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Author Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #850 10/24/10 - 11/16/10  (Read 393700 times)
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billb's daughter
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No Body...No Tourism aruba! Bring Natalee Home!

« Reply #760 on: November 11, 2010, 02:12:31 AM »

Good Night Good Monkeys..
Justice for Natalee is just around the corner..... an angelic monkey
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #761 on: November 11, 2010, 03:22:49 AM »

There are many of us reading daily from the rafters, and appreciate all you are doing.


Ditto....and cute koala Smile

Check every detail-check it twice. At least check it once. FIND NATALEE
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« Reply #762 on: November 11, 2010, 05:48:39 AM »

La familia Flores aseguran que Joran Van der Sloot vive como rey...

A pesar que confesó ser el asesino de Stephany Flores, Van derSloot no le dice nada al juez Miércoles, 10 de noviembre del 2010.

Stepahany Flores murió asesinada el 30 mayo en una habitación de hotel, en la que se hospedad el holandés Joran Van derSloot. El cual es el principa sospechoso de la muerte de la joven.

Todo indica que Van derSloot sería el asesino de Stephany, ya que un video muestra que él fue el último de verla con vida y entrar a la habitación en la que fue asesinada brutalmen.

“Es vergonzoso lo que pasa en las cárceles.  Yo creo que el INPE tiene que darle el tratamiento que tiene cualquier delincuente”,  dijo indignado Ricardo Flores, padre de la joven asesinada.

Agregó que ya han pasado seis meses desde la reclusión del holandés y “hasta el día hasta el día de hoy se niega a dar su declaración al juez”, señaló para una televisora local limeña.

“Lamentablemente pareciera que las leyes que se dan en el Congreso no fueran eyes para que se juzgara y se sentenciara a los asesinos sino para protegerlos” comentó indignado Flores.


Google Translation


Stepahany Flores was murdered on 30 May in a hotel room, which hosts the Dutch Joran Van derSloot. Who is the prime suspect in the death of the young.

Everything indicates that the murderer would derSloot Van Stephany, because a video shows that he was the last to see her alive and enter the room where he was brutally murdered.

However, the family of the victim shows his great reproach to the Peruvian justice system, noting that Joran lives "like a king in jail."

"It is shameful what happens in prisons. I think the INPE has to give the same treatment to all criminals," said Ricardo Flores outraged father of the girl killed.

He added that it's been six months since the detention of the Dutch and "until this day refuses to give his statement to the judge," he said to a local television station in Lima.

"Unfortunately it seems that there are laws in Congress to protect the criminal, not to try and sentence them." Flores said indignantly.

Have been following the past days events from the rafters.  Beth continues to amaze me with her courage and grace in her endless quest to bring Natalee home.  We stand beside you Beth and although you have lost so much, I pray that one day your girl can be brought home.  That you can have a marker, a grave to visit, a place to put a rose. . .

In reading Mr. Flores words, I feel some concern.  I believe it is the first time I've heard him criticize the justice system in Peru.  He has always seemed so certain that justice will prevail.  The evidence is so overwhelming.  Perhaps he is just frustrated with the delays.  Perhaps it is because he sees, as Beth did, the lengths Joran and his lawyers will go, the discrediting of his victims, the arrogance that he displays.
Perhaps I make mountains of molehills...still, I am concerned.

Money won't buy you love, but money (taken from interviews about his crimes) will buy liberties, protection, favors, delays.

Mr. Flores wants swift justice and I don't blame him! 

Justice for Natalee and Stefany!  an angelic monkey an angelic monkey


Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #763 on: November 11, 2010, 07:43:53 AM »

There are many of us reading daily from the rafters, and appreciate all you are doing.


Ditto....and cute koala Smile

  Great to see you Sleuth!   

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #764 on: November 11, 2010, 07:50:43 AM »

La familia Flores aseguran que Joran Van der Sloot vive como rey...

A pesar que confesó ser el asesino de Stephany Flores, Van derSloot no le dice nada al juez Miércoles, 10 de noviembre del 2010.

Stepahany Flores murió asesinada el 30 mayo en una habitación de hotel, en la que se hospedad el holandés Joran Van derSloot. El cual es el principa sospechoso de la muerte de la joven.

Todo indica que Van derSloot sería el asesino de Stephany, ya que un video muestra que él fue el último de verla con vida y entrar a la habitación en la que fue asesinada brutalmen.

“Es vergonzoso lo que pasa en las cárceles.  Yo creo que el INPE tiene que darle el tratamiento que tiene cualquier delincuente”,  dijo indignado Ricardo Flores, padre de la joven asesinada.

Agregó que ya han pasado seis meses desde la reclusión del holandés y “hasta el día hasta el día de hoy se niega a dar su declaración al juez”, señaló para una televisora local limeña.

“Lamentablemente pareciera que las leyes que se dan en el Congreso no fueran eyes para que se juzgara y se sentenciara a los asesinos sino para protegerlos” comentó indignado Flores.


Google Translation


Stepahany Flores was murdered on 30 May in a hotel room, which hosts the Dutch Joran Van derSloot. Who is the prime suspect in the death of the young.

Everything indicates that the murderer would derSloot Van Stephany, because a video shows that he was the last to see her alive and enter the room where he was brutally murdered.

However, the family of the victim shows his great reproach to the Peruvian justice system, noting that Joran lives "like a king in jail."

"It is shameful what happens in prisons. I think the INPE has to give the same treatment to all criminals," said Ricardo Flores outraged father of the girl killed.

He added that it's been six months since the detention of the Dutch and "until this day refuses to give his statement to the judge," he said to a local television station in Lima.

"Unfortunately it seems that there are laws in Congress to protect the criminal, not to try and sentence them." Flores said indignantly.

Have been following the past days events from the rafters.  Beth continues to amaze me with her courage and grace in her endless quest to bring Natalee home.  We stand beside you Beth and although you have lost so much, I pray that one day your girl can be brought home.  That you can have a marker, a grave to visit, a place to put a rose. . .

In reading Mr. Flores words, I feel some concern.  I believe it is the first time I've heard him criticize the justice system in Peru.  He has always seemed so certain that justice will prevail.  The evidence is so overwhelming.  Perhaps he is just frustrated with the delays.  Perhaps it is because he sees, as Beth did, the lengths Joran and his lawyers will go, the discrediting of his victims, the arrogance that he displays.
Perhaps I make mountains of molehills...still, I am concerned.

Money won't buy you love, but money (taken from interviews about his crimes) will buy liberties, protection, favors, delays.

Mr. Flores wants swift justice and I don't blame him! 

Justice for Natalee and Stefany!  an angelic monkey an angelic monkey

I'm hoping that's what it is too.  Enrique Flores, when speaking to Beth and Peter still seemed confident that justice will prevail.  I'm praying he's right.

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 32412

ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #765 on: November 11, 2010, 07:53:11 AM »

Have a great day Monkeys!   

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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« Reply #766 on: November 11, 2010, 08:01:10 AM »

Good Night Good Monkeys..
Justice for Natalee is just around the corner..... an angelic monkey


  " Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."  - Daniel Moynihan
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« Reply #767 on: November 11, 2010, 08:14:34 AM »

Good morning texasmom, all our monkeys and guests

  " Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."  - Daniel Moynihan
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« Reply #768 on: November 11, 2010, 11:39:29 AM »

Have been following the past days events from the rafters.  Beth continues to amaze me with her courage and grace in her endless quest to bring Natalee home.  We stand beside you Beth and although you have lost so much, I pray that one day your girl can be brought home.  That you can have a marker, a grave to visit, a place to put a rose. . .

In reading Mr. Flores words, I feel some concern.  I believe it is the first time I've heard him criticize the justice system in Peru.  He has always seemed so certain that justice will prevail.  The evidence is so overwhelming.  Perhaps he is just frustrated with the delays.  Perhaps it is because he sees, as Beth did, the lengths Joran and his lawyers will go, the discrediting of his victims, the arrogance that he displays.
Perhaps I make mountains of molehills...still, I am concerned.

Money won't buy you love, but money (taken from interviews about his crimes) will buy liberties, protection, favors, delays.

Mr. Flores wants swift justice and I don't blame him! 

Justice for Natalee and Stefany!  an angelic monkey an angelic monkey




I have been informed by a young Canadian pastor who has a ministry on the outskirts of Peru that bribes and influencial connections stand in the way of justice prevailing in Peru from traffic violations all the way up.  In other words ... the justice system is corrupt.

I was hoping that the Flores' influence and political connection implied that justice would prevail for Stephany but after reading the words of Stephany's father ... maybe not.

Could it be that those within the Dutch and Aruba admiinistrations who protected Joran from accountability in the Natalee Holloway case also have the wealth, influence and power to do the same in the Stephany Flores case?

Think about it.  Joran is holding the Ace.  If he were to expose those behind the cover up in the Natalee Holloway case ... the Aruban/Dutch house of cards collapses.




Many Friends[/b

]Nancy Grace - October 4, 2005

NANCY GRACE, HOST: … Jossy, regarding the connection, what I perceived to be a close connection between the judge, Paulus Van Der Sloot and the retired chief of police who initially handled Natalee`s case, Van Der Stratten, were they friends?
JOSSY MANSUR: Of course, they were friends. It stands to reason they were friends because Paul Van Der Sloot had many friends within the police department; he had many friends within the Department of Justice. And he had many friends with -- and he was friendly with all the judges in Aruba. He worked out of the same office as they did and did the same work.


Lobbying for Joran

On the Record w / Greta - November 14, 2005

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S MOTHER: Well Greta, somebody is lobbying for Joran in the Hague in order to protect him ..... it has to be.

Its been documented[/b

]The Jonesboro Sun - January 29, 2007

Twitty recalled the first days after her daughter's disappearance and the actions of the Aruban government.

"We did everything we could in looking for her.  There was a government coverup, and it has been documented," Twitty contended.


A List of Reasons

'Scarborough Country' - October 23, 2005

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: They never—they never wanted to implicate these three young men.

They never wanted to implicate them from the beginning. And there is a list of reasons, you know, why we know that is true.


Everybody Knows

Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway

Page 194: It's quiet in the room when i add, 'Oh, come on. Everyone knows there was a cover-up.' And to this, Jorge Pesquera, president and CEO of the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association, shrugs his shoulders, nods in the affirmative, and says softly, 'Yes...yes there was'."


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
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« Reply #769 on: November 11, 2010, 11:41:56 AM »

I messed up.  It was not my intention to highlight quotes in bold.


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 5199

« Reply #770 on: November 11, 2010, 11:43:11 AM »

La familia Flores aseguran que Joran Van der Sloot vive como rey...

A pesar que confesó ser el asesino de Stephany Flores, Van derSloot no le dice nada al juez Miércoles, 10 de noviembre del 2010.

Stepahany Flores murió asesinada el 30 mayo en una habitación de hotel, en la que se hospedad el holandés Joran Van derSloot. El cual es el principa sospechoso de la muerte de la joven.

Todo indica que Van derSloot sería el asesino de Stephany, ya que un video muestra que él fue el último de verla con vida y entrar a la habitación en la que fue asesinada brutalmen.

“Es vergonzoso lo que pasa en las cárceles.  Yo creo que el INPE tiene que darle el tratamiento que tiene cualquier delincuente”,  dijo indignado Ricardo Flores, padre de la joven asesinada.

Agregó que ya han pasado seis meses desde la reclusión del holandés y “hasta el día hasta el día de hoy se niega a dar su declaración al juez”, señaló para una televisora local limeña.

“Lamentablemente pareciera que las leyes que se dan en el Congreso no fueran eyes para que se juzgara y se sentenciara a los asesinos sino para protegerlos” comentó indignado Flores.


Google Translation


Stepahany Flores was murdered on 30 May in a hotel room, which hosts the Dutch Joran Van derSloot. Who is the prime suspect in the death of the young.

Everything indicates that the murderer would derSloot Van Stephany, because a video shows that he was the last to see her alive and enter the room where he was brutally murdered.

However, the family of the victim shows his great reproach to the Peruvian justice system, noting that Joran lives "like a king in jail."

"It is shameful what happens in prisons. I think the INPE has to give the same treatment to all criminals," said Ricardo Flores outraged father of the girl killed.

He added that it's been six months since the detention of the Dutch and "until this day refuses to give his statement to the judge," he said to a local television station in Lima.

"Unfortunately it seems that there are laws in Congress to protect the criminal, not to try and sentence them." Flores said indignantly.

Have been following the past days events from the rafters.  Beth continues to amaze me with her courage and grace in her endless quest to bring Natalee home.  We stand beside you Beth and although you have lost so much, I pray that one day your girl can be brought home.  That you can have a marker, a grave to visit, a place to put a rose. . .

In reading Mr. Flores words, I feel some concern.  I believe it is the first time I've heard him criticize the justice system in Peru.  He has always seemed so certain that justice will prevail.  The evidence is so overwhelming.  Perhaps he is just frustrated with the delays.  Perhaps it is because he sees, as Beth did, the lengths Joran and his lawyers will go, the discrediting of his victims, the arrogance that he displays.
Perhaps I make mountains of molehills...still, I am concerned.

Money won't buy you love, but money (taken from interviews about his crimes) will buy liberties, protection, favors, delays.

Mr. Flores wants swift justice and I don't blame him! 

Justice for Natalee and Stefany!  an angelic monkey an angelic monkey

I'm hoping that's what it is too.  Enrique Flores, when speaking to Beth and Peter still seemed confident that justice will prevail.  I'm praying he's right.

Amen.   an angelic monkey
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 5199

« Reply #771 on: November 11, 2010, 11:51:55 AM »

Have been following the past days events from the rafters.  Beth continues to amaze me with her courage and grace in her endless quest to bring Natalee home.  We stand beside you Beth and although you have lost so much, I pray that one day your girl can be brought home.  That you can have a marker, a grave to visit, a place to put a rose. . .

In reading Mr. Flores words, I feel some concern.  I believe it is the first time I've heard him criticize the justice system in Peru.  He has always seemed so certain that justice will prevail.  The evidence is so overwhelming.  Perhaps he is just frustrated with the delays.  Perhaps it is because he sees, as Beth did, the lengths Joran and his lawyers will go, the discrediting of his victims, the arrogance that he displays.
Perhaps I make mountains of molehills...still, I am concerned.

Money won't buy you love, but money (taken from interviews about his crimes) will buy liberties, protection, favors, delays.

Mr. Flores wants swift justice and I don't blame him! 

Justice for Natalee and Stefany!  an angelic monkey an angelic monkey




I have been informed by a young Canadian pastor who has a ministry on the outskirts of Peru that bribes and influencial connections stand in the way of justice prevailing in Peru from traffic violations all the way up.  In other words ... the justice system is corrupt.

I was hoping that the Flores' influence and political connection implied that justice would prevail for Stephany but after reading the words of Stephany's father ... maybe not.

Could it be that those within the Dutch and Aruba admiinistrations who protected Joran from accountability in the Natalee Holloway case also have the wealth, influence and power to do the same in the Stephany Flores case?

Think about it.  Joran is holding the Ace.  If he were to expose those behind the cover up in the Natalee Holloway case ... the Aruban/Dutch house of cards collapses.




Many Friends[/b

]Nancy Grace - October 4, 2005

NANCY GRACE, HOST: … Jossy, regarding the connection, what I perceived to be a close connection between the judge, Paulus Van Der Sloot and the retired chief of police who initially handled Natalee`s case, Van Der Stratten, were they friends?
JOSSY MANSUR: Of course, they were friends. It stands to reason they were friends because Paul Van Der Sloot had many friends within the police department; he had many friends within the Department of Justice. And he had many friends with -- and he was friendly with all the judges in Aruba. He worked out of the same office as they did and did the same work.


Lobbying for Joran

On the Record w / Greta - November 14, 2005

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S MOTHER: Well Greta, somebody is lobbying for Joran in the Hague in order to protect him ..... it has to be.

Its been documented[/b

]The Jonesboro Sun - January 29, 2007

Twitty recalled the first days after her daughter's disappearance and the actions of the Aruban government.

"We did everything we could in looking for her.  There was a government coverup, and it has been documented," Twitty contended.


A List of Reasons

'Scarborough Country' - October 23, 2005

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: They never—they never wanted to implicate these three young men.

They never wanted to implicate them from the beginning. And there is a list of reasons, you know, why we know that is true.


Everybody Knows

Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway

Page 194: It's quiet in the room when i add, 'Oh, come on. Everyone knows there was a cover-up.' And to this, Jorge Pesquera, president and CEO of the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association, shrugs his shoulders, nods in the affirmative, and says softly, 'Yes...yes there was'."

Janet I'm just feeling a little skittish.  It bothers me that Joran could be even the the tiniest bit comfortable. 

I think justice for Stephany will prevail eventually, it just does not suit my sense of timing, and although the Flore's lives have forever changed I would like to see the trial move forward for them. 
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #772 on: November 11, 2010, 12:13:52 PM »

Have been following the past days events from the rafters.  Beth continues to amaze me with her courage and grace in her endless quest to bring Natalee home.  We stand beside you Beth and although you have lost so much, I pray that one day your girl can be brought home.  That you can have a marker, a grave to visit, a place to put a rose. . .

In reading Mr. Flores words, I feel some concern.  I believe it is the first time I've heard him criticize the justice system in Peru.  He has always seemed so certain that justice will prevail.  The evidence is so overwhelming.  Perhaps he is just frustrated with the delays.  Perhaps it is because he sees, as Beth did, the lengths Joran and his lawyers will go, the discrediting of his victims, the arrogance that he displays.
Perhaps I make mountains of molehills...still, I am concerned.

Money won't buy you love, but money (taken from interviews about his crimes) will buy liberties, protection, favors, delays.

Mr. Flores wants swift justice and I don't blame him! 

Justice for Natalee and Stefany!  an angelic monkey an angelic monkey




I have been informed by a young Canadian pastor who has a ministry on the outskirts of Lima that bribes and influencial connections stand in the way of justice prevailing in Peru from traffic violations all the way up.  In other words ... the justice system is corrupt.

I was hoping that the Flores' influence and political connection implied that justice would prevail for Stephany but after reading the words of Stephany's father ... maybe not.

Could it be that those within the Dutch and Aruba admiinistrations who protected Joran from accountability in the Natalee Holloway case also have the wealth, influence and power to do the same in the Stephany Flores case?

Think about it.  Joran is holding the Ace.  If he were to expose those behind the cover up in the Natalee Holloway case ... the Aruban/Dutch house of cards collapses.



Janet I'm just feeling a little skittish.  It bothers me that Joran could be even the the tiniest bit comfortable. 

I think justice for Stephany will prevail eventually, it just does not suit my sense of timing, and although the Flore's lives have forever changed I would like to see the trial move forward for them. 


That is my hope but the words of Stephany's father do concern me.





Google Translation


Stepahany Flores was murdered on 30 May in a hotel room, which hosts the Dutch Joran Van derSloot. Who is the prime suspect in the death of the young.

Everything indicates that the murderer would derSloot Van Stephany, because a video shows that he was the last to see her alive and enter the room where he was brutally murdered.

However, the family of the victim shows his great reproach to the Peruvian justice system, noting that Joran lives "like a king in jail."

"It is shameful what happens in prisons. I think the INPE has to give the same treatment to all criminals," said Ricardo Flores outraged father of the girl killed.

He added that it's been six months since the detention of the Dutch and "until this day refuses to give his statement to the judge," he said to a local television station in Lima.

"Unfortunately it seems that there are laws in Congress to protect the criminal, not to try and sentence them." Flores said indignantly.


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 6714

« Reply #773 on: November 11, 2010, 12:35:29 PM »

I think Mr. Flores has old political ties that lead right back to our CIA.

 I am hopeful that the CIA is assisting in trying to get the location of Natalee's remains while Joran is feeling confident and living like a king.  When the location is known and proven, the doors of justice will slam on
Joran.  I think that day is coming soon.

The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 5199

« Reply #774 on: November 11, 2010, 01:20:56 PM »

I think Mr. Flores has old political ties that lead right back to our CIA.

 I am hopeful that the CIA is assisting in trying to get the location of Natalee's remains while Joran is feeling confident and living like a king.  When the location is known and proven, the doors of justice will slam on
Joran.  I think that day is coming soon.

Thank you Magnolia. 
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #775 on: November 11, 2010, 02:29:38 PM »


Google translation:


Drugs gang rolled into Mahuma

November 11, 2010, 12:36 (GMT -04:00)

ORANGE CITY - Justice yesterday raided an apartment in Mahuma. It was a kilo of cocaine, a nine millimeter gun, balls and equipment to do with seized. On the picture to see a box of condoms, which was also found and included. The condoms are used for the drugs to stop drug smugglers so they are easier to absorb. In the apartment during the raid were five men, they were arrested. The men were involved in selling drugs, the preparation of spheres and organize shipments of drugs by drug smugglers to the Netherlands and the United States flew. The raid was a collaboration between the drug team of the police investigation into the North, the prosecution and the judge. Justice had been some time engaged in the research and had the apartment under surveillance. Yesterday the team decided to take action to proceed.

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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God watch over our children and keep them safe.

« Reply #776 on: November 11, 2010, 02:33:33 PM »

I think Mr. Flores has old political ties that lead right back to our CIA.

 I am hopeful that the CIA is assisting in trying to get the location of Natalee's remains while Joran is feeling confident and living like a king.  When the location is known and proven, the doors of justice will slam on
Joran.  I think that day is coming soon.

I was already thinking a little the same of what Janet and Can were saying.  He seems to just get by with Everything!  How can that be possible, especially in two different countries.  However, what you just stated, I hadn't thought about and makes me feel a little better.  I pray you are right!

God has FINAL Judgement!<br />
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #777 on: November 11, 2010, 02:34:06 PM »


Google translation:

More than twice as many drug couriers arrested

November 11, 2010, 12:40 (GMT -04:00)

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ORANGE CITY - The police arrested 94 drug couriers last year, of whom 36 were drug smugglers. That's in 2009 Annual Report of the Police Corps Aruba (KPA). This is double the number from two years ago, when 39 drug traffickers were caught, of whom 17 drug smugglers.

The figures are from the Organized Crime Section of the police. Last year, police arrested more people, 155 total, for drug offenses of which 137 were detained. In 2008 to 109 persons in jail for violating the law on narcotics. In total, the police last year, 205 kilos of cocaine and 161 kilos of marijuana seized. Figures for other drugs are not included in the annual report of 2009, but in the 2008 report. The report shows that two years ago, 208 kilos of cocaine, 89 kilograms of marijuana and 125 ecstasy pills were seized. Those numbers were significantly lower (except for cocaine) than in 2007 when police have seized 1078 ecstasy pills put on pounds and 490.8 marihuana.Het majority (77) years of the last person imprisoned for drug offenses have Dutch nationality and , so is the annual report read, from Aruba, Curacao and the Dominican Republic.

The Special Projects Team adds that last years 'good results' were achieved in the fight against local drug sales and possession. The team took 27 cases that yielded 60 arrests. This team also says police have found success with armed robbery. 42 cases were dealt with more than half (28) were solved. The special team last year it signaled that "a substantial part 'of the young criminals armed robbery suspects who were struck by the" hit and run method. While they used "appropriate force", said the police team.

As yesterday in this newspaper had reported, the report shows that the number of traffic accidents had increased considerably. This relates to the number of collisions recorded in 2009. The number of traffic violations also halved compared with 2008: 6463 registered offenses against 3558 last year. Motorcyclists of the Unit are on last year figures. These agents made last year a total of 2698 fines. What is also striking in the figures is that last year more pedestrians were killed in traffic: six against two in 2008. Most deaths were the last two years in Orange City.

The police closed last year with fewer jobs than in 2008. There were then 152, on December 31, 2009 the corps had 124 vacancies. KPA had a total of 538 employees whose last years 437 policemen and 101 persons (civilian) for administrative and technical support. Personnel costs were the main reasons for the higher spending compared to 2008. It was more than 7 tons florin. Last year the force spent a total of 54.7 million guilders.

Finally, it appears that even Internal Affairs Bureau and Investigations (Bizo) 136 surveys carried out among staff. The vast majority (101) surveys were antecedents. Eighteen studies were, however criminal and it was almost in all cases to abuse. In ten cases involved police officers who abuse were committed during work and in six cases, the abuse cases concerning the privacy of agents. The annual report of 2009 will not tell the agents were prosecuted in court. The annual report of 2008 is not reported on investigations of Bizo.

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #778 on: November 11, 2010, 02:36:22 PM »

I think Mr. Flores has old political ties that lead right back to our CIA.

I am hopeful that the CIA is assisting in trying to get the location of Natalee's remains while Joran is feeling confident and living like a king.  When the location is known and proven, the doors of justice will slam on Joran.  I think that day is coming soon.

Interesting, thanks Magnolia!   


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 32412

ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #779 on: November 11, 2010, 02:39:34 PM »


Papiamentu translation:

empleadonan publico is demanda edmond croes

wednesday, 10 november 2010 14:44

one are by trahadonan in bestuurskantoor today, via advocate mr lic. benvinda m. de sousa owing to send one carta for her conocido edmond croes. in the carta they're acusa the journalist by, via her medionan sun by folk, canal 22, top 95 y boletinextra.com, is publicando noticianan cu name, adres y salary by esunnan envolvi. they're pidi’e before voluntary the stop, but will demand’e at corte. click read more before download the carta completo.

Google translation:

Mr. Edmond Croes
h.o.d.n. Solo di Pueblo, Top FM, Canal 22
Sta Cruz z / n

Oranjestad, November 9, 2010

re: Espinoza, MAJ, Croes, ME; Lacle, C.; Villasmil, A. A., Fowler, A; Celaire, A. Webb, ER; Petrochi, ER, Daquin, J. ., Flan Gien, F. A., Acosta, AO, Mackintosh, JM, Banfield, R.; Agunbero, EH; Boekhoudt, R., Thomas, G., Hassell JM, Dimanche, AM; Geerman, RJ; Faneyte, RB, Pronk, P.; Schoop, NR

Dear Mr. Croes,

On behalf of the clients listed in the margin, I provided this notice as follows.

Clients have to their great dismay to see that you two consecutive editions - 2 and 3 last November - the morning paper published by you Solo di Pueblo, has approved of the names and salaries of the respective clients to publish.

In the second publication you are there to cap the addresses and birth dates of clients added.

These publications constitute a serious violation and a violation of, the privacy rights of clients. The publications are no journalistic interest, and they should in no way the public interest. Clients are all regular employees of the government and perform no public function.

Furthermore, in programs or on your behalf transmitted to you via the radio station Top FM OWNS, clients treated with less neat words instigate, offensive and inflammatory tone is used by clients.

Clients also have to establish that items that you use facebook and through your managed website Boletinextra.com insulting and derogatory remarks against clients expressed that their privacy rights being violated too.

Your conduct is unlawful to customers.

Clients by your wrongdoing seriously injured and damaged and they call for offer you both now, and now for then any and all liability arising from your actions they have already suffered and still suffer damage.

I urge you and if necessary I summation on behalf of a client will immediately refrain from doing any reporting, or publication, or expression of the person customers regarding, and me no later than tomorrow November 10, 2010 to 15:00 in writing log in or you will voluntarily comply with this request.

If you fail to comply with the above requested to meet clients will immediately refer the matter to the judge in interlocutory proceedings and their appropriate legal measures.


mr lic Benvinda M. de Sousa


Google translation:


Lawsuit threatened after publishing public salaries

November 11, 2010, 12:37 (GMT -04:00)

ORANGE CITY - Edmond Croes media maven has been at loggerheads with officials whose salaries last week in his newspaper published Solo di Pueblo. Two days ago he received a letter from the lawyer who represented the majority of these officials, stating that he must stop taxing such officials and public disclosure of private information.

The salaries of 26 employees were extended to November 3 in that paper. Solo di Pueblo is linked to opposition party MEP. It is the newspaper to close collaborators of the government-Eman, called coordinators, all working at the Administration Office. As government advisor Peter Pronk, Marko Espinoza previously worked at ATV and Armando Villasmil the press to light on behalf of ruling party ASF. On November 2 had their wages and salaries of seven others published. In the letter from the lawyer, officials Croes also his Top 95 radio station and television station Canal 22 slandered. It is insulting and derogatory remarks and self sedition, according to the letter. Croes also would be on Facebook and on the website he managed Boletinextra.com, is thus comment on the group of officials. These are now demanding that it stop Croes and also today (for three hours in the afternoon) has announced. If not, then steps to court officials. Whether this ultimatum reacted Croes, was at the time of printing of this newspaper not known

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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