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Author Topic: Kyron Horman, 7 years old, PORTLAND, OR #36 11/21/10 - 12/05/10  (Read 190485 times)
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Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #340 on: November 26, 2010, 03:36:35 PM »

Ok, quick question- we shouldn't believe Terri stating she had to pay Kaine 1,000.00 a month, but it's ok to believe she wrote emails complaining, hateful towards Kyron? How can we have it both ways/double standard?

I haven't commented on the hate emals. I haven't read them yet. It is an assumpton that Kaione made her stay home and not work. I honestly don't know who made that decision. Rght now I wish they would locate Kyron and bring him home. How truly sad so many have to suffer in this world because of evil people.

It is my prayer that Kyron be found and return home. Of course like everyone else I want him found alive but feel his parents need peace and closure. May this happen before Spring 2011.
Monkey All Star
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HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #341 on: November 26, 2010, 03:50:05 PM »

I see the parents of missing children as victims too. However, some of the time, the child would not have been a victim in the first place, had the parents not allowed them to be put in the position of being a victim. Until a child turns 18, they have no rights at all. It is so sad.

With regards to the $1000.00 that Terri CLAIMS she paid Kaine, I guess I would have to do the math. I was in a similar situation when I met my husband. He wanted me to contribute ex amount to the monthly bills. I did this for a few months until I realized that I could live elsewhere for about the same money and I would not have to cook, clean or be the primary care-taker of his children. I brought this to his attention and the situation was fixed. I don't trust anything that Terri has to say at this point. I am starting to not trust much that Kaine has to say either, simply based on inconsistencies. I have not seen a lot of inconsistencies with Desiree. When I see her on t.v. my heart breaks for her.

 Monkey Devil! ::MonkeyDevil::Love it!! I need to find the calculations where they showed the value in monetary terms of a stay at home mom (sans nannies or anything like that), and it was pushing $100m a yr, so ITA!

Also agree that so far I haven't seen any inconsistencies with Desiree, only extreme pain and think so far she is the only one that has been totally honest, I wouldn't trust Terri as far as I could throw her, and Kaine I think is trying to keep what he thinks are skeletons in the closet, ie the affair not being an affair and the drinking issue, so that is prolly why we see these inconsistencies, at least IMO, so if I had to pick anyone I believe and trust more than the other she'd win out......granted if something comes out from her that is also inconsistent I will change my mind. That being said, I'd love to know what the aggreement was with her and Kaine on Ky's custody when she left for lifesaving treatment, was it that it was only temporary and she custody was supposed to revert back to her and he fought it (and I can see that as a normal response from any parent so no judgement call from me), I see her as a very selfless person who has consistently put her son's needs ahead of hers and I am amazed at that, to me it's akin to someone putting their child up for adoption that they love and want to keep with every fiber of their being, but realize the child would have a better life for (fill in the blank) reasons, so they allow the adoption because they put the child's needs ahead of their own.

Hi Island Monkey,
Seriously, why do some women do all of this and then also allow the husband or boyfriend to control the purse strings? I love all of my kids, but being the primary care taker of children is a full-time job. It is exhausting! I was also working outside of the home at the time! It is all about that "fairness factor" for me.

I so agree about Desiree! I also have to give both Kaine and Desiree credit for being able to restrain themselves when the had access to Terri. If I thought that someone had taken my child, I would probably would have done some really illegal things to get them to talk.

I wish I knew, maybe they feel they have no choice or are in a marriage that is with a controlling man........could be numerous reasons, but when you consider a homeaker works far more than 40 hrs a week, is always on call and in many cases the fact they are staying home and taking care of all the "housewife stuff", allows men in some careers to excel and make more money since they aren't burdened by the stress of "how am I going to get my kids to school, the dr's appt, games etc", they are able to concentrate and focus soley on their vocation, and apparantly judges agree that this adds 20% value to the job of homemaker and interestingly enough the judges even consider a wife's support and encouragement of the husband's job added value. Things have really changed in 30-40 yrs when a man would get a divorce and only have to pay a pittance in alimony and child support to now having to pay for the fact a wife gave up her career and earning potential by being out of the job market, thus allowing her or him in the case of stay home fathers to excel in their job and advance. I remember a case where a very high profile studio exec in Hollywood (again going from recollection) didn't think his wife deserved more than the minimum alimony and the judge disagreed, stating that she not only took care of the kids and house, but also hosted parties for his potential clients etc., and that he wouldn't have advanced without her support to the extent he would have on his own, so he awarded her a significant amount to compensate for her contribution to his career. I too am a working mom, but I admit I let the housework slide alot more (well more than alot  ) than I did when I was a stay home mom, I am simply too wiped out after a long, stressful day at work, then come home to running lil man around, make dinner, pack lunch for school, supervise his homework, tidy up a little, do laundry and run to the grocery store.........well, after that I honestly have come to not care if the house is spotless, I realize once he's grown and out of the house it will be clean and not to sweat the small stuff, when being a less stressed mom helping him is far more important than the dust bunnies and dishes in the sink.

I know what you mean, I'd have already beat the crap out of Terri and I remember in the Cummings case thinking if I was Crystal I would have wanted so bad to get my hands on Misty and even Ron for allowing a drugged who to watch my kids, he obviously was thinking with the wrong head and his kids were not a priority, and IMO their lifestyle allowed a monster in....that monster could be Misty herself, Tommy, Joe, or even drugs. I just can't imagine what I'd do I were in their shoes, but it would take everything I had in me and a few valium not to reach out and touch someone IYKWIM

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #342 on: November 26, 2010, 05:02:07 PM »

Ok, quick question- we shouldn't believe Terri stating she had to pay Kaine 1,000.00 a month, but it's ok to believe she wrote emails complaining, hateful towards Kyron? How can we have it both ways/double standard?
My only question on TH paying KH 1,000 a month ... is where in the HILL is she getting 1,000 a month?!  That's the whole reason I don't believe that claim.

I also don't believe KH when he suddenly claims TH was passed out on the couch ... blah blah blah ... and yet he did nothing to save his children from that at the time? ...

Both liars IMO.

IMO TH & KH were a combustible couple.  You know, those two people who seem to find one another and every emotion is magnified to the nth degree.  The "love/lust" in the beginning is so heated that they fail to see any faults in one another.  The "resentment/hate" that ensues once the honeymoon is over is blinding.  See it all the time. 

Personally, I think they are both horrible people.  They both chose to use their children as pawns over and over again in their multiple relationships and that just disgusts me!  Kyron deserved so much more ... Sad.  As do TH's son and baby K. 

... trying to chase down all the Anthony's lies ... this may take a while ...
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #343 on: November 26, 2010, 05:20:49 PM »

When arrests are made in this case, I will bet you my life that Kaine will not be the one arrested and that Terri and maybe an accomplice will be.  LE knows who is responsible, they are getting their evidence together and an arrest will be made. 

I don't like seeing Kaine, Desiree or Tony bad mouthed in any way.  Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes.  Kaine, Desiree and Tony are all victims.
Monkey All Star
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HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #344 on: November 26, 2010, 05:25:13 PM »

One more thing I was thinking about, I wonder why the LE can't arrest Terri for child endangerment or child neglect? I need to look at the Oregon statutes but would think if there was enough evidence for the RO or whatever it's called PAFA (?), why couldn't they also arrest her for that, at least it would put her in jail like they did with Casey Anthony, and since the MFH was a bust as far as evidence I'd do anything I could to put her away, even if it was for a week it's possible it would remove her from her present reality where she is living with her parents and James, to a a jail cell on a thin mattress, aa blanket and bolgna sandwiches?

Any ideas?

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #345 on: November 26, 2010, 05:48:19 PM »

Island, that took a lot of courage to check your ex out and very clever, too.

And you did do the best thing for your brother.  It's all up to him what happens. 

I can see why your father continues to enable.  I just feel that I might do the same thing.  Although at his age it wouldn't be as bad to leave him to his own devices (your brother).  He has become very adept at living with his issues and knows how to take care of himself, I bet.

It's on the same level as Kaine and Desiree thinking that TH did something to Khron, but yet there is nothing they can do about the fact that she has info.

That would be so incredibly difficult.  I pray for strength and peace for them, as well as for your brother.

Thanks HK, I think I have been following missing and abused cases so long that my antenna is prolly to high, but in this case the knowledge I had learned from reading places like SM helped SOOOO much, so it wasn't really courage as much as I had read about how others had done it (all except the info from the pharmacy), so I already had a template/plan so to speak.

Dad is getting better with my brother and he was grateful I called the police too, and as hard as it is on him I pray he doesn't fall into enabling him again, but you are right about your own kids........very hard call, a spouse IMO is totally different. WRT my brother being edept, he isn't, and that's why he hits rock bottom so often and sometimes I wonder how much further is your rock bottom....what happens when he falls off the wagon is that he calls non-stop and starts crying and saying he loves everyone and how nobody loves him, frankly he sounds suicidal when he gets that way and I think that is why dad is almost killing himself to try and get to him ASAP when these episodes happen, as a parent it has to be the most devastating thing to see your kids go thru. But, even my dad is extremely demanding about who he is around, but I have the only kids so it makes that aspect easier. Thanks for your prayers, I think everyone is praying for a resolution and a successful conviction, wrt thank you for that also

Oh one more thing, I never meant Kaine was an absentee parent literally, I think that he might not have been as tuned it to the red flags and I know many ppl like that, more men than women as generally men are less emotional than women and tend to compartmentalize and think it will get better or I'll fix it and that comes across as detached from the day to day life in the house, not that I thought he shouldn't work. I just wanted to clear that up.....I know many men, and a few women who go thru life with blinders on, makes life easier and I see it more in 2nd and 3rd marriages and especially blended families, they want to not rock the boat too much since there is NO way in hell to make everyone happy. Another reason I will never marry (if ever) until my son is in college, I don't want to risk it and at this point in my life am very happy with just dating, working and having time to enjoy my family.

IMO there is something hinky about Kaine saying Terri's drinking was hidden - yet he states in his court filing that she was "visibly drunk and passed out several nights a week".  Those two statements don't jive.  I've heard Kaine more than once say that the drinking was hidden.  His court filing in which he asserts all the comments about Terri is "HIS sworn affidavit" of his words (not the attorney's words) and that's why the affidavit is written "first person" rather than in third person like motions are written and is in the attorney's words. 

To me...the hinky part (other that outright contradictions) is if Kaine were there in the house, why wasn't he seeing to it that Kiara was put to bed at a more normal time for a toddler to be in bed.  Where was Kaine in the evenings?  Why was he discovering Terri passed-out on the soft with Kiara running around at 1:00 a.m. several nights a week?  Where was Kaine during the time after dinner until 1:00 a.m.?  Did Kaine normally sleep during those hours several nights a week? Or was Kaine away from the home and coming back home at 1:00 a.m. and finding the situation? 

The hinky part is with all this going on with Terri and it being so visible to Kaine, why wasn't Kaine watching after Kiara more closely? 

Because I ask these questions about Kaine does NOT mean that I think he did anything with Kyron.  There are some who erroneously interpret a question about Kaine to mean that the poster is insinuating that Kaine is guilty of disappearing Kyron.
I don't think that Kaine will be arrested for Kyron going missing.  I do think that Terri and "probably" and accomplice will be arrested.  I also think that there's a "possibility" that it's someone like RS or an associate with Terri not being directly involved but with Terri being the cause; i.e., anger, payback, etc.  I'm on the fence about the kind of involvement Terri has in this (she did it? had someone do it?  someone did it as payback against her?).  I'm staying on the fence, too, because there's no arrest and there's no concreted evidence that has been relayed to the public.  Terri is a POI.  If there was concrete evidence, she would be arrested.  The day she's the day LE has it all tied together and the DA has a rock-solid case.  Until then, we "don't know for sure" who is the guilty party.

And...IMO....there's more to come - not about Kyron - but with the family Kyron was growing up with, living with, things Kyron could have been affected by, things he could have seen, thing that "might have affected his world and led up to the tragedy that ultimately affected his well-being".  So with that perspective, yes, IMO, it's important to understand what was going on in the house where Kyron lived, the family dynamics are important, IMO, and not "just" part of the divorce.  We're talking about how Kyron "lived" "daily".  It's all a part of the package.'s hinky...there's more to come!


Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #346 on: November 26, 2010, 05:50:06 PM »

You are still not getting it. No one is suggesting that KAINE lied to his lawyers or that he should.I did not even remotely suggest such a thing. I am saying very plainly that it's part of the legal process and that it's the way that LAWYERS word things. Do not twist my words either.

The person who should be held accountable is Terri Moulton Horman. Kaine did not know in advance that she would harm his child. He was blindsided by her duplicity, and he is also a victim.
I do not blame him for trying to help his wife, and for wanting to save his marriage. I blame the appropriate person...Terri.
No doubt it certainly looks like Terri had something to do with Kyron's disappearance. But honestly I don't think none of us here know for sure what she did or didn't do. And we sure don't know what was all going on inside that home either. We don't know if anybody was trying to save that marriage at all either. Maybe they were both sick of each other and wanted out. I'm sure most people would never think that a spouse or family member would ever kill anyone, even though red flags are everywhere.

NRCG - agree.

Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #347 on: November 26, 2010, 06:06:52 PM »

Exactly and not everything works for all married couples. The name on the house has Kaine's name only, so Terri could have had bad credit or he just didn't want her name on it.

Except bad credit only matters in getting the loan ,not the title to the house, trust me I KNOW this person can apply for the mortgage if the other has bad credit, and still have the other name on the mortgage      (and in many states the spouse HAS to go on the title due to laws, but can be removed by getting them to sign a quitclaim deed or many other ways, but it's mandatory here). Of course, they weren't married IIRC when he bought the house, I thought they married a few months later. I thought they married on 2005, although I could be wrong.

There's a "distancing" aspect to me if you buy a home and only one name on the mortgage.  Further that with "separate" financial accounts...even more distancing.  Yes, I understand there could be "real" reasons for the separation.  There's also a distancing (if true) that Terri had to pay Kaine $1000 a month.  Huh?  Where was she getting any money?  Child support...okay I agree funds toward support for James should be given while James was living in the home.  I can't recall (and if any other monkey knows, please advise) but I don't think Terri was getting anywhere near $1000 a month in support from James' father who adopted him.  So where was she getting the other money?  The email mentioned she'd used all her $30,000...was that possibly what she was using until it was used up?  Could that have been the settlement money from way back and the business that was owned?  And...what was to happen lately...when all her money ran out?  How was she supposed to be able to continue to pay the $1000. 

One thing seems likely to me, money was a bone of contention in that household.  Money is the root of all evil.  I think "money" could have been a big problem in the family dynamics and whatever went on, Kyron was probably more aware of it than Kaine/Terri realized.

We don't know whether or not "money" was the reason for Kyron going missing - because - if money was a problem, all sorts of scenarios could have played out...dangerous ones...especially if you're dealing with a person who's angry - (just and example) like RS who was "livid" (to quote Blink) at Terri for making a 9ll call against him (because he was in the country illegally).  Then, LE, went to RS's home...subsequent to the 911 call and before Kyron went missing - supposedly RS's wife and children are gone (out of anger?).  LE is searching for them.  Some days I think that this search is the reason why LE has not made any arrest(s) yet.  LE wants to find these people.  There "could" be a connection there because the timing of these list of events is hard to believe as just being coincidental.


Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #348 on: November 26, 2010, 06:07:55 PM »

You are still not getting it. No one is suggesting that KAINE lied to his lawyers or that he should.I did not even remotely suggest such a thing. I am saying very plainly that it's part of the legal process and that it's the way that LAWYERS word things. Do not twist my words either.

The person who should be held accountable is Terri Moulton Horman. Kaine did not know in advance that she would harm his child. He was blindsided by her duplicity, and he is also a victim.
I do not blame him for trying to help his wife, and for wanting to save his marriage. I blame the appropriate person...Terri.

"I get it" quite well. You see Kaine as the victim and I see Kyron as the victim.

Sebastain - ditto


Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #349 on: November 26, 2010, 06:10:16 PM »

I see the parents of missing children as victims too. However, some of the time, the child would not have been a victim in the first place, had the parents not allowed them to be put in the position of being a victim. Until a child turns 18, they have no rights at all. It is so sad.

With regards to the $1000.00 that Terri CLAIMS she paid Kaine, I guess I would have to do the math. I was in a similar situation when I met my husband. He wanted me to contribute ex amount to the monthly bills. I did this for a few months until I realized that I could live elsewhere for about the same money and I would not have to cook, clean or be the primary care-taker of his children. I brought this to his attention and the situation was fixed. I don't trust anything that Terri has to say at this point. I am starting to not trust much that Kaine has to say either, simply based on inconsistencies. I have not seen a lot of inconsistencies with Desiree. When I see her on t.v. my heart breaks for her.

Sebastian - ditto

Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 8044

« Reply #350 on: November 26, 2010, 06:12:34 PM »

Ok, quick question- we shouldn't believe Terri stating she had to pay Kaine 1,000.00 a month, but it's ok to believe she wrote emails complaining, hateful towards Kyron? How can we have it both ways/double standard?

MK - point taken!

Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3484

« Reply #351 on: November 26, 2010, 06:15:51 PM »

When arrests are made in this case, I will bet you my life that Kaine will not be the one arrested and that Terri and maybe an accomplice will be.  LE knows who is responsible, they are getting their evidence together and an arrest will be made. 

I don't like seeing Kaine, Desiree or Tony bad mouthed in any way.  Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes.  Kaine, Desiree and Tony are all victims.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that one klaas.  Using your child(ren) as a pawn is not a mistake - it's a conscious decision made by a selfish parent.

... trying to chase down all the Anthony's lies ... this may take a while ...
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #352 on: November 26, 2010, 06:16:57 PM »

We forget, in the begining of this case, Terri and Kaine, Desiree and Tony put up a united front. Where would this investigation be had Terri passed the polygraph?

MK - good question. 

We know Terri passed questions LE may have posed about does she know where Kyron is, or did she take Kyron from school, or did she hurt Kyron....else, Terri would have been arrested at the very beginning.

Blink tells us that LE knows Kyron did NOT leave the school with Terri.  That's why I stay on the fence - Terri didn't "take" him from the school - BUT - there's a great possibility that she's involved in other ways.  There's a smaller possibility that someone else took him and Terri was unaware of any plans but that they did it out of a bad relationship with Terri (which would make her indirectly involved). 


Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey All Star
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Posts: 10379

HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #353 on: November 26, 2010, 06:40:33 PM »

Island, that took a lot of courage to check your ex out and very clever, too.

And you did do the best thing for your brother.  It's all up to him what happens. 

I can see why your father continues to enable.  I just feel that I might do the same thing.  Although at his age it wouldn't be as bad to leave him to his own devices (your brother).  He has become very adept at living with his issues and knows how to take care of himself, I bet.

It's on the same level as Kaine and Desiree thinking that TH did something to Khron, but yet there is nothing they can do about the fact that she has info.

That would be so incredibly difficult.  I pray for strength and peace for them, as well as for your brother.

Thanks HK, I think I have been following missing and abused cases so long that my antenna is prolly to high, but in this case the knowledge I had learned from reading places like SM helped SOOOO much, so it wasn't really courage as much as I had read about how others had done it (all except the info from the pharmacy), so I already had a template/plan so to speak.

Dad is getting better with my brother and he was grateful I called the police too, and as hard as it is on him I pray he doesn't fall into enabling him again, but you are right about your own kids........very hard call, a spouse IMO is totally different. WRT my brother being edept, he isn't, and that's why he hits rock bottom so often and sometimes I wonder how much further is your rock bottom....what happens when he falls off the wagon is that he calls non-stop and starts crying and saying he loves everyone and how nobody loves him, frankly he sounds suicidal when he gets that way and I think that is why dad is almost killing himself to try and get to him ASAP when these episodes happen, as a parent it has to be the most devastating thing to see your kids go thru. But, even my dad is extremely demanding about who he is around, but I have the only kids so it makes that aspect easier. Thanks for your prayers, I think everyone is praying for a resolution and a successful conviction, wrt thank you for that also

Oh one more thing, I never meant Kaine was an absentee parent literally, I think that he might not have been as tuned it to the red flags and I know many ppl like that, more men than women as generally men are less emotional than women and tend to compartmentalize and think it will get better or I'll fix it and that comes across as detached from the day to day life in the house, not that I thought he shouldn't work. I just wanted to clear that up.....I know many men, and a few women who go thru life with blinders on, makes life easier and I see it more in 2nd and 3rd marriages and especially blended families, they want to not rock the boat too much since there is NO way in hell to make everyone happy. Another reason I will never marry (if ever) until my son is in college, I don't want to risk it and at this point in my life am very happy with just dating, working and having time to enjoy my family.

IMO there is something hinky about Kaine saying Terri's drinking was hidden - yet he states in his court filing that she was "visibly drunk and passed out several nights a week".  Those two statements don't jive.  I've heard Kaine more than once say that the drinking was hidden.  His court filing in which he asserts all the comments about Terri is "HIS sworn affidavit" of his words (not the attorney's words) and that's why the affidavit is written "first person" rather than in third person like motions are written and is in the attorney's words. 

To me...the hinky part (other that outright contradictions) is if Kaine were there in the house, why wasn't he seeing to it that Kiara was put to bed at a more normal time for a toddler to be in bed.  Where was Kaine in the evenings?  Why was he discovering Terri passed-out on the soft with Kiara running around at 1:00 a.m. several nights a week?  Where was Kaine during the time after dinner until 1:00 a.m.?  Did Kaine normally sleep during those hours several nights a week? Or was Kaine away from the home and coming back home at 1:00 a.m. and finding the situation? 

The hinky part is with all this going on with Terri and it being so visible to Kaine, why wasn't Kaine watching after Kiara more closely? 

Because I ask these questions about Kaine does NOT mean that I think he did anything with Kyron.  There are some who erroneously interpret a question about Kaine to mean that the poster is insinuating that Kaine is guilty of disappearing Kyron.I don't think that Kaine will be arrested for Kyron going missing.  I do think that Terri and "probably" and accomplice will be arrested.  I also think that there's a "possibility" that it's someone like RS or an associate with Terri not being directly involved but with Terri being the cause; i.e., anger, payback, etc.  I'm on the fence about the kind of involvement Terri has in this (she did it? had someone do it?  someone did it as payback against her?).  I'm staying on the fence, too, because there's no arrest and there's no concreted evidence that has been relayed to the public.  Terri is a POI.  If there was concrete evidence, she would be arrested.  The day she's the day LE has it all tied together and the DA has a rock-solid case.  Until then, we "don't know for sure" who is the guilty party.

And...IMO....there's more to come - not about Kyron - but with the family Kyron was growing up with, living with, things Kyron could have been affected by, things he could have seen, thing that "might have affected his world and led up to the tragedy that ultimately affected his well-being".  So with that perspective, yes, IMO, it's important to understand what was going on in the house where Kyron lived, the family dynamics are important, IMO, and not "just" part of the divorce.  We're talking about how Kyron "lived" "daily".  It's all a part of the package.'s hinky...there's more to come!


  Have you been reading my mind.....I can't get past those questions either, IMO if A is sworn to, how can the affiant say they didn't know......I wish we had an attorney on here to explain this, if the affadavit had stated "I believe Terri was drunk and passed out on the couch several nights a week as opposed to she was visibly drunk and passed out several nights a week it would make more sense and not have been as contradictory, but it is what it is and at this moment IMO it is a direct contradiction the way it's stated and he signed it, so whether or not the argument is the atty wrote it, he signed it and swore it to be the truth, and I just don't see how it could be both.

BBM~I agree with everything in this post, but feel very strongly about these as they seem to be such a point of contention and I agree just because I ask questions about the dynamics of the home life of a missing child, doesn't mean anything other than I am curious in whether or not these issues might have possibly prevented this tragedy or I pray to God that maybe it may help another family in the future to listen more closely to their children's cues and investigate them thoroughly because once you have ignored or pushed the comments aside as normal the child may not be as willing to share with you, they may feel like the parent doesn't believe them. I guess from the therapy my son and I went thru after I did listen to his cues, although I was guilty of asking the therapist if there was a possibility it could be anything else and I was told flat out NO....and even though I never let him see his dad again and took him to his therapist as soon as the doors opened, the fact I even asked the therapist that question still gets to me, but at least my child never knew I asked and he knew he could come to me with anything and I'd take it very serious. We are all human and fail our kids in some areas, but if we can share with others and pass on what to look for and it saves one child isn't it worth it?

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
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« Reply #354 on: November 26, 2010, 06:44:10 PM »

Ok, quick question- we shouldn't believe Terri stating she had to pay Kaine 1,000.00 a month, but it's ok to believe she wrote emails complaining, hateful towards Kyron? How can we have it both ways/double standard?

The reference to a double standard doesn't apply here. The emails she wrote have obviously been substantiated by someone else--the person she wrote them to.
I certainly don't believe anything she might have written in those emails trying to justify her dislike of Kyron.
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« Reply #355 on: November 26, 2010, 07:10:57 PM »

Exactly and not everything works for all married couples. The name on the house has Kaine's name only, so Terri could have had bad credit or he just didn't want her name on it.

Except bad credit only matters in getting the loan ,not the title to the house, trust me I KNOW this person can apply for the mortgage if the other has bad credit, and still have the other name on the mortgage      (and in many states the spouse HAS to go on the title due to laws, but can be removed by getting them to sign a quitclaim deed or many other ways, but it's mandatory here). Of course, they weren't married IIRC when he bought the house, I thought they married a few months later. I thought they married on 2005, although I could be wrong.

There's a "distancing" aspect to me if you buy a home and only one name on the mortgage.  Further that with "separate" financial accounts...even more distancing.  Yes, I understand there could be "real" reasons for the separation.  There's also a distancing (if true) that Terri had to pay Kaine $1000 a month.  Huh?  Where was she getting any money?  Child support...okay I agree funds toward support for James should be given while James was living in the home.  I can't recall (and if any other monkey knows, please advise) but I don't think Terri was getting anywhere near $1000 a month in support from James' father who adopted him.  So where was she getting the other money?  The email mentioned she'd used all her $30,000...was that possibly what she was using until it was used up?  Could that have been the settlement money from way back and the business that was owned?  And...what was to happen lately...when all her money ran out?  How was she supposed to be able to continue to pay the $1000. 

One thing seems likely to me, money was a bone of contention in that household.  Money is the root of all evil.  I think "money" could have been a big problem in the family dynamics and whatever went on, Kyron was probably more aware of it than Kaine/Terri realized.

We don't know whether or not "money" was the reason for Kyron going missing - because - if money was a problem, all sorts of scenarios could have played out...dangerous ones...especially if you're dealing with a person who's angry - (just and example) like RS who was "livid" (to quote Blink) at Terri for making a 9ll call against him (because he was in the country illegally).  Then, LE, went to RS's home...subsequent to the 911 call and before Kyron went missing - supposedly RS's wife and children are gone (out of anger?).  LE is searching for them.  Some days I think that this search is the reason why LE has not made any arrest(s) yet.  LE wants to find these people.  There "could" be a connection there because the timing of these list of events is hard to believe as just being coincidental.

The house was purchased before the marriage IIRC, so I can see to a point why her name wasn't on it, but once they were married unless hse had liens or such I can't understand? Bad credit wouldn't mean anything to the title/deed, whereas a lien would, but if she had a lien it should be in the public records. No clue about where she was getting the $1000 a month since I don't think by any stretch she'd be getting unemployment and I thought from the email the 30m had already been spent, so I am clueless where or how she got the remainder aside from child support to pay the $1000.00, and if this crime was money motivated I don't even want to got there , the possibilities are endless and none are pretty. Also from what I understand didn't LE go to RS house when his wife and kids were there at some point??? If so, revenge and money together are a combustible combo, and his wife and kids missing is another monely wrench thrown in to this case and it needs answers not more questions, but it seems that is what we are coming up with or at least I am.

WRT money being an issue, I wonder what the cost of living is in this area of Oregon (actually I just remembered I have a friend in Vegas who is from this area so I may call her) anyway, what I am getting at it were they living beyond their means? Say he made 90m a yr but had a 400m mortgage depending on the interest rate that is a pretty nice payment every month, then add in tow cars, car insurance, gas, utilities etc and bam, 90m is gone. Now, if it's not an expensive area to live then 90m should go much further, I guess I am thinking about how far that salary would go in areas like Newport Beach, San Diego or Boca Raton, vs small towns like Dyersburg, TN or Podunk......huge difference and could be a big stresser since finances and kids are the top 2 reasons ppl divorce. Interesting Puzzler, now you have me wondering about a foresnic examination of the finances

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
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« Reply #356 on: November 26, 2010, 07:16:27 PM »

Ok, quick question- we shouldn't believe Terri stating she had to pay Kaine 1,000.00 a month, but it's ok to believe she wrote emails complaining, hateful towards Kyron? How can we have it both ways/double standard?

The reference to a double standard doesn't apply here. The emails she wrote have obviously been substantiated by someone else--the person she wrote them to.
I certainly don't believe anything she might have written in those emails trying to justify her dislike of Kyron.


Terri is the only one of the extended set of parents I do not trust.

And we have seen her lie. So we have reason to not trust her.

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« Reply #357 on: November 26, 2010, 07:31:41 PM »

I would like to see the emails and the context of them before I can make a decision on those.  Kaine mentions the baby when talking about Terri's drinking, but Kyron and James must have seen that also, at least I would think so.
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« Reply #358 on: November 26, 2010, 07:57:38 PM »

I would like to see the emails and the context of them before I can make a decision on those.  Kaine mentions the baby when talking about Terri's drinking, but Kyron and James must have seen that also, at least I would think so.

Ditto~this is why I asked if it's possible she sent James away because kids are often times more in tuned to "issues" around the house, and he might have said something to her about it.....just a theory, and I am sure LE has prolly talked to James about this accusation and it could also explain why Kyron didn't come out of his room in the mornings, maybe he could feel the tension.

The worst part of his presser was when he talks about punishment and states "Kyron suffered" :

I think the alcohol was the tip of the iceberg," he said.

He accused his estranged wife, again, of being a demanding mother and stepmother, carrying out "inappropriate punishment."

"It was excessive in nature," he said, adding that Kyron suffered.

"It is evident the relationship between them was strained," he said

Again I have questions, is he just now learning Kyron suffered if so, how did he arrive at this conclusion and if not, what was done to alleviate his suffering.....that word is so haunting to me for innocent child, any child for that matter but a small child has no way to fight back, so the vunerability of someone like Kyron is gutwrenching and then to hear he suffered is almost to much to hear, I can only imagine poor Desiree having to hear this, it would be like a knife in my heart to know this happened in their home where they were supposed to be protected and loved, but were instead betrayed (reminds me of Zahra in that respect  )

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
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« Reply #359 on: November 26, 2010, 08:12:50 PM »

Brandi- The woman has not publically spoken- how could she be considered a liar?

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