I mean my goodness. What a business man he is...integrity. And you know I will stand by Jossy because this is an individual that stepped forward for me, for human rights, and for justice. And gosh what he did for me was he took such a burden off of me during the month of July of 05 when I felt as if I was kind of out there on the forefront by myself going against these perpetrators until Jossy Mansur stepped forward I felt like I had no other ally. So you know he did the most amazing thing, and he went out on a limb and he you know for no reason other than doing the right thing and as I said being about professionalism, integrity, and respect for others human rights so absolutely what an amazing man.
I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.
"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.
Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 32412
ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #434 on:
November 04, 2010, 02:13:06 AM »
Quote from: texasmom on November 03, 2010, 07:36:11 AM
Justice for Natalee...
and Stephany!
I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.
"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.
Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Scared Monkey
Posts: 59
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #435 on:
November 04, 2010, 04:15:08 AM »
Quote from: Tamikosmom on November 03, 2010, 05:02:17 PM
The beginning of the Peter Devries' interview with Beth Holloway regarding the extortion begins at 15:00.
I just listened to the entire interview again. The implication is that a 22 year old young man is void of a conscience ... empathy. When that enfamous photo of Paulus, Anita and baby Joran flashed across the screen ... the photo that reflects many in my own albums ... I cried. When did it all go wrong?
Beth Holloway and Peter Devries Interview
Part One - Extorion
31 oktober 2010
, 22:45 uur
Archief, Uitzending
Het gewetenloze spel van Joran van der Sloot
Afgelopen zondag vertelde Beth Holloway in ons programma voor het eerst hoe de keiharde afpersing door Joran van der Sloot in zijn werk is gegaan, waarbij hij haar 250.000 dollar afhandig probeerde te maken. In ruil daarvoor beloofde hij de plek aan te wijzen waar hij Natalee zou hebben begraven. Beth verstrekte ons programma alle e-mails die Joran aan haar schreef. Deze geven een schokkend beeld van de nietsontziende, berekenende wijze waarop hij met de gevoelens van Natalee’s radeloze moeder speelde. Peter zocht Beth op in haar woonplaats Birmingham in de Amerikaanse staat Alabama.
In het tweede deel, dat zondag 7 november wordt uitgezonden, is te zien hoe Peter en Beth in het Zuid-Amerikaanse Peru een emotionele ontmoeting hebben met de broer van de vermoorde Stephany Flores. En na vijf jaar van ellende en onzekerheid, heeft Beth in de Castro Castro gevangenis in Lima voor het oog van onze camera’s ook een confrontatie met Joran. Zou Beth haar zenuwen in bedwang kunnen houden nu ze na vijf jaar de man die haar leven heeft verwoest zal ontmoeten? En hoe reageert Joran op deze onverwachte confrontatie?
De afpersingsaffaire begint in maart 2010, als de advocaat van Beth Holloway een e-mail ontvangt van Joran van der Sloot. Het is het begin van een wekenlange e-mailcorrespondentie. Waar Joran eerder in een interview beweerde dat hij door de familie van Natalee met e-mails werd bestookt, blijkt uit onze reportage juist het omgekeerde.
Beth en haar advocaat zijn in eerste instantie verbijsterd door de opstelling van Joran, maar besluiten het morbide spel mee te spelen om te zien wat hij precies beoogt. De tot wanhoop gedreven Beth, die er alles voor over heeft om haar dochter na vijf jaar eindelijk thuis te brengen, betaalt uiteindelijk een voorschot van 25.000 dollar. Maar de hoop dat er nu echt een einde wordt gemaakt aan het tergende mysterie dat Beth al zo lang kwelt, blijkt niets meer dan een gewetenloos spel van Joran te zijn.
Ons programma kreeg ook exclusief inzage in alle rapporten van de FBI, die onderzoek deed naar de afpersing en zorgde dat alles werd opgenomen. Uit de verslagen blijkt opnieuw de harteloosheid van Joran. Zonder blikken of blozen wijst Joran in het bijzijn van Beth haar advocaat John Kelly op Aruba de plek aan waar Natalee begraven zou liggen. Van der Sloot presenteert zelfs niemand minder dan zijn eigen vader, die op dat moment nog geen drie maanden overleden is, als mededader. Maar na enig onderzoek stellen de politie en de FBI tamelijk eenvoudig vast dat het verhaal van Joran niet kan kloppen. Joran is dan al lang en breed van Aruba verdwenen en zit met het geld van Beth in de casino’s van Lima.
Een week later wordt Joran verdacht van moord, als in zijn hotelkamer in Lima het Peruaanse meisje Stephany Flores om het leven wordt gebracht. Voor Beth zijn de gelijkenissen met de moord op haar eigen dochter nauwelijks te bevatten, zo vertelt de geëmotioneerde moeder in onze uitzending.
In het tweede deel van onze reportage ontdekken Peter en Beth dat Peru een land is van corruptie, geweld, vriendjespolitiek en afspraken die niet worden nagekomen. Toch weten ze in het geheim een confrontatie met Joran van der Sloot in de zwaar beveiligde Castro Castro gevangenis te regelen. In de Amerikaanse pers heeft dit bezoek al de headlines van het nieuws gehaald, maar beelden zijn er nog niet van uitgezonden. Eindelijk kan Beth de man die ze verantwoordelijk houdt voor de verdwijning van haar dochter en die haar op zo’n laaghartige wijze afperste, in de ogen kijken.
Ook keren Beth en Peter terug naar Aruba, om met eigen ogen te zien waar Joran Natalee zogenaamd zou hebben begraven.
De plek waar Joran in een van zijn e-mails over schrijft dat hij er regelmatig zelf heenging om “zijn respect te betuigen” aan Natalee…
De eerste uitzending is tot zondag 7 november online te bekijken
It wouldn't surprise me that this sentence in an email to Beth is close to the truth. I am not speaking about 'respect to Natalee' but about the burial spot.
After Paulus died Joran came back to Aruba, where he also visited soccergames on the new soccerfield close to the VDSresidence.
In my 'bike'scenario this fenced field, which already was under construction in 2005, is as a possible burial spot number one in this unsolved case.
I am still waiting for the cadaverdogs and the groudradar to search that area.
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Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 15883
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #436 on:
November 04, 2010, 02:09:42 PM »
Quote from: Magnolia on November 03, 2010, 10:56:59 PM
I read a while back that Anita had copyrighted Joran's name. Can't say for certain that is true,
but this sounds like it might be the case.
Van der Sloot suing for copyright invasion?
Birmingham, Al (WIAT) Copyright lawsuit? Joran van der Sloot "the brand?" One more legal battle on one more continent?
Joran van der Sloot faces murder charges in Peru in the death of Stephany Flores.
He's sitting in Lima's Castro Castro prison trying to get his murder confession thrown out of court claiming coercion and technical irregularities by police.
He faces U.S. federal indictment on charges of wire fraud and extortion from a grand jury here in Birmingham after allegedly trying to scam Natalee Holloway's family out of a quarter million dollars in exchange for information about the fate of the Mountain Brook teen last seen in van der Sloot's company on a 2005 graduation trip to Aruba.
He's reportedly under investigation in Thailand over an alleged sex trade ring to import women from Southeast Asia to Dutch brothels.
Given that caseload, it seems pretty mundane to dabble in copyright law. But the Dutch newspaper de Telegraaf reports that van der Sloot's family lawyer, Bert de Rooij, is looking at suing Dutch crime journalist Peter R. de Vries for violating van der Sloot's right to protect his image.
"The manifestations of a person are therefore protected, as someone else who used that infringes your copyright," De Rooij said in an interview. De Telegraaf also quoted him saying ""If there is an infringement then of course we consider a compensation."
The same article quotes De Vries as saying a lawsuit would be a good opportunity for Jan van der Sloot to explain his behavior in the Holloway case.
De Vries, who currently has a two part series on the Natalee Holloway case airing on Dutch network SBS6, has pursued van der Sloot for years. He's taped hidden camera "confessions" telling various stories about Natalee's fate..only to have van der Sloot later say he was lying or making up tales.
de Vries current television project includes Beth Holloway discussing the alleged extortion and de Vries website promises next Sunday's program will include hidden camera video of Beth Holloway confronting van der Sloot in his prison cell.
Can you picture Joran's next get out of jail card free. Listen Judge I have to go home and testify in a case where I can potentially make a lot off money of my name. So you have to have the Peruvian government fly me home with a police escort of course and defend myself and then I promise I will come back to this lovely country where the food is fabulous and the room with a view is just beautiful.
Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 37229
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #437 on:
November 04, 2010, 02:17:52 PM »
Who Can We Trust?
Page 182:
Helen is very positive. "It looks good that they will remain in custody" she says. Then just three hours after she tells me this encouraging news, a devastating call comes from an AP reporter. Paulus van der Sloot and his attorney are bragging to everyone that all three suspects are getting out day after tomorrow!. Then all the media start calling.
I call Helen, then FBI agent Bill and the U.S. vice-consul
. None of them have this information. So we tell the media it must be a rumor. But the word is out all over the island from the defense side that all three suspects will walk. Four and a half hours after this announcement is made to international media by Joran's father and his defense team, the FBI calls to tell me that it is indeed true. So the three suspects who were last seen with my daughter, and who offered multiple versions of what happened that night, will go free. And we are the last ones to find out.
Page 185
: The island authorities originally planned to release the three suspects at two o-clock in the morning on Saturday, September 3. The Strategic Communications Task Force undoubtedly helped them make a less conspicuous move and release them in the afternoon instead. Curious to see the setup at the van der Sloot house for Joran's parade of victory, I drive by there, never in a million years expecting to see who is there.
It's the U.S. vice-consul
. At the van der Sloots' house. Why is she here? She spots me. Jumps in her car and follows me to a resturant parking lot, waving, honking, calling on the cell phone. I don't want to talk to her.
Who can we trust?
Page 189
: It's the proverbial, Biblical conflict between good and evil. It's very, very hard to fight evil because it constantly changes form and you never know who your enemies are. And evil is always two steps ahead. From the outset we never had a chance. But we didn't know it.
Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day. I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me. It's not easy. I ask God to help me.
“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 37229
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #438 on:
November 04, 2010, 02:18:47 PM »
Quote from: San on November 04, 2010, 02:09:42 PM
Quote from: Magnolia on November 03, 2010, 10:56:59 PM
I read a while back that Anita had copyrighted Joran's name. Can't say for certain that is true,
but this sounds like it might be the case.
Van der Sloot suing for copyright invasion?
Birmingham, Al (WIAT) Copyright lawsuit? Joran van der Sloot "the brand?" One more legal battle on one more continent?
Joran van der Sloot faces murder charges in Peru in the death of Stephany Flores.
He's sitting in Lima's Castro Castro prison trying to get his murder confession thrown out of court claiming coercion and technical irregularities by police.
He faces U.S. federal indictment on charges of wire fraud and extortion from a grand jury here in Birmingham after allegedly trying to scam Natalee Holloway's family out of a quarter million dollars in exchange for information about the fate of the Mountain Brook teen last seen in van der Sloot's company on a 2005 graduation trip to Aruba.
He's reportedly under investigation in Thailand over an alleged sex trade ring to import women from Southeast Asia to Dutch brothels.
Given that caseload, it seems pretty mundane to dabble in copyright law. But the Dutch newspaper de Telegraaf reports that van der Sloot's family lawyer, Bert de Rooij, is looking at suing Dutch crime journalist Peter R. de Vries for violating van der Sloot's right to protect his image.
"The manifestations of a person are therefore protected, as someone else who used that infringes your copyright," De Rooij said in an interview. De Telegraaf also quoted him saying ""If there is an infringement then of course we consider a compensation."
The same article quotes De Vries as saying a lawsuit would be a good opportunity for Jan van der Sloot to explain his behavior in the Holloway case.
De Vries, who currently has a two part series on the Natalee Holloway case airing on Dutch network SBS6, has pursued van der Sloot for years. He's taped hidden camera "confessions" telling various stories about Natalee's fate..only to have van der Sloot later say he was lying or making up tales.
de Vries current television project includes Beth Holloway discussing the alleged extortion and de Vries website promises next Sunday's program will include hidden camera video of Beth Holloway confronting van der Sloot in his prison cell.
Can you picture Joran's next get out of jail card free. Listen Judge I have to go home and testify in a case where I can potentially make a lot off money of my name. So you have to have the Peruvian government fly me home with a police escort of course and defend myself and then I promise I will come back to this lovely country where the food is fabulous and the room with a view is just beautiful.
Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day. I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me. It's not easy. I ask God to help me.
“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Mega Star
Posts: 37229
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 -
Reply #439 on:
November 04, 2010, 03:28:39 PM »
Quote from: billb on November 04, 2010, 01:45:41 AM
josey mansewer....at the end of the day...
feinted hope that aruba would bring Justice for Natalee....
Never happened....josey mansewer supported the dis-information machine....
son mansewer on persistence is only one example....
Although I will never comprehend Diario's "Woman of the Year" award for Karin Janssen ... I do believe that Jossy was originally on the side of justice for Natalee Holloway. Was support politically motivated? I don't know. However ... I do know that Diario's reporting of the corrupt Aruban investigation almost resulted in it's demise.
However ... something akin to Tim Miller ... along the way a change in Jossy Mansur's position was detected. Jossy and Tim were this close in the Persistence distraction regarding all the happenings encompassing the pond witness. Were they both deceived? I don't think so.
Eduardo Mansur ... Jossy's son ... was a constant presence on board the Persistence yet ... both Eduardo and his father are silent in regards the John Silvetti's betrayal of Natalee Holloway and her family ... the betrayal revealed in Kyle Kingman's own words.
Kyle Kingman - In His Own Words
Kyle Kingman:
We're close to finding the Dirty Hand and a major leak plaguing the investigation. I believe they're linked. I'm assuming Caps isn't deep inside ALE, but do we know that he isn't? We need to figure out who Cap's source is and what he does. Can we confirm Destiny's source is a Dairio reporter? If so, do we know who this would be? Could it be Eduardo Mansur???
Kermit - Scared Monkeys
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #790 1/3/09 -
« Reply #173 on: January 04, 2009, 02:37:49 PM »
Hotshot just emailed this to me from Jossy. Hotshot is having problems logging in, I have no idea why as she is not banned.
From Jossy:
No, my son was not on the dive team, but he was on board the ship every day. What he told me is that the cage is of an industrial type and not similar to the one that went missing the same morning Natalee disappeared. The ship did map a vast area and was able to pinpoint close to 100 items of interest on the bottom of the ocean along the coast. Just when they were about to examine them, they ran out of money because it is an expensive venture.
Take care
Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day. I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me. It's not easy. I ask God to help me.
“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
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